#extended fam of the
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havenotwillnotreadthebooks · 5 months ago
Hello! Back at it with a kidnap fam headcanon, except this ones about Earendil.
Consider; Maglor is so awkward around Earendil in Valinor. Earendil is good-natured about Stuff™️ but also awkward.
Anyway, at one point Earendil comes to Elrond’s home straight from his ship and Maglor accidentally brushes against him, only to find out Earendil’s skin is ice-fucking-cold.
Maglor instantly enters some sort of trauma response from the E&E twins’ childhood and starts lecturing Earendil on dressing properly for the weather and doesn’t he know Peredhel get cold more easily than elves? What if he got sick?
Maglor emerges from his parent haze to find Earendil has been wrapped in a sweater, two blankets, and one of Maglor’s outer robes.
Earendil is kinda just chilling. Like, he hasn’t been smothered like this in literal Ages of the world and its sorta nice to be cared about since he doesn’t get a lotta social time (touch-starved Earendil headcanon insert)
Anyway, the awkwardness has broken because Maglor is a bard, you best bet he is gonna commit to this bit. He puts a beanie hat on Earendil the same way he did for Elrond and Elros. Earendil is real quiet and just basking in the attention.
Elrond thinks this whole thing is fantastic. Slightly weird, but fantastic.
The meme format for this goes;
Earendil, fresh from the sky: heyo *COLD TO THE BONE*
Maglor, feeling Every Peredhel-Parent Instinct Reactivate: Where is your coat.
Yes this is inspired by RaisingCaiin & Jaz-The-Bard’s fics about cozy peredhel. No, I am not ashamed of anything.
Maedhros, if he’s around, is worse about it. Because Mae is used to getting the “baby is cold” instinct around grown adults (e.i his brothers) so that, combined with his Peredhel Is Cold instincts is just a recipe for disaster.
Maedhros has the thought peredhel is shivering, and next thing anyone knows there’s a blanket on Earendil. They both blink owlishly at each other for a moment, but Maedhros grew up with Feanor and he will Not Back Down.
Earendil gets another blanket.
Elwing, when she learns of the Cold Peredhel Instinct is…temped, to see what happens if she shivers near them. Because she is an awful seagull elf with an awful sense of humor. But there’s still too much tension between her and them for the joke to be funny yet. So she waits until she can look at them without flinching, and they can look at her without stiffening.
Then, and only then, does Elwing shiver around Mae&Mags and subsequently get blanket bombed.
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imageingrunge · 7 months ago
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gorg..anyways wanna play a save like actually but the set up for it is so tedious in my head so ill spin her in cas n dream about it instead
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kathaynesart · 2 years ago
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I think he likes it. Thank you!!
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lafamilledelioncourt · 3 months ago
I keep getting bat!fam on my TikTok FYP as if the ghost of obsessions past has come to haunt me, and, honestly, I have a question.
Did anyone else have a bat!fam phase or did you actually have a healthy relationship with your father?
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bobnewbie · 1 year ago
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Mason 'Mase' Brooks Calliope’s older brother, Britechester law graduate, recently made preeminent partner at his firm at the expense of his marriage 😅. Zoë Temple-Brooks decorated research scientist, ready to get back into the field after six months maternity leave. begrudgingly (or happily, she hasn't decided) separated from Mason, currently living with her parents and baby Monty. Montel 'Monty' Brooks aiming to be as brilliant as his parents, making waves across his mommy's simstagram. expressing his disappointment with his daddy via crying fits.
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I think borrowers during the holidays are either panicking or having the time of their lives. If their bean family leaves for the day, they have the whole house to themself. They could just go on a borrowing spree and when the beans get home they’re all so tired that the borrower can just keep borrowing cause everyone is asleep.
On the reverse side…if their bean is the one hosting. Oh god no. The noise would be so loud. Children screaming and playing, people chatting, not to mention that the food would be so tempting to the borrower. They’re hoping that maybe the beans will leave the kitchen just for a few seconds so they can swipe some food but no one is leaving the kitchen and it’s annoying as hell!
