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I love things too muchI probably love you27, 18+, trying my best. @madisoninprogress is my second blog 💜
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madigoround · 10 hours ago
does it ever get better? has it gotten better? will it get better? when will it get better?
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madigoround · 11 hours ago
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I have said it before, I will say it again, and I will continue saying it: ICE needs to be abolished. Not reformed, not re-trained. ICE needs to be abolished.
Contrary to what Joe Biden said, ICE is the mf problem, and there is no reforming it.
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As we are seeing, the agency is not in “safe hands” under a Democratic administration, and it damn sure ain’t in safe hands under the fascistic Trump administration.
There is no amount of “reforming” or “re-training” that will fix ICE’s carceral culture, where civil liberties violations and other atrocities have existed and been allowed to thrive.
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madigoround · 12 hours ago
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madigoround · 12 hours ago
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madigoround · 16 hours ago
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Marcel Proust, from a letter featured in The Selected Letters of Marcel Proust
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madigoround · 19 hours ago
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Guess who's back?
Written for the Get Lucky bonus card of the @steddiebingo
Prompt: Pinch
Rated: T
Tags: Comes back wrong; Kas!Eddie; Monster!Eddie; Except he's just mildly disgruntled about it and otherwise normal; Crack; Eddie Munson is a little shit
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“Okay, whatever you do, don't scream.” 
Steve doesn’t scream. He screeches. 
Which he'd be embarrassed to admit under any other circumstances, except there's a black, hulking figure with red coals for eyes standing in his dark bedroom, so he thinks it can be excused. 
The second thing he does is try to roll over and grab the nail bat from under the bed, but the figure is too fast. Quicker than he can blink, it is on top of him. His back hits the mattress and the air wheezes from his lungs, needle-sharp claws digging into his shoulders. A hot gust of air tickles his neck as the creature leans in. Steve screws his eyes shut.
“Goddamnit, what part of don't scream didn't you get? Do you want your neighbours to call the cops or what?” 
“Hold on a second,” he says. The creature does not hold on. 
“-not like my history with law enforcement was sunshine and rainbows to begin with,” it rambles, evidently having gone off on a tangent while Steve was busy processing. “But I'd really prefer it if we could keep the number of people who see me like this to a minimum. I’d love to not end up in a zoo or lab, or-” 
“Eddie? Is that you?” 
The creature rolls its eyes. No, Eddie’s eyes - large and round and just as stupidly expressive as Steve remembers - except they're the wrong color. Not brown but red, and glowing with what looks like all the fires of hell burning from within. 
“Well, duh. What does it look like?” it says. The giant fucking bat wings on its back twitch in irritation.
Steve opens his mouth. Closes it again. He doesn't fucking know what it looks like. Except that isn’t right. He knows very well what it looks like, it's just that what it looks like can't possibly be true. 
Because what it looks like is Eddie fucking Munson fused with some monster out of a cheap horror movie, straddling his lap in the middle of the night. He’s still in the clothes that he died in - ripped Hellfire tee, bandana and all. Steve thinks he may have to call his doctor about another MRT. 
What he says is, “This isn't real. You're dead. You've been dead for three years.” 
“Yeah, no shit,” says the thing that's wearing Eddie’s face. “Do you have any idea how long it took me to track you down? I tried your house, but you weren't there, and the girl who was sleeping in your bedroom wouldn't stop shrieking for long enough to get two words in, and then the dad came after me with a fucking shotgun? Whatever happened to small town hospitality?” 
“Dunno,” Steve stammers. “I sold the house after- 
 What did you do to those people? I swear to God, if you hurt them-” 
“Of course I didn't,” the monster claims. “I'm not a monster. Still wouldn't have killed you to at least leave me a number or something, would it? I can't exactly take a stroll around town and ask about your whereabouts like this, now can- will you put this down, I'm not gonna hurt you.” 
Steve lowers the lamp he just grabbed from the nightstand, but he doesn’t drop it. 
“How do I know that's true?” he hisses. “How do I know you're really Eddie and not some Upside Down creature wearing him like a suit? Oh, or maybe you're Vecna himself, huh? Fuck, this is probably it, right? This isn't real at all, it's all in my- Ouch, what the fuck are you doing?” 
The creature wiggles its clawed fingers in front of his face. 
“I pinched you. It's what you do to prove that something’s real, right? Or is that another thing that randomly changed while I was gone?”
