#feel free to ask anything else <3
pervertedreams · 8 months
hii! I was wondering how do you think farleigh would react to a very very subby reader?
I love your farleigh content <3
ahh tysm i’m glad ur liking it! and thx for the ask ♡
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i am a soft dom!farleigh truther so i think he’d handle a subby s/o pretty well!
just because you lean towards a more subby nature doesn’t excuse you from his teasing, i just think he’s a bit more cautious when he does it. he’s not a meanie he just likes debating and challenging, but because he knows you aren’t always into that or maybe just a bit more sensitive he isn’t as intense.
and whenever someone’s like felix gets on him about maybe being too ‘mean’ to you he’s flags him saying it’ll “toughen you up.”
as far as being submissive in the bedroom i don’t think he has a problem taking on a soft dom role and attending to you as needed. constantly checking in, even taking breaks if needed. definitely talks you through it and constantly giving you reassurance.
still teases and toys with you, but will give you a light-hearted chuckle and stop if he realizes it’s too much or overwhelming.
long story short i think he still very much keeps his cocky and uppity demeanor, but is more self aware of it when around you. ♡
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rbtlvr · 11 months
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(text from this post, fic is little kid with a big death wish by @remedyturtles)
i'm genuinely not sure where to start here - ig first of all this fic is absolutely incredible and if you somehow haven't read it yet you absolutely should!
okay. man. rem, this fic means so so much to me and i'm so glad i got to be here for it. i think this is one of those fics that'll stick with me years down the line even if one day i'm not into tmnt anymore, one i'll come back to over and over again
your writing has touched so so many people myself very much included, and i just. want to thank you so much for writing this fic and thank you for sharing it. you're an amazing writer and an amazing person and i'm lucky to know you. i can't wait to see what you do next
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jesncin · 6 months
Do you have a favorite character design from Lunar Boy?
Oh that's a tough one!! But if I had to pick my fav design in Lunar Boy, I think it would be Aminah!
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She took a lot of re-designing, but at the heart of it we wanted a character who embodied cultural non-conformity as a trans girl in Indonesia, someone for Indu (the trans boy main character) to look up to! Her design is me expressing a bunch of my feelings about queer femininity and how it shouldn't be narrowed to traditional femininity for fear that they're not "girl-ing hard enough". I've always disliked the discourse that it's transphobic to show trans girls being any kind of masc or have a body type that's not petite because it sets a standard where only cis people get to dictate how far gender expression and body diversity representation can go.
Aminah is big, buff, butch and yes she's really hairy too, the narrative never questions her girlhood.
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If anyone's read my big MAWS essay they'd know that queer reclamation of cultural wear is really important to me. So having Aminah, an Indo butch girl interpret the kebaya in her own way that lets the clothing proudly accentuate her non-conforming body meant the world to me. I find the kebaya very dysphoric and uncomfortable personally so this was like embracing it through art!
Aminah is one of those characters that felt really cathartic to bring to life. I hope people enjoy meeting her!
