#except search and rescue she can stay
hannibalsjuicyass · 2 years
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gaycragula · 5 months
Hello there
Please could i request a child male reader (around 9-12, maybe younger idk you can choose) x 141. Platonic obv. Reader is being held hostage for reasons and they have to go on a rescue mission. When reader is saved he’s scared of them all except ghost who he just clings onto LMAO
cheers mate 🙏
Lost and Found
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Pairing: 141 x Child Male Reader (Platonic!!!!) Warning(s): Heavy implication of parent death, politician family, child reader, locked in a basement, he gets fed i promise, i have no idea how the military works, angst? Word Count: 2069 Masterlist
The walls were an ugly, cracks running along them, and you’re sure there was mold growing in one of the corners. The only light in the room was a small lightbulb in the center of the room that was rarely left on. The only door leading out of the room was locked from the outside. You’re not sure you exactly wanted to leave the room. Not with the heavy thumps of feet that stomped through the first floor of the home.
It was a nice summer day when it happened. You’d just finished a nice dinner with your parents when the sirens began to blare. The sound cut your ears and you covered your ears, trying to block out the noise. You were whisked out of your chair by your dad before  you could get up yourself.
Hushed words were shared between your parents as they rushed through the home to the basement. Your father’s grip was tight on you as he toted you down the stairs, your mother right on his heels. 
Dad set you down in a corner, trying to keep you out of direct sight of the stairs. He pressed a loving kiss to your forehead, your mother doing the same. 
“Be good and stay here,” your mom whispers, giving you a pained smile. Her lip quivered as she pressed another kiss to your forehead. “Mom and Dad love you. We always will.”
. Then, they left you, footsteps receding back up the stairs into the home. You heard the door shut and a silent darkness covered you. The silence only lasted for a moment. 
Something crashed upstairs and loud bangs made you cover your ears again. You curled further into the corner, trying to make yourself as small as possible. More crashing and something heavy hitting the ground sounded before it fell silent again. It was over… right?
The basement door slammed open and you gave a full body flinch. A flurry of steps rocketed down the stairs. Way too many to be just your parents. 
Five or six men came into your sightline. Each of them looked like they were armed to the teeth and it sent a jolt of fear through you. These men just ran through your house. Where your parents were. Where were your parents? 
They scoured the basement, flashlights leading their guns as they searched. For what? You weren’t quite sure but you hoped they would just look over you. The fear surging through your body was almost unbearable. It was hard to breathe, each breath fighting to force its way out silently. You tried to stay hidden for as long as possible but their flashlights soon exposed you.
They said something you couldn’t understand before moving on and returning upstairs when they finished. You heard the faint click of the lock to the basement and you were left in the basement by yourself again. You tried to fight the tears that began falling down your cheeks as you curled in on yourself. It wasn’t a very long fight and your face soon became wet with your tears. It hit you then that you’d probably never see your parents again.
It had been a week since it had happened. The men would leave food for you at the top of the stairs. You spent the majority of your days sitting under the light in the room, playing whatever you could find. Trying to distract your mind. You were suddenly happy your parents kept a chunk of toys down in the basement for storage.
Totes of toy cars that you pretended to race with, some toy dinosaurs you’d gotten years ago, left forgotten in the basement until now. There were planks of wood you’d dragged over that you drew on with some chalk your parents kept down there. The chalk worked well on the walls as well.
Drawings littered the small walls of the basement. Cars and dinosaurs littered the floor. Your house.. Your home, your family. Where did it all go?
You’ve tried to talk to the men on multiple occasions but they only either looked at you with disdain or spoke in a language you couldn’t understand. 
On the eighth day of the occupation, you heard those loud bangs and the shouts of men again. You started crying again, you didn’t even have a chance to try to stop it as you scrambled  back into a corner in the room again, hopefully out of sight. Out of mind.
It felt like ages before the house fell silent again. You heard the doorknob wiggle, muffled voices coming from the otherside. Light filtered into the basement as the door creaked open. “After you, Sergeant,” a gruff voice huffs, a hint of teasing to the tone.
A short laugh followed the words before steps were coming down the stairs again, flashlights dancing over the walls as they descended. “Ohhhh hell, look at this, LT,” a second voice whispers, a light lingering on the drawings on the wall. Silence fell again as the sound of more boots started down the stairs, flashlights whipping around the room before one fell on your form. 
Clearing the home was easy. The bastards inside weren’t expecting an attack for a while. A home far outside any city line would surely work as a temporary base, right?
They thought so at least. So when the Scotsman barged through the door followed by six others, the occupants weren’t prepared. The firefight was short. The men inside scrambling to get to their weapons as fast as possible. 
It was Roach who’d noticed the door to the basement, calling over the rest of the team. “What d’ya thinks down there?” Soap chuckles as Ghost takes a hand at picking the lock. “More guys? Prisoners they been keepin’?”
“If I had to take a guess, probably prisoners. Family who lived here was big in the political field here. Probably kept them as hostages for ransom,” Price says, gesturing for two of the guys to stand guard at the front and back doors. 
The door clicked open and slowly swung open with a nasty creak. “After you, Sergeant,” Ghost huffs, nudging the Scotsman forward. Soap let out a short laugh before starting into the dimly lit basement. Ghost close behind him. Soap’s flashlight scanned the floors and walls. He noticed dinosaurs and cars littering the floor around the bottom of the stairs. He initially thought nothing of it. They knew a young kid lived here. 
He was almost to the bottom as his light scanned over a big drawing of a home and a family of three drawn in chalk. 
He felt his heart drop at the image. Soap was no master in chalk or anything, but the drawing looked pretty new. “Ohhh hell, look at this LT,” he says, nudging the other. Ghost went rigid for a second before gesturing back up the stairs for the other three to come down quickly. 
Flashlights scoured the basement, Soap wandering towards the darkest part of the basement. His light danced over the stone floor before the body of a little boy was illuminated.
“Over here,” Soap calls out, almost missing the way the kid jerked in response to his words. Soap handed Price his gun before crouching down next to the boy. Your eyes were locked onto him, tear stains evident on your cheeks and fear clouding your eyes. “We’re here to help ya,” Soap says, trying to offer his hand to you.
“Back off the kid, Soap,” Ghost mutters. “He’s scared shitless.”
Soap let out a quiet, barely audible sigh as he stood back up and stepped back to join the rest of his team. 
Your eyes shot from man to man. Your breath was heavy in your chest and you could hear yourself wheezing because of it. “Where are my parents?” You almost sobbed. Your voice was hoarse, throat tight as you waited for an answer.
The men felt their hearts drop at the pure pain in your voice. This kid, no older than 11 or 12 had his life turned upside down in a matter of fifteen minutes just a week ago. 
It was Ghost who made the first, well technically second, advance towards you, much to the surprise of the rest of the team. Just as surprising was the way you sat up to be face to face with him as he crouched down. 
He pulled a small picture out of pocket and handed it to you. It was a picture of your parents and yourself that you’d never seen before. “I don’t know where your parents are, but I do know that if you remain here, you’ll never find them,” Ghost spoke lowly. Just loud enough for you to hear. 
You nodded in understanding, shoving the picture in your pocket as Ghost stood up. He went to turn back to the team but paused when your hand grabbed his. You avoided his gaze when he looked back at you but didn’t pull his hand away. Instead, he picked you up and maneuvered you onto his back. 
“Thank you,” you mumble, laying your head down on his back.
Ghost turned towards his team who were all gawking at the scene before them. “Get goin’ and quit starin’ at me like that,” he huffs, nodding towards the stairs before turning to speak to Roach, Gaz, and Soap. “Get the kid some clothes and we’re gettin’ out of here.”
“Aye, L.T,” Soap almost stutters, pushing Roach and Gaz towards the stairs. Price chuckled to himself before heading up the stairs after the three, rounding up the other two that he’d stationed up there. 
“What’s your name?” Ghost hears you ask quietly.
“They call me Ghost,” the man answers as he heads up the stairs. He felt you nod against his back and you fell silent for a moment. “What’s your name?”
You tell him your name, which he already knew but he wasn’t going to tell you that. That started a short and quiet conversation between the two of you. You asked how long he’d been in the military, where he was from, what his family was like and Ghost answered you and asked you the same questions in return. 
It was a stark contrast to what the 141 was used to. Ghost was generally quiet on these kinds of missions. “It’s gotta be the kid,” Gaz whispers to Soap who nods in agreement. 
“Yeah but what about this kid is different from others we’ve found?” Soap whispers back, rubbing his jaw as he watched you and Ghost interact. Gaz shrugged in response before Roach chimed in.
“Maybe he reminds him of a family member? Younger brother or nephew?” Roach suggests and it was like a lightbulb went off in the other two’s heads.
“That’s gotta be it,” Soap nods. “Does anyone know anythin’ ‘bout his family?” 
Gaz and Roach shake their heads and Soap sighs. He opened his mouth to say something else, stopping when he saw Ghost shoot a look over his shoulder at him.
“Quit chattin’. Be on guard. We’re still in hostile territory,” Price mutters, ignoring the noise of complaint the three made before begrudgingly doing what they were told.
It was your first time on an aircraft. You were glued to Ghost’s side, eyes locked on the floor in front of you. Soap had tried to get your attention a couple times to no avail. If you did make eye contact with him, you were quick to look away as quick as possible. 
The others didn’t have much luck either. Roach had tried to speak to you while Ghost was carrying you and all you’d done was bury your face into the fabric of Ghost’s shirt. 
Price had been the most outward about it, asking to actually carry you so give Ghost a break. That was the only time you’d spoken to anyone besides Ghost. “No,” was all that came from your mouth as you shook your head. Ghost had chuckled and told Price he was good to carry you the whole way.
Ghost had given you his hand to basically ‘play’ with. You braided his fingers, bending them and whatever else you could do to keep your mind calm. The rest of the team couldn’t keep the smiles off their faces at the sight.
Who would’ve guessed. The big bad Ghost had actually a big softie.
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lovelyjj · 1 year
Can you write a JJ maybank x reader where reader lived in the outer banks her whole life, but is kind of scared of water when it comes to swimming (basically can’t swim) and on a boat or at a beach party or something someone jokingly shoves her into the water and no one’s doing anything bc it’s like, how could she not know how to swim? But JJ catches on and saves her? That would be amazinggg ❤️
Diver Down
jj maybank x reader
wc: 1,027
**some dialogue from season 1: episode 1**
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The weather was nice making it a good day to go out on the boat. The sun was warm on your skin and the air was crisp. After John B picked everyone up, you and the pogues were ready for a boat day.
You sailed through the marsh and JJ said, "Let me show you a party trick."
"I got this. It's gonna work."
JJ than proceeded to hold his beer bottle out in front of him, rim pointed at his mouth and had his mouth open.
The beer flew everywhere and you were laughing.
Suddenly, the boat came to abrupt halt and JJ was flung off the boat.
"Jesus Pope!" Kie exclaimed.
After you recovered from sliding forward you asked, "You okay JJ?"
"I think my heels touched the back of my head," JJ commented.
"You ok y/n?" John B asked.
"I'm fine. Thanks."
"Pope, what did you do?" JJ questioned.
"Sandbar. The channel changed." Pope said.
"No shit." JJ exclaimed.
Pope was standing up staring at the water when he said,"Guys I think there's a boat down there."
"Shut up."
"No way."
"No, no, guys. I'm serious. There's a boat down there."
"It's a boat," Pope pointed.
"Holy shit, he's right. let's go." Kiara commented.
Everyone jumped into the water to go and check out the boat. You stayed where you were sitting on the HMS pogue.
When everyone resurfaced from the water they were all buzzed.
"You guys saw that right." JJ exclaimed.
"Yeah I did." Kiara voiced.
"That's a Grady-White. A new one of those is like 500 Gs, easy." JJ announced.
Everyone climbed back on the boat.
"Why didn't you come down with us?" Kiara asked.
"I didn't want to get my hair wet," you lied.
Kiara looked at you skeptical but then let it go.
John b was digging out the anchor when JJ announced, "Well, i'm not resuscitating you. I'm just making that clear up front."
You started getting up to see John B dive but what you didn't expect was to see him making his way towards you.
"Diver down," John B speaks. Then he pushed you into the water.
You were in the middle of saying "what" when you were pushed into the water. Your words drown out by the splash.
Everyone was laughing and waiting for you to surface. However, you were struggling and no one seemed to notice except JJ.
You were slipping under the water and it was filling into your mouth making it hard to breathe.
"Y/N!" "Y/N!" JJ called out to you.
But you were drowning and couldn't hear JJ let alone answer him.
JJ saw the situation unfold and was quick to dove into the water to save you. JJ swam out to you. When he reached you he started to panic. He didn't know what to do or how to help.
When he saw you submerged under the water he acted on instinct. He swiftly came to your rescue. He got a hold of you in the water and lifted you up.
"Stay with me y/n. Stay with me." JJ yelled.
JJ carried you to the boat. Somewhat struggling to swim with you in his arms. Kiara had her hand out and you took it. She hoisted you up back on the boat.
JJ got himself back on the boat.
"Holy shit y/n i'm so sorry." John B apologized.
You were bent over coughing up a storm.
"It's okay John B you didn't know." Your voice came out hoarse.
"You scared the shit out of me." JJ expressed.
You gave JJ a exasperated look.
"JB your an idiot!" JJ exclaimed.
"Hey man I really am sorry," John B trailed off.
JJ went in search of a blanket. When he found one he made his way over to you. He wrapped you up in a blanket and rubbed your arms over the blanket.
"Let me warm you up," JJ spoke.
