#fc: sylvia
artistaforever · 7 months
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nosignalformiles · 2 years
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yomsyday17 · 1 month
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a little bit of the story of small's mom in my au _She was a rebellious girl in her time, who got pregnant and ended up giving birth to her only son, Steve
_She used to be a very strange woman, she spent her time drinking and vandalizing what she could. _When she got pregnant at 20 she ended up leaving that whole life behind and pursuing her career as a lawyer
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She had a boyfriend who soon got married and had a son. Unfortunately, when Steve was born, they didn't know anything else about him. (it is rumored that he was kidnapped)
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When Steve turns 14, he starts to get upset with his mother for having different ideologies...and of course being the founder of Chanax (a company that she later resigned from)
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_context: steve, in a desperate attempt to stop the contamination caused by Chanax, tries to make a protest that ends in chaos...his mother goes to look for him at the police station, telling him that because of him he had to stop speaking at their meeting, since that his beloved son got into trouble Sylvia was already aware of Steve's behavior but was never able to talk to him about it because he never had time for anything... as soon as Steve tries to make up a ridiculous excuse that he was "still prescribing hugs" but Sylvia knew the whole truth and just He told him the phrase.... _“I know what you're trying to do, I'm not stupid, I gave birth to you.” implying that he will not stop with all the work he achieved in his world and that he will continue to magnify and expand his company until he achieves a good future for himself...
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THE SMALL FAMILY IN MY AU _composed of his mother Sylvia (a chanax employee/lawyer), Stefan (a grandfather who is a former teacher and translator) and Sekani (an immigrant grandmother who went to Canada)
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steve small's maternal grandparents
_all designs were made by me, thank you very much for reading and seeing my content :3
x/twitter: @yommyday10
#fanart #tawog #TheAmazingWorldOfGumball #au #family #mrsmall #stevesmall #fc
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thursdaygrl · 1 month
i just added a lot of newbies and i'm itching to use them so i can see who i wanna keep. so, like for a one liner from one or a few, i'll come to you for who! list under the cut, this time with all info i have on them listed for ease of access but it's a little long, sorry.
crash cross, 32, straight, he/him, james marsters fc / drummer with a very slight substance abuse problem, he promises. will destroy himself for a good time. good at heart but bad in action. 
cricket farrow, 26, bisexual, she/her, mallory bechtel fc / former child star and ‘kid detective’ who worked with her famous father solving fake cases until the show was cancelled when she was twelve. crashed out in her teens and got it back together in time for college, kind of. had enough money to go but nothing left afterwards. aspiring journalist trying to get her foot in the door with what little nepotism she can still access now that her dad is a washed up famous detective turned unemployed asshole. her mother, still a producer for other exploitative shows, never calls and she prefers it that way. 
davie choi, 28, lesbian, she/her, jeon jong-seo fc / formerly a brainwashed contract killer. now being hunted down by the company that made her impossible to kill.
gisela meyer, 23-50, bisexual, she/her, madchen amick fc / witch who runs a little store in new orleans. adoptive mother to a group of younger witches that make up her coven. played at a number of ages depending on what best suits the plot, more tba.
heidi laslow, eternally 30, bisexual, she/her, rebecca breeds fc / tiny but feisty vampire. turned in the seventies when she was protesting and travelling around with her boyfriend at the time. her morals have waned a little over time, but she’s as good as she can be. 
january visoka, 23/42, lesbian, she/her, eliza dushku fc / law student in her younger verse. lawyer in her older. can be played as either, more tba. 
jeremy oliphant, 35, straight, he/they, kyle gallner fc / librarian in a small town. lover of true crime and cryptids. always investigating something and always doing it alone. always trying to quit smoking. 
josephine van wyck (nee painter), 22/50, bisexual, she/her, jennifer connelly fc / small town girl turned model figuring herself out in her younger verse. bored housewife looking to dominate those she cheats on her husband with in her older verse. emotionally closed off, quiet unless she has something important to say. 
kellan mills, 27, straight, he/him, dylan sprouse fc / mechanic. occasional getaway car driver, but he always says those days are over. general dumbass. 
maude catlett, 35, bisexual, she/her, maya erskine fc / romance novelist who writes the kind of explicit scenes she’d probably never actually take part in. a bit of a recluse, really. 
molly thaxton, 37, lesbian, she/they, lily gladstone / construction worker. in night school to eventually start her own business. grew up surrounded by men, but ended up quiet rather than rowdy. 
oscar sato, 48, straight, he/him, hideaki ito fc / businessman, owner of a number of las vegas nightclubs. perpetual bachelor and occasional sugar daddy. 
raphael baker, 34, straight, he/him, sinqua walls fc / app developer. made enough money to take care of himself and his whole family, so now he doesn’t know what to do with himself. more awkward than he looks. 
rochelle yue, 29/52, bisexual, she/her, lucy liu fc / heiress, can be played in her younger or older verse. more tba. 
sylvia ‘six’ minami, 27, lesbian, she/her, devon aoki fc / criminal, former and still occasional street racer. works for a boss she resents. '
vienna laurendeau, 25, bisexual, she/her, zaria simone fc / former ballerina, current postgrad student. possesses an almost sociopathic work ethic. intense, manipulative, beautiful. likes to come across as old money in her aesthetic, but her parents just got lucky when she was a kid. she’s determined to never let go of that luck. 
yessica vidal, 21, bisexual, she/her, maia reficco fc / college student. reckless party girl. sweet at heart but her impulse control is always at a zero. 
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endofradio · 2 months
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“walls have ears. doors have eyes. trees have voices. beasts tell lies. beware the rain. beware the snow. beware the man you think you know.”
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Andrew was always a bit of a mysterious person, carrying a troubled past with him. He was born an only child in a particularly shitty neighborhood in New York, with two alcoholic drug addicts for parents. Growing up, he would always witness them fighting, and as he got older, Andrew had to sort of be his own parent.
After graduating high school (which he excelled at academically), Andrew decided that he wanted to work in law enforcement, perhaps influenced by his tough upbringing. He went to college to obtain a degree in criminal justice, and then went ahead to enroll in a police academy. When he joined the ranks of the NYPD, Andrew quickly earned the respect of his colleagues for his high intelligence. Thanks to his stoic, monotonous demeanor, he was perceived as an intimidating figure, but… he was actually a good person.
Well, until he befriended Adam Barrett.
The two of them got to know each other while working as vice detectives, with Adam being what Andrew would consider his only friend. It was the same for Adam — Andrew was his only friend, at least the only person that Adam considered a friend. One could say that Andrew wasn’t the same person after becoming friends with him.
