#family offices
shrikkantt · 2 years
We have an excellent Investment Opportunity - FLYING METALS - The Aerospace B2B Supply Chain Management Ecommerce the world's First. Solving the Supply Chain problems for Aerospace Industry. Growth Oriented Sustainable Startup Ventures for Investments
FLYING METALS – The Aerospace Metals Industry Online FLYING METALS PTY LTD www.flyingmetals.com What ‘Flying Metals’ is all about / The Product: FLYING METALS At ‘Flying Metals’, we provide the latest and the most modern B2B Marketplace specifically for the aerospace Industry connecting Buyers with Suppliers.   We are building the World’s Largest E Commerce B2B platform for Aerospace Metals…
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smusielski-blog · 32 minutes
Family office:
Thank you for the recent family office article!
I am going to send this to Francois Botha if he accepts my connection request:
Suggestion: Read the article it does have a few great suggestions:
Experimentalness? This is in response to the Experimentalness article put out by Forbes.
It is catchy: One of my experiementalness ideas was using a hashtag: #kindestandbestregards, writing a book titled: Unedited Perplexity and asking this question:
What does the world need more of today? More thankful people? More encouraging people? Or More forward thinking people?
What does the world need more of today? Thankfulness, encouragement or forward thinking?
Forbes: When a headline reads: Experimentalness? Does that lure you into read an article?
Francois Botha - Wrote the article.
When I look at an article today the first think, I do is I look up the person 1st on LinkedIn and second X (formerly Twitter).
What am I looking for? How many mutual connections we have that are family offices.
In this case we have 75 mutuals. I go through and look and the types of people a person is connected with.
What is the second thing that I do? I put in a connection request to see if the person accepts.
To Francois credit he has over 16,000 connections. A good sign.
Have a great day! And #kindestandbest regards and I hope your day is filled with more thankfulness, more encouragement and more forward thinking than what you were planning for.
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kasperzilla · 20 hours
Today’s question from Steven:
My name is Steven Musielski the last name is pronounced (muh-shell-ski) @stevenmusielski on X (formerly Twitter) where I met Kasper. Today as I talk to family offices and CEO's of companies and I picture the brighter future that can be created through family offices and business and yes it encourages me. Why? I picture a world that is more encouraging.
Kasper, what is encouraging you today?
My goal of working remotely from home is what encourages me today! I did it many years ago and I’m starting all over again. There really are no shortcuts, we have to start from small, invest time, be smart and patiently grow. Beware of influencers that promise big returns in a short period of time.
Hello everyone! It’s really nice to be back and I was surprised how Tumblr has evolved! Thank you Steven Musielski for allowing me to post and answer your questions here. Have a wonderful day to all! 🙏🏼✨🚀🌛
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harleydirkbieder · 3 days
Dr. Markus Krall: Die wahren Gründe für den Wirtschaftsniedergang! - YouTube
In dieser Episode analysieren Dr. Markus Krall und Christian Bubeck die wachsenden Krisen in Deutschland. Sie kritisieren die politische Führung als unerfahren und inkompetent, was laut Krall die Grundlage des Gemeinwesens bedroht. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Migrationspolitik, die als völlig fehlgeleitet beschrieben wird. Dr. Krall warnt vor den Folgen der Migrationsabkommen und fordert…
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privatedinner · 3 days
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Global Star Capital founder Rich Cocovich recently met with principals in both New York City and Los Angeles California on a $5 Million USD entertainment sector project and bridged the gap of funding with a private California based investor. Since 1991, Cocovich has serviced clients in 126 countries and all 50 states in America as the top expert and private funding. Over 30 billion USD from private investors awaits the projects Global Star Capital and Rich Cocovich represent. If you are a solvent and prepared project principal who understands that high end, professional expertise is not free, not contingent, not pro bono, and not wrapped into a closing, then you are welcome to visit one of our two main websites www.globalstarcapital.com or https://lnkd.in/eFeNm-pb and begin in the Our Process Section. Our engagement process and fee structure is etched in stone and non-negotiable. Project principals who follow our protocol, including the mandatory face-to-face meeting steps, succeed in gaining the attention their project deserves. Within seven days of meeting Rich Cocovich in person, a greenlight from a private funding facilitator/investor will be established.
