#fandom: star trek voyager
My perusal of old FFnet favorites continues on. I've been pretty pleased to find so many cross posted to Ao3, though occasionally I'll find one that started to get cross posted and, sadly, was never completed. But I can still bookmark the completed external version and keep an eye on the incomplete versions in hope that, one day, they'll get the rest of the chapters added after all.
Double Crossing by JessaLRynn - Ten and Rose run into Seven and Ace at a Star Trek convention. Throw in some actual aliens, a missing prince, and disguised weapons dealers and it's just another Tuesday for these four, really.
A Ten/Rose (with some Seven/Rose too) fic now with a follow up Eight/Rose story. Double Crossing shows as much love to Star Trek as it does Doctor Who and it's a wild ride from start to finish. I was glad to find it over on Ao3 where it's rated T.
KOTOR: Revan's Second Chance by VMorticia - Revan remembers who he is after the escape from the Endar Spire; not everything, but enough. And while he no longer has the ambition to be a Dark Lord of the Sith, Revan knows two things. Admitting he remembers who he is would be a terrible idea and… what happened to Malak is his mess to clean up.
It's an unusual premise (especially for a fic following the game's light side path) and one I really enjoyed. Revan can be at times charming or an ass, but he does care a great deal about others. So it's easy to see the Jedi he used to be and the Sith he became in the person he is now. I was unable to find it on Ao3, so this one is linked to FFnet. It's rated T and the ship is eventually Bastila/Revan.
The Adventures of Ten, Rose, and Jack by SanguineInk - The series starts with Two Months, in which the Doctor and Rose show up before the ghosts start showing up and run straight into Torchwood One. Which is when Jack shows up, just in time to help fight some Torchwood One flunkies and some Cybermen too.
A four part series with Ten/Rose and Ten, Rose, and Jack friendship that starts as a Doomsday fix-it and grows from there. It's a lot of running, drama, and fun, so it really captures the feel of the show. I read the first three over on FFnet years ago, so I'm thrilled to find there's actually a fourth fic in the series now that I've rediscovered it on Ao3.
Shadows of the Future by stormqueen873 - After losing the duel on Mustafar, Obi-Wan wakes in the past right as Anakin walks into his life for the first time. And Obi-Wan is determined to ensure things won't happen the same way around this time.
While this did start to get cross-posted on Ao3 back in 2016, looks like it was never completed there. The version I've linked to is on FFnet, which is complete. While I do wonder why it didn't get finished when crossposted to Ao3, I'm glad the FFnet version is still around because this is probably my favorite time traveling Obi-Wan fic out there. It's rated K+ and is gen, with a focus on Obi-Wan's relationships with Qui-Gon and Anakin.
Fools Rush In by LoveSupreme - X-Men AU where Erik runs a coffee shop and has a bit of a crush on a handsome man who passes by every day. It wouldn't have come to anything, until one day Annoying Cappucino Lady drags her cute friend Charles into Erik's shop.
It's on Ao3 now and has a whole series!!! I don't remember this one strongly but I do remember it being cute. So having even more story now makes me pretty excited. It's not rated on Ao3, but it's probably about a T? I don't remember anything warranting an M in there, though I could be wrong. And the ship is, of course, Charles/Erik.
Charlotte Francine Xavier by Blind_Author - A rewrite of X-Men First Class, where Charles Xavier is now Charlotte. And though much stays the same… so much is changed too.
I was excited to find this one on Ao3 too. A lot of the beats here are the same as in the movie, but the fic also does a good job of distinguishing itself from the movie's plot too. Obviously its a genderswap fic and the ship is Charlotte/Erik. Rated Explicit and I do remember it earns that rating pretty hard and it has some darker elements to it than the movie did.
If I Knew You Then: Part 1 by Ruchira - When Tom and B'Elanna meet at the Academy, years before Voyager is lost in the Delta Quadrant, it completely changes their lives.
