#fandom wank I guess?
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spatort-brainrot · 7 months ago
Was ist denn plötzlich im spatort fandom los? Man liest hier auf einmal Dinge ĂŒber Spaltungen und fake leaks und Leute die das fandom "verlassen" wollen... Guys curating your fandom experience is okay! Just don't follow people you don't want to follow! Seid nur in Servern wo ihr Spaß habt! Blacklists und Blockfunktion existieren aus nem Grund! Nicht alles so ernst nehmen!
Ich verstehe, dass nicht jeder seit 10+ Jahren in online spaces unterwegs ist und die Erfahrungen gemacht hat die ich z.b. gemacht habe. Ich habe fandom wars gesehen like you can't even imagine. Der Trick ist einfach offline zu gehen! It's not real!!
Leute haben eine andere Interpretation? Let them! Leute wollen eher Pia und Esther sehen als Adam und Leo? Let them!! Leute schreiben omegaverse smut fic und dir gefĂ€llt es nicht? OKAY DON'T READ IT. Man kann Schauspieler fĂŒr ihr acting mögen oder in einer Rolle feiern aber sie trotzdem kritisieren/cringe finden/mal ne Rolle blöd finden!! Just keep it in fandom spaces und harrassed niemanden und gut is. Es kann auch mal Spaß machen andere Takes zu lesen und sich zu denken 'boah die Person labert quatsch' - aber kommentier es nicht drunter. Schon wird niemand verletzt!
Fandom kann so fun sein. Mein Appell: organisiert euch selbst eure fandom experience, sucht euch aus mit wem ihr interagiert und findet außer spatort andere Gemeinsamkeiten. Wenn Spatort era endet bin ich sad, ja, aber guess what! Es gibt noch viele andere Sachen mit denen man sich beschĂ€ftigen kann.
Be nice to each other!
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darlingofdots · 7 months ago
the vast majority of fanworks are bad, and that's fine, actually. they are bad for the same reason that the average number of legs for a human person to have is less than two: statistics. like with all endeavours and especially creative ones, most people who write fanfiction or draw art of their favourite characters are bad at it. if you line up all the crochet projects in the world, most of them will be, well, bad. some are bad because they're the first thing a person ever made, or the second or third or tenth, and this kind of thing takes practice. others are bad because the person who made them is just not very good at it. maybe they just learned how to make granny squares and they're perfectly happy to never expand or improve on that. most people who dance or bake or garden or braid hair are not amazing at it! and you'd never go to your kid's dance recital or eat your friend's homemade carrot cake and expect the same experience as you'd have at a professional ballet performance or award-winning bakery. And that's if we assume there is an objective measure of Good Art, which there isn't! Some art is just "bad" because you don't like it!
I think though that specifically with fanfiction, we sometimes forget that when we read a book or watch a movie, dozens of people have looked at it and given feedback and made changes and done quality control before the final product reaches our shelves or screens, and that's not counting the original writer's learning process and past experience. A published book is not anyone's first crochet project, even if it is their debut novel. But with fanfiction, the barrier to entry is so low (on purpose! this is a good thing!) that we do get to see a lot of wonky granny squares, and on sites like AO3 they're sitting on the same shelf as the hand-made silk lace wedding dress and you can't always tell just by looking at it which is which. The consequence of this is that we encounter fic that we think is unpolished, has bad punctuation, is out of character, and we are tempted to think "well, this is awful! how dare this person put this wonky granny square on the same shelf as the lace wedding dress!" But that's not how fandom is supposed to work! That wonky granny square is somebody who is really excited about this TV show they just watched and they are reaching out into the void to share their excitement with you. To scoff at them for not making a lace wedding dress is really, really rude. Even if they did make a lace wedding dress, maybe it's just really not your style, or you think they should have used a different pattern, and it's still their wedding dress. You don't have to wear the dress and you don't have to read the fic.
We all know that there is some fanfic out there that is incredible. I think it's important to talk about that! But the vast majority of people who post their writing online are just sharing their little hobby projects that they make for fun and I also think it's important to remember that.
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cilil · 5 months ago
Ok, really not tryna vague or be shady, but I just gotta say: I do not and will never understand why there's so much drama around ships becoming canon or not.
Seriously, why do you care. Is your ship game that weak? Do you need a stamp of approval from other people for what you like and how you creatively express yourself? Because, sorry, but that's technically what that is and you don't need it.
C'mere. Come to auntie. Listen. I multiship like crazy and lots of weird and niche rare pairs too. Whenever any of my ships become canon that's pretty much an accident and a statistical outlier and because I just happened to like what the creators like for once. And then I usually think "oh that's nice" and go on with my madness. No getting smug and using it to put others down either!
I'm telling you this because I simply can't stress enough how much more chill and fun shipping is if you become deeply unbothered by what's canon, what the creators think and what other people approve of. Again, you need nobody's stamp of approval. And if people nag and bully you about what you like then these people suck and they have no right to demand explanations from you.
