13agota · 13 hours
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13agota · 1 day
Here's a tiny little ficlet because I have nothing better to do with my Sunday except ignore research PowerPoints and precharting. It didn't fit in any other longer form stories, but I still like the idea, so it's landing on Tumblr. SFW (for once)!
Kaz leans his back against the dirty brick wall. They've stopped next to a light fixture and it's brighter than he's comfortable with. He turns his head so the brim of his hat will shade his face.
Inej's hood shields her features from the eyes of the few passerbys as she notes the crags in the alley walls. She confirms she'll be able to climb them for a job later this week.
When Inej turns back to him, the light clearly illuminates her face as it emerges from the cave of her hood. Her eyes are gleaming. Two glossy shards of amber that twinkle in the light of the streetlamp's flame.
Kaz knows that look. She wants to try.
A tilt of his head is all the permission she needs, and her lips meet his.
It's both a small thing and it's not. They've worked up to this point for months. These days they can manage a kiss in the street as if it's never left then shaking on opposite ends of a room. It feels like nothing short of a miracle, though Kaz acknowledges he has no business being involved with anything of the sort.
Inej leans into it, and Kaz squeezes the crow head of his cane to keep from touching her waist.
It's not smart to do this in public. Two people canoodling against a wall at this hour hardly earns the batting of an eyelash, but if they're recognized, it's too much risk. The night is about as deep as it gets and people are starting to get sloppy, but he doesn't need anyone spotting the two of them in what is technically Razorgull territory. Even as his lips part for her, he tracks a reveler as he stumbles over the cobblestones.
Inej pulls back. "Distracted?" she says, though there's still mirth in her eyes.
"This streetlamp is bright. I'd hate for any familiar faces to find us in this neighborhood," he says as he peers around the corner behind him. The light cuts a shadow, obscuring the alleyway to their side in a wedge of blackness. He can't make out any movement there, and it's completely silent. Probably fine.
"You'd prefer somewhere less visible?" She asks.
"I'd prefer somewhere where only your Saints can see us."
"I could request a shady corner for us," she says, fitting her hips against his. "Should be easy enough in a place like Ketterdam for my Saints to arrange."
His gloved hand flutters instinctively to the curve of her back. He still isn't sure why she lets him to touch her like this. In dreams he leaves a black, tar-like substance on her skin, marring her shine. He wonders when she'll finally come to her senses and put an end to the way he stains her. On the days when the guilt gets strong enough, he hopes it's before his black heart swallows her whole.
"I suspect they wouldn't approve of Dirtyhands smothering their most treasured beacon of righteousness in the dark," he says.
A smirk tugs her pretty mouth. She side-eyes him, like he's missing something he should really know better by now.
"I'm the Wraith, remember?" she says. "The dark is my home. It belongs to me." And then she presses her lips to his again. Tugging on his waistcoat, she pulls him into the alley, over the shadowy threshold and into the dark.
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13agota · 2 days
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Next chapter up! Inej goes exploring. Please have a lemon for your troubles. 🍋
NSFW you've been warned.
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13agota · 5 days
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13agota · 5 days
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Beautiful Legend of Zelda Prints by Jessica Smith
Available for purchase via Society6
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13agota · 7 days
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13agota · 7 days
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Gold hair in the sunlight, my light in the dawn
If I had an orchard, I'd work 'till I'm sore
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13agota · 7 days
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Day 13 Sepfember
OOT Zelda/Sheik + Fate
Sepfember 2024 prompts list by @rebornofstars
I don't know if this still fits into the Sepfember category since the Sheik image is more prominent than the Zelda one. Sorry if I'm wrong. This is my first time drawing Sheik and I had fun.
Posted using a schedule, because I'm not in front of the computer tonight. Hopefully there are no mistakes in this post.
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13agota · 18 days
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The illustrations from the Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom Owlcrate special editions.
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13agota · 19 days
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It took me forever to finally get around to finishing this 😅 It's still my favourite scene though
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13agota · 19 days
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🕸️ Inej “The Wraith” Ghafa
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13agota · 22 days
inej in the rafters of the slat watching kaz beat the shit out of the dregs
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13agota · 23 days
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the crows as tarot cards in the major arcana
FINALLY DONE with the first part of this project… the plan is to maybe make a whole deck with different characters from different fandoms, we’ll see !! here’s my long explanation on why i choose what cards!
for all the crows i choose cards from the major arcana, which as the name suggests, often represent major events in life. most of the inspirations come from the rider-waite deck, however i’ve also taken inspo from other decks ! also pay attention to the directions the characters are facing - left usually represents the past, right the future, and facing front means the present
0 - the fool - jesper
the major arcana is sometimes described as the fool’s journey, we see this with the fool being card 0, instead of card 1. the fool goes through every challenge the major arcana has for him, and grows in the meantime. the fool represents innocence, freedom, adventure, travel, carlessness and the start of a journey. for jesper this feels very fitting especially looking through a pre canon lens, i sort of imagined this being his journey to ketterdam. the flowers on his coat are inspired by the rider-waite deck, where the fool holds a white rose, which symbolize youth and innocence.for all the crows i choose cards from the major arcana, which as the name suggests, often represent major events in life. most of the inspirations come from the rider-waite deck, however i’ve also taken inspo from other decks !
9 - the hermit - wylan
the hermit symbolizes soul searching and solitude. much like the fool for jesper, this feels like a pre canon card for wylan. the hermit can mean withdrawing inwards to recover and heal after a hard time. solitude in search for enlightenment. the lantern is also taken from the rider-waite deck, and to me the star in the lantern, much like the actual star card, represents healing.
11 - justice - inej
the justice card means… justice. consequences, truth and honesty are also words associated with the card. i tried many different ways of making the sword and scales interact, and thought this was a nice way. this to me is post canon inej, sankta of the seas out hunting slavers inej ! her yielding the sword with both hands also to me means that she holds justice in her hands, and she will bring it.
12 - the hanged man - matthias
before anyone gets mad at me… hear me out ! the hanged man represents being in a situation which you are not happy with, and that you want to change. you have the ability to change it as well, if you can dare to let go of the old situation, and see things with new eyes. this to me captures matthias arc very neatly, as much of his development is learning to see the world from a different perspective.
13 - death - nina
apart from death itself, the death card represents more rebirth, endings and beginnings, and letting go. traumatic transformations, which i think also captures nina’s whole arc. she is constantly being reborn, the world around her constantly changing. both pre and post parem, and i wanted the lines around the heart, black and red, represent different parts of her powers. as well as the icy fjerdan terrain behind her, being the first of the many sudden transformations she went through.
18 - the moon - kaz
the moon card generally means “everything is not as it seems”. it’s a card of deception and illusion, both to the outside world, but also when it comes to burying things within ourselves. the moon is closely tied to water, which matched the vibe i wanted to go for. fun fact, in numerology in tarot you count the numbers combined, so 1+8 for 18, meaning both wylan and kaz’ cards are number 9, which is why i wanted similar vibes for them
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13agota · 25 days
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Farmer's son and acrobate's daughter....
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13agota · 26 days
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"My princessー"
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13agota · 26 days
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13agota · 26 days
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TOTK - Eternal (part 2)
part 1 here
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