xjaylahopkins · 2 days
Hearing the door open up, Jayla quickly rinsed her hands off in the kitchen sink as she called out, "come on in!" After quickly drying off her hands, Jayla made her way over toward the entryway to greet her friend. "Hi!" she greeted Stevie with an excited grin, holding her arms out for a hug.
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Stevie had been looking forward to a girls night for the longest time. She wasn't someone who had a ton of close friends, but she was glad Jayla had taken her under her wing. She had reached out Jayla when she had gotten in her car, and immediately got a response back telling her that the door was unlocked and to enter on her own. Stevie liked that. She liked being able to know that this was so informal there didn't need to be any kind of greeting at the front door. It wasn't long until Stevie parked and made her way up to the front door. She knocked lightly, just so she didn't startle the other, before pushing open the door and speaking. "Hello? I'm here."
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xjaylahopkins · 3 days
Jayla was not one to miss an event hosted at Tumbleweed and tonight was no different. She was excited seeing more familiar faces than usual. One of those people happened to be Darrius, who she hadn't had a chance to see in quite a minute. "I will be dancing!" she confirmed with an enthusiastic nod. Whether alone or with whoever she roped into dancing alongside her, she wasn't one to pass up the chance. "I am not opposed to helping! You wouldn't be the first I attempt to teach, here!" she laughed softly.
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WHO: Darrius & @xjaylahopkins
WHERE: Tumbleweed, countryside
WHEN: Country Music Day, September 17
It had been far too long since Darrius had hung out with Jayla. But one thing was for sure: every time they did spend time together, it was a good time. And country music day was as good of a time as any to experience that again. "So, are we going to try to dance?" he asked, looking out at the dance floor, "because I do have two left feet when it comes to country western music." While Darrius absolutely loved live music, regardless, he had to admit that country wasn't normally his cup of tea, unless they were talking Rucker or Shaboozey, or Mickey Guyton... or, well, okay Garth Brooks and George Strait and Alan Jackson, classics were classics, after all. "This guy's pretty good, though. Has my toes tapping."
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xjaylahopkins · 3 days
Come on! Don't be lame! Am I seeing you at Tumbleweed later?
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If expanding my horizons means spending time at Walmart... pass.
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xjaylahopkins · 4 days
"You never know! I would think, with the holidays coming up, dessert is more likely. Either way, I participate in every cook-off, bake-off. So I will be ready, no matter the type of competition," Jayla nodded. She paused to take a couple more bites of the grilled peaches on her plate, now covered in completely melted ice cream. Following those bites, she nodded yet again, in response to Iddy's question regarding the fundraising element of the event. "Just based on the people here, I would say so. It is going to be a huge benefit to the community center, especially with stocking the food pantry, with the holiday coming up." Jayla was a frequent volunteer at the community center, so she found a huge benefit in supporting events that would benefit the center.
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“ i was havin' a natter with a mate about how brilliant everything is here – from the recipes and dishes to the people. can’t wait for the next one, but maybe without the grills, yeah? maybe a bake-off, who knows? ” she shrugged, possibly fancying some pumpkin tart or banana bread with raspberry and cinnamon, but she’d never be sure. “ d’you reckon they’ll raise a decent amount? loads of people showed up, ” she added with a gentle smile, taking another bite of the peach and sighing in delight.
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xjaylahopkins · 10 days
Bella's is great, don't get me wrong. We are just working on expanding your horizons!
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I'd never. But seriously, I'm also not a huge department store person, I like to buy my stuff in boutiques, and then moving to Merrock just kind of spoiled me with Bella's when it comes to clothes.
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xjaylahopkins · 11 days
where: jayla, iris, and ryder's house when: september 2024 who: Jayla & @steviemaylane
Jayla enjoyed having her friends join in on testing out the ideas that she proposed for the children's activities at the library. It was always fun and an excuse to get people together at the house. Having prepared dinner and some snacks to much on throughout the night, Jayla was in the kitchen preoccupied with set up when she realized that Stevie should be there any minute. She made her way over to the front door quickly, ensuring that the front door was unlocked, before returning to the kitchen. She shot Stevie a text saying that the door was open and to come on right in when she arrived, returning her attention to the set up of the food.