The first of four fics following Tom and B'Elanna from the Academy to their eventual arrival on Voyager; while they end up stranded in the Delta Quadrant on Voyager in the end, just like in canon, how they get there changes radically. It's Tom/B'Elanna for the ship and all the fics are rated T. I wasn't able to find them on Ao3, but they're all still up on FFnet.
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polyamships · 2 years
by Anonymous
While on a mission on a pre-warp planet Tom gets captured for use in an alien ritual. Harry and B’Elanna find a way to help him out.
Words: 4224, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Trek: Voyager
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Relationships: Harry Kim/Tom Paris/B'Elanna Torres
Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Aliens Made Them Do It, Threesome - F/M/M, Getting Together, Ritual Public Sex, Mildly Dubious Consent
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offline-nobody · 7 months
if i had a penny for everytime star trek wrote an incredibly autistic coded character, who happened to also be gay for the most bisexual character imaginable, id have 5 pennies, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that its happened 5 times, right?
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aenslem · 1 month
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Roughing it? Let's see, we have shelter, furniture, research equipment, tricorders, a replicator. It's too rough for me. STAR TREK: VOYAGER (1995–2001) ⤷ Resolutions
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stra-tek · 5 months
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What an age we live in. Want a glass, table, chair or light you saw in a Star Trek episode? Go to star-trek.design and they've probably identified it
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This is a special kind of attention to detail and I love it!
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captainsvscaptains · 9 months
Battle of the Captains
Final A
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No antipropaganda on my polls please
Good luck to the Trekkies
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kitkatt0430 · 29 days
So Voyager returns to the Alpha Quadrant, huzzah! Party time.
And Starfleet does throw a big party in their honor to welcome back. Very formal, lots of ambassadors, a lot of the Voyager crew is quietly bored with it thirty minutes in. Where's the fun in fancy hors d’oeuvres if you can't play 'guess the mystery ingredients from the most recent trade agreement/away mission?'
Anyway, the crew of the Enterprise is there because they're in their post-Dominion War Flag Waving era. And of course, Picard is expecting a number of things from a typical Starfleet party of very fancy standards. What he was not expecting was Q and Q Jr. to show up in a flash of light or for Jr. to throw his arms around the shoe-in-to-be-Admiral Janeway and exclaim 'Aunt Kathy! You made it home, and early too. That was cheating!"
Janeway sends the teenage looking Q to go hang out with Icheb, the quiet part-borg kid who has been strategically hiding in a corner with access to punch bowl and the nibbles with the most easily identifiable ingredients. Icheb proceeds to perk up and calls Q Jr. Q-Ball. Jr. calls him Itchy. Seven of Nine, who has been quietly shadowing Icheb and scowling in such a way that she has one yard of clearance on all sides at all times, unless a Voyager crew member or her aunt come over to talk to her, turns a very narrow-eyed gaze on Jr that the young Q is clearly unsettled by. (If he gets Icheb hurt again, no power on this plane of existence could save Q Jr. from Seven and he knows it.)
Q and Janeway watch fondly, chatting about the whereabouts of Lady Q and how the Continuum is doing lately and Janeway occasionally shutting down Q's attempts to flirt with her. For whatever reason, Janeway still agrees to dance with Q and laughs when he changes the music with a snap to something they can waltz to.
Picard is trying to figure out if he can sidle out one of the exits before Q notices him. As is basically the rest of the Enterprise lead staff. Finding out that Q made Janeway godmother to his son is quite possibly the most surreal part of the evening for Picard and that includes when Q gets bored with the music a few waltzes later and turns the whole thing into a disco.
Meanwhile Riker learns he was actually brought to Voyager by Q once and then made to forget it and is thus considered an honorary Voyager crew member along with Barclay. Riker decides he's cool with that and helps plan the after party with Tom and Harry. (He also tries to talk Harry into starting a jazz band with him.)
