#false fox
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homebrewstims · 11 months ago
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Culpeo - In 1 Minute! 🦊 A Wild Dog You Didn't Know Existed | 1 Minute Animals + The fox & the stone + ZORRO CULPEO - REFUGIO SANTA ROSA - COPIAPÓ 2017/04/21
Though this isn't my footage, I took the time to make the gifs. See my terms of use BEFORE you reupload!
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anondreamer117 · 5 months ago
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"...What is...candy...?"
This poor spirit forgot what candy tasted like when they were alive! 😭
They just copied what other trick or treaters were doing!
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yeeshastone · 2 years ago
The Bugs Bite (Megalotis Legend)
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If you were to travel far out on the savanna, you would find a small town populated by Megalotis. This close-knit town was filled mostly with farmers, and all the townsfolk did their best to get by. Until one day, a plague struck their sleepy town, causing nearly all their crops to crumble.
With a bit of research, one of the Megalotis found that their plants weren’t dying from drought or infertile soil, but rather they were being dismantled by small bugs. The Megalotis followed the bugs back to a large mound made out of dirt and debris. They then ventured inside of the mounds bringing the plant matter with them before coming back up to get more. 
Upset at his findings, the Megalotis used their claws and teeth to tear apart the mound. In retaliation, the bugs swarmed around the Megalotis and started to bite and grab the Vulpes. Soon the pain from their bites became unbearable, so he tried to walk away from the destruction, but the collective strength of the creatures allowed them to drag him by his ears back to what remained of their nest. Once at the entrance, the bugs used all their strength to pull the Vulpes into its depths in an attempt to rip him apart, deaf to the Megalotis’s pain.
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However, the towns folk heard the Megalotis’s cries and rushed to his aid. With his head now fully underground and his screams muffled, they attempted to fight the bugs with the only weapons they had on hand, their teeth. Chomping and crushing the bugs, they managed to thin out the creatures enough to free the captured Megalotis. The townsfolk then retreated, their friend torn up and ears stretched from the bugs’ tugs.
As they licked their wounds they knew the bugs would either starve them or rip them apart. So it was now time for them to go on the attack. The next night they gathered everyone in the town and went out to the bugs’ mounds. Finding most of the creatures asleep, they managed to take them by surprise and utterly destroyed the stone hard mound, ripping it to pieces.
But defeating their foe did not save the town from the starvation that soon started to set in. As the crop season ended, they found that their food stores had been pilfered by the bugs and were practically empty. Out of options, many of the townsfolk went out to try to hunt the bugs that had put them in this situation in an attempt to have something to eat. But they had little success.
That was until the Megalotis, who had first been attacked by the bugs, started to look. His ears had healed and were now considerably larger than the other Megalotis’s, allowing him to pick up even the smallest of noises. With his ears to the ground, he found that he could hear the bugs crawling underground, and with this new power, he was able to lead the other townsfolk to multiple mounds where they feasted. The gift the bugs had given them was now their undoing.
At first, they only ate the bugs out of necessity. However, as the years passed by, the Megalotis started to get a taste for them and can often be found farming them to this day.
