#feel free to elaborate in asks or replies if you want
linagram · 6 months
sorry everyone it's me. your boy. with another weird poll. just like most milgrammers i like polls a lot but i still have too many things to do for s3 so this is how i'm coping
out of all the linagram prisoners, which one do you think is most likely to die, not counting the possible punishments/executions (for example, maybe they end up getting killed by someone else, maybe they die by suicide or because of health issues, etc)? i can already say that no one is going to die until the end of season 3, but after that. well.
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total-drama-brainrot · 8 months
do u have any gen 1 headcanons?
That's such a vague question, I don't even know where to begin to answer!
If you mean headcanons about the gen1 characters individually, I could probably fill a whole novel with the silly little trivia I've thought up for these characters- though I can't promise all of my headcanons are super interesting of fleshed out. It's probably be better to ask for individual characters or dynamics as opposed to the whole cast, since my answer would be way too long for just one Tumblr post. (I encourage you to do so, by the way. I'm always happy to share any headcanons I can think of off the top of my head!)
If you mean headcanons about gen1 the series(es), i.e. Island, Action and World Tour, then sure. I have a tonne of in-universe speculations for both how the show itself was run/produced an how it was received by it's fictional audience. Again, it'd probably be better to ask for specifics than to let me run wild with such an indistinct prompt.
But to answer your question, yes I do 😁. Thank you for asking!
My biggest gen1 headcanon is that Chref started dating after Action.
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lucrezianoin · 1 year
Interesting things that you can get from trying all the options but that reveal a general characterization and idea of astarion and tav's romance.
I wanted to talk about Astarion's feelings regarding intimacy and sex, and indipendence, and how this can give a small timeline of his relationship with Tav.
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If you don't get the confession or drow potion scene, astarion will still stop having sex with Tav, and at the start of act 3, if you ask about it he'll tell you that he's tired of paying with sex, and that you were a bad deal now. It was all transactional but he's done. If you say you're hurt, he'll reply that it hurts more to use his body to get nothing in exchange, basically. I think this confirms that up till some events leading to the confession, the relationship was transactional. He only says "This is the one talent I have".
Given that the only difference IS the confession, but that the game assumes there's party interactions that are not shown, we can assume that he started to genuinely fall for Tav somewhere around end of act 1 and act 2. This is confirmed by the fact that if you choose him over someone in act two, he'll be confused but immediately resorts to saying it's because of your good sexy times... But, he is surprised (positively surprised) if you say it want something real with him.
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The thing is... Astarion is a people pleaser. He manages to find autonomy because of finally being actually free and slowly regaining it on his own (if you end up in this wrong/broken romance situation). He stops having sex with Tav, he decides he does not need to pay anymore for whatever Tav is giving him or not.
If you choose the very bad choices during the confession, he will tell you that having sex with Tav has felt different "I supposes", but then he'll reveal that he didn't know how to say no after you push him. He also says that he never felt anything while having sex (does not exclude tav from this sentence, so it's assumed that this is true for their sexual meetings too), but after Tav pushed him he felt something for the first time (being that he felt horrible). I want to elaborate more on this but I need the next two points first.
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In a Karlach/Astarion party romance scene, Astarion gets very mean when he realizes he cannot have sex with Karlach. The dev notes reveal that its because he feels vulnerable and confused by the fact that his one method of connecting with people is not available to him in that situation. The notes also stresses that he really wants what Karlach is offering (just spending time together) but maybe even he doesn't realise it yet. Full scene and dev notes are here.
Furthremore, most of the scenes that people associate with astarion romance are actually scenes that happen even if you do not romance him. The bite scene, offering him to feed him your blood, the bear one, discussing character's blood, the mirror scene, and probably even the scars scene... these are all general scenes, not romance ones. The only romance scenes (as far as I know) in act1+2 are: him propositioning you if you have more than 40 approval, or him propositioning you at the party, the sex scene, the second sex scene ("cheeks all flushed"). It shows how he has a desire to connect. Some of these scenes are not connected with manipulating you, but really do feel like a true desire to connect.
Regarding these last three points, I think Astarion's "It felt different from you" does come from this desire to connect. It had felt different not because the sex itself was different, but because he honestly felt like he was connecting with Tav. That is why the options that you can offer him are so important:
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In particular, asking him "what do you want" will reveal that he doesn't know. From the devnotes of Karlach/Astarion we already know that he is confused about his own need to connect. But also it is important that one of the option is "we can be together without sex". Sex is what he knows, "the talents he has", and it is also the only way he knows how to connect with people because he has been made to do it for 200 years. Telling him that you can be together and show him intimacy and companionship without sex, means he will have the safety to explore other ways. And be seen as a person.
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What he needs/wants is the safety to pursue what he likes ("this", your relationship) and he thinks he might want. Safety being the important word.
That is why it is clear in the game that between the confession and post-Cazador Tav and Astarion do not have sex, even Astarion remarks twice about it to ask to Tav if he is really okay with it.
That is why it makes the cemetery scene so impactful. He is not fully healed, but he wants to reclaim sex as part of his way to connect with someone as an act of intimacy.
(Instead if you choose Ascended Astarion you confirm that you only see him as sex and not a real person. The sexy kinky vampire - I will talk about this in the last point, where I talk about the bite).
I wanted to write a little bit about the way he defines the relationship in act 2, post confession. The confession doesn't mark a clear "we are in love from now on", it is more like offering him this step, slowing down, making sure that you can be there for each other, allowing him to be free and supporting him.
If you ask him "what we are" he will say:
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This could even imply that before the confession he did see you as a victim or a target, but that is just how he saw EVERYONE. Everyone was a target or a vicim, or a night of disgust/abuse. His knowledge and ability to identify intimacy and relationships has been so beaten down that he actually expresses confusion now that he finds himself with a real relationship. That "whatever in the world could you be?" is asked with genuine surprise and bafflement.
Another important and fundamental side of his romance is his indipendence. There are some choices that I would normally go for and then I realized gave no approval, or low approval. I will make a full posts of these approvals, but for now I wanted to focus on three.
Someone here on tumblr already noticed and wrote an amazing meta about how offering your blood to Astarion (the next day) gives NO approval.
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You can see that telling him to feed on you gives no approval. Be it because the game explicitly associate bite = sex (seen from the drow woman) and he sees this as you seeing him as some sexy vampire or be it because you are making dependent on you, I am not sure.
But if you agree instead with his suggestion:
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Another occurrence, is the two times you can tell him you will protect him. DorianDarkstar on twitter also noticed and made me realize that he does this twice. There are two occasions where you can tell him "I will keep you safe" and he doesn't fully like that.
There is a scene where you can tell him that you will watch his back if he watches yours and he approves (5 points!). If you tell him he is safe, instead he finds that pretty annoying.
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There is also a dialogue in late act 3, where you can tell him that you will protect him. To which he answers with almost resigned annoyance.
It is important for him to be an equal. He says so in his romance talk after Cazador. (and that is why I love Durge Astarion so much as I explained here).
So yeah, there is I think something interesting to be found not only in non used scenes (not used by the player, as some of these choices are very bad), but also in finding out what he approves or disapproves of.
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bleedingoptimism · 1 year
𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙩𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚
part 1
“You look pale,” Jeff comments making Eddie snort loudly.
Of course he looks pale, he’s got vampirism, doesn't he? But then again, so does Jeff and he looks great.
“When was the last time you fed?” He asks.
Eddie sighs heavily trying to reign in his bad mood. He knows Jeff’s just worried and wants to help, and he’s grateful to have run into an old friend from high school as soon as he moved into the big city. 
Because he’d be utterly lost without him.
He doesn't know where anything is, he gets lost in the subway, and he has no idea when he’s being charged too much for a muffin or suspiciously too little for a hotdog, or where all the blood markets are.
“Like, two weeks ago,” Eddie finally answers.
Jeff looks surprised but it’s not actually that bad, people with vampirism can go up to 4 to 5 weeks without blood. 
It’s not the same as those vampires from movies and books, they still eat food and they can stand in the sun with just minor cases of sunburn. There’s also the light sensitivity, making them all look like assholes wearing sunglasses everywhere.
Also, they are not allergic to garlic. Which, thank the heavens because Eddie loves garlic, a lot.
There’re a couple of side effects that do come in handy sometimes, like augmented hearing and smell. And the healing spit is super weird but nifty. No super strength regrettably, that would’ve been awesome.
Anyways, it’s like they have super anemia or something.
“I went to a blood bar, hooked up with some dude but. I didn't have a good time, at all. I kind of don't want to go back to bars for a while,” He elaborates and when Jeff frowns worried, he shakes his head,
“No, not like that. It’s just… the dude was like way too into it, you know? It kinda freaked me out.”
“What do you mean? Don't you find it hot? When you feed?” Jeff asks him, curious. 
Eddie nods quickly, “Yes, of course I do! It can be really sexy with the right person, but this guy, he was like- like way too loud and like, he was faking it? I don’t for who, though. And halfway through it, I started getting worried I’d accidentally hired someone instead of just hooked up and I didn’t have any money, and then I started thinking about money and my dick-”
“Ok! Ok, I get it.” Jeff thankfully interrupts him. “Dude, why didn’t you say something, I know of a place. I didn’t mention it before because it’s kind of boujee and handles itself a little differently.” 
“Oh? Do tell” Eddie tells him excitedly, he loves going to new places, especially if they are weird.
“Well, it’s real private, like ‘can’t get in unless you are on the list’ private. And it’s run by this girl. Blonde little thing, super cute. Scary as fuck. Everyone calls her ‘The Boss’” he says doing air quotes.
“Dramatic, I like it.” Eddie smiles.
Jeff chuckles, “So the gist of it it’s you go there and just hang out normally, like any other kind of bar. The place is beautiful, the music is good, and the drinks are delicious. But what's interesting about this place is the hostesses,” he says and even does a little pause for effect before continuing, “Similar to a blood bar there’re people there willing to be fed on but what’s cool about it is they get to choose.”
Eddie raises his eyebrows, “That sounds kind of fun, actually.”
“Right? And it feels, safer somehow? For them?” Jeff agrees and Eddie nods and smiles at him, waiting for him to keep going.
“Anyway, the hostesses choose and then you get to go upstairs and talk through what you want to happen, just feeding, sex, talking, anything they agree to, it's on the table. I once ended up just playing a game of Uno with the girl I fed on and two other hostesses that hadn't picked anyone that night.” he finishes and Eddie laughs delightedly.
“Ok, this place sounds amazing, what’s the catch?” 
“Well, you have to pay an entry fee, the drinks are expensive and there’s always the possibility you’ll leave empty-handed. The first time is free though,” Jeff says.
“Like drugs,” Eddie replies and Jeff nods solemnly, 
“You know the hostesses can be kind of addicting.” 
That night, on the way there, Jeff tells him they have to sign a guest list at the entrance,
“No one uses their real name, not because the place is shady or anything! But because they want to leave that choice to us and the hostesses if you ever get too close with one. It's not like, frowned upon.”
Eddie nods listening intently, he feels kind of nervous in a way he hasn't in a while, but he’s not sure why.
“Also, secret nicknames are fun! I’m known as Jay there. So please don’t dox me. Or yourself.” Jeff tells him.
After careful consideration, Eddie smiles and says, “I’ll be… Strider”
“Shut up, you are just jealous you didn't come up with it yourself”
Jeff laughs, “You got me there,” he says, and then, “We are here” and he opens a big glass windowed door and vows to Eddie, inviting him in.
Eddie chuckles and enters and immediately almost runs into someone—a tall, massive guy with short curly hair and the shadow of a beard.
“Hey freak,” Jeff greets calmly, “He’s with me,”
Eddie cringes at the nickname, bad memories from high school bullying. But the dude just nods and gives Jeff the tiniest of smiles, so he figures it’s the nickname the bouncer chose for himself.
They enter and sign their name in the guest book, a girl about their age with dirty blond hair and hundreds of freckles on her nose and cheeks is there and she asks Eddie a couple of questions. Not in a weird way, but in a ‘you are new and I’m curious’ kind of way.
Eddie feels comfortable and excited as they go in.
Jeff was right, the place is beautiful. The lobby leads to a big room with high ceilings and fake candle-lit lamps. The chairs and tables are antiques and all different but roughly the same time period so they look good together. There’re old signs and posters from all kinds of drinks and different products adorning the walls. And the music is instrumental and oldie too, sounds like probably 40s or 50s.
It is incredibly boujee. But in a fun way, cozy and warm.
They get a seat at a small round table in a corner and Jeff lets Eddie look around for a while before asking,
“So? Weird right? It’s like stepping into another time,”
Eddie snorts, “Yeah, one that has no idea which time period it wants to repre- who is that?”
Jeff looks at where Eddie is looking and sighs, “Of course you noticed Sunshine,”
“Sunshine?” Eddie sighs.
“That’s what they call him. Because apparently he smells like flowers and summer and tastes like orgasms or something,” Jeff says amused rolling his eyes.
The guy, Sunshine, is probably the prettiest person he’s ever seen in his life, definitely the most beautiful man in this room. His face is a contradiction of sharp and round angles that is just absolutely perfect, and he’s wearing a black suit that clings to his body like a second skin, showing off his big shoulders and his tiny waist. He’s looking around the room with big, brown eyes that look bored as he leans against a wall like he’s above it all, he’s a fucking dream.
