#fandom rambles
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gummysunnybear · 2 days ago
Rambling or something.
If anyone gets mad at dazzle for today episode because she made Jack sad...Remember that harsh words left his mouth even if it wasn't him. Dazzle is allowed to feel angry at Jack. She deserves to not want to be his friend. She's a kid! I have two younger brothers and it takes time for kids her age to ever forgive someone for saying mean things to her.
She didn't even tell sun until July 16th about her secret and as Jack said in the episode it took her 2 years to ever talk to sun about it.
So yeah it could take her 2 years or a month we won't know for sure.
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 4 months ago
I didn’t post about this yesterday, because in light of the devastation my friends were experiencing, I didn’t want to exacerbate things. However, I feel I need to make my feelings explicitly clear on this.
A prominent member of this fandom outed themselves as a Trump supporter and has since deactivated. I know there will be people who take issue with this, stating you shouldn’t judge people based on differences of political opinion.
However, this is more than that. A vote for Trump isn’t a vote for Republican ideals, it’s a vote for hate. It’s a vote for fascism. This is a man who is endorsed by the KKK, there is no explaining that away.
I am a woman. I am pansexual. I have had an abortion, and I have needed aftercare for a miscarriage. I have ADHD.
You pretended to be my friend, all the while supporting a man and political movement that actively works towards the death of people like me. How can I be okay with that? How am I suppose to believe you weren’t secretly wishing ill for me with every exchange?
You stated you voted for Trump because you are pro life. The thing is, the MAGA movement is not pro life, it’s forced birth. And fine, if you’re pro life then don’t have a fucking abortion. But don’t force that decision upon others. Other people’s bodies are not your business. Uteruses are not something that ought to be politicised.
I am beyond disgusted and disappointed. I hope the consequences of your actions haunt you every bit as much as the people they will affect long term.
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isabel3710 · 3 months ago
I'm currently working on my third rewatch of A New Wish on Netflix (as one does) and I have a theory about Wanda and Cosmo's apartment.
When Hazel first sees it in episode one they explain that they have a spell on the door that allows them to chose what world they go out to but the house stays in Fairy World. This way they can try living as humans without giving up their home.
I think Cosmo and Wanda's 'apartment' is their castle from the original show.
In case you didn't watch the OG show here's the context. When they were with Timmy, Wanda and Cosmo spent a good chunk of their time disguised as goldfish and living in a fish bowl in Timmy's room. But in one episode it was reveled that they have a giant castle in there in the form of one of those plastic castles you can get at the pet store.
Basically, I think that they did something similar in the OG that they did in ANW. I think that while they were with Timmy that had the spell on the door so that it lead to the fish castle that was in the bowl
"But Wanda and Cosmo's apartment doesn't look like their castle!" You might be saying, and don't worry. I got an explanation for that too.
We only ever see one room of their 'apartment' and everything in it is human sized, this is likely because Cosmo and Wanda are living as humans. So it would make sense that the front room is human friendly.
Plus, it looks like their home is way bigger than we ever get to see. Down below is a screenshot from the first episode when Hazel first sees their apartment. This is also the only time we get to see the entire thing.
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If you look over by the front door (where the characters are) you'll see a staircase. I think this is what leads to the rest of their castle and everything up those stairs is, probably, fairy sized.
Honestly, this makes so much sense to me and I don't know why anyone else is talking about it! Why would Wanda and Cosmo live in a boring human apartment when they got a whole freaking castle??
(Spoilers for the second half of season 1 ahead)
Not only that but after Peri and Dev 'break up' it's implied that Peri went back to live with his parents for a little bit. I feel like he would only do this if they had the room. And with him being their son he would, of course, have a whole bedroom that he could easily stay in again.
And let's be honest, Peri could totally just move back in without asking anyone and Wanda and Cosmo would be thrilled!
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doctorlafayette · 29 days ago
I'm still thinking about Xie Lian's luck. Even if I accept the premise that a lack of good luck results in extreme bad luck, I still have questions. I don't remember if this is fandom or cannon, but I know that Xie Lian is kind of treated like a bad luck charm. Because his bad luck doesn't just affect him, but also those around him. And that kind of makes sense. If a house falls down it's not going to only hit one person when a bunch of people are inside. It also parallels Hong'er who was supposed to bring bad luck to the people around him (according to Mei Nianqing).
