#feeling low
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bearitt-creations · 5 months ago
Is it sad I'd rather live in the world with the murderous animatronics right now instead of this one?
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lpridmore863 · 7 days ago
The pain of loneliness: When feeling alone hurts the most
Loneliness isn't just an empty space - it's a weight. It sits heavy on your chest, turning everyday moments into quiet reminders that something is missing. It's the sting of realizing that no one checked in on you today. It's scrolling through your phone, wanting to text someone, but not knowing who would really care. It's feeling invisible in a world that keeps moving without you.
And the hardest part? The way loneliness can hurt just as much as a physical wound - except no one else can see it.
Why loneliness hurts so much
Loneliness isn't just a feeling; it's an emotional wound that cuts deep. We're wired for connection, and when we don't have it, our minds and bodies react in ways that can be overwhelming.
It feels like rejection - even if no one had actively pushed you away. Loneliness can make you feel like you don't belong. It convinces you that you're unimportant, even when that's not true.
It creates self-doubt - The longer loneliness lingers, the more it whispers lies: "Maybe I'm not worth knowing. Maybe no one actually likes me. Maybe I'll always be alone." These thoughts can spiral into a cycle of isolation.
It changes the way you see the world- When you feel alone, you notice happy couples, groups of friends, and families laughing together - but not in a good way. It feels like the universe is rubbing it in, even though you don't know what's really going on behind closed doors.
It can turn into emotional numbness - At first, loneliness feels like sadness. But over time, it can be something worse: emptiness. The pain fades, but not because it's gone - it's just settled in, becoming a quiet ache you carry with you.
The cycle of hurt and isolation
The cruel thing about loneliness is that it makes you withdraw even more. You start to feel like a burden, so you don't reach out. You assume no one wants to hear from you, so you stop trying. You convince yourself it's easier to stay in your own little world, even though that's the very thing making the pain worse.
The truth? Loneliness feeds on resilience. The more you let it take over, the harder it is to escape.
How to heal when loneliness hurts
Getting out of loneliness isn't easy, especially when the pain feels too heavy to carry. But even small steps can start to break the cycle.
1. Acknowledge that it hurts
You don't have to pretend you're fine. You don't have to minimize your feelings. Say it out loud, even if it's just to yourself: "I feel lonely, and it hurts." Admitting it is the first step toward healing.
2. Push against the urge to withdraw
When you're hurting, it's tempting to shut down. Fight that urge. Even if it feels pointless, reach out to someone - a friend, a family member, or even an online community. It won't fix everything overnight, but it's a start.
3. Remind yourself that you are not forgotten
Your loneliness wants you to believe that no one cares. But that's not true. People get busy, and people get wrapped up in their own struggles- but that doesn't mean they wouldn't be there for you if they knew how you felt.
4. Find comfort in small connections
Not every connection has to be a deep matter. A smile from a stranger, a short conversation with a coworker, even leaving a comment on someone's post - it all counts. Little by little, these small moments remind you that you exist in the world.
5. Let yourself be seen
It's scary to open up. It's hard to say, "I'm struggling." But vulnerability is the key to real connection. If you let people in, even just a little, you might be surprised at who's willing to be there for you.
You are not alone in feeling alone
Loneliness can make the world cold. It can make you believe you're forgotten, unwanted, unseen. But here's the truth: You matter. You always have, and you always will.
If no one told you today- you are not alone. Someone out there understands. Someone out there would care if they knew how you were feeling. Someone out there is waiting for a connection just as much as you are.
So hold on. Keep reaching. Even in the darkest moments, you are never as alone as you feel.
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greyaugustuspoetry · 2 years ago
I used to be afraid of ghosts
I’d sleep with the lights on
Pray to god to keep them out
And keep all my limbs under the sheets
But then you died
And now I’m hoping
That this house is haunted
So that I can feel you in my bones
Just for one last time
-Grey Augustus
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snowlikeash · 6 months ago
Feeling super discouraged lately, like... I don't know how to describe it. I don't think anyone is going to like my "takes" on things and thus there's no reason to expend the energy…
Mostly, I feel boxed in by the content-ification of fanworks. I have a weird ghost audience to go along with my ghost editor now where there wasn't really one before. It's not going to be perfect, it's not going to give people everything they want, so what's the point?
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u-friend-or-ufo · 7 days ago
Feeling pretty low today lads...But for some reason I really fancy a pot noodle.
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fuckingmentallyilly · 5 months ago
Yesterday… days clean from cutting…
Today days clean…
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quilandscroll · 1 year ago
Gotta rant or I’m gonna go more nuts
Ugh… that feeling when you truly feel people only pretend to like you because they want to be in your best friend’s good graces.
