#keep sending the asks :] /nf
spinnysocks · 2 months
just wanna say a big thank you to all the lion guard followers/mutuals i've gained recently!! i appreciate you so much and i'm absolutely loving the interactions :) i seriously thought i'd be posting about the outlanders just for myself and my own hyperfix but the interactions on my posts makes me giddy with happiness hfgdjjdhd
and all the asks?!?! tysm!! i feel really honoured for them :] /gen, vpos
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hectorthedoggo · 4 months
what are some really good theories that people have made about fugue au?
alr... so i'm going to not define 'good' as accurate, because that would be unfair. but.
kurov in my comment section has some rlly good theories!! And @/kani-miso has a lot of details and evidence to their theories :D
It's hard for me to say much, as I don't want to accidentally confirm or deny any theories.
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vidawhump · 4 months
3, 5, and 12 for elias!!
from this ask game!
3) What do you think about whumper?
“Cassidy? Oh, what is that word that Marjorie said that one time,” he mutters to himself, trying to find the right word from the modern English language. “Cassidy is what I believe is called an ‘asshole’. Don't quote me on that wording. I don't like her. She is mean. I also do not like the museum.” He continues to mumble to himself, mulling over the complex stupidity of English.
5) Do you have any rules?
“Like, at the museum? Honestly, there’s probably more specific rules for the people who come to the museum than for myself. Cassidy is very lenient with me compared to the other creatures on display here. She says I’m her favorite right now, but I didn’t really believe it until I tore up all the towels and she didn’t seem to care that much. She got more mad at one of her work friends for eating her mangoes. I guess one rule that applies to almost everyone is that nobody is allowed to eat Cassidy’s food.”
12) Have you ever killed? Would you?
He answers the question with no hesitation. “Absolutely. I don’t know how many humans I have killed anymore. I lost track long ago.” He pauses to contemplate his next words. “Eden doesn’t like it when I kill people. Because of him, I try to scare hunters badly enough that they won’t return instead of killing them. I think we both have similar goals. We both want to protect the people we care about. I care a lot about how he feels, so if I have to use less effective and not permanent methods of getting rid of hunters, I will. For Eden.” He starts to tear up at the thought, but quickly brushes off the tears before anything of substance can spill out.
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fukounaboy · 1 year
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kel-is-here · 1 year
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"Heh, I'll be sure to! Make sure you all drink some too!"
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alex-just-vibing · 1 year
Sally getting upset whenever he brothers meet new people and befriend them because why do they need more people? They already have her and the group. Those people are just gonna take their time and then they won't hang out with her anymore.
She doesn't say anything though because she doesn't want her brothers to be lonely
I don't think that's something she'd really need to worry much ab lol
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sparklecare-good-au · 2 years
*biting and maiming and biting*
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lars-pinfield · 2 months
What do your parents think of you being a ghostbuster?
My mum is very supportive, she's just happy that I've managed to get a job doing something I love- even if it's on the other side of the world.
My dad doesn't know what I do, I don't think. I've told him quite a few times, but I'm fairly certain he's still under the impression that I've gone into accounting, or something similarly boring.
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
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SDJFSKADNF THIS IS SO COOL!!!! this is seriously amazing and i absolutely love the way you draw tails!!! the floof on some of them make me go brrrrr
and also i love the prefix acacia that's really pretty :D
i would like to know more pls..../nf
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hectorthedoggo · 4 months
which t2 song do you want es to cover the most? do you have any thoughts on how they’d sound?
hoo... i think they'd sound good in all of them but PURGE MARCH PLEASE either that or deep cover
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coffeeghoulie · 8 months
pspspspps i see you're taking fluff requests, soooo can i be annoying and ask for some cute swissalps, my boys? im giving you a free hand entirely, whatever comes to mind. ill take anything hgfhagsfsa /nf
absolutely, the big boys being cute coming right up!
