#varian amnesia au
mash-masha2011 · 2 months
Chapter 2: Long, long, long story!
Hey, guys! I'm back! I know it's a bit long, but I'm such a lazy writer!
Anyway, this is how I imagine Eugene, Raps and Cass telling V about all magic stuff, what he did (or part of) and all that stuff. If you want you can skip, there's nothing important really! 
And while I'm on it, tell me please do you want Hookie or/and Shortie there! I personally don't really like them, but I want your opinion! Thanks!
"So, long long long long long time ago drop of sun from the sky. On that place grew magic flower that could heal, turn back age and even bring from death sometimes!" Rapunzel gestured so wildly, that she already almost hit Varian three times "And then..." She trailed of and Eugene placed a hand around her waist and smiled reassuringly at her waist
"Than old woman named Gothel came" Eugene continued "She didn't tell anyone about the flower and used it to stay young forever ! And what's even crazier - she almost succeed! But just when Queen was about to give birth to Blondie she got really sick. And King started searching for magic flower. As you can see, he found it!" Eugene gestured towards Rapunzel and she managed a small smile "So he took the flower, healed the queen, everything was good, Goldie's birthday, celebration, yada yada yada, but! Gothel decided she needed to stay young at all cost and stole Blondie! She locked her in a tower for, like, eighteen years ! She was a disgusting lady, I know. And one day, right before her eighteenth birthday a handsome, dashing, steely-eyed, smouldering rogue rescued Princess, showed her the world, fell in love and made her the most epic haircut " After confused look from Varian he added " She then has the same long hair" 
Varian listened carefully to every word, memorising each and every word. They walked for ten minutes now and it would be a good time, if not for Cassandra. She didn't say a word, didn't show any sigh of interest or any emotions on her face except for very slight anger, frustration and distrust. She just watched him. Every minute. Every second. Varian even wandered if she blinked at all. He heard Rapunzel's voice and listened again.
"Then after six month Cass showed me these black rocks! I touched one and there was a big explosion! And then rocks started chasing us! And then my hair grew back!"
"That's the story!" Eugene said 
"What about Cass...?" Varian asked and looked on said girl, and when she glared quickly added "-andra?"
"Well, she's Blondie's handmaiden and Capitan's daughter" Eugene answered
"Wow! That's probably cool being Capitan's daughter!" Varian said in awe but quickly goy cut off by Cassandra
"No, it isn't" She said in an extra cold tone
"O-okay" Varian wanted to ask why, but got too scared she would kill him right where he stood in a blink of an eye "How did we meet?" 
"Well, I came to ask you about my hair! That day I discovered you can be very scary if you want to!" she mumbled the last part
"Cool! So princess of Corona came to me to ask about her magic hair! Wow!" Varian could believe what he just heard! Princess came to him to ask about her hair! She trusted him with it! 
"What about me though? What did I do that I was in handcuffs?" This question bothered Varian from the start, but he kinda couldn't find the right time before.
"Uh... well, you- how do I say it-" Eugene started but was interrupted by Raps
"You stole the Sunflower from the Royal vault"
"I what?" was the only thing Varian was able to say through shock
"Well, your village was being destroyed by black rocks, you experimented on them and there was that scroll which said that these rocks were opposite to Sunflower and I guess when you were out of options you tried flower" There was something in her voice he couldn't understand. He already heard guilt every time she spoke to him - though, he didn't know why - but this was something other than that. It felt like he knew what it was but couldn't place it.
After a few minutes of silence Varian found his voice again "So, I am a criminal" He asked quietly
"Welcome to 'Team Criminal'!" Eugene's joke was met with awkward silence "Yeah, not the time"
There was a long silence, in which Varian was trying to process all the shock.
"What about you, Eugene? What's your story?" Varian asked first question came to his mind, and as much as he tried to hide his shock and panic after knowing he's a criminal by shoving his hands into pockets and smiling - though he had no idea why he hid his emotions, it was like a subconscious habit of some sort - his voice was still higher than usual. 