However, Xie Lian doesn't stop receiving (producing?) good luck, his share is just dispersed before it can affect him or his circumstances. So, I really like the idea that disregarding outside factors (wars, Qi Rong messing everything up, Shi Qingxaun starting and spreading a fire) the people around Xie Lian are actually luckier because they are the closest to his dispersed luck. Like the Guilded Banquet wasn't bad luck, it was a malicious plot. If anything Lang Qianqiu was lucky that he was late to his own party. The only bad luck involved was that he walked in right when Xie Lian had stabbed his dad. And that mostly affected Xie Lian.
All this is to say that I'd love a fanfic that had pre-cannon Xie Lian get kidnapped and used like the Child of Omelas. Maybe one of his kidnappers takes him to the Gambler's Den as a good luck charm only to be slaughtered by Hua Cheng. Or maybe Feng Xin and Mu Qing find him after investigating a super lucky village that has one spot that is like the worst place to be in.
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kcscribbler · 2 months ago
Re: the new TVA comic, cut to avoid spoilers.
(This is no comment on the validity of the idea in that comicverse or the quality of the comic itself, just personal rambling, analyzing why I'm not as excited about the idea as everyone else seems to be.)
Trying to figure out why I have such an immediate, visceral dislike for there being a statue(s?) of Loki in the TVA now. Not dislike for being memorialized, dislike of the physical statue itself. (And not because I went the route of a different memorialization here.)
I guess I would have loved to see them move away from the same kind of grandiose, worshipful idolatry motif that the TVA had under both He Who Remains and the Time-Keepers. Given how many similarities we saw the institution of the TVA have to that of an actual religious cult (and how much religious-esque trauma its agents are probably dealing with now), I think I was hoping to see them dismantle that a little more visibly, rather than just replacing a few posters on the walls (as seen in S2E6) and replacing one idol with another in the courtyards. Given the foreshadowing we got about statuary imagery at the world's fair, in particular, I would have liked to see them go a different route, I think.
Maybe it's my own religious trauma coloring it, but in my mind, the whole "what kind of god I need to be" I took to mean a selfless one; one that was not intended to be worshipped.
I hope we get to learn more about how that came about, though I know it's obviously not the focus of the comic.
Anyhow. New material is always fun, and I love that we're getting it, regardless. 💚💚
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rhyme-rambles · 3 months ago
Might be strange to say cause I've been really enjoying his POV but I'm quite happy Mumbo went out first. He's very silly. Also now Jimmy, Lizzie, & Mumbo are officially the First-Out trio, which feels correct to me
I hope people make Griangst out of this, what with Grian being seemingly more in control of the games than ever and his teammate & favorite little guy dying first.
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ratshells · 7 months ago
yapped about touchstarved to my partner the entire weekend of Otakon and they’re considering getting into it
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remarkist · 2 years ago
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Calling all Gilmore Girls fans! 📣 Find all 11 seasons (Yes, Eleven!) in this puzzle. The trick? Each season is made up of 8 emojis representing story points in the order of when they happened. Do you have enough coffee to help you figure this out? ☕️ You better get to brewing! 👇
Here is your clue to find SEASON 6:
June 3rd is the perfect date to make an appearance. Lorelai is missing her best friend, so she focuses on another. Rory becomes Emily’s insider at the DAR, spying on all the gossipers. Then comes the 21st, but it isn’t how she imagined it... not until she and her mom make it right on the second row of the Taj Mahal. Then comes Rory’s takeover of Paris, and she isn’t thrilled by the news. A romantic trip to the coast is planned—and a delicious meal, too. Freeze-dried spaghetti is not going to cut it. Lorelai usually knows how to paint the perfect party, but this time it backfires.
For more clues to find the other seasons, as well as a larger PDF of the game grid, go here: https://mag.remarkist.com/p/gilmore-game
Oh, and Happy June 3rd! 😉🌟 IYKYK
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Relistening to Epic the Musical with my sister, and this happened while we were discussing things.
Polites: You ever wanna talk about your emotions, Eurylochus? Eurylochus: No. Odysseus: I do. Polites: I know, Odysseus. Odysseus: I'm sad and miss my wife. Polites: I know, Odysseus.
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multi-fandom-bullshittery · 24 days ago
I love the dynamic between the Wimbleton siblings honestly
Wank, Pank, Hank, and Skittles
My version of their dynamic reminds me of like. Y'know that thing
"We are all African-Americans, plus... Mark. I'm rockin with Mark cause Mark's rockin with us!"
