#evo headcanon
mosstalon4 · 1 year
grian wing headcanons? dont mind if i do!
long post under cut
grian, when the watchers first "gave" him (forced upon him) his wings, they gave him wings of clay. they did this on pirpose, but told grian otherwise. they said it was his fault, that his greed was still within him, and that as long as his wings reflected this, he would never be a true watcher.
when grian left the watchers, and joined hermitcraft season 6, his wings changed, as he was no longer in his watcher "form". despite this, his core being (and code) had still changed, and his (formerly) human form now had wings (as well as some other "watcher" traits.
at the beginning of s6, grian's wings were mostly white, but to them still clung the odd, cold, uncomfortable, and not-quite-real purple of the watchers' influence. (many mistook the color of the purple-gray of a standard enchanted elytra, an assumption that grian leaned into.)
as s6 progressed, the purple slowly began to fade, his wings warming into a full, rich, and healthy white. (at one point, they almost looked like sun-kissed sand.)
during the a77 vs hippies arc, grian's wings darkened somewhat into a mossy stone gray, with flowers and mushrooms growing in them.
in s7, grian's wings became almost like the stereotypical parrot wings he is frequently drawn with, but with red, yellow, and green feathers, and no blue.
during the mycelium resistance arc, those colors faded, overtaken by odd, gray-purple fungus. when the resistance was over, his "parrot" colors returned.
he kept the false parrot coloration in 3rd life, although his wings were too small to actually use, especially without elytra. as he lost his lives, his wings lost color, going from red-yellow-green, to red-yellow, to pure red. when he died, although his body wasn't there for long before the world began to reset, sending him and all the other contestants home, his wings faded into a dull, lifeless gray. not the gray of stone, not even really the gray of death, but rather the gray of unlife.
s8, grian's wings returned, at first, to their not-parrot coloration. as boatem progressed, his wings darkened to match the dragon egg, the void, and the star-speckled skies, that of the server and of midnight alley.
as the moon grew closer, grian's wings brightened menacingly, a pale glow overtaking the speckling of stars and the dark purple-blue of of the space between. when grian jumped into the boatem hole with his friends, his wings had been entirely eclipsed with the moon's light.
s9. the light of the moon softened and warmed, back to a almost neutral, sun-kissed sand white. until he discovered/built the Entity, and they darkened into an odd stone-flesh gray, once again growing moss, among other things. like this, at least while on the hermitcraft server, his wings have remained.
during his time on empires, grian's wings returned to their not-parrot coloring, but seemed to shimmer with golden sunlight.
grian's wings in his "watcher" form, should he ever return to it, have remained clay all this time.
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mcminer · 1 year
Watchers Headcanon
Their fingers are the obsidian pillars in the end.
Their fingers are of obsidian, and they hold the end above while they rest, we can make it so their palms are of endstone but main point is obsidian fingers.
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living-dead-guyy · 27 days
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I’m going insane I want to eat it so bad
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scatterbrainedart · 8 months
The alien Pearl canon along with the evo-hermitcraft connection headcanon is insane because Pearl’s first appearance in evo was her literally falling from the sky. I believe
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go-learn-esperanto · 2 years
Love the implication that to be a Watcher you have to be female
Grian: Finally we're on the last one. I've officially been going at this for 10 minutes now. You know what? I'm gonna give this angel a piece of my mind. Actually, having said that, the statue at spawn was also a woman and that one is also a woman with wings. So I'm starting to think that the Watchers depict themselves as angels but whether they actually are I don't know? But they seem to be definitely female.
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aeriona · 7 months
How Inkfish Change their Ink Colour
Here's an extremely long, (poorly) illustrated speculatory post about how ink and inksports could THEORETICALLY work in Splatoon! yippee!
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Ink is a mucous that Inklings, Octolings and Cuttlings produce with their ink sac, where it can be expelled through the mouth and siphon (and through the skin via the ink vessels, but don't worry about that just yet). You can take a look at my diagram of the ink vessels here.
Spitting up or sweating ink is a common stress response in ink-bearing cephalopods, it also serves as an extremely rude gesture if you happen to aim it at someone else's face.
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Inkfish actually can't change ink colour on their own, so instead they have to rely on artificial means to brighten and saturate the colour into something more easily recognisable.
The history behind inksports is extensive. In ancient times, inkfish would use naturally occurring dyes (such as clay, plants etc.) to change their ink colour, often to denote a particular social group. In modern times, colours are artificially synthesised and treated to have a minimal impact on the inkfish's body as possible, as believe it or not constantly eating red clay wasn't exactly good for you.
