#fandom: big time rush
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bibaybe · 23 days ago
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maratines cordytines '25 day one: ship parallels
cordall as dair quotes
taglist: @eddysocs @ocappreciationtag @foxesandmagic @wordspin-shares @veetlegeuse @raith-way @oneirataxia-girl @rose-of-oz @praetoravila @nikosasaki
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bibaybe · 2 months ago
ohmigod dolly this is so pretty and so her!! thank you so much <333
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↳ Happy holidays, Kbee beloved, and I really hope you like this!!
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letsyapthenightaway · 5 months ago
I miss when celebrities had random merchandise like this. Bring this back pls
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naquey · 2 months ago
The shows may have ended but fandom is forever, even if its you and your friends writing about your blorbos
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prostocupoftea · 9 months ago
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yesterdays magma resulted unexpectedly into a finished (?) peice
user design and [Soft Fuzzy Man animation by aimkid] inspired Kinito design are from @sashazakbun24 (love 'em fellas-)
and here is magma version if ya interested
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inkameswetrust · 2 months ago
Big Time Pokémon
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Back in early October, I posted about wanting to explain the Pokémon partner headcanons I had for Big Time Rush. I never followed up on that until now, so here's the Pokémon I think they'd choose as their partners and why!
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Kendall & Eevee
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Back in his primary school days, Kendall's dad once came home from work with a wild Eevee purely on a whim. It didn't seem like it had anywhere else to go and he couldn't bear the thought of leaving it outside by itself. Kendall and Katie immediately fell in love with Eevee, but Jennifer was hesitant because raising a wild Pokémon requires a lot of responsibility and should've been a family decision. She eventually came around while watching Eevee and the kids responding so well to one another, thus making it the newest edition to the Knight family.
After Mr. Knight's untimely disappearance/passing, Eevee fostered feelings of guilt for intruding on the Knight household. It felt unwelcome in their home now that Mr. Knight was gone because he was its sole reason for being there in the first place. Kendall began taking Eevee out on adventures to compensate for those feelings of guilt and to show it that they could still have a life together outside of the household. However, that's not to say Eevee was no longer welcome in their home. The Knight family continued to raise, love, and care for Eevee even in Mr. Knight's absence. It chose to join Kendall's team in due course, but he refused to confine it to a Poké Ball because of its attachment to the rest of the family. It didn't feel right keeping Eevee to himself when Katie and Jennifer had their own individual bonds with it.
Eevee met Kendall's friends and accompanied them to their field/ice hockey games (casual and competitive). It picked up on Kendall's love for the ice and preference for the cold. It recognized that being out on the ice was therapeutic for Kendall and soothed him in times of uncertainty. Eevee took to joining the boys during their games one day to experience that bliss for itself. It bonded with Kendall over their mutual love for the sport and the cold that came with it.
As such, it has expressed wanting to evolve into a Glaceon. It believes that would warrant more of Kendall's love and, in turn, make up for the grief of losing his father. Kendall has reassured Eevee that evolving into a Glaceon isn't necessary. He loves Eevee plenty because its presence is a symbol of his father's love—the same love that brought them together. Kendall would only seek to aid Eevee in its pursuit of evolution should it seek to evolve on its own terms rather than for his benefit.
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James & Igglybuff
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While out shopping with his mother as a young boy, James heard the most heavenly singing voice echoing in the distance. He was effortlessly lured away and sought to follow the sound of the lulling, high-pitched voice of an angel. James crossed busy roads and sprinted through passersby until he found the cutest, smallest, pinkest wild Igglybuff serenading him from outside the alternative apparel shop his mother forbade him from visiting. He began harmonizing with it upon arrival to which is responded accordingly.
The two spent the afternoon breaking out in song together while passersby offered them their pocket money under the assumption that they were street performers. Brooke frantically charged in James' direction and pulled him away with the relief that she'd finally found him clouding the judgment that he'd been standing outside the "forbidden store" all this time. Igglybuff snuck into James' backpack and sleuthed its way into their home. It is said that Brooke hadn't noticed a wild Pokémon had been living in her house until a week after its arrival. Only then did she permit James to keep Igglybuff because she'd lost the energy to care.
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Logan & Joltik
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Logan sparked an interest with entomology just before the beginning of his adolescence. He figured honing his research skills would one day come in useful as a future Pokémon Professor. As such, he took to observing, studying, and experimenting with the local insect life in his neighborhood as a hobby. Logan had heard of very rare cases in which some Pokémon spoke. He constructed a makeshift device to replicate that phenomenon and was over the moon to finally test it out.
Once he was far enough away from home to observe a plethora of wild Pokémon, he decided to test it out on a wandering Joltik. To his surprise, Logan had neglected to charge the device, thus rendering it useless. He sat upon the grass to sulk in his defeat. The wild Joltik—sensing Logan's distress—offered to aid him by lending him its power. In using the move "Thunder Shock", Joltik overpowers Logan's device. It dismantles almost immediately. Despite its small size, Joltik used far more power than it was used to. Or perhaps Logan's device was just flimsy.
Instead of becoming teary-eyed from the failed results of his experiment, Logan is ecstatic with the data he's collected. He sought to research and study Joltik's behavior from that point on until he eventually took it in and made it his official research partner. It is said that Logan continues to work on that device to this day.
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Carlos & Rockruff
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Carlos' childhood pet, Lillipup, (or Sparky as he called it) ran away from home one day. It's unclear if someone left the door open or it dug a whole out from the backyard, but it was assuredly missing. He left the house in search of Sparky and wouldn't rest until it was found. Hours had gone by and there was no sign of it anywhere. Completely down on his luck, Carlos lowered himself to the sidewalk, hugged his knees and cried. He whispered Sparky's name several times amidst his weeping until he felt something nudging his leg. He looked up and saw a wild Rockruff sitting at his feet with a warm smile. "What're you doin' here? Don't you have a family to go home to?" Carlos asks in between sniffles. Rockruff shook its head no but continued to smile and sit by his side.
Carlos proceeded to bare his soul to Rockruff, telling it the tale of Sparky's disappearance and just how much it meant to him. Wanting to cheer the boy up, Rockruff offered to play. They'd spent their time playing together until nightfall when Officer Garcia hurried to find Carlos. Amidst the relief washing over the panic of losing his son, Officer Garcia asked, "What are you doing out here all alone so late, buddy?" Carlos told his father about Sparky's disappearance and how Rockruff had found him amidst his fruitless search. "Dad, I don't wanna be alone... can Rockruff stay with us tonight?" Carlos implored.
