#facebook is the worst
ered · 7 months
I love how back in the day people were like ”making everyone use their real names online will make people behave better” and then facebook came around
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redundantharpoons · 2 years
for all the clowning we do about tumblr being a hellsite, at least it only shows me stuff from the people i follow in the order they posted the stuff
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faulty-connection · 3 months
Facebook kills me because there are groups dedicated to people seemingly not understanding that actors continue to act in different things. It’s always like “did you know Jensen Ackles from Supernatural also was on smallville????” Or “look who I found when watching the vampire diaries! It’s a young Jeremiah from the summer I turned pretty!” Like yeah Barbra that’s literally these people’s jobs to act in other things
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twistedappletree · 7 months
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variksel · 13 days
youtube ads becoming first one 5-second ad then two 5-second ads in a row or one 15-second ad then a million unskippable ads in the middle of videos instagram quietly inserting one ad in-between every 5 or 10 ig stories then 2 in-between 4 ig stories not to mention the new reel- and explore page ads. a quiet tumblr ad banner at the top of your dash then photo ads in-between posts then video ads then video ads in-between every 3 or 5 posts that play audio automatically while youre trying to read a textpost. the most popular, paid subscription, news apps adding ads between their articles, then in articles, then paywalling new articles further with a new "news +" subscription and putting ads in those as well. once every 15 tweets there being an ad, then every 5, then theres also an ad if you scroll to the replies. you cant look at tweets without logging in anymore, theres just no option for anon scrolling. facebook ai mining on instagram, facebook ai profiles hyping up ai generated photos im fucking going insane ai temu ads and gallery app ads and printer app ads and higher subscriptions while still seeing ads and i cant fucking do this anymore!!!!! its fucking shameless and worst of all its silent and nobody talks about how half the things we see anymore are fucking ads and we dont own a single thing we pay for and companies can just randomly raise their prices through the roof and nobody says anything about it
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blueboyluca · 8 months
I bought the Tumblr Supporter badge. I've been here for 14 years and on dogblr for 7 years. On my main I documented meeting my partner in the US 12 years ago. I blogged about all my international travels when I was 19. I've raised three dogs here. I've shared my reactivity journey with Luca, my agility journey with Marceline and now my new journey with Topaz. This website is the most important community in my life, and the one I've been part of the longest. I don't think Tumblr is imminently dying, but I would like it to continue for as long as possible because it's the only social media site left that feels like you can build a true community. I'm not going anywhere, and now I guess I've paid to stay.
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thebirdandhersong · 5 months
sometimes (very often) I just sit there like ?????????
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If he’s Mr Worldwide he’s gotta spin right?
Secondo: *walking out to the middle of a crowded plaza, clearly looking for something as he pulls out his phone* *txting* Where are you stronzo?
Terzo: *via txt* Turn around idiota
Secondo: *turns completely around*
Terzo: *txt* No, the other way
Secondo: *turns again* ?
Terzo: *txt* No! The other other way!
Secondo: *now pissed* *txt* WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!?!
Terzo: *txt* I’m still six blocks away but the mental image of you spinning like a dumbass is amusing to me ☺️
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tamagotchikgs · 28 days
looking on job websites is awful actually what do u mean theres multiple posts of straight white women complaining that they cant get hired because of their gender/race combo and lgbtq+ inclusion and the fact theyre not disabled ,,,,, girl... girl none of us can get jobs ,,
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vellichorom · 1 month
What WOULD Thierry post on Twitter in some hypothetical hell world where he does in fact have one (every day I try to forget canon implications that The Narrator uses Twitter and every day I fail)
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i don't think i shuld tell u /silly
to me, nar has... at least a handful of different twitters. theoretically;
one for promoting The Stanley Parable of course; documenting necessary updates, promotional shots - such & such, much akin to what you see & would expect from the Crowsx3 twitter, if not. exactly like that
one more akin to kevan's own twitter, going on weird storytelling tangents & occasionally commentating on issues going on in the world or with his " circle, " whomever that may encompass ( usually the people he's working with or has been hired by )
& these are just what's known to the public, with little more known OF " The Narrator " beyond any other devlogs associated with TSP;
i KNOW that man has a secondary, more SOCIAL personal twitter that he uses to directly interact with people, more often than not - fighting or getting into more levelheaded discussions with people; known - not by his public moniker, but as an unknown someone Very Very obsessed with TSP, & interacting with the fanbase, even arguing about the things people have to say about his game. what are you talking about YOU'RE seeing a woman getting chased around by an old man with a boxcutter, there's NOTHING like that in the game ???? are you SURE you have a legitimate copy of the stanley parable ???? what's this big game theory about this all being the nightmarish purgatory of a man who killed his wife & is now dealing with the guilt ???? <- ( he does not realize his actions can be, to a degree, perceived by the players )
& then i like joking that he's got another secret twitter that i cannot even describe the contents of but that's. probably not canon
& a THOUSAND more other probable throwaways he uses for OTHER stupid nonsense. & that's just on twitter, you should see his dumbass on reddit
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pinkhysteria · 7 months
cameron's atrocious social game continuing to fuck him over and him still being in jeopardy any time he isn't in power loool. how embarrassing.