"JJ your soaking wet too."
"Never mind that."
JJ came and sat down next to you. You felt grateful for JJ, grateful that he saved you. You found a new appreciation for him. He has always been there for you right when you needed him.
"Thank you for saving me J."
"It's no problem baby. I'm just glad your alright," JJ spoke.
He calls you that sometimes and it makes your stomach flip. You turned towards JJ and gave him one of your breathtaking smiles.
JJ's heart just about stopped from the way you were looking at him. When you were looking at him like that, how could he not be in love.
JJ put his arm around you and you snuggled into his warmth. The other pogues were distracted doing other things keeping their attention elsewhere, giving you two privacy.
With the pogues looking away, JJ released his arm around you and began to cup your face. He used his thumb to stroke your cheek. JJ's heart was palpitating and he was excited and eager to kiss you.
The kiss however was tentative and delicate. JJ placed his lips on yours so they were pressing against each other. You were both tasting one another.
The kiss than grew hungry and heated. Your lips moving against each other. Suddenly JJ slid his hand back into your hair. He tugged on the strands allowing your mouth to open in a gasp.
JJ's tongue entered your mouth in a needy rush. JJ was oozing confidence in the kiss. You were surprised when his tongue greeted you. Your tongues started to lap each other up.
Eventually, the need for air was increasing. You gently pulled back and took a big breath. Your cheeks were burning as you looked up at JJ.
JJ's palms were sweating. He removed his hand from your face and rested it on your knee. 
"Y/n, I'm in love with you and I have been for so long I just could never find the right words or right time to tell you. I'm so sorry it took me so long."
"JJ your all I ever wanted. I love you too."
"Finally!" Kiara exclaimed.
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saturninemartial · 3 months
Hi I'm back again with more mushy future zosan business. This is post-zosan marriage, about a decade in the future; Loof is the pirate king, but the gang has stayed together to make sure everyone achieves their dreams (and also bc they're family).
They're sailing past a smallish island with no plans to stop, until they see worryingly big plumes of smoke, too big for bonfires or cooking fires, so they divert course for a possible rescue. When they land, they find a village that's just been decimated by some outside force. It's a somber moment as they're surrounded by bodies and crumbled buildings, as whatever invaders laid waste to this mostly-defenseless society.
The gang searches for clues as to who could have done this, any weapons left behind, really anything distinct that Robin could research and help them exact revenge for these helpless people. While digging around, Usopp finds something—or someone: a baby, hidden away for safety, not far from her deceased mother, who was obviously hoping for someone to find the infant. It makes everyone even more angry and sorrowful, wanting revenge for this baby.
They take the baby onboard and let Chopper check her over for injury and general health. Zosan both immediately take to the baby (several nakama point out that they both have a protective/nurturing instinct), and it's pretty much left up to them to figure out what to do with the baby. And, um, here's a little scene about it from the fic I'm gonna write:
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(Spoiler alert: they end up keeping the baby as their own.)
In this scene, they then have a conversation about what to name her; and Sanji immediately tosses out naming her after a dead family member (so no Kuina, Sora, or even Tera) bc according to him, that's a lot of weight and expectation put on a child, and she should be able to live free of expectations and do as she pleases. They end up naming her something that Zoro liked from his childhood/from Wano (so basically a Japanese name). The next morning, at breakfast, Sanji announces their decision to keep the baby with, "Introducing the newest member of the Straw Hat Pirates: Roronoa Firstname!" And everyone cheers bc tbh they've all been loving on this baby and love being aunts and uncles (and also still have revenge in their hearts).
The crew has a little "break" planned soon at Syrup, so Usopp can spend some time with the wife, and everyone gets some time to chill: and Dr. Kaya is overjoyed to see the baby and buys all kinds of supplies and clothes and books to help.
(The Straw Hats do end up figuring out the perpetrators of the attack, and exact revenge on them for their youngest member.)
(I don't have much figured out about this baby/child OC except that she has peach-colored hair. I also like Spanish-speaking Sanji bc of Taz and his accent, so Sanji calls her duraznita or duraznaja—little peach—bc of her hair. 🥰)
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outtoshatter · 10 months
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Inspired by @christinesficrecs, I'm going to do a few author spotlights! No one can stop me. I am going to shower love upon my pals and boost other writers in this fandom.
Up first we have @halevetica! She has so many options for readers!
Multi-Chapter Fics:
Leave Me in Ruins | 66K+ | 48 chapters tags: friends with benefits, slow burn, miscommunication
Summary: Derek finds himself in a difficult spot when he mistakenly sleeps with Stiles. The two agree to forget it but Derek can't. Before long, its becoming a regular thing, now Derek has to deal with the issue of falling even more for Stiles or losing him all together.
Stiles never dreamed of waking up next to Derek, but it's now a regular thing. However, he has to keep his emotions in check so Derek doesn't realize how he truly feels all while keeping their 'relationship' a secret from the pack and fighting the new big bad in town.
Like it or Not | 80k+ | 56 chapters tags: fake dating, enemies to lovers, mutual pining!
Summary: Stiles works as the editorial assistant at Vogue. He loves everything about his job except for his boss, Derek Hale. Derek Hale is the worst and Stiles hates him. But when Derek drags him to the yearly awards dinner within the company, he is forced to play boyfriend for the night to make Derek's ex jealous. Things couldn't get much worse…or so Stiles thought.
Same Old Song and Dance | Rated: E | 125k | 91 chapters tags: Alpha Derek, hunter Stiles, enemies-to-friends-to-lovers
Summary: Raised in the hunter life after his father was killed, Stiles hates werewolves. So when he lands a contract to kill the alpha of the pack that killed his father, he's elated. Until he runs into complications. The alpha is smart and strong and playing a game Stiles can't figure out. When secrets are revealed and new enemies made, Stiles must decide for himself what side he's on and who he can trust.
One shots:
Cute Together | 4k Summary: When Stiles gets stuck on a ski lift he meets Derek, who is scared of heights. He helps keep Derek calm until they can get rescued which leads to Derek teaching Stiles to ice skate. Along the way he helps Derek's two friends get together.
Promise | 3k Summary: Derek is stuck in the airport after his flight gets cancelled on Christmas eve when he meets Stiles Stilinski. Stiles is a friendly stranger that convinces Derek to have a little fun while stuck in the airport. His night with Stiles has more of an effect that Derek thought it would.
Feels Like Home | 4k Summary: Derek has spent years trying to quell the storm in his chest. The one that makes him feel lonely, like he doesn't belong. When searching for that feeling of home in New York where, he lived with Laura, he runs into Stiles Stilinski, who insists on Derek staying with him while in town. Derek shouldn't be shocked to find that Stiles feels like home.
Things to look forward to (aka works in progress!)
Shatter my Reality | 32k so far | 23 chapters to feast on! tags: mutual pining, jealous Stiles, ~magic~ Stiles, Stilinski twins! Summary: Months after the nogitsune, Stiles starts to see his own face around town. He dismisses it as PTSD. That is, until Lydia starts having a feeling that Stiles is going to die. As the pack scramble to find out what is going on, Stiles is forced to face a ghost from a past he didn't know he had and a future that seems to threaten his place in the pack.
Tangled Crowns | 23k so far~ | 14 terrific chapters to enjoy! tags: royal au, prince Stiles, prince Derek, magic Stiles! Summary: Flattery. Derek's life is full of it. Fake smiles, fake compliments, fake people. It's exhausting.
Desperate for a night away from the high expectations and rigid life of royalty, Derek escapes to a small tavern where he meets a sweet, attractive, genuine man who only gives him the name "Mischief". He has Derek swooning by the end of the night, and Derek doesn't swoon. Their night together, the first and only real connection Derek has had in years, if not his whole life, ends too soon, and he must return to his responsibilities.
Stiles isn't ready to give up on the mysterious, handsome "Samuel" that he met in the tavern, convinced they have a connection. He finds himself risking family secrets and even the peace of his own kingdom just to keep that connection even when it seems impossible. As circumstances force them together despite betrayal and aching hearts on both sides, Derek must fight both his heart and Stiles while Stiles struggles to prove to Derek that everything between them is real.
Go check out Halevetica's AO3 page and enjoy! Don't forget to mind the tags, leave a kudos, maybe even drop a comment!
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slocumjoe · 2 years
Companions on social media
Cait; Posts gym thirst traps and videos of her working out or getting into fistfights. Can be found in the comments and DMs of women, gay or otherwise. Lots of activity in sobriety and self-help communities. Doesn’t have a lot of followers, but does fundraiser streams for a week every three months she's sober. The money goes to child abuse prevention foundations. Her most recent charity streams had her trying to get all achievements on Just Dance after someone donated 10k requesting it.
Codsworth; self-help videos for people struggling to take care of themselves. How to tidy up, how to take effective breaks, what needs to be cleaned in a house and what supplies you need...very useful, very popular with college students and teens. Once posted a video of him going at wasps with a chainsaw and gained a million subs overnight.
Curie; children's educational YouTube channel that's, somehow, more popular with young adults. Science experiments gone wrong. Think Jackass and Mythbusters hosted by a tiny French woman who approaches everything with the joy and whimsy of My Little Pony. Her most popular videos are her 100k subscriber specials, a series where she goes ghost and cryptid hunting to disprove them and demonstrate the fraudulence you can find behind such things.
Danse; has a Facebook for work purposes. It has a profile photo only because Haylen insisted. Fears the internet deeply, thinks its the closest humanity can get to staring into the void and seeing something blink. Unbeknownst to him, there's a viral video of him teaching a workout regimen to trainees. The comment sections are pure thirst. All of his coworkers know and made an oath to never speak of it.
Deacon; Is the one who snuck into training and got that video. Posted it to r/NextFuckingLevel with 🥵🥵🥵 for a caption. Owns several large meme accounts, all with distinct personalities and lives. Someone tried to dox him after suspicions, but found all accounts had different IPs and info. He's just that good. His Facebook changes profile photo every. Single. Day. He consumes an absurd amount of audio books. Drops CRAZY money on charity streams to make the host do weird shit, like 100% Just Dance. Probably sells feet pics.
Dogmeat; The internet's darling. Nick Valentine's dog who doesn't help with catching bad guys, but with far more important things; Dogmeat cuddles and plays with victims at the scene or in court. Also trained in search and rescue. Much of Dogmeat's page is just Nick sharing important information (hotlines, self-defense, survival tips, et cetera) while petting or playing with Dogmeat. Kind of a McGruff the Crime Dog vibe.
Gage; Facebook that he uses to cyberbully cop pages and Craigslist to offer his...unconventional services (pretending to be your boyfriend at family gatherings to cause drama). His pet lizard, an Argentine Tegu, has an Instagram with 3k followers. The Tegu often wins pet competitions and Gage posts the awards captioned with 🖕🏻💚🦎💚🖕🏻. Works at an amusement park, posts tell-all confessions on Reddit.
MacCready; Facebook with friends and family, posts a lot of Duncan. His YouTube history is videos for Duncan. Lots of Curie's videos. Mac has a Craigslist and LinkedIn, does odd jobs when he isn't working as a security guard at a shooting range. Activite in communities about comics, shows, and video games. Sometimes he'll post a theory about a show or comic and he's usually right. Really enjoys the meltdowns of fandoms when the media takes a nasty turn, even if he's also betrayed.
Nick; Ellie runs Dogmeat's page, Nick just does the talking. As for Nick himself, has some pages for his work (that Ellie also manages) and a Facebook profile to stay in touch with friends and family. Much like Danse, consumes media offline—except for poetry. Most of his screen time is spent on Poetry.com, one of those people that leave comments. He likes how the internet makes information and art accessible. Very peaceful and wholesome internet time.
Hancock; The void that Danse is scared of. Also does streams, but not only for fundraisers. Streams high. Streams himself trying to find his way back to his apartment late at night. Always end up in a fast food joint, trying to convince the workers to unionize. Twitter shitposter until a politician needs cyberbullying. Organizes protests. Extremely active in Massachusetts' political scene, his fans are a force to be reckoned with. Has fistfought his own fans before. Occasionally cancels himself to prove a point. Makes mock apology videos whenever another celeb/influencer fucks up.
Preston; Park ranger and community organizer. Uses Facebook and TikTok to appeal to all ages. Is unfairly good at TikTok dances. Posts safety tips, upcoming event information, etc. Does a lot of work with Dogmeat and Nick. Posts bodycam footage of him arresting people, like shutting down fire-themed gender reveal parties, or poachers. Not a lot of followers, but the bodycam footage goes viral on subreddits like r/Instant_Karma.
Piper; a journalist and blogger. Posts videos of her political rants and makeup/hair routine. Joins Hancock in politician cyberbullying. Makes commentary essays and videos, sometimes book reviews. Appears on podcasts. Her media presence is decently known, but mild. She tries to keep herself distant from it. Despite this, has a good-sized following who appreciate the lack of parasociality. Her most famous video is her trying to find the best coffee spots in Boston.
X6-88; security guard for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who got stuck running the Twitter when the last guy got arrested on weed charges. Piper keeps DMing for an interview and he keeps blocking her accounts. He has LinkedIn for work. Half of it is redacted and involves NDAs. No other media presence except for one thing; he's an infamous esports cryptid. Across a few different shooter games, a high-rank player called X6-88 (its just his first initial and the numbers on his security badge) fucking curbstomps everyone in the match. He has never died or missed a shot. Never speaks in chat, never in team chat. He's a legend among gamers. For him, he's just relaxing on a Friday night, keeping his senses sharp. Doesn't realize there are compilation videos of streamers raging at him.