When Andrew and Adam started getting to know each other, Andrew took notice of the fact that he was definitely more of a morally ambiguous kind of person. When the two of them were working with each other during investigations, Andrew found his behavior intriguing. When dealing with criminals, Adam seemed to be fascinated by them just like Andrew, but in a… darker sense. When the pair were working undercover, Adam didn’t hesitate to dabble in a little criminal behavior himself. Eventually, it got to the point where he’d offer to let criminals go if they gave him a little something in return. It seemed like each day, Adam’s behavior grew increasingly questionable, and his morals became more corrupt. The more time the two spent dealing with criminals, the more Adam realized that he found lawfulness boring. He started to grow unsatisfied with working as a detective, finding himself sympathizing more with the people he was supposed to be arresting.
Understandably, Andrew became concerned. He had decided to join law enforcement with the intention of protecting people, not whatever the hell Adam had going on in his mind. It became more and more apparent that he was only in it for the power, not keeping the streets of New York clean.
When Adam wasn’t working as a detective, he was a part-time criminal himself, something that Andrew didn’t find out until the two of them were given the task to investigate Lazar. Now that he had Andrew as a friend, Adam saw the opportunity to try and persuade him to switch sides. He was a smart man, able to see right through Andrew. In a sense, he knew the man better than Andrew knew himself.
Investigating Lazar seemed to open some kind of metaphorical Pandora’s box, and Andrew wasn’t the same after that. The both of them became associated with him somehow, and it seemed to complicate their friendship. He took an interest in Adam’s interactions with a new inmate — Sylvia Halford. Sylvia had been on Lazar’s radar due to her history with a particular associate of his, Charlie, and it seemed that Adam was getting a little too friendly with her. Whatever was going on, Andrew took note of it. Even after Sylvia left the jail, Adam would talk to him about her in a rather “fond” way, and it had Andrew wondering…
Not long later, the pair abandoned their lives as detectives in New York, moving to Massachusetts and deciding to fully immerse themselves in the criminal world. Andrew in particular became involved with drugs and violence, ending up as a hitman. One night, he decided to snitch on Adam to Lazar about his little “crush” on Sylvia, and after that… well, Andrew and Adam quit being friends. Andrew didn’t want anything to do with him anymore, and it seemed the same for Adam. The times they did see each other, it was, well… awkward. Perhaps Adam just got tired of Andrew.
Fast forward to a while later, and Andrew had decided to try and start his life all over. He didn’t want anything to do with Lazar’s criminal underworld anymore, but it was clear that his former life had left its mark on him. Now, he was lonely, drinking and doing drugs… just like his parents. Little did he know that Adam — now Frank — and Sylvia had ended up in a kidnapping mission, and it turned out that Sylvia had been dragged into it not only because of her connection to Lazar, but also Frank. Andrew’s words had come back to bite him in the ass… and that was how he and Frank crossed paths again.
Upon returning to his apartment after the whole mess to nurse Sylvia back to health, Frank called Andrew on the phone, clearly pissed off. He didn’t care that Frank was angry at him. In fact, he had been expecting it. A few days later, Andrew encountered Sylvia while she was hanging out at a park. After learning that she had been staying with Frank for the past few days, Andrew had an idea. Perhaps he and Frank could try and make amends, maybe even become friends again. And so, at Andrew’s request, Sylvia brought him back to Frank’s apartment. Surprisingly, Frank didn’t seem to be enraged with Andrew anymore. The two of them ended up reconnecting, which would prove to be a very bad idea.
And so, it was back to old times, the two of them returning to being the fucked-up duo that they had once been.
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roxannepolice · 8 months
This could be a seperate one shot to dismiss for being too long? But I really, really wanted the Master to do something... well, beneficial to others, not exactly selfless... so I ended up throwing in Cthulhu on Premiere League finals (bless John Simm and his love for Manchester United)
London's streets were oddly empty, even for the standards of Premier League's finals (Manchester United vs. Liverpool FC). The Tesco cashier hardly looking up from their phone while checking him out was a bit odd, but well. Maybe the match was really good, the Doctor thought, walking happily towards Temple-Nobles' house. It was good for humans to transfer their needs of competition and presitge on something as fundamentally harmless as sport, he supposed. Watching people turning everything into art was always a pleasure. Maybe the Doctor would even sit down in front of the telly for the last few minutes. He didn't really care much for football, but quality game was quality game. He wondered if Donna, Rose and Sylvia were watching, too, if it was that good. Shaun and the Master were watching anyway, that was sure.
Things between the Doctor and the Master were... good, these past few months since Donna's birthday. Him developing an interest for something as non-hostile as football was just the tip of the iceberg. The not talking treatment the Doctor was getting at first was definitely gone, the two of them became Rose's sculptures primary reviewers, and maybe they weren't holding hands while out shopping, but shopping together they did. And neither of them ever acknowledged it, but each time they needed to sleep, the other would surreptitiously crawl into the other's bed, only to continue not ackowledging it in the morning. On one memorable occasion, which involved Shaun heading out for a "boys and boys-presenting only" weekend trip, Donna crawled in between them, too, and woke up very much not eaten or otherwise injured.
So yes, things were good.
- So, what's the result? - the Doctor asked cheerfully no one in particular as he entered the house. No one, in particular or general, answered.
- That intense? - he spoke again, this time to Shaun, expected, and Rose and Sylvia, unexpected, glued to the TV screen. They all shushed him, without so much as a glance. The Doctor frowned and turned to the screen as well.
- And now, after the ad break, we return to what the Internet has already dubbed the Lovecraft Finals - the speaker stated from the BBC studio. The Doctor frowned even harder. - To remind all our respected viewers, during the Premier League final match between Manchester United and Liverpool FC, a giant antropomorphic octopus appeared on the pitch and ate one of assitant referees-
- What?!!! - the Doctor exclaimed, and was again shushed by Temple-Nobles.
- - leaving the referee Evelyn Bhait to try an get the situation under control.
The speaker and his studio was replaced by a video of a giant, if somewhat transluscent, antropomorphic octopus emerging in the middle of the football pitch, and picking up one of linesmen and shoving them into its tentacled mouth. A loud shriek was followed by a whole stadium of camera flashes. The creature then garbled out some noises that could only be described as "something between bubbles and a tsunami" and stretched its hands - and wings - to the sky.
- Why isn't anyone doing anything?!!!! - the Doctor exclaimed, getting Shaun and Rose to groan in irritation and move closer to the telly, but at least Sylvia was as outspoken as ever.
