#everything russians claim they care about or want to protect
redjaybathood · 9 hours
Evacuation from Hirnyk, Donetsk region, 09.09.24
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navnae · 2 years
In my head Erica becomes Steve and Eddie’s favorite child (and biggest shipper).
Eddie already loves her because she’s a pro at dnd and after that one game he was already open to inviting her to play anytime. Both of them have this playful banter from time to time which really shows Erica warming up to him despite her denying anything even close to that. Overall they enjoy each other’s company and their chemistry is unmatched. Steve automatically having a bond with her due to the whole Russian situation, he’s grown to love her just as much as the other kids. Erica would never say it out loud but one day after everything had happened she pulled Steve to the side and thanked him for protecting all of them. She has a lot of respect for the both of them because they’ve looked out for Lucas when things wasn’t looking to good and anyone who cared about him was okay in her book.
As much as we have established that Erica cares about them too she won’t shy away from telling how dumb both of them are. Immediately she notices how they look at each other like their hearts are going to explode, the way Steve’s body tenses up when Eddie’s around, how Eddie purposely leans into Steve’s space. Erica could literally feel the tension in the room whenever they where together. She couldn’t stand how they couldn’t get in their heads that they’ve fallen in love and something had to be said. Steve kept saying that Eddie wouldn’t even give him the time of day if he asked him out or Eddie would say Steve had other options so he wasn’t going to try to be one of them. Erica rolled her eyes every time she heard those words because none of it was true. While both of them are looking at each other like sad puppies and avoiding eye contact when one of them looked in the others direction Erica already made up in her mind that she’s had enough.
“Okay. I think it’s time for both of you to come clean already, this whole Romeo and Juliet bullshit is driving me insane.” Erica blurts out. Steve and Eddie looked at each other with wide eyes.
“What are you talking about?” Eddie asked.
“Yeah.” Steve chimed in.
“Jesus Christ… I’m talking about how you two like each other obviously.” Erica says without any hesitation. Steve was already on the verge of denying her claim even though she was right. Eddie started panicking he didn’t think he was that easy to read.
“Are you crazy? We don’t like each other like that, we’re just friends Erica.” Steve said firmly trying to kill this conversation as fast as possible.
“He’s right. It’s not like that.” Eddie agreed with Steve’s statement. His chest ached knowing that he wasn’t being completely honest and it was killing him.
“Last time I checked friends don’t look at each other like that.” Erica announced with a smirk on her face as the the two boys shared a confused expression.
“Like what?” They asked in unison.
“Like the way Lucas looks at Max and the way Max looks at Lucas.” Erica folded her arms while smiling because for once both of them were speechless. Steve and Eddie were blushing messes at this moment, they didn’t want to look at each other just in case they got the wrong idea but that was far from truth. They met each other’s eyes for a split second before looking at Erica in complete shock. The last thing they expected was for her to read them like books on a shelf, with a laugh coming from her she turned the other way to walk out the room, “idiots.”
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katyspersonal · 8 months
Also I want to apologize for my xenophobic language (when I resent "Westerners" for various ideological and/or simply human/emotional problems). It is seriously fucked up to apply hostile mob mentality to the nationality, especially coming from me who so often rants about compassion and not breaking people into categories.
In the end I see I lack emotional intelligence to apply my own pain and negative experiences to other people to predict how they will feel and be careful, yet I claim that I have it and hold it over those I oppose ideologically and emotionally. Many Russians fallen for homophobic and nationalist propaganda fir example but I still feel hurt when someone generalizes us, don't I? Because "if it doesn't apply to you personally you won't feel hurt" logic does not work. Everyone sees themselves as a part of this or that group and at least a little bit will want to protect it, and feel threatened by such statements. White people who aren't racist are still hurt hearing how whites are only good for more racism and should extinct, cishet people who support queer people are still hurt hearing how they are dumb and harmful, etc.
But what I just described is similar to resenting Westerners isn't it? So, I ended up talking and thinking like people I oppose. It is always the same thing of fighting beasts uncarefully and thus becoming one. It is a risk everyone faces when they feel strongly about something and I should not act like I am immune to common human flaws entirely.
I think in some way I gave up and figured there was no point to even try to choose my wording because "people that want to make me an enemy will still find something bad even in the most polite wording, so why care?" but despair is not a cool, sympathetic thing reserved for intellectual elite or something. It is bad, dark evil that rots the person and destroys the bridges and harms everything around that is still alive and full of hope. Despair is also not an excuse for xenophobia.
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irenethewoman · 1 year
Mrs.Shelby-Chapter 9- Gift
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April 1920, Birmingham
John called us to the Garrison pub, claiming there was a matter to announce. He said he was going to marry Lizzie Stark. I don't want to comment on this. Everyone's a whore; we just sell different parts of ourselves. Those were Tommy's words.
Lizzie Stark is a good person; at least she knows gratitude. She took care of Martha before she died, and even after, she often visited Martha and John's children.
But John is a Shelby. How can Thomas Shelby's younger brother marry a whore? What does that mean for the future of the Peaky Blinders? What has happened to the Shelbys? Love runs deep, and for the sake of love, people throw everything away.
"Tommy, can you understand?" John pleaded with his brother. "You have Diana, and I deserve love too."
...Why should I care? I am Lady Vanessa from Chelsea, and would it be embarrassing for Tommy and me to be together?
At this moment, Finn rushed in, saying we had been robbed. The Lee family made it clear that they are also a bunch of bastards.
As I flipped through the ledgers, reconciling the lost property, Tommy found a pair of pliers on the table in the meeting room.
"Don't move! There's a hand grenade here," he warned.
Listening to their stories about the "jokes" on the battlefield, I was stunned. Still, I quickly responded, "No, there isn't. Otherwise, we would have been blown up when we came in."
"The bullets they sent only have my name on them. They want to kill me."
...Alright, what bullets? Tommy kept this from me again.
I watched him run out of the betting shop, seemingly knowing the location of the bomb.
I looked down at the ledgers. Money can be earned again, but things more precious than money are irreplaceable. If we want to replace Billy Kimber, we cannot afford a setback and let the Lee family take advantage. We must negotiate and become a tight unit.
Tommy returned, having found the bomb in his car.
He listened to my thoughts and nodded. I asked if he wanted me to accompany him.
He remained silent for a moment and shook his head. "The Lee family knows I have a beauty with me, but they don't know you."
"So what?" I frowned at him. I didn't understand. I just wanted to help him bear more, and besides, we were going for negotiation, not war. What's so scary about them knowing who I am?
Tommy shook his head and gave me a teasing kiss. "Can you... uh, smoke less..."
Tommy went to the outskirts market, and I accompanied Polly to find Ada.
Poor Ada, pregnant and living like a rat in the dark basement. Love? If this is love, I'd rather not.
Ada gave us the address of one of Sean's associates, a life for a life.
Since Ada left home, this was the first time I had seen her. She had changed from the lively girl of those years into a thin woman with a bulging belly. Her face was pale, and her eyes rolled around like a frightened quail.
"Don't torture yourself just because you hate Thomas," I squatted down, trying to persuade her gently. "And Thomas has done a lot for you and Sean, even though he sometimes seems annoying, he loves you. Go home."
I tried to persuade Ada to go home for rest, but she firmly refused.
It was raining heavily. I tightened my coat and stood in Tommy's garage.
Finally, Campbell arrived.
I handed him a note with Chapman's address. "This is Stanley Chapman's residence, and he has £200 from the Russians."
Campbell reached out to take the note but I dodged. "Use it to exchange for Sean."
He nodded. "You have my guarantee, Miss Turner."
Guarantee? Who would believe your guarantee? I raised an eyebrow.
His eyes betrayed him; he seemed to see me as a little animal that could be played with. He probably thought I was a gentlewoman protected by Thomas, harmless and innocent.
I didn't bother to correct his mistake. Let him see the consequences of his prejudice.
He asked me to pass a message to Thomas, asking him to hand over the weapons as soon as possible, and made a series of threats.
"Your spy, Grace from Garrison Pub," I spoke as he walked away. "Quite useless."
I watched Campbell stop in his tracks, turn around, and look at me.
We silently confronted each other.
"Miss Vanessa," he called me by my title.
That's right.
Despite scoffing at the news of "grandfather looking for me," I still managed to contact the informant who came from London. My grandfather, David Barton, was in poor health, his only son had already passed away, and he wanted me to return to be his heir, inheriting his factory and vast wealth. He even offered to help me inherit the title of Baroness—even though my younger brother George was still the current heir.
My grandfather went as far as seeking Churchill's help to communicate with me. Although I was indifferent to inheriting the wealth, I felt a bit emotional seeing the news of my grandfather.
In the face of the upcoming war, the support of such a wealthy old man would be a great help to the Shelby family. So, I decided to return to London temporarily.
I briefly talked to my grandfather on the phone, but the most important thing for me was to find information about the Russians.
The Shelleys sent a car to pick me up.
I drove my car and waited at the entrance of the Garrison. I planned to tell Thomas about my temporary departure to London and also to ask him about the Russians.
But Thomas seemed to be in a bad mood.