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sw-33-ts-stuff · 2 years
Could do tara carpenter x fem reader
R is Wrongly accuse of being ghostface and conviently disappeared even though she innocent *amber frames r by planting all the stuff the killer use in her bag and now everyone but mindy and Sam hate r as everybody suspect her of doing this except for mindy and Sam even to the point of hating her*
Tara is upset and hurt even believing that r is the killer because ghostface called and said stuff that only r knew about
*both Mindy and Sam have known r for a long time considering how sam used to babysit all of them and how attach r is to Tara when they were little. And they know r is not the killer as they know how much she loves and care for both Tara and Sam. And Sam was happy for r as she really approve of her dating her sister since she always was willing to do anything to make Tara happy*
Maybe have Tara and other come to r rescue *she was trapped in amber’s house the whole time which explain why she didn’t return their calls or text*
I really hope I did this request justice .........
Tara Carpenter X Fem!Reader
Samantha Carpenter couldn't leave her little sister unprotected especially now as she had been attacked. She thought back to when they were younger and how she watched all of them.
Images of a young Mindy, Chad and Y/N playing with Tara in her backyard going through her mind. She'd laugh as she'd watch Mindy and Chad try to tag team to beat Tara in a game and Y/N always came to the rescue even when she knew she'd get the brunt of their force. 
Her shiny (e/c) eyes always looking to her younger sister in complete adoration. 
She remembered the day the girl ran in the rain searching every sidewalk for Tara's favorite necklace. The younger Carpenter heart broken until the two came back necklace in hand. Y/N even going as far as cleaning it and putting it in a jewelry box to keep it from getting lost again. 
"Babe we're here." Richie broke Sam from her trance as she parked in front of the familiar house. She knocked quietly pushing the door open and finding her favorite kids sitting in the Meeks-Martin living room. She started introducing everyone as she hugged them going last with Y/N as the two stayed embraced just a little longer. 
To Sam, Y/N was family. She remembered when she had first found out about her situation at home and the blatant neglect her parents gave her. She'd allow the girl to stay over for nights on end worried that her abusive father would bring harm to her. Sam barely spared a glance to Amber who just gave a fake smile in return. It took a moment before she realized the black haired girl was wearing Tara's necklace. 
The group were discussing their list of suspects The former sheriff Dewey providing his insight as well.
"And where were you Y/n?" She saw the girl flinch from the corner of her eye as she and Amber began to stare each other down. 
"Like I told the police I went out to get food." 
"Suspicious." Muttered Wes. She turned her narrowed eyes to the blonde. 
"Tell me Wes what motive would I have for hurting Tara?!" The boy gave a sarcastic grin. 
"You mean besides the fact that she left you for Amber?" Y/N's jaw clenched as Sam's eyes shot up in surprise. 
Amber chuckled shrugging. 
"What can I say? The heart wants what it wants, and he does have a point. Didn't the police mention how the killer somehow knew about Tara's alarm system?" 
You just grit your teeth not bothering to respond as Mindy went to defend you. 
"If that's the case Wes then don't both you and Amber have just the same chance at being the killer?" The blonde and raven haired girl turned to the female twin. 
"Excuse me?!"
Mindy scoffed. "Oh please Wes we all know about your crush on Tara even before she began dating anyone, and Amber may want to make sure no one can take her the same way she got her." She paused for dramatic effect. "If I can't have her no one can." 
Chad and Liv still eyed Y/N who had yet to say anything to defend herself. 
Amber just smirked as Wes panicked to defend himself. 
"I have an alibi!"
"Aren't there usually two killers in the Stab films?" Liv spoke from beside her boyfriend. 
"Not in the 8th film Liv stay in your lane." The pink haired girl scowled. 
"I'm sorry and you are?" Richie asked.
"Liv, Chads girlfriend-"
"Of six months!" The overly cheerful boy finished making her kiss his cheek. 
"And no one thinks that's suspicious?" Dewey spoke from his seat. He turned to Richie. "And how long have you and Sam been dating?" 
Richie mumbled. "Six months." 
Sam turned to Y/n.
"You guys finally got together?" It was the first question she'd ask since she got there. The younger girl nodded a small smile on her lips before it fell. She did not explain any further as she looked out the window.
Sam thought back to the day Y/n came to her for advice on her feelings for her younger sister. The poor girl felt as if something was wrong with her because she felt warm whenever her sister was around. How she found everything about her fascinating. She was sweating, fingers picking at the skin as she was scared Sam wouldn't love her the same.
Sam tried her best to make sure the girl knew her feelings were perfectly normal and nothing to be ashamed of. She knew they'd probably take a while to officially get together but she'd hope once they did they'd stick together no matter what. She also hoped she'd know that they would always be there for her no matter the circumstance.
Ambers phone rang. "That's Tara, if you guys don't mind I think I'm going to go make sure my girlfriend is protected." 
Everyone had left the Meeks-Martin household and Sam had sent Richie back to the hotel. Before she pulled off she rolled her window down seeing Y/N about to walk home. 
"Hey, are you hungry?"  The younger girl gave a small smile and nod. The were sat in the booth waiting for their orders when Sam finally broke the silence. 
"What happened?" The younger girl shrugged picking at a napkin. 
"I really don't know. One day we were fine the next I'm hearing about how cool Amber is and I let my jealousy get the best of me. I made a dumb comment that if Amber was so awesome then she could date her. When I went to apologize I headed over to your house and found them kissing on the front porch." 
Sam's eyes softened. 
"And you guys still hang out as a group?" 
"Of course, she may not be my girlfriend but I did make a promise to always be there for her." Y/n chuckled. "Plus Mindy wouldn't let me sit in my room and cry for more than a couple days." 
Sam laughed as their food was placed before them.  "And when did you became a couple?"
Y/n sighed. "It was a couple of years ago, she was getting a lot better so I took her out for a picnic on the beach. She was mad I had to cancel our plans the day before." 
You smile softly at the memory. Picking at the food on your plate as she did the same.
"I don't even remember what she said I just remember kissing her and telling her that I was in love with her and have been for as long as I can remember. I told her I'd never leave her side and asked her to be my girlfriend. I told her no matter what happens between us good or bad at the end of the day we'll fix it. I thought we were doing great but as you can see six months later I guess we couldn't."
When they had finished, Sam offered to drop off Y/n but the younger girl insisted she go check on Tara, since she couldn't at the moment. 
On her way to the hospital, Sam found cop cars outside of Sheriff Hicks house. 
"What's going on?" 
"Can't tell you."
"I used to babysit the boy who lives there."
"The sheriff and her son have been murdered."
"What?!" She turned and saw a familiar face. She ran up to the tall man. 
"What are you doing here?!" He could barely get words out before she spoke again. 
"Who's at the hospital protecting my sister?!" 
Her phone rang. 
"Richie I need you to go to the hospital to check on Tara." 
She jumped in the surprised when Dewey got in the passenger seat. 
She grabbed her phone to dial Y/N only to receive a voicemail. Her brows furrowed. 
Over the years she'd kept in touch with her to keep tabs on Tara no matter what the time was she always answered the phone. 
She tried again.
And again.
And again. 
Tara sent Amber home. She went to call the nurse and received no response. Sensing something off she begins to get out of the hospital bed and into the wheelchair nearby. 
She begins to wheel herself out the room as she spots a pool of blood. Following its trail she finds the security guard behind the desk bleeding out. His mouth gaping trying to form words. Tara feels tears begin to fill her eyes as she places a hand only her mouth biting back a scream. She goes closer towards his holster. 
Fuck! No gun. 
She hears a crash nearby and hides in the nearest room. She hears footsteps draw closer looking around she grabs a bed pan. The door to the room over opens. She steels herself as the door opens. She swings as hard as she can and nails someone. 
"Ow goddamn it!" 
"Sam called said you were in trouble-"
"Look out!" 
He turns in time only getting his arm sliced. Richie falls to the floor screaming as Tara flings a box of nearby syringes at Ghostface. Ghostface falls back into the nearby bed as Tara tries to wheel out of the room. Richie moves to get up but Ghostface kicks him in the face knocking him out cold. 
Richies phone begins to ring. 
"Hello Samantha. Richie can't come to the phone right now due to his impending death."
Tara keeps trying to wheel herself down the hall her bloody hand pushing as best it can.
"Please don't kill him!"
"This is what happens to people who stick their noses in business that has nothing to do with them. Or...should I carve up little sis again instead? Tell you what, you can chose. I'll only kill one. Who do you want to hear die?"
"Why are you doing this?" 
"Oh come one Sam didn't daddy always say it was a lot scarier when there was no motive?" 
Ghostface yanks Tara from the wheelchair making her crawl to the elevator.
"Now chose. Or I kill them both." She sobs.
"Really? You can't save your own sister? All you have to say is "Kill Richie."
"Please-" she's cut off by the sound of groaning. Richie awake tries to crawl but Ghostface flips him on his back. 
"Or you can save the man you love. All you have to do is say "Kill Tara" and I'll put her out of her misery." 
"Please I'm begging you.."
"Chose now. Last chance to save one."
"I can't..."
"You want to know why I'm doing this,Sam? Maybe it's because you're a selfish bitch who can't even make a decision to save the life of someone you love! Maybe it's because you're too weak for this franchise!" 
"Maybe...maybe you're right....or maybe I'm stalking for time, fuckhead." 
The masked villain is shot three times as Sam gets to Tara.
"I'll get Richie!" 
Dewey runs to help him back turned to Ghostface who raises their knife.
"Not today." He head butts Ghostface who falls back and shoots him in the chest a few more times.
"Let's go!" Dewey grabs Richie pulling him to his feet as they all get to the elevator.
"The head..."
"We have to shoot him in the head....if we don't, they always come back." He begins to get out as Sam yells after him.
"Who gives a fuck?!"
Amber, Chad and Liv were all taking shots "in honor" of Wes as Mindy watched on slowly sipping a beer. 
She looked to her phone still wondering why she hadn't heard back from Y/N.
The trio made their way over to her. Chad speaking up first. 
"If you're still waiting for Y/n to respond you won't hear from her she's probably to busy stabbing someone else right now." Mindy glared at him.
"You really are stupid if you think she's the murderer."
Amber piped in. "Come on Mindy, it's obviously her. No girlfriend, no family, nothing to lose." She listed.
"Yeah her girlfriend was her family and everything to lose."
Great value blossom decided to jump in as well. 
"Wouldn't that be more reason for her to kill everyone then?" 
Mindy just glared. "Look if you wanna give up on our friend that's fine but I've known Y/n my whole life and I know better then anyone else that she would never have been capable of hurting Tara." 
Chad shook his head. "People change." 
The girl eyed her brother up and down. 
"They sure do." She turned to go watch Stab on the couch as Chad scoffed going to the love seat to make out with Liv. 
Amber went to the basement to grab more beer. Mindy getting up quickly to follow right behind her without her knowing. 
Amber jumped seeing the curly haired girl once she closed the refrigerator door.
"Jesus Mindy!"
"You really went to the basement alone? What if I'm the killer?"
"You're not the killer." Amber spoke confidently. "Because I am." 
Mindy eyed the girl before chuckling to ease the tension. She led the way up before she stumbled on a familiar bag, a knife and Ghostface mask. 
"Isnt that-"
"Y/N's bag." Amber stated. 
Sam, Tara, and Richie walked in disrupting the party and sending everyone home. As the two girls got upstairs Amber started shouting. 
"Y/N's Ghostface!" Tara felt herself flinch. She didn't want to believe what Amber was saying but the way the killer moved in her home as if they knew the place then the special knock they'd made so Tara would know who was at the door. Mindy spoke up. 
"That could be planted!"
Amber scoffed. "Jesus Mindy wake the fuck up your favorite couple wasn't perfect and shouldn't have existed."
"Where is she?" Sam spoke. 
Richie spoke from behind her. "Waiting to slash out our guts the minute we split up."
The girls looked to him incredulous as Tara got Amber to take her to her room to get her inhaler. 
Sam followed as Richie went to the basement stopping short for a moment. "Wanna come with me?" He looked to Mindy hopeful.
"Nope but nice try." 
She turned to watch the movie only to be stabbed a few moments later. Desperately pressing her hands to her neck to stop the bleeding. 
Sam ran when she found her, trying to help as Amber and Tara came down screaming. Richie appearing at the same time as Liv.
The pink haired girls hands covered in blood.
"Where's Chad?"
"He- he-"
"Oh my God!" Amber pointed. "It's you and Y/N, you're the killers."
"What? No-"
"You're the killer!" Richie yelled next.
"Fuck you Amber I'm not the killer." She smirked. 
"I know." A bullet went between Liv's eyes as everyone began to panic. "Welcome to Act 3." 
Tara tackled Amber as she went to shoot her sister. Amber tied her up smiling. 
"It's ok you'll love the next part and you'll get to chance to say goodbye to your ex." She opened the closet door to show you tied up as well. Blood dripping down your forehead eyes growing wider as you see Tara.
The younger Carpenter sister began crying. You tried to place some of your weight on her to offer some comfort. The both of you breathing heavy and unable to speak. 
Tara hoped you knew how sorry she was. She wished she never let Amber convince her that you weren't a good girlfriend or that you were Ghostface. In a way she was just as guilty for all of this. 
The door opened again to reveal Sam. She looked at the two of you untying you both as she placed a kiss to both of your foreheads. 
"Go hide." She whispered. Both you and Tara helped remove the rest of the duct tape from each other. Neither of you looking at each other as you did so.
You cleared your throat.