- They are doing something, you know! - the old woman chastised him. - Security even tried to evacuate the stadium, but no one in the audience would move until the match is over. Can't say I blame them, this looks like an obvious trick by Liverpool*, better to watch until the end. Also, the referee tried to show that thing a red card, except she can't until she knows its name... And of course, they need to find another assistant referee... And time for my Finish Line is in just seven minutes!
*At 67th minute, when the creature appeared, Liverpool was loosing 2:3.
- WHAT?! - the Doctor exclaimed even louder. This was usually the point where he would give some well-meaning in a long run criticism of human nature, but he had a strange feeling this had less to do with human nature than British culture.
- Breaking news! - the speaker announced - With UNIT technology, it was possible to translate what the AO - you get it, AO? - he winked - has said!
The screen was filled with unmoving spikes on top and a moving dot on the bottom.
- I am Cthulhu, the Great One - a robotic voice followed the dot - and I have been summoned by your excitement and frustration! I shall now feast upon them until I become whole again and end the reign of human on the planet that is rightfully mine and my bretheren's!
The speaker reappeared on the screen.
- With that terrific news, I now connect you to Jill, our pitch correspondent! - the screen got divided between the studio speaker and a live correspondent.
- Thank you, James! - the correspondent, Jill, stated - Yes, this is terrific news, indeed, as now referee Bhait can finally show Cthuhlu its due red card, and there she isssss, whistling at the creature with a red card!
The screen was now showing a dark skinned athletic woman jogging with a whistle in her mouth and a red card in her hand. A bar reading "Cthulhu" now appeared at the bottom, with a red square soon following.
- But what is that?!!!!! - Jill shouted. - The AO, great name, James, seems unbothered and is nowhere near leaving the pitch! In fact - AAAA! - it's picking up referee Bhait and bringing her close to its mouth!...
- WON'T ANYBODY DO ANYTHING?!!!! - the Doctor yelled and looked around for the TARDIS. She wasn't there in the garden. - Where's my TARDIS? - he followed with a note of panic in his voice. And then he realised something else. - Where's Donna?! WHERE'S THE MASTER?!!!!
Rose only shushed him again and pointed to the screen while placing a crisp in her mouth. A thrumming noise was barely audible.
- But the day's surprises are not over yet, James! What is that, a police box?! - Jill exclaimed as the TARDIS materialized on the pitch of London Stadium. The door flung open. - Another two unwarranted people enter the pitch! It's a... a redhead in a bathrobe! And mud mask! And a short, round faced man in Manchester colours and a hoodie! - Jill continued, while the Doctor wailed to no one's notice. - They are carrying megaphones! And the redhead has some kind of... remote control? Can't tell from here, play the sounds from the pitch, James!
The correspondent's too calm, all things considered, commentary was replaced first by the shouts of the audience, frantic whistling of the referee, and bubbling noises of Cthulhu, and then by a voice which could only belong to the Master.
- Hey, you there, squid face! Cooee! - the Time Lord (in Rose's handmade bunny slippers) was shouting through the megaphone, taking Cthulu's attention away from the terrified referee in its grasp. - Yes, down here, you giant waste of emotional energy! Listen here. I am the Master, and I. want. to. finish. watching. my. Premier League. finals!
- And I am Donna Noble! - Donna's voice yelled through the other megaphone. - And I don't give a damn about football, but my mom wants to watch her favourite quiz show and you're disrupting BBC's schedule!
The AO let out a series of bubbling noises.
- Yeah, yeah, I get it! Admire, if anything! But pick some other time! Winter Olympics, they're boring as *BEEP* - BBC's vulgarities muting mechanism was apparently working well.
Another series of bubbling noises.
- Oh yeah?! Well - the Master produced a corresponding series of bubbling noises, which was fortunate for all the audience, but unfortunate for the Doctor who did not cover his ears in time to avoid the TARDIS translating what the Time Lord said. Suffice to say, it involved Cthulhu's mother.
Cthulhu roared, and for a moment it lost all of its transluscence as it shoved towards Donna and the Master.
- Now, Donna! - the Master yelled and Donna directed the "remote control" towards the eldritch creature. In a moment, it shrunk until it was slightly smaller than the ball beside it. The stadium roared as the two humanoid figures embraced each other like football players after a goal. The Doctor let out a breath he didn't realise he was holding.
- Oh my Lord in heavens, did you see that, Jill?!!! - James yelled from the studio, which erupted in its own share of joyful roars.
- Yes, I did see that, James! Cthulhu has been turned into a pet squid! - Jill answered as, at the corner of the screen, Donna picked the creature up into a fishbowl. The Master was doing a triumphant jog around the pitch, ending in an equally triumphant fall on his knees, arms spread wide, while cameras were flashing. Jill and, apparently, the cameraperson, ran towards Donna before she could reach the TARDIS. - Ms? Hey, ms! - the correpondent shouted. - Could you tell us a bit about what just happened?
- What? Oh, yes - Donna placed the aquarium carefully on the grass and turned to the stabilized camera. - Is my hair alright? - she turned to the correpondent, apparently not caring for the dry greenish brown mud on her face.
- Yes, it looks great! But what just happened?!
- Well, the Ma- I mean my friend's friend Harry, was watching the match with my husband, Shaun - hello, dear! - she waved to the camera and Shaun waved back, laughing - were watching the match. I never cared much for football myself, but, boys will be boys as they say, but suddenly they both started yelling, that is yelling louder than usual, so I come into the living room, and there's this giant squid on the pitch, talking about how she's going to feast on people's emotions, but the Ma- Harry won't have it, Manchester was winning, thank you very much - Shaun is for Liverpool, by the way - and so he drags me to the TA- the disappearing police box over there, because he can't fly it, you see, the Do- my friend John biolocked it against him, and says "get us over there!" and see, my mom wanted to watch the Finish Line at the usual hour, so of course I agreed, won't let some stupid football match change her schedule! and he keeps talking about the stupid Sensorite ruining his fun and picks up the tissue compresor and two megaphones, and I'm like "but I know of Sensorites, they're very peaceful!" and he goes "and Time Lords are very not into football, yet here we are" - Donna's imitation of the Master would have to be kept hidden away from him for all eternity - and I say, "so Cthulhu, he's like a renegade Sensorite?" and he's like "she's like a renegade Sensorite, yes", so I go, "she?", and he says "yes, she, what, do you also think she was talking in only one modality?", and I say nothing, so he scoffs and goes "these things feed on emotions, so no wonder she got attracted to a Premier League final match, what with all the remote ways to watch it you now have, but she's still technically dead, so she first needs to suck in all that excitement to become corporal, so the plan is, we piss her off just enough for her to become tangible and blast her with the good old tissue compressor and voila, a pet eldrich squid! You handle the compressor, BUT DON'T BREAK IT, I know how to piss off Sensorites better than you", and I say "hang on, but doesn't that thing kill things?", and he goes "much as it would please me to put you in the moral dilemma of choosing between the whole of your species and an eldritch squid from another planet, ms Noble-", he's a right bastard, make no mistake, "- I'm afraid not. She's not exactly alive, waits dreaming or whatever, so my baby will only make her very, very small, but still as alive as the emotion goo can keep you alive. Then just put her in a teleempathy-proof fishbowl" - here he produced one - "and Rose will have a pokemon she won't even have to feed!", hello, Rose, you're getting a pet! - Donna picked up the aquarium with a rather angry but very much alive Cthlulhu, the Now-Not-Exactly-Great One, and Rose waved back, and whistled with her fingers.