"Well, I don't really like telling the 'story of orphan leaving alone on the streets', but since everyone except you know already, I might as well tell you. I lived in orphanage ever since I remember. One day I saw a boy reading a book called 'The tales of Flynnigan Ryder'. I snatched it at night and fell in love. So next day I went to the bookshop and bought as many Flynn books as I could - which wasn't much, like two maybe! After that I red them every night to all the younger kids in the orphanage! After I red all written Flynn books I ran away. And I took my name from that book. For years I was stealing under the name of Flynn Rider! Lance and I were gods in crime, thieves of thieves! And then I met blondie and dropped my criminal name. That's the story!" 
"I... don't know what to say..." Varian was glad Eugene told him this story, it really helped him calm down a little. He knew he will be panicked and shocked once he alone and let his thoughts free, but for now he was okay. 
They walked for a few more hours, laughing and joking. Despite Cassandra staring at him all the time like he was some evil demon which could turn on and kill them all any minute he felt good! He was happy to have friends like this who will always help him no matter what. He was with them only few hours, but he already trusted them.
Hey! I'm sorry for short chapter, I just really wanted to write this! I hope I wasn't too out of character! If I was somewhere, just tell me and next time I won't make this mistake!
Also sorry for really long speeches! I don't really know how to make them shorter! 
Anyway, see you next time, love you all!
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rhmis-user-2020 · 1 month
Amnesia!Varian AU
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zonerobotnik · 1 year
MomTiri is a much better and more intriguing AU than Vat7k and you won't change that for me.
Okay, then.
Possible options for how to make this work: 1) Zhan Tiri somehow fooled Donella, Quirin and everyone in Corona into thinking she was a human woman and suppressed her murderous urges to destroy Corona for the sake of love or something. When she couldn't suppress them anymore, though, Donella sealed her away into the Lost Realms and lied to Quirin about what happened to her. Maybe there was amnesia involved in her suppression and she recalled who she really was and went a bit nuts. (Wand of Oblivium, maybe?) Unsure how she got out of the Lost Realms to do this, maybe she found a portal of some kind while wandering. Maybe that's how she lost her memories. 2) Ulla is still Ulla, but she was possessed by Zhan Tiri after Ulla looked into the demon for shits and giggles and accidentally summoned her into her mind and she carried Zhan Tiri's demonic powers into her offspring by proxy. She and Donella managed to purge her, but it was too late and the baby has demonic powers they have to use magic to lock away. 3) Quirin is actually immortal and once served Zhan Tiri and Varian is way older than he appears.
4) Zhan Tiri time-traveled into the future and met Quirin and had a brief life with him before she accidentally got sent back in time again and had her fight with Demanitus.
How do any of these sound?
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Okay, okay what else can trigger a memeory. Okay this was a bit of a big moment, but their was this kid, that you may have hurt emotinal a lot (I'm still a little bitter, but I digrease) but he still trusted you. And then something bad happen to the kid. And you had to protect him from this blue hair bitch. And this was one of the lines ''Eugene?'' ''Stay close kid''
Amnesia AU
[Eugene felt another sharp pain, but this time a memory of a child with a blue stripe in his hair popped in his mind.]
Ahh! Whatever you guys are doing stop it...
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polyasolnuhov · 5 years
All links in description!
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buttercupshands · 6 years
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Screenshot edit - Amnesia Varian AU
This version of Amnesia Varian and AU belong to @rainbowwatermelonstuff
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chiscribbs · 6 years
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Gave up on lineart after the first image lol
[cue schoolyard “OOOOOOOOOOO“-ing]  Amnesia can make for some pretty awkward slip-ups, eh Varian? Good luck recovering from that one.
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bestworstcase · 3 years
Hey, me and my friend are developing our own Tangled History Lore the involves the Saporians, and in our instance, Demanitus helps Corona take over Saporia by stealing Zhan Tiri’s created memory wand and wiping their memories of the invasion except for the Saporians who helped Corona.
Now, Saporians have grown up with no history of the past other than small events, barely care about their heritage, and are still somewhat against Corona.