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zineobiology · 6 months
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Welcome to the Zine O’Biology (closed! Release early 2025)
A multi-fandom Star Trek Zine.
Do you have strong opinions on Vulcan fra’als, Cardassian tails, or how the heck Trill symbionts reproduce? We want to hear from you!
The Zine O’Biology is a fictional comparative xenobiology academic journal set in the Star Trek universe. If you’ve always wanted to wax eloquent for up to 3000 words about your theories on alien biology, welcome to your new home!
We want all your theories about all your favorite aliens! This is a friendly but competitive academic journal where the content of every paper is a little bit suspicious (is this paper based on rumor or fact? What is the methodology?) and some competing authors leave snarky comments on one another’s work. So just like a real academic journal, except ours features the Great Green Anthurium.
We welcome xenobiology articles on all Star Trek aliens from all series!
The final format will be a PDF that you can scroll at your leisure or print at home in order to have a physical copy of the Zine. (This way there is no money involved.)
Alien biology articles
Alien biology artwork
In-Universe advertisements
Letters to the editor
How do Andorian genders work? Are Cardassians actually lizards? Why do Klingons have so many redundant organs? What’s the biological purpose of Bajoran nose ridges? What’s the best cement mix for emergency surgery on a Horta?
You’ve been pondering alien biology for years. This is your chance to infodump all your favorite theories to an eager audience of your fellow nerds!
Articles will be separated into two categories: reproductive biology or general biology. Yes, we also want all your theories on what every species is packing downstairs…and how they use it.
Journal articles should be fun and engaging, but also written in your interpretation of a pseudo-academic style, since this is a highly respected Federation xenobiology journal. If you want to keep things more lighthearted and less academic, check out the section on Letters to the Editor.
If you have independent illustrations about alien biology we would love to see them! If you would like to provide illustrations for one of our journal articles, tell us what species you want to illustrate and we’ll do our best to match you up!
Art should be in a square, scaleable format, printable at high resolution at 4x4 inches.
Even in a post-need future, academic journals will need a little extra funding. Submit your ads for Ferengi Oomox Creme, Self Sealing Stem Bolts, Gently Used Federation Technology, and, of course, “reproductive aids.” The weirder the better! Have fun with it!
All art needs to be printable at high resolution
Ad Sizes:
full page: 4.5" x 7.5"
Column: 2.21" x 7.5"
Half Page: 4.5" x 3.75"
Square: 2.21" x 2.18" (i know its not a perfect square but trust me)
Half square: 2.21" x 1.1"
Banner: 4.5" x 0.83"1.75
Do you have a great idea, but it’s not enough to fill out a 3000 word article? Submit it as a “reaction” to a previous journal article. Feel free to lay into a mythical researcher who does NOT understand why their biological theory is wrong and yours is right!
Max length 800 words. Enjoy making these plenty frothy!
The creators of this Zine are all notorious Vulcan Fuckers. Since we want the Zine O’Biology to be open to all alien species, it is only logical that we seek your expertise.
We’re seeking fans from all over the Star Trek universe to spread the word that yes, it’s time for us to all come together in the spirit of explaining how our favorite aliens come together.
Sub-Editors will be in charge of helping us solicit articles and art for their specific race of aliens and editing those articles in order to fit into the Zine. If we don’t have a sub editor for a species, we’ll do our best, but the chapter on that species won’t be as good as it would be if folks with real fanon knowledge were involved.
Graphic designers to help with Zine layout
Social media promoters
Alien art and article wranglers (ie: get your fannish friends involved!)
Fill out the Art or Writing (Applications now closed) Google Form letting us know your interests or reach out to the Editor in Chief at [email protected]
August 1, 2024: Last date for everyone seeking an art or writing partner to submit their request. We don’t guarantee you’ll be partnered up. It depends on how many people are interested and what aliens they want to draw/write.
August 18, 2024: Art/Writing partners notified. NOTE: it’s both fine and encouraged if you want to submit as a team from the start! This is for people who do not have a partner and would like us to find them one.
