#ff7r lily
ntrlily · 6 months
every time cloud gets called SOLDIER boy, in my head there's an additional "YOUUUUU"
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animepopheart · 2 years
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★ 【鲤里lily】 「 エアリス誕生日 」 ☆ ⊳ aerith (ff7) // bday: february 7 ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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fantasy-girl974 · 2 years
I’m replaying Horizon Forbidden West in Ultra Hard mode and in English for a change (I always play in French but for once I wanted to change). And... Only now I noticed that the lips movements are different for the french version to fit it omg
Buuut because of this, all the subtle expressions made by the actors are lost in french, I know it's for the total immersion (and that's welcomed !) but that's a great loss.
I mean just look :
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English vs French Kotallo : “Ah... No.” // “Euh... Non. (Uh... No.)”
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English vs French Aloy : “You’re right !” // “Tout à fait ! (Exactly !)”
**** (The only other game I saw who did this is FF7 Remake but only for little sidequests so it was fine, in HFW it’s for the whole game... I'm surprisingly shocked !)
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terraxcloud · 2 years
Recent DFFOO stuff~
I took a break since we’re in sort of a lull, but the lull may be ending soon since both Ever Crisis and CC: Reunion will release soon.
Let’s start with the obligatory Dissidia: Opera Omnia stuff, since DFFOO is the best source of information about the future (don’t be a skeptic, it knows more than anyone).
Aerith’s Intertwined Wills just released on Global (i.e. English). I currently don’t have screenshots, but we have the entire dialogue.
The entirety of this Intertwined Wills is hinting to Cloud & Terra’s story in Dissidia in the most indirect way possible.
First we get Noctis & Lunafreya mentioning their "special flower” (you should know about it by now if you’ve played FF15, but if you haven’t, then that’s spoiler territory.) Aerith finds it after a couple more scenes.
Seifer appears and mentions Squall’s scene in FF8 where he says the “true purpose of a SeeD is to sow seeds around the world so it'll one day be filled with flowers.“ This was originally a direct hint about cut content from FF6, which, honestly, no one could have known until at least Dissidia (2008).
After Squall rejects that it wasn’t actually his “dream” and just an excuse to not be tortured by electric shock, Firion appears. One “Galbana lilies” from FF12 later (another hint [Reks is now in JP DFFOO]), and Firion finally says the line:
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This is the second time the Dissidia flower dream has been mentioned in DFFOO in Global (it’s been 5 times now in Japan). What you may not know is that Aerith’s Intertwined Wills is a prelude to Act 4 Chapter 1 Part 1 (yeah, it really is.)
It’s a bit tongue & cheek how they keep mentioning “dream”, specifically the “dream to fill the whole world with flowers” part. Aerith’s (and Zack’s) dream was to fill MIDGAR with flowers, not the WORLD (you’ll find that line in Crisis Core: Reunion). The only time “filling the world with flowers” has been mentioned in a serious way was with Cloud & Terra in Dissidia (Firion only says “fill the world with Wild Roses”, but Terra changed it to include all flowers).
In the final cutscene called “A Bouquet of Love”, FF6 characters appear...well, Sabin, Cyan, and Celes (mentioning the FF6 Opera) that is. We also get Vanille & Fang, Alphinaud & Lyse...so, you can see they went through almost any story containing flowers.
Well, no actual Cloud & Terra here, but knowing what is hinted in Act 4 Chapter 1...I think that’s a later story. Terra doesn’t appear in Chapter 1 of Act 4, but Cloud denies Aerith’s desire to fill the world with flowers in Part 1. It’s hinted in one cutscene (by Shelke) that the flowers may remind him of “someone”, but I’m sure everyone who is unfamiliar with this stuff will point that line to Aerith rather than Terra (despite it being so obvious that they’re hinting at OG Dissidia, although everyone also pointed to Aerith for that scene TOO). Part 2 is similar, but a bit harder to explain since it uses completely different characters (frogs are a large part of FF7R’s connections to Terra, since Betty gives Cloud a “Maiden’s Kiss” very early in the game among other things such as the Corneo Vaults which are full of Maiden’s Kisses, Moogle Metals, and that one frog prince enemy before reaching that Leslie scene where we find out he’s designed after FF6′s main character).
Speaking about that one scene in Act 4 Chapter 1 where Cloud wonders why he rejected Aerith’s flower idea...it uses the characters Vaan, Lyse, and Shelke (also, one line from Lunafreya [I’m on record in saying that Lunafreya is designed after Aerith]).