So what would happen to the rest of the Seven Kingdoms, who may have been previously allied with Saporia, if they found out Corona and Saporian treasonists took over and wiped their memories
so if i'm following, corona rapunzel's returned the entire nation of saporia and all of saporia's allies ~two thousand years ago when demanitus and zhan tiri were still kicking around and this massive magical conspiracy then went undiscovered for however long—i assume until around the time of the series itself?
which. hm
backtracking a little from your actual question i think it would be worth taking into consideration the limitations of the wand of oblivium—bc in rapunzel's return it's shown that the wand is powerful but can't really be used on a wide scale: the saporians managed to wipe the memories of the coronan king and queen, and being generous perhaps a handful of other aristocrats and important courtiers whom we just don't see on screen bc they're not necessary to the story, and then just relied on the coronan culture of absolute obedience to the king to control the rest of the populace while waiting for varian to figure out a potion that could... either directly reproduce the effect of the wand on a dramatically larger scale or else somehow serve as a conduit for disseminating the wand's magic to many people at once. (personally i think the latter solution was more likely what the goal was, i.e., clementine uses the wand to curse batches of varian's potion and then they suffuse the water supply with the potion or start gassing people with it or whatever the method of distribution ended up being and the curse is transmitted through the material of the potion—but that's a tangent)
the question is how did demanitus and his coronan conspirators get around the problem of the wand needing to—as rapunzel's return implies—individually curse every single person whose memories the caster wants to alter? conquest by brainwashing is arduous to the point of impossibility if you're trying to do it one person at a time, esp. when it's possible for cursed people to fight off the magical amnesia with support from loved ones whose memories are intact. and then add to that it being a wand he stole from zhan tiri and his own self-admitted unfamiliarity with magic—this is the man who shoved his soul into a monkey with a spell he knew he barely understood after all—and theres the additional problem of did the coronans even know what they were doing the way a real witch like clementine or zhan tiri would?
and then all magical considerations aside you have the further complication that massive conspiracies are difficult to pull off simply because they require a lot of people to be in the know to make things happen, and you start running into the two-can-keep-a-secret-if-one-is-dead principle. stuff gets out
this is cynical but assuming there is indeed a two thousand year gap between the memory wiping and then modern day corona, in line with the canonical timeline of tts—which i recognize is not necessarily a reliable assumption with an au but you didn't specify—i honestly dont think a lot would necessarily change if the brainwashing was retroactively discovered somehow. bc by now the hegemony of the seven kingdoms in a world where saporia doesn't exist is well established and... people in power cleave to the status quo. what's going to happen to this sprawling trading alliance if we take corona to task for this enormous violation of human rights that happened literal thousands of years ago? when saporian culture was eradicated so thoroughly that it might as well not ever have existed? who benefits from tearing this system apart now, and who benefits from leaving things as they are and shrugging at past wrongs? (it's so much easier to just say well... that was a long time ago... oh well.)
except for, of course, the saporians themselves, because it was their identity and their home and their culture that was utterly stripped from them—they lost everything, and even the knowledge that they'd lost anything at all was stolen from them too, like, it's hard to fathom a scenario where this information comes out and doesn't lead directly to outrage and unrest from whatever saporian communities are still left—how else can one even respond to something like that?
and from there i mean. it depends on where you want to take the story and how you want to handle it, like, theres a lot of variables beyond "corona did this horrific thing x centuries ago and now we know about it" that could or would shape the direction of events subsequent to the conspiracy being broken up to—like assuming all other things being equal how do zhan tiri and cassandra and the moonstone fit into this, with zhan tiri being (i assume) a saporian sorceress whose work was stolen and then used to eradicate her home? how does varian's partnership with the saporian separatists go when theres this underlying element of them just doing to corona what was done to their ancestors in a desperate bid to maybe scrape back together some semblance of a cultural identity for themselves? how does rapunzel—who has herself run afoul of saporian memory magic, albeit accidentally—feel when she learns this about her nation's history and what does she do about it? etc etc etc and then all these individual character decisions have ripple effects that shape the broader societal and political responses there's not a one size fits all answer, here. it's dependent on the specific shape and structure of the story itself
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Varian! No! Stop thinking he was acting! Hugo loves you(like a brother)! And you know it, don’t give up! Hugo didn’t give up on you when you were affected by the amnesia potion so don’t give up on him! The moments you shared, the talks, the cries, the laughs, they were real...he was real, and he still is deep down You just have to be strong enough to search for it.
Seven Kingdoms AU
You-you’re right.
I just...I-I have to keep trying...
[Varian starts pacing again; something he’s been doing a lot of these past few days.]
Gah, but it’s so different-
I-I didn’t remember him under the memory serum. But he remembers me, Belle, and everything that happened perfectly.
A little too perfectly...
It-it’s like his mind is being manipulated somehow...but I can’t put my finger on it.