"You should hide in the bathroom Tara. I'll go down and use the element of surprise to get Amber and maybe with a distraction it'll give Sam enough time to get Richie." You turned to leave as Tara grabbed you by the shoulders to place a soft kiss on your lips sobbing as she did so. 
"I'm so sorry." 
"Why?" You looked into her brown eyes. "I thought we were good I know I said some stupid things but-"
"It wasn't you" she sniffled. "I was dumb and insecure. Amber kept saying how you were distant and should be doing more. Then it seemed like you would pay more attention to Mindy and I just listened. The more I hung out with her the less I'd trust you." Tears rolled down her flushed cheeks. "Everyone leaves me anyway so what was stopping you from doing it too?" 
You shook your head. "You didn't even give me a real break up, you just showed up with Amber the next day."
The girl nodded. "I know."
"Even though it killed me inside I stayed."
"I know." She hiccupped.
"I still love you and I'm going to protect you no matter what." She looked up at you doe like eyes shining. 
"I know, I love you too." 
You nodded getting one more kiss in before you gently stroked her cheek. She pulled you back from leaving.
"When we get out of this we'll fix it right? Like we always do?"
You felt your lips tug up in a small smile and nodded. "Yeah like we always do."
You crept down the stairs as quiet as you could when you spotted Mindy bleeding by the TV. You took off your shirt pressing it against her wound. Bleary eyes looked at you. 
"Y/n?" She was getting weaker. You nodded placing a finger over your lips. 
You ducked when you saw Amber go to the door screaming before firing a few rounds at whoever was out there. She came back in running straight to the basement to put the Ghostface costume back on. 
Sidney and Gale walked in guns pointed at you. You lifted your hands up in surrender. 
"Everybody Ghostface or not better come out or they're getting shot." 
It was all a blur but you woke up on the floor next to Sidney and a bleeding Sam and Gale. 
Amber taunting Tara. "Come out come out wherever you are." She grabbed you by the hair making you yell. 
"You don't want your first love to die do you?" 
"Tara! Don't come out." Amber stabbed you in the abdomen. 
"You sure you don't want her to save you?" You glared at Amber. 
"Fuck you." You gritted out.
She walked around the corner getting hit by crutches. You jumped on her punching her repeatedly. The last punch you pulled her by her shirt collar. 
"And that's for stealing my fucking girlfriend you fucking cunt." 
A gun cocked and Richie stood before you.
"You really wanted to play hero huh?" A body slammed into him knocking him over. Sam straddling him and stabbing him repeatedly.
You looked down to see Amber had made it to the kitchen choking Gale. Sidney helped Gale get up before they both set the teenager on fire. You felt yourself sigh as a bloodied Sam hugged you in relief. 
Sirens growing in volume as they grew closer.
The two women came to join when a yell was heard. 
A half burnt Amber running towards you with a knife raised. She was stopped short by a bullet through her temple. You all looked to see Tara teary eyed as she lowered her gun slowly.
She limped over to her body ripping the necklace from her.
"You were a shitty girlfriend."
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winterwandersland · 1 month
New Story: Paperwork
“Who’s that?”
“‘Mare’. The Lieutenant’s Missus .”
“Why d’you call her ‘Mare’?”
“‘Cause she’s a right paperwork nightmare’”
Task Force 141 is in dire need of a linguist and on short notice. Their Lieutenant, Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley, knows who to call, and with loads of convincing, he finds the team’s linguist, his wife, Kamara ‘Mare’ Riley, her military records filled to the brim with write-ups for disciplinary action. 
Previously in a unit together that was imprisoned for months, only them two making it out, Simon has fought to rid the world of the people like the ones who imprisoned them, fighting on the lines, while Kamara has decided to stay at home with their adoptive daughter, Ellie. Leaving Ellie to her uncles, Joel and Tommy, while they are away, Kamara joins the 141 on a mission that could save or destroy the world, opening the door to a past they thought was left behind. 
Will Simon be able to choose between work and his family? Will Kamara be able to face the demons from her past? OR will a mission put the Riley family in jeopardy?
tw/cw: arguing, slight mentions of past torture but nothing detailed, mentions of death word count: 3.8k Simon knows the perfect linguist to ask to assist his team on an important assignment.
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Chapter One
“I have already told you ‘no’, Simon. How many ways d’you need me to say it? Nein. non,  não, いいえ, нет, no, नहीं, He, Hapana-,”
“Alright, I get it.” It had been a grueling few days, every conversation seeming to lead to the same topic of one-sided interest, joining Simon on the Task Force, the same conversation that led to the same decision, ‘no’.
Usually, Simon respected his wife’s boundaries, but this subject was one of great importance to him. It was a matter of life or death, a few lives to save the many, but he hoped it would be one life to save the world. It was a reasonable price to pay. They kill the enemy, the world is saved and everyone, well, almost everyone, goes home. 
“But you do get why we need you, don’t ya?” She was very aware of why his team needed her and it was the very reason she knew they could find someone else if they tried hard enough. “Yep, and I get there are plenty of other linguists in the military y’all can call.”
His wife was his last hope, the only person he knew he could let on the team and trust. He trusted her with his life and therefore knew she would be the only person who he let near his precious team. “There ain’t no other linguists who can fight and translate like you do. No one else has a memory like yours.”
An eidetic memory was what he was referring to, a type of memory that allowed his wife to save her teams countless times, translating destroyed texts that she memorized beforehand, deciphering messages that seemed impossible to understand, even to the best trained and specialized linguists. “You all are the best of the best. I’m sure you can figure something out. I’m not leaving Ellie behind. It’s bad enough when you leave. What do you think two parents leaving her behind will do to her?”
Before their imprisonment, Simon and Kamara had already begun their secret affairs, Kamara sneaking into the men’s barracks, never being caught except for one time by her Captain, but because of her good behavior that week, he turned a blind eye, only giving her wry looks during their meetings. Their mission-gone-wrong had started as a joint operation to rescue a group of hostages taken by rogue scientists and military personnel that planned to release a virus that would have killed thousands. The team spent months in captivity, despondent that any inkling of help would arrive. Upon their escape, the inseparable couple had grown closer, seeking out the hostages themselves despite their injuries, Kamara more wounded than her counterpart and leaving with a permanent scar that dragged from below her eye towards her jawline, a constant reminder of the hell she endured. They spent weeks recovering and months searching for the whereabouts of the hostages, but by the time they found them, it was too late. Each hostage had already been brutally murdered, having suffered from the fatal serums they had been given. However, there were two people left, a mother and her young daughter. 
The mother was dying, pleading for the soldiers to take her child and care for her. She told them the child was special and that they couldn’t let the other soldiers or scientists take her. So, the child said her goodbyes and Simon silently put a bullet in the mother’s head, the room dark so no one, especially the child, could see, too young to fully recall the memory. Three years later, the child, Ellie, was finally comfortable and felt safe in her new home with her new parents. While the soldiers hadn’t planned on having children so soon, they knew that they had more than enough love to give her and that they were the safest people to raise her, so they did just that. 
“Listen, we won’t be gone long. She can stay with Joel and Tommy, get to know Sarah a bit more. Please, love, we need-“
The floor creaks behind the two, hinting at the presence of their child being amongst them, Kamara shuddering at the sound which didn’t go unnoticed by Simon, adding to his theory of his wife’s paranoia that someone was watching them. “Hey there, sweetheart. What’re you doin’ up so late?” Simon moved towards the young girl, squatting to her eye level before picking her up as if she were the same size as when he first met her. “I heard you and Mara talking very loudly.” Ellie never called Kamara her mother or Simon her father, and they thought it was best to never force her, letting her create her own boundaries in their household. “Sorry, baby, didn’t mean to yell and wake you up,” Kamara said, planting a kiss on Ellie’s cheek.
“You weren’t yelling, just loud.” Ellie was soft-spoken, only ever yelling when she was in great distress. The two had taught her to express herself, allowing her to communicate healthily without raising her voice too loud, something the couple was still working on. “We’re sorry, love. We’ll keep it down.” Simon was always gentle with Ellie, Kamara too, opposite of the brutish man that efficiently took down his enemies on the battlefield. 
“Actually, we were just finishing,” Kamara quipped, wanting the conversation to be over with and never reach the surface again. “We’re going to bed, aren’t we, dear?” Her brown eyes shooting Simon a look he knew all too well, accompanied by her smile that she used to cover up her annoyance in front of Ellie, but letting Simon know that if the conversation continued, their daughter would be complaining of yelling instead of loud talking. “Yeah, we are,” giving his wife his look of almost certain defeat, “You want to head to bed yourself or do you want t’be tucked back in?”
Having never had kids, Simon and Kamara didn’t know if Ellie was too old to continue to be tucked in, but it was a small act that they both wished they had in their childhoods, one they hoped Ellie would never stop asking for, but feared the day she would. “Can Mara tuck me in this time?”
“You don’t like the way I tuck you in?” Simon teased, faking his hurt emotions and eyeing Ellie, who smiled as she spoke, “I do, but Mara does it better.”
“I’ll make sure to take tips from the blanket-tuck expert, then.” Kamara reached for Ellie, who fell into her arms after Simon gave her a kiss on her forehead. Ellie was growing while Kamara was not, so holding her wasn’t frequently her first option, but the thought of leaving Ellie made her want to cling to her tighter, keeping her on her hip as everyone headed to the lowly dimmed bedroom.
There were lights that hung over the curtain hangings that loosely draped over Ellie’s bed, keeping her room dark enough to sleep but light enough to keep her from seeing her dying mother in the corner of her room. Kamara lightly placed Ellie in her bed, performing the same ritual she had done since the first time she had put Ellie to sleep, waving her blanket the same number of years old Ellie was, the last wave always falling perfectly over the child’s body, each limb protected from the bad men that come to take her when she sleeps at night. “Goodnight, boo,” Kamara gently said, placing a clinging kiss to her daughter’s forehead and pushing the loose straight strands of hair out of the child’s face as she laid in bed. “G’night, kid,” Simon said from the doorframe of the room, waiting patiently for his turn to give the child a kiss goodnight. “Goodnight, Mara,” Kamara heard behind her back as she exited the room, avoiding eye contact as she walked past Simon with her arms crossed, heading to their shared bedroom. He headed to Ellie, kneeling beside her to bring himself eye to eye with the tired child. “Are you both going to leave me?” she asked her father quietly, making sure that Kamara could not hear her. 
He choked on the words he couldn’t muster up, his brain racing to find the right ones. Kamara was right, if she joined the team, they would both be leaving Ellie. If she stayed, his team was in jeopardy, along with an entire country. “You know we could never truly leave you, right?”
“But you leave all the time.” The words felt like a punch to his gut followed along with a hand squeezing on his heart. “When I leave, I make sure I do everything I can to come back ‘cause I can’t leave you two forever, especially you. I’ve got a proper important job-,”
“Mara says you get rid of bad people, like the ones who killed my mommy.” Simon could feel a tear make its way to the front of his eye, and while he worked hard to teach his daughter that it is okay to be emotionally vulnerable, it was easier said than done, for him at least. “Yes. And that takes time, so I’ve gotta go away sometimes, but I always come back. I have to.”
“Why do you want Mara to leave with you? Does she get rid of bad people, too?”
“Kamara, your mother,” he emphasized, something he made sure to do whenever he remembered, not to erase Ellie’s memory of her biological mother, but to remind her that Kamara was her mother, too. “She’s got skills, ones that me team needs, but she dun’t wanna come ‘cause she dun’t want to leave you.”
“If Mara leaves, will I be here by myself?”
“No chance, love. We’d never leave you on your own. You’ll stay with Uncle Joel and Uncle Tommy. You can have a play with Sarah.” The conversation felt wrong, like he was using their daughter against his wife, something he only did when they plotted to playfully ‘scare’ their mother as she came into the house. “Will she help you get rid of the bad people?”
“If she wants to, yeah, but she doesn’t fancy it, and that’s fine. Just like we say to you, you don’t have to do summat if you don’t want to. ‘No’ means ‘no’.” He felt like a hypocrite, knowing that he had tried to convince his headstrong wife to join him for the past few days despite the number of times she told him ‘no’. 
“But if she doesn’t help, then the bad people will be free.”
“There’s plenty of other folk who can help me at work. They might not be as good as Kamara, but they’ll get the job done.” He didn’t want to worry the young child, already traumatized by the death of her biological mother. But something told him that his wife was his team’s only hope, and he felt like Ellie may have known that, too. Before Ellie could speak again, Simon broke the conversation off, “Get some rest, love.”, he said as he placed a firm kiss on her forehead.
When he made his way toward the master bedroom, he both hoped that his wife was asleep, but also had a sliver of hope that she stayed awake to continue their conversation. The bedroom was quiet when he walked in, the only sound being a spray bottle the Kamara was using to wet her long coarse coils, a routine she did before wrapping her hair in a scarf and heading to bed. 
Simon was always good at being quiet, defying physics given his size, a trait that Kamara both loved on the field but hated in their shared humble abode. She stared at Simon for a slight second before she headed to their bed, keeping the silence between them. “Love?” 
“Simon,” a name she only ever fully pronounced when she was pissed with him which seldomly happened, but the name also slipped past her lips when she thought they would die, scared it would be the last time she ever heard it, however in this instance, she was nearly infuriated, only keeping calm and collected to stop herself from waking up Ellie with her yells.
His eyes were pleading with her, but her eyes already told him her decision, every plea her husband had worn her ability to stay firm on her decision. “You can’t go to bed.”
“Well, why the hell not?” 
“‘Cause you’re angry.” It was a rule they had. Never go to bed mad at or upset with each other. However, that rule was out the window today, “Watch me.” 