"Tommy," I called his name, but he only gave me a cold look.
"I'm leaving for London. Grandfather asked me to inherit the family business," I said softly.
This time, he finally looked at me seriously. "When?"
"As soon as possible. I'll be back after handling the family affairs. It's just a temporary return."
He didn't say anything. I could feel the chill in his eyes.
"I need to know more about the Russians. Do you have any information?" I continued.
He finally spoke, his voice indifferent. "We're dealing with them."
That was all he said.
I left Birmingham without saying goodbye to the others. As I boarded the car, I took one last glance at the Garrison, hoping that when I returned, everything would be fine.
However, fate had a different plan for me. I didn't know that my temporary departure marked the beginning of a series of unpredictable events.
As I stepped into the car, I could feel a storm brewing on the horizon. Little did I know, the storm would change everything.
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3-heartstyle · 7 months
Llorona's relations w/ The Donquixote Family
For the most part, she's the only member of the crew that Doffy forced her to join. Her role of the crew is their treasurer because of her background of being a jeweler. Layla's "loyalty" is rooted in her fear of dying but she still has a bit of fondness for some members.
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She is absolutely terrified of Doflamingo
Won't look into his eyes since the first escape attempt gave her the tear tattoos on her face
She's aware that the only reason he wants her in the family is because of her devil fruit
Tries to avoid him as best as she can but it's difficult since he seeks her out
In Doffy's perspective, he has a sense of nostalgia of owning a slave as a celestial dragon
Mix in his mommy issues and you get uncomfortable interactions
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She's so confused by this man, they might be friends?
One moment he's cold and distant then suddenly he's attentive and surprisingly sweet???
Hates the fact that he hits the kids but knows she can't stop him
When it's just them together he shows that he has a sense of humor and can get her to laugh
Her reflexes have gotten better with his clumsiness
In Corazon's perspective, he knows he can't get her out without Doffy hunting her down so he tries his best to make her life less miserable
He finds her normalcy comforting and seeks her company when he's tired of everyone else
He does freak out internally when he realizes he fell for her and tries to hide it (beats himself up out of guilt)
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She finds her very... Eccentric...
This "friendship" is very much just her agreeing to Giolla's taste in art and crafting her "unique" taste of jewelry
Llorona does appreciate that there's another woman in the group
There is a hidden feeling of resentment towards her since it was Giolla's decision to take her in
In Giolla's perspective, she adores having another artist in the group
Loves having to pick out her clothes (with Doffy's input) and dresses her up like a doll
Appreciates the helping hand in taking care of the children
Senior Pink
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She finds him one of the most normal out of everyone
At some point she pinpointed a romantic man underneath that hard boiled exterior
Teases him endlessly and likes to offer advice even if he won't take it (he keeps it cool through it all)
In Senior's perspective: finds her to be too fragile to be in the family, both mentally and physically
He only protects her if it's dire, he'll never let anyone in the family break his demeanor
He does go to her in designing the engagement ring for Russian
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She finds him extremely irritating
His constant prying and accusations of her relations with Corazon is one thing but also pursuing her? Annoying!
She uses his ego against him to leave her alone but it'll just be temporary and he'll be back at it again!
Diamante's perspective: he likes his women feisty and since her husband is dead it's fine to flirt (like he'd cared anyway)
But he has noticed that Corazon tends to be softer with her, if he's going to claim her then he has to have his fun first
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Disgusting! Revolting! Hates him and is loud about it
Everything he says gets on her nerves and causes her to lose her composure
Hates his power too! Reminds her of frogs (she hates them too)
Trebol's perspective: finds her outbursts amusing
Only sees her as a source of entertainment and as a weapon
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Lao G
She finds him a bit odd but not off-putting
He kind of reminds her of her own grandparents
She enjoys his company and often spends her time just chatting away
His sudden bursts of energy when it comes to the letter G does surprise her from time to time
Lao G's perspective: a soft hearted young lady, maybe too soft hearted
Enjoys the company and finds her to be a well member of the family
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Gladius and Pica
She feels like she's walking on eggshells around those two
Knows they're very destructive when they're angry and tries to avoid that as much as possible
If something riles them up, she'll try to calm them down (it never really works)
Gladius's perspective: he finds her bearable until she tries to butt in to calm him down
Pica's perspective: thinks of her like any other member, hasn't caught her laughing at his voice so she's safe for now...
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The kids
She adores them!
She enjoys their company and raising them helps fill in the void of losing her son
But feels terrible that they're part of this crew and what they do to them
She wants them to leave and live a normal life but doesn't want to be left alone with these pirates
Baby 5's perspective: loves that she can be of use to someone so nice! Another girl in the group that loves romance too is wonderful to have
Buffalo's perspective: loves having her around! She's so nice and gives them ice cream when they're good
They both never want her to leave :)
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She saw her son in Law's eyes for a moment and it freaked her out
Kept her distance for a bit to avoid breaking down in front of him
It broke her heart hearing his story, she thought she has a chance to heal with him only to find out he'll die too
Tries to have Law get close with the other kids so he won't feel lonely
Law's perspective: he assumed that she avoided him because of his disease and hated her for it
When she stopped and tries to be nice with him, only confused and irritated him
Only tolerated her kindness since she's the only adult that doesn't harm the kids
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jackie-of-all-spades · 7 months
Oh my god you sound like a pompous ass with a fixation on Jews. Piss off.
Alright a nice and timely bit of hate, from I'm guessing either Spacelazarwolf or Slyandthefamilybook, but who knows and it doesn't really matter.
Here is a breakdown of everything that just happened. I came across a post denouncing antisemitism by someone I follow. A good message save for the fact that it was essentially worded
"If your not Jewish agree that antisemitism is bad as if this conversation took place in a bubble, or you suck"
I then agreed that yes, antisemitism is bad, but refused to pretend any speech occurs in a bubble free of the context of the world around us and the events that transpire in it, soooooo, while yes antisemitism is bad maybe we should also have a discussion about how a particular state in the middle east is attempting to turn the multiple Jewish denominations, and multiple Jewish ethnic identies as well as that state into a Monolith so that criticizing any constituent part of that list constitutes criticizing the entirety.
(I'll admit my initial response was a little more wise ass in tone than it probably needed to be, I don't responde well to posts telling me to "say what I want you to only then shut up")
The response I then received for wanting to also talk about the Israeli state trying to turn the diaspora into something like the monolith that neo-nazis and antisemites paint them as when they say "the jews", and how that is probably a bad thing likely to result in more of the antisemitism that they were asking people to condem as that far right government carries out terrible actions; was, "shut up forever" before i was blocked or it was deleted. Not exactly sure which since I can't look at spacelazarwolfs blog who I'm guessing blocked me, though I think that response was from sly. Regardless the response was essentially
No, I don't want to, shut the fuck up and never talk to me again
So, not exactly the response I'd expect from someone who was genuinely just trying to promote awareness of the growing problem of antisemitism.
As for your charge there anon about me having a fixation on jews. I don't, i do have a fixation on history though the thing I care about is the dual rises in both Identitarianism, and the violence that historically follows a push of that mindset. Whether that's white guys attacking and assaulting people with Hispanic names or dark skin in my country, the use of Russian Nationalism and pride for defeating the nazi's being used by putin to try and claim land and eradicate an ethnic minority, or ethno-religious nationalism from the Israeli state widening the definition of antisemitism to use it as cover to do the very same thing to its neighboring ethnic groups that the states founders wanted a state to be protected from ever experiencing again.
Conversations don't happen in a bubble... those that try to force a conversation to occur in a bubble have an agenda, and I've found, It's usually one that historically you should be wary of because they are trying to hide something.
And with that. May those pushing antisemitism get punched in the face as all Nazi's and antisemites should, and may Palestine be free and it's people find justice.
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news-of-the-day · 1 year
Talks about the debt ceiling continue with little progress, and a default is looming come June. With Republicans holding the House, they want to use their position to reign in spending and are demanding a cap on future budgets. Another sticking point is requiring work for benefits (medicaid, food stamps, financial aid, etc.). There are other smaller issues, like releasing money sequestered for COVID, defense spending, and more oil drilling.
Russia and the Ukraine have been fighting for the city of Bakhmut for a long time, and Russia has claimed victory, although the Ukraine says they're still in and the Wagner mercenary group hasn't agreed with the win. Two Russian groups fighting for the Ukraine pushed into the Belgorod region of Russia to attack. It hasn't seemed to do much damage and Russia claims it has repelled it.
Fighting also continues in Sudan. After long standing leader Omar al-Bashir was ousted in 2019, power was shared between two individuals, Lt. Gen. Abdel al-Burhan and Lt. Gen. Mohamed Dagalo. who control two completely different armies, the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). Facing internal and international pressure to return to civilian rule, tensions between al-Burhan and Dagalo grew as they had to determine things like who who would subordinate to whom in the new power structure. Last April, suddenly the RSF attacked several SAF bases and since then it's been a mess with hundreds of civilians dying and hundreds of thousands fleeing, especially since a lot of the fighting is taking place in the capital, Khartoum. Attempted ceasefires have been brokered, but neither side is paying particular attention to them.