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disregardcanon · 5 years
au where for some reason, all the members of the tangled cast who have Done the Crime get amnesia to the point where they were Doing the Crime, so rapunzel and her poor parents are trying to catch all her friends who are either trying to destroy the kingdom or rob it blind
the worst part is that they all have varying levels of memories, so eugene and lance don’t know who anyone is, varian knows who everyone is and knows that he wants them to pay, and cassandra has the most. she keeps bouncing between thinking that she should team up with varian so that they can do some tag team destruction and grappling with the realization that everyone else has shifted back to they were villains... and what does that make her?
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:D!!!! :D!!!!!!!! :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SO. BASICALLY THIS STARTS OFF RIGHT AFTER VARIAN AND THE SAPORIANS TAKE OVER CORONA, BUT INSTEAD OF STICKING AROUND, VARIAN NOPES TF OUT OF THERE (while stabbing andrew and the rest in the back which WILL b important later on 👀) AND DECIDES “hm well i’m clearly not getting anywhere with the amber here, i’m gonna go look for a way to break it somewhere else”
so we got varian (and ruddiger ofc) out on a Journey™️, exploring and trying not to get arrested as u do in Journies™️ and thru a series of events that will be elaborated on in the comic, he ends up finding a girl (who calls herself angelie) who turns out to be the princess of a hella advanced kingdom, except she has amnesia and the kingdom fell like centuries ago :/
at first varian tries to leave her at a nearby village like some sort of stray cat but angelie is NOT having it. she’s like “dude. Dude. i literally have zero (0) memories and i know that’s a Dick Move.” after a lot of pestering, varian eventually gives up on getting rid of angelie, but he makes it Very Clear that he’s not happy abt it, so neither of them are that fond of each other at first.
BUT after some bonding that involves infodumping, a snail, and the discovery of magic powers, they eventually becomes friends! yay! and now they have two goals: free varian’s father and get angelie’s memories back!
there’s also pirates, some ghosts, and celestial bodies involved, but those are kind of spoilery so they are a Secret for now
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mash-masha2011 · 3 months
Chapter 1: Amnesia
So, imagine if Varian lost his memories in battle of Old Corona and went on a trip with Raps and co without knowing what he had done! That's it!
So, I kinda just scrolled Pinterest one day and saw Varian amnesia au picture. I searched everywhere and din't find any like what I wanted, so decided to write myself! That's the story! The post was drawn by @chiscribbs. So, yeah. Also, I'm new on tumblr. Just decided to write it here.
One more thing! I will update slowly. Like, last time it took me few month! Though, it was the end of the school year with all exams and all but... still it was really long. And now that I warned you, go ahead and try my au! I really hope you like it!
Giant automaton ran straight on Rapunzel. Boy inside watched with hatred on his young face how princess touched black spike looking rocks that appeared few half a year ago, but his face quickly changed to shock and maybe even fear when he saw how rocks started to glow bright blue and how Rapunzel could, somehow, control them. Varian's shock gone as fast as it came. In a second he was leading his robot to girl he hated the most that moment. He didn't care when black rocks cut off his robot's leg, neither he cared when they did the same with another leg. He could still run without legs while he still had both arms. When Rapunzel broke robots left arm machine fled a few meters before crashed down. Last thing Varian remembered was falling and pain.
Varian slowly woke up. His head hurt and his wrists were chained together. He opened his eyes as fast as he realised it and looked around. There was a lot of people, some in armour, a few others in regular clothes, most of them had swords like they were fighting and the most strange thing was every time someone looked at Varian there was a with mix of fear, disgust and hatred in their eyes directed to him. Aside from that there was a lot of metal pieces all around, strange black spikes growing from the ground and a huge hole in a huge wall.
He noticed a girl with unnaturally long blond hair - like 70 feet or something! - arguing with a big man in all black, woman a little away from them with short black hair and a man with goatee. As fast as long-haired girl noticed that he woke up she quickly came to him with worried look on her face.
"Varian! Are you okay?" She asked carefully with some strange emotions in her voice. There was worry, guilt and... fear? Why would someone fear him? 
"I think so" Varian answered slowly "My head still hurts a little, but that's fine" He answered and tilted his head in confused gesture "Do I know you?"
"Wh-what do you mean? Of course you do!" She said with round eyes and shock in voice. After a small pause she added in higher voice than before "Do you not remember me?"