Vaan doesn’t need an explanation, he’s just everywhere in Clerra stuff. I believe he took a role from FF6′s main character. It’s hard to tell what exactly it was since cut content is hard to “find”, but hey, none of this is straight-forward. In DFFOO you do recruit Penelo RIGHT before Terra, so that’s probably a bigger hint of the connection (she’s a dancer, an actual FF7R hint now that there’s a “dancing dream” in it).
Shelke is the one that gets the line that when very roughly translated, says: “maybe some of the memories you lost. Maybe there's a flower that's related to someone.“ 
 もしかしたら あなたが失った記憶の中には誰かにまつわる花があるのかもしれませんね 
Both Aerith in FF7R and Terra in Dissidia talk about Cloud’s “favorite flower”. Apparently, this is an actual person thanks to Shelke. Remember, Aerith’s Intertwined Wills is full of characters finding flowers that remind them of other people. 
In essence, Cloud’s first meeting with Aerith in OG FF7 back in 1997 had the same effect. The flower “reminds him of what he had lost”. Aerith also lost someone, so the feeling is mutual. Tifa is Terra’s (or should I say “Tina’s”?) “replacement” for FF7, which is why SE decided to put that “impostor” line in the first FF7 Rebirth trailer (not that Cloud’s story was true).
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I say Shelke is Vincent’s “Moogle Girl”. The “Moogle Girl” from Advent Children was the direct connection between AC and Terra herself, since AC used Terra’s World of Ruin story. I guess they gave one to Vincent in Dirge of Cerberus, since there wasn’t much else in that game that could tie to Terra. Vincent is forgiven at the end in the same way Cloud is in AC (forgiven for being ripped out of FF6?).
Lyse on the other hand...looks like Terra. Similar hairstyle, red clothes, you get the picture?
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Actually, no, she looks TOO MUCH like Terra. As you can see, the mere use of characters in these cutscenes can say a lot.
So, on to the next random thing...
Edgar got his FR & BT weapons. His FR weapon summons Jessie. Why? Well, Jessie and Edgar have the same roles...
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Yeah, that’s not new news~
Paine’s Intertwined Wills released in JP DFFOO. This may not seem like anything important, but it appears to indirectly hint at the appearance of Rikku into Opera Omnia (why would they choose Paine for an Intertwined Wills this early anyway?). It’s too early, but I’m pretty certain that Rikku would be a hint towards the FF7 character “Priscilla” (girl that lives below Junon who Rikku may have been designed after). If Rikku does appear before FF7 Rebirth, then more fuel to the fire I guess...
There is no other character that could really “represent” Priscilla in DFFOO, and I can’t see how Priscilla wouldn’t be in FF7 Rebirth, so it’s a wait-and-see thing. Her dolphin IS one the first things that is hinted at in the original FF7R trailer back in 2015. Shiva is a pretty big hint by itself (she gave Shiva to Cloud in OG FF7 before the first Jenova boss fight, which is the only boss Shiva is the strongest at since Jenova drops Ifrit after defeating her...)
Before Aerith’s Intertwined Wills released in Global, Rinoa got her own upgrades. The banner below makes me feel uncomfortable since it has quite a few hints, but I think very few people will know enough to notice them.
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The “Shooting Star” part is the biggest hint, and it always was. Also, everything that is Rinoa, EVERYTHING.
The angel wings are likely a connection to Terra rather than Aerith. It may be that Zack’s mentions of “angels” is a reference to cut content itself from FF6. Squall and Rinoa, Zack and Aerith...they’re all direct connections to Cloud and Terra. If both Rinoa and Aerith get the “angel” stuff, then wouldn’t it make sense that it was originally a part of Terra’s story, whatever that means?
The quests involving the old ladies in FF7R were hinting at it in that direction as they end with Marle asking about the “real” Angel of the Slums to Cloud and Mireille staring at the flowers in the church (those two are based on Marle & Lucca from Chrono Trigger). The letter Mireille leaves on the ground for Cloud when he’s done all the sidequests has an “Elemental” materia, which is easier to tie to Terra than Tifa or Aerith.
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The “Black Mage Staff” reminds me of a specific moment in Kingdom Hearts 3 during Toy Story when the crew is at the girl’s section of the toy store and there’s a treasure chest that has a weird reward between two dolls - “Mage’s Staff+”.
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It’s one of those hints where you’re like...is it a hint or is it just my weird mind? I mean, the Frozen and Hercules levels obviously hinted at Terra, so why couldn’t this be one? I don’t think I mentioned it though.