The Doctor didn't even want to guess what his face was doing. Probably something similar to Jill's, but for different reasons.
- Uuuuhhhh, ok, right, thank you, ms Noble, that explains everything, but what is this?! - the correspondent turned to something she was more familiar with. - The referee is showing a yellow card to the Master! He took off his shirt, so it seems right, but he's not happy about it!
The screen was now showing a, indeed, shirtless Master arguing with the referee while she tried to calm him down. A bar at the bottom now read "Harold Ansox", followed by a yellow square. The Time Lord was very much not having it, but Donna ran over and tried to deescalate the situation, just like a fellow club member calming another down. The Master added some muted yells and obscene gestures, but allowed himself to be dragged to the TARDIS by Donna. By the end he was even making friendlier gestures at the audience. Once the two of them, along with Cthulhu the Pet Squid, were on board, the ship dematerialized.
- Well, that sure was exciting! - James was saying with somewhat unusual excitement in the BBC studio. - But what is that? Referee Bhait is ending the match!!! A rematch will be due soon, but for now the match is over! The members of both teams are exstatic! Hugging one another, club or no club! This, ladies, gentlemen, and variations thereof, is what football is about! Competition, but with respect and love! I think we should almost thank Cthulhu for reminding us of this! Take it over, Alex!
- Yes, a lovely picture - a disinterested voice droned. - We thank all the viewers of BBC for being with us on this fantastic occasion. But now, for some competition completely void of respect and love - The Finish Line! After the ad break, of course.
Sylvia clapped her hands in joy at the news her favourite quiz show would start on schedule, after all, while in the garden the TARDIS materialized. Donna was first to appear in the door, but was carefully carrying a fishbowl with a renegade Sensorite inside, so she got pushed aside by the Master.
- Oi, watch it! - she shouted, while Cthulhu clutched onto small rocks for last bits of her dignity.
- Oi, watch it yourself! - the Master shouted back and strolled quickly to the telly. - And what the fuck is that? - he asked at the sight of a man explaining why the tampons he uses are better than others.
- The ad break! - Sylvia informed cheerfully. - I really must thank you, I can't stand it when The Finish Line is off schedule! - the old woman turned to the screen and turned off her hearing aid, just in case.
The Doctor ran over to Donna once she put down Cthulhu, the Great One, and hugged her tight.
- Are you alright? - he asked while the Master was raging at the telly and threatening referee Bhait with being eaten for dinner.
- Yeah, yeah, I'm fine - she answered, and didn't even have the good sense to sound relieved. She pulled away from him and smiled brightly. - Guess you had a point, he makes a good show if nothing else.
The unnamed Time Lord in question stormed by them, still shouting that he's going back and eating that damn referee, can share with Cthulhu if she really wants, but so help him Rassilon, Manchester was winning, and Donna snorted.
- Better go after him, you know.
The Doctor swallowed, nodded, and followed the other Time Lord into the TARDIS.
- I don't give a fuck about your biolocks! - the Master was yelling at the console, still in the Manchester United hoodie and bunny slippers. - You are taking me back there or I'll turn you into a paradox machine again!
The TARDIS remained unmoved by the Master's threats while the Doctor closed the door and crossed the ramp towards the console at a steady but brisk pace. He grabbed the Master's arm firmly.
- Well, guess what- what, no I was just threatening her, you know I even can't do any of- that Master was cut off as the Doctor pressed him hard to his chest, burying his face in the other's shoulder. Centuries of pain, years of bliss, and now this. He never felt happier in his long, long life.
- I'm also not actually going to eat that stupid referee, just scare her a bit-
- I love you - the Doctor said, just loud enough to sound firm. The Master tried to jerk away.
- OK, that's too much, I will just bribe her if that's what you want-
- Stop it. I love you.
The Master went still. Unnaturally still. His arms were stiff along his body. The Doctor didn't care. He hugged him tighter.
- No, you don't.
- Yes, I do.
- Liar.
- Not now.
- Take it back - the Master almost wailed and succeeded in pushing himself away from the Doctor enough to look at his face. The other Time Lord allowed it, but still held him firm. There was something resembling fear in the Master's face.
- I won't. I never will - the Doctor cupped the Master's face gently, while his other hand remained steadfast on his waist.
- You're only saying this because I did something nice! - the younger - much, much younger - Time Lord squeeked.
- Yes, but no - the Doctor smiled, brushing his thumb again the salt-and-pepper goatee. - Yes, it is hard for me to say. But I mean always. I love you - he repeated, lowering his hand to now hold the back of the Master's head. There were tears in both of the Time Lords' eyes, but only one would ever admit to them. - I love you, truly and deeply. Now and always. Over whatever you've done or will do - the Doctor swallowed, as a flash of ruined Gallifrey appeared in his mind - I love you.
The Master swallowed.
- I'm not saying it back - he spat, his voice defiant despite the wetness.
- You don't have to.
- I hate you - the Master spat again, though it sounded like he meant the opposite. Or not the opposite. Just the negation. The same force in the other direction.
- I know - the Doctor murmured and gently pressed against the back of his best enemy's head.
The foreheads met first and they both gasped softly. Connecting in thoughts was one thing. They had to do it for exams with all sorts of people who had little interesting to share. Connecting in feelings, quite another.
Their lips touched in a stupid, romanticized remnant of mammal parents passing chewed food into their offsprings' mouths. The Master's hands became flexible enough to touch the Doctor's back, unsure at first, but then grabbing like onto a lifebuoy. The kiss oscilated between passionate and gentle, angry and loving, playful and dead serious, and neither of them wanted to end it.