Eddie swallows audibly and looks smirking at Jeff for a second before his eyes drift back to the man, “Tastes like what, you said” he teases and Jeff snorts.
“Not that anyone would know, as far as I know, he’s never taken anyone upstairs,” he tells Eddie in a conspiratory tone.
That makes him incredibly curious, “Really? Why is he still here then?”
“I don’t know for sure, mostly rumors but he’s the boss’s favorite, that’s for sure. Oh!” Jeff exclaims and then nods his head to a girl sitting on the other side of the room, in a big fancy-looking chair that looks more like a throne than a simple piece of furniture.
She’s got blonde hair up in a ponytail and she’s wearing a flowery dress but there's something about the way she looks around the room, something about the way people walk around her and look at her, with respect or fear, or maybe both. She’s fucking intimidating.
While Eddie’s looking, the girl from the front desk, with the freckles, comes to sit on a small stool beside the “throne”, there’s another one on the other side that’s empty. The blonde girl moves her hand towards freckles and she kisses it and then her shoulder and smiles as she leans in closer and starts whispering to her.
It’s kind of surreal. 
“That’s The Boss, and the girl from the entrance, that’s Sparrow. She’s her girl.” Jeff explains.
“Respect for looking scary in a sundress,” Eddie comments.
And Jeff nods, “Anyways my theory is, Sunshine is actually just a bodyguard and not a hostess but the people that come here like to think they actually have a chance with him, so no one says anything to the contrary.”
Eddie snorts and nods, it makes sense. It's actually very good marketing, just like the ‘the first one is free’ thing. That boss girl is really smart with her business.
Jeff and he get a few drinks and they chat calmly, Jeff isn't looking to go upstairs tonight, he only came by to accompany Eddie and Eddie knows he should be looking around, trying to make eye contact with someone, but he can stop staring at Sunshine.
He even looked at their table at one point, and Eddie thought he was going to faint. He was scanning the room as he apparently does every couple of minutes when he caught Jeff’s eye and Jeff lifted his hand in greeting.
And Sunshine’s face completely transformed, his bored calculating expression changed into a beautiful smile that made his eyes shine. He wiggled his fingers at Jeff cutely before going back to looking like fucking Droopy Dog. If Droopy was the sexiest motherfucker alive. It was amazing to see.
Eddie’s jaw almost hit the table and he turned to look at Jeff stunned and he just shrugged,
“Sunshine was one of the hostesses I ended up playing Uno with. He’s fucking vicious,” he says smiling at the memory.
Eddie chuckles as his eyes follow Sunshine moving across the room, he just can't. Stop. Looking.
But the thing is, Sunshine is looking back now. Keeping eye contact with him obviously and unashamed. It’s thrilling and it makes shivers run down his spine.
He watches as Sunshine sits on the stool on the other side of The Boss’s throne and grabs her hand and holds it, intertwining their fingers. 
The Boss and her girl turn and look at him and the three of them start whispering, looking at him.
“Dude,” he says and turns to Jeff to see if he’s seeing what he’s seeing.
Jeff looks from him to the whispering party, “Un fucking believable, first time here and tonight is the night Sunshine is taking someone upstairs” he says looking fed up, but clearly in a joking manner.
“Is that what you think it’s happening? No way,” Eddie shakes his head as Sparrow says something that makes The Boss chuckle but Sunshine speaks up and she sobers up immediately. Curious.
“He’s looking right at you, he probably went to ask Sparrow about you,” Jeff insists.
“Maybe he’s looking at you”
“He’s seen me before,” Jeff scoffs.
He’s about to reply but their conversation gets interrupted by someone shily clearing their throat. A girl, a hostess, is looking at him with curious eyes, and shit… she’s cute and looks like a nice person but, Eddie can’t- he needs to know what those looks from Sunshine meant.
He needs him.
He looks back at the group quickly to see Sunshine and The Boss in deep conversation and Sparrow… is she glaring at him?
He rejects the girl, as nicely as possible and Jeff scoffs and murmurs ‘unbelievable’ under his breath again as Eddie turns to look back at Sunshine.
Who is walking toward them, holy shit.
“Holy shit,” Jeff says and then moves to stand. Eddie grabs his wrist and tries to pull him back.
“Wait what are you doing, dont-” But Jeff frees himself and starts walking away,
“Good luck!” He sings songs and then leaves him alone.
part 1: you are here
part 2: 👄
part 3: 🩸
bonus content: ☀️
ao3: 🌙
art: 🦇
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I am in the middle of rewatching the 2003 version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles during my summer break from college, this time with my father, who had only seen bits and pieces of it when I watched it as a child. We are currently on season four, which fans often refer to as the "post-traumatic stress disorder arc" for Leonardo, as it depicts his mental deterioration and increasing anger, even surpassing that of his notoriously hot-headed brother.
While doing the dishes, I asked my father what he thought of the arc so far. He simply said, "He seems angry." I agreed, replying, "Yeah, he's angry at himself." My father responded, "Yeah, but he's also angry at his brothers." This made me pause. I knew Leonardo had moments where he was upset with his brothers for not training enough or for goofing off, but I had not thought of him as being outright angry with them.
Then my father elaborated, "He's angry because they're not perfect, like he expects himself to be." This was a revelation for me. I had always interpreted this arc as Leonardo being angry at himself for not being good enough, but it makes a lot of sense that if he holds himself to such a high standard, he would hold his brothers to the same—and get frustrated and angry when they inevitably do not meet it.
I think a less explored aspect of this arc is that Leonardo is exhausted from carrying the burden alone and was trying to share it with his brothers. However, they do not carry it the same way he does, which does not make them lesser—it just makes them young and still wanting a life outside of crime fighting. Michelangelo captures this sentiment best in the same season when he says,”I think all of you should just lay off the poor guy. I mean, it can't be fun. Always being the responsible one, and we’re the ones who really benefit. Raph's free not to think cause Leo does all the thinking for him, Don's free to dream, And I'm free to take it easy, all cause Leonardo is busy being responsible enough for all of us.”
Anyway, at the ripe age of twenty-two and in graduate school, I find myself once again feeling melancholic over little green guys.
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fluentmoviequoter · 7 months
Tim Bradford x fiancé rookie!fem!reader please? When the reader is a rookie and she pulled over her fiancé. Cute fluff 😂
I love this! I hope you enjoy!!🤍 Picture from Pinterest
Warnings: fluff, Nyla Harper (this probably doesn't need an explanation). rookie!reader, 1.8k+ words.
Flirting With Cops
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“I’m sorry, I don’t- run me through this one more time,” Nyla says, somewhere between exasperated and interested. “You had a secret boyfriend that nobody knew about, and then you just show up with a rock after a weekend off? Secret boyfriend is now secret fiancé?”
“Kinda,” you answer, slowing as you approach an intersection.
“Kinda. Elaborate?” Nyla asks, leaning forward with wide eyes.
“I thought you didn’t like to talk about personal lives in the shop,” you argue.
“I don’t talk about my personal life in the shop. Right now, we’re talking about yours.”
You don’t answer, but Nyla’s eyes remain on you. Sighing, you make a right turn as you decide where to start.
“Secret boyfriend is secret fiancé now, yes,” you begin. “But he’s been secret fiancé for a while. I just forgot to take my ring off this morning. And I mean, I didn’t think it was a problem if I didn’t tell anyone I was seeing-“
“If you told me right now, would I be the first to know?” Nyla interjects.
“No. Grey knows.”
“Grey? Wade Grey? Sergeant Grey, Watch Commander-”
“Yes, that Grey. I needed an afternoon off to deal with some relationship stuff a while back, so I told him.”
“Then why won’t you tell me?”
“I don’t know how my fiancé would feel about that.”
Nyla sits back, quiet until she says, “He doesn’t get to decide who you tell about your life. How am I supposed to decide if he is good enough for you?”
“I thought TOs thought boots weren’t good enough, shouldn’t that be the other way around?” you joke.
Nyla says your name, and you immediately turn serious.
“Harper, I just- it’s not about him controlling me, and he doesn’t, I promise. I’m just not sure why it’s a problem.”
“Not a problem, just a trust and general welfare thing. I need to know that you’re okay all the time because your personal life impacts your cop life.”
“Got it. I will let you know if anything worth mentioning arises.”
“As your friend though-“
“We’re friends?”
Nyla says your last name, a quick warning. “As your friend, I want to know that he’s good enough for you because it’s what you deserve as a person, regardless of your career. Dating is a- there’s a lot that can and does go wrong in the dating world, but Los Angeles is a different animal. If you’re engaged, I’ll assume you know him well, but if or when you want to trust me with this, I’m here.”
“Thank you, Harper.”
“And tomorrow is plain clothes day, so if you want to talk about him while I’m not here, feel free.”
You chuckle, hitting the sirens and answering, “Yes, ma’am,” before calling in a traffic stop.
“Hey,” Tim greets.
“I’m mad at you,” you reply, closing the door and moving around him.
“I’m sorry. Although I’d like to know what I’m sorry for,” Tim replies, his brows raised.
Setting your bag on the counter, you raise your left hand and look at him.
“I apologize for… proposing?” Tim guesses.
You sigh, dropping your head and your hand in tandem. Tim walks to you, and you let him pull you into a hug, putty in his hands as he holds you close.
“You- you put my ring on this morning before work and I forgot to take it off,” you murmur.
“So, our friends and coworkers know? Is that a problem?”
“Of course not. I’m not ashamed of you or trying to hide this or anything, Tim. I just- Nyla wants to know everything to decide if my fiancé is good enough for me.”
“And what will she find?”
“I’m honestly not sure,” you joke.
“Maybe I’ll tell her that it was a pity proposal. You’re a terrible fiancée.”
“I love you,” you reply, kissing his cheek.
“You’re a terrible fiancée… who doesn’t play fair,” Tim repeats, softening under your hands and kisses.
“What are you doing with your day off tomorrow?” you ask. “I know you miss plain clothes day.”
“I don’t know,” Tim answers, his hands sliding from your waist to the curve of your hip. “Rob a liquor store or something to see if you’re ready to ride alone, I guess.”
“Hmm. I was hoping for a real husband and not a prison husband.”
“Don’t start with me,” Tim warns.
“You brought up the liquor store!”
Tim’s hands tighten gently, his fingers pressing into you. You chuckle, leaning against him again as you sigh.
“You’re just going to sit here and miss me, I knew it,” you say against his shirt.
“You’ve got me figured out. Guess you’re good enough for me at least.”
“You guess?”
Tim doesn’t give you time to finish teasing him, pulling you impossibly closer as he kisses you to silence you. 
“Just remember that I’m not here. Our shift got bumped so we’re working into the night, but don’t let that mess you up. You can do this as long as you remember what you’ve learned and apply it,” Nyla says, buckling her seatbelt.
“Nolan warned me that you were intense, but you’re really nice to me,” you reply.
Nyla doesn’t answer, invisible while you ride alone. Smiling to yourself, you wonder if talking about your fiancé would make her break.
Thirty minutes after sunset, you haven’t done much on plain clothes day. Completed a few routine traffic stops, responded to two domestic calls, and narrowly avoided a flat tire, but nothing unusual or extreme. Your shift is nearly over, and while it’s too late to visit Tim, you’re ready to get home and rest before seeing him tomorrow.
Driving through Tim’s neighborhood as you finish your patrol, you hit the sirens when a blue pickup truck runs a stop sign. Nyla exits the shop as you do, standing at the back of the vehicle while you approach the window.
“Good eve-“ you begin, freezing when you see who is sitting in the driver’s seat.
“Can I help you, officer?” Tim asks, failing to hide his smile as he sits back in the seat.
“I, uh… you ran a stop sign.”
“Yeah,” Tim answers. “But, surely, there’s some way you can let me go. Right, officer?”
“It’s frowned upon to flirt with police officers during traffic stops, sir.”
You suddenly remember Nyla is behind you and glance over, unsurprised to find her watching you intently.
“Uh, Harper, would you give a fellow cop a ticket for running a stop sign?” you ask.
“I’m not here,” she reminds you, failing to hide that she wants to know who’s in the truck.
Turning back to Tim, you ask, “License and registration?”
Tim nods, pulling his wallet out and handing it to you. When you open it and have no problem finding both, Nyla begins fidgeting. 
“Whose car is this?” you ask quietly.
“Rental. My sister needed help moving something but my power steering’s acting up.”
Nodding, you hand his wallet back.
“I’m going to let you off with a warning, sir, but regardless of whether or not you live here and know how busy the intersection is, you need to stop.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Tim replies, brushing his fingers over yours.
He drives away as you and Nyla get back in the shop. Her eyes are on you, but she remains silent. When your watch beeps at the end of your shift, and you’re still two blocks from the station, she breaks.
“Who was that? You were flirting so I thought it was your fiancé or something but then you asked about a fellow cop,” Nyla says quickly, not taking a breath until she’s done.
“You weren’t there,” you argue. “You didn’t see a thing.”
Nyla groans. “I will find out. I know I told you it was your decision to trust me, but I need you to trust me. Please?”