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The colour of an Inkling or Octoling's skin is determined by chromatophores, which can be basically any colour or shade they choose. The chromatophores function completely independently from the ink sac, so it's possible to have differing skin and ink colours (although you'd probably confuse your teammates a fair bit).
This is fine and cool and all, but how do inkfish prevent different team colours from just blending all together in a match? WELL! While turfing capsules also change ink colour, they can also alter the chemical qualities of the ink itself by introducing something called polarity!
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There are two kinds of turfing ink- polar and nonpolar. In easy terms (I am not a chemist), it's what allows two different colours of ink to sit on top of each other in separate layers instead of diluting together like paint. Before a match starts, each turfing team is given dye capsules in their respective team colour, with each team having opposing polarities to prevent inks from mixing together during the game.
Before technology got involved, people would simply use oil and water to prevent one ink colour from mixing with another's. Nowadays, oil and fat derivatives are commonplace as it's less likely to cause health problems as the body slowly processes it out.
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Splatting works when enemy ink reacts with the outermost ink vessels in an opposing team member's skin, forcing the victim to contract their ink sac and spit up all their ink (usually in the form of a super-jump back to spawn, though in the moment it's not uncommon to overshoot it). It's also possible to splat someone with blunt force trauma, but we tend to call that assault. Splatting is usually not dangerous, but it's still not a terribly pleasant experience and is somewhat painful, akin to a nasty static shock.
This splatting reaction is also why water is used in turf stages as a restrictive barrier, as water causes the same splatting reaction in the body as enemy ink does (at least until the dye wears off).
Okay that's all I got, I'm not gonna go into ink weapon mechanics because I'm tired... perhaps another day haha. Hopefully that all made sense and I apologise deeply if it didn't. Feel free to shoot me an ask if something needs to be cleared up or explained in further detail haha
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Everyone on, or well, from Evo has feathers on their ears.
It's expected for Grian and Jimmy as bird Hybrids, Avians, but the others definitely get looks once people realize they all have them despite the lack of Avian traits, it's easy to realize it's a weird thing when they all have them despite all odds of genetics or luck.
Nobody will ever know the panic the members went through, both the ones the reconnected and the ones that scattered to the winds, when they first came in before they got Out. That the feathered ears (and for some, in other places too), actually predated Jimmy and Grian presenting as Avians so many years later.
That the others, before Grian knew they were alive, before they knew Grian was alive, held with bated breath until Pearl presented into a Moth hybrid of all things. So it wasn't a premonition of a change to come…. But then they didn't really know what it was then, other than a reminder, or maybe just a marker of what they all went through.
Later, when Grian is informed his players have been found and alive and there's tears and fights and screaming and hugs that bruise, they will notice the wings, and he will notice their lack of and the feathers that are still there, and they will talk, but nothing will come of it.
And if later, during SMP's and Life series, if someone questions their feathers, they will all exchange secretive, searching looks with each other before saying It's nothing important.
If you ask Grian he'll look off into the distance with a plastic smile and say it was a side effect of something from a while back, and will change the conversation, but if you're observant you will see the sliver of guilt that haunts him.
If you ask Jimmy he'll clam up and stutter but will just say he doesn't know, that he's an avian, but maybe it's a confidence of genetics, who knew really? Before distracting and distancing himself from the topic.
If you ask Pearl she'll stop and stare with suddenly cold eyes and say with a polite, smiling voice that's all teeth that says that's sort of rude, isn't it? Her tone will be harsh or teasing depending on who asks and how much she cares about them, but her eyes will still be cold, and her words pointed that she will not be answering.
If you ask Martyn, he'll freeze for just a second before his face darkens, even if his tone is light or aloof. He'll say that's a story for a different day (one that will never come) but say that there was an… incident awhile back, and it left its mark, and that's it really.
If you ask BigB, he'll spout something different every time. His face never wavers, his smile never dips, his tone light and teasing, his words are confusing and lead you in circles of the story, until later you realize nothing he said made much sense, and confused on how he seemed so truthful despite the fact he was obviously lying.
As for the other survivors of Evo, well, they disappeared into the winds the moment they got Out, and nobody makes connections with them because why would they? They have no clue they aren't just normal people who just happen to have feathers on their ears, with nobody to compare or connect to.
And the Truth? The Truth is something they will likely never tell, events and secrets kept close to their chest because they're trying to move on and the feathers, while a reminder, don't mean anything more than that to them. After all, they just grow back, so it's easier to just let the pain they cause fade.
After all, Evo left its mark in many more ways in one for the players trapped there for however long, and the feathers are honestly small potatoes compared to their other scars, both mental and physical.