The lighting in the console room became warmer. The jukebox turned on of its own accord.
I tried to find her cause I can't resist her I never knew just how much I missed her Sorrow, sorrow...
- Oooh, damn that stupid ship of yours!!! - the Master groaned, but didn't really pull away.
The Doctor only laughed, and again pressed his temple to the other Time Lord's. The Master did not pull away. Not for the life of him, this or any other.
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fischerfrey · 5 months
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hp riddle era; sylvia "sylvie" finch
sylvie is an orphan who was taken in by the landlord of the three broomsticks inn as a child. born in april, 1927, she attends hogwarts and was sorted into hufflepuff. she's curious about her birthparents and ends up in the middle of a mystery trying to find out more about them...
fc: zofia wichłacz
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armanicatherina · 6 months
when did you join ? what made you join ? what do you remember from the plotlines that were current at the time ? where were you in life when you joined and where are you now ?
i want to say i first joined chambordrp in 2014 ? it didn't last too long but the group made a comeback in 2015 and i'm so so grateful that it did. admin m had asked me to join the admin team ( of just herself ) to help her with some ( hideous, i'm sure ) graphics, and here i am, this many years later ! back then, i was a baby high school student, procrastinating my assignments because my rp partners were waiting on a reply. at the time, the group was a hot mess, and the most serious plots were angsty exes and besties who had a falling out. i'd joined with some iteration of armani with a cara delevingne fc which is still so wild to me bc that will forever be gaia to me. i was going through my inbox and do you guys remember when we used to plot in our inboxes ?? i literally have asks from viveka-b from 2015 and i can't believe how far we've come.
which characters have you written over the years ?
oh goddd... armani, beatriz, a chris wood fc who's name i can't remember for the life of me, a maia mitchell, a zoey deutch, kostya, kseniya ( i still can't believe i played my own cousin 💀 ), jelani and ines... and liselotte, my samke baby <3
what is your favourite plotline that you've been part of ?
anything romanov-related i've felt so lucky to be a part of ! so much so, that i needed two whole romanovs to play with. the poisoning of alexei / roman v milena plotline had a grip on me, even though my roles were so miniscule. i'm copying answers here but i will always have a soft spot for viani. they've come so far from that six-way thread where evy and martha had to rp with themselves. ani has always been my little guilty pleasure character and i'm so glad that martha felt similarly enough for us to be able to bring them back and close their chapter. it's their two year anniversary soon, i'm in shambles.
what about other people's plotlines ?
you already KNOW i'm a sucker for ships. samke is forever my otp, i sometimes forget that femkris was a thing ?? my eyes were glued whenever we got new farnauld or annexei content. if i could list out every single hshqship here, i would. i love love <3
who is your favourite character from the ones you've played ? why ? what made you love them ? what made them so fun to write ?
i've had a surprising lot of fun playing jelani, which i really hadn't expected when he was first born, with a reece king fc. it's been so entertaining to write someone so unapologetically messy and i think what i loved most about writing with him was how easy it was to have chem with other characters. jelani and aurel were so easy, i love my brotp. jelstrid and jelimpia will always have a place in my heart. i also can't not say armani. she's not a character with too much depth but she was always a character that i could come back to for something light-hearted and one that i feel like i've grown up with. i just love the oranje-nassaus so much. not a character, but it was so much fun being a part of the gossip blog. it was so unserious and i used to read back on some of the answers and laugh at how funny everyone is.
if you could relive a plotline, which would it be ?
not exactly a plotline but every event has been so fun, even when we'd thought they'd get repetitive. the points games, the auction event, the murder mystery. i loved how involved everyone would get, both ic and ooc. you guys have kept this group so fresh and interesting.
is there a plotline that you'd edit now if you could ?
not at all.
what's a plotline you wish you would have been able to finish before closing or just write more of ?
i wish i'd gotten more time with invente ! i'm so glad that i was naomi'd into bringing ines. i had great big shoes to fill after sylvia but i had such a fun time writing ines and i'm glad i'd gotten the chance. writing fanni x ines threads really helped me better understand her character and i wish i had more time to explore her more.
what is your favourite ooc memory ?
i'm going to ditto martha and say battling the crazy muns. i know i've just written paragraphs on paragraphs about how big a part this rp has been to me but,,, we've had our fair share of crazies ! i'm glad we could all laugh about it after. the admin snapchat group with eve and evy will also have a special place in my heart. you probably don't remember but i vividly remember us all sending each other voice notes and being shocked by each other's accents ??? i was so skeptical about discord at first but i'm so glad i joined. it's made every event and each bit of drama so much juicier and it's given me the chance to get to know u all better. serre loves me so much, she sent me donuts for valentine's day last year and i'm still emo abt it
where can others find you if they want to get in touch ?
discord ! i might check this blog every once in a while but i think it's time for me to finally let tumblr rest.
what else would you like to say ?
i've said a few things here but this honestly feels so bittersweet to me. the dash has been dead for a little bit now but i've, quite honestly, still been checking it daily, hoping there'll be a little something new for me to read and hold onto. i really never would have imagined that a group of fictional royals would have had such a grip on me. each character was so fleshed out that i couldn't help but feel invested in all these stories and now that it's time for the group to close, i'm hit with the fact that i have to say goodbye to so many characters i've watched grow, but also a community that i've grown up around. my writing has improved drastically over the years and it's a testament to the sheer talent of the people in this group. every single member of this group over the years has been so instrumental in the worldbuilding and it's so crazy to look at hshq and remember that it all stemmed from a rich kids rp. i've said it to e and evy but this group is honestly legendary, in our obscure little community. not just in longevity but the rise of model fcs and medium gifs in the rpc definitely started here ! you guys are so so talented and it's been such a privilege to be a part of it. if your muse ever strikes, i hope you'll write a thread or two here. i've yet to read the final chapters popping up on my dash – i'm still in denial and i'm not ready to let these characters go. i don't want to sound too sappy and dramatic, but what we had here was truly rare. i adore you all and i hope we stay in touch <3
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artistaforever · 7 months
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xsylcuenco · 1 year
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Sylvia Ingrid Cuenco-Burke
Playing Next: 🎶
Crazy Kids by Kesha [x]
Buzzin by shwayze [x]
About Us by Brooke Hogan [x]
tw: drug abuse
Sylvia was the first character I created for this group. If you’ve known me for a long time, you know that I’ve used Vanessa as an FC for almost 15 years, so it started with an FC choice. I then built the character around that selection. Sylvia is very loosely inspired by Vanessa’s character Candy in Spring Breakers. You know, minus the homicidal tendencies. More just the party girl who can’t turn down trouble aspect. I wanted Sylvia to have had a, albeit much scaled down, history of getting into trouble.