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For being a multi-ghoul, Swiss isn't usually quite in tune with the parts of him that are earth. His fire and quintessence are louder, demand more from him. But on days like today, when it calls to him so loudly and so sweetly he can't deny it, he knows he's always welcome here.
The air is thick and warm and humid. Swiss breathes through his nose, the scent of churned earth and growth and greenery overwhelming in the best way. Mountain works quietly nearby, and his peaceful presence is enough to quiet that part of him.
Swiss bats lazily at Mountain's tail, the pine-needle like tip rustling as it brushes against his claws. His head dangles off of the end of the earth ghoul's daybed, tucked snugly in the corner of his greenhouse.
Mountain snickers from where he waters his personal garden. "You are so easily entertained, edelweiss."
"You know it," Swiss snorts, eyes tracking the movement of his tail. The spade of his own tail beats a steady rhythm against the mattress.
"Keep that up and I'll think you're coming for my job," Mountain teases, inspecting the hanging plants that form his privacy curtain. "You sure as heaven don't play that guitar. Papa might as well put you to work."
He scoffs, rolling his eyes playfully. "Excuse me, maple, but Papa loves my stage presence. You do too."
Mountain sets down his watering can, turning to face Swiss with his hands on his hips. The multi-ghoul whines as the motion causes his tail to spin out of reach. "One of these days Papa won't be acting when you give him the shimmies. Besides, I didn't say I didn't love your stage presence, you desperately needy ghoul."
"Oh, I know you love it," Swiss laughs, still hanging off of the daybed. "I can feel you looking. I can always feel it when you're looking at me."
"Quit being dramatic, Swiss," Mountain sighs, his tail wrapping around his leg so he can tease Swiss with the tip. He cackles when Swiss's pupils visibly dilate, gold disappearing behind black, like a cat that's seen something it wants.
"It's true, though," Swiss says sincerely, eyes locked on the drifting tip of his tail. "I don't know how to describe it, but I can feel it when you're looking at me."
"Can you feel it now?" Mountain asks, genuinely curious. He cocks his head, strands of auburn hair escaping his bun and falling over his forehead.
"'Course I can," he says, still not tearing his eyes away from Mountain's tail. He bats at it, chittering under his breath. "I can feel it right now."
"What does it feel like?" he asks, brushing the dirt from his pants before sitting down on the mattress. He stares down at Swiss, emerald eyes meeting gold.
"Warm," Swiss supplies, shrugging. He shifts so his head isn't dangling off of the bed, moving so he's sitting up facing him. "I don't know how else to describe it, Mount. It just feels like you. Like the earth in me."
Mountain quirks an eyebrow, patting his knee. "Oh, edelweiss, I'm sure you want some earth in you," he teases.
Swiss barely has a moment to recognize the mischief in Mountain's eyes before the bigger ghoul is tackling him, pinning him to the soft blankets. He snarls, snapping his teeth playfully, and rolls, scuffling until Mountain's beneath him.
They playfight like kits, snapping teeth and lashing tails. It makes a mess of Mountain's usually pristine bed, mussing the blankets and pillows, yowling like animals.
Mountain has Swiss pinned down again when the multi-ghoul shoves. It sends both of them off of the edge of the bed, and they thud hard against the packed earth floor.
Swiss stares down at Mountain, chest heaving and eyes wide. "Shit, edel, I'm sorry, are you alri-"
Mountain grabs him by the collar of his shirt, and pulls the multi-ghoul down to kiss him. Swiss exhales hard in relief. His hands go to the base of Mountain's antlers, running his thumbs over the sensitive bit where skin meets bone.
Mountain's laughing when they pull away, eyes crinkled with a grin that rivals Swiss's. "Father Below, Swiss, I really love you."
Swiss laughs. He bends down to press his forehead to Mountain's, nuzzling him sweetly. He smells of bergamot and tea tree and green, something that just screams Mountain in its entirety. "Love you too, big guy."