If you are going to interact, please Reblog instead of Like. Likes do nothing! I appreciate it <3
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good-vs-evo · 4 months
moon quartet thoughts cuz the brainrot is getting to me 😭🙏
since yy and hc both have braids, i decided that xl would have a lil braid on his left side going into his bun (mirror of hc) and hx sometimes braids his hair down the side like yy :]
hx is the best cook, hc is second best, yy is passable, and xl is [CENSORED]
ppl see hx as like kind of scary and serious but i think he'd be kind of playful w all three of them :) he likes fighting w/ hc (says he needs to humble him), riling up yy (because he's just so chill so often and he thinks he looks cute when he's a little mad), and trying to make xl laugh so hard he either cries or falls over or falls off whatever he's sitting/laying on
xl is so good at reminding everyone to take care of themselves and they're getting him to do the same for himself more and more :D
hx is clingy like a cat in the morning, and xl can carry him in one arm while he does his usual morning routine
yy's a super good singer and any compliments abt it make him blush (he still likes singing/humming when he does stuff around the house)
hc is kinda a neat freak and will keep things very polished and clean in their house
oh yeah they share a house
they also share paradise manor (mainly yy and hc)
and puqi shrine (mainly hc and xl)
and also visit bw territory (mostly hx and yy)
xl and yy both wake up early and they spend some time in the mornings hanging out! xl makes tea and yy will make them a quick lil snack and they sit together and chat or just chill in silence
during that time, hc moves over to cuddle hx until he gets up, then hx goes and searches for xl lmao
hx is the tallest, so forehead kisses to everyone! affectionately (but a little condescendingly to hc just to make him mad /t)
everyone forehead kisses xl because hes just so fucking cute
xl fights people, anybody, who ever say bad things abt his bfs (they all think thats unbelievably hot)
im gonna keep making more when i think of more because i love these guys so frickin much.
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minecraftbookshelf · 1 year
See the thing is I don’t think any of the Evo squad walked away from Evo as watchers except Grian…but none of them walked away unchanged. And a lot of what changed them was the Watchers and so that left it’s mark.
Like, Jimmy as the Canary is obvious. One of the first on the server and the last to leave and now doomed to be the first to fall forever.
Martyn is the one who escaped. Or so it seems. But something is off and it’s almost like he’s haunted. Or maybe hunted.
Netty…Netty is like Jimmy. She was there on day one and she preceded him off the server by fractions of seconds when it finally died. She saw up close what the Watchers are made of and the power they wield. A specific flavor of magic that she got her hands on and refused to release. Martyn is lost in the code. Netty walks through it.
BigB and Pearl… It’s no coincidence that they became the Nosy Neighbors and were Always Watching. They aren’t Watchers. Not really. But they See things Players aren’t meant to see. And sometimes they can do more than See. Sometimes BigB can speak and be spoken to by entities other than Players, and sometimes Pearl can walk where Players aren’t supposed to.
And they all underwent some physical changes too. Jimmy and Pearl’s were the most noticeable; the changing colors of their wings, but they were not the only ones.
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talonboot · 1 year
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The wyverns from my wings of fire speculative evolution tree are finally all finished!!!
Meet the plumed wyvern, an evolutionary prototype of the modern skywing! Known as the 'feathered fist,' the plumed wyvern was the first member of the entire dragon family to truly take flight. They had the longest wings of any wyvern, which they used to glide across mountain ranges and swoop down onto prey.
They were so successful in their niche that they have remained somewhat unchanged across time, only becoming larger and smarter in their modern skywing form. One major difference between them and their skywing descendants is their lack of firebreath. That was a later development...
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mothmags · 10 months
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hehehe watcher grian go burrrrr
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i want to do a grian design that really pushes the bird and cryptid vibe this guy gives off, but for the sake of this post, he's just a guy with some wings ig
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obsessedwithao3 · 5 months
Headcannon timeeeeeeeee
First of all,I headcannon that there are watchers,listeners and speakers
I also headcannon that there are 3 types of watchers.The normal watchers,the runaway watchers(same species)and a subset of watchers,the viewers.
As the name suggests,the viewers are us.The viewers (a.k.a everyone who I headcannon as a watchers chat)also appear as eyes.However unlike watchers the eyes are all different.Some are more square some circular,some have lashes some don't that kinda stuff.