Now technically this goes for any holiday but, imagine finding a borrower while celebrating the holidays with family. Maybe the fam is doing a tradition and no one is in the kitchen and craving just one more bite of something you go to the kitchen to see a borrower holding some of the food. The absolute panic this borrower might feel in the moment. Imagine if it wasn’t you who found them, maybe it was your aunt you screams mouse causing everyone to either scream or try and catch the poor borrower. Maybe it was your younger cousin who thought the borrower was a toy and grabs them only to bring them to you shouting “LOOK AT THIS TOY I FOUND!! IM GOING TO KEEP IT!” and that’s assuming that they go to you and don’t just stash the borrower away or show their parents.
Depending on who sees the borrower would change what happens next. Some people might keep them a secret from the rest of the family, either helping them out by sneaking some food for them or basically kidnapping the borrower so they can chat later, although kidnapping someone is still pretty bad. Especially if the person takes them home without any warning. Now the borrower is MILES away from home! Then there’s the scenario where the whole family gets involved. Maybe an uncle slams a jar onto if the scared borrower, and after doing so shows them off saying “it’s not a mouse but check it out! It’s a lil dude hahaha!!” Which could end very badly for the borrower. Who knows what’ll happen when an entire family knows they exist, let alone are captured by them! Hopefully one family member “accidentally” lets them go, resulting in them getting scolded or something, but the borrower is super thankful that this one bean, out of the whole family, freed them.
The holidays have so much potential for borrower stories and it can fit into whatever holiday you celebrate!
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youandthemountains · 3 months ago
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procrastinating on the cookies but made a banana pudding for the first time since I was a kid and man I'm psyched to eat it
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kathairoette · 2 years ago
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I was inspired by all the people on ygo twt drawing bunny ears!
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niobiumao3 · 2 months ago
Unlike prior years I can't bring myself to quote the Death Cab for Cutie song because I feel *quite* different. A great deal of loss this year, mine and others, and tough things, but also new friends and accomplishments. It's been a lot. I want to hope for a better 2025 but I think we all know it's gonna be rough.
But here goes nothing.
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rickybaby · 1 year ago
re your last reblog I just remembered lee mckenzie interviewing his parents after monaco and they were saying everything about that day was perfect except they just wished michelle was there too, like his parents really did well raising their kids and having a great relationship with them
He loves his sister and she loves him because she was still doing his goofy hair at 17!! He loves spending time in LA because his cousin lives there! He loves his day one homies and still makes sure he stays in touch with them! Loves his nephew and niece and will FaceTime them every two days! Buys them gifts wherever he goes in the world because he thinks of them! This man LOVES his people and he makes sure they know!!
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night-ah-ahks · 2 years ago
okay I know there’s the joke of the player characters getting possessed and someone else talks out of their mouths (player is with someone else and they are talking to egg) BUT I can never not imagine it as a literal Skype call/video call
because I’ve grown up in a house where my mom will be on a zoom call with her sisters for hours on end every morning without fail
sooooo I just imagine all the eggs like sheepishly walking up to their parent’s phone to talk to an aunt or uncle they don’t really know (are they actually related to their parents?) and the aunt/uncle is just doting and being cute and AAAAAAA
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soysaucevictim · 1 year ago
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Remus had consumed mythology voraciously and instantly recognized the lamia’s true form. Without a thought, Remus fired the speargun through her chest. She screamed, trying to remove the spear, but its jagged barbs hooked sure to her rib. Remus wasn’t sure how he had the strength drag her away from Roman. But he did, he snarled, “Next time I see you. You’re DEAD.” No matter how much she flailed and clawed at the wound, Remus practically threw her off deck. Watching that THING drown delighted him. The thrill put a twisted grin on his face and-
Some rough draft snippets for the Hero!Remus fic. I just wanted to sketch up this version of the guy...
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bobnewbie · 1 year ago
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Charlotte ‘Char’ Gymard she can be a mean girl or a sweetheart, the choice is yours 💁🏽‍♀️. currently excelling in all her classes and extracurriculars. older sister to Yves and Rhea. Rhea Gymard i mean, look at her. literal ray of sunshine, probably going to grow up to be smarter and more talented than anyone in her fam but she'll be super humble about it. Yves Gymard chillest 12 yr old you'll ever meet. seriously, nothing rattles this dude, it's like he was built to be a middle child (😅). planning to be the next nyjah huston.
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androidboy · 1 year ago
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