Trump appeared virtually in court over his trial for the Stormy Daniels payout, so the judge could issue a protective order on evidence, i.e. Trump or his lawyers cannot discuss evidence that isn't already public knowledge. Judges are known to put in such orders, but in this case it was prevent witness intimidation. Both the judge and the DA have received death threats already.
AZ, CA, and NV made a historic deal over the Colorado River. To put it quite simply, the river is drying up and will probably run out if nothing changed. Considering it nourishes over 40M people and provides irrigation for some of the US' most fertile land, this is a massive problem. The three agreed to decrease their intake by 13% in exchange for $1.2B in federal funds. This isn't enough to stop the problem however, but it's a move in the right direction.
E. Jean Carroll is seeking an additional $10M against Trump in her defamation case. Carroll sued Trump over her claim that he raped her back in the 90s. (It was too late for a criminal trial, but NYS briefly allowed civil sexual assault trials to proceed.) Two weeks ago the jury agreed with the sexual battery claim and awarded her $5M, and the defamation case is continuing. Forgive me, I am about to geek out because defamation lawsuits fascinate me. Although we recently have had two high profile verdicts (Alex Jones, FOX/Dominion), they are very hard to win, particularly if the plaintiff is a public figure because they need to fulfill the "actual malice" standard: i.e., the defendant said the statements knowing they were false or with "reckless disregard" with the truth. So for example, I write these posts and I may make a false statement. I don't mean to, sometimes I do poor editing, or I didn't understand the issue properly, or the source I got the information from may have been incorrect. It's unlikely anyone would win defamation against me since everything I write is researched and in good faith. In the FOX/Dominion case, it was pretty obvious after sifting through FOX's internal communications that they didn't care whether Dominion voting machines were rigged or not, they wanted to boost their ratings against OAN and Newsmax, and so brought on contributors who made baseless claims against the company. As for Carroll, I think she has a decent shot given that she won the civil lawsuit over the assault itself, so now Trump's ad hominem attacks on her would make him more liable. Of course this is all going to appeal, so we'll be hearing about it for a while.
1) BBC, The Hill 2) NYT, Al Jazeera 3) WSJ 4) Washington Post 5) Reuters 6) Politico
Thank you for your kind words while I was on break. I can’t cover everything I missed, but I’ll try to provide context for the latest news.
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charlotte-of-wales · 2 years
H&M Documentary Review: Episode 5
(my commentary in italics)
- Meghan says she felt alone a lot during her childhood and always wanted a big family so when she was pregnant with Archie she was excited that she could give him that (through the Royal Family I mean). Claims she did everything she could to make the family like her and be proud of her.
- Videos of Sandringham 2018 and scarfgate lol
- Harry claims the palace wasn’t willing to protect Meghan and the media noticed that *insert all the times the palace defended her against negative stories and all the time royal reporters claim the palace asked them not to run certain stories*
- Meghan “I wasn’t just being thrown to the wolves, I was being fed to the wolves”. Does she not realize those dramatic and clearly rehearsed lines come across as anything but genuine?
- Meghan talks about Thomas Markle again. Says his interviews talking about the family after the wedding were embarassing to the family and that she reached out to “Her Majesty” asking for advice on what to do and eventually Elizabeth and Charles suggested that she write him a letter (has this been confirmed before, that it was their idea? I find it hard to grasp why they’d suggest something that could so easily be shared with the media like a letter but I digress)
- Meghan also implies the letter would be stolen if she sent it directly to her father so she sent it to her business manager in LA first. Claims the signature from whoever received the letter did not match her dad’s handwriting. 
- Harry and Meghan say they wanted to take legal action against the Mail for leaking the palace since the start but the Palace wouldn’t let them hence them searching for private lawyers
- Their lawyer claims she has seen evidence that the Palace briefed against Harry and Meghan to the media to suit other people’s agenda.......I’d love to see that evidence girl for a LAWYER to be making these claims without proof is rather crazy
- They are now saying Meghan was used as a scapegoat by the Palace to make negative stories about the other royals go away
- Videos of them (including lots of Archie) in Vancouver in the Russian oligarch’s mansion
- while in Canada, Harry claims he called Charles and suggested they move to Canada full time in order to still support the Commonwealth and the Queen.....but I thought the Commonwealth was the Empire 2.0?
- Meghan says the royal rota is based in London so they wouldn’t care about what they were doing.......ingenuity (not to use a worse word) at its finest
- She then says “you guys can be in the front pages of all the papers, you can have it exactly the way you want it. and we can just go about doing the work in the name of the Queen” by you guys I guess she mean the royals and we, her and H. This is lowkey shady but also royals need the papers to talk about them doing the work in the name of the Queen to get attention for their charities, which means the Sussexes would still need to have some sort of relationship with the media. Going around Vancouver visiting charities and being shush about defeats the whole purpose. 
- Harry: “if you want us to go and do things on behalf on the Queen. we’ll go and do it. And we’ll pay for it ourselves. We don’t want to be dependant on any taxpayer funding. You get us, and you’ll get us for free?” WITH WHAT MONEY ARE YOU PAYING FOR IT YOURSELVES??? Yall stayed at some random shady dude’s house in Vancoucer and used public security provided by Canada AKA TAXPAYER FUNDED. That would never work, unless they were doing something similiar to what they are doing now. Which is precisely why I’m assuming Queen Elizabeth II and Charles were not having this plan. 
- gosh the lack of braincells is crazy.....Harry now says they wanted to remove the public funding because it would take the media’s claim to printing stories on them go away. Not how it works love.
- Harry says the palace signed off on him and Meghan moving to South Africa but The Times leaked the news, so the plan was scrapped because it became public debate. (it would become public debate anyway when they announced it + it makes sense to release pieces of information like this to see what the public is thinking so the leak could have been a good thing but oh well)
- Interesting. Harry says that if their move to Canada didn’t work they were willing to let go of their Sussex titles.....why are you still using them then??
- Harry says the Queen wanted to see him and Meghan when they came back from Canada and told them she wasn’t busy. Right before they got to the airport, Harry was told he couldn’t see her because she was busy. He called her and she said she was told she’d be busy all week. The implication here obviously being that they tried to keep her away from him and, once again, he sounds quite angry when he says it. They keep trying to sell this narrative that Elizabeth was this naive innocent thing being used as a puppet by Charles and William and it’s sad. Plus.......Harry, buddy, she is literally THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND. She could very well be unexpectedly be busy. 
- Meghan: “his dad say put it (their plan to move to Canada) in writing. And he did, and just five days later it was on the front page of a newspaper. “ Harry openly said the palace leaked the news.
- Meghan *once again* talking about their wishes to keep supporting the Commonwealth and for the first time they talk about their role as President and VP of the Commonwealth’s Trust........when they were shitting on the existence of the Commonwealth two episodes ago. Got it. 
- Harry said that with their instagram statement announcing they were stepping down, he didn’t blindside the Queen and he would never do that because he has so much respect for her. Says these discussions went on for months and months. *sure did but were the Queen, Charles and William aware of your statement? Did they agree to the terms y’all decided? No, huh?
- Harry and Meghan were angry she wasn’t invited to the Sandringham Summit because she is “the mother, the wife and the target”. 
- Harry: “I went in with the same proposal that we already made publicly”. HOW DO YOU NOT SEE WHATS WRONG WITH THAT STATEMENT???? HOW IS THIS NOT BLINDSIDING THE ROYALS????
- Harry complains about not being allowed to do the half in/half out thing. In his own words, to be able to have their own jobs while also working to support the Queen. 
- whoop there it is, the bit about William. King behavior (wish someone recorded the yelling bits, for science)
- gosh I’m bored how am I only half way through
- interestingly enough....Harry defends the Queen by saying her main goal was to protect the institution and that’s what she was taught. Says she will follow whatever advice she’s giving regarding the Sussexes as if this woman doesn’t have a working brain of her own and hasn’t been doing this job for decades. 
- the bs Harry is saying about the family is so much worse than I thought god
- “I think, from their perspective, they had to believe that it was more about us, and maybe the issues that we had, as opposed to THEIR PARTNER, the media, and themselves, and that relationship that was causing so much pain to us” calling the media the royal family’s partner is WILD
- Harry says one of the saddest parts in all of this is the break of his bond with William and William has chosen the institution’s side. 
- THE HYPOCRISY OF THIS MAN, complaining about William putting out a joint statement with Harry’s name saying that William did not bully him out of the family because he never agreed on it WHEN HE RELEASED A STATEMENT ON INSTAGRAM ANNOUNCING HE WAS STEEPING DOWN FROM THE FAMILY THAT THEY NEVER AGREED ON 
- “in four hours they were happy to lie to protect my brother and yet, for three years, they were never willing to tell the truth to protect us” my brother in Christ YES THEY DID MANY TIMES (also William is literally the heir????)