She untucked the tightly made bed, unwrinkled because of the pair’s military training. Before she could get in, there was a tug on her arm and a familiar arm on her waist that spun her around and pulled her away from the bed that was so dear to her. “No,” Simon said, keeping his body in between Kamara and the bed. “Simon, move.” She tried to get around the large man, but it was no use because of her smaller stature, though she was sure with enough anger and determination, she would win the game that her husband was trying to play. 
“Can we have a chat first? Then you can lay your lovely little head on the pillow.” Somehow, he always knew his praises would find their way through Kamara’s stubborn barrier, the one she put up when she shut down, or in this case, wanted to cease the topic of conversation. “You’re not gonna give up, are you?” 
Simon shook his head, the first time he had ever pushed past Kamara’s final decisions. Whenever she said ‘no’, she meant it and he always respected that, but this time was different. Knowing Simon for as long as she had, she knew whatever mission he needed her for was of great importance to him, though most of his missions seemed that way, but this one was different.
“Fine. Run me the details of the operation in a timely manner. I would like to rest my lovely little head on my pillow,” she said with a forced smile going across her face. She stood with her arms crossed while she peered up at her husband who had a slightly sunken look in his eyes. The deep breath he took before he spoke was all Kamara needed to know that the mission sat heavy on his heart, her smile instantly fading, “The person we’re after plans to start a World War, one that could wreck loads of countries.” 
“Okay. How does this person differ from anyone else you’ve gone up against?” Every enemy wanted a war. It wasn’t uncommon. People want power and would do anything to get it, including starting a war if it meant their name would be on the paper. “‘Cause no one else knows this person better than you do. We need you, Mara.”
“Spit it out then. Who the hell is it?” Simon could feel a lump in his throat forming, not wanting to set off the beloved woman in front of him who was just calming down. “Zakhaev. Vi-,”
“Viktor Zakhaev. Yeah. No need to finish. I got it.” She averted eye contact with Simon, her gaze now staring at the floor, her head filling with memories of the man, well, indirect memories. She had never met the man, only subjected to torture by his men years before. The only information she knew about him was what she studied in his files, information decrypted from flash drives, and analyzed behaviors. 
“I hoped they would have caught him by now…”
“Every time anyone thought they had him, he slipped through their fingers. We reckon he’s got a partner helping him get away.”
“I wouldn’t shoot the idea down.” She was still grappling with the information she was just told. Only twenty-five years old and tortured twice, both times she blamed herself for whether or not she was assured it wasn’t her fault. Three times if you count the duration in her childhood. The last three years she had been in a bliss, away from violence and the only torment she faced was when she went to sleep at night praying to an unknown god that her husband would make it back home. The compensation and benefits she received from the federal government was more than enough for her and Ellie to live off of, and when Simon was home, it was just right. Enough to eat, keep a roof over their head, proper clothing for the winter, and the ability to take a few vacation trips during the year. It wasn’t enough to hold the wedding Kamara had always dreamed of, but none of that mattered. She had her husband and her kid. They were worth more than any wedding she could have had. 
“So what do you need a linguist for?”
“There’s a set of documents that we can’t make out. Just in case it’s got confidential info-,”
“You need someone you can trust.”
“That’s right. You’re the only person I trust and that Price can trust.” It was almost unbelievable, how could anyone trust her knowing her history? “How? How could you trust me with anything of that caliber?”
“Kamara,” his voice pitying his love, the person who blamed herself more than anyone else, “it weren’t your fault.”
“I’d believe you if it were the first time. After the second time, there’s a pattern. I almost got my team at the bureau killed. Our unit is dead because of me.” Before the military, Kamara was an informant for the FBI, gathering any information on her former agency that she was so determined to demolish. Being too close to the case got her removed, but she was the youngest to join and the most stubborn, all thoughts of the consequences if she continued with the case on her own nowhere to be found, ending with her team having to be put into witness protection for an extended duration of time. 
“Neither of those were your fault, love. Nowt was ever your fault.”
“If that’s what keeps you in bed next to me at night, sure.” No matter how many times someone told her it wasn’t her fault, she couldn’t find it in herself to believe them. Simon had been trying for years, but to her, all the evidence pointed to every reason her team’s death was her fault. Everything wrong was her fault. That is what she believed.
Simon reached his hands to cradle both sides of the woman’s face, forcing her to look at him, revealing the guilt she carried hidden in her stare and the forced smile she tried to give him, though her lip quivered. “Listen to me. What Zakhaev did to you weren’t your fault. The bureau weren’t your fault. The Red Room weren’t your fault.” 
A tear escaped from her eyes, something she tried so hard to fight off, but if anyone could make her cry, it was Simon, even if he didn’t mean to. He never had any malicious intent, but he seemed to be the one person that found access to the emotions she fought so hard to hide. She hadn’t heard anything about the Red Room in years, something she was grateful for, hoping that the agency would one day collapse, ending the suffering of the next class of Widows. 
She hadn’t mentioned feeling guilty for her actions at the Red Room, but leave it to Simon to know that Kamara’s one wave of guilt turns into a spiral down memory lane. The two had both struggled with mental health, but they did their best to manage it without medications, only taking them when needed. Sometimes, Kamara felt like Simon was always ten steps ahead of her when it came to regulating their mental stability, but little did she know the turmoil that he constantly went through, using the military to blow off his steam. 
They were similar in such a way that they both turned their emotions inward, only seldomly lashing out at others. Since she’d known him, Simon was able to keep his calm demeanor, having to learn to manage his anger issues when he returned to the military after a tragedy. He learned to turn his anger toward his enemies rather than his friends, though the friends who knew his anger were now dead. 
Simon pulled Kamara into his chest, holding her tight as she cried so very gently to ensure her tears were only heard between the two of them. The flow of tears felt nonstop, staining Simon’s shirt and leaving their salty taste on her lips, and the air becoming less able to go through her nose. In Simon’s embrace, all of her worries went away and the safety she was never guaranteed formed, allowing her vulnerability to be completely displayed. “I’ll do it,” she cracked through her tears, inaudible to Simon. “What?”
“I’ll do it. I’ll help you.”
“No, no. Kamara, I didn’t say that just for you-,”
“I know. Just…I’ll do it…just bring the files here.” Just when he thought that the weight was lifted from his chest, it drops once again, him letting out a deep sigh. “I wish we could,” Simon started, knowing that the next words that came out of his mouth may end the first physical moment in months they were having, “but nowt can leave base. Price dun’t want nowt to happen to the files if they were to leave.”
He was telling the truth. The files couldn’t leave base and it would be a breach of confidentiality if they did. “M’sorry,” he whispered in advance. Kamara pulled herself away from her husband, him wiping her tears once she peered up at him. “It’s alright,” she said, sniffing up the invisible snot that blocked her nasal passages, another reason she hated crying, “Base is only an hour away from Joel and Tommy. We can drop Ellie off and each night I’ll spend the night with them, so it’s not like both of us are leaving her.”
He embraced Kamara again, taking advantage of the rare time that his wife actually let him touch her after three years. It hurt his heart to hear those words, implying that only one was leaving their daughter, knowing that it was him she was referring to. He left every time, putting his job above his family, but to him it was for a good cause. He put into his head that completing the mission would bring his family back together, and more importantly, bring his wife back.
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Next Chapter
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petra-creat0r · 4 months
Deltarune: Fool's Fate Ch. 5 Secret Boss
IT'S WIZARD TIME MOTHER████ERS!!! No time to explain! I cast kooky crazy wizard dog!
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Okay maybe there's some time to explain. Everyone, say hello to Doggone. My idea for Fool's Fate's chapter 5 boss and my submission into @grimmdeltarune's Chaos Clash Tourney! Remember when I said I was gonna go with a busted police radio? Bam! I lied! Crazy wizard dog be upon ye!
Okay but what's their origins? I need to explain where I got the name dog gone it! (Hehe, get it? That's where their name's from.) As for item, Doggone is a newspaper clipping about Dess's disappearance that's in an evidence folder at the Police Station. It's staff is even a branch with Dess's fur found on it that was also in the evidence locker.
"Lorrie, how did you get crazy wizard from that? " I hear some of you reasonably ask. All in due time, my little pupils, for now we must get onto text quirks! For Doggone's text, a lot of it their text gets blacked out and censored. Not all of it, mostly proper nouns like names or places, but also just random nouns that seem randomly censored. The exception being anything or anyone mentioned in the news paper clipping Doggone is in the Light World. I can show some examples under the cut with their backstory and dialogue. The only times Doggone can ONLY use words specifically from that clipping are when it's trying to talk about stuff the man doesn't want revealed.
For Doggone's soul mode, it uses the purple soul mode, like Bitsy. Just Doggone's purple soul mode attacks are lines of text rather than spider webs. Also unrelated to the soul mode but another fun fact about them before I get into backstory and stuff. Doggone is flat like paper. Literal Flat Stanley/Paper Mario physics. They seem like they might have mass, but when viewed completely from the side, they're just a line.
Backstory and Dialogue under the cut (Fair warning, it got really, REALLY long...)
Dogson D. Gonit. Investigative Journalist and reporter for the news station in the Police Station Dark World. Never an actual detective or private investigator, those sorta roles were filled by Captain Chariot and the guard, but Dogson always did his best to sniff out the best story. A true sleuthing pup, Dogson's keen nose and sense for a good scoop was something which found him a lot of success in his career, especially when it came to reporting on potential new cases for Chariot's guard.
That was until one day a particular Lightner went missing in the Light World.
Missing person's cases were some what rare in the Station Dark World, and Hometown in general. Most the time it was just some kid who pretended to run away or got a little lost playing in the woods and many of them were solved before a reporter like Dogson got to report on it at all. More often then not, the missing cases Dogson reported on where lost pets or items. But the case of Dess Holiday was a special one. It was something the entire station seemed to be talking about, and one that went unsolved long enough that Dogson got to report on it, and not just in the missing section of the paper.
"LOCAL GIRL GOES MISSING IN WOODS. On September 15th, 212X, local girl December "Dess" Holiday was reported missing. She was last seen playing in the woods with her younger sister and two neighboring kids. After loosing track of her, Asriel Dreemurr, one of Dess's neighbors contacted local police, reporting to Chief Asgore and Deputy Undyne that Dess and Kris, Asriel's younger sibling, had gone into the bunker in the forest and wouldn't respond when Asriel and Noelle Holiday, Dess's younger sister, called for them, after which Asriel went for help. After managing to rescue Kris from the bunker, the police weren't able to locate Dess Holiday and even though questioned about what happened, Kris was reportedly too shaken to answer. Mayor Carol Holiday, Hometown mayor and Dess's mother, has ordered a town wide search and advised citizens to stay away from the bunker. Are the towering trees surrounding our sweet little town really as safe as we thought? More on pg 12."
The case of the missing Holiday was a big one in the Station Dark World, with a lot of pressure on both Lightners and Darkners to perform and find her. This was something Dogson was well aware of, and he had every intention to report on every new bit of information that came the station's way. Yet it seemed by the time Dogson was ready to print his next update on the case, the buzz around it had already died down. Captain Chariot refusing to let Dogson release the story because of "bad PR", instead focusing on a story from one of Dogson's colleagues about the new police chief in the Light World. According to the Captain, anything new about this case had to go under the radar and eventually it seemed like the case was dropped all together, the trail going icy cold.
Dogson wasn't so content to just drop a scoop as big as this though, and so after putting on his jacket and hat and kissing his wife goodbye, the journalist set out into the depths of the Paper Trail Forest to find the Evidence Locker in hopes to find something to get Captain Chariot to reopen the case.
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Ms. Gonit: And I'm afraid that's the last anyone's heard of him.
I've tried to convince some of the guard to go looking for him myself, but it seems none of them want to risk it...
Lightners, you seem strong, aren't you?
If you decide to venture towards the Paper Trail Forest, would you be willing to look for my dear Dogson for me?
These past few years have been tough, and even if the worst I fear has come true...
Some closure at least would be nice.
Accept ❤ Decline
Accept ❤
Oh? You will look?
Oh, thank you so much, Lightners. You can't imagine how much this means to me.
Here, ever since that KNIGHT came around, I never know what Captain Chariot has decided to lock down.
If you ever find any trouble making your way into the forest, take this.
*You got the PIN KEY.
It may not work on every lock, but I hope it can at least aid you somewhat.
No one really knows what happened to Dogson D. Gonit out in those woods. The only thing his wife and family knew was that he never came back. In all honestly, Ms. Gonit expected her dear husband to be gone forever. In a way... he was.
Dogson got lost looking through the Paper Trail Forest and couldn't find his way back. He wandered and wandered for what felt like days looking for the Evidence Locker, or at the least the exit, yet it seemed like he was just chasing his own tail. Just going in endless circles and circles, every corner he turned looked like the last, the pages and pages of leaves all blending together as one. It was maddening.
It wasn't until all hope seemed lost when Dogson found somebody. Or rather, was found BY somebody. A strange someone, a man who offered a helping hand. A man who led Dogson to the Truth. Not the truth about the case of the missing Holiday as the straggled reporter might have hoped when he agreed to follow the man out of desperation, but a greater Truth. A Truth which showed him just how trapped he was... A Truth... which broke Dogson freed Doggone from the burdens of it's mind.
Dogson was gone. A life forgotten along with the name. Now there was only Doggone. A crazy old Darkner believing themself to be a powerful wizard, living out in the woods and on an eternal quest to find the Evidence Locker the Chamber of Truth. Doggone may not know why it wants to get into the Chamber of Truth, they just knows they have to find it. Inside such an illusive and mysterious trove of treasure and truth there must be something truly great and powerful, after all. Some kind of artifact befitting a great and powerful wizard like Doggone.
