#fagdyke posting
fagdykeposting · 26 days
“Why would you want to be a man?” Stop projecting your body issues onto transmen/transmascs!
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punkitt-is-here · 3 months
thank you for being an ally to fagdykes like me :]
helllllllllllll yeah hope you enjoy all those dudes, happy pride month
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quiggel · 7 days
World’s femmest dyke (me) vs world’s mascest faggot (also me).
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puppyfriedrice · 3 months
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rabid-mutt-b0y · 26 days
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pup4pup ; t4t
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lascivuscorvus · 3 months
So in light of the Pride Month, here's a flag, made by yours truly, for an identity I feel fits me the most - someone gay for both men and women (and non-binary people of course)
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It's mostly for trans people (be they non-binary or binary) like myself, who feel like they're one foot in each community, who can't choose one over the other and for whom both are an inseparable part of their identity. It's for trans men who identify as lesbian, trans women who identify as gay and all in between.
I know sapphillean exists (and I'm particularly fond of fagdyke myself) and it's pretty much it, but I wanted to make a flag of my own (because I feel like existing ones just don't look very appealing)
I took two opposing stripes from lesbian and gay men flag, creating a small bi flag in the middle. I feel like this is an identity that still applies here (and that I feel connected to and not willing to easily part with lol), just a little more specific.
The flag is free to use, in fact seeing it used and spread around would warm my heart <3
Peace and love ✌
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appleciderbutch · 5 days
Queers..... butches & femmes..... fagdykes....... call me
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aropride · 11 months
trying to draw lines of who's queer and who's not is unhelpful and a waste of time and i find it's an impossible task to categorize something as uncategorizable as attraction and identity. i've started thinking of it as more of a sociopolitical label as well as an identity label, and in my opinion that's a lot more useful than sitting around trying to decide if a guy who's only ever been attracted to women and ryan reynolds counts as queer or not. because i feel like if, for instance, a straight cis man who does drag and regularly engages in trans activism and sits down with his state senator to discuss making trans sanctuary laws or whatever. wants to identify as queer. i don't really care? i don't think that affects anyone negatively. i think if someone's involved in queer activism and the queer community and they want to use the word queer for themselves i think that's fine and i think it's not any of my business.
also there's this tendency, especially online, for people to go "well what if an allocishet person uses the word queer for themself even though they arent!" and that doesn't feel like a helpful thing to worry about because like.. what if? who is really getting hurt if a gender nonconforming cishet person identifies as queer? or a woman with two husbands? i saw a post along the lines of "we've got straight girls calling themselves fagdykes this is why inclusionism is bad" and i mean. first of all i genuinely just do not believe that. i don't think there are cishet women calling themselves fagdykes. i don't think people who wouldn't be considered queer by cishet society are often proudly declaring themselves part of the queer community in general. people don't paint targets on their backs for fun. i think it's much more likely that the person they were mad at was nonbinary or bi or otherwise queer. but even if they were, like. if for some reason a completely cis completely straight woman wanted to reclaim slurs for herself, she probably has a reason for that. and it's not really our business anyway.
and i think if someone actually is "only identifying as queer to infiltrate queer spaces and cause discord and hurt people," i think that's a them problem, not a "person who uses labels i don't fully get" problem. and i don't think that happens often except for possibly in discord servers, and i think that's generally called "lying" and "being an asshole."
whenever i see stuff trying to draw a line on who's queer and who's not, whether this person can say fag or not, whether it's okay for this person to use they/them pronouns or not, whatever. "are polyamorous people queer?" "can a cis guy use they/them pronouns?" i think of ace/aro exclusionism and bi exclusionism and nonbinary exclusionism. because the arguments sound the same. something about not being "oppressed enough," about "stealing resources" (what resources?), about "well these ones are okay but those ones aren't," about fakers, about people reclaiming slurs they can't use, about how they're "making us look bad," how they're "not queer enough," whatever. and i think it's petty and useless and pretty stupid when we're in the face of a rise in violent transphobia to focus on that instead of actual problems.
i had a friend in high school who talked about how she doesn't understand sexuality and gender and gender roles because she's autistic. she was a lot like me in that we'd both pick at strict definitions of things like "queer" or "trans" and find exceptions to common strict definitions until they fell apart entirely. and she identified with just her name, not trans, not nonbinary, not cis either. not bi or pan or ace or aro or anything else, and not straight. just herself. and she was fully accepting of me and other queer people in our life and was involved in queer activism and was actively deradicalizing her mom from radfem ideology. i don't know if she identified as queer then or if she does now, but if she did/does, i don't see why she shouldn't. i don't think it'd be my place to tell her not to.
i don't know. i just think if someone wants to consider themself queer it's not my business why. because they probably have a good reason. and i think trying to define something like queerness is an impossible task, and i think there's better things to do. it's not hurting anyone for someone you or i see as allocishet to identify as queer for whatever reason. sometimes you don't have to understand the intricacies of someone's identity and life story and why they use certain words for themselves.
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fagdykeposting · 1 month
Shoutout to aspec people who do feel some form of on whatever spec their attraction is on. Whether they be demi, grey, litho, fray, or whatever. You’re still valid.
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gay-otlc · 1 year
If you think the biggest issue the trans community is facing is "a trans person on the internet is referring to their identity/experiences with words i don't like" then your priorities are fucked and you don't actually give a fuck about the trans community and you need to stop talking right the fuck now.
(do not fucking tag this with anything along the lines of"except ___")
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degenderates · 1 year
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Happy pride<3
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dovesndecay · 5 months
Hmm, noticing a marked increase in mockery towards multi gender folks and gotta say, I'm not a fan.
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eptck · 2 years
would you be the dykefag to my fagdyke ? would you do me that honor ? would you kiss me sloppy ?
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opossumanon · 3 months
Would love if sapphic posts could stop posting "men dni" and achillean posts stop posting "women dni" because as someone who's sapphic and achillean, man and woman and neither, it's very awkward to sit and try and figure out if I'm "man enough" or "woman enough" because I'm literally duel-wielding genders here ;-;
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kalliepride · 26 days
Chat, can we explain gaybian/velaurian attraction to my brother? It doesn't make sense and I really don't have the words to explain it correctly. In his words, "It's not that I don't accept it, it's that my brain can't brain it."
I don't know who to tag, so if you see this, feel free to tag people who might have the words! /nf
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lttleghost · 11 months
reclaiming fagdyke for myself not just from cishet bigots but also from the group of tme queer ppl who identify as such that keep revealing themselves to be transmisogynistic
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