- the way they edited this doc made this whole thing seem so petty because it’s almost like Harry saw the palace protecting his brother and said “yeah?” and left in retaliation like a child
- oh my god, the white man got tired of lecturing us on racist and started us on misogyny. Go on, king, keep telling us about things you have 0 knowledge on x
- gosh all these two do is sit around in other people’s homes
- talking about bots and online hate
- this one woman saying that by targetting “symbols of social justice” it tells other people to stand down???? girl
- footage of them meditating and crying over this audio of someone telling them they are not who the media says they are I’m uncomfy
- lots and lots and lots of pictures of them at Frogmore Cottage during their farewell tour and why even bring a professional photographer along??? so odd?
- Meghan “until that last week in the UK I rarely wore color  why are we still talking about this yes you did
- they say they would come home after engagements in the farewell tour and think they could do this forever. They both say they miss the British public but not the press.
- Meghan says on the plane back from the farewell tour, a crew member kneeled next to her seat and said “I appreciate everything you did for our country”. She says it was the first time someone noticed the sacrifice she made. Meghan says she tried so hard but it still wasn’t good enough and she still didn’t fit in.
- oh yikes pictures of the Waleses’ Carribean tour, including the fence pictures
- Harry: “anyone inside that system, whether it’s my family, whether it’s staff, whether it’s PR, whoever it is, have already miss an enormous oppurtunity with my wife and how far that would go globally” I see Harry missed the lesson on tokenism when he was taking his ‘white savior and racism 101′ crash course. That’s what you’re describing here, buddy, to use a woman of color to prove a point. 
- by the way, they’re talking again about the disconnect between most people in the Commonwealth (mainly black and brown people) and the Royal Family. They talked about Barbados and how many countries should follow etc. (again I can’t miss the irony in H&M getting these clearly anti-monarchist to talk in their docs because the only reason they even got a doc or a platform in the first place was because of the family)
- “their departure felt like the death of a dream” the dramatics goshhhh
- Harry complaining about the palace removing their security but.....I thought you didn’t want to live on taxpayer funding? I thought you could pay for everything yourself? What’s the issue bud?
- episode ends with them talking about covid, and fears of the border being closed which led them to LA.
They somehow manage to make this more boring and yet more frustrating with each episode? Anyway can’t wait to get this over with lol
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novumtimes · 15 days
Putin Denies Russia Is Nervous About Kursk Incursion
Vladimir Putin has just denied Russia is at all “nervous” about the Ukrainian troops occupying its land. Ukrainian forces unexpectedly broke through Russian borders last month – the first time they’ve been breached since World War 2 – and are now occupying 1,000 sq km in the Kursk region. Moscow’s troops are still occupying a far greater proportion of Ukraine (109,000 sq km), but the bold move from Kyiv sent a shockwave through the Kremlin. And, to make matters worse for Russia, Putin’s top team seemed to be caught completely off-guard, while his troops are yet to expel the Ukrainians. But, speaking at the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) on Thursday, the Russian president seemed to up the ante around the ongoing incursion. According to Russian state news agency TASS, he said: “When we talk about these issues, first of all we should think about people who are certainly going through serious trials and suffering from these terrorist acts. “It is the sacred duty of the [Russian] armed forces to do everything to kick the enemy out of these territories and to reliably protect our citizens. “And, of course, the whole country must do everything to support people.” Putin was initially pretty slow to react to Kyiv’s offensive, preferring to keep his troops on the attack in Ukraine’s Donbas region instead of moving them to Kurs. Despite claiming it was Russia’s “sacred duty” to protect this land, he also admitted he was not prioritising defence. He said: “The enemy’s goal was to make us nervous and worry and to transfer troops from one sector to another and stop our offensive in key areas, primarily in the Donbas. Did it work? No.” According to the head of the Ukrainian army, General Oleksandr Syrskyi, Russia has now sent 30,000 troops to defend Kursk to date – but they are still facing major losses. The average daily Russian casualties (killed and wounded) in Ukraine has increased to 1,187 per day in August, due to the Kursk operation, according to the UK’s ministry of defence. The MoD also claims Moscow has suffered over 610,000 casualties since invading its European neighbour in February 2022. In its latest update on X, the MoD said: “Although Russian pressure on the whole frontline will continue over the next month, their capability constraints will likely continue to reduce their ability to exploit any tactical successes into wider operational gains.” Meanwhile, the Kremlin in general is continuing to promote a more victorious message. Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, said: “The Kyiv regime and its Western sponsors remain obsessed with the idea of – as they put it – inflicting a strategic defeat on us. “Given that the situation on the battlefield is getting worse for the Ukrainian armed forces, the Kyiv regime has started to promote what they call a new plan.” She said Kyiv wanted to start using long-range missiles on Russia, a plan “of trouble” rather than one “of victory”, according to Zakharova. She even claimed Ukraine’s leaders are “completely detached from reality” and “don’t care about anyone in Ukraine”. Source link via The Novum Times
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Peter Navarro, second ex-Trump aide to be prosecuted for contempt of Congress, faces trial Tuesday | CNN Politics
This is simple s*** this is very clear I wasn't trying to get out was is not even applicable who cares if he claims privilege or not is what the committee said and it's the Senate he can claim privilege up and down the River and the article says he claimed privilege and they weren't paying attention I didn't pay attention back to that either cuz they put it down in The Notebook is Julia noted that he's claiming he doesn't have to cuz he's a president or worked for and they don't care and they told him it does not apply here because of the severity of the crime and it's ridiculous because the presidential privilege to other things does not apply to you messing with the election and yeah I swear all we messed with the election because it was so ruskies is what you have to do and nothing has been mentioned about that at all that's all you can do and then it becomes a mess and you don't believe it but it would what was your involvement with the Russians feel like crap through a goose cuz you're a traitor and so is your boss is Massa here Trump's the fag.
This person doesn't understand it and he's going to go to court and look like a blueberry idiot. Anything since it's about executive privilege it is worth it too is lawyers do too they're a bunch of boners it has nothing to do with the executive privilege it was declared and it was they were told that it is meaningless by the committee and they announced it and recorded it and moved on with everybody else different you're not and you can bring up the topic and say it protect you but you have to have a reason for using privilege it's just like him using campaign finance money for his defense on cases that are not related to campaigning and he can be brought up in federal charges for that I don't know if you're going to see any correlation I'm telling you because it's annoying s*** he tries it on everything and I catch him on everything and it's threatens with it and says nothing for you or him except gets your stuff taken there's some kind of dupe and he's a dupe and you won't acknowledge it and you're going around scoffline walking the American system telling people off and you don't have any cars it's just ridiculous what do you mean you can be ridiculous of course you can cuz you're running to court screaming that he did say this and they know he said that you look like assholes.
I also want to say this is my husband and me but I started to comment above and I will say I can't stand this guy at all this is what he and his idiots are doing and try to distract people but what it is and they go in and the judge convicts them and sends them to jail and it look like assholes
This is pretty bad I heard about this too we're hopping in the fact that I evokes presidential privilege and nobody listens is not really what it is I did it and they said it doesn't apply it is because they say so he's right why it's privilege what what are we snotting those kids it looks horrible you have to argue something it's privileged because we can't disclose it that's something but not nothing you can't revisit an argument and have an argument about nothing it sounds like people are choking me out on purpose and getting rid of themselves because they suck and really there's a lot of that with our race and he says no he's just a stupid person and I do get something you are holding off and you're not answering the subpoenas and you thought it was something it's different than it was something and that's probably your defense your defense is I thought we had executive privilege and in the emails you can see that you did and her friend says thinking it doesn't mean anything but it might to the court and he says it probably won't but he's going to go ahead and use it it's like a little kid acted oh I didn't know that and then the adult world that doesn't matter. He went through a red light oh I didn't see it and I still give you a ticket it's amazing how it works here. I see the analogy and I get it and we go through red lights all the time and say it doesn't matter especially bothering him it's the dumbest thing I've ever seen and he says you're getting killed they're putting it right in your head and your brain is coming right out of it so I should probably stop doing stuff like today of all this plans and stuff to bother me I do understand something like this hovering chick and they shoot me for that because it's treason I have to be there he says to intercept but what I'm doing is so damn vile and annoying I have to figure out something I ruined my position it's actually true it doesn't care about my mental status everybody around here suicidal occasionally but there's some things wrong here you being under the impression doesn't make any sense because it doesn't mean anything I know he's arguing the point I invoked it because I thought there's something wrong with the election and it was being tampered with my foreign power and I didn't say that part it says you have to like have people with proof and it's going to lead down a dark path right back to me he says and I think it will and it's probably 10 minutes into nothing at all and that's why I didn't say anything so is this f****** loser saying it for it looks like Gray Davis that could be one thing this baby s*** it's juveniles and parade this in front of the people and it's horrible and there's a lot more of it when that came from
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redjaybathood · 6 months
It's killing me how pervasive russian propaganda is. Propals love to claim that the West is hypocrites bc they support Ukraine but not a variety of countries and people they, themselves being from the West more often than not, did not give a shit about before. They would rather blame anyone else: the government they voted for, the media they are reading, - than look into themselves.