#richcocovich #globalstarcapital #privefunding #projectfunding #richcocovichreviews #globalstarcapitalreviews #cocovich #capitalraising #topconsultant #familyoffice #equity #equityfunding #projectequity #equityinvesting
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qseconseils · 7 months
Lever des fonds : Guide complet pour les entrepreneurs ambitieux
Lever des fonds est une étape cruciale dans le parcours de toute entreprise en croissance. Que ce soit pour financer une expansion, développer de nouveaux produits ou simplement pour assurer sa survie, comprendre les tenants et aboutissants de la levée de fonds est essentiel pour les fondateurs et les dirigeants d’entreprise. Dans cet article, nous explorerons en profondeur les différents aspects…
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Family Offices in the United Arab Emirates
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Get The Best Family Office Service in Manchester VT
Get the best family office service in Manchester VT from Manchester Capital Management. We are the top family office firm in the USA. We have assisted several single-family offices that sought our aid to manage costs and upgrade services. We serve several large families with multiple households and generations across the country with different needs and varying levels of financial literacy. Call now to learn more.
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ophanim-vesper · 1 year
everyone wants Chihiro and Haku to reunite but WHAT ABOUT THEM
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shrikkantt · 2 years
Seeking Investors for FLYING METALS
We have an excellent Investment Opportunity - FLYING METALS - The Aerospace B2B Supply Chain Management Ecommerce the world's First. Solving the Supply Chain problems for Global Aerospace Industry
FLYING METALS – AEROSPACE B2B SUPPLY CHAIN ECOMMERCE FLYING METALS PTY LTD www.flyingmetals.com What ‘Flying Metals’ is all about / The Product: FLYING METALS At ‘Flying Metals’, we provide the latest and the most modern B2B Marketplace specifically for the aerospace Industry connecting Buyers with Suppliers.   We are building the World’s Largest E Commerce B2B platform for Aerospace Metals…
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smusielski-blog · 2 days
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Reminder to myself:
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incorrectbatfam · 7 months
Bruce: Everyone has called me Boris all day. I think Tim paid them to.
Tim: Absolutely. Five bucks each and it was totally worth it.
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harleydirkbieder · 5 days
ENERGIE-KOLLAPS IN 1 JAHR?!💥Prof. Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt - YouTube
Prof. Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt warnt vor der Energiekrise und WOHLSTANDSVERLUST in Deutschland! Wie schlimm ist die Situation wirklich? Deutschland durch schlechte Politik und Ideologie auf dem Weg zum 3. Welt Land? Aufgenommen beim Bürgergipfel in Stuttgart. *SICHER BITCOIN KAUFEN mit 21bitcoin* PromoCode: BITCOINHOTEL https://21bitcoin.app.link/invite/?code=BITCOINHOTEL Lade die App herunter und…
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chezabretta · 4 days
Damianya Week Day 2: office AU
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cubbihue · 9 days
so pixies regularly try to take over fairyworld is timmy on the pixie side?
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At first, Timmy was adamantly against the Pixies. He'd tell Jorgen every time he got a notice of their plans to take over Fairyworld, and work to stop it! But it gets a bit harder to resist against your own court the longer you hang out with them.
In the present time, Timmy schedules to be out of FairyWorld during their takeovers. He doesn't try to stop them, but also refuses to be anywhere near when it happens.
He... doesn't like how he's slowly starting to cheer for them. Or how their arguments are becoming more convincing. Or how he's struggling to recall why he was so against them to begin with.
There will come a point where he becomes an active participant. Timmy worries that it's coming sooner than he'd like.
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