#female entreprenuership
femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: Top Career Tips To Set Yourself Up For Success
Figure out where your skills and passions align. Then determine the lifestyle/work culture you thrive in and what sacrifices you're willing to make in your chosen career path (for some, it's always traveling/talking to people 24/7, working late hours, unpredictable/unconventional hours, potentially lower pay/less predictable income, etc.). It truly depends on your top values, your personality, and your goals/priorities in life.
First focus on getting incredibly talented at your craft. Find a mentor(s) who will push you with their feedback/suggestions. Take classes/skills courses/read books & articles to gain more applicable knowledge/hard skills. Join clubs, apply to internships, volunteer, and request informational interviews in your desired field.
Make your skills marketable. Create a professional resume and/or neat portfolio/collection of work samples. Discover and articulate your USP (that should essentially serve as the backbone of your elevator pitch). Frame your skills through a customer/business-centric lens. How does your experience/skillset solve their problems and help a company/client achieve their goals?
Build a network for yourself. Don't be shy to reach out to companies/individuals who inspire you. Speak with your secondary school teachers and professors for connections. Create peer-to-peer networks, too, so you can grow together. Be a fearless networker and connector. Help others, do favors, and make the person glad they met/hired you. Make it your objective to be memorable through your work ethic/providing high-quality work products and showing up with a motivated & overall positive attitude allows people to like and trust you with their time, clients, money, etc.
Master the art of a killer email/cold pitch. Especially in today's world, learning how to sell yourself through intriguing emails/LinkedIn messages is the key to unlocking potential success. One client or opportunity can create momentum that will be useful years down the line, too.
When in doubt, follow up – on an email, pitch, job opportunity, connection, etc.
Be ruthless and relentless with your research. For new contacts, connections, opportunities, and information to support your pitches/job interviews/networking conversations, new technologies, and trends within your field. Read everything credible you can get your hands on. Display working knowledge and practical applications of these concepts and how they can benefit the person in front of you/their business.
Create systems. For how you structure emails/pitches, conduct research, different types of workflows/ work template structures for different types of projects, time-blocking, client funnels, etc.
Get comfortable with rejection. Use it as a primer for self-reflection and refining your craft/processes or help you pivot your approach to help you achieve your goals. Never take business decisions on behalf of a company personally (and vice versa).
Give yourself breaks, but don't give up. Tapping out for good is the only surefire way to fail at an endeavor. Be flexible in your path, but zeroed in on your goal(s). Learn when to quit or pivot, and when it's time to coast or seek growth.
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princesssascha · 7 months
The best thing to invest in (aka yourself)
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I'm sure everyone has thought about their current or future finances many times, and I'm also sure that you'd love to make a lot of money. Sure, you can spend hours searching the internet for the best business idea or the best college majors that you are not even interested in, but how about taking the easy route? A low risk, high reward and easy way to be financially free. Isn't that just a dream?
One of the most recent as well as most popular ways to earn money is investing. Although it can be a great way to earn money, 99% of the time it will only make you a lot of money if you're already rich! But there is one thing that you can invest in that will never fail you, yet no one talks about it. YOURSELF. The most valuable thing in the universe.
Define your goals
Ask yourself: What are your goals? If you want to be a business owner, learn skills that will be helpful in that field, for example marketing, so you can advertise your products, which will increase your revenue. Once you decide what your goal is research what skills are valuable and educate yourself of those topics.
But what if I don't know what I want to do?
That's completely fine! Instead of thinking about a specific niche, think about what you want your life to look like in general. Do you want to earn a lot of money? Google some of the most paying jobs. Do you value creativity in your work field? There are jobs for that too! It's ok if you can't find something that intrigues you. It's a journey and you don't need to find something that you'll do for the rest of your life right away.
Learn about money
Something that you can do regardless of what you want to achieve in life is learning about money! Unfortunately, most people don't know much about it except that it can buy you things. I can assure you that if you spend even just one week learning about this topic, you will know more than 90% of people. Robert Kiyosaki, who wrote the best seller "rich dad poor dad", is a great author that can teach you a lot about finance. I highly recommend all of his books, I'm sure you'll find something that peaks your interest.
Courses & school
Whether you are in school or not, you need to educate yourself! Everything can be monetized. Literally everything. We live in incredible times where if you just have a phone and access to the internet EVERYTHING you could want to learn can be learned online for free. Just go on YouTube and search something along the lines of (topic) 101, (topic) masterguide, etc. the possibilities are endless and I assure you that you will find something. If you don't mind spending money for courses try skillshare to unlock all courses available on their site or Udemy, they often do 80% off sales so you can get their courses for like $5.
Learn languages
I can't stress this enough! This is probably one of the best things you can do for yourself! Learning a new language can open so many doors for you! It can help you get a higher paying job, give you countless new opportunities and help you meet incredible people who speak that language. There are no right or wrong languages to choose, but in case you have no idea what you want, here are some of the most important factors:
Amount of speakers: This will be your main factor if your main goal is to reach as many people as possible, for any reason. This includes languages such as: Spanish, French, English (duh), or if you're up for a challenge: Hindi, Mandarin or Arabic.