Heartbroken and sympathetic, Officer Garcia takes them both home. Then one night turns into two, and two into four, and four into a week, and a week into a month! Carlos decides to become an official Pokemon Trainer, exploring every inch of the region with "Rocky" by his side. He still leaves a vacant space in his team in hopes that Sparky will one day return to him.
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As an added bonus, I've put together a roster of each boy's completed Pokémon team (without backstories) as fully fledged trainers! It was really fun to pick them out.
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Thanks for reading! <3 When editing the lineup images, I meant for Carlos' Lycanroc to say Dusk instead of Midday. That is not Lycanroc's Midday form.
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Hi guys I know many won't see this but I have to get this off my chest. As an OG rusher (2010) I'm extremely disappointed in half of the band views (James and Carlos). I've known about James' pro Israel stance since last year and I have retweeted stuff about it and even unfollowd on everything. I've also known about Carlos being a Trump supporter as well but I shrugged it off since Big Time Rush isn't (and shouldn't be imo) a political band. However once James decided to speak out so wrongfully about the genocide and war in Palestine it all changed. It was hard for me to accept because I've been a fan of them for literally 14 years and they're an important part of my life, even introduced my nephew to them right before they got back together and we saw them in 2022, which is and will always be the best night of my life. But after this election and knowing someone I loved since I was a little girl voted against my rights....it's a hard pill to swallow. Big Time Rush came back to me right when I needed them in 2021 after finding out my mom had colon cancer. She passed in April 2022 and BTR really helped with her passing especially with seeing them in concert with my nephew just 3 months later. They've always been such a great distraction from the real world. I'm so heartbroken about all this 💔 I'm still a rusher and always will be, but idk if I can ever financially support the band ever again. I don't even have positive feelings about them right now. I might be taking a break from this fandom and band for a bit. I still love the band itself and even still have love for Carlos and James in a nostalgic type way but idk..I just can't right now.
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partiallypearl · 5 months ago
i think we should do a btr christmas exchange
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abcwordsurge · 5 months ago
just reread a fic that I wrote a year or two ago, and it was EXACTLY what I wanted. it focused on my favorite friendship in the series, it had references to my favorite band, and the humor was just my type. the author has the same headcanons as me and everything. being a writer is awesome
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heffrondriving · 1 month ago
Do you still like big time rush or has James ruined them for you?
i have absolutely no idea how long ago this was from but like. y'all what even is this offhand ask lmao ( ; ⚆ _ ⚆ )
but alright screw it, just to set the record straight: i loved Big Time Rush lots and lots, that much is obvious. the nick show itself was such an integral part of my childhood, and i absolutely have no regrets about rediscovering the band last 2020 and diving in headfirst right into the deep end *Hot Summer by Heffron Drive starts blasting out* of their music and inevitably joining the fandom. i'm especially forever thankful for all the interesting experiences and fun projects and amazing friends i've made along the way, so i'm sincerely always going to have a certain fondness for BTR in the deepest crevices of my vv heart and soul.....
although yes, certainly *that* whole situation and other such related unfortunate controversies had kinda soured it to the point where i got uncomfortable calling myself a rusher—but that ultimately wasn't what made me fall out, it was just plain 'ol ✨burnout✨ idk keeping up with the fandom just got a little bit too hectic and way too toxic for me, so i moved on to other things better for my peace of mind. anyway, i'm mostly into cool J-pop stuff and ofc my most beloved svensk pojkband FO&O nowadays (also for language-learning purposes hehe :^D) and tbh these have been so incredibly wonderful and healing for me.....but i confess, i still kinda miss BTR and check in on them from time to time. hell, i even have a whooole bunch of chaotic BTR ocs that casually live rent-free in my mind now and forever and i'm constantly tempted to return to this rotting blog just so I can endlessly infodump lore abt them but i'm Annoying™ and who'd want that anyway soooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
so yes, i do love Big Time Rush. despite everything, i still like the show and the music, i like all the silly wacky unhinged creations and nostalgic memories i have of it, i like the fandom generally and seeing notifs still pop up on this inactive blog as the ever-faithful rushers continue to thrive and be inspired by the band and its legacy (shoutout to all the new-wave tumblrushers hehe i see u guys much love and hugs and i hope y'all keep up all the fun vibes and creativity here mwah xoxo (⁠*⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠~⁠♡), and i really don't wanna allow anything to ruin all those good feelings i got from them, even if that means being critical and letting go of certain aspects. i don't have to love everything about it, really. just enough for me is hopefully enough ❤️‍🩹
and now, the musical journey continues...?
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(p.s. #2: BTR actually dropped by our country in their world tour last October 2024,,, too little, too late :"))) and apparently there was a whole fucking drama that went down abt it too??? anubayan nakakahiya gagi ahshdjsjdk)
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icegirl2772 · 10 months ago
My Intro and Fics
Note: This will be edited as I continue working on my stories.
I've been lurking on Tumblr on and off for years now. But I've been getting more active on here that I've really gotten back into writing fanfiction. So, it may seem silly, but I felt an intro was in order.
I'm IceGirl2772. You can call me Ice or Icey. I've been writing fanfiction since I was 10 or 11. If you look at my FFN stuff... be prepared for the cringe. But nowadays, I am much more active on AO3.
Here is my profile link (AO3). Since the post is gonna be lengthy, as I provide a bit of background for the fandoms I write for and the stories I have, I'm adding a Read More. But in short, I write for the following fandoms (in alphabetical order): Big Time Rush (TV Series), CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Criminal Case (video game), Harry Potter, Hawaii Five-0 (2010 series), Loonatics Unleashed, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012 series), Thunderbirds (1965 series) and Transformers: Prime. Everything is fandom blind friendly.
Just a fair warning: I list a lot of the tags my fics have, and a few of them are NSFW. I'm also gonna be updating this as I go, so it's subject to constant change.
I'm gonna do my fandoms in alphabetical order for simplicity's sake.
Big Time Rush
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I have five fics in this fandom to date:
Take a Shot in the Dark | Teen and Up | No Archive Warnings Apply | James Diamond/Original Female Character, Background Kendall Knight/Jo Taylor, Background Logan Mitchell/Camille Roberts, Brief Original Male Character/Original Female Character | Kendall Knight, Kaelyn Knight (OC), James Diamond, Logan Mitchell, Carlos Garcia, Katie Knight, Gustavo Rocque, Kelly Wainwright, Palm Woods Kids, Jennifer Knight | Kendall Has a Twin Sister, Songwriting, Childhood Friends, Male-Female Friendship, Childhood Friends to Lovers, Chaos, Other Additional Tags to Be Added | 18/29 Chapters | 144k Words | WIP
She was always along for the ride. The twin sister. The best friend. But now, Kaelyn Knight was about to become the heart and soul of Big Time Rush as Gustavo takes her under his wing.