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khihi · 11 months
This is why I cannot be shouting go white boy go on tumblr dot com 😭
I'm gonna to start a Käärijä-is-British conspiracy theory actually here's my proof:
Complains about the railways
CCC is the perfect Bri'ish blackout binge drinking song
Always talking about how he can't wait to leave his country and go somewhere sunny like Thailand and then it inevitably rains when he's finally on holiday
Has the cringe english whiteboy rizz in pics from when he was like a teen/younger adult
Finland isn't real so he has to be from somewhere else, why not Britain
Ignore his english skills
that's all i got right now
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emin-folly · 2 months
Maybe this is a stupid question, but what do you think Eobard does in his free time? Like, does he have a daily schedule? A color-coded calendar with reminders how to fuck with Barry? Is he still a professor? Like, what does he DO when he isn't actively fucking up someone's life? Sry, I just got interested in him very recently, and the comics are chaotic lol
Hello~! I'm very happy to be the first to welcome you to Yellow Rat hell <3 He's such a fascinating, tragic, horrid gremlin of a man, and he definitely deserves more fans aha. As someone who reads comics, I can confirm it's not you, they can be very confusing and all over the place xD
And no, that's not a stupid question, not at all! He is shown not to always be around to bother Barry for months at a time, so it's entirely reasonable to wonder where he goes a lot of the time~ Some ideas of what he could be possibly doing are but not limited to:
Tending to his beloved museum. Aside from Barry, this is one of the very few things he treasures deeply. It's his pride and joy as well as his home. We all know he's established to be the curator of the museum and has provided tours to the public, but it's very unclear if he continued with that after becoming Reverse Flash. While he might've, I feel like there's too many reasons why he wouldn't. One being that the Renegades know his secret identity and I'm pretty sure that would ruin a lot of business for him lol. Plus with Eobard's mentality, I think he would be just too distracted, too frantic with his need to focus on Barry to do his day job
Now this is more of a fun headcanon my friend, Ftl were talking about that I since adopted where Eobard likes to pop back into the past, right before a major event or disaster, whether just as a bystander or a instigator. And of course, he always manages to run into Vandal Savage, so much to the point now that Vandal now associates him as a omen for things to come
He is canonically shown to go and bother/mess with Thomas Wayne a handful of times. This is significant as normally he really doesn't go out of his way for anyone that's not Barry/Flashfam member more than he absolutely has to. He doesn't even go after Hal. The only people he seems to be genuinely interested in and fixated on are those who have (willingly) killed him. Thomas may not rank as high as a priority as Barry, naturally, but he definitely counts as a hobby at least
There was also that time in Flash Age, where Eobard got to play the role of savior of Central City in his own era. He genuinely seemed to enjoy being the hero but, well, if you read to the end, you'll see why that most likely won't be happening again heh
Now this one is a lot more jokey, but in a DC Holiday Special, there's one panel in the last story that shows Eobard enjoying a game of poker with the Anti Monitor along with some other characters, so take from that what you will~
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Now, as for your question about him still being a Professor, that's also really not explained in depth. They never really cement exactly what he's a Professor of, but considering him, it's most likely history and/or the Speed Force. In some comics he does have students, in others it works mostly as just a title and then sometimes it's not referenced at all, but it's safe to assume he still is one aha
I also don't really see him having a daily routine. The way I see it, Eobard is so far removed from being human, he doesn't really need to eat, sleep, or do personal hygiene lol But I really love your calendar idea! It would definitely look something like: "Fuck with Barry" "Fuck with Barry" "Fuck with Barry" "Fuck with Barry/Visit Daddy Bat" "Fuck with Barry/Die" "Askdhsgkdbjk" "Poker night" 😂
Also, I know it's not really canon but I really enjoy the idea of him painting. Eobard is a gifted child and a genius, he can master practically anything he sets his mind to. IDK why painting of all things, but it just kinda seems right. Bonus points if he uses it to replace original paintings in the past with his LOL
Overall, sadly, we don't get to see all the mischief he gets up to when not tormenting Barry, only tidbits. But hey, that just gives us some creative freedom to come up with fun ideas ourselves~
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periodic-table-yaoi · 27 days
do you have a ref for your piral…..
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^ my piral [don’t mind the chemicalfuzzy @ , I go by it on every site that isn’t this one]
ANDDDD to anyone out there who doesn’t know him !!! this is Damon, and As You Can See he is very very based off hit album the downward spiral by nine inch nails. design-wise he’s also kind of based off a heart and club moth [first design] / a comet moth [second design]
he gets 2 whole designs one that’s just. The normal one [IN QUOTATION MARKS LOL], and another that’s him after title track + Hurt happens [yeah they. They happen btw] [and then there’s these 2 other guys that revive him all weird later on , I’ll . I’ll talk about all dat in some other post but that’s the idea
he has been the number 1 plaguer of my mind lately BUT I do have a whole lot of other album based ocs I cherish dearly INCLUDING OTHER NIN ALBUMS !!! I do plan to post them all eventually I’m just very shy LMAO
under the cut is just extra stupid drawings . see him face :}
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battle-subway-ghost · 6 months
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>> Paris...? has connected.<<
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cosmicbucket · 9 months
this is by no means an educated and informative post but rather a severe understatement of the rage i feel over the interview regarding one Gale Dekarios.