He reaches up, eyes softening as he stares up at him, and trails a finger along Swiss's cheek, lips quirking in a smile he knows looks goofy before his back twinges. "Lemme up, edelweiss," Mountain groans, shoving lightly at Swiss's shoulder.
Swiss scrambles to his feet, reaching a big hand down to help Mountain up. He pulls a little too hard, accidentally making them collide. They giggle and Mountain leans in to run the tip of his nose against Swiss's. "You wanna lay down in my nice, soft bed and keep kissing?"
Swiss grins, brighter than the sun beaming in through the glass roof. "Thought you'd never ask."
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qtubbo · 7 months
Your like one of the biggest q!Tubbo fans i know here so i thought you’d be a pretty good person to ask this, but what’s going on with q!Tubbo’s lore rn??? i sadly haven’t been able to keep up much 😭😭😭😭
I’ve heard some stuff abt this “Creation” guy???
(you don’t have to explain it if you don’t want to obviously!! /nf :] )
Sure! As some character background, Tubbo’s been fairly depressed and suicidal for a while now, often joking about death and purposefully putting himself in harms way. Recently, he started talking about how he had “2 Lives left” in the same way as the eggs, noting that he wanted to give one to Empanada but was unable to. Most people assumed he was being lighthearted, and it was just a silly challenge that he set for himself because it was phrased in a ridiculous manner, a player having egg lives? He was not joking, and restated multiple times it was for real, but it wasn’t to be believed till Richas killed him.
Sunny and Chayanne took the death very seriously, treating it as if Tubbo had died for good, even with Phil saying it was okay and he’ll just come back. Sunny ended up staying with Phil for the rest of the day because Chayanne had stood still at the body for 10 minutes, which was good comfort for her. Later that day, Creation showed up here to protect Sunny since their primary protector was now missing, and also seeking to put Tubbo back together. Some background of who Creation is might be need, Niki’s stream and our theories about Sunny’s secret friend.
Firstly, Niki had a stream ages ago where she and Empanada met Creation, originally assuming it to be some messed up version of Tubbo. Creation showed it could point people away, assumably to a pocket dimension the eggs consider this like a warm nap, and that it didn’t have a lot of understanding about emotions. Being very stressed out and aggressive till Niki calmed it down, through Niki it was revealed that Creation has a ranking systems for the eggs most prioritized to least, and was designed to protect them by Tubbo and that Tubbo can not know its out. If I can find the VOD or someone sends it to me I’ll link it here, since it’s just a good watch to get context.
Second, Sunny’s secret friend, as of late Sunny’s been talking about this friend of hers that Tubbo can not know any details about. Sunny was protected by this friend on her walk “alone” to Bad’s place, Sunny needs to get a plush to keep them happy, and they live in a secret trapdoor in Sunny's room. This was heavily implied, but not confirmed, to be Creation, meaning that even after the reset that managed to get back to server its purpose protect Sunny.
Okay back to today’s stream, Tubbo’s dead and Creation just appeared to keep Sunny safe since her Primary Protector had gone missing. Creation points Sunny away brings them back and reveals that she’s Rank 1 calling her that for the rest of the night. Creation then starts talking about Tubbo and how it will bring it back, that Tubbo just needs to be pretty much reuploaded but Creation needs Tubbo’s data. BUT then Creation drops another bombshell that Tubbo can not die because he’s always been dead, meaning that Tubbo’s likely been a robot-like creature this entire time.
Once Creation gets to Tubbo’s body it declares it can’t bring Tubbo back because he’s missing data, his purpose, Creation becomes enraged by this revealing that while he wants to hurt Richas for the data, its code forbids it from hurting an Egg. Creation tells everyone that Tubbo needs this golden computer part to be brought back, which does once again state that Tubbo’s a robot-like creature, but it’s also revealed only the federation can get this item.
Tubbo’s currently still dead, and Sunny & Chayanne aren’t doing too hot both feeling terrible about it. I assume this is what you wanted not the Morning Crew stuff but I can explain that to if needed.