This paradigm also ignores:
Massive anti-Ukrainian russian propaganda campaign that is running for ten years now. Chances are, all they heard about Ukraine before the full-scale invasion is Azov, Bandera, Nazis, and that's what they're running with it (especially leftists/tankies who think Greyzone is a reliable source of information). Despite chances are, there are more far-right in power in their country than there are far-right politicians in Ukraine. Despite the massive reform Azov underwent. Despite the voices of our Jewish citizens and academics, despite Muslim soldiers in Azov;
Massive support russia, russians, russian imperialism still gets. For one example (and there are numerous) Australian ABC TV station recently made a documentary based on the point of view of russian invading forces, and it treated everything they have heard from them or seen as a legitimate point of view. Bucha massacre denial, for example. This is not humanization, this is straight-up genocide denial. And I know that UK TV also showed this documentary, it's side by side on their website with the documentary about Ukrainian abducted children. The children - those of them who survived the deportation anyway - are being indoctrinated against Ukraine, right now, trained as soldiers. If you even care;
The obvious reality that after people realized that there's not going to be a WW3 or a nuclear war anytime soon, they stopped caring all that much, if they ever did. Look at tumblr: any Palestine or even Israel-related post gets 20+k notes easily. That's not something that we see nowadays with Ukraine, if ever. And there is more negativity about Ukraine here, or on other social media, than for Gazans. And this is even counting that Gaza is the base for legit terrorist organization that committed a massive terrorist attack against the civilian population and is currently holding hostages. Which is the justification Israel puts down for their attack, and for their massive infliction of civilian casualties - but it's also what happened. Whereas in Ukraine, what happened was a Revolution of Dignity, where the victims, the dead, were the people who protested against the corrupt government and won. They didn't attack civilians, they didn't kill russians, they didn't even ban a russian language. They just didn't want to live in a corrupt country, in a police state, where children can be beaten up by police forces and be sent to a hospital. That's how Euromaidan started, if you even care. And Euromaidan is exactly the justification russia put up for the invasion back in 2014. You get me? HAMAS terrorist attack spiked huge support for Gaza and the Palestinian cause even before there were 30K Palestinians murdered by Israel. Even before one such death. Ukraine's fight to protect its freedom was met with indifference if not hostility.
Nothing of the above means you should not care about Gaza and Palestine. But somehow, it means that people treat it as a morally superior position not to care about Ukraine, to blame their government, to blame their media, to blame schools and parents and corporations - and, of course, zionists. Which is their dog whistle for Jews.
It deserves another post, how quickly misinformation and antisemitism spreads on tumblr. Holy shit. You guys are fucked up.
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dnvrsmedia · 3 years
I Meant Every Word I Said
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!reader
summary: reader comes back from a mission and involentarly spills the truth on how they feel about their crush on a certain redheaded assasin.
word count: 1185
genre: fluff
warnings: sugestive themes but no smut
masterlist / ask box
you do not have my permission to repost my material and claim it is yours. that is plagerism.
likes and reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed.
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You wracked your brain trying to figure out what went wrong as you stumbled out of the quinjet feeling lightheaded and dizzy. It was a simple recon mission at an abandoned Hydra facility. Nothing that you haven’t done millions of times previously. You thought that everything had gone well until now. You managed to get your ass inside and up the elevator.
The familiar ‘ding’ caused everyone relaxing in the livingroom to turn their heads. The woozy and unsettled look didn’t go past these highly trained individuals, more specifically Natasha Romanoff.
“Hey! How was the- Y/N are you alright?” Nat cocked her eyebrow in a questioning manner. You took one wobbly step out of the elevator.
“Is it just me or is everything spinning really fucking fast?” You slurred out before collapsing to the ground. Before you fall, you feel strong arms wrap around you.
“My hero.” You used the last of your strength to lift your mouth next to Nat’s ear, brushing your lips on to her soft skin. You try to seductively speak but end up sounding like you were about to have a life-threatening stroke.You passed out before you could see the faint blush and look of concern that washed over the former assassin’s face.
You wake up in the med bay with a groan. The pressure of someone’s hand in yours warrants you to open your eyes out of curiosity. The (assuming) once warm cloth, now lukewarm, slides down your forehead as you lift your chin. Surprisingly enough, the cold exterior-redheaded- Russian spy is clinging on to your hand as she naps in the chair at the side of your bed. You try to move once more but a wave of dizziness hits you like a semi-truck prompting you to groan even louder. That groan wakes up the redhead besides you. Within seconds she was standing by your side.
“Hey tough guy,” she flashes you her ever so infamous smirk. “You feeling okay?” She squeezes your hand. You oddly take the hand that is in yours and kiss her palm due to a wave of confidence that you previously never had around the spy.
“How could I feel anything else but bliss when I’m around you,sweetheart?” As soon as the words fell out of your mouth you felt your face heat up as did Natasha. Being this bold was completely out of character for you. You were the shy nerdy type that always had your nose in some book or geeking out with the science bros about some new statistical anomaly. Like oil in water, you and confidence did not mix. At least not until now.
“Excuse me?” Nat looked at you both shocked and painfully flustered. Normally it was Natasha that made you blush crimson.
“You heard me, princess. You know you are painfully beautiful. If I had to die I wouldn’t want to die anywhere else but between those thighs.” You smacked your mouth shut after that horribly explicit confession you just made.You didn’t think it was possible for Nat to get this flustered or flustered at all, but your incompetence to keep your mouth shut seemingly broke her.
Nat stood there opening and closing her mouth like a fish out of water.
“Nat I am so sorry I don’t know what is coming over me-” As you apologized Banner barged through the door.
“We ran some tests and think we found some sort of truth serum found its way through your body, Y/N. To make sure, can you remember walking through some area with maybe some broken air pipes or did you accidentally kick some sort of gadget that could have released this sort of thing?”
You tuned out almost everything Banner was saying to you as you ogled the stunning woman in front of you.
“Every single part of you is perfect and I wish I had the balls to ask you out.” You dreamily sighed as you pulled Nat on top of you on the bed. Nat let out a little yelp as she fell on top of you.
“Now this is something I could get used to.” You looked up horrified at the woman on top of you as she giggled into the crook of your neck.
“I think that answers the doubts you may have Dr.Banner.” Nat laughs as she looks back at your embarrassed demeanor. Banner nods and scurrys off to presumably get the antidote.
“I like having you in my arms, Natty. It makes me feel like I could protect you.”
Natasha’s heart melts. Not only at the nickname that only you are allowed to call her, but you want to protect her. She has never had someone want to protect her and she's willing to open up to that feeling with you. Natasha looks into your eyes in admiration.
“Fuck it.” She whispers as she cups your cheek. This kiss was everything you could have imagined and more. It was intense and sexy but that lustful feeling turned into her wanting to prove how much you mean to her. It turned sensual and full of care. You two would kiss forever if you could, but it was interrupted by your coworkers.
“You owe me twenty, pay up bird brain.” The familiar voice of Tony Stark makes the two of you separate. You look over to see Clint begrudgingly taking a wad full of cash from his wallet and smacking down a wrinkled twenty dollar bill into the hands of the billionaire.
“You couldn't have gone on the mission next week!” Clint groaned but shut up quickly when Nat shot him a glare. You just laughed.
“Be nice Natty.” You teased and kissed under her ear. You lifted her face back to see the red on her cheeks darkening at the use of the nickname in front of your friends.
“Yeah, Natty! Be nice-” Clint says but is quickly sent to the ground with the use of the redhead’s widow’s bite. You gasp and turn to your new lover. You lift your head to her ear and speak.
“Don’t be a brat, sweetheart.” This time, you confidently pull away as the woman on top shudders.
“I- I don’t know what you mean. Banner, Where is that serum?” She awkwardly coughs and slides off of you so that she is sitting next to you opposed to directly on top as you chuckle at her visibly being uncomfortable in comparison to her normal calm and cool exterior.
“Oh I already gave Y/N the antidote when you were asleep. I have no clue why she is still acting like this.” Banner shrugs. Now it’s your turn for your face to heat up.
“Okay I can explain! Everything said before Banner came in was involuntary!” You feel like your face was the seventh ring of hell. Of course Tony and the others happened to find all of this amusing.
Everyone seemed to find this hillarious, but you couldn’t read Natasha’s face.
“But you meant every word you said, right?”
“So...my thighs, huh?”
She cheekily smirked as you groaned.
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gotnofucks · 3 years
Lover’s Quarrel
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Pairing: Steve x Reader
Summary: You have the powers to resurrect if you’ve been murdered, and a jealous Steve Rogers indulges heavily in your abilities. He would not let you steal his best friend, that was for sure. So what, if your rivalry regularly caused fire and harm to public property? You just couldn’t let the other win. 
Words: 4.3k
Warnings: Smut, enemies to lovers, violence, killings and murders (but reader cannot die, it’s weird. She has some sorta powers that help her revive when she’s been murdered), language, 18+ ONLY
A/N: Is this crack fic? Idk. Maybe?
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The sixth time Steve killed you, you decided he needed to be dealt with in a similar way. It doesn’t matter that he cannot come back from the dead like you. He just needed to go. You were tired of him offing you every time he felt threatened by your existence. But this was the last straw. He had pushed you off the Quinjet while flying home from a mission and you’d fallen into the lake and drowned. You would NOT recommend dying that way.
