#farm chores
gramarobin · 8 months
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Headed out to use snowblower now. Thankfully its like a walker with snow blowing on the front as I couldnt do it otherwise. I just hang on and move slowly forward. Love it💙😃
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gargelyfloof118 · 8 months
Snow is deeper. Air is colder. Animals still need fed. Hubs and I bundled up and headed out.
Pro tip: if you didn't know before, please be advised that cloth masks are fantastic for keeping warm, humid air around your nose and mouth. I did not do this yesterday and was in a coughing/vomiting fit by the time I made it to the horse barn. It is SIGNIFICANTLY colder today. I put a mask on. I made it to the horses, fed them, and made it back to the house with barely any discomfort. So yeah, use a mask in cold weather.
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Horses were fed and warmer blankets put on. (We add some hot water to their feed to soak it and give them some warm liquid for their bellies. They love feeding time!)
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Seamus would like seconds, please.
The chickens water was frozen. Thankfully, I brought some hot water for them as well. I moved the waterer under the heat lamp and poured the hot water in the base. Hopefully, that helps for now. I'm planning on bringing a dish and some warm water later. But would like to research what would be best first.
The birds are quite happy to stay inside for the time being.
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Although chickens are very enthusiastic, they just aren’t much help around the farm when it comes to loading or stacking hay bales.
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shireland-farm · 1 year
Some fresh pine shavings make all the difference.
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avalencias · 1 year
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home can be a person too
shoutout to @kienava for just suggesting drawing them in bed
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Howdy little sapling! Hows your day goin?
Howdy Papa! It's goin' pretty good - I carved this li'l doohickey today. *He holds out a small wooden object.* I was thinking of givin' it to Mabel. It's a li'l kitty statue.
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Earth C Nepeta my beloved🐾
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bombusbombus · 1 year
Bruce definitely knows how to cook, but he's one of those guys who goes to the grocery store to get ingredients for a meal. For every meal. His fridge is normally completely empty except for protein shake ingredients.
Clark grew up with a rural family, he's definitely used to scrounging around in the cupboards and throwing together ingredients into something cohesive. My guy can take half an onion, an alien mushroom he found, some ancient lentils, and a container of leftover soup, and make a full hearty meal.
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cerubean · 1 year
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even though mack is enjoying her time on the ranch she still can't get over the fact that she never has time to watch tv. it's all she talks abt when she calls her mom
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thesetwoidiots · 6 months
Beverly: Stephen!
Stephen: Mom! *Sees Eugene* Father. *Sees Victor* Victor.
Victor, obviously just as disgusted: Stephen.
Tony, trying to prevent an argument: Tony, Peter, Morgan!
Peter and Morgan: Hi!
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Oop I saw your tag ramble about Stardew Valley and now all I can think about is farmer-Us + Legacy.
Honestly, Wilderness farm would probably work, since fighting monsters at night is a notable feature of that specific farm-
~ The anon who wanted Kaveh but didn't want Baizhu or Ganyu I love SDV, hehe.
you and i think alike, anon,,,, little farmer and big monster friend is SO good
imagine, you as a worker who wanted to restart your life at a small farm, desiring a peaceful life of tending to your crops and making produce after living in the city for so long... only to find out that the area is infested with monsters of all types. well, no matter- you dabbled in adventuring before settling down, so you've handled a commission or two. it's more annoying than anything threatening, having to secure your crops and shoo the monsters away before retiring each night, but it eventually becomes routine- until the monsters suddenly stop appearing. you can see them in the distance at times, from the hollow eyes and inhuman forms, but they avoid your house and arm like the plague; strange, you didn't change anything, and the pet cat you took in only fights mice and the occasional lizard
everything clicks into place when you're up late one night, returning home after running several errands, and you spot a new monster, towering over the rest with crimson horns and glittering, star-speckled wings, growling and chasing the others away
it takes you a few weeks to earn the beast's trust, staying up hours into the night to catch a glimpse of him watching you from afar, keeping the other monsters away from your farm. you leave him fruit and vegetables to eat, smiling when you hear a quiet crunching noise as you're preparing for bed- once you left a flower amongst the crops, and the next night, the flower had been tucked behind one of his horns. he meets you at the road towards your home in the evenings to walk you home, slowly becoming more talkative as the days pass until he replies to each sentence you speak with a curious chirp or trill, and when the biting winter rains come, he enters your house for the first time and curls up with you by the fireplace, your cat settled on top of him
his name is Foul Legacy, you discern from the letters he scratches into the dirt, and he's your wonderful monstrous friend
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butchfriend · 6 months
fml my manager asked me if i could work tomorrow night for a private party and i said yes, completely forgot there's a contra dance tomorrow i was planning to go to with my friends. L
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Finished raking leaves with @sayhelloanimalfriends . We use them for ground cover / mulch under our pine tree wind breaks, as well as in the dog and chicken runs.
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ffcrazy15 · 1 year
Headcanon: Boimler is significantly better with a phaser rifle than a phaser pistol.
So. Two things about growing up in farm country mean that most people there learn how to shoot at a relatively young age. The first reason is that coyotes (and sometimes mountain lions) will absolutely try to fuck up your shit if you're a farmer. They will try to steal your pets and/or smaller livestock, and if there's a mountain lion in the area you really don't want to go walking around in a field without protection.
The second and more important reason is that hunting is big in farming communities because the state Game and Fish department relies on licensed hunters to keep the local wildlife populations healthy. Too many deer this season means not enough food, which means a lot of sick and dying deer next season. Hunters help to keep the wildlife population in check in places where humans have driven off their natural predators (since they're also unfortunately our natural predators).
The thing is, though, generally you don't use handguns for hunting (whether for protection or food); you use a rifle or a shotgun. So I think the majority of Boimler's pre-Starfleet experience with firearms would probably have been with whatever the 2300s version of a hunting rifle would be. This would explain why he seems to prefer them and knows about how to clean and take care of them, as we see in the beginning of Where Pleasant Fountains Lie.
EDITED TO ADD: A helpful person in the comments has given more relevant information/correction on the matter; I encourage y'all to check it out! Thank you @mutualweirdcalledlove!!
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annefic · 2 months
Do you think Anne is a pilates girlie? I think she'd love it but would hate group fitness classes like Soulcycle (and the hype around them)
I think Anne is a horse girlie who cannot physically make herself sit still for more than five minutes at a stretch
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A small purple frog hops up to Mason
A new Dimension! Wonderful! I'm Jinx, and you must be Mason!
Well, hey there Jinx! That's a mighty fine name. And yeah, that's me - Mason Mcgucket. *He tips his hat.* I'm tickled ta meetcha.
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