Enjoyment: I think this should be important to everyone. You can't learn a language if you don't enjoy it. Try to learn the basics and see if you like how it sounds and how it feels.
Travel/domicile: if you know your dream is to move to a different country, where another language is spoken, it might be a good idea to learn it. Also, if you're interested in some country's culture you might also find it to be a great reason to learn it.
Job opportunities: although, as I mentioned above, pretty much every single language will give you many opportunities, it might vary depending on where you live and what your field of work is, for example if you live in the US, the most beneficial languages for you to learn will be English and Spanish. If you work in a company that works with Japanese companies, then Japanese might be a good choice for you. Of course, the most popular languages will have benefits pretty much anywhere in the world.
Other ways to invest in urself
Honestly, it would be difficult to fit all the resources in this post since that would make it ridiculously long, and I want to include many things so that everyone can find something that they enjoy, so I will make a whole different post about all of this in the future, because of that reason I will briefly go over a few other ways to grow:
Reading is incredible! It has countless health benefits and it is a great way to learn about new things or expand your vocabulary. And no, you don't need to read educational books, although it sure is even more helpful. If you want to learn new words reading any book at all could help. I can say that as someone who grew up constantly reading people are often shocked at my vocabulary (in my native language), even since I was 5 years old, so yes, it works.
Mindful scrolling
Instead of just sitting on your phone all day watching stupid videos, pay attention to what content you're consuming and how long you spend on your phone.
Self care
I'm sure you guys already know that, so treat this as a reminder. Take care of yourself! And remember, looking out together can help you a lot in life. So put that face mask on, buy that new perfume you like and most importantly - prioritize your health!
Now you know exactly what you need to set yourself up for success. No more excuses!
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hebrewbyinbal · 1 year
Just me and my VP of sales 🐶❤️
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luxurypersonalbrand · 8 months
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🕰️ Exploring the past unveils sacred stories that shape our brand's essence. Understanding where we come from is key to crafting a meaningful future.
🖤Our brand’s journey and its tales connect us with our audience, our incredible community, and creates a bond beyond business.
🌐 Let's build the future together, rooted in the richness of our shared stories.
📖 Tag me in a post where you share a story about the history of your purpose brand. See the info graphics below for examples to get you started.
NOW booking for content creation destination travel around the world 🌎. I also have availability for ONE 6 month mentorship!
Message me to start.
Lindsey Bryant Branding - Boise, Idaho
Images of me by: Kayla Lynch
#PastToFuture #BrandNarrative
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livingloved007 · 11 months
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The Tenacious Five…..
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anna-dikshi-05 · 7 months
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beforeustartup · 10 months
Generally, when hearing about entrepreneurs one thought comes in our mind that it must be a man. But women are not so much behind the border line. Shark Tank India has helped us realized the fact. Here is a blog on the top 4 female entrepreneurs in India.
For more such crisp content visit Before U Startup
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itstruelygenuine · 1 year
Hey friendly people who want to earn some money online, please don't be sceptical because this is genuine and it doesn't cost a fortune like all of the other companies. So it's US Dollars and it has a simple one-time joining fee of forty dollars and then the monthly membership fee of nine ninety-five. It locks you into a great place within the company as long as you don't forget to pay it. If you do forget you move to a place much lower than where you started due to the vast amount of people joining every day, hour, minute.
I am in a really great friendly team from all over the world and we all talk to each other and help each other so it's great even if you are just feeling a bit lonely. You can make friends with us. We are happy people who just want to help others. Especially for single parents like me that needs to work at home because I have high anxiety and depression. I also have ADHD that just makes everything a real hard task. The actual products we have are also very cheap and affordable But that in no way means that they are sub standard. Not in the slightest in fact, quite the opposite because Dr Ryan Goodkin has created the supplements and they are all organic everything is. They are of the highest standard so we can be really proud of our awesome products. They are proven to be awesome and the bioavailability to our bodies is extremely high, so yeah they work really well.
if you sign up and become a member, you get the products even cheaper up to 75% less so I in fact want to buy one of everything. Maybe several of everything I will definitely use the products because our bodies need them.
Did you know that there’s a lot of vitamins and minerals our bodies need but don’t actually make so they have to be consumed by us we have to eat them. so if you’re feeling out of whack, then it might be simply because you are not giving your body what it really needs to function properly.
also, what is really really exciting is that you get paid for it it’s a brilliant payment system and it’s never been done before like this for the people that are not at the top everybody earns money even if you don’t do anything and just sign up and pay the monthly subscription and don’t buy anything or sell anything or even refer anybody you will still get paid this bill over the spillover from the others join after you it’s truly a win-win situation. It really is incredible and I would love you to join me in this exciting new business designed by Ben Glinsky who just wanted to give back to the people that really need it because he didn’t need to work anymore. He was retired but he came out of retirement to do this. He’s already a millionaire doesn’t need to do this, but he has and he’s turning this sort of market on its head because nobody has ever done this before, and it’s special.
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ratsupreme · 2 years
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
any tips for getting into copywriting?