And Doggone seemed to find the perfect opportunity to get to the Chamber of Truth when it saw three young Lightner heroes enter it's domain...
*Doggone jumps down from the trees and in front of the party*
LET'S SEE, A ██████, A ██████, AND A ███! HOW WONDERFUL!
Remie: ... That's just a very tall tree, ribatto, ribatto...
Remie: What is your name, if we may ask, ribatti, ribatti?
████? HOO HO! I FORGOT THAT LONG AGO! ██████? ███? ██████ █ █████? I DON'T KNOW!
Remie: D-doggone...?
Remie: Um, s-sure... Ribatto, ribatto.
Remie: -._-. CK...
Remie: Um, could you maybe repeat-
*In a puff of smoke or... spores? Doggone disappears.*
Remie: I'm afraid not, ribatto, ribatto...
I had a lot of fun coming up with Doggone, especially since I was on call with friends and we kept referencing wizard memes. Originally, I just had the idea of a journalist who got lost investigating the story of a missing girl (cough cough, Dess, cough cough), but I worried that would step on Detective Noir's territory too much. I think with the wizard aspect, I no longer have to worry about that.
Doggone and Noir are still rivals though. Even if Doggone has completely lost its marbles and will try to interview people by asking them to step into its office, that is really just a mossy clearing with a stump in the woods or a bus stop.
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dragonridernoobie · 2 months
Okay, This is kinda in the realm of angst and horror since I live that kind of thing so since Raf have a large family, imagine he have an older sister who is the black sheep of the family but look out for him even support him with his love fr science as she gifted him the best text book she can afford for him but one day she just left home leaving his final gift and note saying she is sorry and couldn't take it anymore as all the fight she have with their parents is not good for her mind and don't blame their parents as she explain that she have her own demons and hopefully one-day he'll understand why she leaves
She left and joined the military, but something happened on a mission that went wrong that she had been tested by MECH with dark energon, and basically she a corrupted human with ability that similar to Unicron then rescue by the Autobot when she mids of a vengeful rampage then in a middle of a mental break down
( I'm not good at explaining things )
Be emotional when both siblings reunited, but she sees her nothing but a monster, telling Raf to stay away from her as she didn't want to hurt him but he just hugs her they both reunited and is very emotional to see
Hmmm, I've done horror and angst before, but never like this. I tried my best since there was part you dident say that I kinda just took over. For example, you never said this was an autobot request or a raph reqest so, I'm going raph to make it more emotional. I really hope you like it, and I might have a tad bit of fun making this XD
TFP Raphael X Mutated Sister
9 years...it's been 9 years since Raphaels sister left. Raphael misses them so much. They always remember his birthday. He still got the last gift he got from them. A textbook about coding. He loved it since it tought him everything he knows now.
Though, after they left, he hated how his family reacted. They acted so happy and actally forgot about (Y/N). He hated his family except his mother. They still remmber his sister and misses them to.
All he knows about them from searching online is that they went into the army. He dosent believe they died since his mother would have been told if they did die.
All he can hope is that they did not die and aren't suffering. If they where here now, he would show them Bumblebee, the autobots, and his new friends.
He knew, he just knew that they would have stars in their eyes from how awsome it would be to see living alien robots.
For now though, he had to wait for them to show themselves.
Currently, he was with Bumblebee and the team. Everyone has been on edge and there has been no action from the decpticons or MECH.
So, they decided to go to a forest in the amazon where a gaint Lake was. The autobots would be able to transform without being seen, and kids could play in the water.
It was going well for a few hours intel there was an explosion near by. The autobots obviously go check out what it was and they find MECH.
Well, it's more of a destroyed MECH building. There were MECH gaurds shooting at a human who was throwing MECH vehicles at them.
Raphael noticed who it was right away. It was (Y/N)!!!
But they looked diffrent...they looked more angry, sad, in pain, and diffrent.
They had purple vains across their arms, legs, and face. They clearly had super strength to. They where destroying and killing MECH guards.
The autobots jump in and take out the rest of the MECH gaurds. When done, they try to help (Y/N) but they attack them to.
It takes ratchet, bulkhead, and optimus to hold them down. Ratchrt scanned them and announced that they are filled with Dark energon.
They immediately take (Y/N) back to base to help them. No matter what. Especially now they know this is Raphaels' lost sister.
Raphael watches them put his sister in a container.
He sees how she is in pain to.
She was crying purple tears from the pain she was in but was such in blind rage that she couldn't tell that he was standing right in front of her.
Ratchet comes up with a plan to heal (Y/N), but the success rate is extremely low since this was just theory but the best they got.
So Raphael watches them start the plan and hook the canister that (Y/N) is in, ontop a machine.
He watches them start it up and inject clean energon into it.
(Y/N)'s screams echos through the base.
They beg, cry, and scream for it to stop but they have to keep going.
Eventually, when all the dark energon is gone from their body, they turn it off.
They open the canister and get (Y/N) out.
There, lays an unconscious (Y/N)
Ratchet scans them and says they are alive but need to go to the hospital since their body won't be able to survive without assistance from machines.
So, the next 4 months is Raphael sitting next to (Y/N)'s bed in the hospital, reading them books, talking to them, and telling them about the adventures they went on.
(Y/N) would eventually wake up and welcome Raphael to a hug.
Once they where healthy enough to leave the hospital, off to the autobot base.
Raphael was right.
They did get star eyes from meeting them.
He doesn't want to lose his sister again.
I hope you enjoyed this! I tried by best with one hand so I hope you like it!!!!
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topguncortez · 2 years
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Eyes Wide Shut
Spring Break Kickback | Masterlist
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synopsis: You are an Aviator and go down in a crash, now Bob is trying to convince you to wake up and help you complete your bucket list
prompt: [ BEDSIDE ] : sender waits by receiver's bedside as they recover from an illness or an injury.
warnings: medical inaccuracies (I got my medical degree from Shonda Rhimes University), description of injuries, failed ejection, mentions of death, angst, Bobby Boy being sad
word count: 1.5k
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It was quiet, except for the incessant beeping and soft hum of all the machines gathered around her bed. They were the only things keeping her alive. Keeping oxygen and blood flowing through her body. The annoying beeping was the constant reminder that her heart was still beating in her chest. It had been days since she had opened her eyes, and Bob feared she might never again. 
He had been sitting in the readiness room, reading through some military magazine when the distress call came over the radio. He stood up from the couch and quickly ran over to the radio, where Nat and Payback were crowding around. You and Hangman were in the air, doing a routine, or what should’ve been, hop against Javy and Rooster. Everyone had started to believe that Hangman had changed his ways, but it seemed as though everyone spoke too soon. 
“You need to eject! Punch out! Eject! Eject! Eject!” 
You were out there for two days. Your parachute carried you farther from the wreckage of your jet than the rescue crews had estimated. You were found barely breathing, dehydrated, and in a pool of your own blood. They took you straight to the hospital, rushing you into surgery to repair the broken leg you had sustained in the crash. But the doctors had feared that they were too late. That even though they had fixed your leg and internal injuries, that the mix of severe dehydration, blood loss, and swelling in your brain had caused irreparable damage. 
“Mav went ballistic on Cyclone today,” Bob said, as he held your hand, “You would’ve loved to see it.” 
Bob hadn’t left the side of your bed since you had been brought into the ICU. You weren’t allowed more than one visitor, in case you did wake up. The doctor said low stimulation was going to be the best for you. The brain was an organ that took a while to heal, and a quiet setting was ideal for patients like you. The doctor also told Bob that studies had shown that talking to comatose patients often helped their brains heal even quicker. 
“I don’t even know why Cyclone would bring up something like. . . bringing in a new pilot,” Bob scoffed, “That’s just fucking ridiculous. You’ll be back soon. And then you can tell Cyclone yourself that his idea was fucking ridiculous.” 
But, Bob knew that it wasn’t all that too ridiculous that Cyclone was searching for your replacement. You’d never fly again. The doctor had already told Bob that. You would never pass a physical to get cleared to fly. It was hardly ever that pilots who had crashes as bad as yours found themselves back in the air. They said it would be a miracle if you even stayed in the Navy, more than likely going to get a medical discharge. That depends on if you wake up. 
The thought ran through Bob’s head again and sent a shiver down his spine. He clenched his jaw, and sat forward a bit in his chair. He picked up your hand and held it in both of his. He pressed a kiss to your fingers, feeling tears well up in his eyes. You had to wake up. You just had too. There were too many things that you hadn’t done yet. You had hardly lived, being only twenty-seven. You had a bucket list, a lengthy one at that, that you wanted to complete. 
“Remember the other day. . . when you said that you were half way through your bucket list goal of eating chicken strips in every state?” Bob sniffled. He had laughed when you first said that, but then you showed him the map of all the states you had eaten chicken strips in, “Well, if you wake up, I promise that I’ll help you complete that. You hear that? You gotta wake up so we can cross that off our list.” 
The tears in Bob's eyes were now streaming down his face as he held your hand to his lips and cried. He was never one to cry. His father had told him once that crying makes you weak. But in this moment that was all he could do. He had run out of prayers to say. Run out of scripture passages to read. And now, the hope that he had in his body was also starting to run thin. 
It felt good to cry. It felt good to get all the pent up feelings he had in his body out. It had been eight long days of sitting by your side, holding your hand, being woken up every hour on the hour by doctors and nurses coming in to check your vitals, and hearing that constant beeping of the machines. Bob gently sets your hand back down by your side, running his thumb over the back of your skin. 
“And when we get to that fiftieth state, which I really want to be Alaska, cause it’s beautiful,” Bob took a deep breath, “I’m gonna ask you to marry me.” His blue eyes looked up at your rested face. 
Your relationship had been kept on the down low, fearing that one of you would be moved away from the unit if the higher ups found out. Somehow, you had been able to keep it a secret for nearly two years, but Bob reckoned that everyone knew now. It had taken Payback and Rooster to hold Bob back from charging at Hangman for putting you in the wake of his jet wash. They had never seen the quiet WSO so angry, nor did they know that he had a nasty right hook. Jake was still supporting a black eye. Everyone had confused looks on their faces when Bob ran from the shared office space and out the door on the day they had found you. Slowly, the pieces had been falling together. 
“I got a ring and everything,” Bob said, “You just gotta open your eyes. Alright,” Bob sat up in his chair, “You open your eyes, and the ring is yours. I am yours. Please, please.” Bob clasped his hands and rested his elbows on your bed in prayer, reciting the Our Father again like he had several times already. 
It felt like a jackhammer going off in your head. The idea of even attempting to open your eyes sounded like the worst thing in the world. It’s like seeing the bright light of morning shining through your window, and trying to stay asleep. But there was a pull, like a magnet, that was pulling you to just open your eyes. It was like hearing your mother call you home after the street lights had turned on. You knew that you needed to. That you should. But what was stopping you? 
Ever so slowly, you blinked your eyes open. The lights were bright, and you couldn’t quite focus your eyes on anything. The pounding in your head grew worse as you could somewhat make out a shape of a person sitting by your bed. You should’ve known it was him. You tried to turn your head the best you could, but you weren’t sure that you had any control over your body. You thought you were moving your hand to reach and grab his clasped ones, but you were no more than just moving one of your fingers. 
But somehow Bob felt that barely there brush against his forearm, and looked over at you. 
“Oh my god,” He grabbed your hand. Every fiber in your being felt like it had been lit up in flames as you used whatever strength you could muster and squeezed his hand, “I love you. I love you so much.” Bob moved forward and pressed his lips to your forehead. You squeezed his hand again and slowly your eyes fluttered shut. 
Bob pulled away from you to look at you again, when a loud flatlining sound filled the air.
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I know longer have a taglist! follow my library page for notifications on when I post:) @cortezslibrary
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tuakaai · 1 month
Good morning people. Since Ep 3 review I have gone outside and touched grass trying to process the ending of the series. So here we go.
Ep 4
First of all. I knew it! I knew it was the dad that killed Ben!
Second of all, the episode was between boring and annoying.
Klaus is doing his completely separate thing from the entire group.
The main group, instead, is on the search for Ben
Which himself is having his own soap-opera
Meanwhile Jean and Gene spend the whole episode in a burger King
Ep 5 & 6
We all know what I'm gonna say...
Lila and Five is just a no, I'm not gonna go too deep on it.
We get to see the in-laws!
The entire cast is separated by duos with very little mixing and I don't like that. They feel so much less like a family than any other season. And I purely believe you could make a more united/mixed season by changing some characters arcs, for example Klaus's exclusion from the main plot!
I do agree that some characters are more independant during the entire series, like Viktor or Five (or Ben cos he hates the entire group). They can stay how they are. I like consistant characterization.
I also want to point out the butchering of female storylines this season. Especially regarding Jennifer and Lila.
Lila is a badass! She's a strong woman, confident in herself, doesn't wait for a no or yes to do something, independant, loving, crazy, stubborn, fun... She's all of it. And this season she's purely been used as Five's love interest. She went from punk to a cottage-core stay at home wife. We barely see her join any of Five's excursions outside the house, except for that last one where she effectively does nothing. Is it only crazy to me that the Lila that said "we're not giving up" has spent more than seven years in her domestic wife fase? And the only reason she is able to go back has been handed to her by Five while insisting she should stay cos he doesn't want to fix the apocalipse and that he's better than her "failed marriage"? She hasn't been given any agency, the writer has done whatever he wanted with her and just won't accept any criticism. He's literally made his fantasies cannon just cos he could.