Going to Hollywood is certain to change the boys. But how will it change Kaelyn?
This fic holds a special place in my heart because I went back and forth on this idea for years, and it was actually through some of the friends I met here on Tumblr that I got the courage to post it. So... thanks.
Better Than Neil | Teen and Up | No Archive Warnings Apply | James Diamond/Original Female Character | James Diamond, Kaelyn Knight (OC), Original Male Character(s), Background & Cameo Characters | Teen Romance, Teenagers, Can Be Read Standalone, Snippets, Not Beta Read, One Shot, Fade to Black (kinda), James Diamond is Actually a Great Boyfriend | 1.4k Words | Complete
Kaelyn thinks of all the ways James is a better boyfriend than her ex.
aka an idea that would not leave me alone. :P I also wanted to gift this to @myloveforhergoeson because she's been a massive support to me as I write Take a Shot in the Dark. Thanks for everything, mate. :)
We Do (But Friends Don't) | Explicit | Underage | James Diamond/Original Female Character | James Knight, Kaelyn Knight (OC), Kendall Knight, Carlos Garcia, Logan Mitchell, Jennifer Knight, Gustavo Rocque, Kelly Wainwright, Palm Woods Kids | Horny Teenagers, Adolescent Sexuality, Teenagers Having Sex, First Time, Safe Sex, Multiple Sex Positions, Multiple Orgasms, Blow Jobs, Oral Sex, Jealous James Diamond, Friends with Benefits, Idiots in Love, Characters Are 16 Years Old, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Might Be Out of Character | 5/24 Chapters | 17k Words | WIP
Neither of them meant for this to happen. For James Diamond and Kaelyn Knight, the rules were clear. It was meant to be just sex. They were best friends first and foremost. It would stay between them. No feelings.
But neither of them considered the feelings that were already there.
Yet another idea that wouldn't leave me alone. I was about to let this idea wither away and die, but I met some... very corrupting influences. (You know who you are. ;)) And here we are. Special shoutout to @partiallypearl for helping me with the title. :)
It's a Wonderful Life | General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Kendall Knight/Lucy Stone | Kendall Knight, Lucy Stone | Christmas, Christmas Fluff, Cuteness Overload, Big Time Secret Santa 2024, Cross-Posted on Tumblr, Limited Dialogue, I've Softened Lucy with Age, Just a Whole Bunch of Kucy Cuteness, My First Work for This Pairing | 1.2k Words | Complete
One Christmas Eve, Lucy reflects on how much her life has changed since first moving to Hollywood, and just how wonderful it is.
This was my entry in the @bigtimesecretsanta and I was assigned @partiallypearl. Still hope you loved this, mate. :)
Wanna Be Your Only One | Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply | James Diamond/Original Female Character | James Diamond, Kaelyn Knight (OC) | Jaelyn, Aged-Up Characters, Reunion Sex, Making Love, Oral Sex, Tenderness, Lots of Love, Something Special at the End, My Fingers Slipped, No Beta We Go Down Like Superclog, The Author Regrets Nothing, The Author Regrets Everything, No ConCrit Please | 4.7k Words | Complete
Those two little words sent jolts through his body. Only one. It was a phrase that really stirred through his mind during their two weeks apart. It served to reinforce something to him. Something he always knew to be true.
She was the only one for him. And he hoped (because there was always the slightest voice of doubt creeping into his head) that he was the only one for her.
OR: When Kaelyn returns after a two-week business trip, James is eager to show her how much he missed her and what he's realized in her absence.
Like I mentioned in my post about this, my fingers slipped. But I think it turned out great, so... here ya go.
Planned Fics in This Fandom:
First Sequel to Take a Shot in the Dark - takes place during Season 2 of Big Time Rush
Second Sequel to Take a Shot in the Dark - takes place during Big Time Movie
Third Sequel to Take a Shot in the Dark - takes place during Seasons 3 and 4 of Big Time Rush
Odd one-shots
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
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I only have one fic in this fandom to date:
Butterfly | Teen and Up | Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings | Past Nick Stokes/Original Female Character | Nick Stokes, Kadelyn 'Kady' Stokes (OC), Original Characters, Warrick Brown, Gil Grissom, Catherine Willows, Sara Side, Greg Sanders, Jim Brass | Nick Stokes Whump, Nick Stokes as a Single Father, Father-Daughter Relationship, Family Feels, Family Bonding, Season/Series 01, Past Character Death, Other Additional Tags to Be Added | 9/24 Chapters | 14k Words | WIP
There was no denying the life of a CSI is a hard one. Different horrors every night shift. Different monsters emerging from the shadows. Always a new crime - some more horrific than others. Nick Stokes has always been one of the most empathetic CSIs, so he was often one of the most affected on the night shift.
But then, he thinks of a little girl waiting for him at home, and remembers his determination to make the world a better place for her. For his daughter. For Kadelyn. And the weight of the world is instantly lifted off his shoulders when he says two words: 'Hey, butterfly.'
This fic is a rewrite of a very old, very cringey fic I had up on my FFN. All of the chapters are very short and focus on a moment between Nick and his young daughter before, during or after an episode.
Planned Fics for This Fandom:
Stories of a similar vain to this one - all focusing on each season of the show. All named after butterfly in different languages.
Criminal Case (video game)
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(There's literally no GIF for the fandom)
I have four fics in this fandom to date:
The Adventures of Avery Samuels: Welcome to Grimsborough | Mature | Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death | David Jones/Player Character | Avery Samuels (Player Character substitute), David Jones, Samuel King, Nathan Pandit, Grace Delaney, Alex Turner, Eduardo Ramirez | Season 1: Grimsborough, Police Procedural, POV First Person, Co-Workers to Lovers, Male-Female Friendship, Friends to Lovers, Minor Character Death, Canon-Typical Violence, Miscarriage, Implied Sexual Content, Innuendo, Suicide, Bombs, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Heteroromantic Bisexual Character, Implied/Referenced Cannibalism, Implied/Referenced Torture, Racism, Past Character Death, Death of a Child (referenced), Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence, Sad Ending, Other Additional Tags to Be Added | 76/122 Chapters | 636k Words | WIP
After completing her education at the police academy, Avery Samuels is ready for her career as a police officer in the Grimsborough Police Department to begin. She is assigned to work with David Jones, her older brother's childhood best friend. How will things unfold between the two of them as Avery navigates her new job and her new life?