under the cut is a stronger criticism on the narrative's integrity with this ending; everything before that is tearing into the lead writer's statements.
note that I will be referencing other companions as contrast. this is not supposed to be tearing them down nor casting shade on anyone who enjoys these characters; i am trying to make a point through relevant comparison.
"the guy who starts off annoying everyone" that is such a blatantly subjective thing to say about a character.
for me personally, i Loathed shadowheart at first because of the immediate fantasy racism towards lae'zel. this is very clearly a subjective opinion as she's the most romanced companion, and I'm not mad about that in the slightest! she rocks! you can't judge a character on behalf of everyone ever. that's a foolish thing to do, full stop.
"constantly asking you to give him your most treasured possessions to eat" three times. he asks you for a magical item, three times. after that you are NEVER required to part with a magical item on his behalf again.
the game practically THROWS magic items at you for completing side quests, looting crates and chests. magic items are in ABUNDANCE and a lot of them won't be useful to your party depending on your companions and your chosen class. meanwhile, astarion's peculiar diet lasts the entire span of the game, creating a situation where should you choose to let him feed on you every night, you suffer a penalty to attack rolls, saving throws and ability checks OR waste a spell slot to remove the condition. astarion is most certainly in no shortage of fans and again! he rocks! but by comparison his effect on the player can stretch so far as to affect the final boss battle. gale's condition doesn't even make it past the end of act 1.
"at the end, he gives himself for the world" is it worth it though. is it really seriously worth it.
you can still defeat the elder brain yourself. it's not impossible. hell, with the right spells it's really fucking easy. are you seriously going to rob yourself of the satisfaction of defeating the final boss by sending someone to their death instead and calling it a day.
I can understand the narrative catharsis of a character who is so selfish, constantly, over and over, doing something selfless for the greater good.
But that just is not what Gale's story is.
Gale is ambitious and boastful, certainly. Gale is not selfish.
His attempt to impress Mystra - The Mother of Magic, Goddess of the Weave - came from a want to be equals with his partner. He explains how she refused to allow him to witness the depths of magic, and while that's a reasonable thing to enforce to a regular mortal, she had made him her Chosen, her lover. I would hope I don't need to delve into the blatant grooming (ie Elminster approaching Gale at the age of eight) and the obvious power imbalance between a goddess and a mortal in a relationship, but his desires - ambitious as they were - were not selfish.
When he asks for the player's assistance, he does so knowing that he's asking a lot from them, especially in terms of trust. While it's easy to see his pushiness for magic items as self-serving, it is quite literally a much larger problem than him. The damage he's capable of "could level a city", and that affects not just your party but the surrounding area for miles. His urgency, his impatience, comes from having to rely on someone else who might not respect the gravity of the situation (which, evidently, a lot of players don't.)
When he realises the magic items are doing nothing to prevent his hunger, he lays it out plainly to the player, apologising for having broken their trust, and gives them the choice to send him away to certain death with no hard feelings. He even explains his plan to find an Absolutist base and hopefully destroy that in order to aid you in his death, should you choose to kick him out. This is in Act 1, way before any massive character developments - that is to say, he is unselfish from the start.
Come Act 2, when Elminster tells Gale that Mystra expects him to detonate the orb to kill the Heart of the Absolute, Gale is immediately willing. He will answer to his goddess' whims without so much as a query. You don't have to convince him to do it - rather, it becomes your choice to convince him not to do it.