Learn the basics of copywriting & writing fundamentals/ marketing skills
Study the different types of copywriting (web/banners, email, social, ads, direct mail, sales letters, etc.)
Decide on your niche(s). Study everything you can about the industry, trends, latest news, customer demographics/psychographics, customer behavior, types of lifestyles/preferences they have, how they speak, where they spend the most time (IRL or digitally)
Craft an inspiration folder full of compelling copywriting examples you find when browsing on the web, going through your email, scrolling on social media, billboards, magazines, direct mail, etc.
Practice rewriting these examples with your own flair. Evaluate it, and keep practicing until you're proud of your copy.
Be as concise, clever, and convincing as possible. Keep your tone conversational (write like how you would speak), catchy, simple, and witty. Take out any extraneous or fluff words. Pepper in cultural references, puns, and relatable anecdotes understood by your target audience when relevant to your messaging/CTA
Create a portfolio with these mock-ups or projects done for family/friends (state they're spec work, not client-commissioned samples) or clips from an internship, school work, etc.
Craft a USP for yourself (including your niche, copywriting specialties, and the specific expertise you offer within your broader niche/service offerings that makes you unique)
Create an Upwork profile and share your services on LinkedIn (optimize both of these profiles)
Research local clients and small businesses within your niche. Also, take time to create a list of dream clients. Study their copy, brand voice, and keep tabs on updates regarding these companies' happenings
Learn the art of a cold email/LinkedIn pitch/Upwork proposal. Introduce yourself and your services to your prospect and share with them how you can fulfill a specific need they're seeking out (For local and smaller companies, feel free to offer suggestions. With more established companies, connect the dots as to why your experience/expertise is a great fit for their brand/target audience), and attach your work/link to your LinkedIn profile, website, and any other relevant hub for your professional services & content
Ask for referrals from friends/family to get started. If they're not a relative, get a testimonial to include in your portfolio
Follow up once if you haven't heard back from a prospective client after an initial pitch after a few days
Search for potential gigs on sites like Upwork/ProBlogger/People Per Hour
Once you land a gig, execute to the best of your ability and hand in your work by the deadline (strategies surrounding best business practices is a whole other post, lol)
Gather testimonials from all clients of successful projects. Confirm with clients whether you can use their work in your portfolio if you're unsure
Continue studying copywriting from books, courses, and everyday reading & living
Stay knowledgeable about advancements/updates in your field, keep updated on current events, and culture/social trends, and read a lot in general. Have interesting, multi-faceted conversations with others. Observe what makes people tick & remain engaged in a verbal dialogue or content
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Okay, The Newsette is some good shit. It’s a lot like the Skimm, but better. It’s quippy, snarky, fun, and newsy. I really love the exclusive Q&As with female entrepreneurs. Please sign up for free!
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🙋‍♀️ Are you an entrepreneur who understands the need for a large amount of #contentcreation for all of your #contentmarketing needs?
🫶🏻 I focus in on quality and quantity so that when our destination experience is complete, you will have a few months worth of photos and reels.
🖥️Message me to setup a time to chat. I am now booking for 2024!
Tell me in the comments: Where have you always wanted to travel?
I have always wanted to go to Iceland and I get to go content create with a client there in September!
Here’s a throwback to imagery I captured of Karissa
Lindsey Bryant Branding
Video of more imagery: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cs_4xpBt9Gm/?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==
#beautifuldestinations #digitalmarketing
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livingloved007 · 11 months
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The Tenacious Five…..
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pinksheeppr · 5 years
Breaking it Down: Digital PR
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Whether you’re a brand running your own PR,  looking for a new publicity firm to work with or trying to break into the industry yourself, knowing some key terms used by pros in the PR & marketing fields could be helpful. An increasingly integral tactic in many PR strategies (ours included) is Digital PR. Simply put, digital PR aims to increase brand awareness through the use of digital media. It’s more than just increasing likes and follows on a brand’s own social media accounts, though. 
While print media is still important, particularly in the fashion industry, the increased prevalence of digital media means that as time goes on digital PR should become a more central part of your overall strategy. A meaningful, well-managed digital PR strategy requires networking with influencers and bloggers in order to increase mentions and placements of the brand on other social media accounts (those of publications or influencers) as well as online publications (the websites of print publications, online-only magazines and blogs). 
Digital PR is most effective when run in conjunction with not only traditional PR, but also SEO and digital marketing. When placements are secured through third-party sites (blogs, online magazines, social media counts run by other companies or influencers), they can serve to increase traffic to your brand’s own website as well as increase brand awareness. Using backlinks can improve rankings and increase visibility of a brand’s own site. 
In order to make digital PR as effective as possible, securing a placement should never be the end game. Rather, use secured placements as a way to drive engagement and build brand awareness that can boost sales. Because we understand that the best way to build a brand is by ensuring that all elements - tradition PR, digital PR, SEO, web development, and social media - work together, our Director of Public Relations and Director of Web Development work together to ensure that every placement is optimized for maximum results. 
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starryhollowgames · 6 years
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Our co-founder @louibyte did a really personal interview on the awesome platform MEYVNN on balancing running a gaming studio with having anxiety. Check it out HERE!
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