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ghostr0tz · 5 months
hi!! first i wanted to say that ur art is so AWESOME and i'm going to start reading unfair circumstances as soon as i send this ask :D
but anyways,, i'd love to hear some of ur heart issues!vox hcs!!1!
(/nf of course!!)
thank you that means a lot!! And thank you for checking out the fic :3!! I don't have a whole lot of headcanons but sure :3!! I feel like with his powers he was just destined for heart issues....
But i feel like his powers would take a hefty toll on him.... iirc one of his monitors was displaying his heart rate during stayed gone....
so he has to watch himself to make sure hes not overworking his body too much....
i feel like he keeps track/records his heart probably daily just to make sure, probably like a portable monitor or maybe figured out a way to internally track it or smething....
His body is wired SO weirdly so he definitely has blood flow issues too.
i feel like he already had issues before coming to hell (and i like the hc that he died of a heart attack ;3 !), but when he got to hell it got so much worse..
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mettaloverxx · 4 months
You came to the right place. I love fell metta very much as well! The lack of content for him is sad. But that's what I'm here for! [When I'm not lazy ofc- jghhgnf] now let's see here, how about some fluff?? It might be a little short due to writers block but i hope you enjoy anyway!
Warnings: none
Did not Proof read
Note: readers nickname for fellmetta is bug/ lovebug I do this for all fanfics I write for him ❤️
Mettafell x reader
🍓Strawberry kisses 💋
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You sat on the couch listening to music. It's been a very slow and boring day. ever since metta left this morning for work, it feels like time is going 10× slower. You yawn softly and pick up your phone, and look at your previous text messages from earlier today with mettafell. Even though he was always busy with all the shows, concerts, plays, etc. He always somehow made time to text you little updates or to check up on you. But today, he wasn't texting you as much, feeling a little worried you decided to send him a text asking him how's everything was going. But before you could press, send you hear the front door opening you look over at the door and you see mettafell walk in. You smile and get up and make your way over to him. "Bug! I was just thinking about you! how did work go?" You wrap your arms around him into a loving hug, then look up at him
You immediately knew something was off by the way his face looked. Bug was good at hiding things due to being an actor, but sense you are so close to him, you've gotten good at reading him. You frowned softly. "I guess it was a bad day, huh?.." mettafell gently wraps his lower set of arms around you, returning the affection. "A bad day would be an understatement, darling. Ugh, it was...HORRENDOUS.." He let go of the hug and starts walking to the living room," the monster that I was supposed to be interviewing for my show canceled out at the last minute, someone put stains on my favorite outfit that absolutely won't come out!, There's an advid theft in the resort that keeps stealing expensive merchandise..and I'm not going to even talk about what type of magazine I caught burger pants reading on shift..." He does a robotic sigh and continues talking about his day while grabbing his spare charger by the couch he sits down and plugged himself in. You stayed quiet as you were listening to him and followed him to the living room. He looks over at you and says, "But never mind that darling, I need to charge. I'm very low on power. Give me an hour or two rest, yes?"
You gently sat down by him, watching his still body as he charged. It saddened you that he had a bad day. Maybe there was something you can do to make it a little better? You ponder for a moment before getting up and going into the kitchen with a smile on your face. you knew exactly what to do.