Make your case not to justify yourself to bullies - they won't be convinced anyway - but to get other people interested. Make your case through your art, your writing, your headcanons, your conversations with other fans. Make your case through passion.
And stop letting others tell you what you can and can't ship. Which goes both ways, just saying.
Ok, that's it, bye
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samwinchestermydude · 8 months ago
I think we as Sam fans should be more annoying and loud about the fact that his crossroad demons were men twice.
(This is me being pissed off about how people will say dean is of course bi due to some dumb shit like the siren, which was his brother, and “bi lighting” or something, and then turn around and say Sam is the straightest character. Like what.)
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shoulderholsterfreak · 28 days ago
Look, I know Thrawn is a pragmatic, highly tactically-minded person and he works for the bad guys, but I’m kind of tired of all the cherry picking people do to portray him as the Literal Worst Person Ever.
“He doesn’t care about non-Chiss!” “People are only assets to him!” “He only cares about individuals in how they can serve him strategically!” “He’s quite literally a real-world Nazi and he should be taken outside and shot!”
Meanwhile you have passages like this:
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Just related to this event alone, in Outbound Flight there’s a scene where Thrass lectures Thrawn (who is lying in a hospital bed with a shrapnel wound to the chest) about overextending himself and getting himself killed in his quest to patrol outside the borders to deal with threats—and “humanitarian” crises—that aren’t immediately relevant to the Chiss.
And there’s a LOT more like this out there. I don’t know, it’s just weird to me that some of his fans, the people you’d think would be ready to jump to his defense, are so determined to hate him that they ignore the moments where he displays more positive and humanitarian traits.
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qprstobin · 2 years ago
I'm gonna be frank, Eddie just does not give me the impression that he was bullied all that much in high school to me. Especially as he got older, like he was the school drug dealer, he was not getting beat up by the same jocks who were going to be buying from him later that week. It just doesn't make sense to me!
I'm not saying he was never bullied at all (personally I think he was probably bullied by the people in his grade in like middle school, but leant more into the satanic image by the time he got to high school (which is when the satanic panic wouldve been starting) and people became more afraid to mess with him or it stopped when BS started dealing) or that people can't headcanon and project onto pm. It's fandom, do what you want lol. I've just gotten to the point where fics lose me whenever they claim Tommy/Steve/Jason was going around beating the shit out of him or shoving him in the halls every week or the like. Eddie just does not give the impression that he is scared of the jocks normally. He looks down on them and thinks he's better than them! He taunts them openly in front of everyone and pontificates on table tops.
I think if you take it in that context too, it makes the town turning on him more sinister? Like obviously, satanic panic was only growing at that point, and it was within the last year or two they started pointing at metal and D&D as recruiting centers for satanic cults. (Eddie also like an asshole is walking around with a satanic symbol on his jacket - peak edgy teen in the middle of a moral outcry.) But while people might've been afraid of him, and most definitely talked about him behind his back, that's worlds away from mob violence. The change was startling, even if Eddie might be able to see it on the horizon.
Idk to me that's more of what the hunt the freak line was about. The knowledge that they could turn on you and would if you gave them a reason (or if you want to go with the Eddie is closeted interpretation - if he got outed). I think he probably has been called the freak for a while but honestly I think he's proud of it at this point.
Obviously all of this is up to interpretation, I guess I've just gotten to the point where a lot of the popular fanon interpretation doesn't feel like Eddie to me anymore
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izzysheavingbosom · 2 months ago
BRB too busy popcorning at the fall-out on BlueSky after Jenkins posted that Izzy loved Ed unconditionally as part of his Christmas special.
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grotesque-butler · 2 months ago
sure, what you do with fictional characters normally says absolutely nothing about who you are as a person, because it’s fiction and fiction is a great place to explore new ideas and dynamics. but i think there comes a point where it can say something about who you are, especially when you are expressing such violent hatred towards a morally bad or morally grey character who is actually a lot more complex and nuanced than everyone seems to think. there comes a point where it all becomes performative, like, “look at me!! look at how i fucking hate this awful character’s guts and want him dead, that makes me good, right??”
except it doesn’t. 
i won’t go into the topic of how morality is mostly a social construct and there’s really no “morally good” or “morally bad” but like

 some of y’all need to chill. seriously. and i feel like a lot of it just shows how little reading comprehension and media literacy these people have. they see a character do something they find morally reprehensible, and they immediately think that the character is 100% bad, inhuman, and deserves nothing more than the worst. it’s black and white thinking. they lack the concept of nuance. 
if you’re not old or mature enough to comprehend the subject matter and morals of a media’s story, don’t get into that media! don’t get into the fandom. or, at the very least, don’t go around playing morality police on a subject you are not mature enough to grasp yet. 
i miss when fandom was, y’know, for fans of something, instead of people just butting into spaces they’re not equipped for or don’t belong in just because it’s “trendy” at the moment.
on a less serious note though, i do find it funny that people get THIS heated and violent over fictional fucking characters. pixels. concepts. dolls used to tell a story. you do know they’re not real right?? 
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edwin-paynes-bowtie · 5 months ago
Maybe I just have my period and am in a grumpy mood but I am finding the TSC fandom deeply discouraging lately.