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xjaylahopkins · 12 days
"And it's delicious!" Jayla grinned, always a sucker for a sweet fruit treat. Cutting up a peach with her fork and popping that bite into her mouth, Jayla paused long enough to chew, simply nodding at the question in the meantime. Ensuring not to speak with a full mouth before responding, Jayla finally spoke up. "That was me!" she excitedly confirmed that the bacon wrapped teriyaki chicken and pineapple skewers were her entry for the grill-off. "There were some other really yummy entries this time, so if I don't win, I will not even be mad. This has been one of my favorite cook-offs"
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eurydice sighed in delight at the information. she had lost count of how many peaches she had devoured, talking about them to as many people as she could, especially her siblings and grandmother who were present. " i think it’s because they’re warm; it’s like brownies with ice cream, they just blend together, and it’s a perfectly sweet mess in the end. " searched for a clean disposable plate, placing two of the peaches on it and taking a spoonful. " you brought the teriyaki chicken, didn’t you? it was basically the first thing Iiate, a) 'cause it was teriyaki, and i love that, and b) 'cause it was on skewers, simply divine, " she commented between spoonfuls of dessert. " how are the expectations for the awards? "
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xjaylahopkins · 13 days
"It works out best for everyone! Especially when we're talking about the holiday market, when folks are in a rush to purchase gifts. It is not only convenient but I tend to make a pretty penny on themed items too, so snowmen, all sorts of Christmas designs, since I have limited stock and never repeat exclusive seasonal designs, even better for me." While all of Jayla's in-person sales were additional, compared to her regular commissioned sales online, there was always something about the holiday themed goods that boosted sales, year-round. It all worked out well for her, at then end of the day. Jayla laughed at the mention of the bug spray, knowing it was one of the things that could make staying the night outdoor a little less comfortable. "Weather has been perfect for camping out, it feels like this was the perfect weekend for all of this," Jayla gestured vaguely around them, following Jason as they walked along. "As long as you can keep the bugs away! I know there's a ton of folks camping out though, from what I've heard, so even then it an't be too bad.."
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"Even better," he smiled at the thought, knowing that if someone had the skill, the means, the time, and the effort needed to make it happen, making their friends and family gifts by hand was a good way to go about it. And at least in cases of people who couldn't, there were places e Collab, or any number of small businesses in Merrock they could still feel like they were getting something unique, or at least spending the money wisely on something that was made with love. "I think that the event organizers are smart. It helps the shoppers, absolutely, but it also helps the people who are hoping to sell some of their merchandise, too." In which case, really, everyone won. As he walked along a few steps, figuring that Jayla would follow, he nodded, "good! I have some sprays for the bugs, but thankfully they're not horrible. Nice warm blanket, but it's not too cold. I recommend it."
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xjaylahopkins · 15 days
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TASK #22
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xjaylahopkins · 15 days
Now you're just being ridiculous. Don't be such a wuss! And if stepping into Walmart among us common folk is what kills you, it was your time.
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That's because you're used to WalMart, I have a rare allergy due to not being exposed to it as a child, it could in fact end my life. I don't think that you want that guilt on your heart.
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xjaylahopkins · 16 days
While Jayla had entered the grill-off competition herself, she was even more excited to try dishes that others had made. "It's the grilled peaches that Noa prepared, the ice cream is just melting faster than I'm eating," she laughed softly. "You can take a couple if you want," she held out her plate for Riddy to take a couple of peaches off of her plate, if she wanted.
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WHERE : merrock grill-off. WHEN : 7th of september. WHO : open 02|05.
euridyce spotted her family not far from where she was and, of course, she did the only thing a twenty-six-year-old woman in perfect sanity would do: she ran away. she fled as if the devil himself were after her, with the fires of hell set to burn her. she didn't seem to mind sitting at one of the vacant seats at one of the tables, with her elbow resting on the wooden surface and her cheek against the palm of her hand. the irresistible smell of whatever the person was eating made her stomach growl. before the other could take a bite, she pointed at the plate. " are you going to eat that? it looks amazing, and i don’t remember seeing it with the other dishes. " she had paid for her entry and was there to eat, so, " hmm, what is it? "
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xjaylahopkins · 19 days
"I tend to make folks gifts myself, but that is actually a great idea!" As long a gifts were personalized in some way, shape, or form, that was what made gifts special. Although, she personally would probably continue to hand make most gifts, Jason's suggestions were perfect for additions or gifts for when she didn't have the time to make something herself. "I have to say that I do luck out well, especially around the holiday market. Perfect time for sales, just like you mentioned, for gifts!" Jayla smiled as Jason described how his own time down at the beach bash was going. Luckily, there was truly something for everyone which was making the weekend enjoyable no matter what. "How has tentless camping been?" she asked, intrigued by the idea.