There are the mouths(speaker equivalent of viewers)and the ears(listener equivalent of viewers)some mouths are red,some wear lipstick,some don't.Somd ears wear earrings,some dont
I headcannon a lot of ppl as something that's not in their original lore so I'm going to go server by server
Grian(runaway watcher)
Etho(spirit which made a body to posses)(I stole that from somewhere I think)(kitsunei spirit)
Scar(runaway speaker)
Joel(tanooki hybrid)(the propaganda)
Jimmy(runaway listener)
Scott(some kind of god being that the watchers hate)(starborn maybe I'm not sure)
Dream( watcher)
Eret(Herobrines child)(that might actually be cannon)
Ranboo(time traveler)
Bad(fallen angel)
Clown(eldritch horror being thing)
Branzy(phantom hybrid)
Rekrap(runaway listener)
Squido(deity that doesn't know she is a god)
Planet(alien species that body is made of light and works like the stars)(white light=young,orange=medium,red=old)
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trashcanflagic · 6 months
What if...
What if when Grian was put in witness protection after Yandere High School, he had been given a new name, Xelqua? What if the person who gave it to him was a Watcher who had taken an interest in him, choosing to follow him? What if he had been given a grave with the name Grian on it? What if none of the Hermits knew, not even Pearl, as by the time Evo started it was safe for him and Taurtis to go by their original names? What if Etho was the only one to know because he lived in Japan and saw a grave with the name Grian? What if that was why he reacted strangely to meeting Grian the first time because to him, Grian was dead?
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living-dead-guyy · 10 days
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Minecraft nether chicken lore 😭
Finger lickin’ good
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numblittlecrow · 1 year
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I figured that after years of my art going unseen by anyone other than me and occasionally my friends, it was time to pick a platform and start Heckin Posting! So here, have my 2 most recent drawings of Grian the bird man, done quite a while ago because of course.
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solargeist · 7 months
wait wait please elaborate the storyline for if he agreed to become a watcher, PLEASE!! I actually kinda want to dive into that idea.. i hadnt heard of the theory before, why did he agree? when did he? what was it like after? did he know anything about the watchers?
ok but doesnt this also kind of fit his personality more?
oh man, I'll try my best, its been awhile since i've watched Evo, and words are not my friends !
Grian knows about the Watchers, they were a common occurrence in Evo, the portals, the pranks, the traps, and the symbols were normal in his day-to-day.
He was their favourite even, gifting him a diamond, in a chest full of coal, a diamond in the rough, in their many eyes. I'm not sure if he knew this though.
I do think at his core, he has a Watcher's personality. He pranks people, he sets traps, he leaves symbols even of his own face, he makes secret bases under other's bases so he can watch them, he likes spying. They must've taken notice of this.
Its not actual lore, but Taurtis makes fun of Grian multiple times for talking to the Audience, which, fourth wall, is us! But I like the idea of it being story, its the Watchers, already leading him down this path from the beginning, hes so promising ! Taurtis calls them the voices in his head, Grian doesn't argue, "Are the voices in your head telling you that?" "Hm..... No, the voices don't even know, its a secret!" The voices, the audience, the watchers, all the same thing. Grian says he's meant to be the hero of the story.
Anyway, Grian meets the Watchers after the server all teams up and slays the dragon, they reach the End. He is 25 years old.
The portal leads him somewhere different than everyone else, everyone else goes home. He goes beyond the credits, who knows where it spawns him, but it doesn't matter, he's being offered a deal, a chance to ascend.... I don't know the exact reason he'd agree, but I'm leaning towards a selfish reason, he's gotten bored with his limitations, he wants to be better, do better, those updates.. They're enticing and he's envious, in the beginning he was punished for being greedy, but now he's being rewarded.
After ? I guess he just lives with the Watchers, in an End city somewhere ? Learning how to craft portals by hand, update ideas, watching players, pranks, traps, symbols, fun ! its fun ! hes having fun !
He starts growing wings ! Its not really fun anymore !! That was the one thing they didn't tell him about, not directly, he agreed to be a Watcher, he clicked his heels and said I wanna be a watcher, but he didn't understand it meant really becoming one physically, yknow, it could've been a title! a role he's meant to play !
I write two paths from this point. 1) He runs away from the Watchers and ends up in Hermitcraft, still with those brilliant white wings.
2) He just sticks with it, creature mode, he grows wings, it sucks, but things can be fun again, back to it, he grows talons, it hurts, but still, he spends his time digging through servers and player lists, he grows two more eyes and feathers peek through his skin. He's 25 years old, he likes pranks, and traps, and symbols. This is more the bad end friends version LOL that I use for fanart fun.
Thats, all the storyline ? That I draw ? Its nothing crazy, just a tinyyyy bit more than canon . My version, my theory, my boy !!
But at the end of the day, regardless, I do think the Watchers genuinely love him, maybe in the way you love a puppy and give them treats when they sit and be quiet, but they're extremely fond of him.
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