#feed gaza
claraameliapond 4 months
Palestinian child rescued from under the rubble after being trapped for nine days.
Children's bodies are smaller, they need constant nutrition to maintain health. This is the fastest rate of malnourishment in history. Ceasefire NOW. FEED PALESTINE 馃嚨馃嚫 NOW
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kaapstadgirly 3 months
Mr Bassem back with another banger!!!
via middleeasteye
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alihartwrites 3 months
Palestinians Bid Farewell to World Central Kitchen Aid Martyrs
[2 April 2024] Central Gaza, Palestine
Palestinians bid a heartfelt farewell to four members of the World Central Kitchen, killed by an Israeli airstrike targeting their vehicle last night in central Gaza.
Sourced from Reddit
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Amer aka @tlnmq1 is a Palestinian tiktokker in Gaza who does livestreams
You can send gifts to feed him and his family
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eternalbomb 3 months
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reminder it would only take 10 minutes to get food to these people if their cars werent getting blown up.
please reblog with foods containing ~245 calories. ill start:
two pieces of white bread
a singular mcdonalds icecream cone
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notyourtoday 4 months
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dots3a 3 months
More of this.
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grownmanreem 3 months
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midoria-kinnie 6 days
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northgazaupdates 3 months
Graphic design artist Moataz Abu Sakran/ @moatazart has provided extensive documentation of the genocide against Gaza. His photos and videos have been used鈥攐ften without credit鈥攂y major media outlets, and his posts are featured on this blog regularly.
Moataz and his wife and baby girl are trapped in the vicinity of Al-Shifa Hospital complex. The area has was under complete siege for 13 days, and made life even more difficult and dangerous than before. In addition to the physical violence of the siege, the occupation鈥檚 famine has made food extremely scarce鈥擬oataz and Mariam can no longer find milk and nutritious food for baby Maria.
They were able to raise enough funds to begin the paperwork involved in evacuating to Egypt, but exorbitant processing fees have totally depleted the money they had reserved to find a place to stay in Egypt. They need funds to procure food and shelter while they rebuild their lives in Egypt (God willing), otherwise they will be homeless and destitute.
There was an increase in donations after we initially shared the link on this blog. We are hoping that will happen again. Please support Moataz鈥檚 family via this link so that they can reach safety. Even just a few dollars will help. If you can鈥檛 donate, please share the link on all your social media accounts.
This is the primary link to donate and share. You can copy and paste it onto other posts and social media sites.
If the primary link does not work, try this link
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sugas6thtooth 4 months
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Her smile is so beautiful! I would love to see a smile as bright on the face of all of the children in Palestine. 馃嚨馃嚫
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like-wuatafauq 5 months
What makes me extremely sad is that we are all trying to do what we can to find Mansour, someone who was helping by having an organization there and is also Canadian so they can get legal help from Canada to find him. However there are so many Palestinians missing and it's like, they are all deserving to be found.and another example is Lama who is a 9 year old Palestinian and is now the youngest reporter there and ppl are reaching out extra to get her out of there. Idk if this makes sense. It's not the "we shouldn't do that for them because they aren't much different than the others there" it's more of
" there are just far too many and we don't know their names and what they do aside of the fact they are going through the same thing, and we can't provide them all that same extra treatment to get them out as well"
Like yes! Let's do what we can to help Lama and Mansour! But we need to remember there's another 9 year old girl out there too, who's not a reporter, a little boy who shares his drink with his friend, a mother who makes desserts to keep her kids happy, a guy pulling out water from his tent with a small bucket, all who are just trying to survive just as much. Who is deserving to get that help just as much.
And it just feels like the government would just pick and choose who is worthy. THEY ALL ARE.
It's frustrating, it's sad, it's heartbreaking.idk if this makes sense.
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eternalbomb 3 months
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(from wearthepeace on instagram) friendly reminder it would take 10 minutes to feed the famined people of gaza
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violottie 4 months
"The occupation forces opened fire on Palestinians who were waiting for the arrival of the humanitarian convoy to the north of Gaza." from Eye On Palestine, 27/Feb/2024:
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notyourtoday 4 months
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dots3a 2 months
Yeah, you're definitely on the right side when you're arresting the philosophers, with your face completely hidden in shame. 馃檮馃檮馃檮
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