“Maybe tomorrow. When you’re back in the shop with me. By the way, how’d I do?”
“You did great. Until the end. That last traffic stop was iffy but since it was a fellow cop I’ll give you a pass on that one. You did check everything and give a warning, so I can’t really ask for more.”
Sighing, you park in the station lot and turn off the ignition. 
“Thanks, Harper. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Oh, you most definitely will.”
“This isn’t going to end well for me,” you whisper as you walk into the station.
“It’ll be fine,” Tim promises.
“You don’t have to ride with Harper after she finds out!”
“Hey,” Tim calls, gently hooking his fingers behind your bicep to pull you back to his side. “You will be fine.”
“I know. Thank you.”
A few minutes later, as you enter roll call, Nyla sits on the table in the front row.
“Spill,” she demands.
“Wait, what’s happening?” Angela asks.
“She’s dating a cop. Scratch that- she’s engaged to a cop. Pulled him over last night and got all flirty.”
“No ‘what happens in the shop stays in the shop’?” you ask.
“Nope. Now, do we know him?” Nyla asks.
You nod, and Angela asks, “Have we worked with him often?”
“Is he in this room?” Nyla asks, looking over her shoulder.
“Oh, thank goodness. I was having serious concerns about your taste in men,” Nyla sighs.
“Was he driving his own car last night?” Angela inquires.
“Oh, that’s a good question. I didn’t recognize it,” Nyla adds.
“No, it was a rental,” you explain.
“Just spit it out!” Nyla begs.
“Harper!” Tim yells, stepping inside. “Grey needs to see you.”
“He’s in the room now,” you whisper.
“Timothy Bradford?!” Angela yells.
“What?” Nyla asks, looking back and forth between you quickly.
“Tim and I started dating while I was in the academy, and we got engaged about a month ago,” you state. “And Grey knows because we had to tell him.”
“Wait, so you pulled over your fiancé last night?” Angela smiles at you before looking at Tim. “What did you do?”
“I ran a stop sign. Nothing you haven’t done. Don’t look at me like that Angela.”
“You’re dating a boot, I get to look at you however I want to.”
“So, Harper, is he good enough for me?”
Nyla purses her lips in thought. “Depends. Let me see the ring?”
You laugh, and Tim smiles before exiting the room, glad he can talk about you freely now.
“Nyla wants to talk to you,” you tell Tim when you pass him coming out of the locker room. “Good luck.”
“Can’t be as bad as what Grey told me,” Tim replies, shrugging.
“What did Grey tell you?”
“Uh- well- I think Nyla needed to see me, so I’ll meet you at the truck in a few minutes,” Tim rambles, avoiding your question.
“I’m glad we told people. Even if we were partially forced to,” you say, leaning your head against Tim’s shoulder.
“You want to show me off? I mean, I understand, but I thought-“ Tim groans when you hit his shoulder.
“I love you,” you whisper.
“I love you. Even though you’re a terrible fiancée.”
“Imagine what a terrible wife I’ll be.”
Tim tugs you closer as he responds, “I do. All the time. Especially when you pulled me over.”
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delicatebarness · 4 months
cry baby | chapter thirteen
Summary: Bucky comes back to the bar.
Warning: Mentions of Blood.
Word Count: 1322
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A/N: Thank you @thezombieprostitute for being the reason we now have Thor in this story. Please feel free to leave feedback or let me know where and how you want the story to continue, this is just as much yours as it is mine. - B
Tags: @buckys0whore | @thezombieprostitute | @lanabuckybarnes | @mishkatelwarriorgoddess | @softieekayy | @noonespecial90 | @hello-therree | @randomawesomeperson102 | @whoreforbarnes | @thejutvtsupport | @somnorvos | @cjand10 | @plasticbottleholder
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Days had passed since that awkward encounter at Bucky’s apartment, and the strain between you seemed to deepen. You continued to spend time at the bar with your friends, but Bucky’s absence was a constant reminder of the growing distance. 
One evening, you walked into the bar with Wanda and noticed a familiar figure at the booth. Bucky. He was back. Relief began to wash over you the closer you got to him. 
As you and Wanda approached the booth, you saw someone new sitting there. A woman you hadn’t seen before, occupying your booth corner, the seat directly in front of Bucky. She was beautiful, with long dark hair, and a confident smile. You could tell she was tall just from how she sat straight. She looked like she fit in with them.
“Bucky,” Wanda called out, her face lit up with a smile. “It’s good to see you, stranger!” 
He glanced up, offering her a half-hearted smile. “Hey Wands,” 
You followed Wanda, hesitating once you reached the booth. “Hi James,” you greeted softly as you looked around the table debating your next move. Everyone’s gaze landed on you as his birth name fell from your lips, confusion etched into their faces. 
His eyes met yours briefly before he looked back at the woman in your seat, his expression unreadable. “Hello,” he replied. 
The woman turned her attention to you, her smile bright. “Hi! I’m Leah!” she introduced herself. 
You smiled forcefully while dragging a spare chair to the table, squeezing between Sam and Steve. “Nice to meet you,” you said, trying to keep your voice steady.
As the evening progressed, Bucky reintegrated into the group easily as he laughed, shared stories, and caught up with your friends. He seemed to be relaxed, and carefree. 
Once again, you felt like an outsider, watching as everyone interacted. You tried to engage, leaning forward to ask, “So, James, how have you been? It feels like it’s been forever…” 
He glanced at you, his eyes distant. “Been busy,” he replied, then turned his attention back to Leah without elaboration. 
You swallowed, feeling a slight sting of hurt. You missed the warning look Natasha shot him, or the exchange of uneasy glances from Steve and Sam. 
The evening dragged on, and the air became thick with tension. Bucky continued to engage with Leah, he smiled at her jokes and drank. He barely acknowledged your presence. You were used to him directing a sarcastic comment or an eye roll your way, you’d lived your entire life dealing with the staring problem. Yet, at this moment, it left like you never met this man before. 
Steve eventually cleared his throat, trying to break the tension. “So, Leah, how did you and Buck meet?” 
She smiled brightly, reaching her hand out to place it against Bucky’s arm. “We met at the 24-hour gym, about two weeks ago,” she paused briefly, taking a sip of her drink before continuing. “It was about 3 am, and he was laying into one of the punching bags… I went over and asked him to spot me, and then, we just hit it off.” 
“That’s great,” Wanda replied, her tone overly cheerful to keep the mood somewhat light. 
You nodded in agreement when suddenly, the bar door swung open with a loud bang. Startled, you turned toward the sound, seeing your friend Thor standing there. His larger-than-life presence instantly commanded everyone’s attention. 
“Friends! I have returned!” he bellowed, his voice booming toward your group. His gaze landed on you, a flash of confusion before his face lit with joy. “Kid!” he shouted, striding over. Without warning, he scooped you up. Lifting you into a bear hug off the ground and spinning you around. 
Your laughter echoed through the bar, the sudden cheerfulness lifting your spirits. “I’ve missed you, tiny!” 
“I’ve missed you too!” you beamed at him as he set you down. 
Bucky clenched his jaw as he watched the interaction, narrowing his eyes slightly as Thor’s hand lingered on you. His gaze darkened as he observed, the tension in his posture was unmistakable. 
A sharp sound of shattered glass pierced the air, everyone went silent. Turning toward the noise, you saw Bucky sitting with his hand covered in beer and blood. Remnants of his beer bottle were scattered on the table. His gaze locked on yours.
“Bucky!” Leah exclaimed, “Are you okay?” 
He looked at his bleeding hand, his fingers flexing as he tested their functionality. “I’m fine,” he muttered, his voice low. 
Grabbing napkins and handing them to Bucky, Steve’s voice became a mix of concern and confusion. “What the hell, man?” he asked as Bucky wrapped his hand with a scowl. 
“Just an accident,” he shook his head, avoiding everyone’s eyes. “It’s nothing.” 
The bar fell into an uneasy silence once again, Leah’s eyes filled with concern as he reached for his hand. “Let me take a look,” she insisted gently, trying to inspect the damage.
He pulled away, his jaw still tight. “I said I’m fine,” he repeated. 
Leah looked between Bucky and the rest of you, her smile faltering. “We should get that cleaned up properly,” she suggested. Bucky’s gaze caught yours again, as he shifted out of the booth. His eyes never left yours until he disappeared into the bathroom with Leah. 
As the night wore on, it became increasingly difficult to engage in any conversation around you. Unable to take it any longer, you excused yourself for the night. You said goodnight to your friends, expressed your joy for Thor’s return, and sent a quick “It was lovely to meet you,” toward Leah. 
The night's cool air hit your face, and a small breath of relief left your lips. 
The door to the bar opened behind you, and you half-expected to see Bucky when you turned. Instead, it was Steve. His eyes scanned the parking lot before landing on you. “Hey,” he greeted as he walked over, his expression filled with his big brother's concern. “You okay?” 
You forced a smile, nodding. “Yeah, just tired,” 
His eyebrow raised, he wasn’t convinced. “You sure? You seemed pretty quiet in there.” 
You shook your head, “I’m always quiet, Steve.”
He sighed but nodded at your response. “Alright, just making sure,” he still wasn’t convinced. “You know you can talk to me, right?” 
Looking up at him, you smiled gratefully. “Yeah, I know. Thanks, Stevie.” 
He returned the smile before pulling you into a hug. “Listen, do you need a ride home?” he asked, his protective instinct dominating his senses. “It’s late, and I don’t want you walking alone.” 
You hesitated briefly, looking up at the night sky as you considered his offer. Walking home alone didn’t seem appealing, not in this city. “Please,” 
He nodded, leading you to his bike. As you climbed onto the seat, he passed you his helmet. You inspected it, sighing as you remembered the pink one on your dining table. 
The next morning, you found yourself running late, rushing down the street. As you rounded a corner, lost in your thoughts while typing out a text, you collided with someone. You nearly sent both of you tumbling to the ground. 
“I’m so sorry!” you blurted out, flustered as you felt arms holding you up. As you regained your balance, your eyes met with those of the person you bumped into. For a moment, you were stunned. With unruly dark hair and warm brown eyes, they exuded a quiet confidence that left you speechless. 
“No, it’s my fault,” they replied, their voice smooth and calming. Their gaze held yours for a moment longer, their hand reaching up to run through their hair. “I wasn’t looking where I was going.” 
You simply stood there, caught in each other’s gaze. The bustling sounds of the city and your urgency are forgotten. 
Your lips quirked up into a small smile as you managed to stammer out, “Hi.”
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at0michips · 2 months
interviews and intimacy — mike faist
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summary: the press tour of challengers was coming to an end, and even though Mike liked promoting his new movie all around the world, he was tired and even annoyed of the same old questions, so it did surprise him when a younger woman changed the pattern.
author note: just wanted to say that this is based off my deepest thoughts and hallucinations that this is going to happen to me someday and I just really needed to elaborate it further than in my brain. I have a lot more like this to work on so maybe it becomes a sort of series, who knows!! feel free to request
It was a full day, Mike has been patient and tried to be as social as possible with the press but he couldn't help the bad mood that came with those clueless questions that could totally put him and his coworkers in an uncomfortable situation, especially with both of them openly having a significant other. So when he heard that this would be the last interview of the press he felt relieved, he could go straight back into his house in New York, spend some days in there and go back to Ohio so he could see his family for a bit and then see what was his next step.
Everything seemed like it was going to work out nicely, and then it didn't looked like it anymore. After the new interview crew arrived he could hear some whispering between them.
"W-why does it have to be me?" one of the girls said a little loud only to be shushed by an older woman who was attaching a mic in her clothing
"Because you have a degree, because you have been helping Rose write the last interviews questions, because you're good!" she answered "Calm down, they're just people, ok? I spoke to her on the phone and she promised to pay you dinner next friday, keep that in mind." and then it hit him, that a girl who looked barely out of college was about to lead this interview.
The studio buzzed with the controlled chaos of a film set winding down for the day. Mike Faist sat across from you, a young journalist who had been unexpectedly thrust into the role of interviewer. Initially skeptical of her ability to handle the job, Mike found himself pleasantly surprised as the interview progressed.
"You know, for someone who's filling in last minute, you're doing pretty damn well," Mike remarked, a hint of admiration in his voice.
You felt your shoulders relax a fraction, the tension from earlier slowly dissipating. "Thank you. I'm glad I could hold my own."
Mike nodded thoughtfully, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "More than holding your own, actually. You're asking some really insightful questions."
You couldn't help but smile back, a mixture of relief and pride washing over her. "I've been a writer for a while, just not usually about movies."
"Well, maybe you've found a new calling," he teased lightly, his gaze lingering on her face. "You've definitely got a knack for it."
You felt a warmth spread through your chest at his compliment. "I think I'll stick to writing," you replied, matching his playful tone. "But who knows? Maybe I'll make an exception."
Mike leaned in a bit closer, the studio lights casting a soft glow around the both of you. "I hope you do," he said sincerely. "Because I'd really like to see you again. Maybe over a drink, not in a studio."
You could feel your heart skip a beat at the invitation. "I'd like that too."
As they exchanged smiles, the noise of the studio faded into the background, leaving only the promise of a new connection blossoming between them.