Sylvia quickly became someone who was desperate to get her life together, though notorious for getting in her own way. A college drop out with a history of legal trouble and in need of a stint or two in rehab, nothing screamed middle child more. That was when her family was built around her. Something about Sylvia becoming the middle child later in life, simply clicked for me. That was how she ended up with her older brother being close in age but her younger sister being a near decade younger. Then came her parents, a well respected teacher and nurse respectively. It made sense that her parents had to be at least well-liked enough to get her out of trouble countless times over in Merrock for Sylvia to make it to UCLA, only for that move across the country to become an even more disastrous life decision. It would be after her return to her hometown, years into trying her damnest to become the responsible adult her parents wanted her to be, even if it were in her own way, that we would meet her. An additional influence to the development of her family was the fact that Vanessa is Filipino and I personally spent a substantial part of my life living with my Filipino relatives, just making it easier to relate to Sylvia’s upbringing to an extent.
As far as Sylvia’s interests go, I borrowed Vanessa’s love of all things spooky, horror, and Halloween. I too love the darker side of life and it just made sense for the girl who loves transforming others to love a holiday all about becoming someone else for a night. And may or may not be a witch. Her entire gothic home aesthetic is just my dream home.
Another large part of Sylvia’s story is her sexuality. This was largely inspired by my high school experience watching one of my closest friends be the only out bisexual, at the time where everyone simply regarded it as experimentation on your way back to heterosexuality. I, in modern day, choose not to label my sexuality, though back then and to this day I admire my friend’s confidence being publicly out and proud in the social environment of 2006. As far as her love life goes, Sylvia is quick to fall easily leading to relationships crashing and burning. Currently, it is for the first time in her life that she is making a conscious effort to allow herself time to get to know someone before falling in love. This has led to jokes and complaints here and there about loneliness as it is the longest time since teenhood she hasn’t been attached to someone. Though she knows that her attempt is in an effort to find a healthy relationship for once, she definitely isn’t opposed to a fun time in the meantime.
Additional inspiration was the late 2000s myspace scene queen wannabes that I grew up with. Let’s be real, if any of my characters can still recite crunkcore songs word for word it’s this bitch. And I mean that lovingly. I had plenty of friends to pull inspo from in this regard as the crowd I ran with in at that time was pretty much a bunch of Sylvias. Think somewhere between Snooki and Melissa Marie from the Millionaires. Who more appropriate to be the one who’s bedroom everyone got their hair bleached at at 15?
Following that idea, opening her hair salon was to be Sylvia’s saving grace, keeping her busy enough to stay out of trouble for the time being. However, she lives in the shadow of being the family disappointment and it’s never too far of a memory that the self sabotaging behavior creeps up from time to time, always lurking just under the surface.
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starwrittenfates-a · 1 year
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I love the Real Life FC's I've chosen for Dettlaff and Syanna! It is absolute *chiefs kiss* 👌👌
Richard Armitage as Dettlaff van der Eretein Katie McGrath as Sylvia "Syanna" Anna
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xjaylahopkins · 1 year
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Jayla Kimberly Hopkins
Playing Next: 🎶
Dime Store Cowgirl by Kacey Musgraves [x]
ceilings by Lizzy McAlpine [x]
Daydream by Tori Kelly [x]
tw: anxiety, panic disorder
Jayla was created as almost a foil to Sylvia. Where Sylvia had a chaotic personality and backstory, Jayla became the responsible, straight edge, slightly naive, mom friend of the younger crowd. Jayla’s backstory was built around making her a shy, anxiety ridden child who had grown into a less shy, slightly less anxious yet extremely independent young woman. Her focus has always been academics, instilled strongly by her parents. Her love of learning, became a love of teaching. Children’s librarian just made sense.
Though the mom friend of the friend group, she is still the youngest of my bunch and therefore she can also the one regarded as having the least life experience. Especially in love. She isn’t particularly interested in forcing a romantic or sexual connection with anyone. Crushes, sure, but it isn’t a priority. She pretty happily lives a life of quiet routine, not in any rush to depart from her happy place of cultural work, books, nature, animals, volunteer work and food.
Knowing I wanted an FC on the younger side, I also wanted to bring in an indigenous FC. Amber was my first pick, actually aging her up a bit still. I wanted to make sure to break some unsavory stereotypes others may fall into with indigenous characters, making her a well educated child of married professionals, who always kept out of trouble of her own accord. My character with the most stable of upbringings, thus far. However ‘City Native’ she is, she had to be proudly connected to her heritage and community. In came her hometown, her time spent on her reservation, her beading business, being both a jingle and fancy shawl dancer, and most importantly her advocacy for her community. Having loved ones of similar ancestry to Amber, Jayla provides me with the chance to share parts of Lakota culture in a medium which in my experience generally has little indigenous representation.
Jayla also allows me the opportunity to connect to my nerdy, more book smart side, as I share her love for academia. As someone who has degrees in history, film, and education, all of those were wrapped together in Jayla. The volunteer work and being dubbed the ‘mom friend’ was also something borrowed from myself. Her loves of hiking, horseback riding, and country music on the other hand were borrowed from my boyfriend, who has forced me to learn to enjoy in those with him over time lol
In all honesty, Jayla is probably the one most inspired by myself in personality as well. More specifically, my college self. She is as confident as she is anxious, though at a glance she’s a typical tomboy her hobbies equally cross over between what is considered ‘feminine’ and ‘masculine’, and overall she is just trying to make the most of her twenties having moved across the country for her career. Jayla is unapologetically herself, and I love that most about her.