And you do have to convince him! You have to actively make the choice, over and over again, to say no, we can find another way. You are not dying today.
Even in Act 3, should you take him through Zethino's Love Test, you are able to call him out for his greatest flaw:
"He thinks he, and the world, might be better off if he were dead."
I am not calling him selfless by any means; he is not a paragon of virtue. He is, however, a character whose hubris (spurred by an abusive relationship with a goddess) is amply punished, so much so that he believes this punishment is entirely deserved. He is a victim of grooming who is told to kill himself in order to gain forgiveness for trying to be equals with his partner, who took advantage of him as a child.
What kind of message is Larian trying to make here? What are they trying to tell their audience? What are they saying to people who relate to Gale?
It's fucking horrible. Do better.
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I know this may sound crazy but remember how in No Way Out, Sonic told Nine that he still considered him to be a friend while getting down on one knee and Nine calmed down? Later in Nine’s Lives, Nine says “Typical” when seeing Sonic run to the others and accused Sonic of betraying him when Sonic called the others his friends.
Nine was sort of acting like Sonic proposed to him and then cheated on him by being friends with the others.
Okay so first of all, I don't think you're crazy. During S3 there's actually plenty of evidence that Nine is jealous, both of the Tails variants and Sonic considering everyone else his friends.
One example that presents his specific kind of jealousy is during Episode 2 of Season 3, when Nine first appears to Sonic in New Yoke.
"Everything is collapsing... This is terrible!"
"Is it? That seems odd coming from you. As far as I can tell you only care about your own home."
Essentially what I'm getting at is this. I do believe that pre betrayal, Nine admittedly considered Sonic to be the most important person to him, and thought Sonic may have felt the same way. And the "betrayal" at the end of S2 hurt Nine very deeply. He had this image of Sonic in his head that was shattered by the finale, so he sort of instinctively switches to thinking the worst about Sonic because he can't trust that anything he thought before wasn't a lie. This is one of the reasons that he can't fathom Sonic caring about shatterspaces other than his own home.
But it's not just that he can't fathom it, it's that due to this deep hurt, Nine cannot allow himself to believe it.
Because if Sonic genuinely cares about the shatterverse as a whole, if he genuinely cares about saving all of these people, then to Nine, what made him the exception?
Sure, we the audience can see Sonic’s journey in Prime. We can see that by the end of S2, Sonic wanted to keep the shatterverse safe just as much as he wanted to bring back Green Hill. He wanted everyone to be alive and happy. But from Nine's pov here, he's just learned that Sonic lied to him, spoke honeyed words and manipulated him just to get to the prism. None of that is true, but he doesn't feel like Sonic actually cares for him or wants him. So at this point, for Sonic to put saving all of these people over saving his own home or genuinely worrying about their home makes Nine feel like the exception or that his feelings about Sonic must be wrong. Either one of those ideas he'd understandably like to avoid (because one means that Sonic is genuine with everyone except for him, and the other would mean to him that his feeling of betrayal and hurt feelings post S2 finale are misplaced and not allowed to be had, though he feels justified feeling hurt)
And that scene in S3 E3 No Escape is actually another big exemplifier of Nine's brand of jealousy and just how hurt he is.
"Don't worry. Beneath the surface, my new friends are far simpler than the flawed creatures you knew and loved. And all the more loyal for it."
Starting out strong, Nine takes a not so subtle shot at Sonic's friends while taking subtler shot at Sonic's loyalty, since Sonic had been his first and only friend.
"Ever wonder where we'd be if things had gone differently between us?"
"...Not anymore."
"I do. All the time."
"Not anymore." Implying that post the S2 finale he really had dwelled (at least for a time) on thoughts of how things could have been different. How he wished things could have gone differently.
And Nine gets visibly angry/frustrated when Sonic confesses he's always thinking about how things could have been different. Perhaps because it feels like a slap to the face, or feels hard to believe.
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"Tch. You had your chance."
"...Right back at ya, bud."