The bar was buzzing with soft chatter and the clinking of glasses, casting a warm glow over you and Mike as you sat across from each other. After the earlier meeting for the interview, something had shifted, probably the intimate ambiance of the place helped it too.
"So, what's it really like being on stage every night?" you asked, with the voice laced with genuine curiosity.
Mike leaned forward, his eyes sparkling as he recounted stories from his time on Broadway. His passion for his craft was evident, and you found yourself captivated not just by his words but by the sincerity in his gaze.
As the evening wore on, the conversation flowed effortlessly, weaving between laughter and moments of shared insight. Mike found himself drawn to your intelligence and wit, and he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something special about you.
The drinks arrived, and Mike hesitated for a moment before reaching out to lightly touch your hand. You looked up, meeting his gaze with a hint of surprise that quickly melted into a warm smile.
"I'm really glad we could do this," Mike admitted, his voice soft but earnest.
You could feel your heart skip a beat. "Me too," you replied, the voice tinged with a mix of excitement and nervousness.
In that moment, the air between you both seemed to crackle with unspoken tension. Without another word, Mike leaned in, closing the gap remaining between the two of you. Your lips met in a gentle, tentative kiss that spoke volumes of the attraction simmering beneath the surface.
It was a kiss filled with promise, a silent agreement of mutual interest and the beginning of something new.
The world around you seemed to fade away as they kissed, your hand finding its way to Mike's cheek as if to anchor yourself in the moment. Mike's heart raced, his mind momentarily forgetting the crowded bar and focusing solely on the warmth of your lips against his.
When you finally pulled back, your breaths mingling in the space between them, Mike searched for your eyes, his own filled with a mixture of wonder and longing.
"Wow," you whispered, your voice barely audible above the soft background music.
"Yeah," Mike murmured, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "That was... unexpected."
You chuckled nervously, feeling a warmth spread around your face. "Unexpected, but definitely not unwelcome."
You sat in comfortable silence for a moment, basking in the afterglow of their kiss. The tension that had built up between you and Mike earlier seemed to dissipate, replaced now by a quiet understanding.
"I should probably walk you home," Mike suggested softly, his thumb gently tracing circles on the back of your hand.
You nodded, a small smile playing on your lips. "I'd like that."
As you guys left the bar and stepped out into the cool night air, Mike offered you his arm, and you gladly linked hers through his. You walked side by side, with the shoulders brushing occasionally, each lost in their own thoughts yet connected by the spark that had ignited that evening.
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fallatyourfeet · 10 months
Empty Promises (Tommy X Wife Reader) One-shot
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Summary: Tommy can be a cruel man sometimes, but YN still loves him.
Word count: 746
Warnings: Nothing really.
A/N: This is my first fic in a long long time. It's short but hopefully sweet.
Please feel free to send me a message/comment/ask, I would love to know what you think.
If you like this, please feel free to visit my blog and take a look around! You can find my masterlist in my bio.
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“Tommy, you promised”. Standing at the empty desk of his Arrow House study, you held the telephone receiver to your ear staring at your reflection in the window. It was so dark outside that the pane of glass worked perfectly as a mirror. You looked good. Really good. Beautiful even. Exhaling silently, your eyes dropped to the rug beneath your favourite pair of heels. It felt like forever since you had a reason to put on a beautiful dress and powder your nose. And after countless empty promises from Tommy to get home early and take you out, you thought that tonight he was finally going to come through. No less than an hour ago he called to say he was a minute from leaving the office, and now… well, he was still in that very same office telling you that something had come up and not to expect him home before midnight.
The familiar click of Tommy’s tongue travelled down the telephone line to your ear, “I’m sorry YN, I need to close this deal tonight. It shouldn’t be taking this long… but there was a problem with the contract… it’s getting amended right now.”
Frustrated, you shook your head as if he was standing right in front of you, sure he could hear the shortness in your voice, but you were unable to bite your tongue. “Jees Tommy, I’m all dressed up with nowhere to go… Why couldn’t you let me know an hour ago?” Giving him no chance to reply, you huffed, throwing a hand in the direction of the sitting room, “And what about Polly… she’s already here to mind the kids.”
Clearing his throat, you could swear Tommy’s voice just broke a little. Was he amused by your frustration? “Don’t worry about Polly, she’ll use any excuse to see the children… she won’t care.”
Letting slip an annoyed grumble, you sank into the chair beside you. Staring into the darkness outside your frustration began to fade as disappointment took hold, your grumble finishing with a defeated sigh, “I just wish… I wish… I don’t even know anymore… I miss you, Tommy. I just want you to myself… for one night.” That was the moment you noticed headlights turn in at the top of the driveway. Sitting upright, you focused on the car, but it wasn’t familiar. “Who’s that. Tommy, were you expecting anyone tonight?”
Tommy asked, “What about two nights, eh?”
Confused, you stood up and walked around the desk to the window, scrutinising the car as it made its way up the driveway, “What do you mean?... Are you expecting someone?”
“What about two nights,” Tommy repeated.
The car rolled to a stop out the front of the house, leaving you even more confused. It was a brand-new Rolls-Royce limousine, complete with its very own chauffeur. Suspicion crept upon your voice as you spoke, “What are you talking about, Tommy. What do you mean, two nights?”
A soft chuckle sounded from the other end of the telephone, his voice now clearly amused, “What I mean is, no business, no races, no horses… nothing. Just you and me for the whole weekend to do whatever the hell we want.”
You fell silent a moment, unsure what was happening. This was completely uncharted waters; Tommy had never done anything like this before. You could hardly string a sentence together, “What? Whatever do you… I don’t… What’s going on?”
Mumbling something about you being adorable when you're frustrated and confused, Tommy chuckled again, before elaborating. “See that man out the window, that’s George, your chauffeur. He’s going to collect a suitcase in the foyer that Polly has packed for you and bring you to me.” Giving you a moment to collect your thoughts, he waited before clearing his throat, “So why don’t you go upstairs and kiss the children goodnight for me and tell them we’ll be home in a couple of days.”
Shaking your head, you couldn’t contain the joy in your voice, “You’re such an ass, Tommy. Why couldn’t you just tell me, instead of torturing me like that?”
Tommy laughed audibly, “I’ll tell you what. Why don’t you hurry up and get your own ass down here and you can punish me in any way you want.”
With a devilish voice, you sighed, “Oh Tommy, my love. Don’t you worry about that… I’ve got the whole car ride there to decide… and believe me, I already have a few ideas.”
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seoltzuki · 3 months
Tzuyu x afab reader
fluff, smut
fittings, love, soft touch, shyness, patience
for @allfortzu for being the sweetest and kindest soul xx
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The late afternoon sun casts a warm, golden glow into your apartment as you and Tzuyu stand amidst a sea of dresses and suits. Sana, your bride-to-be, has sent an overwhelming number of outfits for you both to try on for her wedding. The excitement and anticipation are palpable, but so is a hint of frustration as you sift through the endless options.
Tzuyu starts off in a sleek suit, adjusting the jacket in front of the mirror with her usual composed demeanor. Her elegance never fails to take your breath away, and you can’t help but smile as you watch her.
“This is a bit much, don’t you think?” you remark, holding up a particularly garish suit. “I mean, how many options do we really need?”
Tzuyu chuckles softly, her laughter like a soothing balm to your frayed nerves. “Sana just wants everything to be perfect,” she says, her voice gentle and calm. “Let’s humor her, my love.”
You sigh, but her calmness is contagious. “Alright… let’s do this.”
Tzuyu smiles, her dimple showing. She undresses herself and slips into the striped dress. The soft pastel stripes hug her figure perfectly, and the delicate fabric drapes beautifully around her. The sight takes your breath away, and you can see a hint of shyness in her eyes as she sits down on the chair, looking radiant yet slightly timid under your attention.
“You look incredible,” you say sincerely, approaching her and taking her hand.
Tzuyu smiles, her thumb brushing over your knuckles. “Thank you,” she replies softly. “Now it’s your turn.”
You reluctantly start trying on different outfits, each one more elaborate than the last. Tzuyu’s eyes follow you with an affectionate gaze, making you feel both self-conscious and deeply loved. 
After a while, you finally pick a dress. It’s a bit revealing, more suited for a late-night cocktail party than a wedding, but you decide to give it a try. You slip into the dress and step to face Tzuyu.
Her eyes widen as she takes you in, a flush creeping up her cheeks. “You look… stunning,” she says, her voice soft and filled with awe. The shyness in her gaze makes your heart flutter, and you find yourself blushing as well.
You both look away and Tzuyu clears her throat. “Can you twirl for me?” she asks, her voice hushed.
You smile, feeling a bit shy yourself, and do as she asks, spinning slowly. Her smile widens as she watches you. “You look so beautiful,” she says, her eyes sparkling with admiration.
You smile back, feeling your heart swell with love. Walking over to her, you gently sit on her lap, her arms wrapping around you instinctively, pulling you closer. “You always know how to make me feel better,” you whisper, resting your head against her shoulder.
She tilts your chin up gently, her eyes meeting yours with a soft intensity. “That’s because I love you,” she murmurs before leaning in to kiss you. The kiss is slow and tender, a sweet blend of love and comfort.
You melt into her embrace, the frustration from earlier fading away completely. The world outside seems to disappear as you lose yourself in the warmth of her lips, the gentle touch of her fingers tracing patterns on your back. Her lips are soft and warm, moving against yours with a tenderness that makes your heart race.
Tzuyu’s hands begin to wander, and she fumbles with the zipper of your dress. “Let’s get you out of this,” she whispers, a hint of teasing in her voice. You giggle, helping her, but the zipper gets stuck.
“Uh-oh,” you say, feeling a bit embarrassed.
Tzuyu laughs softly, her breath warm against your ear. “Hold still,” she says, trying to free the zipper. But her fingers slip, and she accidentally pulls you closer, her lips brushing against your neck.
A shiver runs down your spine at the accidental touch. “Careful,” you tease, your voice breathy.
“Sorry,” she murmurs, but you can hear the smile in her voice. Finally, she manages to free the zipper, and you slip out of the dress, feeling both relieved and a bit exposed.
Tzuyu’s face is flushed as she looks up at you, her eyes filled with adoration. You cradle her face in your hands and press a gentle kiss to her forehead, then her cheek, and finally her lips. “I adore you,” you whisper, your voice full of love.
She giggles softly when you leave a trail of pecks all over her face, her laughter like music to your ears. Her arms tighten around your waist, pulling you closer as she smiles up at you.
With a playful glint in her eyes, she raises you up and carries you to the bed, her fingers tickling your sides. You squeal and squirm in her arms, laughter bubbling up uncontrollably. “Tzuyu, stop!” you manage to gasp between giggles.
She lays you gently on the bed, her tickling turning into soft caresses. “You’re so cute when you’re all giggly,” she murmurs, her fingers tracing patterns on your skin. The playful moment transitions smoothly into something more tender and intimate.
She nestles beside you, her body a magnet drawing you closer, her breath warm against your skin. The intimacy of the moment envelops you as you face each other, hands finding each other’s naturally, fingers intertwining in a silent promise of passion.
“Tzuyu,” you breathe her name, the sound a melody of longing on your lips, as you pull her closer, craving the heat of her touch.
She meets your gaze with a playful glint in her eyes, a smirk dancing on her lips. “Yes?” she teases, her voice a sultry invitation that sets your heart ablaze.
“Tzuyu, I can’t resist you,” you confess, your fingers tracing lazy circles on her skin, igniting a trail of sparks in their wake.
A grin plays on her lips as she leans in, her breath hot against your ear. “Then don’t,” she murmurs, her voice a promise of untold pleasures, her body pressing against yours in silent invitation.
With a hunger that courses through your veins, you capture her lips in a searing kiss, your hands roaming eagerly over her body, eager to explore every inch of her. The world falls away as your lips meet, tongues tangling in a sweet, sensual rhythm that leaves you both breathless.
Tzuyu’s touch is electric, sending shivers as her hand traces patterns of desire along your skin. You moan softly, the sound so needy as you reciprocate, your own hands mapping her curves.
"Tzuyu," you whisper, voice cracking in a desperate plea.
She responds with a deep, passionate kiss, her hand slipping under your waistband and finding the heat between your legs. You gasp, your body arching into her touch, your hands clutching at her shoulders. She moves her fingers slowly, teasingly, her eyes locked on yours, filled with love and desire.
You mirror her movements, your own hand sliding down her body and under her dress, finding her wet and ready for you. She moans softly, her head falling back as you begin to explore her with your fingers. The sound of her pleasure drives you wild, and you kiss her neck, her collarbone, any part of her you can reach.
“God, you feel so good, baby, ” she whimpers, as she explores every inch of you, her fingers tracing delicate patterns on your clit.
The rhythm of your touches synchronizes, each of you moving in perfect harmony with the other. The room is filled with the sounds of your shared pleasure, soft moans and gasps, the rustle of clothing, and wet heat, as you move against each other.
Your movements become more urgent, the pleasure building to a peak as you push each other closer and closer to the edge. Tzuyu’s eyes are half-closed, her lips parted in a soft, breathless moan. You kiss her deeply, your fingers moving faster, feeling her muscles tense and her body shudder with pleasure.