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heartintact · 2 years
☆ muses !!
audrey flynn. 23-26, bisexual, chemistry student (alisha boe fc). former prom queen, people take turns for her to break their heart, still learning how to let go.
blair irvine. 25 - 28, bisexual, podcast creator (rachel sennott fc). born to be the center of attention, always the most suspicious person in the room, will lie for fun.
camille cain. 24- 27 (centuries old in some verses), she/her, bisexual, vampire in some verses (anya taylor joy fc). pure evil, will manipulate her way into getting what she wants, devotion that corrupts.
chloe prescott. 22-26, bisexual, personal assistant for a magazine / camgirl (sabrina carpenter fc). the glossiest of lipsticks, christmas sweater’s apologist, making others blush like it’s a hobby. 
elaine (lainey) bardot. 23-25, she/her, bisexual, professional tennis player (ella purnell fc). obsessed with winning, nothing she ever does is accidental, feelings are a liability. 
gemma harmon. 23 - 26, she/her, bisexual, coffeehouse waitress | alt modern day princess (jaz sinclair fc). sees the good in everything and everyone, doesn’t care about other people’s expectations, it’s hard for her to feel like she belongs.
iris reyes. 21-23, bisexual, film student | assistant to a movie director (jenna ortega fc). tiny but mean, wicked sense of loyalty, likes to play dirty.
jasmine alcott. 25-28, she/her, bisexual, chef (laura harrier fc). needs approval the same way others need air, just wants to take care of people, has cried tasting meals at least a dozen times.
juno faulkner. 24 - 27, she/her, bisexual (maddie phillips fc). aspiring actress | former theatre kid. wishes she could love people less, always gives a genuine reply whenever someone asks how her day was, lights up scented candles when she’s feeling stressed.
maude seong. 23 - 26, she/her, lesbian (london thor fc). journalist | writer of a “how to” column. doesn’t know how to stay still, small tattoos from every country she’s visited, tries to come across as mysterious but will become best friends with every girl she meets at the nightclub's bathroom.
olivia ‘liv’ harrington. 24 - 26, bisexual, english lit graduate (daisy edgar jones fc). read all the classics before it was cool, loves to doodle, lingerie no one sees.
stella alvarado. 21 - 23, bisexual, office assistant | cheer captain. (clara galle fc). trying to find fun in the middle of her 9-to-5, usually the last one to leave but just because she’s not that productive, scribbled notes as a love language.
sylvia gilmore. 23-25, lesbian, college student (reneé rapp fc). will judge everyone who crosses her way, has a thing for older women, your favorite mean girl.
vera salazar. 23 - 25, bisexual, singer/songwriter (nicole wallace fc). keeps every love letter she’s ever received, stays up at night thinking about what-ifs, will do her makeup in a moving car and will make it look great.
atlas dixon. 24 - 27, he/him, straight (asa germann fc). horror movie actor | aspiring director. dark circles under his eyes, can’t pretend to be interested when he’s not, gets into a lot of fights and loses most of them.
denver oakley. 26-30, he/him, straight, aspiring writer (logan lerman fc). dancing in the kitchen, getting in trouble because he’s always saying what he thinks, would die for you.
dylan bradshaw. 23-25, he/him, bisexual, english lit major | alt marketing assistant (mason gooding fc). a great shoulder to cry on but no one asks, will always offer if someone needs a place to stay, constantly misunderstood. 
graham munson. 25-29, he/him, bisexual, twitch video-game streamer (chris briney fc). deep down he means well but still manages to screw things up, the creator of one night stands, late night walks around the park. 
jonah mei. 26 - 29, he/him, bisexual, event promoter (derek luh fc). humor as a coping mechanism, won't tell anyone but he loves gardening, will make people fall in love with him just for sport.
logan brody. 26-29, he/him, bicurious, full-time trust fund asshole (dacre montgomery fc). million dollar smile, online shops when he’s bored, adrenaline and bad decisions. 
marcus powell. 40-44, he/him, straight, college teacher (ryan gosling fc). late nights out and very early mornings, the desperate need to be in control, thinks in metaphors. 
matthew novak. 30-33, he/him, straight, programmer (lucien laviscount fc). logical thinker, can’t admit when he’s wrong, ivy league. 
nathan craven. 27 - 31, he/him, bisexual, camp counselor (joe keery fc). the golden boy, afraid he peaked at high school, everyone's best friend.
shane ledger. 24-27, he/him, bicurious, will take literally any job if he needs to pay rent, will also hate every second of it (joseph quinn fc). guitar string scars on his hands, the town’s dealer, will-pull-at-your-pigtails-if-he-likes-you kind of guy.
steven warhol. 36-40, he/him, straight, politician | alt priest (andrew garfield fc). phone is always on less than 20%, following his family’s footsteps, charms his way through life.
fantasy muses (the olympians universe).
cassandra olson. she/her, bisexual. (sabrina carpenter fc/rain spencer fc). daughter of aphrodite. pomegranate juice, mischievousness personified, will put ribbons on everything.
conrad nye. he/him, bisexual. (drew starkey fc). son of poseidon. rebellious heart, will kill for you, rules don’t matter to him.
annika daulby. she/they, lesbian. (kaia geber fc). daughter of ares. shaking fists, sitting on the roof late at night, dark humor.
zion baxter. he/him, straight. (tom blyth fc). son of hermes. dealing with high expectations, trust issues, destined for greatness.
canon muses.
disclaimer: there's a preference to write them against other canon characters. while this is a work in progress, the following muses are available upon request:
marie moreau (gen v, jaz sinclair fc).
chad meeks-martin (scream, mason gooding fc).
tara carpenter (scream, jenna ortega fc).
tatum riley (scream, sydney sweeney fc).
kate carter (twisters, daisy edgar jones fc).
tyler owens (twisters, glen powell fc).
chrissy cunningham (stranger things, grace van dien fc).
carmen 'carmy' berzatto (the bear, jeremy allen white fc).
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vicklvndia · 2 years
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Nome: Eleanora Margareth Crow.
Idade: 27 anos.
Ocupação: estudante de medicina / selecionada de belcourt.
Orientação: Heterossexual.
Verse: seleção.
FC: Vitoria Strada.
Status: Ocupada.