And then, despite his anger, despite how he's been trying to get Sonic all along so he can drain his energy and save his home, Nine ignores Sonic's "should we get this over with". He puts on another one of those faces, similar to earlier when Sonic arrived and Nine talked about his "new friends". Perhaps to cover up exactly the way he's feeling in this moment with a veneer of superiority (he always did something similar when talking up Sonic to the Chaos Council).
"You know...after all this time...I think I finally understand you, Sonic."
"You wanna save everyone. Friends. Foes. Total strangers! You say it's because you're a hero and that's what heroes do, but deep down... After what you did—destroying your own home—it's the only way you can ever live with yourself. Even if that means you won't live at all."
And while I think Nine isn't incorrect—that there is a part of Prime!Sonic who's been acting out of selfishness, caring more about feeling like a good person than actually being one—these are still words from someone who feels betrayed by Sonic. I think there's a level to which Nine is seeing a part of Sonic no one else did, and also to a level which Nine is trying to recontextualize Sonic's more heroic/selfless seeming actions so he can reconcile them with how he feels about Sonic and sees him at this moment. In other words, while he's seeing a facet of Sonic he didn't see before, this is not all encompassing of who Prime Sonic is. It's just that perhaps by believing that Sonic's every seemingly selfless action is disingenuine, that all those nice words and intent to save people is just so Sonic can feel good rather that actually caring about anyone, then Nine doesn’t have to feel like the exception. Then he can see Sonic as someone who is pretending to care about all of this, and Sonic's other friends as fools who don't see what he (Nine) has seen.
But as I said, it's more complicated than that. Perhaps Nine is seeing a facet of Sonic that other people don't see or don't want to see, but Prime!Sonic is multifaceted. Perhaps he does want to hurry up and sacrifice himself in this scene because then he can finally feel like he's atoned for what he's done and he's absolved of/paid for his crimes, but that also doesn't mean he doesn't genuinely care about the lives of people in the shatterverse.
"If I don't make it, and you do, how do I know you'll keep your promise."
"Don't worry. Your 'friends' are safe. Once I have your energy, I can restore everything. They can have their silly lives in their silly spaces, as long as they leave me alone."
"Fair enough."
"And for what it's worth...I wouldda done the same for you."
"Don't lie to me..."
"I'm not–"
"Think whatever you want, but it's true. Even after everything you've done, everything we've been through. Together. Against each other. You're still my friend, Nine."
I really couldn't express more just how hurt Nine feels. That he doesn't believe Sonic would give anything up for him, even if he were to accept that Sonic would do that for everyone else. When he tells Sonic not to lie to him, frustrated, angry, voice wavering, I think it's because he can't take this again. If Sonic is lying just to manipulate him, if this isn't genuine, if he's just using him again, he can't take it again.
This is an incredibly intimate scene. With Sonic, standing face to face to Nine, inside Nine's safe space, his home that no one else has been into, behind the physical representation of the walls surrounding Nine's heart post betrayal, this is his first time all season really being allowed to speak to Nine directly. Here there's no one to perform to aside from each other.
But you can see that despite everything, Sonic still reaches Nine in this scene. It's not easy, but he reaches Nine's heart, leading Nine to start to believe in him again.
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And that's why it's a pity the other variants show up when they do, using Sonic to breach Nine's walls. With the way Nine reacts after this happens, Sonic may as well have made Nine believe in that image of him again. Sonic may as well have made Nine believe that Sonic does care about him, that he'd do anything for him (or, at least, would give his life for him like he would for the others if it meant they could live), only to be the trojan horse that allowed the enemy™ to breach his safe space. The pretty lie.
At the beginning of S3 E4 Nine's Lives, Nine says "Predictable" when Sonic runs over to his friends. And, as anon mentioned, Nine says that Sonic has betrayed him for the last time, calling the deal off.