She shivers at your touch, her breath coming in soft, needy gasps. “Please,” she begs, her voice a breathless plea as you tease her with feather-light caresses, building the tension between you to a fever pitch.
"Together, my love," you huff against her lips. She nods and whines, but the way she’s grinding against your hand and holding her breath is a clear sign that she’s close. 
A swift press of your fingers against her and she comes first, her body trembling against yours as she moans your name, her hand gripping your shoulder tightly. You follow moments later, the pleasure washing over you in waves, your body arching against hers as you cry out her name.
You collapse against each other, breathless and trembling, the world slowly coming back into focus. You lay together, your bodies entwined, your hearts beating as one.
Tzuyu’s eyes meet yours, filled with a warmth that mirrors your own, as you lie face to face, bodies entwined in the aftermath of your passion.
With a soft smile, she brings her hand to her lips, her fingers glistening with the remnants of your shared desire. She gazes into your eyes, her expression a silent invitation as she slowly brings her fingers to her mouth, her tongue darting out to taste the essence of your love.
You watch, captivated, as she savors the taste of you, her eyes never leaving yours, the intimacy of the moment wrapping around you like a cocoon. The sight ignites a fire within you, a primal need to taste her in return.
Consumed by her boldness, you mirror her actions, bringing your own fingers to your lips, your eyes never leaving hers as you suck them into your mouth, tasting the remnants of her passion on your skin. The taste of her sends a jolt of pleasure coursing through you, a delicious reminder of the ecstasy you shared.
As you both lie there, face to face, the air thick with adoration and something else, you find yourselves drawn together once more, lips meeting in a tender, lingering kiss. The clothes scattered around the room are forgotten, the only thing that matters is your love.
“I love you so much,” you whisper, lips brushing against hers and heart swelling with affection.
Tzuyu’s face lights up with a radiant smile, “I love you so much more.”
Nothing’s more fitting than love. 
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pedgito · 2 years
just saw an asks where you are talking about mean eddie mocking you and it did something to me lmao. could you elaborate on that with a little blurb. maybe ur riding eddie and it just feels so good that your legs give up on u and he is being mean and sarcastic about it till he takes the lead
author’s note: i couldn’t remember what i said about that so just enjoy really playful/mean eddie, this would’ve been longer but i’ve been struggling a bit lately, still i hope you enjoy!
cw: 18+ (minors dni) mean!eddie & mean!reader (but it’s all playful, slight dom!eddie (if you squint), protected sex, multiple orgasms, aftercare, if i missed anything lmk!
word count: 1.8k
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Eddie was an antagonizer in its purest form, never malicious but always with an endgame in mind. It would start as subtle teasing, off-handed comments that would have you retorting back in such a manner that Eddie couldn’t help but smile, knowing he’d get you back for it later.
He’d crowd behind you at your locker, hand clasped over yours where it’s gripping the metal and whisper against your ear, “Keep wearing stuff like that and I’m not gonna be able to handle myself.”
You could wear anything and Eddie would have the same response, but that was beside the point. His free hand slips into the open hole of your ripped jeans against your upper thigh and squeezes, forcing a surprised laugh out of you, muffling it with your hand as you ducked your head into your locker, elbowing him gently with your other arm.
It was an everyday occurrence now and you’ve learned the only way to shut him up is to react, even if you’d regret it later.
“What? So you can fuck me in the bathroom again?” You tease lightly, “A whole three minutes? I know you can do better.”
Eddie shrugs, “Can you blame me?”
His attraction toward you was never-ending and intense, something you’ve never experienced before him. Eddie was the kind of suffocating love you always wanted, soaking up every moment of it.
“Part of me thinks you like the idea of getting caught,” You smirk half heartedly, “kinda fucked up if you ask me.”
“You’re one to talk.” Eddie replies, ignoring your obvious jab.
You laugh softly, leaning forward until your lips are barely touching, eyes glaring into Eddie’s, “Is that what you want?”
Eddie makes a small noise of confusion, still playing into your act.
“You wanna fuck me, right here?” Eddie wouldn’t dare, he’s not that asinine, but he enjoys the back and forth, the deep fire in your eyes as you speak to him. Your hand tugs at the hem of his shirt, hand resting just above the belt of his jeans, twisting the shirt in your hands slightly before pulling him toward you abruptly, pressing a bruising kiss against his lips.
“Too bad,” You answer for him, “I need to focus on this English test,” Eddie scoffs, rolling his eyes—you were perfectly fine, up to aces with all of your work and there wasn’t a doubt in his mind that you wouldn’t pass, “and Principal Higgins is watching us—so you should probably get to class.”
Eddie chances a glance to his left, realizing just how right you were. He looks back quickly, familiar smirk on your face as you pull away, reaching behind you to close your locker.
“Stay out of trouble?” You ask, tone soft and warm toward him.
“No promises,” He replies wearily, scratching at the side of his jaw, mindful of the eyes still watching you both, “everyone’s out to get me, remember?”
“You’ll stay out of trouble,” You assure him again, eyeing him briefly, eyes dragging from head to toe, “right?”
And he can see it in the look you give him, the salacious grin on your face. There would be consequences—or metaphorical consequences, not that he didn’t have a way to counter them, but he nods.
“Mhmm,” He agrees, nodding slightly. “Promise.”
But, promises didn’t always hold up and we’re bound to break at some point.
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And it’s no surprise when you find Eddie in after school detention with an even more shameful look on his face than earlier in the day, dragging his feet up to you in a leisurely manner as he wraps his arms over your shoulder, slung around you loosely.
“You never listen to me,” You complain with amusement, letting him press a light kiss into your hair, the smirk evident in his face even if you couldn’t see him. “Do you?”
Eddie thinks for a moment, briefly, “No.”
So, by later that night, it’s almost a constant back and forth, neither of you daring to break until Eddie gets his hands around your thighs, pulling you tight against him, burying himself even deeper.
“What was that?” He asks, a patronizing lilt in his voice, breath coming out in pants. “I didn’t hear you.”
“I can’t—“ You breath out, shoving his hands away weakly, “no more, Eddie, please.”
He’d already managed to make you come twice, quickly working his way into a third, his hips moving gingerly as he listened to you, though he was obviously enjoying your torture, his eyes lighting up at the feeling of your muscles twitching involuntarily under his touch, too weak to even raise yourself up onto your knees.
“Fuck—you really got a fuckin’ mouth on you when you like to think you’re in charge,” Eddie laughs slightly, “baby, that’s never the case.”
And even if that was true, you don’t really mind.
“Eddie,” You plead, hands shoved against his chest in an effort to push away slightly, “come on.”
“Do you really wanna stop?” Eddie teases, fingers slipping into the dip where your hips meet your pelvis and rocking your hips slowly, eyebrows knitting together in pleasure as your mouth drops open, a broken gasp leaving your lips.
Your eyes are barely open, riddled with exhaustion and hanging on by a thread.
“Didn’t think so.” He comments off handedly, “Look at me.”
You shake your head petulantly, lids falling shut as you breathe deeply, savoring the deep penetrating feeling of Eddie inside of you, hitting the spot that made your entire body ache, skin feeling white hot.
Eddie slaps your thigh lightly, a gentle warning.
“Hey,” Eddie chides, “you can handle it, right?”
It’s the same tone you used on him early, only countered toward you. He knew exactly how to get under your skin.
“Shut up.” You pout, blunt nails digging into his chest.
Eddie grunts softly, tutting his tongue against his teeth.
“S’not as sweet when you’re on the receiving end, is it?”
Eddie drives his point even further with a sharp thrust of his hips, hands squeezing impossibly tight against your skin.
Your mouth falls open further, which Eddie mimics in a way that drives you mad, face contorting into a mix of frustration and yearning, begging him to give it up—whatever act he was playing or devious plan he had in the back of his mind.
But, Eddie was stubborn.
“I know you wanna say it,” Eddie tells you, “Say it—say my name, sweetheart.”
You sigh heavily, head tipping back, “Fuck—Eddie,” Eddie makes a quiet noise of approval, “Eddie—“
“See how perfect you sound when all you can think about is me,” Eddie seethes, grunting as the rate of thrusts grew faster, forcing you to fall forward, hands digging into the soft fabric of the pillow, “so drunk on my dick you can’t think of anything else.”
“I’ve got plenty of thoughts in my head.” You retort.
Eddie huffs a laugh, daring you to challenge him.
His hands grip your own, clasped between his warm palms, his hips suddenly unmoving.
“Do it yourself then,” He instructs, “yeah?”
But, your body was entirely too weak, hips aching from the stretch and muscles screaming protest—you just wanted to rest, have Eddie wrap his body around you and lull you to sleep, but instead you were here, reaping the consequences of getting under Eddie’s skin all day.
Your movements are slow, without any real rhythm, just a desperate grind of your hips, seeking the friction.
And it’s frustrating, face again furrowing in annoyance as you rocked your hips jerkily, eventually giving up, slight frown on your face.
“Say you’re sorry,” Eddie says, “for teasing me, making fun of me—“
“God, you’re unbelievable—“
Eddie makes a pointed face, eyebrow quirking in amusement.
The smug bastard. He didn’t care for an apology, he just wanted the satisfaction of seeing your crumble under his will.
“Fuck, I’m sorry,” You say in exasperation, “but Eddie, I can’t—I really can’t take anymore—“
Eddie nods, pulling you down toward his chest and flipping you in one slow, fluid motion, bodies never disconnecting.
“That’s all I needed to hear,” He smiles, leaning down to capture your lips in a deep, hurried kiss, hips moving quickly against you, his fingers finding your clit almost instantly and it’s all too overwhelming, body pliant to his touch but aching for release, “you still with me?”
You nod slightly, forcing your head deeper against the pillow, eyes shut in exhaustion as Eddie pressed himself against you, mouthing at random parts of your skin, delicate touches to remind you he was still there, his hand still an igniting pressure against your cunt, fingers working quickly over your swollen clit.
“Hey, eyes,” He nudges softly, squeezing at your thigh, “look at me, babe.”
You peek at him slightly, laughing at his righteous grin.
“Just one more,” He promises, his early words seeping back into your thoughts, “that’s it.”
And when it hits you, you don’t even have the energy to make a sound, mouth falling open as you grip at Eddie’s shoulder, bound to leave bruises from the tightness of it. He makes sure to carry you through until it’s all over, snapping his hips a few more times until it’s over for himself, having held out for longer than he’s used to—it’s guttural, the groan that escapes him, hands fisting in to the pillow beside your head to avoid squeezing you too hard.
“So, about those three minutes—“ You start lightly, attempting to wean Eddie back into consciousness.
“Had to prove a point,” Eddie explains through staggered huffs, “how’d I do?”
“Do I really need to answer that?” You ask profoundly, hair matted to your face from the sweat, chests touching with every breath you took.
“Just checking,” He chuckles, pressing a messy, closed mouth kiss over the tip of your nose, “gotta piss me off more often, sweetheart—this is pretty fun.”
“Fuck you.” You reply playfully, kicking him off weakly until he’s falling to his back on the mattress, “I can’t even feel my legs.”
Eddie disposes of the condom discreetly while you slowly slip your underwear back on, crawling back up the bed lazilyy until he’s flat on his stomach, hands reaching for the tender flesh of your thigh.
“Let me take care of you then,” Eddie smiles slightly, those his words are laced with dangerous undertone—it’s all teasing, but it earns a familiar look of warning his way, “I meant like, a massage or something. You know, not everything I say is dirty minded—“
You offer a pointed glance his way, seeing right through his bullshit.
“Okay, most of it is—but come on, let me.”
You sigh quietly, nodding in response.
His touches are just as gentle, if not more.
It’s a reminder of how well Eddie balanced all of it, the hard intensity of his exterior alongside the delicate personality woven on the inside—it’s nothing like you’ve ever experienced before, but it was everything you needed.
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Please consider a reblog if you enjoyed this fic! It’s makes a huge difference. ♡
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gilbirda · 1 year
Okay, I want to follow this content. What do I do?
Hello everyone.
So given the recent raise of "tag me!" replies in fics going around Tumblr, and given the recent awareness post about how disheartening, annoying and sometimes disappointing it can be to only get that kind of engagement — I've thought it was a good idea to explain what you can do if you want to follow content.
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A post about more fun Tumblr dashboards
3. You can still request to be tagged if they continue! But don't let that be the ONLY engagement you do. Like the post. Reblog it. Leave a comment saying what you like, a keysmash, a lovely "hey i really like where this is going!" and then you can say "if you do continue, can you tag me?". 9/10 we would love to write down your name. I can't speak for everybody so it depends on the person, but we want to not feel like we are screaming to the void. Engage. Respond.
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Another post about reblogging, why it doesn't feel annoying for authors and how you can reblog and add tags faster on desktop and mobile
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I liked this oneshot and I wish to know if they will continue it.
If it's a oneshot, RESPECT IT. The author may not have plans for the story, or doesn't have the energy to elaborate. Or if they do, it will be waaaaay later.
Whatever the case, don't demand a continuation.
Really, don't. Is very rude.
Still want to shoot your shot and see if they continue it?
Reblog it! Say why you liked it! In the tags, in the same reblog, wherever! If the author gets inspired they will continue, but remember we do this for free in our free time, you don't know what their life looks like. Respect that.