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saminthea · 3 months
Is it appendicitis or just fibromyalgia and a stomach bug? Guess we'll see in the morning!
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taylorhawkins · 1 year
I didn’t know how to word this, but this person said it perfectly
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It’s really strange (and annoying) seeing people sort of outright deny much of the lyrics on BHWA are about Taylor… I guess because they’re too raw for them?? The Atlantic article confirmed Hearing Voices is entirely about him yet I still see people straight up being like “no way”. Same with The Glass, or the title track… with Rest, it’s bizarre to me the way people think it’s either black or white and that it can’t possibly be about both losses woven together. I’ve also seen Nothing At All referred to as “too sexy to be about grief” which genuinely boggled my mind. Lmfao like what??
God forbid a man express his love in such a way for his best friend who also happens to be a man. FFS I can’t even fathom how maddening it must be to have to deal with people digging into your every lyric and being certain they know what you meant even though they’re way off, plastering it all over the internet, and all of the other total bullshit speculation & cruel comments…on top of the grief. This is the kind of shit that drives some musicians literally fucking insane and they’re not even dealing with loss. Dave Grohl is an incredibly strong spirit.
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in light of a second migration to this site i just need to speak my truth which is that harrow is a redditor gideon is a twitter user and ianthe is a tumblrina hope this helps
#coronabeth is an instagram influencer obviously#and babs is a tiktok one they collab#camilla is like that one user on that math forum who posts answers to insane equations no one can solve without a proof to explain how#palamedes meanwhile is a quora/yahoo answers (rip) certified expert who gives helpful and detailed answers to everything#slash ao3 writer on the side#i know we all see john as a twitch streamer but i think he's most like a discord mod#wait lowkey that's mercy but i want to give them all unique sites so. ok fine john is the streamer and mercy is his insufferable twitch mod#pyrrha stars in like a woodworking/survivalist skill youtube channel that's filmed and run by nona#who is always giving encouraging commentary from behind the camera she just wants everyone to see how awesome her dadmom is#abigail has a channel where she talks about famous historical events or like analyzes media based on historical accuracy#magnus pops into frame as her every now and then bringing her tea or asking a question. she doesn't edit him out bc the fans love him#augustine is a podcaster. the WORST kind#isaac and jeannemary run a gaming channel where they play the same games as jod and bully him online#one day magnus pops in during a livestream. they are embarrassed but the few crossover fans from abi's channel start going crazy in the chat#judith would just like. write a memoir i think#one of those with a super patriotic portrait on the cover#dulcinea is also an ao3 author she and pal do fic exchanges and she's also like a cool fanartist idk on what platform. maybe here#silas has a girl defined channel or he's one of those people who spends all their time arguing in facebook comments#mercy would also be that person considering she literally references that one church lady. her neuroticism is just peak overly online person#oh oh nona and the gang also get pyrrha to do sexy tiktok dances for her channel they are highly successful#god i haven't even gotten into the BoE characters this cast is so fucking large i'm stopping here#the way i was literally just going to add one tag to this and then i couldn't stop lol anyways we have fun here#tlt#the locked tomb#ntn spoilers#nona spoilers#nona the ninth spoilers#tlt spoilers#the locked tomb spoilers#(just in case bc of a few tags)
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tamagotchikgs · 20 days
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waiting oh so patiently 4 my bf to wake up i am so very patient
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katthedemonslayer · 5 months
2024 is continuing to be a disappointment because i found out my (now ex) boyfriend has been lying to me the entire time we've been together because he was fucking engaged and now i'm just angry and sad and heartbroken and i feel like shit
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