This is something I originally wrote on Wattpad, and I wanted to save it when I deactivated my Wattpad account. So, I transferred it to AO3 and kept it going. It is certainly going to be a wild ride.
Nothing For You Here | Teen and Up | Past David Jones/Charlotte Jones, Brief David Jones/Player Character at the End | David Jones, Charlotte Jones, Background Original Character, Cameo from Player Character at the End | Set After the Conspiracy, Regrets, Rejection, Whumptober 2024, r/FanfictionExchange, Rated T Because This Author is Paranoid About Ratings | 2.6 Words | Complete
Charlotte had always feared rejection. It was why she waited this long to go to Jones and tell him she wanted him back. But even if a small part of her was prepared for the rejection, it didn't make it hurt any less.
r/FanfictionExchange Whumptober 2024 Fic. Prompt: Rejection
I'm taking part in the r/FanfictionExchange -tober fest because I wanted to challenge myself. I'm doing four one-shots responding to Whump, Fluff, Kink and OC. This is my Whump Entry.
Something Right | Explicit | David Jones/Player Character | David Jones, Avery Samuels (OC/Player Character) | POV First Person, Porn with Feelings, Porn with Plot, Oral Sex, Couch Sex, Penis in Vagina Sex, Missionary Sex, Friends to Lovers, My First Attempt at First Person POV Smut, Female Perspective, r/FanfictionExchange, OCTober 2024 | 4.5k Words | Complete
When Avery comes home from a trip, she wonders if she did something wrong leaving Jones with easy access to her journals to tell him what she couldn't. But she finds that she did something right.
AKA when Jones and Avery would finally get together if The Adventures of Avery Samuels unfolded differently.
r/FanfictionExchange OCtober 2024 fic. Prompt: Friends to Lovers
I'm taking part in the r/FanfictionExchange -tober fest because I wanted to challenge myself. I'm doing four one-shots responding to Whump, Fluff, Kink and OC. This is my OC Entry.
Welcome to the Rest of Your Life, David Jones | Explicit | David Jones/Player Character | David Jones, Avery Samuels (OC/Player Character) | Minor Character Death, POV First Person, Friends to Lovers, Retelling of a Story Through Someone Else's Eyes, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, BDSM Scene, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance | 2 Chapters | 9.8k Words | In Progress
It was meant to be a punishment. At least, that was how Chief King had described being assigned a rookie officer to David Jones. But then, he walked into the office and saw not a punishment, but the beginning of the rest of his life.
Or 'The Adventures of Avery Samuels: Welcome to Grimsborough' told from Jones' POV.
This was something I was toying with for a while now, and I just finally decided to take the plunge. Besides, I had a lot of fun doing the couple of chapters from Jones' POV. So, I thought to myself, 'Why not?'
Properly Improper | Explicit | Arthur Wright/Player Character | Arthur Wright, Emily Campbell (OC/Player Character) | 1890s, Season 4: Mysteries of the Past (Criminal Case), Older Man/Younger Woman, Office Sex, Alternate History, Somewhat Quickie, Not Beta Read, The Author Regrets Everything | 3.3k Words | Complete
Alone in the chief’s office aboard the airship, the usually uptight Chief Arthur Wright finds it can be fun to be properly improper with his young bride.
This is me making a very interesting introduction to my new Criminal Case OC. This is Emily Campbell, and she is Avery’s ancestor. I’m setting her up for when I start writing a fanfiction for Mysteries of the Past. I was planning to wait until I finish Avery’s story in World Edition, but I could end up bringing it forward because I’ve basically got everything set in stone for the whole series. I’ll decide in the New Year. :)
Planned Fics for This Fandom:
The Adventures of Avery Samuels: Welcome to Pacific Bay - Title subject to change. Sequel to Welcome to Grimsborough. Follows Avery in Pacific Bay.
The Adventures of Avery Samuels: Save the World - Title subject to change. Sequel to Grimsborough and Pacific Bay. Follows Avery during her tenure in the Bureau.
Mysteries of the Past: The Adventures of Emily Campbell - Spin-off focusing on Avery's ancestor Emily Campbell as she moves from England to Concordia. Based on Season 4 of Criminal Case.
The Adventures of Avery Samuels: A Final Conspiracy - Follows Avery as she returns to Grimsborough. Will be the final story in the series. (I'm not doing Seasons 6-8.)
Some one-shots of varying ratings.
Harry Potter
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I have two works in this fandom:
Just a Man | Teen and Up | Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings | No Romantic Relationships | Unnamed Hufflepuff Student, Background & Cameo Characters, Various Characters Mentioned But Not Seen | Voldemort Dies, Past Character Death, Second Wizarding War with Voldemort, Battle of Hogwarts Aftermath, More Book Than Film Based, POV First Person | 575 Words | Complete
The thoughts of an unidentified Hufflepuff student in the immediate aftermath of the Battle of Hogwarts.
This is my very first work in the Harry Potter fandom. I'm a Hufflepuff, so this was born out of me wanting to shine a bit more of a spotlight on the house.
Even If | Teen and Up | Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings | No Romantic Relationships | Neville Longbottom, Background & Cameo Characters, Original Character | Gryffindor, Gryffindors Being Gryffindors, Introspection, Based on Film Adaptations | 1.8k Words | Complete
It was a question that many Hogwarts students asked, regardless of whether they were planed in Gryffindor or another house. It was certainly asked as the dark days loomed. When certain events brought that question to the forefront more than ever.
What did it mean to be brave?
I wrote this thinking of a message by a local antibullying organisation: Speak - even if your voice shakes.
Planned Fics for This Fandom:
My plans are very fluid. I am hoping to write more one-shots. I don't see myself writing a mutli-chaptered story in this fandom.
Hawaii Five-0 (2010 series)
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I have two fics in this fandom to date:
Snow Angels | Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply | Danny "Danno" Williams/Original Female Character(s) | Danny "Danno" Williams, Felicity "Flick" McGarrett (OC) | Winterfest 2024, Cabin Fic, Snow, Smut, Danno Loves HIs Wife, McGarrett Sister OC, Oral Sex, Sex in Front of a Fireplace, Penis in Vagina Sex, My First Work in This Fandom, Not Beta Read, No ConCrit Please, Possibly Out of Character, r/FanfictionExchange, Orgasm Denial, Fluffy Ending | 5.4k Words | Complete
Recalling how his wife has never seen snow, Danny decides to see if he can turn his beach girl into a snow angel.
AKA Snow. Cabin. Smut.