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I like the AU/Idea/Project, how can I follow any new content for it?
You can follow a tag!
A lot of authors have a specific tag for their AU/idea/project (eg. "plant princess au") that you can follow if you want to keep up. Just check the tags in the post and hit follow.
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And that's it! If I have more ideas or examples I will add to the post.
Remember, the point is not to make fun or to make people apologize for the "tag me" replies. This is informative for newcomers and older users alike.
If you have any questions or worries don't hesitate to ask! 🙂👍💖
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sebstanaddict · 10 months
The Prettiest Girl
Sebastian Stan x Reader One Shot
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Summary: When you interview Sebastian Stan but all he wants is to flirt with you 🤭
A/N : I've been wanting to write this for a while. It's just a little something I wrote for fun. Hope it brings a smile to your face 😊
Warning : just pure fluff and maybe A Different Man spoiler although the movie isn't even out yet, so 😆
Word count: 2.9k
My other one shots >
Soho, New York - November 11th 2023 - 3.50 pm
Millions of soft icy particles fell from the heavens down to the earth on that fateful Saturday afternoon in Soho, New York. They covered everything from trees, buildings, pavements and the top of people's heads. Some had stuck on one particular window of an apartment and created beautiful patterns.
Y/n looked out the window and smiled. It had been snowing all day and it didn't look like it was going to stop soon. Everything looked white and the atmosphere felt serene and beautiful. Despite the cold she had always loved looking at snow and playing with them. She couldn’t wait to go out and make some snow men at the nearest park once the snow had stopped falling. But now she had a job to do.
She sat at her working corner in her bedroom and turned the laptop on. Moments later she opened the zoom application and started setting up her webcam so it showed her clearly with one of the walls in her bedroom as the background. She tidied her hair a little and fixed her white buttoned up blouse so that she looked presentable. Satisfied with how she looked, she entered the empty virtual room in the zoom application.
Her heart rate started to rise as she looked at her laptop screen. As a senior editor at one of the world’s top entertainment media, she was used to interviewing many celebrities. But that afternoon she was scheduled to interview the Hollywood A List actor and Marvel star Sebastian Stan, someone whom she had been in love with for quite some time. Despite having worked at the entertainment media for ten years, it was the first time she got the chance to interview Sebastian and she couldn’t help but feel very nervous about it.
She picked up the paper which had a list of questions she was going to ask him as well as some facts about his upcoming movie. Yes, one of the reasons for the interview was for him to promote the new movie. She had seen the movie and it was quite an interesting movie. She couldn’t wait to hear from him more about it.
She was re-reading the third question when the screen in front of her flickered and Sebastian’s face was shown on the screen.
“Hello!” Sebastian smiled wide and greeted her, making butterflies fly around in her stomach. How could someone look so gorgeous? She pondered as she stared at the screen and admired his beautiful face. Sebastian had let his hair grow but not that much. It was short but fluffy at the top. He had a very light layer of stubble like he just shaved yesterday. But of course it was his ocean blue eyes that mesmerized her the most.
“Hello Y/n.. earth to Y/n. Can you see me? Can you hear me?” Sebastian asked and she blinked several times, finally snapping out of being drowned in his gorgeous eyes.
“Yeah, yeah, I can see you. I can hear you. Sorry.” She blushed as he smiled again at her.
“Oh okay, that’s good. I'm sorry but I'm currently traveling and I'm stuck in traffic right now. So if I get disconnected or something it's ‘cause I'm on the road.” He said as he turned his camera around making her see that he was in a car.
“Oh okay. You know if it's a bad time, we can do this later.” She suggested.
“Oh no, it's okay. I mean as long as it's not two hours long. You know.” He chuckled.
“Oh of course not. Depending on your answers this could take half an hour to an hour at most.” She replied.
“Alright. I'll try to keep my answers short.” He said.
“Well, if you need to elaborate please feel free to do that.”
“Yeah.. yeah.. of course.” He smiled and for a second she could see like he was really seeing her for the first time.
“You look great by the way.” He winked and she felt like her heart leapt out of her chest.
“Uh.. thank you.You look great yourself.” She blushed yet again that she was sure she looked as red as a tomato.
“Oh, thank you.. “ He smiled shyly and she could see that he was blushing too. She loved how he could sometimes be uncomfortable when people compliment him. It was so endearing to her.
“Anyway, how are you? How is Atlanta?” she asked. As it happened, Sebastian was in Atlanta to shoot the next Marvel movie.
“I’m good, thanks. Atlanta is, well, it’s been cold but not that cold. We’ve been shooting indoors a lot with wires and stuff. It’s been hard and exhausting. But, you know, I shouldn’t complain. I really shouldn’t. It’s been great fun.” He replied.
“Can you tell me if Anthony is there?” she asked with a small smile on her lips.
“You know I can’t tell you that. I signed an NDA! I can’t.” He chuckled.
“But.. maybe off the record I can tell you. Later on.” He winked again and she felt butterflies yet again. She couldn’t believe how flirty he was to her.
“Okay, anyway, are you ready?” She asked.
“Yes, of course. Go on.” He smiled and she felt butterflies again in her stomach. Maybe this was a bad idea. She thought as she tried to compose herself.
“Good afternoon, Sebastian.” She finally greeted him after hitting the record button and smiled at him.
“Good afternoon!” He answered, smiling wide at her.
“Thank you for doing this for us and giving your time amidst your busy shooting schedule.” She said.
“Oh no, thank you for allowing me to do this.” He said and she nodded.
“So, Sebastian, you have a new movie releasing soon called A Different Man, directed by Aaron Schimberg starring yourself, the Norwegian break out actress Renate Reinsve and the British actor Adam Pearson.” She said and this time he nodded.
“I had the privilege to see it yesterday thanks to you and the director Aaron, and I must say that it is a very interesting and out of the box movie. Could you tell me how you got involved with it?” She asked.
“Oh yeah. My agent sent me the script and I think it was such an interesting script. I mean, it’s very rare to see movies with this subject matter. The director Aaron had done another movie before this called Chained For Life that had a similar subject matter. In that movie he also cast Adam. And I watched the movie and I fell in love with it. The way Aaron told the story was very unique. I haven’t seen anything like it in a long while. And yeah, I thought that the movie was something that I would love to be involved in.”
“Aside from being the main actor, you are also a producer in this movie. Is that correct?”
“Yeah I am. It’s the first movie I ever produced.”
“What made you decide to be involved not just as an actor? But also as a producer?”
“Well, I’ve been thinking about producing for a while but never got anything I was excited about until this one came. Aaron needed some help and seeing his talent and his previous work I decided to jump into it and help him out.”
“I see. So, in this movie, you play someone with neurofibromatosis, and you had to change your face completely. How did it feel to be under all those prosthetics and looking in the mirror and saw a completely different version of you?”
“It felt surreal of course. It took a long long time to get the prosthetics on correctly the first time. I think it took almost a whole day. But then they figured it out and the next day I basically just had to put on like a mask and then they added some more stuff on my face to blend it in.”
“Oh, that’s really interesting. I’m sure it helped a lot in your performance looking completely different.”
“Yeah, yeah. It helped a lot in that I just needed to look in the mirror and just like that I felt like a completely different person.” He said as he snapped his fingers.
“And it showed. Being someone who have seen your work a lot over the years, I must say you have done the best job of your career.”
“Oh my gosh. That’s.. really?” He asked, his face reddened and he put one hand on the side of his face.
“Yeah. Really. It was your best work in my opinion and I wouldn’t be surprised if you get an Oscar nomination for it. I really wouldn’t.” She smiled.
“That’s.. wow.. it means a lot, coming from you. Really.” He smiled and she couldn’t help but blush again. She couldn't believe he would say something like that.
“Umm.. yeah. Anyway, could you tell me how Adam and Renate got involved?” She asked, deciding to ignore what he said. She was just going to cut that part out and pretended he never said it.
“Oh yeah, with Adam it was a no brainer really. Aaron had cast him even before I got involved. Adam was actually involved waaay before I did. As for Renate. I had seen her movie The Worst Person In The World and I loved her performance in it. It was so real and raw. I knew when I read the script I wanted someone like her to play Ingrid. So I suggested her to Aaron and he agreed and I sought her out and well, the rest is history.”
“I can see why you wanted her to play Ingrid.”
“Yeah, she possesses this instinct as an actor that I haven't seen in a while. It was really a pleasure to work with someone who can keep up with you and even challenge you in their own way. You know. It was very rewarding as an actor to be able to work with someone like her. She was really something else. Kind of like you.” He winked.
“Excuse me?” She couldn't believe what she was hearing.
“Yeah.. I'm sorry but.. umm.. I really have to say this. I have never seen any girl looking as pretty as you are, especially when you blush. You’re quite literally the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.” He said and her heart seemed to leap out of her chest as she heard him. Once again she couldn’t believe how flirty he was to her!
“Oh stop it, Sebastian. I will definitely edit this out.” She chuckled as her face continued to redden.
“Oh no, don’t. I want people to see that.” he teased again.
“But that has nothing to do with the interview so I will definitely edit it out.” she insisted.
“Fine, I’m just gonna repeat it along the way, on the record and off the record, later on.” he winked and she just shook her head.
“Okay, back to the topic of your movie.”
“You’re so serious. I like that about you.” He teased her again and she felt herself blush yet again.
“There it is.. the blush. I love it.” He chuckled.
“Sebastian, please.”
“Please what, Y/n?” he asked as his voice suddenly changed to be huskier, as much as she didn’t believe it.
“Please stop flirting with me. I’m trying to do my job.” she protested.
“I'm sorry. I'm being really unprofessional aren't I?” He sighed and she nodded.
“Okay, I'm sorry. I'll try to be more professional as long as you promise me something.”
“Okay.. promise you what?”
“That you'll go out with me.”
Her heart seemed to stop as she heard him. This couldn't be happening, she thought in disbelief.
“You're in Atlanta and I'm in New York. How are we going to do it?” She asked, suddenly feeling courageous enough to tease him back about it because she was certain he was just joking with her for whatever reason.
“You know I go back to New York every weekend. So, we can go this weekend!” He said excitedly.
“Okay. Sure. I need to ask my husband's permission first though.” She said as an idea popped into her head and his eyes widened.
“Your husband's permission? I should have known someone as gorgeous as you is already taken. I'm too late aren't I?” He said dejectedly and she couldn't help but chuckle. He looked so cute pouting like that.
“Well.. yeah. You are too late. I'm sorry. But, he's quite an open minded person so maybe I can ask him.“ she said teasingly.
“Oh good! Where is your husband? Let me ask him myself.” He challenged.
“Wait here.” She chuckled and she stood up. She went to her bed and picked up a life size human shaped pillow with Sebastian's face on it then brought it back to her working desk.
“There he is. Sebastian say hello to pillow!Sebastian.” She said, showing the pillow to the webcam and the real Sebastian on the screen threw his head back and laughed.
“Oh my God! Hello pillow!Sebastian! I would like to ask for your permission to ask your beautiful wife out, please. I can't stand looking at her being so pretty like that. I must have her. Please. Could you do me a favor and divorce her?” He asked and she laughed.
“He said over his dead body.” She replied after her laughter subsided and he pouted again, making her laugh again.
“Hey pillow!Sebastian, I literally bought you for her and now you have the audacity to steal her from me?! Unbelievable!” He protested.
“He's sorry but he said he loves me and he can't divorce me.” She teased him again and he pouted yet again.
“Sweetheart, listen to me. I can’t do this and sit here miles away from you when you look so amazingly beautiful like that just teasing me with your pretty face. You have no idea what I'm imagining right now.” He said, gazing at her with eyes full of love and dare she said it, lust.
“Oh, what are you imagining?” she asked. Despite knowing this was very unprofessional of him, she couldn't help but be curious about it.
“I'm imagining being there with you and placing my hands on the sides of your face and just.. kiss that pretty lips of yours.” he said slowly, his voice low and husky.
She shivered as she listened to him and felt butterflies again in her stomach.
“I miss you, sweetheart.” He continued, staring at her with longing and she smiled.
“I miss you too, Iubirea mea.” she replied, making him smile.
“There it is. I love when you call me that.” He smiled.
“I love calling you that too.” She smiled.
“So, go out with me this weekend?” He asked and she of course couldn't answer with anything else.
“Sure. I'd love to go out with you, my darling husband.” She winked and he laughed.
“Glad to hear that my lovely wife.” he replied making her smile.
Just then his camera shook and he turned to the side.
“Oh, great! We're here!” He said excitedly.
“Sorry, I have to go, sweetheart.” He turned to her.
“Oh okay. Yeah. I'll talk to you later?” She asked.
“Wait.” He said as the camera continued to shake. She could hear the sound of a car door opening and closing and then the camera turned to show the sky as Sebastian continued to move.
“Seb? Sebastian?” She called out.
It seemed he didn't hear her as his phone's camera continued to shoot at the sky and then it showed a ceiling as Sebastian seemed to be entering a building. She studied the ceiling and thought that it looked familiar. Then it seemed like he was entering an elevator. A familiar ding could be heard as the elevator stopped and Sebastian got out of it. She continued to watch with a smile on her face as Sebastian seemed to be walking. Then he stopped and turned his phone's camera back on his face.