And Jennifer? Much of the same. A romantic object to advance the plot. Do we know anything about her? No. Does she make her own choices besides sticking beside her oh so loved Ben? No. She's rescued when she has to be rescued, she's killed when she has to be killed, she's romanced just because. She takes no forefront, basically Ben's attachment!
Now, the ending
I don't care, I literally don't care. Is it shit? Very. But what are you supposed to do when you fuck up the entire season before it?
I don't mind the "we have to sacrifice ourselves for this to stop", but it has to be done well. With character arcs finished at the very least.
Also, are you telling me that if they didn't drink the marigold they could've literally throw it to Jennifer and it would've been sorted? And Viktor can remove the marigold from a person, can he not? (like in season 2 & 3)
Idk, I'm going crazy again
Reginald should've died
Moon lady shouldn't have been included
A dance scene should've
Good night, can't wait for the fanfics.
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igotanidea · 1 year
Glimmer: Jason Todd x reader
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request: Jason Todd x fem!reader who is optimistic, sees good in people and gives him hugs and kisses when he comes from patrol.
She never knew it, and even if she did she would totally refuse to believe it, but there was something in her eyes that always made Jason feel better about world and about himself. A bit.
He met Y/N on one of his night patrols and not-so-surprisingly rescued her from a mugger. Typical Gotham occurrence, but unlike any other citizen of this god-forsaken city she did not seem shaken or terrified or even sad.
“How are you so fine with what happened?” instead of taking off the second the robber was dealt with Jason found himself captured by her unusual behavior
“I’m not” she sighed deeply and her e/c orbs focused on him, making him shake inside due to the intensity of the gaze “I’m not all right with how Gotham affects people. That the poor had to go to the great lengths to survive on the streets while crime lords have everything. I’m not fine with the fact that kids here suffer because their parents abandoned them. I hate that GCPD seem helpless when it comes to dealing with all this shit and vigilantes have to take matters in their own hands.”
“So, pretty much you hate Batman?” Jason scoffed, trying to act casually, not showing how touched he was by the mention of kids on the streets. After all, he was one of them many years ago and the memory of what he went through was still hunting him sometimes.
“I never said that!” she laughed. She laughed a few seconds after a traumatic events. “I admire everything he does. But unlike our fierce protector, I’d rather focus on seeing good in people.”
“Good?” Jason scoffed, his helmet muffling the sound a bit “There’s nothing good in this shithole.”
‘Maybe that is your problem, Red. Your aim is to get rid of the crime lords. Arguably by killing them all off….”
“I don’t do that anymore.” He chimed in
“Then hurting them. Injuring them. Making them remember the pain. I’d rather spread the good emotions. Like in the homeless shelter where I volunteer after work. Or at the child center. You should see the smile on those people faces just because you gave them ten minutes of your time. To talk, to actually ask them how they feel, if there’s anything they would like to do. Elders have so many to say, yet no one ever listens. And children, those poor little souls, who did nothing wrong in their life, except for what’s necessary to survive. A hug or a joke is enough to make them cry happy tears.”
“You’re being awfully optimistic, aren’t you?”
“Can’t help being who I am” she smiled so bright, Jason could swear that it lighted up the whole alley “you should try that sometimes, Red Hood. Anyway, sorry for keeping you this long, bet you have another parts of the city to patrol.” Once again her beaming, hopeful, sincere eyes landed on his face (or rather helmet) “thank you for helping me. I know you do not see yourself this way, but what you do matters. The method may be a bit extreme, but still, I appreciate what you did. What you do.”
“I……” Jason stuttered. It was the first time someone actually said something like that to him. Was he really good in her eyes?
“I gotta go.” She shook he head, hair falling all over her face and Jason had to use all his strength to fight the urge to brush those strands of. There was something about this girl…. ”Stay safe, Hood, will you?” she turned around and started walking away, but he called after her, making her stop.
“Can I get your name?!”
“Wonder why that matters to you.” she laughed, but decided in favor of answering “It’s Y/N. My name’s Y/N.”  with a single wave of the hand she was gone, leaving Jason wondering and muttering that single word over and over again.
“Hey, Drake. I got a favor to ask.”
“And out of all the people in the world you came to me?” Tim raised an eyebrow “You must be truly desperate, Todd.”
“I can always go and ask Barbara. Bet she’ll deal with the search I need much faster than you. She’s an expert after all.” Jason smirked knowing well enough how the reverse psychology affected Tim.
“Better!? No way!! What do you need?” the younger boy spun around on the chair, now facing the bat computer, fingers hanging over the keyboard, twitching in anticipation.
“I want to find a person. I only got a name, Y/N, possible living location and I know she works at the homeless shelter and kid center. Can you target her?”
“don’t know.” Tim tapped his chin, wondering “Is he a Red Hood’s object of interest or Jason Todd’s one?”
Fuck. There was no good answer to that question and Jason found himself falling right into Tim’s trap. 
“Let’s say a little bit of both.”
“Whatever you say……”
Tim was faster than Jason anticipated and with just a few clicks and searches he managed to locate the girl. And just a few minutes later, after breaking some speed limits (Bruce would pay for the tickets obviously) Todd was in front of the building she was spending her evening at.
It’s been a while since Jason seen so many hurt and scared people in one place and that reminded him how much crime actually was in Gotham. He was fighting some part of it, but the rest…. Damn it. The view was just painful. Starting from a few-years old, ending up on the elders, every age group has a representation in this place. And amongst all those citizens he saw Y/N. With messy hair and a smudge of something that seemed like a paint, but was awfully similar to blood she was telling a story to a bunch of kids, one of them placed on her knees. That little dirt on her cheek made Jason shudder. In the depths of his mind he already saw her injured, bleeding in some alley, after being attacked or raped, her optimistic attitude not serving as a shield.  But apparently her positive attitude was not a result of obliviousness and being raised in separation from the bad aspects of life, but rather the opposite. She experienced the sadness and pain everyday while working with those people and yet, remained cheerful. That was….. strangely alluring.
“Hey there.” She put the kid down, noticing him standing in the aisle, looking confused “Are you lost? Are you hurt? Do you need help?” she was so tiny in comparison with a tank Jason was and she wanted to help him. Not even expecting anything in return.  
“No…. I ……”
“Hey, it’s ok.” she reassured, putting a hand on his shoulder and he immediately felt the warmth coming all over his body. “You’re safe here. We can give you any aid you need.”
“I don’t need help. “ Jason shook his head.
“You sure?” she tilted her head “Cause it seems to me like you got a strained muscles, a bruise on the jaw and some cuts on the forearms.”
“You are quite observant, aren’t you?”
“Did my time as a doctor assistant.” She shrugged “never get to finish though”
“Um… you know, typical Gotham stuff. Parents getting shot. No one to help me pay for college…. I had to tend for myself and that required a full time job, not just studying. So I dropped. Became an assistant nurse instead. Shitty job, shitty pay, shitty work hours, but  get to make ends meet.”
“And you still find time to volunteer?”
“Like I said to someone before, I’d rather help people by spreading good. Seriously, can I help you with anything…..?”her voice hanged a bit and it took him a while before realizing she was waiting for hi name.
“I’m Jason. And I …. I think I want to be a volunteer as well.”
It’s been three years since then.
Three years in which she was constantly surprising him with her attitude, her smile, her uptake on things.
Three years of her being his rock, getting him through the shittiest, lowest day, never letting him give up or his darkness and shadow consume him. She was his ray of sun on those days when he had no power to push through.
Jason was not the first person to trust people, but somehow she managed to gain it quite quickly. After a few months of acquaintance, shaking because of the emotions (mostly fear) he told her about his alter ego, awaiting abandonment, terrified, judgmental gaze and her leaving him for good.
There was a moment of silence after his confession, two young adults just sitting on the couch opposite of each other. Jason looking down, silent begging for her to not leave him, missing the fact that Y/N’s signature honest gaze were focused on him.
“Jason….” she said quietly, careful not to startle him “Jace, please look at me.” The boy hesitantly raised his head, scared what he might see on the girl’s face “did you think I would leave you?”
“Yes.” He blurted not able to control himself anymore.
“You silly boy.” She leaned forward slightly, reaching for his cheek, not touching yet, since she learned how hard physical contact was for him “Can I?”
“Please….” He mumbled, and once she cupped his face, immediately leaned into the touch. So touch starved, so desperate for her, without even realizing this.
“Listen to me, Jason Todd. I am not going anywhere.”
“You’re not?”
“Of course not.” she whispered “I’m honestly a bit offended you could even think something like that. Do you even know me?”
“I know you see good in place where there is none. And I’m no good. I’m bad news, always have been and….”
“Oh, for crying out loud.” She hissed and not giving a shit about being gentle put her lips on his, the urge being just too strong to hold it anymore. “Sorry….” Just a few seconds later she realized what she did and pulled back, her face turning apologetic. “I didn’t mean to push….”
“Come back here” Jason breathed out, wrapping an arm around her waist and claiming her lips again, this time fully. God, he never knew how much he craved her and how much fear of rejection on her part he had.  “I need you.” he whispered pulling her flush to him “God, I shouldn’t  but I need you so bad.”
“Good thing it’s mutual.” She smiled, brushing a curl from his face and connecting their foreheads
“But….” He tried to say.
“if you start talking about that shit about darkness and everything else I won’t kiss you for a week.”
“Are you threatening the Red Hood, princess?”
“Guess, I am” she laughed, realizing that little fact “is it working?”
“Sure as hell it is.” Jason gasped before closing the gap between them.
Y/N was quickly accepted into the Wayne family, turning into a valuable member of the team. And damn, she was good at working with Oracle from the cave. But the most important part of her job (in her own words) was still giving the good vibes. Keeping the batboys (and batgirls) up and running, showing them how much good they were doing and how grateful people were for that.
Jason needed it more than anyone else, still doubting himself and dealing with past trauma, not that anyone blamed him for that. If nothing else, dying and resurrecting definitely have an effect on one’s mentality. And that was precisely why, Y/N would always stay up in the night, waiting for Jay to come back from the patrol to welcome him in the most caring and loving way she could.
“Jace!” she jumped off the couch as soon as she heard him walk thought the door, his helmet and jacket already discarded on the floor. She practically jumped into his arms, wrapping legs and arms around him, tugging her boyfriend tightly, feeling his muscles relax under her touches and caresses.
“Hi, baby….” He sighed deeply feeling her in his arms. The only person that made everything he did worth the effort.
“My hero.” She tugged him even tighter, hands tangling in his hair massaging gently.
“Hero? That’s funny princess. Are you sure you’re not mistaking me for Grayson? Do you wish that it was someone else in your arms?”
“What are you…..?” she pulled back from him slightly, but his arms kept her in place, familiar smirk forming on his face. “You are incorrigible Todd! Why are you constantly playing with me?”
“Cause you look cute with that surprised Pikachu face” he kissed the top of her nose and she pouted.
“Stop it! It’s my job to kiss you and hug you. You’re tired and hurt. Let me take care of you.” her hand travelled down from his neck and rested on his heart “Please, love. I just want to take all the pain from you. Let me, Jason.” she was practically begging him now, and the fact that he truly had someone who was willing to do that for him was making him melt. Since the words failed him, he just nodded, closing his eyes not to show any vulnerability. Almost three years of being together and it was still hard for him to show her his emotional side. “Open those eyes” she commanded, once he put her back on the floor and they just stood in place. “I love you, Jason.” Y/N said with fully convinced voice “whatever you think about yourself, you are a hero to me.” a little kiss on his forehead “A protector.” Kiss on his nose “a fighter” one on each of his cheeks “I can never see you differently” a peck on his lips, too short, leaving him wanting more and chasing her lips “but it’s me. You don’t need to act strong with me when you are tired. You don’t need to hide your emotions. You could never be too vulnerable for me. I accept and somewhat understand Red hood, but it’s Jason Todd I fell in love with. My Jason. The emotional one. All right, baby?’ she caressed his cheek, grabbing his hand and leading him backwards towards the bed “will you rest with me?”
“Yes.” He whispered “Please……”
“All right.” She helped him lay down and once he rested head on her chest, feeling her fingers play with his hair, the other hand caressing her back, Jason slowly let the tension and the burden of opinion, judgments and expectations go.
She was making him feel better about himself.
She was making him feel better about world.
And maybe it was wrong and selfish and careless, but he loved her.
And he was going to tell her that.
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mash-masha2011 · 2 months
Chapter 2: Long, long, long story!
Hey, guys! I'm back! I know it's a bit long, but I'm such a lazy writer!
Anyway, this is how I imagine Eugene, Raps and Cass telling V about all magic stuff, what he did (or part of) and all that stuff. If you want you can skip, there's nothing important really! 
And while I'm on it, tell me please do you want Hookie or/and Shortie there! I personally don't really like them, but I want your opinion! Thanks!