"I should?"
"Yes!" She looked at him with terrified
"What's wrong, Blondie?" Goatee-man came and put his hand around girl's waist protectively "Did he tried to hurt you again?" 
Again? What does he mean 'again'? Did he already hurt her once? Is that why there was fear in her voice?
"No, Eugene, but..." Girl breathed deeply to calm down and looked at man with still round eyes  "there's a problem" 
"What's wrong?" Man looked at blonde girl 
"Varian, do you remember him?" Girl asked Varian and then looked at goatee-man again
"No..." Varian looked confused. Should he remember them? If yes, then why don't he? What happened here before he woke up? Wait. What happened before he woke up? "I don't remember anything..." Varian whispered
"What?" Eugene asked and no one was sure if it because he was shocked or because he was curious what boy said
"I don't remember anything!" Varian answer louder. His voice was high and shook as his knees and hands.
"You don't ?" Eugene looked shocked and scared but then narrowed his eyes "How do we know Stripes's not lying?"
"Eugene, calm down! We don't, but I won't leave him be thrown in dungeons if he don't even remember for what!" Girl answered. She started calm but her voice grew stronger with each word. 
"I hate to admit it but Fitzerbert is right. We can't trust him after what he did!" Short-haired girl said appearing behind blonde girl
"Cass, I know we can't, but neither can we check if he's lying or not! And I won't leave him alone!" Long-haired girl said confidently and then added guiltily "Not again..."
"Fine, but what do you suggest we do?" Black-haired girl - blonde girl called her Cass - asked clearly annoyed
"I will talk to my dad, explain him situation and..." Long-haired girl thought for a moment "ask if he could go with us on a trip!"
"No way!" Eugene said shocked, but girl already ran off
Who are they? Why am I in handcuffs? Why does this place looks like a battlefield? Who am I? Why don't I remember anything before I woke up? Who are these people in armour? Why does everyone look at me like I was the cause of this battle? Why does that girl has seventy feet of hair?
All three sat in silence for a few minutes.
"Uhh... so, who are you?" Varian broke the awkward silence. 
"I'm Eugene, Blondie is Rapunzel and this ice cold, soulless and heartless demon is Cass" Eugene said with a smirk on the last few words
"For you it's Cassandra" Cassandra said in a really cold tone
"And who is that man in all black Rapunzel went to talk to?" Varian looked at that man and back to Eugene 
"He's the King of Corona, and her father" 
"Wow! So she's a princess! Cool!" Varian's gaze fell on handcuffs and smile appeared on his face fell. After a small pause he asked "Why am I in handcuffs? Am I a criminal? Why does this place looks like a battlefield? Who were you fighting? Where you fighting me? Is that why I'm in these?" Varian started slowly but with each word he spoke faster and higher.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Calm down!" Eugene saw boy was panicking "Breath with me! Breath in. Count to ten. Breath out. Count to eight" After Varian calmed down Eugene sighed "Lets... talk about it later, huh?"
"Then... tell me a little about myself" Varian looked at Eugene 
"So, you're Varian, you probably already know it, you're fourteen, have a pretty strange pet raccoon named Ruddiger. Speak of the devil, here he is!" Eugene gestured to a raccoon climbing Varian's shoulder "You live here- actually, no, your village evacuated due to black rocks so no, you live in Old Corona, and your dad is a village leader" was Eugene thought guiltily "And, of course, you love alchemy!"
"Wow, that's cool. Where is my dad?" 
"Uh... he... went on a... long trip and asked us to look after you!" Eugene knew it was an obvious lie but to his surprise kid believed him. 
"Okay..." Three sat in silence for few more minutes "Why is Rapunzel's hair is so long? It's like..." Varian looked at girl's hair "seventy feet long!"
"She's the embodiment of the sundrop!" Eugene sounded like Varian should know what sundrop is.
"What is 'the sundrop'?" 
"Oh my gosh!" Eugene said slowly 
"Fitzerbert" For the first time in a long time Cassandra spoke, sounding very annoyed "if he's not lying, which is unlikely, then he doesn't remember anything, so we will need to explain him sundrop, black rocks, and other magical stuff"
"There's no such thing as magic! It's just something that people can't explain yet!" Varian sounded like he was explaining the easiest thing to the dumbest kids.