“Sweetheart. There's a surprise for you at the door.” He said with a twinkle in his eyes.
She laughed and immediately ran out of her room and towards the front door. She opened it wide and there he was, Sebastian Stan, staring at her like he saw the sun for the first time.
“Hi.” He smiled as he switched his cellphone off and put it in his pocket.
“Hi.” She smiled back, her heart beating so fast in her chest.
“I was right.” He said as he walked slowly closer to her.
“About what?” She asked, feeling like she was going to faint seeing him so close to her.
“You are.. literally.. the prettiest girl.. I've ever seen.” He smiled as he gently placed both hands on the sides of her face and gazed at her with longing.
“Oh shut up and just kiss me.” She said and he laughed.
And with that he pulled her closer to him and gently kissed her lips, causing fireworks to explode in her chest. She pulled him into her apartment and closed the door behind him as her plans obviously changed that afternoon. Interviews can wait. Snow men can wait. At that moment all she wanted was to be with him. Sebastian Stan. The love of her life.
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coupsie-daisies · 3 months
Kinktober '23: Free Use | Jeon Jungkook and Jung Hoseok
Pairing: Boyfriend!Jeon Jungkook x Girlfriend!Reader x Jung Hoseok
Genre: Smut (minors DO NOT interact), established relationship
Summary: Jungkook knew that you were his dream girl from the moment he saw you, but when you agreed to be the band's free Use stress toy, he knew he was a goner
WC: 1.7k
Warnings: free use, cumshots, unprotected sex, pet names (pretty), threesome, oral (male receiving), fingering, light overstimulation, praise, homoeroticism lowkey, Jungkook is kinda a simp
A/N: Unedited because, I won't lie, I've been writing and rewriting this for ages and I just keep not being satisfied, so hopefully you guys enjoy it and I'm being overly critical. let me know!
Tags: @dragonofthenorth0726 // @wooyussy // @burningupp-replies // @bunnypig18 // @decaffedthoughts // @brownieracha // @ferrethyun // @moonchild0325 // @wonuqrtz // @mixling-blog // @wonwooz1-blog
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Kinktober '23 Masterlist
This fanfiction is property of @/coupsie-daisies, reposting on any other platform is prohibited
When Jungkook met you for the first time, his entire world shifted on its axis. He thought you were the most beautiful creature he'd ever seen, and he could have sworn that when you spoke to him it was like music to his ears. But Jungkook didn't believe in love at first sight, he was a big boy now, long past stories of fairytale sorts.
So he took his time, he took you on dates, some elaborate beyond measure, and some mundane as anything, he learned you inside out, top to bottom. The most difficult part, he'd discovered, was letting you learn him back. He wasn't always good at opening up to people, but he found that with every piece of him that you became familiar with, it was easier to give you more.
And Jungkook gave as much as he received in return. He knew within months that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you, but his fate was sealed completely on a late autumn night. Him and the boys had just gotten back from a particularly long schedule and he was enjoying his night with you over drinks. He knew as well as you did that you were something of a lightweight, the alcohol streaming through you always loosened your tongue and brought out a more relaxed side of you.
But once you were settled on his lap, your mouth inching down his neck, the moment took an unexpected turn. Jungkook gripped your hips as they rolled over his, head tipped back against the couch as he revelled in the feeling of you pressed up against him.
"Missed you so fucking much," You mumbled, nipping at the skin, but hardly enough to leave a mark. "Wish you'd just taken me as soon as you got home. Need you inside so bad, Kook,"
"You were cooking, babe." He laughed breathlessly as your hips rocked over his again.
"Don't care. I'm yours whenever you want me. Don't even have to ask, just fuck me."
So he had fucked you then, and again after that, and maybe a third time in the shower. But it was when you were laying in bed, curled against his side for the first time in ages, that he brought up your words again.
"You mean I could fuck you whenever I want? No matter what?" He asked you. You nodded sleepily against his shoulder.
"Within some pre-discussed limits." You answered. "If you wanted to. But that's not everyone's thing." You answered simply. Jungkook couldn't imagine anyone not wanting practically unrestricted access to their partner at all times, but he figured some people just didn't get it.
The limits discussion came in the morning, long and in depth, paired with safe words and mutual agreements. And after that, many more rounds until the both of you were spent. From that day forward, Jungkook took full advantage of your little kink, and you were happy to let him.
The allowance of his band mates to use you was his idea. He'd seen how stressed and frustrated his hyungs were, and sure it was easy for them to get laid, but it was also stressful to protect themselves as world famous idols if they did. So, he suggested they use you as their stress relief. You were more eager to help them than he'd expected. So another round of discussions came around, time frames when you were at their beck and call. And before you knew it, you were theirs to play with as they pleased.
It was during one of those time frames that Jungkook came home from a schedule, finding you laid out across the couch, legs pressed wide and Hoseok's fingers buried inside of you. When you noticed his presence, you buried your face in your arms, hiding from your lover's hungry gaze. He had already been looking forward to having a little fun with you, but he hadn't expected his hyung to be getting you warmed up by the time he got home.
"Starting without me?" He asked, crouching down beside the couch. Hoseok looked up, grinning at the younger man and continuing to scissor his long digits inside of you.
"Barely. Just got here." He answered. Jungkook reached up, pulling your arms away from your face and leaning down to press his lips to yours.
"Having fun, pretty girl?" He asked. You whined in response, Hobi's fingertips brushing against the spongy spot inside of you and making your hips jerk. "Look at how pretty you are. Always so embarrassed like you're not begging to be used."
His filthy words were still laced with a gentle affection that had your head spinning. Hobi pulled his fingers out of your pussy, pressing them to your lips and watching as you sucked them in. You had only just finished cleaning your arousal off of his fingers when Jungkook was turning your head, moving you so your face was pressed against the bulge in his boxers. You hadn't even noticed him stripping off his pants.
You mouthed at his cock through the fabric, suckling the tip and leaving a dark spot over it, wet with his precum and your saliva. Meanwhile, Hobi moved quickly, stripping his top half, then shoving his pants and underwear off his long legs. You wanted to look, but you couldn't turn your head far enough with Jungkook's hand pressing firmly against your jaw.
"Take it out," Jungkook told you, and you reached up, tugging his boxers down until his aching length was exposed to you. He didn't even have to tell you what to do, just sitting pretty while you wrapped your lips around the tip, tongue dipping against his slit. He grunted quietly, slowly rocking his hips to press his length deeper into your warm mouth.
Hoseok lined himself up with your weeping hole, tapping his cock against your clit and listening to the muffled whines you let out around his friend's dick. He pushed your thighs wider, and you winced at the stretch in your hips, but then he was sinking his cock into you and all thoughts were wiped clear from your mind.
Jungkook stroked your hair, fucking lazily into your mouth and letting you swirl your tongue along the vein running up his dick.
"Look so pretty taking care of us." Jungkook purred, fucking into your mouth deeper until you were gagging around him, spit trailing from the corner of your lips, and as far as he was concerned, it was the prettiest sight he'd ever seen. Nothing compared to watching your body be used to help his friends.
"She clenches on my dick so hard when you gag her like that," Hoseok hissed through clenched teeth, his hips rocking into yours and big hands gripping your hips so tight that there would probably be bruises. "Fuck her throat for me."
Jungkook didn't have to be told twice, holding your head in place and thrusting into your throat like it was his favorite toy. You squeezed your eyes shut, fighting to breathe with the tip of his dick kissing the back of your throat. He reached down, using his thumb to pry your mouth open a little more, drool and precum leaking down your face. Hoseok sped up, fucking you with deep, hard thrusts in time with Jungkook's hips. The feeling had you on cloud nine.
Your body had gotten used to the feeling of being used by them, but it wasn't often that you took more than one of them at a time, and it was even more rare for them to treat you like a total slut. Your chest was aching for breath when Jungkook finally let up, pulling his dick out of your mouth and allowing you to greedily gulp down air, coughing and spluttering and looking up at him through the tears spilling down your cheeks.
"Make me cum," He told you, bringing your hand up to wrap around his spit-soaked dick. You took over immediately, stroking him as well as you could with Hoseok's thrusts driving you up the couch. Jungkook groaned, feeling his orgasm building at the sight of you going dumb on Hobi's dick.
"Close," You warned, head tipped back as you swirled your thumb around the tip of Jungkook's dick. Every thrust Hobi made was dragging deliciously against your sweet spot, and your legs were trembling around his hips, pulling him in deeper. He reached down, expertly swirling his fingers against your clit and sending you careening into pure bliss.
The sight of you cumming was too much for Jungkook. He wrapped his hand around yours, tightening your grip on his dick and thrusting into it faster until he was spilling his cum onto you, some of it landing on your chest and neck, the rest dripping down your hand and along your wrist.
Hobi bit his bottom lip, fucking you through your orgasm until you were squirming away in overstimulation, then pulling out to jerk his cock a few times, his own cum painting your thighs. You closed your eyes, tired and sensitive, and a little too embarrassed to look at the two of them.
"Get her cleaned up, I'll get water." Hoseok said, standing up and pulling his boxers on. Jungkook still looked a little high off his orgasm and the sight of his beloved girlfriend getting fucked, but he nodded, using his boxers to wipe the cum off his dick and your hand before leaning down to kiss your forehead.
"Feeling okay, pretty?" He asked, brushing your hair out of your face. You nodded, blinking up at him. "Good, you were so perfect for us. Gonna go grab a towel and get you cleaned up and then you can relax again."
With that promise he was off to the bathroom to wet a rag to clean you up, and you were content to melt into the couch with the two of them pampering you and thanking you for taking care of them. Even if it left you exhausted being the personal stress toy for all seven boys, you wouldn't have turned it down for the world.
copyright 2023 coupsie-daisies, all rights reserved
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arcadia-of-pluto · 14 days
Twist of Fate; Chapter Fifteen
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Pairings; LADS OT4 x reader
Word count; 2.6k
Themes; isekai, eventual smut
Rating; 18+ for swearing and mature content
Notes; Last chapter for the weekend (I say weekend but it's only friday–) I'm really thinking about posting chapter sixteen, but I think I need to put more distance between my chapters I'm posting and what I'm currently working on, since twenty is real close to sixteen. I'll probably be working on chapter twenty this weekend and if I get to twenty-one, I might post sixteen! 🩷
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Melodious music serenades the luxurious banquet hall that’s illuminated by dreamy lighting.
Sylus calmly guides you across the dance floor, swaying to the song’s slow rhythm. He blocks the prying shadows around you both and when you look up, all you see is his face, which is quite infuriating because it’s a good face. It’s distracting.
“Y/n, you need to be smarter if you want to retaliate against me,” Sylus says with a small sigh. “Sorry, I’m not really used to these kinds of social gatherings,” You glance away from him with a small, sheepish smile and clumsily lift your heel off of his foot.
“Did you actually get information on the aether core?”
“You can choose not to believe me,” Sylus muses as you continue your dance. Catching a glimpse of a flashing red dot in the shadows, you use your hand that’s on his shoulder to push him in the opposite direction.
“But they wouldn’t leak such important information. Unless..” You trail off, trying to get him to talk about what you heard over the earpiece earlier, “It’s a trap.” “Exactly.” A smile tugs at the corner of Sylus’ lips, almost as if he’s proud of you for coming to that realization.
You look back up at him, a little concerned. “You’re not going to throw yourself into their trap, are you?” The man shakes his head before speaking with a smile, “Be content with your role. Don’t scare away the fish that already bit the hook.”
You sigh, chewing on your bottom lip for a moment, “There’s…eight evol bombs, fifteen high-frequency guns…They really want you dead. Sylus, you made a lot of enemies.” “This isn’t the first time it’s happened,” He replies nonchalantly as the music reaches a crescendo. The notes from the orchestra are layers on top of one another, like surging tidal waves.
The lights dim to the passionate beats and shadows surround you both on all sides.
“You have something up your sleeve, right? Even if you have a death wish, I don’t intend to die here with you,” You harshly whisper, feeling a panic build up in your chest.
“Don’t worry, you won’t die that easily.” Is all he says. What the hell is that supposed to mean?
A deafening explosion drowns out the music and ensuing screams. The beautiful hall is instantly reduced to rubble.
Amidst the surging chaos, Sylus tightens his grip on your hand and while your heartbeat thunders in your ears, you can barely make out a scoff coming from him. To your surprise, you see him nonchalantly crush something before throwing it into the debris.
“You…had the detonator this whole time?” You ask, ears slightly ringing from the explosion as you look up at him. He laughs, a smile on his lips, “The vermin were taking their sweet time. I was getting impatient.”
 “The metaflux is quickly increasing and there’s more than one wanderer…be careful.” You look around at the rubble, hand subconsciously squeezing his tighter. Your free hand quickly pulls your gun from your thigh holster to fire several shots at the wanderer that was about to attack Sylus.
“Well, that was close..” You let out a sigh of relief. “How long do you think you’ll last with an outdated weapon like that?” He asks, jerking his chin in the direction of your pistols. “Hey..” You pout, holding your gun close to your chest.
They were like your babies. You couldn’t just get rid of them.