Mettafell powers back on. his body makes a soft, humming noise as he looks around, he doesn't see you. He was thinking you were upstairs, but then he hears running water in the kitchen, so he unplug himself and walks over to the kitchen he sees you washing a pan. "Hello darling, what are you getting ready to cook?" He says as he stepped closer to you. You stop washing the pan and turn around to look at him. How did you not hear him walk in? "Oh! Hi bug, I didn't know you were up already, I got you a gift," you said as you walked over to the fridge and took out a tray of chocolate covered strawberries and walked over to him. "I wanted to make you something special since you didn't have a good day. I know strawberries are your favorite, so I hope you like these"
Mettafell looks down at you, then the strawberries. It took him a minute to process this. You made his favorite desert for him. just because he had a bad day??? What?? His internal fans turn on "oh..sweetheart it looks wonderful." His eyes soften as he looks down at you and puts his hand under your chin to make you look up at him. He leans down and kisses your lips softly. You kissed him back, and it all felt like time went still, shortly after mettafell pulls away from the kiss and smiled his toothy fang grin. "Let's share them together, sweetie, we should continue watching those old human horror you were showing me to"
Your face was slightly warm, and you smile "ok love bug, I'll find a movie for us to watch tonight." You walk into the living room, and mettafell follows
You and bug spend the rest of the night sharing the sweet strawberries and watching movies together ❤️
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 4 months
Fics For Gaza, Congo, Sudan
Please click this link to read for further information, but simply put I will be setting a rate of $5 donation = 500 words towards the WIP of your choice or towards a request. I will also accept proof of donations from vetted causes towards Sudan and Congo separate from the Fics For Gaza.
Simply send me an ask with a screenshot of your donation to a vetted donation fund (links found below) and include the WIP of your choice or what you would like to request. Your ask won't be published. Should you wish to sponsor a WIP, I will do my best to update my weekly word count so you will be able to track my progress. Should you wish for your donation to go towards a short drabble instead, please specify what you would like included.
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WIPs For Your Consideration:
Gojou Satoru
Of Boats Without Sails, Of Roads Without Pavement
If there's one thing you know for certain, it's that whatever came down that mountain ー it wasn't Satoru.
Current WC: 4932, Expected WC: ~10k
Content Warning. 18+, afab!reader, college au, angst, body horror elements, descriptions of death, reader throws up, underaged drinking, yandere-adjacent, gaslighting, obsessive behaviors, panic attacks, codependency, unprotected sex
Fushiguro Toji
Strays; you've always been fond of feeding them. It's just that this particular stray is the hot guy who stops by your job from time to time.
Current WC: 500, Expected WC: ~2000
Content Warning. gn!reader (no pronouns, wait staff!reader, pre-relationship
Dance For Me
"How tragic it is, to love something death can touch."
Current WC: 0, Expected WC: ~4k to 6k
Content Warning. afab!reader (she/her pronouns), 18+, jjk faerie au, unseelie lord toji, slow build up
Everything deserves a chance to grow.
Current WC: 502, Expected WC: ~4k
Content Warning. gn!reader (no pronouns)
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Should you wish for your donation to be used towards a drabble request instead, the fandoms I am willing to write for are:
One Piece
Genshin Impact (I don't write for unreleased characters)
JJBA (up to part 6)
Wind Breaker
Our Life OLBA/NF
I only request you keep in mind that this is a Self-Insert/Reader blog, so I will not accept any requests that are Character x Character. I will not write anything involving scat, piss, and things of that nature. I will accept canon and alternate universe centric requests.
I am presently in school and a caretaker for one of my parents, so there may be instances where I cannot write as much as I would due to life circumstances. I will do my best to update on my blog when progress will be particularly slow at any given time.
This post will be updated overtime as progress to the WIPs have been made.
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Important Links:
Fics for Gaza FAQ
Vetted Fundraisers for Gaza+Sudan
Gazan GFMs
Vetted Fundraisers for Congo
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inkbagel · 23 days
Okay I gotta ask: who’s Clancy?
I’ve been listening to a little bit more twenty one pilots lately just because I found a couple songs I like and I noticed the name pop up in Paladin Straits.
Is this a real person? Is there lore behind the songs? I’m dying to know, tell me their secrets /nf
Clancy is a fictional character, idk if there’s actually a name for the lore other than the tøp lore but he’s from there
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The guy on the left is Josh Dun/The Torchbearer, and the guy on the right is Tyler Joseph/Clancy.