I'm very happy to have gotten the exact story I wanted with TLH, and having the full thing to reread regularly brings me immense joy.
But still, I miss the old days where there was something to look forward to and theorize about, and when the rest of the fandom was still TLH-positive too.
I miss getting engagement on my fanfiction beyond 10 hits and 2 kudos if I'm lucky. I miss feeling like I'm part of something.
I'm sick of constantly feeling like I'm defending something I love that 98% of people vocally dislike. I'm sick of feeling ostracized from every non-TLH-centric space in the TSC fandom, and I'm sick of having to watch my TLH fandom friends isolate as a result of the same struggles I'm experiencing.
Honestly, I could deal with a few people not liking it - obviously, I respect people's opinions and could just block them. But the mass scope of hate is ridiculous to the point that hating TLH is a given norm in most TSC fandom spaces and shitting on it is perfectly acceptable and even an expected part of being there.
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shu-of-the-wind · 2 years ago
gonna fuckin fight some children again so here we go:
people older than 20 get to be in fandom. people older than 25 get to be in fandom. people older than 30 get to be in fandom. you know who writes those 100k+ magical fanfics that you consume, for free?? adults. you know who has protected, shepherded, and guided fandom for DECADES, starting in the days of zines that were sent secretly in snail mail because we didn't have online communities? ADULTS. you know what KIND of adults in particular were pioneers of fandom?? ADULT FUCKING WOMEN. women in their thirties. women in their forties. women in their fifties, sixties, and seventies.
it's one thing if someone is being predatory towards young people online and they are an adult. it is a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THING if a grown-ass person is just sitting and having fun in fandom and children come into our inboxes and tell us we shouldn't be here. child, YOU would not be here if not for us. I as a thirty year old genderqueer would not be here if not for MY fandom elders guiding me and keeping me safe through my DECADES on this godforsaken fucking website and in fandom generally. you know who protected me and helped me learn how to be a positive influence in my fandom spaces??? ADULTS IN FANDOM.
so sit your asses down and learn something.
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adaav · 4 months ago
lol those people hate Miguel so much that they would rather ship Sam with creepy Axel.
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buckley-kinard · 10 months ago
genuinely baffled by people saying bucktommy “only has platonic chemistry” / that they don’t see any chemistry when they kiss

like aside from buck’s tongue being down tommy’s throat in the hospital—the eye contact, hand gestures, etc in both kiss scenes made me blush to watch. WHAT show are they watching?
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louferrignojrofficial · 4 months ago
It’s the fact Eddie isn’t even finishing bucks sentences lmao he’s just adding commentary in between bucks sentences. They literally don’t see reality at all!
you could even say he’s interrupting him
exactly but no he’s just so his husband and has to finish buck’s sentences to let tommy know how much he doesn’t know and how he’s not part of the team and blah fucking blah.
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findafight · 9 months ago
Actually very funny when jncies say jncy does things/has a dynamic that canonically, stancy did or were like and jncy canonically doesn’t. Like it’s wild. I see you and I see your brain overheating because you want Nancy in a relationship with someone who treats her and looks at her and dreams about a future with her like Steve did and does, but you’ve dug yourself so far into a stancy hating hole that you have to invent reasons that don’t make sense and a relationship that jncy simply isn’t in order to avoid shipping stancy. Sad.
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losersimonriley · 4 months ago
I am once again so confused and simply intrigued about people with “pRoShiTTeRs DNi” in their bios reblogging very proship posts expressing the ideas of don’t like don’t read/read at your own risk/just because someone writes something doesn’t mean they want it to happen/etc
Like at this point I think younglings are just putting this in their bios bc it’s trendy or something?? Bc if they don’t, they think they’re gonna get called out by other younglings? I have no idea but it’s certainly a spectacle
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jamiethebee · 7 months ago
You know what irks me the most about the mha ending. (Sorry I'm still on it.)
Like the early parts of the manga, there were so many grown up hero AUs in fandom (like storylines that took place when they're adults and heroes) and they're fun! A little silly!
And then we had the war arc and cities are being destroyed and everything's torn up and for over a hundred chapters, it's been oh huh I guess every AU like that will just be canon divergence lmao
And then Horikoshi basically wipes the slate clean so I guess all those AUs could technically canon compliant. There's not even much in the way of lasting physical damage! Because it's dealt with???? Immediately???? Within months?????
Which is fine! Nothing wrong with it! The AUs are fun! But, it just irks me that you could throw out half the manga because it didn't matter. Nothing majorly changed. Silly adult hero AUs for everyone I guess because the League may as well have been 2 bit villains for all the effect they had at large was. Idk. Maybe I'm bitter? Maybe my brain still trying to process the ending and the change in how AUs relate to canon? I guess - what was all the constant sprinkling in of "society has let people down" that we see from chapter 1? It meant nothing? I guess????? I mean A WAR HAPPENED. But whatever I guess heehee wasn't that soooooo silly???? That people's take on early story can be the same as post story?????
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