Sylus tosses over another gun and you fumble with it in your full hands. “Don’t waste your efforts.” he says, not elaborating on what he means. You shake your head with a small sigh, re-holstering your other guns to hold the new ones. They were definitely lighter than your old ones and seemed to be better made.
“Did Sherman make you do this? Where’s the aether core? Hey, answer me!” After you had handled the last wanderer, you found a henchman cowering in the corner. You press the muzzle of your gun against the back of his head as you spit-fired questions at him.
“You haven’t won yet! We still have a backup plan…! That thing is terrifying. When it shows up, not even Sylus– agh!” Black-red mist throws the man into a broken stone pillar. With a scream, he falls to the ground like a puppet whose strings were just cut. You jerk your head toward Sylus with a glare. “Violence should be used strategically,” He says with a shrug, calmly wiping the blood off of his face as the mist disappears from his hands.
“I would’ve believed you if your hands were clean,” You grumble with a small sigh, annoyed that you have to fight in heels– which is insane by the way. You’ve almost fallen over so many times.
Despite the venue being cleared, strong energy fluctuations manifest above you both and shake the ground you stand on. “What’s making that noise? Are there still some left?” You rub the back of your neck, before remembering that the henchman was talking about something being their backup plan.
“Let’s go.” Sylus turns to walk away and you throw your hands up in annoyance, “Where are we going?” The older man grabs your wrist and swiftly starts walking. “To the place that has what you want,” He says, his fingers deftly wrapped around your wrist.
The almost transparent elevator quickly ascends and the colourful night-time scenery is obscured by the clouds. The elevator doors creak open on the roof and your eyes widen as you notice the huge wormhole in the sky.
A sense of panic and foreboding claws at your chest from the image of something huge and alien-looking in the sky.
“What is this place..?” You manage to say as you both step out from the elevator and onto the dilapidated roof. Countless pieces of metal are strewn across the spacious rooftop. The area around you was shrouded in mist and in the haze, barely visible, are abandoned collection vessels, transporters, and other devices.
Broken steel bars poke out from the overgrown weeds. Rusty frames are propped up, outlining a bygone era. “It looks like a laboratory for experiments or something..” You murmur, hands gripping your guns tighter.
“It was one many years ago. But they abandoned it a while back,” Sylus finally answers, turning to look at you with his thumbs in his pockets. “They?” You parrot, head cocking to the side. Stepping over broken fragments and glass shards, Sylus’ tone remains aloof, “EVER.”
You pause at that bit of information. The EVER Cooperation? They were the leading force of intelligence in Linkon. Doing all kinds of research and good. Why were they ever in the N109 Zone?
As the most prestigious international business group, it basically supports the whole of Linkon City. So…how could they be involved with the N109 Zone?
“...I heard that before the Chronorift Catastrophe, the N109 Zone was the most prosperous tech hub so I guess it makes sense that EVER used it as a research base.” You say as you nod your head, managing to make sense of it before Sylus tears that thought down, “You really are a naive Linkon citizen.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You raise a brow. Hell, you weren’t even a real Linkon citizen to begin with. You weren’t even from here. You were just going off what you knew from the game itself!
Sylus gives you a look, crossing his arms over his chest, “Many locations were affected by that catastrophe, yet only the N109 Zone turned into a wasteland. Why do you think that is?”
Ohh…You recall some unverified theories, but your mind is a mess right now. You can’t think of anything useful to this situation.
“We’re here.” Sylus stops walking and you almost run into his firm back.
Slow vibrations resembling heartbeats pulsate through the sky and you look up to see the Deepspace Tunnel– at least that’s what you assume it is. You’ve never seen one since being in the game, after all, but it must be that, since you had no other explanation. It was eerily beautiful.
Dense clouds and vortexes churn amidst the darkness and occasionally, a stream of light flashes across the night sky like heat lightning. The silent tunnel is like a telescope peeking into the universe.
“The Deepspace Tunnel…This is the first time I’ve been so close to it,” You murmur, taking a deep breath as tiny beams of light enter your line of sight. You can’t help, but take a step closer– before you notice a stone fixture. “It’s a Flux Nexus. I saw one in the no-hunt zone!” You exclaim, remembering what it looked like from that one mission with Xavier, before you entered the game.
“Then you should know what it contains. These fluctuations aren’t produced by normal protocores,” Sylus says from next to you and you nod your head.
The aether core.
Sylus stands next to you, looking at you with his eyes that have unfathomable depths. “Think about it first. Once you take it out, there’s no going back.” You take a deep breath. You’re already here, why would you give up now?
Gritting your teeth, you put your hand on the Flux Nexus’s intricate patterns. The power of resonance instantly flows through your body and dazzling light seeps out from your palm. A shiny, floating gem appears from the slab. “The aether core..” You reach out to touch it and as soon as your fingers brush against it, the ground starts to shake violently.
A storm appears.
Violent fluctuations lash out from the Deepspace Tunnel’s entrance. A huge shadow emerges from the vortex. It’s getting closer and closer. Its wings blot out all light in the sky.
“Is this…the backup plan they were talking about?!” You quickly turn toward Sylus, worriedly, and he chuckles, “We finally get something presentable.” A huge protofield unfolds before you and then, the ferocious wanderer charges toward you both at breakneck speed.
It’s a large blue-black bird, an Arbiterwings. It might be a bit difficult to take on without resonating with Sylus, so you’d have to try. Its feathers were made of crystalized metaflux, so it seems like that would be the way to take it down, destroy the feathers and the bird will fall.
A blinding light comes from your palm as you press it against Sylus’ shoulder, concentrating on resonating with him as the bird flew about in the dark red protofield. Finally– You break apart from Sylus and hold your guns up. “Ready?” You ask and without waiting for his response, you begin shooting at the bird.
 The first didn’t take too long, maybe four or five minutes at most but, once it was over, you quickly turn to look at Sylus excitedly before you realize you’re not on the roof...
The scenery before you is blurry, but you can make out that it’s a war ravaged, desolate planet.
“Where…am I?” You mumble to yourself as you look around.
All you can see is darkness. The sky is dark with smoke pluming from the burning planet, cracks in the ground reveal bright reddish orange magma.
Your heartbeat stutters in your chest as your gaze slowly moves down to your trembling, bloody hands.
“There’s…so much..blood.” Why were your hands so bloody? What was going on?
“You must press on.” Sylus? You quickly look around, tears pricking your eyes in your terror, desperate to see a familiar face in this hellscape.
But you can barely make out the figure in front of you. His blurry figure seemed to have corroded crystals growing on his shoulders, neck, and lower half. You could see his bare chest with dark blue and purple veins clearly visible. “That’s..” You murmur, eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
Was he turning into a wanderer like those people from before?
You felt his thin, spindly hand squeeze yours around the hilt of the sword that was plunged into his chest.
“Because…if you don’t..There’s no going back.”
His voice was coming from this thing?
Your hands shake as you realize you stabbed Sylus and you have no idea why. Seriously— What's going on? 
“Sylus–” An inferno blazes before your eyes, your vision blurring and amidst the blood and fire, the Deepspace Tunnel appears. It shakes violently. “Y/n, you must press on.” You flinch as a red electrical current strikes before your eyes and once your vision clears, you notice Sylus is holding his hand out toward you.
“The life you owe me– now is not the time to repay it.” He says and as you look at the hand reaching out toward you.
You see Sylus’s cold face..there was a hint of worry beneath his usual gaze. But there also seems to be a shadow above him. You can’t help but reach out as well.
Unprecedented power swells between your intertwined fingers and, instantly, you feel a tremor from deep within your heart. Something flows through your veins. The wanderer’s dissipating particles fall like a misty rain, yet a brighter light pierces through the haze.
You lift your free hand up to shield your eyes from the light, your eyes squinting as you tried to make out where the light was coming from. The aether core emits countless rays of golden light that seeps into your chest. The warm, familiar power continues to surge.
You’re not sure how much time has passed when the fluctuations around your body slowly start to subside. The movements within your body cease. It’s as if an ocean’s roaring waves have silently calmed down, turning into ripples on a lake’s surface.
A tiny golden stone hovers in the sky above your head and you reach out for it, holding it between your thumb and index finger.
“So this is the aether core…” It shines for a moment before a crack appears on it. You quickly turn toward Sylus in shock, noticing he’s looking up at the sky. “...Sylus?” You question and he closes his eyes before saying, “Its power belongs to you now. Naturally, the vessel will break as a result.”
“To...me?” You raise a brow as the white haired man looks at you. “Isn’t this what you wanted?” He asks, looking away from you. He turns his back to you to walk away with you being dragged behind him.
“Hey! Where are you taking me?” You say, exasperated. Your feet hurt from wearing your heels all day and fighting in them. “Wait– This is...?” He stops walking as you stare down at your hands with wide eyes. He wasn’t even grabbing your wrist.
He lifts your hands with a small sigh, an invisible force binding them together. He shakes his arm back and forth, your hand being forced to move with him. “Let go already!” You groan, glaring at your arms as you notice they weren’t even that close together. They were a few inches apart, so why were they stuck together?
Then, a deep orange light swirls between your hands. The light circles around both your wrists with a string connecting the circle together like handcuffs. “What…is this thing?” You question, tugging at your hand before looking up at Sylus, who sighs.
He doesn’t respond and the powerful tremor that shook the Deepspace Tunnel ignites a chain reaction within the N109 Zone.
Those shadows, who believed they controlled Onychinus, are eliminated from fate’s tapestry. Unable to see the undercurrents beneath the water’s surface, you can only smell the scent of smoke becoming more poignant as it’s carried by the wind.
Structures crumble and collapse, and Mephisto’s wings pierce through the boundless darkness. He’s accompanied by the distant tolling of a bell. 
It’s almost like an announcement, as if the world is saying…The true leader of Onychinus has returned.
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Taglist; @orphicmeliora , @yoongi-tunes, @mitzkooni, @hiqhkey, @tanspostsblog
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shansrois · 4 months
ok imagine being ningguang's younger sister and secretly in a relationship with the runaway kazuha.
this has been in my draft for 2 years now, i just discovered it again and felt like continuing it <3 to remind my stem student self about my affection for literature.
kaedehara kazuha x gn!reader
fluff, i promise
First of all, being Ningguang's sister means she cannot have as much time to bond with you. but she will definitely make up for it with weekly dinners to catch up with each other's lives.
And being Kazuha's lover, knowing the risks of rumors that may spread when they see you both together, you would both rather not expose your relationship into public. But, Beidou might already have knowledge about your situation, but we'll talk about that later.
Whenever you have the chance to see each other, you two will walk around the silent streets of the harbor at night and snuggle beneath a huge tree somewhere faraway from the city. His body and clothes are very soft to touch and to hug. when he you both wake up from the short nap, you just do whatever feels right at the moment.
You could explore more areas ahead and go sight-seeing, or just chat about how you're doing these past few weeks while your head is laid on his shoulders.
When you find some sort of animal like a cat or a dog, Kazuha would 100% call it over to come to your side. Then you will pet them and give them some food you have. He loves cats, he swore to you that when he is able to go back to Inazuma without a stain on his name, he will bring you with him and visit alot of beautiful places and visit his friend's cat. And the grave too 💀
Okay anyways 😊
As sneaky as Kazuha is, he was still busted by the captain, I assume he was caught in a trap that was set by beidou which revealed what he actually does in his freetime. She promised not to tell ningguang though, hopefully she really doesn't yet. But, to be completely honest, you wanted to tell her about your relationship yourself.
So one day, when you had the chance to talk to her during her free time, you couldn't miss out on the opportunity to share this little secret with your beloved sister.
"Sister, it's nice to see you again. The weather is magnificent today, isn't it?"
"Hello to you, too. I have tea and snacks prepared for this afternoon. Do make yourself comfortable."
"Hmmm let's have a very honest conversation sis."
The curiosity in Ningguang's eyes gave you the sign to continue.
"Let's play a game, we take turns in asking each other some questions. If we do not want to answer a question, we take a sip of this drink with 40% alcohol that I bought from Fontaine! How does that sound?"
She thought about it for a few seconds and replied.
"That offer sounds very much like you, very well, I'll have my schedule cleared out for the expected aftermath of this game you have."
"Great! Let's start. You can go first sissy."
"How did you get ahold of this high-class drink in Fontaine?"
"Ahaha I... I asked for help from Beidou. Okay my turn! Do you swing that way?" (HAPPY PRIDE MONTH LOVELY PEOPLE)
"Ah yes, seems like you have caught on to my... preferences. Now I shall ask you this question. Are you... Hiding something from me?"
"Yes. Next question, are you and Beidou a thing?"
She was speechless for a few seconds and suddenly she poured herself a drink.
"What! We were getting to the good part!"
"I refuse to elaborate on that topic. Now. Are you and a certain samurai secretly seeing each other in the shadows?"
"Huhh?! What-how, uh, yeah. HOW DID YOU FIND OUT?"
"Beidou is a little too chatty."
Beidou huh.
"Whatever, but yeah, that was the thing that I wanted to talk with you today. Do you approve of us?"
"Sure, why not. That boy has gentleness and passion flowing into his veins. He's totally your type as well. You have my blessings in whatever your plans are with him."
(will continue once i get more sleep)
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