Clancys the mc in the story and the Torchbearer is his kind of romantically coded best friend who’s also the leader of the Banditos! A rebel(?) group that lives outside the city of Dema.
If you go to twenty one pilots channel on yt, they have a playlist with every major lore video (but there’s plenty of extra stuff outside of that playlist that you can find on the Wikipedia, plus a livestream they did in-universe which is v pretty I love it dearly I have a link if you ever want it)
The whole story is a mediphor for battling with mental health, and tells it really well!! It’s really impressive.
The basic plot of the story is Clancy is a citizen of Dema, a large depressing city in the gorgeous fictional continent of Trench. The city is controlled by the Nine Bishops who enforce their religion upon its citizens (which is essentially telling everyone to be depressed and kill themselves) so they can “seize them” (bc the bishops can control dead bodies)
The city is nearly impossible to escape thanks to a giant concrete wall, but Clancy has escaped multiple times. Outside the wall he meets up with the Banditos (led by the torchbearer) and just kinda lives with them and is happy and loved and everything good. But Nico (the leader of the nine bishops) keeps dragging him back into Dema.
At some point Clancy becomes well known in the city for being one of like three people to escape, (and also for having a website dedicated to spreading propaganda but that part of the story gets confusing and no one really understands what happens to Clancy there) and the bishops decide to use this to their advantage by giving Clancy pink hair and pronouns and forcing him to be an entertainer.
(Side note during this arc Clancy started to flat out hallucinate the torchbearer bc he was so lonely which I think is really cute he missed his best friend so much)
Eventually Clancy escapes bc Nico is betrayed by another bishop, Keons, and gets washed up onto an island called Voldsoy where he meets the Neds!
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(They look like this I couldn’t find a picture from the actual story and am too lazy to go screenshot it myself)
The neds give him the gift of their antlers which allow Clancy to control bodies the same way bishops do!
Another side note, the REAL torchbearer has the Jesus-like power of controlling Clancy’s hallucination to “guide” Clancy to places he needs to go (he guided Clancy to the Neds and also guided him back to the Banditos later)
After Clancy meets back up with the banditos (and more importantly the torchbearer), they all prepare for a final battle with the bishops and go fight them. This is where for the bajillionth time the lore gets confusing.
This happened in the finale which btw, right before releasing the video, Tyler Joseph (lead singer) said “let me ask you, do you think this is the end?” Bc this most recent album was supposed to be the finale to the story but now he’s acting cryptic about it? So a lot of people are torn on if we’re getting more lore or not (I think we definitely are esp after what they’re doing with the world tour)
But basically in the finale all the Banditos fought the Bishop controlled zombies outside the walls of Dema so Clancy could sneak in undetected and take out the bishops, and he takes down most of them but right at the last second Nico grabs Clancy by the neck and starts talking to him and then Clancy opens his eyes to stare Nico down and send a message that he’s not afraid of him anymore and the screen cuts to black.
Once again this is supposed to be the end of the lore. A lot of ppl are assuming Clancy is dead rn but now that the tøp world tour started there’s more lore involving different characters writing letters to each other. This is so far unrelated aside from the fact that they all talk about Clancy inspiring them to take action.
All the albums after Vessel are based on the story. They’re supposed to all be in the pov of Clancy (ofc) and if you look closely at the lyrics you can catch a lot of extra lore.
Blurryface is what Nico calls himself, Trench is the name of the pretty continent they live in, Scaled and icy is an enneagram for “Clancy is dead” (which in their Christmas single they said was propaganda) and also a play on the saying “scaled back and isolated” (bc it’s the album where Clancy is kidnapped and alone) and finally Clancy, the “finale”. It’s a really cool story.
There’s a ton of extra details I left out like the significance of the color yellow but yea that’s the main story and who Clancy is :) my siblings and I have been digging up all the lore the past month and with each new tidbit I get a little more fixated on this weird cat guy hope you like this unprompted infodump
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