Deuce (right below Vivi [who is a “puppet” btw]) has those “Moogle Girl” bangs and wields a flute...very similar to Eiko might I add. The name of the weapon reminds me of the FF6 Opera, but that flute thing has always bothered me since I know there must be something, but they don’t talk about flutes like they do “dancing” and “cats”. Important to note that her friend is “Cinque”, who looks a lot like Aerith.
Is there more? Likely, but oh well! Maybe Reks’ Lost Chapter? I’ve been noticing the constant appearance of Shelke for some odd reason. Well, Eiko too, since she’s the original “Moogle Girl” (yes, designed after Terra...you do know that her version of Mog is actually a summon called Maduin (mispelled as Madeen)? Dissidia hinted at that using an Item called “Maduin’s Fang”.
"Upon morphing into Maduin, the moogle was caught, leaving this."
Now I’m not even writing about DFFOO...
Aerith’s Intertwined Wills if you missed the link above~
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And now several more things, most of which have been very brief as I just try stuff out to see what's worth sticking with and what my brain is amenable to at the moment.
I finally got around to trying Downwell. It seems fine? Like I don't have anything against it, but it's not doing enough for me that I'll probably play any more than the dozen minutes or so I have so far.
this morning I decided to die was alright. It only took like half an hour to go through the whole thing (one route that goes to the bad ending and then the good one). Definitely not one to pick up if you're not in a place where you can deal with stuff about serious mental health issues like psychosis and suicide. Also abuse. I get what it was going for, but I don't think it entirely worked for me and probably won't leave too much of a lasting impression. I'm glad the person who wrote it got to say something about it based on their own personal experiences though (from what I've heard about it anyway).
A less brief one is FF7R, which I think I'm about halfway through the story of and have mixed feelings on. I like that the writing and way the story is told is much better than in the original and makes a lot more sense, even if so far I'm still only moderately intrigued by the story and don't love it yet. What I do love though is how much better the characters are handled. In just the first few hours of the game I already knew more about and cared more about people like Jessie and Biggs and Wedge than I did some of the main party members in the original, and these are people who barely even got names the first time around. Music's great too. I'm indifferent to the graphics though, like it's technically impressive but not really my vibe a lot of the time, and I kind of wish it were actually less detailed so it would be easier to see stuff. And then the gameplay is meh. On the plus side it's better than the previous attempt at making FF an action game, FF15, which to me just felt downright bad, but they've only made it up to mediocre with this one. Maybe I'm biased coming off having played stuff like Astral Chain recently, but I just expect it to feel better than it does when they spend that many years and that much money on it, and it really doesn't. Please make the animations "worse" so they can feel more responsive.
On the other hand I have almost no complaints about Wylde Flowers a few hours into it. It's very much on track to be my second favorite farming game after Harvestella, and potentially the only more traditional farming/life sim I actually manage to stick with and finish if it keeps this up. My first impression was that it's the most basic bitch game I've played in a long time (which I don't mean in a bad way, just that's the vibe I was getting) and I wouldn't be surprised if one of the recipes I learned was pumpkin spice latte. As stuff started opening up it really won me over though. It's even lower pressure than stuff like SDV because you can slow down the clock and seasons don't advance until you choose for them to, which I appreciate. The characters are mostly likable and interesting too, and it's aggressively inclusive, which at first I was worried was it just trying to check off all the boxes for their own sake, but everyone has much more substance to them than just being representation. Definitely looking forward to seeing how this one turns out.
I'm glad I grabbed Zenzizenzic before it gets permanently delisted in like a week when Adult Swim Games stops existing. I'm not going to do or unlock everything in it because I'm just not good enough at bullet hell games, but for a couple bucks it's pretty fun, and the music is excellent.
And then I was looking at what other stuff people who worked on Harvestella have been involved with. I had no idea one of those things was Ender Lilies. A couple people I know had played it before and liked it, but I was kind of wary because of the soulslike elements, which usually aren't my jam. I gave it a chance because of the Harvestella connection though, and it might be the first thing I've ever played with very direct and obvious influences from Dark Souls that I actually mostly enjoy playing. The way it feels to play reminds me a lot of Dead Cells, except with the things that didn't work for me in that tweaked just enough that I'm either ok with them or they're enough less annoying that I don't mind. I think a large part of it is just animations generally being quicker, but overall the timings on things just fit my preferences better. I like it enough up through the first git gud boss that I can see myself finishing it, which would be a first for anything even vaguely soulslike.