August 30, 2024: Final call for all journal authors, artists, and advertisers to let us know what species they’re working with, how many submissions they plan to send, and whether their submission will be general or reproductive biology.
October 20, 2024: All art, advertising, and journal submissions are due
We hope to have the Zine O’Biology ready for your enjoyment by New Year’s Eve 2024. We all have full time jobs and lives, so that date may change depending on the volume of submissions.
What if my biological theories are totally different from another author’s?
Yes. Perfect. We love it.
We want to see everyone’s theories! Canon gave us scraps, but together we will make a meal! Expect to see many mutually contradictory articles. That’s part of the fun!
What about Smut?
Yes, we are accepting E rated submissions! The journal will be separated into two sections:
General Biology
Reproductive Biology
General Biology is everything but the genitals
Reproductive Biology should include actual descriptions of the mechanics and biology. Think of it as creating reference material for smut writers and artists.
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evviejo · 8 months
as a new trekkie, who entered the star trek world with few spoilers and little knowledge of fandom opinions, i've been wondering whether my own personal opinions and sympathies within the st universe are popular, so i decided to make a few simple polls, of which this is the fourth (here are the first, second and third)
rb for sample size, please 💖
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polyamships · 1 year
by sitkas Snapshots of Tom, Harry, and B’Elanna’s years in the Delta Quadrant through the lens of various nights out. Words: 2423, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Star Trek: Voyager Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Multi Relationships: Harry Kim/Tom Paris/B'Elanna Torres Additional Tags: Partying, Drinking & Talking, Developing Relationships, Hurt/Comfort, Mild Sexual Content, various povs, Fluff and Humor
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"Voyager is good, actually, people are just mean"
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thresholdbb · 9 months
How it started:
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How it's going:
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artfulendeavors · 4 months
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New Janeway Coffee Stickers!!!
(I have prints too💕)
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spirk-trek · 4 months
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KaleidoScope Fanzine | Deeb, 1993-94
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tuttle-did-it · 8 months
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startrekprodigyfan · 9 months
Alright animation fans, this is the big test.
On Christmas Day Star Trek Prodigy season 1 will be released on Netflix. This is a new 3D animated young adult animated series that was removed from Paramount+ as a tax write off, and was only saved through an amazing grass roots campaign by fans to be picked up by Netflix so that it’s second season could be aired.
If you like serialized storytelling in kids shows, watch Star Trek Prodigy.
If you like Star Trek, watch Star Trek Prodigy.
If you know absolutely nothing about Star Trek, watch Star Trek Prodigy.
If you like The Owl House, Gravity Falls, Avatar the Last Airbender, or Legend of Korra, watch Star Trek Prodigy.
If you’re angry at studios cancelling animated shows prematurely or treating kids animation like trash, watch Star Trek Prodigy.
If you couldn’t afford a Paramount+ account but have a Netflix account, watch Star Trek Prodigy.
If you like episodic content with a serialized story, watch Star Trek Prodigy.
If you have kids and want them to get into Star Trek but don’t know where to start, watch Star Trek Prodigy.
If you like sci-fi, watch Star Trek Prodigy
If you like colorful characters, gorgeous animation, a serious storyline with lots of character growth and high stakes, watch Star Trek Prodigy.
This show has been neglected by Paramount+ and it’s gotten a rare second chance. The first month a show is released on Netflix is the most crucial time of all because the viewership will determine its fate going forward. A second season has already been finished (it was nearly completed when Paramount cancelled it), but if we want to see more beyond this season we need Netflix to see that we care about it and that their risk in picking up the show is warranted.
Please. Help us save this show. It’s SO GOOD, and it was treated like garbage by Paramount+. Help us stick it to Paramount and show everyone what a great show this actually is. Help us make Paramount regret their decision. Help kids animation continue to thrive and show it’s worth! Help bring in more people into the Star Trek fandom! Help us now! Please!
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