"We are all violent killers, plus... Skittles. I'm rockin with Skittles cause Skittles is rockin with us!"
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 9 months ago
Hi @prumcgoway,
Trying to appeal to your sense of humanity, if you have one.
Ewan will likely never see the awful comments you have made today (most of which you've now deleted), regarding your own speculation of his sexuality, but I saw them and many others have.
I am part of the LGBTQ+ community; I'm bisexual. I found your comments so awful that they made me feel sick. I had to fight back tears.
You see, when you say that you find Ewan disgusting now because you think he's gay, you're saying that all gay people are disgusting because of their sexuality. Are you genuinely a bigot, or have you let your own parasocial relationship and hyperfixation become too intense? Please log off and seek some help.
Ewan has never commented publicly on his sexuality, and until he does, it's none of our business and not for us to assume. However, in the meantime, your comments are causing genuine harm to the fans of Ewan that are queer.
Would you disown a friend or family member if they came out to you? Your words carry weight and yours, whether intentional or not, are bigoted.
Please rethink your actions, and consider chatting through how you feel with a professional.
A queer and incredibly bewildered owner of a Ewan Mitchell fan blog.
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isabel3710 · 4 months ago
Unpopular opinion but I really hate Timmy's kids names.
For context, at the end of the Fairly Odd Parents special/movie Channel Chasers we see an insight into what Timmy's life could look as an adult. Which includes his kids, twins, a boy and a girl.
Their names are Tommy and Tammy.
It feels like such lazy writing that those are what their names are. The writers had endless possibilities and that's what they picked?!?!
Now, the names themselves are fine but the fact they are paired together is what I have an issue with. Especially when you realize their father is named Timmy.
Honestly, it's like they took the name 'Timmy' and replaced the letter 'I' with 'O' and 'A', respectively. And, to be frank, it would not surprise me if that's what they did.
Long story short, I hate their names and if I ever write about Timmy's kids I will be changing them.
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doctorlafayette · 1 month ago
Xie Lian says he can't give his believers luck or power or wealth, but his last and most devoted believer has all those things. I know Xie Lian didn't give him that, but he inspired Hua Cheng to get those things (other than luck. I'm still not sure how Hua Cheng got so lucky). Xie Lian doesn't give anyone anything but he does see their potential and encourages them. Outside of Guzi, who we don't see grow up, and Lang Ying, I'm not touching that, all the kids he has a hand in raising became great. Hong'er became Hua Cheng. Banyue became the state preceptor. Pei Xiu becomes a god. Lang Qianqiu becomes a major god. Even Feng Xin and Mu Qing, who grew up with him, become major gods. The only person who doesn't seem to rise to greatness is Qi Rong, and he's still considered a lesser ghost king. Like, Xie Lian may not always be able to help you directly, but his influence generally seems to make people's lives better when Jun Wu isn't interfering.
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kcscribbler · 1 year ago
So I've been tentatively edging my way back into the ACD Holmes fandom at a glacier-like pace, in an effort to recapture a muse a decade forgotten. Looking for bookverse SH fans to follow, feel free to like this post or point me at them.
Meanwhile, have the poem I wrote waaaay back when, for The Empty House anthology, and then promptly forgot about until going through my WIP folder.
Cadenced scales and chords discordant Coaxed from strings, more scrape than tune Partner with the darkling twilight Shrouding all in fog-wreathed moon.
Softly now the lamp-light flickers Casting ‘cross that pensive face Shadows which betray the darkest Perils of the human race.
A child’s hope, a father’s burden A gracious lady’s firm behest – But L’art pour l’art, because the Master Is not swayed by wealth or crest.
But then! The tuneful musing halts As convoluted lies take flight. Sophistry and misconception Must give way before the Light.
Truth is Light, and his Conductor Unassuming, strong, discreet – Stalwart friend and chronicler, he Guards the sleuth of Baker Street.
Scarlet studies, Games and madmen Speckled bands but one close call. Valleys change from Fear to Shadows Heralding the Final Fall.
An Empty House stands still and silent Monument to genius gone; But no true hero lies forgotten While a chronicler lives on.
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dapperinsanity · 9 months ago
I’m gonna assume Verosika only exists to make Blitzo look bad. That and it gives the audience a reason to further victim blame Blitzo. Poor Verosika.
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ratshells · 28 days ago
why is leander hairless like actually… where is his body hair… as busy as he seems to be, does he really have time in his schedule to wax… like… WHERE IS HIS FUCKING BODY HAIR
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