And then those same people also apparently made a bullet heaven game when I wasn't looking, and some of the design decisions are informed by the bullet hell games they've been porting to the Switch over the past few years. It's 9th Sentinel Sisters, and it's actually pretty good too. Still in early access so I probably won't get too invested and burn through it all at once until there's more of it, but it feels promising so far.
Hardcore Cottagecore was a random extremely cheap impulse buy because the idea amused me. It's another bullet heaven game, except this time you're a mushroom fighting off Amazon's robots trying to build a warehouse in your forest. It's kinda cute. It only took an hour to finish the entire thing though, and it's very easy and/or unbalanced. Very student project/game jam game vibes, or the kind of thing you find clicking randomly on things on itch.io. It doesn't quite all come together in the end, but there's some potential there.
And finally Star Ocean: The Divine Force, which I fit in a couple hours of too to see if it's any good. I suspect that overall it's probably a bit of a mess, just like the earlier games, but one thing I can definitely say about it so far is that it knows how to let you have fun. Mechanically it feels like an actually successful version of what FF15 tried to do but didn't really succeed at. Like what if the warp ability from that had way fewer restrictions and didn't need a target and could be aimed in any arbitrary direction (including up) and basically let you fly? And everything just generally feels much tighter in general. I'm curious whether it'll hold up for an entire game, but at least so far I'm enjoying gotta go fasting.
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chubbybeaver77 · 4 years
The Lily flowers, in particular, the yellow lilies, is one of the main themes of Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Before Remake, Lily was considered only a symbol of Aerith. However, Remake has sort of given it another name and another meaning, the Reunion Flower. So now, Lily dually represents both Aerith and Reunion. 
Throughout Remake Part 1, the image of Lily was emphasized on multiple occasions and it carries either a message or a symbol each time. In this post, I will explain the meaning and message of Lily in every close-up shots and will divide them into 2 sections: Aerith and Reunion.
Flowers, in general, symbolize Aerith Gainsborough. What is the purpose of flowers? Flowers adorn and colorize our life making our life more beautiful and positive. In Remake, Aerith is portrayed the same way, bright and positive. She always carries a smile and supports others like Cloud, Tifa, Wedge etc when they feel down. Flowers mean beauty. Aerith means the bright side of life. Despite Aerith’s misfortuned fate in Final Fantasy VII, she will always represent Life as much as her tragic death represents Death. That's the direction Remake is going for.
I’ve heard enough fans speculating that Aerith will survive this time because Destiny is no longer fixed. Yes, it is possible narratively at this point but it seems people are neglecting the Visual Story of the game. Usually, the visual story will reveal the truth without spelling it out to us. Like words to literature, images are the storytelling device of movies (I compare the cutscenes of Remake with a movie because of the high quality it delivered. Also, Square Enix is a professional in movie making. They have made at least 3 movies as far as I know and right now an animation show).So, let’s examine the representations of Lily for Aerith. These shots are from the opening of the game.
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The first image of Lily in Remake is a dried and wilted Lily. It is a contrast between the lifeless - the villains and the lively - Aerith to show how important and beautiful Aerith is compared to the bad.
We all know the flower is dead because of what Shinra has done to the planet by sucking up and using Lifestream. It’s the literal meaning, but it also symbolizes how the bad forces will impact Life - Aerith. If you are still in doubt, let’s move on the next shot.
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This is a significant detail that is added from the opening of Final Fantasy VII and they don’t add it in for no reason. Just by the image, it could mean the coldness of Midgar residents but that idea was never expressed throughout the game. Actually, even Shinra’s employees are portrayed as innocent people who are ignorant of what they are doing to the planet by working for Shinra. They are not mean people. So, that possibility is eliminated. The only meaning we have left here is the misfortuned fate of Aerith. When she picked up the flower, the screen displayed Aerith staring into the screen, not blinking once. It symbolizes the fearlessness, courage, and determination of Aerith to face her fate. She is one tough flower.
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Later near the end of the game, the flower was focused one more in Aerith’s hand, we had this image:
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In Language of flowers, Aerith was sad and pessimistic when she became serious and dropped her cheery mask briefly.