I wouldn't necessarily say here that Nine feels as if Sonic had cheated on him so to speak, but I would say that even if Nine doesn't see Sonic as a willing "trojan horse" here, Nine still feels like a fool for "falling for it again", for believing in Sonic. I think it's enough betrayal to Nine that Sonic would convince him that he cares about him and wants him to have a future too, only to then side with a bunch of people who want to beat Nine down and who would not let Nine be happy if Nine surrendered to them (from Nine's pov at least).
So in short, anon, I think you are seeing Nine's jealousy here. Even if he also has to believe Sonic is secretly fooling the others, to him this is a scene where Sonic is not only choosing them over him, but another example of Sonic (from Nine's pov) proving that he's a liar who doesn't care for Nine or his future/safety at all.
#sonic the hedgehog#sonic prime#sonine#nine the fox#nine sonic prime#miles nine prower#sonic prime s3#sonic prime s3 spoilers#anon interview#i just be ramblin#long post#I just want to note also that Nine also calls the deal off because the other variants become aggressors in this situation. He told Sonic in#the deal that he'd leave everyone else to their devices as long as they left him alone‚ but then right after this those same 'friends'#breach Nine's walls of safety‚ clearly planning to attack where Nine's most vulnerable. The deal was broken before Nine could uphold it#and to top it all off‚ Sonic doesn’t make everyone stand down or defend Nine to them. The entire group gets to flex their power in front of#Nine (similar to how previously Nine would do the same to convince Sonic to surrender)#and Sonic expects Nine to believe that his surrender will lead to peace. Funny‚ since the other variants can't believe Sonic's surrender#would lead to peace either#It's just kind of tragic that Nine would have felt better about Sonic had the other variants not showed up. And yet‚ even if Nine and Sonic#had the chance to perform their deal‚ even if Nine kept his promise‚ the rest of the variants would never leave him alone#And Sonic wouldn't be around to help Nine. Nine wouldn't even have the prism or his walls to protect himself.#Okay okay I've got lots more thoughts and things I can dig into but best to leave all of that for the season 3 portion of sonine prime#Thank you so much for this ask anon! I really do love me an excuse to talk about Sonine and dig into their individual characters. I'm also#not over S3 so the chance to talk about it some was much appreciated😊💖#And if you or anyone else has any other questions pertaining to Sonine‚ their characters‚ thoughts on individual scenes‚ or anything else at#all‚ feel free to shoot me another ask!🥰
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aimer-arts · 1 year
I rly wish i could draw your characters but my hands have a physical aversion to drawing lines, what if i wrote you some sort of short story or something? It probably wouldnt be more than 1000 words since like, i have 18 million things going on, but like, if i were to, what should i know?
OHHHH MY GODDD?? I would absolutely LOVE that ;_; <3 <3
I'm assuming you'd want to make something about Team Fate (my explorers team)? In that case, I don't think there's a ton of information you need to know; all of their personality traits and quirks are implied in the art I've made of them, so I don't think you could go wrong!
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here's a guide I quickly put together!! hopefully it's somewhat helpful
(more rambling below)
So basically, my pmd teams pretty much follow the canon personalities they have in the games: for example, Piper (eevee hero) has a very reserved and quiet personality just like the player character in the games, and doesn't speak or emote much - but she talks and laughs the most around her partner.
Clementine (vulpix partner) is pretty similar to the explorers partner; she's jittery and nervous, but loves to ramble about adventuring to Piper (who loves to listen). She scares easily, but feels stronger with Piper - so in a way, they basically complete each other. They balance out each other's weaknesses, and give each other strength.