Bucky had dragged out your dead body and watched over you as the blessing of the necromancer worked its magic over you and brought you back to the world of the living. The first words out of your mouth as you spewed out water were, “I am going to kill your best friend and you can’t be mad at me for that.”
Bucky, far too happy to have you back – poor guy still mourned every time you died – ignored your comment and pulled you into a hug. He’d never quiet gotten used to seeing you die. You patted his back, muttering a few there-there’s until he was calm enough to press quivering kisses on your head and temple.
“You need to stop dying.” He said into your hair, holding you close.
“I would not be dying if your best friend didn’t murder me every time! He is a menace, Buck!” You cried in exasperation. The said best friend was watching you from a few yards away, and he rolled his eyes as your words reached him. He scoffed loud enough for you to hear and you sharply turned your head to glare at him.
“You!” You shouted, quickly standing up and marching over to him. “You rascal!” And then you pried out your wet shoe from your feet and threw it at his stunned face. Unfortunately, it didn’t hit his face but smacked against his chest, leaving the wet print of your soles against his far too tight t-shirt. He gaped at you open mouthed before baring his teeth in warning.
“Oh god, every time you come alive again, you’re even more awful than before!” Steve shouted, and then just because he is fucking drama queen, he threw out his hands. You sneered before turning to look at Bucky meaningfully, the most obvious ‘see what a dick he is’ look on your face.
Bucky shuffled uneasily, caught between your quarrel once again. He came behind you and gave you his jacket to wear to shield you from the cold. And just like that, your anger melted a little. Somehow, with his steel blue eyes, Bucky Barnes could sooth every wound you’d ever had. Even those given to you by Steve Rogers.
“I am so sorry. I should have seen what he was about to do. I wouldn’t have ever let you fall had I known.” He apologized and you swore your heart physically quivered. You pulled Bucky into a hug, hiding your face in his chest, savoring his arms coming around you to hold you tighter. You could have stayed in his embrace forever, but it was an annoyed groan that ripped you both apart.
“Is there any way you can stay dead a little longer?” Steve asked, breaking your moment. “I mean, I’ve tired a bullet and knife and water and poison. What can I do that you’d be gone for just a little longer?”
He was worked up, a red flush creeping on his face and neck. Pacing, he was muttering, and you wondered for the millionth time how Bucky could be friends with him. He was just so extra! You wanted to tell him to shove a stick up his ass, along with the one already there when he turned swiftly like the wind and threw a dagger at you. A metal hand caught it before it could hit you and you were pulled into the warmth of Bucky’s body quickly.
“Steve! Cut it out.” Bucky yelled, glaring at Steve. “You will not kill her again. I don’t care if she can come back alive again. You won’t hurt her.”
With that, he dropped the dagger on the ground and walked away with you. Unable to resist, you looked over you shoulder and flipped Steve off. Fucker could kill you a hundred times and yet he would not be able to do anything. As far as you were concerned, Bucky was as much your best friend as his. And if Steve Rogers couldn’t control his jealousy without trying to behead you every time he felt you were stealing Bucky from him, you would just have to make his death look like an accident.
“I don’t think I need to tell you that you can’t kill him either?” Bucky said teasingly, his eyes soft and fond. “I need you both to survive.”
You groaned, bumping your shoulder in his and snuggling into him as a cold breeze hit your wet clothes. He could read you like an open book.
“You are no fun Barnes.”
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There was rubble and fires and shrieks. Natasha was yelling in Russian as she ran about with a fire extinguisher and Clint crawled out of his vents to help Bruce out who was turning a dangerous shade of green. Tony was sitting in the ruins of his kitchen, his mouth half open as he spied on the ensuing battle in the middle of it.
Sam was using his shield to push Steve away who was shouting curses that had probably not been invented yet. Bucky was holding you back by your middle, yelling in your ear to calm the fuck down but all you could think of to do was smacking Steve’s face with that chair that was currently on fire. You suppose once everyone was calm, you’d feel guilty about your part in destroying the Avengers kitchen but right now that wasn’t important.
What was important was that Steve had tried to kill you. Again. He had actually thrown a fucking grenade at you. You barely had the time to kick it away where it exploded in the kitchen and then Steve was on you, calling you a bitch in all the 9 languages he knew.
“Calm the hell down, Steve!” Sam yelled, struggling to keep Steve at bay from you. You were glad to see that Steve’s nose was busted. That will teach the bastard to ‘look down his nose’ on you now.
“She pierced my ears! The fucking bitch pierced my goddamn ears!” Steve yelled. Even you had to admit, the golden hoops looked amazing dangling from his ears. Just perfect.
“You are lucky I didn’t stick a knitting needle in your eye Rogers!” You sassily replied, “The only reason you’re still in one piece is because I promised my best friend that I wouldn’t hurt you.”
The muscles in Steve’s arms tensed and Sam groaned, barely keeping his own footing. A dark shadow seemed to have crawled over Steve’s face, turning the blues of his eyes an angry shade and had you been a weaker person, you would have trembled. This was the face of someone who had stood against armies alone and came out victorious. But for all you cared, he could kiss your ass.
“He is MY best friend. Mine. Not yours, not anyone else’s. Bucky Barnes is mine and I will kill you a thousand times until it sinks in your thick skull!” Steve growled. You scowled, a scathy remark bubbling on the tip of your tongue when you suddenly stopped. Why say when you can show? So, looking Steve directly in the eyes, you went limp in Bucky’s arms, turned around and cupped his face. And then you kissed his cheek.
Steve let out a strangled cry behind you, but you focused on Bucky who was blinking in disbelief at your audacity. And so, just for the heck of it, you kissed his other cheek. And then his forehead.
“Bucky Barnes, you are my best friend and always will be!” You said, hugging the life out of him. You heard Steve break away from Sam, heard Bucky yell out a curse and holding you protectively as his jealous pal came rushing to claim him. And all through that and the chaos that ensued later, you just smiled broadly.
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Tony was giving a lecture, and he sucked. He gesticulated too much for your liking, and you really didn’t like how he kept emphasizing things by looking pointedly at you. It wasn’t even that much of a big deal, and even if it was, it was not your fault. Like every other time, the only person who could be held responsible was the blond super soldier sitting beside you, wearing the same shade of annoyance on his face as yours.
“I repeat” said Tony, his hair askew, “we do not use Friday to settle idiotic, absolutely ridiculous personal vendettas!”
“You have Friday tell you how pretty you look every day!” You countered and Tony slammed his hand on the table.
“Because I am!” He huffed. “You, on the other hand, stopped a mission in the middle to ask Friday who had a higher score! I mean, what the actual fuck? And what score?”
Steve had the decency to look at least a little sheepish. You however didn’t put up with any of that nonsense. It was his idea anyway, and you wouldn’t take the fall for him. Not when Tony looked murderous like this.
“Rogers bet me he’d take down more enemies than me. We only asked Friday to keep a count. I had literally nothing to do with it.”
Tony turned the ire of his glare at Steve who was too busy giving you a dirty look. He was just pissed you won, and that Bucky had spent the entire ride back tending to your wounds rather than Steve’s. It wasn’t your fault his jealous ass always threw a fit whenever he saw you and Bucky together.
“You said the team could use Friday as we saw fit.” Steve said, though he did look a little guilty. It wasn’t like him to lose command and control. Even when he’d been Captain America, he had never let anything rattle him. Not until you had come prancing in his life and stealing his best friend.
“I said the team could use Friday, not stop everything in the middle of a high risk mission to see who has a bigger dick.” Tony said, and then he just collapsed in his chair. Poor guy had been working too hard to carry the team forward, and in that moment, even you felt guilty. Your rivalry with Steve shouldn’t have to affect everyone else, not when they had been so welcoming and loving to you ever since you joined.
You walked over to Tony and dropped a kiss on his head, caressing his hair. “I am sorry Tones. You won’t have more trouble from me.”
Tony looked at you as if seeing an angel. He looked at you as if you were the solution to all his troubles. Despite every furniture of his you’d broken and set fire to, he was so grateful to have one sane voice between them. Cupping your hands, he looked imploringly at you and asked, “Really? You’re gonna stop fighting with Steve?”
At that, you solemnly nodded and patted his hand gently. Poor him and the poor team going through hell because you and Steve couldn’t settle your differences. It was obvious what had to be done.
“Of course I will” You said magnanimously, because of course you were the better of the two. “Steve just needs to find another best friend and there won’t be any reason to fight anymore.”
If any of them had been drinking water, they would have spit it out. Since they didn’t, they just kind of choked on their saliva and sputtered at you in absolute disbelief. Tony actually looked betrayed and Steve seemed to have licked a lemon, if the look on his face was anything to go by.
“She” He said, voice thick with contempt, “needs to go away. We can launch her in outer space or somewhere from where she can never return. You know why? Because Bucky is my best friend. Since we were yay high!” And he raised his arms a foot off the ground to show just how high.