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"I recommend it, I feel like any time I need to pick up a gift, I find myself over in Hideaway. Between Universal Rocks and Collab, or popping into Creekside, I can normally find something better than what you would get in a department store, you know?" As long as you knew the person that you were buying for, it was easy to find something. And it was normally money spent that was going back into the community, which made it even better. "You're welcome! I'm sure that it goes over well, too, people really do like to support each other in a town like this," maybe because everyone knew everyone, there were no strangers, they wanted to see each other succeed. Either way, he loved to see it happen. Loved that someone like Jayla could sell something she made by hand and others could love it all the same. "I get it," he replied with a small, lopsided smile. He himself had been avoiding the louder areas, trying to find solace in the quieter places along the beach. "Did play some sports, definitely ate a lot of food," he laughed, tapping his fingers along his stomach, "hard to pass any of that up. Camping, too. I went tentless, which was kind of fun."
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xjaylahopkins · 19 days
And yet somehow, I've survived every single trip to Walmart perfectly unscathed. So, I guess, if need be, I will protect you!
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Jayla… if you hate me and want me to be killed, you could just say that, instead of dragging me to WalMart, you do realize this?
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xjaylahopkins · 25 days
Once Bryan had served her plate, Jayla took the plates from him, excited to try the food. "Yummy, thank you!" she took a close look at all of the food, smiling over at Bryan. She couldn't help but laugh softly when Bryan asked for an honest opinion as it sounded like he had experimented bit with the seasoning. "You got it," she agreed with a nod. "Are you going to take a seat and eat too, or is there more food to cook?" she asked, not wanting to just walk off I he was also going to eat.
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"You got it," Bryan nodded, checking on the pieces to make sure that none of the meat was overcooked. "Here you go," he said, grabbing a plate for her and adding some of the sauce as well. He grabbed a scoop of the rice to top it off. "Let me know how that tastes. If it's too salty or needs more seasoning," he said. "I was trying something out with the seasoning," he nodded, before helping himself to a small serving as well.
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xjaylahopkins · 26 days
"Oh that's fun! I'm sure there is so much cool stuff, I just have never stopped to check it out. Now I will have to!" Jayla smiled at the mention of Jason obtaining jewelry, specifically, from Universal Rocks. She wasn't exactly knowledgeable on the metaphysical aspects of the rocks and crystals that Amina sold, but cool, pretty jewelry was cool, pretty jewelry. "Yeah, yeah! I have, I do, a few times a year. Thank you!" Jayla's smile grew to a grin when Jason complimented her own work. She took great pride in her beading, so it was always nice hearing others' thoughts on her work. As Jason described how his venture locating shells and sea glass was part of what added to this beach weekend for him, she nodded with a smile. "Nothing wrong with nerdy," she laughed quietly. "It's nice out here.. I was just going on a walk. I'm not personally much of a beach person, or a party person, really," she explained, adding, "I've spent most of my time so far enjoying the food and the whole sports set up. But, I figured that a stroll here by the water would be nice. What've you been up to? Aside from the shells?"
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"I'm not a crystal girlie either," he tried to say it seriously, before breaking into a laugh, "so I mostly stick with some of the other stuff, the candles, the jewelry, I got a nice lava bead bracelet once that Amina sold me on, they're very knowledgeable." And given that Jason was absolutely clueless, other than whether or not something was pretty to his eye, it was nice to have someone who knew what they were talking about. "That's what I thought, I remember seeing you set up at one of the festivals in town, I'm pretty sure. Your stuff is really good." He was always in awe of people who made things with their hands, who could craft something beautiful. "Yeah, right?" he smiled, taking it back and tucking it, and the other shells, safely back into his pocket. "It's nerdy, but it's relaxing, too. The sound of the water, the sand under your toes, just finding tiny little things. Nice little escape," he gestured back towards the hum of the party somewhere behind them. "What about you, have you gotten into anything fun out here, or just enjoying the view?"
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xjaylahopkins · 27 days
Jayla shrugged a single shoulder, laughing softly at the mention that Stevie's son was now at the age that spending time with his mom wasn't necessarily his idea of fun. "Whatever work best for you!" she assured her, simply wanting her friend to know that it wasn't an issue if she did have to include Elijah in something like testing out Jayla's activity idea for the library.
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Stevie was more than happy to do whatever, and make any plans with people. After all, that was the only way she'd continue to make some friends. "I don't mind! Most of the time, he doesn't want to hang with me anyway." He had gotten to the age where it was 'too cool' to hang with his mama.
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xjaylahopkins · 27 days
Oh, come on! It's not that bad! Our next adventure, WalMart!
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I'm not allowed to go to WalMart. I'm too bougie and they won't let me in. Or maybe it's just that I'm afraid I'm going to catch something when I go in there.
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