Artist: https://twitter.com/Zacharieribbit
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lotus-pear · 4 months ago
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free will is drawing ur two favorite characters together and making them gay
#akekita content in this economy? it's more likely than you think#this is like for the three ppl that ship them (me tumblr user haliai and atlus)#also which boyliker at atlus designed yusuke's phantom outfit like WHY is he dressed like a gay hooker 💀💀💀💀#the skintight spandex bodysuit designed to show off the slutty waist?? the exposed cleavage?? the cunty little fox tail?? bro 😭#my hand was shaking while i was drawing the second img it felt so IMMODEST 😭😭😭😭😭#i wish atlus confirmed which highschool akechi went to bc i love the hc that he attends kosei#his tie matches hifumi's ribbon so i think they're trying to tell us smt (im delusional)#ANYWAY akechi and yusuke would match each other's freak lowkey like they're both hardcore yappers that weird everyone else tf out#akechi would find solidarity in the fact that yusuke doesn't shut up abt whatever he's interested in#also also the fact that akechi is a mirror version of him bc they're victims of the same situation#both being exploited and utilized as tools after their mothers death#by the man they called father in exchange for validation or a false sense of place#but ultimately yusuke was saved by phantom thieves while akechi refused any pity and slowly succumbed to fate of his own making#really makes you look at atlus and think whats going on in their buttery smooth brains for not including other character interactions#aside from the social links with joker. the wasted dynamic potential between some of the characters is insane 😭#persona 5#p5#yusuke kitagawa#kitagawa yusuke#goro akechi#akechi goro#akekita#bro me when i stay up until three am drawing persona instead of finishing my lab (i’m beyond cooked 💀💀)#i think i need to switch college majors i can’t keep doing this#lotus draws
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kukuandkookie · 2 months ago
The end of 2024 has proven that 2025 seems to be a huge year for donghua and I’m gripping everyone to give all these donghua besides just the most popular ones a chance!!!:
Link Click, Yingdu arc: releasing December 27, 2024
Nezha 2, sequel to Nezha 2019 aka Nezha zhi motong jiangshi, confirmed for January 2025
To Be Hero X, likely April 2025 release (I hope people will also support the version with Chinese VAs! 🙏)
Lord of the Mysteries, 2025 summer release—accompanied by more good news: the novel has officially entered the British Library and it will also be translated into English by Yen Press
False Memory, series version, confirmed 2025 release
I am making this post because False Memory just released its new trailer and I am very much so looking forward to it! The series started as an indie short before growing into a bigger thing, much like Fog Hill of Five Elements and The Legend of Luo Xiaohei and Alita’s Trial. We’ve thus been waiting a couple years for news so this is really exciting, especially after it recently got a Twitter account!!
Ya She, released a couple months ago but late enough into 2024 I’d still love for more people to check it out!
Scissor Seven, another one that’s had its newest season out for a while now, but I assume that for those who have Netflix, it hasn’t been officially English subbed or dubbed yet. We’re also still getting trailers for its game!:
I Am What I Am 2, released Dec 14, 2024 in China!
Reminder that Mo Dao Zu Shi is now on Crunchyroll! They may have removed it from Tencent’s donghua YouTube channel for this, so definitely go support it if you do have Crunchyroll!
Some children’s donghua have also recently released, including news of the new Balala the Fairies season and the other magical girls show, Rainbow Crew! The latter is confirmed for an official release in English.
The Yi Ren Zhi Xia game is also coming soon to global, and Fox Spirit Matchmaker even updated their OP recently after quite a long time of silence.
And speaking of silence, even the long-awaited SVSSS donghua saw some movement recently!?
Now if I could get a confirmed 2025 release for White Cat Legend season 3 (and maybe God Troubles Me and Lie Huo Jiao Chou and Fei Ren Zai and All Saints Street and The Legend of Luo Xiaohei and Wo Jia Dashixiong Naozi You Keng etc…)), I could die a happy man (gender-neutral)—after watching all of these newly released donghua shows and films and seasons, of course ahaha. 🙏
For more news and info on donghua, you can check here:
There’s a bunch of new donghua information in the above document that came from 2024, even though they don’t have official release dates yet! Including but not limited to:
The announcement and PV of Call-Up Girls, based on a baihe manhua
The announcement of a Nirvana in Fire donghua, based on the danmei novel with a famous cdrama adaptation (with the manhua having recently gotten an official English license via Aloha Comics)
Trailer and announcement for 《向火而生》, based on Shui Qian Cheng’s danmei novel Blazing Armour
More announcements for Jing Wei Qing Shang, based on the popular baihe novel
Trailer for The Story of Rong Song, a spin-off of the famous Big Fish and Begonia movie
and many, many more…!
Hope everyone can join me in watching more donghua for 2025!! :D
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anondreamer117 · 10 months ago
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It's ok! False foxes are spirits! They don't need to breathe anyway!
the image is done!