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gayymomgod · 3 months
you should share some sebastián and andrés lore if u got any………. :33
OOHHH HAI REX !!!! this is so exciting oh i have a TON of lore for the two!!!
i’ve been working on their characters since my Junior Year (2021/2022) and their actual story a little more further in ^_^ they have their own tag i use 4 them !! #Sebastian and Andres , without the accent marks 2 make it easier 2 search for LOL i’ve shared things of the two already under there, so feel free to take a looksie !!
the silly part of it is how Sebas n Andrés are in their own separate universe from my other characters, all of which live in the same universe together LOL so compared to the others, there isnt rlly a lot of like . outer world or fantastical lore ^_^ literally their story takes place in 2015
they r both aroace! i have lil comics n whatnot that i mainly keep 2 myself (bc theyre never finished) so here u get lucky n get one of my wips
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their actual main story i wanna work on touches more on their struggles as a whole but i have been wanting to work on more comics regarding their orientations! sebas had more troubles accepting being aroace bc of being mexican n the expectations placed on them by their parents !! andrés deals w a similar situation regarding their parents, but have an easier time accepting it themselves bc they already go against what people expect of them so !! it's a thing i hope 2 explore more, and i so do hope i get 2 do more regarding their queerplatonic relationship ... (they literally move in together !!)
thank u 4 asking about them tbh i just rlly love sharing what i can about the two i love sebas and andrés they're literally apart of me
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pervertedreams · 8 months
saltburn smut where you literally have a foursome with felix, oliver and farleigh cus they over heard you talking about having three holes for them with venetia
i have thought abt doing a farleigh and felix x reader thing but i remembered they’re cousins so idk it’s a lil uncomfy for me !
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loserboyfriendrjl · 1 year
Theories on the marauders and the Valkyrie's experiences getting their wands and also what their wand would be (if you have any knowledge of woods, lengths, cores, and flexibilities)
okay this is a genuinely interesting ask and therefore i went and lightly documented myself on kinds of wood, cores and lenghts that wands have and who and why they suit certain individuals:
james potter — fir wood (demanded staying power and strength of purpose in their true owners, and favoured owners of focused, strong-minded and, occasionally, intimidating demeanour). dragon heartstring core, 11 inches long.
remus lupin — english oak wood (demanded partners of strength, courage, and fidelity. powerful intuition, and affinity with the magic of the natural world, with the creatures and plants). unicorn hair core, 10 inches long.
peter pettigrew — chestnut wood (curious, multi-faceted wood, which varied greatly in its character depending on the wand core, and took a great deal of colour from the personality that possessed it). unicorn hair core, 9 inches long.
sirius black — ebony wood (impressive appearance and reputation, highly suited in combative magic and transfiguration. happiest in the hand of those with courage to be themselves. non-conformist, highly individual or outsiders. perfect match was one who holds to their beliefs, no matter external pressure, and not be swayed lightly from their purpose.) dragon heartstring core. 12 inches long.
mary macdonald — hazel wood (often reflected their owners emotional state. worked best for a master who understood and could manage their own feelings. capable of outstanding magic in the hands of the skilful). phoenix feather core, 10 1/2 inches long.
dorcas meadowes — acacia wood (unusual wand wood, often refused to produce magic for anyone other than their rightful owner, it also withheld its best effects from all but the most gifted witches and wizards) dragon heartstring core, 11 3/4 inches long.
lily evans — alder wood (ideal owner was not stubborn or obstinate, but often helpful, considerate and most likeable. seemed to desire a nature that was markedly different from its own, if not precisely opposite). unicorn hair core, 11 inches long.
marlene mckinnon — aspen wood (generally strong-minded and determined, more likely than most to be attracted by quests and new orders; this was a wand for revolutionaries. accomplished duellists). phoenix feather core, 10 1/2 inches long.
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linagram · 6 months
sorry everyone it's me. your boy. with another weird poll. just like most milgrammers i like polls a lot but i still have too many things to do for s3 so this is how i'm coping
out of all the linagram prisoners, which one do you think is most likely to die, not counting the possible punishments/executions (for example, maybe they end up getting killed by someone else, maybe they die by suicide or because of health issues, etc)? i can already say that no one is going to die until the end of season 3, but after that. well.