"So, long long long long long time ago drop of sun from the sky. On that place grew magic flower that could heal, turn back age and even bring from death sometimes!" Rapunzel gestured so wildly, that she already almost hit Varian three times "And then..." She trailed of and Eugene placed a hand around her waist and smiled reassuringly at her waist
"Than old woman named Gothel came" Eugene continued "She didn't tell anyone about the flower and used it to stay young forever ! And what's even crazier - she almost succeed! But just when Queen was about to give birth to Blondie she got really sick. And King started searching for magic flower. As you can see, he found it!" Eugene gestured towards Rapunzel and she managed a small smile "So he took the flower, healed the queen, everything was good, Goldie's birthday, celebration, yada yada yada, but! Gothel decided she needed to stay young at all cost and stole Blondie! She locked her in a tower for, like, eighteen years ! She was a disgusting lady, I know. And one day, right before her eighteenth birthday a handsome, dashing, steely-eyed, smouldering rogue rescued Princess, showed her the world, fell in love and made her the most epic haircut " After confused look from Varian he added " She then has the same long hair" 
Varian listened carefully to every word, memorising each and every word. They walked for ten minutes now and it would be a good time, if not for Cassandra. She didn't say a word, didn't show any sigh of interest or any emotions on her face except for very slight anger, frustration and distrust. She just watched him. Every minute. Every second. Varian even wandered if she blinked at all. He heard Rapunzel's voice and listened again.
"Then after six month Cass showed me these black rocks! I touched one and there was a big explosion! And then rocks started chasing us! And then my hair grew back!"
"That's the story!" Eugene said 
"What about Cass...?" Varian asked and looked on said girl, and when she glared quickly added "-andra?"
"Well, she's Blondie's handmaiden and Capitan's daughter" Eugene answered
"Wow! That's probably cool being Capitan's daughter!" Varian said in awe but quickly goy cut off by Cassandra
"No, it isn't" She said in an extra cold tone
"O-okay" Varian wanted to ask why, but got too scared she would kill him right where he stood in a blink of an eye "How did we meet?" 
"Well, I came to ask you about my hair! That day I discovered you can be very scary if you want to!" she mumbled the last part
"Cool! So princess of Corona came to me to ask about her magic hair! Wow!" Varian could believe what he just heard! Princess came to him to ask about her hair! She trusted him with it! 
"What about me though? What did I do that I was in handcuffs?" This question bothered Varian from the start, but he kinda couldn't find the right time before.
"Uh... well, you- how do I say it-" Eugene started but was interrupted by Raps
"You stole the Sunflower from the Royal vault"
"I what?" was the only thing Varian was able to say through shock
"Well, your village was being destroyed by black rocks, you experimented on them and there was that scroll which said that these rocks were opposite to Sunflower and I guess when you were out of options you tried flower" There was something in her voice he couldn't understand. He already heard guilt every time she spoke to him - though, he didn't know why - but this was something other than that. It felt like he knew what it was but couldn't place it.
After a few minutes of silence Varian found his voice again "So, I am a criminal" He asked quietly
"Welcome to 'Team Criminal'!" Eugene's joke was met with awkward silence "Yeah, not the time"
There was a long silence, in which Varian was trying to process all the shock.
"What about you, Eugene? What's your story?" Varian asked first question came to his mind, and as much as he tried to hide his shock and panic after knowing he's a criminal by shoving his hands into pockets and smiling - though he had no idea why he hid his emotions, it was like a subconscious habit of some sort - his voice was still higher than usual. 
"Well, I don't really like telling the 'story of orphan leaving alone on the streets', but since everyone except you know already, I might as well tell you. I lived in orphanage ever since I remember. One day I saw a boy reading a book called 'The tales of Flynnigan Ryder'. I snatched it at night and fell in love. So next day I went to the bookshop and bought as many Flynn books as I could - which wasn't much, like two maybe! After that I red them every night to all the younger kids in the orphanage! After I red all written Flynn books I ran away. And I took my name from that book. For years I was stealing under the name of Flynn Rider! Lance and I were gods in crime, thieves of thieves! And then I met blondie and dropped my criminal name. That's the story!" 
"I... don't know what to say..." Varian was glad Eugene told him this story, it really helped him calm down a little. He knew he will be panicked and shocked once he alone and let his thoughts free, but for now he was okay. 
They walked for a few more hours, laughing and joking. Despite Cassandra staring at him all the time like he was some evil demon which could turn on and kill them all any minute he felt good! He was happy to have friends like this who will always help him no matter what. He was with them only few hours, but he already trusted them.
Hey! I'm sorry for short chapter, I just really wanted to write this! I hope I wasn't too out of character! If I was somewhere, just tell me and next time I won't make this mistake!
Also sorry for really long speeches! I don't really know how to make them shorter! 
Anyway, see you next time, love you all!
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bidaryl · 9 months
time travel fix it au's are done to death in this fandom but also they're my favourite thing in the world so au where the entire show happens as is and it's heartbreaking and inspiring etc but then. restart button. waking back up at the start of the end except only the people that lived remember
wanna think about what would happen when daryl and carol wake up at camp, remembering everything that happened; carol stronger, knowing in her gut that everything that she remembers is real, and daryl fucking terrified, because if everything in his head actually happened, then what the fuck is this
wanna think about a rick dragging a hostile merle and a wide-eyed glenn back to camp, memories completely intact, and running to reunite with his family. not letting daryl go and hugging carol so so so tight, collapsing to the ground with carl in his arms
wanna think about them dragging the atlanta group to the farm, maggie leaving the front porch light on for them, and everyone reuniting. rick seeing hershel again, daryl seeing beth, carol pulling sophia close, and maggie being unable to even breath, looking at glenn
wanna think about them tossing up whether to even go to the prison, but they met important people there, and alexandria's a long way, and if they're gonna survive this time–if they're gonna live–they're gonna do it right
so they go to the prison so they can figure out their next step, and michonne's there and waiting, andre on her hip, and they deal with the governor before the governor deals with them, and sasha and tyresse finally show up, they find the prisoners, and then one day they get a knock on the front gate, and it's negan
negan showing up, no baseball bat in hand but his leather jacket still in place, a sick but alive lucille by his side, laura and doctor franklin behind him, and all he's got to say is at the end of the world, i know which side i wanna be on
the fallout of that, of maggie being against it, of rick never having gotten to see negan at the end, not knowing the choices he made, the good and the bad. daryl and carol looking at glenn, seeing him alive and in love and having no memory of his last moments, and never wanting anything to ruin that, but negan saved judiths life, helped save all their lives. he chose, in the end, and now it's their turn
wanna think about a future where beth doesn't die, but they go on a rescue mission to get noah anyway. a future where tara turns up with her niece, led by eugene with abraham and rosita following right behind him
wanna think about how they'd handle terminus, how they'd handle the claimers. wanna think about them trying to find father gabriel, except gabe made it the first time around, and he wasn't wasting his second chance. he saved his flock, and he led them to alexandria, and he's waiting
wanna think of connie's group searching for hilltop. not finding maggie, or alden, but finding jesus. wanna think about lydia, being a fucking child, and watching her mother kill her dad, and remembering aaron telling her how loved she was
wanna think of the growing pains of them being able to save so many more family members this time, but god, a larger group is harder to keep alive
daryl trying to run interference with merle and everyone else, getting the jack of it one day and telling him he's already mourned him once, and he won't again. if merle wants to stay–to live–then it's up to him. daryl's not gonna babysit him anymore
rick trying to find his footing between lori and shane and judith, with carl, with michonne and andre. michonne looking at a weak but alive lori grimes holding a screaming and crying newborn in her arms, and knowing that she's never gonna be her daughter the way she was before, but knowing she'll always be something to her
carol struggling to be the mother sophia needs her to be, emotions too sharp and constantly fucking terrified. doesn't know how to hold onto someone like that anymore, either gripping too tight or not at all
maggie trying to exist in a world where she has everyone she's ever loved back, so close and so fucking dear, except it cost her her son. not knowing if she'll ever get him back at all. doesn't know how to live with the grief of losing someone she never technically had in this world
they make it to alexandria and it's aaron opening the gate for them, waiting to welcome them home
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Amnesia!Dabi: Twice (and assorted random thoughts)
I like to imagine that Jin ALSO ends up living with the Todorokis, or at least under their protection. Hell, maybe he stays at U.A.. Maybe Magne comes out of hiding to give them a hand. Who knows. But, like. Like, the Hero Commission absolutely want to throw him in jail. Like. A Hero Student got kidnapped. All Might has retired. The LoV is still at large. The recent upheaval - Kamino, the Togas trial, Toya, maybe a few information leaks - have really hit their public image. They are probably suffering a drop in public trust, and need a win (or a scapegoat). And like. I imagine they give it their best shot.
1) By the time the HC get wind of it, Jin is at U.A., being treated by Recovery Girl. On paper, Jin has “surrendered” to U.A., just like Himiko and Dabi did, an incident the HC largely let U.A. handle independently. Like, did they want to get involved? Oh absolutely. But one of those villains was Endeavour’s kid, the other was a malnourished fifteen-year-old, they know to pick their battles. However, it’s created a pretty obvious precedent that U.A. can use.
2) Their big argument would be that Jin’s Quirk, combined with mental instability, makes him highly dangerous. Well, guess what, his Quirk is GONE. And they can’t claim ignorance, because there’s a pretty recent precedent for that too - Ragdoll. Her medical records probably shows her Quirk factor being damaged or something, and Jin matches (or might even be WORSE). They also could have Monoma try to copy Jin’s Quirk, to prove its really gone, cause he can’t copy what isn’t there. 
3) They still try to make an argument for mental instability. However, with U.A. in the way, they’d definitely need to take this to court, get a proper ruling on Jin’s mental health, prove that he’s a danger to others. Not only is he NOT a danger to anyone right now (except himself) the Hero Commission wants to avoid that as much as possible. Why?
Himiko’s trial.
Cause this is happening right in the middle of the Togas fighting U.A. about Himiko. And that Trial is making all kinds of waves. Like, I imagine part of the reason Dabi went public with his identity as Toya Todoroki, got himself declared “not dead”, was so he could testify in court. Like, yes, he probably could have as Dabi, but it’s most likely EASIER as Toya, if that makes sense? So not only is the public getting “Pro Hero Phoenix Rises From The Ashes!” they’re also getting “Toya Todoroki to testify in upcoming abuse case”. There’s media attention on what would otherwise be swept under the rug. It’s getting a LOT of publicity, and I imagine that the Hero Commission aren’t coming out looking too hot. Why?
So I mentioned some info leaks, right? I like to imagine that the mission Toya went on where he “died” wasn’t just any old mission. It was issued by the Hero Commission. Now, do I think anyone in the HC was part of AfO’s plan to yoink Toya? No idea, but not the point. Those info leaks were about that mission, so now everyone KNOWS that the HC sent Toya on the mission where he “died”. They also have the follow up stuff, which when looked at all together, seems pretty sketchy? Like, why this decision? Why send him alone? Why these heroes, they wouldn’t be great for search and rescue? Why only this long of a search? Hold up, is this autopsy dated the day BEFORE? Shit like that.
(Now, besides the autopsy, I imagine most of it at the time could be explained by “Enji is panicking, grabbing whoever is closest, and not really thinking straight”, but looked back on by the public who don’t have context, it seems REALLY SUSPICIOUS.)
So, there’s all of THAT, but I also imagine that the HC did, at some point, try to get an … “interview”, with Himiko. Like, to ask her about the League. I imagine Himiko, wanting desperately to please the Todorokis (they’re all heroes, if she cooperates, will they keep her?) says sure, she’ll do it.
I don’t know who they send to ask questions, but whoever it is, is used to dealing with hardened criminals, not emotionally damaged teens. The “interview”*cough*interrogation*cough* ends with Himiko in a panic attack, Dabi ready to burn a motherfucker to death, and Enji ready to help him. The HC back off so fast they leave tire tracks, and are trying their best to mitigate the situation. Only maybe, perhaps. Himiko’s parents are just rich enough, just influential enough, to know some people in the HC. To find out about the interview.
The Hero Commission is scrambling to fix this, and to do that, they need a win. Or a scapegoat. But they also realize that it’s 50/50 whether taking Jin to court would even work for them right now. So, eventually, they back off, and Jin moves into the Todoroki spare room.
(Please note, all of this is just random thoughts, not sure how well any of this would work?)
*And now, for something, completely different*
So, in the manga, they state that (at least physically) Magne hasn’t transitioned yet. Just … hasn’t been in a place, financially or socially to do that yet, was the impression I got? I like to think that Magne, after leaving the LoV, still in some of her “fuck this shit” phase, decides you know what? I am stuck in a weird place, have no idea what I’m going to do with my life, but I want to be happy. Now’s the time to transition. When she shows up properly at the end to help fuck shit up, Katsuki takes one good look at her, and goes “oh. THAT’S what I want”.
If Miruko is already dating, or at least friends, with Fuyumi, what if that’s how Hawks gets pulled in to the Dabi/Toya thing? I like to headcanon that the two are pretty good friends (youngest proheroes, both have animal Quirks, both get a lot of shit from similar places), so when Miruko needs another Pro, she calls him, like, “K, I need your help, but you can’t ask any questions, you can’t tell ANYONE, and aren’t allowed to arrest anyone.”
Hell yeah hell yeah HELL YEAH
I just LOVE the Commission being hoist by their own petard.
We can also end up with some bonus info reveals when Dabi eventually remembers The Thing™. Because the Commission tried to cover that up and then cut their involvement when they realized it was a lost cause even though the problem technically continues.
Swinging to the Hawks and Miruko thing:
I think they both got dragged in differently because like. They’re friends but also the social circle is a circle if that makes sense? Like yeah they might’ve told each other, but Hawks got involved because he’s on the list of Heroes that Enji trusts to deal with this sort of thing. (And also in a more personal way Enji was slightly projecting and seeing Hawks as another kid, so  it’s like ‘ah yes tell the family he’s also family’. The Dabi situation quickly turns this into a ‘the only reason I’m not filing adoption papers is because he’s a future in-law now’)
But also Hawks and Miruko get along great and definitely talk about many things.
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