Cassandra's face turned stone cold as she glared at him.
"Yeah, that's closer to Varian I knew!" Eugene laughed a little. Next second Rapunzel came with an exited smile on her face. "Hey, Blondie! How it went?"
"My dad told me Varian can come with us!" While Rapunzel saying this was full of excitement, Cassandra grimaced and rolled her eyes. "Varian, you will come with us on a journey!" 
"Hold on, Blondie, we don't even know yet if he wants to come!" Eugene reasoned her
"Right. Varian," Princess turned to Varian "do you want to come with us?"
"It's not like I have a choice, right?" Varian asked but saw expression on Rapunzel's face added "I mean, I have no memories, my dad is outside of Corona and won't be back soon and judging by Eugene saying nothing about my mom she or left me or dead so I don't have any choice!" after a small pause he asked "So where are we going?"
"Right! We are following the path of black rocks which appeared when I touched one of them!" Rapunzel said gesturing to the black spikes "Let's go! i will tell you everything!"
"Yeah, about that... I don't think I can walk in these!" Varian gestured to chains he was in
"Crap! Sorry, Kid!" Eugene quickly bend down and lock picked the cuffs on his hands and ankles in no time "Here you go!"
"Wow! That was so fast!" Varian looked absolutely shocked and awed, but Cassandra just rolled her eyes
"We have keys for this, you know?" She said flatly
"Don't mind her" Eugene whispered in boy's ear with a smirk "She's just jealous of my handsomeness!" 
"Let's go now!" Rapunzel said visibly struggling to stand in one place
"Okay, okay, Blondie, we're coming!"
When the four of thew started walking Rapunzel finally was able to let out all the energy she was holding in, which to Varian seemed like energy of a whole world.
"So, long long long long long time ago drop of sun fell from the sky. And from it grew a magic, golden, flower. It had the ability to heal the sick, and injured, turn younger and save from death. Then...
Hey! I wanted also say sorry to everyone who likes evil Frederic or Royal pain, but this time I decided he will be a bit more... kind? Understanding? And giving second chances? Bleh, when I write Frederic and kind in one sentence it's like I'm committing crime! Sorry for that, probably reading about kind Fred also wasn't best experience) 
Anyway, see you next time, love you all!
P.S. Don't forget to comment) I know I'm not the best writer ever, but... it would really make my day! Thanks!
Also I noticed that I didn't mention that this isn't a one-shot! So now I'm telling you this! It's not a one-shot! It's a multi-chapter story and I have a second chapter already written!
And also I have V's look drawn and please like it because it was hard with me being a super bad at drawing! Thanks!
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dannyphannypack · 5 years
i’ve scoured fanfiction.net and ao3 for a proper tangled the series varian amnesia au. i’ve even gone so far as to search wattpad; the amount of reader x varian fanfics? despicable. of the HUNDREDS of fics i searched, only ONE was an amnesia varian au, and it had ONE chapter and the last line of that chapter was “who’s varian?” ya’ll LOVE to talk about memory loss varian but don’t got the guts to write him, huh. well, everything is cancelled until i write a varian amnesia au. i’m talking the story i’ve been writing for almost TWO YEARS. i WILL and i am GOING TO set it aside to write a good, proper amnesia au and ya’ll can’t do anything to stop me. you want something done you gotta do it yourself, huh. disgusting. i’m ashamed of all of you
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galaxyspark-6e16 · 5 years
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varian apreaciation week day 4
at first i wanted to draw all of the au’s of the fandon but time run iut so i chose my personal favourite and my personal au for this prompt.
first being the number one au of the fandom the moon theory and the amazing amnesia au( this how i imagined varian first reaction when he woke up)
moon varian belongs to  @ghosta-r
amnesia au belongs to @chiscribbles4smiles
moondrop-spider is mine.
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Wow. Can't wait for Rapunzel and Varian to see you like this. Raps will be crushed. And the kid we feel like he lost someone again.
Amnesia AU
What are you talking about? Who is Rapunzel you keep talking about.
*Raises a brow*
Who’s Varitas? sounds like a made up name.
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polyasolnuhov · 5 years
I’ve made a trailer for my AU (https://rainbowwatermelonstuff.tumblr.com/post/184056197125/um-hello-this-is-my-tangled-au) and now i’m happy person.
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