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wait ill quickly make the version without the 'oc here' outline
and also you can add text if ya want but ill add ext to what creator is saying
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also the reason i didn't add the halos is because i want the details on Creators face be more noticeable without the halos in the way
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cha-melodius · 1 year ago
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False Dichotomy
One of the world’s largest retailers is opening a store on his street. A bookstore. He looks down at the article in his hand again and catches sight of a phrase: “We hope that people will see this as more than a bookstore, and hope to foster a sense of community.” As if Henry Fox-Mountchristen has any concept of what community means. Alex very narrowly does not break something.
(When global mega-retailer Mountchristen opens a new location—led by the infuriatingly attractive and insufferable Henry Fox-Mountchristen—near his LGBTQ-focused bookshop in Soho, Alex's comfortable life is turned upsided down. Luckily, he has one of his best friends to turn to: a guy he met online and knows only as H. Meanwhile, Henry is battling against his family to make a positive difference in the world and falling further in love with a man he's never met. But... what if they changed that?
Yes, it's a You've Got Mail AU.
60k, E. Completely written, updating Tuesdays and Fridays.)
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12
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snototter · 2 years ago
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A crab eating fox (Cerdocyon thous) wakes from a nap in Brazil's Pantanal
by Barbara Evans
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anyosu · 11 months ago
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why-i-love-comics · 9 months ago
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DC Pride: A Celebration of Rachel Pollack #1 - "Shinning Through the Wreckage" (2024)
written by Joe Corallo art by Rye Hickman
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anondreamer117 · 10 months ago
Hello! My online name is AnonymousDreamer, but you can call me AnonDreamer or just Anon for short!
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I like to draw, paint, diy... Anything creative really! I write the occasional poem. I also narrate and sing every now and again.
I post my art here sometimes, but I also reblog other people's art a lot.
I'm just doing this for fun! If you want to donate to let me keep creating more art, here's my ko-fi!
Also, here's my link tree!
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Enjoy your stay!
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yeeshastone · 2 years ago
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Megalotis are considered to be a bit odd among other Vulples, not only because of their false fox status but also because of their diet. They prefer to eat insects, with Macrotermes Braminus being most Megalotis’ favorite meals. Many Magalotis find jobs as termite farmers to give them and their communities a constant supply of their preferred food, with Macrotermes mound being passed from one generation to the next. They will spend the day sleeping and wake up at night to harvest grubs when the bugs are less active. Due to this nocturnal lifestyle Megalotis have exceptionally good night vision and can spot their prey on moonless nights. Although most become farmers due to needing a good source of food, some do it to honor their ancestors (see the story of the Megalotis for more info).
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The first thing someone will notice when looking at a Megalotis are their extraordinarily large ears. They have the largest ears of all Vulpes. Their large ears allow them to hear exceptionally well, they can pick up the sound of bugs scuttling under the earth. Many termite farmers will use their ears to track down new mounds to add to their collection. However, these ears can also be used to listen in on conversations they arn’t meant to hear. Because of this skill Megalotis can make great infiltrators or even guards. Although most would consider this is a useful trait, this talent often makes others more weary of them and what they know.
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Within Megalotis communities, it is expected that they will always put their communities and family first. Because of their close-knit nature many Megalotis find it easy to read others expressions and actions, allowing them to try to solve problems they see forming before they even happen. They often communicate best with others with their actions rather then their words.
Trying out a new layout for the subspecies sheet, what do you think? would you rather the old layout as just pictures, or something else? I'm not sure what layout is best for tumblr and am open to any thoughts.
Full Subspecies sheet can be found under the cut.
artist: https://www.instagram.com/cherrwi/
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oughtnots · 9 months ago
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and what if i imagined an entire episode in my mind where mulder and scully hunt moby dick
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redacted-coiner · 7 months ago
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Digital Deity , False Savior , Hacker Deity
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Eldritch Deity , Creation Deity , Chaos Deity
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Vampire Deity , Sleep Deity , Fox Deity
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DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag!
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 10 months ago
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djkerr · 8 months ago
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Alden Parker Style | NCIS 19x06 False Start
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