Written for r/FanfictionExchange Winterfest 2024-25.
I wrote this for a fest that is currently being run on the r/FanfictionExchange subreddit. I decided to do a thing involving snow, cabin and smut. As it says in the summary. I've been toying with the idea for a while of doing a series of fics involving Danno falling in love with my OC, aka Steve's sister. Saw this as an opportunity to get that off the ground.
Last First Kiss | Teen and Up | No Archive Warnings Apply | Danny "Danno" Williams/Original Female Character(s), Danny "Danno" Williams & Grace Williams | Danny "Danno" Williams, Felicity "Flick" McGarrett (OC), Grace Williams | First Kiss, Feelings Realization, Love, Touch of Action, Grace Helps Her Dad, Wholesome, Year of the OTP 2025, Somewhat Rewrite of 1x03, No ConCrit Please | 2.4k Words | Complete
But the words had a greater affect on him than Grace could realize. It was as though his mind finally caught up with his heart. He realized what he had been feeling all along. Those sparks he felt when he and Flick kissed during the assignment weren’t a simple side effect of the adrenaline coursing through them. It was love.
It was Danny realizing that he wanted to be Flick’s last first kiss.
Written for the Year of the OTP Event. Prompt: First Kiss.
As I mentioned in the summary, I wrote this for @yearoftheotpevent. It's my first time participating in an event like this and I am so excited for the challenge it'll bring me. I've already gotten all my other fics planned out and I can't wait to write them when their respective months come along.
Planned Fics for This Fandom:
My plans are very fluid, but I'll definitely be coming back to Felicity "Flick" McGarrett down the road.
Loonatics Unleashed
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I have two fics in this fandom so far:
A Million Things | Teen and Up | Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings | No Romantic Relationships | Ace Bunny, Brylee Bunny (OC), Lexi Bunny, Danger Duck, Slam Tasmanian, Tech E. Coyote, Rev Runner, Zadavia, Various Character(s) | Childbirth, Character Adopted at Birth, Interspecies Family, Found Family, Ace Bunny as a Big Brother, Diabetes, Menstruation, Coming-of-Age, Canon-Typical Violence, Bullying, Other Additional Tags to Be Added | 22/27 Chapters | 114k Words | WIP
Brylee Bunny is a million things. An orphan. A teenage girl. An aspiring photographer. A diabetic. An outcast. A... superhero? Brylee is thrust into her new life: a life where she has superpowers and she, along with her adoptive brother Ace and five other individuals, save the world from evil on a daily basis. How will she adapt to her new life as a superhero? Especially when it brings up even more questions about the family who abandoned her at birth?
I started writing this on FFN several years ago and decided to bring it over to AO3 when I decided to make AO3 my main fanfic site.
Pull Ya Heads Out | General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Ace Bunny/Lexi Bunny | Ace Bunny, Lexi Bunny, Brylee Bunny (OC) | Post-Acmegeddon: Part 2, Acexi, My OG OTP, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Flufftober 2024, Love Confessions, Mentions of Angsty Events, My OC is a Cheeky Little Shit, r/FanfictionExchange | 2.5k Words | Complete
After certain events unfolded (re: defeating your boss's evil brother), Brylee decided that two certain bunnies need to pull their heads out and tell each other how they feel.
r/FanfictionExchange Flufftober 2024 Fic. Prompt: Love Confessions
I'm taking part in the r/FanfictionExchange -tober fest because I wanted to challenge myself. I'm doing four one-shots responding to Whump, Fluff, Kink and OC. This is my Fluff Entry, and I decided to use this opportunity to pay tribute to my original OTP.
Planned Fics for This Fandom:
A Million and One Things - Sequel to A Million Things. Follows Brylee during the events of season two.
A Million More Things - Sequel to A Million Things and A Million and One Things. The final story in the Brylee Bunny trilogy.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012 series)
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I have three fics in this fandom so far:
In the Darkness | Teen and Up | Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings | Leonardo/Original Female Character | Leonardo, Alina Herber (OC), Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo, Hamato Yoshi / Splinter, April O'Neil | Canon-Typical Violence, Interspecies Relationship, Interspecies Romance, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Child Abuse, Child Neglect, Other Additional Tags to Be Added | 20/33 Chapters | 90k Words | WIP
They introduced her to their world, now she can introduce them to hers.
What can possibly go wrong?
Something I started writing eight years ago and originally got abandoned, but renewed interest thanks to review exchanges on Reddit (along with rewatching the show) got me back into this.
Mine | Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply | Leonardo/Original Female Character | Leonardo, Alina Herber (OC) | Mating Cycles/In Heat, Porn, Knifeplay, Aged-Up Characters, Leo in Heat, Yeah I'm Doing My Own Take on This, Interspecies Relationship(s), Interspecies Sex, Oral Sex, Multiple Sex Positions, Multiple Orgasms, Does This Count As Rough Sex?, Characters Are 18 Years Old, Pussy Slapping, My First Attempt at Interspecies Sex, First Time, Light BDSM, dom!leo, I'm Bad at Tagging, No Concrit Please | 4.6k Words | Complete
Usually, Alina stayed away when the Turtles were in heat. Well, at least from Leo, who was most affected by her presence. That changed in their eighteenth year.
Same ol' story. An idea wouldn't leave me alone. Met some bad influences who encouraged this. I wanted to see if this was something I could explore down the line in my current Leo/Alina series, so this also served as a... test balloon of sorts.
Such a Good Girl | Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply | Leonardo/Original Female Character | Leonardo, Alina Herber (OC) | Porn, Interspecies Sex, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Oral Sex, Multiple Orgasms, Multiple Sex Positions, Praise Kink, Kinktober 2024, r/FanfictionExchange, dom!Leo, Sex Toys, Penis in Vagina Sex | 3.3k Words | Complete
Leo and Alina sequester themselves away from the world as they work through Leo's heat together, making some surprising discoveries about each other.
Somewhat sequel to 'Mine', but can be read standalone.
r/FanfictionExchange Kinktober 2024 Fix. Prompt: Praise Kink.
I'm taking part in the r/FanfictionExchange -tober fest because I wanted to challenge myself. I'm doing four one-shots responding to Whump, Fluff, Kink and OC. This is my Kink Entry, and I decided to use this opportunity to do a somewhat sequel to Mine.