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doomzday-zone · 7 days
waitrr sorry kind of william ask I guess but I need to know more about also vanessa and the scary nightmare bunker What r they doing🙏🙏🙏
HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE 😈 *rubs my little paws together evilly*
this specific bit takes insp from a few places but the main one being Amnesia: The Bunker, for the obviously reasons(bunker) but also !!!!! THERES A GIANT PREDATORY RABBIT THERE HUNTING THEM BOTH💖💖💖💖 ill get to what this and other shit means from a thematic n whatever standpoint later but just know its awesome and immm insane<33
also side note i say bunker but its not even The scary bunker its more like a basement/cellar-ish thing connected to a shed he has somewhere in the woods. nawt to be confused w the actual Evil Bunker dw abt it 😁
ANYWAYS, initially william takes vanessa there to, dispose of her so to speak slash keep her there until he can find a good use for her or until he decides to straight up kill her. heart<3 smth smth vanessa ended up seeing smth she wasnt supposed to LOL(you can imagine) anyways while hes throwing her down there one thing leads to another and they both end up getting trapped in there, at the beginning theres this like slow creeping dread when they both notice smth is not.... right..... here. like the place is WAYYY larger than its supposed to be and theres strange holes in the walls n shit (😳) which eventually turns into full on monster horror once they realize theyre both being Hunted 😈 and theyre in what is basically a maze of rabbit tunnels and burrows, HERE IS WHERE THE INTO THE PIT AND IN THE FLESH INSPS COME INNNNN<333333 obv the maze is a kinda reference to the game in the in the flesh story, and the time loop/warping is a reference to both in the flesh and in the pit<33 speaking of which is a really important element, neither of them can die Down There and yes they both die at least once and not just at the dreaded claws of The Rabbit😏 once they both die tho the loop officially 'resets' and they end up in the middle of the burrow again, their main goal is to obv get Out lol. the ending of which is kinda sad and takes insp from fazbears frights in general w a classic cliffhanger conclusion, they eventually find the exit but william isnt just gonna let vanessa leave even after all that ..... he closes and locks the door w vanessa still down there</3 the last scene being her crying and sobbing for him to let her out as faint sounds of scratching and growling is heard from behind.............
OKAYYYYY HEEHEE now onto the MEANINGS and THEMES<3333333 The Bunker and Rabbit kind of represent the same things as The Rabbit and The Pit do in into a pit, its a representation of all of wills sins n shit festering and creating smth monstrous. that darkness only growing and further rooting itself further into william and others around him, being shown here in the form of a huge predatory rabbit digging maze-like tunnels seemingly endlessly. all this eventually coming back to (literally) bite William in the ass lmao, and vanessa...... ouuuuuu vanessa😫 williams obv in here as a form of punishment (even if he does eventually get off scott free AS USUAL smh) but so is vanessa in a way</3 she didnt physically KILL anyone but like he does with michael(albeit in a different way) he forces 'the gloves' so to speak onto them (think about in sister loctaion how the animatronics think mike is william, onv in universe theyd probably look fairly similar but thematically speaking... you know</3 the fct ues down there because his dad told him too😭) so while vanessa didnt do anything herself her hands are bloodied by proxy...... :((((( SOBS /
anyways..... i thunk thats it yea. explodes**
and and im this case by 'forcing the gloves' onto vanessa i mean he . william literally forced her to help dispose of a Body 💔💔💔
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tennisarchives · 8 months
I saw that reblog about anonymously asking something about you so I gotta ask whats your favorite flower?
tulips! 🌷 they’re also my mom’s favorite, and one time when i was in high school i saved up my allowance and bought her a half dozen bouquet as a surprise for her 60th birthday and it turned out so so beautiful. i’d liked tulips before that, but after that moment they were cemented in my heart
but a close second are alliums, which i discovered exist during a trip to the uk as a teenager. i only ever see them in european flower shops for some reason? i guess climate and everything idk but i love their roundness and purpleness and the fact that they’re technically onions. overall perfection i would say
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