“You could've just pinched my arm, dude,” Steve squawks, rubbing his stinging nipple through the fabric of his pajama shirt. “Why would you-” 
Those glowing eyes crinkle at the corners. When the creature’s lips tug into a fanged grin, a familiar dimple appears at the corner of its mouth. 
“Oh my God,” Steve groans. “It’s really you.”
Eddie’s grin goes pleased. 
“Glad we’ve got that sorted out,” he rumbles. Something brushes Steve’s thigh - something long and slender with a pointed tip that twitches happily. Steve never thought he’d think those words in this specific order, but he really, really hopes it’s a tail. “Now, could you spare a change of clothes? I’ve been wearing these for three years.” 
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More Steddie Bingo
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madigoround · 19 hours ago
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madigoround · 19 hours ago
I have a sip club for sodas that I usually use like three or four times a day so the people at the restaurants I go to know me enough to recognize me and we talk sometimes but I’m cancelling it and the last day is in like two days so I mentioned it to this girl that I always talk to and have kind of like an at least acquaintance kind of relationship with and today I asked her if she maybe would want to be friends since I’m cancelling the sip club membership and wouldn’t be coming to see her anymore and I was so so anxious that this was a weird thing to do like propositioning a service worker or something but she told me she also had thought about asking and didn’t want to be the one to make the first move and now we’re texting and I am still a bit anxious about it but I did slay the dragon that is my social anxiety today lol
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madigoround · 19 hours ago
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madigoround · 21 hours ago
Currently doing an Insomniac's Gambit. For those of you who don't know, this is when you mess up your sleep schedule badly enough that you attempt to fix it by skipping an entire night of sleep then going to bed at a reasonable hour the next day. Crucially, it does not work
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madigoround · 1 day ago
48. Dancing with each other? đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș
i hope this'll do!! ik it's shorter than the others i've done already đŸ„ș
steddie | G | 395 | dance with me?
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The first of the party to get married was Dustin, and to El of all people. So, years after leaving Indiana behind, Eddie makes his way back home to meet with everyone all over again.
And it’s not that he didn’t want to go, he wouldn’t miss this for the world, it was just the one person he was nervous about seeing.
Nervous about seeing if they’d attend with anyone else.
He hadn’t, but he also hadn’t said much besides a quick hello since arriving, busy as they all had been.
That changed halfway through the reception.
“Hey, mind if I..?”
“‘Course not, take a load off, big boy.” He kicks himself internally for that one, but Steve smiles nonetheless.
“How’ve ya been, Eddie?”
“Can’t complain,” he shrugs, “Thought I’d be a rockstar by now, but
“Owning your own car shop is nothing to sniff at, man. Don’t beat yourself up.”
Eddie snorts, “Thanks. How ‘bout you man? Haven’t really heard much, get your “The One” yet? She ready for the 15 kids you want her to pop out?”
That’s it Munson, make jokes.. Pretend like the mere thought doesn’t carve your heart out of your chest.
“Well one, it was six and I’ve already got seven,” he says, gesturing around at the gathered party members. “And two, I’ve kinda given up hope since I lost the one I wanted years ago."
“Damn, sorry to hear it..” and he is. Even if he can’t have him, he doesn’t want Steve to be miserable. “What happened, if you don’t mind me asking?”
Steve regards him for a long moment, then looks back out over the crowd of guests.
“Didn’t know what I had till it was gone, didn’t get my head outta my ass fast enough, the usual.” He shrugs, nonchalant, and Eddie nods, looking down at his hands. Then, Steve pulls the floor out from under him. “Last I heard, they were up in Detroit with their very own car shop.”
When Eddie looks back over at Steve, mouth agape, the other man is just gazing off into the crowd, a soft smile on his face.
Steve stands, turns, and offers Eddie his hand. “Dance with me?”
He takes it easily, spending the rest of the evening in the arms of the man he’d thought would never be his, but had somehow always been.
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this is irt this post!
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madigoround · 1 day ago
engage in the hedonistic pleasure of eating cannoli and never age
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madigoround · 2 days ago
scary is cancelled we have hope tomorrow.
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madigoround · 2 days ago
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Painted Cottages in Poland (x)
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madigoround · 2 days ago
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madigoround · 3 days ago
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#i love a good slow burn/relationship development ABBOTT ELEMENTARY (2021- )
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madigoround · 3 days ago
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Snippets — Gartur Stitch Farm
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