Planned Fics in This Fandom:
First In the Darkness Sequel - follows season 2 of TMNT 2012
Second In the Darkness Sequel - follows season 3 of TMNT 2012
Third In the Darkness Sequel - follows first half of season 4 of TMNT 2012
Fourth In the Darkness Sequel - follows second half of season 4 of TMNT 2012
Fifth In the Darkness Sequel - follows some of season 5 of TMNT
Potential for various one-shots focusing on Leo and Alina
Thunderbirds (1965 series)
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I have six stories in this fandom. It's by far my most active:
The Thunderbird and the Doctor | Mature | Graphic Descriptions of Violence | Scott Tracy/Original Female Character, Background Alan Tracy/Tin-Tin Kyrano, Background Virgil Tracy/Original Female Character | Scott Tracy, Tracy Family, Indiana Evans (OC) | Based on Original Series, Scott Needs Some Loving, They Need a Doctor, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Narcissism, Angst and Romance, Angst with a Happy Ending, Attempted Murder, Kidnapping, Birth Control (one chapter), Pregnancy, Brief Descriptions of Labour | 50/50 Chapters | 292k Words | Complete
There was a missing component to International Rescue, Jeff Tracy felt. They needed a doctor. So, he found one. Dr. Indiana Evans was one of the best-known trauma surgeons. She wants to make a difference. Little did she know how much her life would change along the way.
This baby was what got me back into fanfiction writing full time. So, seeing this complete felt very bittersweet. In many ways, it's my first baby.
The Thunderbird and the Doctor After Dark | Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply | Scott Tracy/Original Female Character | Scott Tracy, Indiana Evans (OC) | Porn, Porn with Feelings, Some Plot, Blow Jobs, Oral Sex, One Shot Collection, Additional Warnings in Author's Note, Unprotected Sex, Masturbation, Multiple Sex Positions, Hand Jobs, No Dialogue (some chapters), Cunnilingus, Mutual Masturbation, Medical Kink, Sexual Roleplay, 5+1 Things, Cockblocking, This Author Sucks at Dirty Talk, Temperature Play, Restraints, Blindfolds, Aftercare, Bathtub Sex, Light BDSM, Couch Sex, Birthday Sex | 24/25 Chapters | 60k Words | WIP
The missing scenes from The Thunderbird and the Doctor. What exactly do Scott and Indiana get up to behind closed doors?
This is my smut collection. It's the missing sex scenes from the main story, but you can read it without reading the main story. Especially if you're just looking for some smut.
The Thunderbird and the Geologist | Teen and Up | Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings | Virgil Tracy/Original Female Character, Background Scott Tracy/Original Female Character, Background Alan Tracy/Tin-Tin Kyrano | Virgil Tracy, Arizona Adams (OC), Tracy Family | Sequel, References to Previous Story, Past Character Death, Falling in Love, Happy Ending, Might Contain Inaccuracies, Child of Death Adults (CODA), American Sign Language, Other Additional Tags to Be Added | 9 Chapters | 26k Words | WIP
Sequel to 'The Thunderbird and the Doctor'.
We saw Scott find his missing piece. How about Virgil? It was pure fate that saw Virgil meeting Dr. Arizona Adams, a world-renowned geologist who also happens to be Indiana's childhood best friend. Will their road to happily ever after be smooth sailing?
This is the second story in a series I'm planning focusing on each Tracy brother and their love story. It's early days, but I'm happy with it so far.
The Solution Was Simple | General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Jeff Tracy | Pre-Canon, Pre-IR, Reflection, Written on my iPad | 2k Words | Complete
Jeff reflects on the sacrifices he's asking his sons to make for his dreams, and is resolved to do what he can to rectify that.
I wrote this one-shot on a plane trip actually (personal note: never write on an iPad again). I actually posted it on the anniversary I started posting The Thunderbird and the Doctor, which made it even more special.
A Tropical White Christmas | General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Tracy Family, Original Characters, Penelope Creighton-Ward, Tin-Tin Kyrano, Background & Cameo Characters | Christmas, Christmas Fluff, Snowball Fight, Snow on a Tropical Island, References to Canon, Pregnant Character | 1.5k Words | Complete
Brains had given the Tracy family a great gift this Christmas. One they were determined to make use of.
This is written in reference to the Thunderbirds episode Give or Take a Million, where Brains made it snow on Tracy Island. So, the boys enjoy it the old-fashioned way. This was written as part of the Winter Fest on the FanfictionExchange subreddit and gifted to @kristylime, a good friend of mine and co-mod who gave me the idea. Thanks, mate.
Down and Up | General Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Jeff Tracy/Lucille Tracy | Jeff Tracy, Lucille Tracy | First Meetings, Love at First Sight, No Dialogue | 1.9k Words | Complete
Two people experiencing an unlucky day meet at a train station, and their day looks up.
I wrote this in response to the Fate and Luck Fest on the FanfictionExchange subreddit.
Planned Fics in This Fandom:
The Thunderbird and the Photographer - Gordon's love story with photographer Mirabel Marks.
The Thunderbird and the Author - John's love story with author Adalyn Rowe.
The Thunderbird and His Sweetheart - Alan's love story with Tin-Tin
Odd one-shots
Not in this fandom, but I am thinking of doing a fic based on the reboot with a new OC, but similar to The Thunderbird and the Doctor
Transformers: Prime
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I have two fics in this fandom:
Save You | Explicit | Graphic Descriptions of Violence | Jack Darby/Original Female Character, Optimus Prime/Arcee | Talida Prime, Jack Darby, Optimus Prime, Arcee, Ratchet, Cliffjumper, Bumblebee, Bulkhead, William Fowler, Starscream, Decepticons | Kidnapping, Torture, Teen Romance, Rewrite, Amputation, Aftermath of Torture, Psychological Torture, Implied Sexual Content, Pre-Canon, Might Contain Medical Inaccuracies, Angst with a Happy Ending, Is This a Dead Dove Fic? | 23/23 Chapters | 64k Words | Complete
What if Jack somehow discovered the existence of the Autobots earlier than planned? His best friend has disappeared and he soon discovers that there is more to her disappearance than meets the eye.
This is a rewrite of a story I brought over from FFN, which is in turn a rewrite of my original Talida Prime series. I wasn't happy with what I was doing and had done, so it led to this.
Zombie | Explicit | Graphic Descriptions of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage | Jack Darby/Original Female Character, Optimus Prime/Arcee | Jack Darby, Talida Prime, Original Characters, Optimus Prime, Arcee, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Cliffjumper, Miko Nakadai, Rafael "Raf" Esquivel, William Fowler, June Darby, Megatron, Starscream, Soundwave, Other Character Tags to Be Added | Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Past Torture, Past Abuse, Flashbacks, Season/Series 01, Amputee Character, Teen Romance, Eventual Smut, Characters Are 16 Years Old, Is This a Dead Dove?, Slight Alteration to Canon, Other Additional Tags to Be Added | 10 Chapters | 45k Words | WIP
Sequel to 'Save You'.