˛ ⠀ ⋆ ⠀ ✶ ⠀ ⠀ ៹  Pinterest. ⊱
Meu sobrenome é Crow, como o pássaro, primeiro nome, Eleanora; e eu tinha vinte e seis anos quando me casei com Alexander Schreave, no dia 9 de novembro de 2412. Okay, isso ainda não aconteceu, mas aprendi com minha mãe que precisamos projetar nosso pensamento, e mantê-lo sempre positivo, para atrair que coisas boas aconteçam. E, ah, eu faço isso desde que tinha dez anos, preenchendo páginas e mais páginas no meu diário de casamento perfeito — entre exemplares de tecidos que posso usar no meu vestido de noiva, recortes de lugares que desejo passar minha lua-de-mel e detalhes sobre a decoração, existe também fotos de casais, cujos rostos foram substituídos pelo meu e o de Alex. Isso não é assim tão esquisito, certo? Para que eu não seja tão julgada sobre isso, vamos a minha não tão longa história:
Minha família e eu somos três por nascimento, mas se dependesse da administração que papai fazia do dinheiro, teríamos despencado algumas castas — quem sabe até a sete. Papai é o tipo de homem que gosta de marcar sua presença, ostentando com coisas que não lhe cabiam — para meu azar, tenho uma pequena tendência em fazê-lo também. Apesar disso, mamãe sempre manteve o equilíbrio, sendo a ajuizada de casa, e num movimento de sorte, conseguiu adentrar o palácio para servir a família real. Sylvia, aka mamãe, é veterinária, e depois de bastante esforço, conseguiu compor o quadro de funcionários da família real; deixamos nossa casa em Angeles quando eu mal sabia andar, para viver em aposentos de serviçais. Imagine que, para uma criança, era completamente mágico crescer dentro do palácio. Eu só precisava tomar cuidado para não ser notada, e, bem, era fácil passar despercebido, quando adultos pareciam ocupados demais cuidando de suas próprias vidas. Do meu lugar, acompanhando as camareiras pelos corredores, sempre curiosa sobre a vida dos outros no palácio, eu conseguia vislumbrar Alexander com seus tutores. Foi minha morada no palácio que me fez admirar o príncipe e, até mesmo, fantasiar com uma vida sendo princesa — ora, às vezes os filhos dos servos brincavam de teatro, e com roupas velhas da rainha Abby eu me fantasiava de um membro da realeza!
Foi na minha adolescência, depois de papai morrer de algum mal que atacou seu fígado — Maurice tinha a mania de ostentar com álcool, também — que mamãe conseguiu guardar dinheiro para abrir sua própria clínica veterinária. E então, fomos embora do palácio. Era maravilhoso ter o nosso próprio canto, sem sermos convocadas pelo badalar de sinos quando a realeza precisava de algo; mas também era péssimo não estar mais convivendo naquele meio. Mas mamãe dizia que seria melhor, e tentei me convencer disso, ao passo em que focava em meus estudos para me tornar médica.
Foi neste momento em que minha irmã mais nova, Katia, casou-se com um bombeiro. Eu fiquei feliz por ela, é claro, até ser lembrada de que, como a filha mais velha, eu deveria ter sido a primeira a me casar. Acredito que a ruga que carrego no meio das minhas sobrancelhas, tenha se originado desse estresse! Querendo compensar meu atraso em arrumar um casamento, com a elevação do status social, eu me inscrevi na seleção — era tudo o que eu poderia desejar, que o príncipe finalmente olhasse para mim como a mulher que sou; e não como a garotinha que outrora serviu em seu palácio.
Me esforço para ser, aparentemente, tudo o que a sociedade exige, e quer, de uma dama de minha idade e posição. Elegante, obediente e comportada, minha face social é perfeita, e tenho uma reputação imaculável — nunca me envolvi em escândalo algum, e quem diz que tem provas disso, está mentindo! Não costumo ir contra as imposições feitas a mim, muito pelo contrário, entendo desde nova que posso conquistar tudo o que desejar se agir da maneira correta. No entanto, por debaixo dos panos, posso ser um pouco inescrupulosa; não tenho medo de fazer o que seja necessário, contanto que não corra o risco de ser descoberta.
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sonotthedrama · 2 years
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Task #30 - SWYNRP Character Wishlist: A list of 10+ characters you’d like to see in the RP (for you to play or someone else!) I’ve also included some FC suggestions (maybe I’ll make a proper list but I really enjoyed this task).
1. Grace Tilly [x] (FC suggestions include: Eliot Salt, Nicola Coughlan & Raven Goodwin)
Love the idea of a character who has immunity against all spells and curses!
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2. Monique Fox [x] (FC suggestions include: Precious Mustapha, China Anne McClain & Lexi Underwood)
Would love to have another character from the Kim Possible universe!
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3. Bonnie Rockwaller [x] (FC suggestions include: Lana Condor, Camila Mendes & Alisha Boe)
Would love to have another character from the Kim Possible universe and possible school rival for Kim (seeing as they have the same gifted status)!
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4.  Vidia Wind-Whistler [x] (FC suggestions include: Elisha Applebaum, Sarah Jeffrey & Savannah Lee Smith)
Would love to see this fierce and outspoken fast-flying fairy on the dash!
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5. Sylvia Marpole [x] (FC suggestions include: Quinta Brunson, Troian Bellisario & Lucy Hale)
Still have a lot of love for her (even though I only played her for a little bit) and her magical artifact is so cool. Who wouldn’t love a pagemaster bookmark? I know I would!
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6. Ron Stoppable [x] (FC suggestions include: Froy Gutierrez, Owen Joyner & Jacob Dudman)
Would love to have another character from the Kim Possible universe and possible connection for Kim. Plus it’s Ron!
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7. Milo Thatch [x] (FC suggestions include: Matthew Gray Gubler, Andrew Garfield & Eddie Redmayne)
Still have a lot of love for Milo and maybe one day I’ll pick him up again, but I just think he has such a great story to tell!
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8. Maximillian Goof [x] (FC suggestions include: Charlie Gillespie, Jonathan Daviss & Xolo Maridueña)
Love a goofball type and would love to see Max on the dash!
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9.  Kovu Otieno [x] (FC suggestions include: Ncuti Gatwa, Mason Gooding & Kedar Williams-Stirling)
Would love to see this loveable rogue on the dash!
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10.  Penny Wiggins [x] (FC suggestions include: Zoe Coletti, Aimee Lou Wood & Saoirse-Monica Jackson)
Would love to see her on the dash!
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11.  Cornelia Hale [x] (FC suggestions: Hannah van der Westhuysen, Madelyn Cline & Emma Mackey)
Would love to see her on the dash!
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12.  Ashlé Boulet [x] (FC suggestions: (Simone Ashley, Alisha Boe & Ajiona Alexus)
Would love to see her join the other Ashleys on the dash!
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Now, here are some FCs I’d love to see in general! 
Arden Cho
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Vanessa Morgan
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Mimi Keene
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Jack Quaid
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Jensen Ackles
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Danny Griffin
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And I have many more but I’d be here forever listing them all so these will do for now!
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visitmerrock · 3 days
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Sylvia Cuenco-Burke (Vanessa Hudgens) is looking for their high school girlfriend!
WANTED CONNECTION: high school girlfriend
FOR CHARACTER(s): Sylvia Cuenco-Burke
REQUIREMENTS: female born between 1990-1992
WANTED DETAILS: sylvia’s first girlfriend ever. relationship would have taken place sometime between 2006-2009, dependent on age. open to adjusting exact timeline.   
CONTACT: @xsylcuenco ; yes please! would like to make sure timeline lines up
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