And just like that, the moment was gone. Rogers opened his mouth and any goodwill you had had went poof. So, you did the only reasonable thing any sane person would do right now and that was to flip him off and call him a pig. You knew he was inching to strangle you; you could see his fingers twitch. A part of you was anticipating it, for Bucky would never forgive him for killing you again. Just as he would have lunged at you, push Tony out of the way and did you away for good, Bucky burst into the room with the expression of a cantankerous 100 year old grandpa who had had enough with the world.
“For fucks sake! Just shut up you both!” He yelled and paced the room. His eyes were bloodshot and hair disheveled, a clear sign that your rivalry was taking a heavy toll on him. Steve opened his mouth to say something when Bucky raised a finger to shush him. “No no no! You listen to me you oblivious, utter moronic fucklets!”
Your mouth dropped open. Bucky never cursed at you. He had never called you a fucklet before.
“You two need to stop. You hear me? You need to STOP!” He raked a hand through his hair before kicking the ground in frustration. “I can’t eat. I can’t sleep! I can’t fucking breathe without you both arguing over who is a better friend to me. So, here’s an idea. Instead of fucking me over in the middle of your sexual tension, why don’t you find a room and fuck each other? Because I tell you now, I cannot fucking take it!”
Silence sat pregnant in the room. You blinked at Bucky. Steve blinked at Bucky. Tony blinked at Bucky. And Bucky didn’t blink at all.
“That – uh – what?” You said, eloquent as ever. “That is so stupid.” And you laughed awkwardly.
Steve glanced at you and then stammered, “What? That – I haven’t – that has nothing to do with it. She and I – what?”
You both found each other’s eye, quickly looked away and just became silent. The tension in the air was suffocating you, and a terrible heat was settling in your stomach. Without another word, you walked out of the room, muttering about how ridiculous the whole idea was. The three men watched your exit, and a moment later, Steve left too, still very much in disbelief.
Tony and Bucky sighed, sitting across from each other and just taking in the fact that the elephant in the room had finally been address. A moment later, Tony began drumming on the desk, looking up at the ceiling.
“I couldn’t have put it any better myself.”
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You felt antsy, as if staying one more moment in your room would drive you mad. You kept jerking your legs and arms, a weird restlessness in every action of yours. What the hell was Bucky saying? The sheer nerve to imply that you…you and Steve had some sort of feelings for each other. You hadn’t heard that kinda crap since you nursed your nephew who’d had diarrhea.
The only reason you and Steve fought was because you wanted Bucky. He was supposed to be your best friend, and clearly it was his inability to decide who he preferred more that had led you here. And to pretend, on top of that, that it was you who was at fault was just ridiculous. As if you’d touch Steve Rogers with a ten foot pole.
But…would you? You suppose he couldn’t be that bad to touch. He did have gorgeous eyes that got all dark and dilated when he fought with you. And his breath hitched when you got him mad and he bit his lip to stop from cursing you and he flushed a very becoming shade of red that started from his cheeks and disappeared down the neckline on his tight shirts that –
Holy fuck!
The realization rocked your world. What the hell? When you thought about it again, it seemed as if you’d just described Steve being aroused. Did you really fight him and got him mad to stimulate yourself? Oh god. Bucky was right. You wanted to fuck Steve.
This wouldn’t do. This wouldn’t do at all. You quickly changed into your work out gear and rushed to the gym, intent on sweating out whatever feelings you might have for Steve. After all, nothing says fuck you like imagining someone’s face on a punching bag and just going to town on it. Thankfully, when you arrived the gym was empty.
You’d been working on your stretches for only a few minutes when your worst nightmare entered the gym. He probably had the same idea as you and froze the moment your eyes met. His blue eyes narrowed at you and you stood up straight. You hated Bucky for putting the thought in your head. Now all you could think of was tackling Steve to the ground and fucking him senseless. You still wanted to beat him, but in a very different way.
As Steve entered, his eyes fixed to your form, you decided it was time to leave. After that fiasco in front of Tony, you didn’t think yourself capable of talking to Steve. Staying alone with him was something you didn’t trust yourself with. So you picked up your bag and started for the door when his voice stopped you.
“Running away? Am I to believe that there is something that finally scares you?”
Anger, red hot anger simmered under your veins when you turned to face him again. He had a mocking smirk on his face that made you grit your teeth. His eyes, dark and challenging beckoned you to him, but they didn’t hold resentment there either. Something between you had changed today. The very air around you was different, thick with tension and apprehension that had your nerves tingling.
“Scared?” You scoffed, dropping your bag on the matted floor and walking until you stood right before him. He towered over you in height, but he’d never been able to actually look down at you. “Me, scared of you? You wish Rogers.”
One corner of his lips lifted up, and he put his hands on you. One hand hooked around your waist and pulled you closer, the other trailing a finger down the side of your face to your neck, following the path down your arm until his fingers intertwined with yours.
“Oh, I so do wish” He whispered and his lips met yours. You rose up on your toes, mashing your body against his and mapping the planes of his body with your palms. The smell of his sweat and soap surrounded you, your arms coming to hold him around the shoulders as he hitched you up so you could wrap your legs around him.
Like everything in your relationship, the kiss was explosive. You didn’t melt against each other like people do in books; you collided like two warring armies intent on conquering the other. You collided like night and day, basking your surroundings in the dawn and dusk of your lust. Steve took your bottom lip between his teeth and bit down, smiling as you shamelessly moaned.
“What do you say?” He asked, pushing you against the wall, his hardness digging between the heated center of your legs.
You pulled him closer, letting your lips trail over his jaw and neck before you branded him with a quick bite. “You’ve always been so aggressive Steve, let’s see you let loose some other way. I sure do hope you fuck better than you fight though, or I’ll just be disappointed.”
Steve growled, kissing you again as he ground his cock against you, trapping you between the wall and his hard body that prevented any escape. Your hands slipped under his t-shirt, meeting the firm muscles on his abdomen that rippled under you. He pulled back just enough to allow you to remove your clothes, his own being flung sideways without any care.
Even before, you’d never thought of Steve as anything but beautiful, but now, seeing him in all his glory, you could only look him up and down in appreciation. He was trembling slightly, as if holding himself back with effort, his eyes not leaving you for a second. You both looked at each other, naked and unashamed before frantically coming together. His hands were everywhere, squeezing your ass and thighs as his lips pulled at your breast.
Your fingers rolled his nipples softly until he moaned, and then you pinched them. He jerked under your touch, kicking the back of your knees so you collapsed down, and he covered your body with his. Anger, arousal, lust and longing, all emotions built together in a storm of incoherent desire that had you both rolling over each other, fighting for dominance and power. Steve pinned you down with effort, holding your wrists in one hand over your head as he gave a smug smile to you.
“Will you finally surrender today?” He asked, positioning his cock at your entrance that was drenched. You would have loved to taste him, to have him taste you, but as of now, all you wanted was for him to slide inside you. You hungered for him, burnt for his touch. For years you’d been left wanting, and now with the prize so near, you weren’t about to wait any longer.
“The only surrender today will be yours.” You whispered sweetly before slamming your head against his. Steve jerked hard in surprise, allowing you the opportunity to free your hands and roll over him. You sat on his pelvis proudly, his throbbing member right underneath you and as he blinked at you, stunned, you rose up over his tip and slowly sunk down.
Steve groaned as your wet channel fell like velvet heat along his shaft. You had never been so full before. He stretched your limits, as he had always done, and you decided you very much preferred rendering him speechless like this under you than your usual punches and throws. His hands dug into your waist, helping you bounce on his cock and you threw your head back at the feeling.
It was a beautiful ache, one that took your breath away. As you rolled your hips and clenched down there, Steve’s voice rose in appreciation and you grinned. You finally had the golden boy at your mercy. You fucked him, changing your pace to punish him, never letting him up. For every time he killed you, you bit on his lips and neck, marking him. It was punishment and cherishing, a culmination of feelings you didn’t understand.
“Touch me.” You brokenly said, and his fingers found your nub. The slapping of skin, the sounds of debauchery and the smell of sin filled the air. You leaned over him to meet his lips, the heat in your gut bubbling until you snapped and came atop him, falling blissfully. It was one moment of weakness and the world titled, Steve having finally pushing you on your back.
“You’ve always been strong, because I’d hate to break you when the fun has only just begun.” He said and thrust into you hard and fast. He was an animal in heat, a man possessed, and you didn’t mind one bit. You met his every thrust with a raise of your hips, you clawed at his back until he bled, your lips tasting of the salt of sweat and tears and desire. He brought you impossibly closer, looking right into your eyes as he took you.
For the life of you, you couldn’t look away. You couldn’t get enough of his grunts and moans, of the breathy whispers of your name that slipped between curses, of the way his lashes would flutter over the dark blues that kept your eyes captive. He had you completely in that moment, mind and body; and for some reason, his gaze felt infinitely more intimate than his cock that was currently spearing you open. You keened in pleasure, whimpering as he touched your overly sensitive clit and had you coming again.
A minute later, he twitched inside you, his warmth flooding your core and you sighed. You laid entangled and sweaty, both of you spent and tired and yet completely overtaken by the urge to be closer still. To think this is what you’d both missed for all these years.