It's been two years. The Decepticons have retreated into the shadows. Talida is haunted by her experiences, but is slowly moving forward with the help of her loved ones. But the tranquility is disrupted when the Decepticons make a dramatic return to the scene, causing a significant blow to the Autobot forces and marking the resumption of a war that has haunted Talida since birth. The Autobots gear up for another fight alongside old and new allies, but will they all emerge unscathed?
As mentioned, this is a sequel to Save You. This follows season one of the show, but some changes will have to be made because, in this series, Jack knew about the Autobots before the show's canon.
Planned Fics in This Fandom:
Sequels to Save You and Zombie. Unknown titles. Unknown if any other fics will crop up.
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fubureaders · 2 months ago
four minnesota hockey players
gotta live it big time (rush)
kendall knight 🏒
send in some requests!
james diamond 🪮
send in some requests!
logan mitchell 🩺
send in some requests!
carlos garcia 🪖
send in some requests!
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spinnysocks · 7 months ago
just wanna say a big thank you to all the lion guard followers/mutuals i've gained recently!! i appreciate you so much and i'm absolutely loving the interactions :) i seriously thought i'd be posting about the outlanders just for myself and my own hyperfix but the interactions on my posts makes me giddy with happiness hfgdjjdhd
and all the asks?!?! tysm!! i feel really honoured for them :] /gen, vpos
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myfriendtheghost · 2 years ago
never in my life has a band caused me so much mental anguish
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inkameswetrust · 9 days ago
Big Time Pokémon (Part 2)
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I was incredibly inspired by the creative process of the first Big Time Pokémon blog that I decided to expand this headcanon series to secondary and tertiary Big Time Rush characters. Be prepared for more Big Time Pokémon content in the future! :D
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Lucy & Zorua
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When Lucy first decided to become a Pokémon Trainer, her parents were very strict about the type of Pokémon she was allowed to catch. They disapproved of her catching namely dark, poison, and ghost types because they believed that such Pokémon embodied traits such as spite, malice, and recklessness that would deter her from being poised and well-mannered. Her parents also believed that training such Pokémon would harm the image they crafted for her in order to pursue a career in classical music.
One day, Lucy convinced her parents to let her venture out by herself in order to catch her first Pokémon. Despite most trainers starting out young, her parents were concerned for her safety without already having a Pokémon at her disposal to aid her. Lucy had saved up enough allowance to purchase items from the local Poké Center to compensate. As long as she promised to stay local, Lucy's parents happily obliged.
Lucy deviated from her designated route the moment she was out of sight and encountered a wild Zorua practicing its ability of illusion amongst other wild Pokémon. She was fascinated by its playful nature and was positive Zorua was the Pokémon she wanted to catch. Zorua gazed intently at Lucy as she approached it, but she wasn't entirely confident in catching it. She retrieved a Poké Ball from her bag and it trembled in her hand. Lucy couldn't bring herself to defy her parents and catch Zorua, so she fled in a panic and arrived home empty handed.
Upon her return, Lucy's parents asked what Pokémon she ended up catching. A Skitty nuzzled her feet and meowed before she could answer. Lucy looked down in surprise but said nothing as her parents cooed at her first ever Pokémon. They couldn't be more pleased with her choice. Lucy went along with things until she was alone and took the Skitty outside to release it. She had no idea she'd been followed home and didn't want to take on the responsibility of a Pokémon she never chose. The Skitty's form disappeared and revealed that it was just Zorua in disguise. Lucy was marveled by its ability and was overjoyed to see it. They became immediate partners from then on. Zorua made a habit of giving off the illusion of a Skitty in the presence of Lucy's parents until she moved away to the Palm Woods. Lucy has expressed that the colors of Zorua's fur inspired the colors of her hair.
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Mercedes & Furfrou
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Being the daughter of one of the most successful CEOs in America, Pokémon training was but a mere leisure for Mercedes. She was accustomed to her father paying for professional trainers catching the most coveted Pokémon in the region to give to Mercedes. She ended up giving away dozens of Pokémon the trainers caught for her until Griffin had enough. He put his foot down and declared to not waste another dime on Pokémon she wouldn't bother taking care of. If Mercedes wanted to be a trainer, she'd have to catch her own Pokémon.
After a short lived tantrum and a few "But, Daddy!"s later, Mercedes visited the nearest Poké Ball Boutique to purchase the best Poké Balls money could buy. She sought to buy a handful of Luxury Balls, but the credit card Griffin gave her declined upon purchase. When Mercedes called Griffin to rectify the situation, he told her that when he said to catch her own Pokémon he also meant she needed to purchase her own supplies. Mercedes used whatever cash she had on hand and settled for a few Premier Balls.
Embarrassed and ashamed from having spent so little money, Mercedes drags her feet to the nearest meadow and begrudgingly begins her search. She crams a Premier Ball in her fist and holds it out until she's met with a horde of Scatterbug. Mercedes shrieks and drops the Premier Ball, scrambling away until the small of her back meets the trunk of a tree. She's never responded well to insects. One of the Scatterbug uses String Shot™ on her favorite pearl-white sundress she immediately dusts off saying "Eww!" over and over again with an unsettled squeak in her voice.
As the horde of Scatterbug corner her, a wild Furfrou leaps before Mercedes and uses Growl™ to intimidate and scare away a cowardly pair of the bunch. It uses Bite™ and Quick Attack™ to successfully fend off the rest. She was relieved yet still mildly unsettled by Furfrou's shaggy fur. Furfrou walked away, allowing Mercedes the space to breathe and recollect herself. Furfrou returned shortly after with her discarded Premier Ball in its mouth. It offered to hand it to her, but saw how uncomfortable Mercedes was. Instead, Furfrou lowered the Premier Ball to the ground and rolled it over to her.
Mercedes hesitantly took the Premier Ball from the ground and gently tossed it in Furfrou's direction, successfully catching it. As her voice lifted with a triumphant squeal, Mercedes clung to Furfrou's Premier Ball and hurried home with her father on the phone. As congratulations for a job well done, Griffin offered to pay for Furfrou's grooming. He was sure this would be money well spent. Mercedes declined Griffin's offer. She didn't care much for Furfrou's shaggy fur, but she'd rather earn that privilege than have it given to her. Mercedes earned enough money from Pokémon battles to pay for Furfrou's grooming and chose the Heart Trim form to match her wardrobe. As snooty and privileged as the two may appear, Furfrou serves as a reminder of the lesson Mercedes learned from having caught it. Furfrou is a testament to her independence and strength.
