#feel free to add more examples
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osinthewhite · 1 month ago
It's sometimes hard to comprehend what an important character Rose Tyler is in nuwho
She was there when they revived the show, after she disappeared she's mentioned all over season 3, she came back in season 4, you get reminded of her multiple times in season 6 and 7, she was there for the 50th anniversary, she was mentioned in the 60th anniversary, there are so many comparisons between her and Ruby that I've lost cout.
Imagine having that BIG of a chokehold on the narrative. Queen
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babygray · 11 months ago
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Your day at a glance:
The soul is too heavy to carry alone.
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dorkycreature-89 · 1 year ago
steven: cries over snakes not having any arms, genuinely upset over pearl poofing for the first time, worries he's not gonna grow up at all which causes him to switch back to a baby, befriends bismuth and peridot (both gems that tried to kill him), tries to heal jasper when she was starting to corrupt, becomes friends with centipeedle (and tries to help her in monster reunion), and more examples i can't list off the top of my head
.........explain to me how that would've made sense
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Will Wood and Dave Malloy giving the kids these days what they really want. Inhumanly fast and discordant piano solos.
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allofthebeanz · 2 months ago
Adding this after I was kindly reminded by @dracfields
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90s queer-coding was all about the sleeping beauty/snow white imagery, huh?
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paintalyx · 1 year ago
i think it's very funny when there's a running gag in a story about the person in charge of transport (e.g. a spellcaster opening portals) straight up sucking at their job. bro doesn't know squat about geography, can't read maps or numbers, maybe even has dyscalculia. they open a portal few kilometres away from the requested spot and suddenly the party has to escape quicksand, or find their way out of an abandoned mine, or fight of wave upon wave of monsters they weren't paid to fight
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mcdonaldsforehead-emofurry · 3 months ago
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bratp0p · 2 years ago
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Much to consider
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pr0cyon-lotor · 2 months ago
Alright I was given suggestions and I picked the ones I did recognized
Skinner Demon
WRP Jiejies
The washerwoman
Meiyin's succubi
That demoness with antelope legs that took care of SQQ
If you want to add more to the list, please tell me where they appear 🙏 I don't have a good memory 😔💔
I've been drawing svsss women and I'm running out
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I only have the three taoist sisters left this is bullshit 😭 who am I missing? This is what I got
Ning Yingying
Liu Mingyan
Xiao Gongzhu
Sha Hualing
Qi Qingqi
Qiu Haitang
Madam Meiyin
Su Xiyan
Qin Wanyue
Qin Wanrong
(soon) 3 taoist sisters
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some-teeth-in-a-trench-coat · 5 months ago
Shoutout to "prehistoric dinosaurs" and "microscopic plankton" and "religious Jews" and other phrases that aren't as redundant as people think
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dyingtobehim · 17 days ago
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joe trohman celibacy compilation
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 year ago
For those of you calling 2012 Mikey innocent and constantly babying him and saying he must be protected, you are literally doing the exact thing that he hates.
2012 Mikey has stated in the show that he hates being treated like a child and doesn’t like it when people look/treat him as such. Yes, his brothers are still gonna be protective of him but that’s brotherly instincts. He is the youngest after all.
But we have to remember that in the end…
Mikey is NOT innocent. He has committed manslaughter. He literally ate PizzaFace alive, who is a mutant that used to be a living human being.
Mikey does NOT need to be protected. He can handle himself. He managed to figure out and survive in Dimension X all on his own for what seemed like weeks/months. He also took on villains like Tiger Claw, Rahzar and Newtralizer by himself!
Mikey is NOT a baby. Mikey is a skilled ninja. Splinter has stated that Mikey has the highest intuition compared to his brothers. He was also willing to sacrifice and die for his friends and family in an attempt to to stop Newtrailzer, staying behind as Dregg’s ship exploded.
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spirkbitch · 9 days ago
i wish i understood the history of starfleet uniforms
within tos they don’t change much
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they seem fleecy in s1-2 but in s3 they get much more well constructed, seemingly sturdier shirts
in the pilot and some early episodes we have these sweaters
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but they’re all very similar
so what prompted the change from that to these
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leggings? tights? or is it the whole onesie under those weird tunics
whatever the reason, it was a good call to change to these
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but THEN
according to the TNG episode Yesterdays Enterprise they stick with those for like 70-80 more years
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JUST TO GO BACK TO THE FUCKING ONESIES (at least these are more stylish onesies)
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why do they wear these goddamn onesies in the first two seasons? and, once again, what prompted the change?
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(imo these are like band uniforms, with those weird little overall pants and the back zip jacket. lol they prob have to zip each other up)
anyways, somehow, before all of this, they looked like this?? what sense does that make?
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i get that there’s out of universe explanations for this stuff but i want in universe explanations
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oracleofdiscord · 1 year ago
one of my (new) favorite starkid things is their reprises where they've subtly changed the titular phrase
"follow the golden rule" vs "follow the gold and rule"
"bully the bully" vs "bury the bully"
i just think it's neat
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manchesterau · 7 months ago
Talk to me about the gay Dan voice
ok this wont be long bc they gave us a BEAUTIFUL vid that showcases perfectly what im talking about here (and i get that he was playing around this vid but still!!!!)
just the way that dan's been saying 'girllll' whenever phil speaks lol or hangs his wrist or says gay slang is just so!!!!!!! he's never really done before and i just think he's become more comfortable and sure of himself. i mean watch like a clip of the video above compared to like any video pre coming out
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deeply-unserious-fellow · 1 year ago
I DON'T have a favorite ship dynamic I DON-
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