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A bonus aftermath message, did you notice these focuses on Lily? A close-up shot of the Aerith putting the flower on the left side of Cloud’s chest where his heart is. And, pretty much every shot after that until Cloud gave Tifa the flower, no matter what position he is in, they make sure the flower is shown on the screen. I include some examples here but you should replay this part for yourself to see how conspicuous it is. Their choice of direction here serves 2 purposes:
It draws your attention to Lily and shows you how important this flower will mean to the whole story. “Reunion” as Aerith told you immediately before she gave it to Cloud. They are telling the audience to remember this flower and its meaning! There were no “lovers” mentioned in the Japanese original dialogue. The translation narrowed the meaning of Lily and it is a sign of bad translation (they probably did it on purpose). Always remember Japanese dialogue is the ORIGINAL SOURCE written by Nojima himself. No matter what the translations are approved, if you want to do a real analysis on texts, it’s the golden rule to go to the original material because not everything can be translated precisely. Wording means a lot especially because SQ used a lot of symbols and indirect messages in this game. Even when the writer himself translates his own work, he might not be able to make it 100% the same as the original.
This sequence also delivers an important message, Aerith is implanting her image in Cloud’s heart. Cloud will always remember Aerith even after she is gone. This idea has been reiterated throughout post-FF7 games/stories.
Are the messages clear here now? Yes. It is very clear which direction the game is heading regarding Aerith’s fate. They never shows any contradiction even once. If you are not familiar with Eastern’s literature, you might not know that a wilted/trampled flower is a classical motif that is frequently employed to symbolize the tragic fate of a woman, usually a beautiful and bright woman. It is nothing new. 
Since the game is not complete yet, I don’t want to be absolute, but this is not a random prediction, more like finding an answer according to the clues we are given from the game. We will see where the game heads later. If they show one thing and mean another thing, I would call that misrepresentation. I am confident that they are professional and they know what they are doing.
==> Please continue your reading of Part 2 here because Tumblr doesn't allow me to add all the images I want in a post.
You can also find my other analysis here:
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setoangel01 · 3 years
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"I have 23 tiny wishes that I put all into one. I want to spend more time with you."
On the rare days Zack had off work, he spent them with Aerith. During all the hell of SOLDIER during that time, Aerith was his sanctuary - and he was hers.
Dammit, these two are killing me. T____________T So wholesome and beautiful, they really are meant to be which makes OG FF7 so fucking heartbreaking... So here I am drawing them alive, happy and together, the way they should be. T_T
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strifezine · 3 years
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Please meet our artist, Lily! ☁️
Follow her on Twitter & Instagram
The @strifezine preorders begin March 25th, 2022.
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aleksiremesart · 4 years
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Final Fantasy VII – Lilies
Oil paint on 297 x 420 mm paper with digital edits
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steffjmurray · 4 years
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I cannot wait 💛
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ntrlily · 6 months
There are some moments where despite FF7R's beautiful, modern graphics, I can instantly see a character's original PS1 model in my brain. It's genuinely charming.
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animepopheart · 2 years
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★ 【鲤里lily】 「 aerith // ff7r 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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serinigalini · 4 years
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Reunion 🌺
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sreliata · 5 years
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carrotnchappy · 4 years
FF7REMAKE Leslie Story and Clerith.
non-Shipper perspective , it didn’t take me too long to  understand the reason why “Leslie Kyle story”was  there before the “Rescue Aerith” mission start. I will read Leslie story later. This just my own perspective from out of the box angle/view. Because every single scene or characters exist for a reason.
Is Leslie Kyle story was "linked" ( it had nothing to do with Cloud, but both shared a similar situation) or hint to us about Cloud Strife?
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Leslie Kyle had fiancee and She's gone leaving him a necklace (the lily symbol) and asked to NOT WAIT for her anymore. Then He "believe" she was gone but still cannot move on until he get his revenge on Don. (I hate Don. Creepy ugly fat guy)
(Similar situation but different circumstances / reason)
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Sadly, nor Leslie or Cloud have to say in this. 😁 man..
whether you choose Tifa or Aerith (to LI or date ect), Aerith and Cloud is the pillar and true story line of this game and always be. 
(hopefully not much change in part 2 unless they wanna give us a choice to save Aerith. Secret Ending,maybe?)
After they succeed the mission, Tifa’s word encourage him,  He indeed said a very “Good Hint” there for Cloud and Aerith relationship to us and Cloud to Sephiroth’s soon.
Hell, when do you think they'll gonna release part 2?
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𝑨𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒚𝒎𝒃𝒐𝒍𝒊𝒄 𝒇𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒔
𝗔𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝘆 𝘁𝗼 𝗳𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗶𝗻 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗮𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗻𝗲𝘄 𝗿𝗲𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝗙𝗙𝗩𝗜𝗜𝗥? 𝗜'𝗺 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝘆!
-𝟭𝟵 𝗱𝗮𝘆𝘀! 𝗰𝗮𝗻'𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗶𝘁
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