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Guitar Dude & Grookey
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Growing up, Guitar Dude was too preoccupied with his studies and cello practice to train Pokémon. Due to his ability to quickly learn and master a stringed instrument, his parents hurried to capitalize on his talent. They urged him to play for weddings, funerals, concerts, and other special occasions in hopes he'd grow up to be a successful musician who'd provide for them well into old age. Guitar Dude kept very little of his earnings, if any at all, and eventually became burnt out.
He hated the thought of ever having to play his cello for another performance, but he'd continue to play and collect any of his earnings his parents didn't already keep for themselves. Guitar Dude used those earnings to fund his emancipation from his parents. Once the emancipation was granted, the court ordered that his parents pay him in full for whatever he'd earned over the years for performing. Guitar Dude used his earnings to move to Los Angeles where he moved into the Palm Woods and started out as a ghostwriter. It was a good enough distance from playing the cello while also being involved in the music industry. Guitar Dude discovered he had many unresolved feelings of which he used to inspire the songs he wrote.
Although he was happy to finally be living his own life, as dull as it may seem, Guitar Dude felt unfulfilled. He loved the feeling of playing an instrument, his fingers dancing upon the strings and striking each chord like a wave crashing onshore. But he couldn't handle the memories and mistreatment the cello forced him to recall. What was a boy to do?
Guitar Dude aimlessly strolled through the Palm Woods park one afternoon in search of an answer. He sat down on a park bench and looked over his shoulder to see Buddha Bob trimming the hedges. Buddha Bob's tranquil energy and calming nature bewitched Guitar Dude and caused him to stare. He struck up a conversation in which Buddha Bob picked up on Guitar Dude's existentialism. As Guitar Dude told his sorrowful tale and expressed his fruitless search for self-fulfillment, Buddha Bob suggested that the solution to his problems may not be as distant as they seem. Staying within the margins of the music industry doesn't have to be so difficult when there are various opportunities to take advantage of. It's all a matter of knowing where to look for said opportunities.
Suddenly, a sheet of paper billowed in the wind and flew right into Guitar Dude's hand. It was a flyer for local guitar lessons with a slogan that read, "Relax and unwind with music on the mind!" After briefly thanking Buddha Bob for his wisdom, Guitar Dude hurried to the address on the flyer. He went into songwriting for himself once he quickly mastered his new instrument. His songs took a mellow turn, conveying messages of transcending the human experience and trusting the winds of fate. While practicing his guitar in the Palm Woods park one morning, a wild Grookey crawled to the foot of his bench and rocked to the rhythm of his strumming. It accompanied Guitar Dude's acoustic melody with the drumming of its special stick. Passersby surrounded them and danced to their equally tranquil and groovy sound. The harmony between string and percussion liberated Guitar Dude and provided him with the fulfillment he was searching for.
He and Grookey made it a regular occurrence to meet in the Palm Woods park for jam sessions. Guitar Dude did so much of his songwriting in Grookey's presence that it became adamant to become his partner. He was skeptical at first from never having the time to train Pokémon, but the fact that he finally had the ability to make that choice made him feel hopeful. With that in mind, Guitar Dude happily submitted a Pokémon Trainer application and caught Grookey upon its approval. Guitar Dude has expressed that Grookey inspired his ambition to play the bongos.
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Griffin & Rookidee
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Arthur Griffin has always been territorial and cutthroat in nature. When he was a child, many believed his demeanor was just another childish phase that he'd grow out of once he started to mature. Truthfully, his mannerisms were learned. Being the youngest of several successfully intelligent and capable brothers, Arthur often competed with them for attention, affection, and validation. Despite this reality, he found that sometimes he didn't have the heart to constantly put up a fight. It was exhausting and led him astray from the person he wanted to be.
At school, Arthur was a pushover and a frequent target for teasing, name-calling, and other sorts of petty ridicule. With so much of his energy spent on scavenging for attention and respect at home, there was none left to spend at school. It seemed there'd never be enough money in the world to buy Arthur the courage to demand the respect of those around him.
His head hung low on his routine walk from school one afternoon, but the flailing and flapping of a wild Rookidee's wings caught his attention and ensnared him in a trance of awe. The Rookiedee pecked, poked, and scratched a horde of Skwovet surrounding and outnumbering it. Arthur watched in amazement as Rookidee continuously put up a fight even if it didn't stand a chance. Its courage and bravery was truly awe-inspiring. Rookidee managed to scare a couple Skowvet away, but the rest growled angrily and stood their ground.
Arthur ran to the Rookidee's side crying out "Stop! Don't hurt it!" as he stood firmly before the remaining Skwovet with his arms outstretched to the sides. He narrowed his eyes, furrowed his brows, and grit his teeth to craft the most intimidating look he could muster. His rutty exhales and belligerent gaze were identical to that of a Tauros; unwavering in their line of defense and unwilling to back down. Although Rookidee was battered and bruised from battle, it gazed up at Arthur with a hopeful glint in its eye, grateful to have someone come to its aid and invigorated to keep putting up a fight. It rose to its feet and squawked with all its might to disarm the small grouping of Skwovet. Arthur joined in with a battle cry of his own, and together they roared with every ounce of courage they possessed to drive their opponents away. Their moment of triumph was brief but meaningful. At that moment, Arthur knew he was destined to train this Pokémon no matter what. He took Rookidee home and vowed that as long as they were together, they'd never have to fight their battles alone again.
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In the previous Big Time Pokémon blog, I categorized each team's lineup with fully evolved Pokémon. Going forward, I'd like to categorize the teams with varying levels of strength and evolution. I believe that fleshes out the characters more because varying levels of strength are indicative of their goals and individual journeys as trainers.
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findyourrp · 1 year ago
Hello 💕! I'm 20+ F looking for 18+ partners to do some fandom rps with. Most of my rps are going to be on discord, but I am also open to other things as well.
Currently looking for a partner to do some cc x oc ships with me playing as the oc. I prefer to double if my partner wants to play as an oc as well! Most of my ocs are female, and I have the most experience with MxF pairings or FxF, but I am open to other pairs as well if needed. I enjoy doing OOCs, it's ways to get to know more partner and see what type of ideas we can come up with together.
Fandoms I'm looking for:
Hogwarts Legacy
Big Time Rush
Cobra Kai
Code Lyoko
Naruto Shippuden
H2O Just Add Water
Fast and Furious
So far, those are the ones I can think of at the top of my head. Please like this post, and I'll get back to you. Thanks for reading!
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