I’ve dealt with it before sure, kinda comes with having an artist bestie… people love her tons, and what’s not to love she’s the greatest friend I’ve ever had
but… having people in chats, and groups and such completely pretend I’m not there or blatantly talk around me just to have her full attention.. it kinda sucks.. especially after the same people “promise” that I’m a “good friend and they support”… it all feels like a lie when the actions never match the words..
It’s reaching a point where even she has seen it so obvious and is tired of it too..
I love that she can make new friends easily, and I encourage it when they genuinely like her..
But it makes me question daily… what makes me so hated?? I mean.. I’ve gone through this for over a decade and only now hit my wall to even try to talk about it.. I genuinely don’t understand..
Sorry for the ramble and thanks for letting me get it out.
Have a good day to anyone that does, or doesn’t read this.
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julia1x5 · 1 year ago
Im about to be fired...
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lpridmore863 · 8 days ago
Hey all,
Just thought I'd come on here for a chat.
I hope your morning is going well so far, and may the sunshine bring you happiness and laughter throughout the day.
Just a couple of things I wanted to share with you.
Over the weekend, I was not well at all. My glands were inflammed, and it was painful to swallow. My whole body was aching. One minute, I was shivering, then the next sweating.
But the one thing that concerned me the most was that there was blood in my urine. And it wasn't just the one time. It was visible every time I went, since saturday lunchtime.
So, of course, I did what I think everyone does, and I googled it. A bleed inside the stomach, kidney problems, cancer.
And so, yesterday after work I called 111, and they managed to get me an appointment at 8pm lastnight.
The appointment lasted for 15 minutes, and all necessary checks were done.
I was told it was nothing but something viral. The results of my urine test had shown that blood was present, but nothing to be concerned about. So, that was that, and now I just have to wait until this viral thing goes away within the week.
But another thing that has been running through my mind is work.
What do we do when we no longer enjoy going?
What do we do when we just sit there and wish for the day to hurry up and end?
What do we do when everyone else is talking, but you?
Yesterday I decided that I wasn't going to go back to work. Every day, I sit there, getting laughed at, ignored, wispered about.
If one person doesn't talk to you, then the others won't.
If one person doesn't make you a coffee a break times, then the other's won't.
I mentioned in one of my previous posts that last week, a colleague called me weird and a fxxcking cxxt, all because I was going through some things outside of work, and I was a little quiet.
Yet, not one of them had asked me what was wrong, or if I was OK, or even seemed to give a crap that I was feeling so low.
Still, I am left very hurt by what was said about me and how I feel when I sit there getting judged constantly.
I'm 39 this year, and I feel so ashamed and embarrassed to say that, Am I getting bullied?
So, as of today, I am now jobless. Of course I am looking for another job. I will contact my manager at some point and just let her know what's been going on.
But I think just for today, I am going to just rest, and take things easy, and not to worry so much. Tomorrow is another day.
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sabhi-napasand · 7 months ago
Mera kya galti tha??
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k4creative · 11 months ago
Day 11 - Rùa (Mos) to Pontevedra
It was a beautiful day with a lot of hills and valleys and historical places. I am very grumpy now to the point of depressive self-hating and I am not sure, why.
So let me just stop writing and show you some pics from today.
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fuckingmentallyilly · 5 months ago
Rise Against - i don’t want to be here anymore
I don't wanna be here anymore
I know there's nothing left worth staying for
Your paradise is something I've endured
See, I don't think I can fight this anymore
I'm listening with one foot out the door
And something has to die to be reborn
And I don't wanna be here (be here) anymore
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bihansthot · 2 years ago
Having a really emotional and mentally challenging day and Denny can definitely tell, he’s literally been laying on me all night. I’m not entirely sure why I’m so down today but I guess I kind of woke up feeling this way. I’m just not doing well. I’m going to see if a Mythologies play through will help, if not I mighty just see if I can go to sleep early. Maybe my body will have pity on me and let me sleep. Sorry I haven’t been around lovelies like I said I will hopefully get around to cleaning out my inbox and responding to DMs and stuff tomorrow, thanks for your patience. 💙
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chrisengel · 1 year ago
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greyaugustuspoetry · 2 years ago
You were everything.
Your smile lit up the sky
And your laugh brightened the moon
You hung the stars in my sky for a point in time
But now you’re nothing.
Gone to the abyss we call death
This place is dark without you
I can’t even see the floor.
Come back,
I can’t do this
Not anymore.
-Grey Augustus
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madigoround · 1 year ago
Hey if you wanted to drop some very fluffy not much angst at all fic recs that would be cool
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