“So, what do you say, still feeling aggressive?” Steve asked and you looked at him with a grin that you couldn’t have suppressed had you wanted to. Oh yes, some battles were never meant to end, but they sure could be altered to meet new demands.
“With you? Always.” You replied, kissing him deep until he couldn’t think of anything but you. “Just remember one thing.”
“Oh yeah, what?”
“I am still a better best friend to Bucky. I did fuck you to keep him happy after all.”
Steve frowned darkly and before you could blink, he was over you, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“I think this time I’d fuck some manners into you.”
“I think this time you should actually put your back into it. I did all the work before.” You taunted and he dived at you.
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Meanwhile, in Tony Stark’s office
“Friday, what’s the score?” He asked smugly, offering Bucky the packet of blueberries. Bucky was sitting with his feet on the desk, a small smile on his face.
“I am afraid I am not at a liberty to say Boss.” Friday replied. If the AI could blush, she would.
“Seems like they are at an impasse.” Tony suggested, and Bucky shrugged, licking his lips.
“Well, some things never change.”
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nyx-aira · 3 years
My Hero
Requested by anon
Summary: You come home injured from a mission and Melina takes care of you.
A/N: I just want her to hold me and tell me that everything is gonna be alright. I just love her so much, is that too much to ask?
TW: mention of violence, injuries
PSA: Do NOT copy, steal, translate, plagiarize, republish, etc any of my works on Tumblr or any other platform. Also, do NOT claim any of my works as your own. All of these works are either requests I’ve gotten that people have wanted me to write or original ideas I’ve had for works. If you happen to take inspiration from anything I’ve written and want to write something inspired by that, please a) ask me first and b) IF I say yes, credit me as inspo in your post by tagging me and link whatever work of mine that inspired you. Thanks.
PSA c/@ynscrazylife
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"Oh darling."
You stumbled through the door, clutching your ribs that were definitely broken, just wanting to lay down and forget the pain.
Melina rushed to your side, catching you before you could even stumble fully into the room.
Your mission had gone wrong and you had to retreat as there were to many guards protecting your target. Not before they could give you a thorough beating and you had to drag yourself back home.
You felt Melina wrap an arm around you she she held you close to her, checking you for any fatal injuries as she was swearing to herself in Russian. All the while she was trying to sooth you, pressing kisses to your hair as she pulled it to the side and that was when she saw the stab wound.
"Hush, my love, all will be fine."
Melina maneuvered the two of you to the bathroom where she made you sit down on the counter while she searche for the first aid kit that you had to use more often than not.
She gently helped you out of your tac suit, soothing you when she pressed down on a pretty nasty bruise or cut.
When she finally got the suit off of you she sucked in a sharp breath. Your whole torso was littered with bruises and cuts and of course there was the stab wound at your left shoulder that was bleeding like a bitch.
Melina tried to keep a neutral face but it killed her to see you in so much pain. She swore to herself she would find whoever did this to you but first she had to tend to you.
"It's gonna be alright, my love, I promise."
There wasn't much she could do about the bruises so she focused her attention on your shoulder.
Cleaning the wound was the easiest bit. It wasn't too deep that you needed to go to the hospital but Melina had to stitch it up.
She tried to ignore your whimpers as the needle first entered your skin but it wasn't working. Your pained groans and the vice grip you had around her arm were almost enough to break her but Melina knew she had to finish.
Pressing a kiss to your shoulder she bandaged it and cupped your face, looking at you with pure love and adoration.
"You're so strong for me, my darling, you're doing great."
Leaning forward Melina pressed a kiss to your lips, wrapping her arms around your waist, careful not to hurt you any further.
You melted into her kiss, all the pain and tension forgotten as soon as her lips met yours.
Melina cradled your face as she poured all her love in this kiss, wanting to whisk your pain away, lock you up so no one could harm you anymore.
She knew that this was impossible but she swore to herself she would do anything to protect you.
Breaking the kiss she brushed away a stray peace of hair and pressed a kiss to your nose, making you giggle.
A mischievous glint in her eyes Melina leaned forward to plaster kisses all over your face. She kissed your cheeks, then your nose and your forehead.
Smiling at you she pressed one last kiss to your lips she let go of you to grab a wash cloth to clean your cuts, squeezing your hand in comfort as you hissed in pain.
"Hush, I'm almost finished, you're doing amazing my dear."
Luckily the cuts weren't too deep so she just used an ointment that helped prevent infections and bandaged your cuts as well, pressing a kiss to your cheeks when she was finished, praising you for being good for her.
Helping you down from the counter, Melina wrapped an arm around you to hold you close, walking out of the bathroom and into the hallway.
The two of you made your way to the bedroom and she gently laid you down, sliding in behind you and pressing a kiss to your shoulder, pulling you close to wrap her arms around you.
"Sleep my darling, I will watch over you."
With that she flipped the lightswitch and the room was pulled into darkness.
You shuffled closer to Melina, turning around so you were facing her, burying your face in her chest as you instinctively wrapped your arms around her, her body warmth and the hand brushing through your hair lulling you to sleep.
Melina pulled you even closer as she closed her eyes and fell asleep, arms wrapped protectively around you.
"I got you, my love, I'm here now."
There was no one who could hurt you when she was by your side.
Your hero.
Your saviour.
Your lover.
Taglist:@escapetodreamworld @midnight-lestrange @ynscrazylife @procrastinatingsapphictrash @ineffablebean @cliint @wlwlovesreading @satxnsupreme @ycfwmalise14 @lilian-maximoff @scarjo-wife @booklovinbi
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alwaysmarveling · 3 years
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem!Reader
Warnings: None that I can think of, but please let me know if you think I’m forgetting any!
Word Count: 3.9k
Summary: You and Nat are starting a family. It’s challenging, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
A/N: Welcome to the first series I’ve ever finished! I was a bit hesitant to publish this because, it being my first series, I’m not too sure how good it is and it does hold a special place in my heart, but if just one of you ends up liking it too, it’ll be worth it. This part is all fluff, but there will be angst in future parts. If you’re not a fan of that, this can just be read as a fluffy one-shot :) And big thanks to @vancityfire13 for talking this through with me, I really appreciate it <3
“He’s beautiful,” you sniffed, tears swelling in your eyes and spilling over the edge as they built up. Your wife squeezed your shoulder, and a drop landing just shy of your collarbone told you that she was crying too.
“He’s ours.” You cradled the baby boy—your baby boy—in your arms as he drank from your breast. “I still can’t believe they did it.” You let out a watery chuckle in response.
When Fury approached the two of you after he “accidentally” overheard your and Natasha’s conversation about having kids, you weren’t sure how to react. It was no secret among SHIELD that the two of you were together. In fact, you two had become somewhat of the organization’s power couple immediately after the many rumors claiming you were together were proven to be true. Still, the thought of all their best scientists working together just to give you two a biological child seemed a bit extreme, especially since the two of you did want to adopt someday. Nat, being the overprotective partner she was, was ready to launch herself at Fury, but you managed to pull her back before any real harm was done (Nat later got her revenge, and she made sure Fury didn’t tell you about it; she ended up confessing when you caught her looking just a bit too happy the next day though). The two of you had many long nights of talking over his offer, and before you knew it, you were pregnant with your first child, a child that would be biologically related to you and Natasha.
You guys had spent many nights talking about what your baby might look like, whether they’d have your laugh or her athleticism, your humor or her determination. Nat hoped they would be all you, while you could easily say the opposite.
When it came time to find out the baby’s sex, it took some serious convincing on Natasha’s part to get you to agree. In her mind, having a baby was surprise enough; she had to remind herself everyday that you really were pregnant with your child, her child. She did not need another surprise when the baby came. She wanted to be prepared, and who could blame her? You, on the other hand, wanted to wait. It was just the sex, after all. That didn’t change the preparations much. Nevertheless, after some bribery and more talking, you reluctantly agreed to learn the sex before the baby was born.
Hearing the words “it’s a boy” sent both of you into a tizzy. Nat wasn’t expecting it, and neither were you. Sure, there was a 50% chance of having a boy, but both of you were just so sure that it was a girl. After getting the doctor to check for the third time, you finally accepted that you were wrong.
Then came the discussion of names. What to name him, should he have a nickname, what would he call your friends and family?
One night, you took Natasha out for a walk around the park (this was before you got so big you couldn’t see your own feet) and a nice dinner on the waterfront. With the lights forming a halo around her already glowing face, you told her what you wanted the baby to be named: Igor. The minute you found the name, you knew it was perfect, and when you found out it was Russian and meant “warrior,” well, that was just icing on the cake.
“I’ve already got one Russian warrior who I love and adore more than words can express, and I can’t wait to have another. You’re everything I love and everything I want him to be. I think that’s what his name should be. And I know that, with a mom as perfect as you, he’ll live up to it.” You barely had time to get those last few words out before Natasha leaped over the table, silverware clinking and glasses wobbling as she lunged to pull your face into her hands, the two of you melting at the lips and forgetting about all the other patrons eating around you.
“I love you more than you know,” Natasha let out between breaths, finally letting you go.
“I have a feeling I do,” you giggled, “because I love you more.”
“Nuh uh.”
“Yeah huh.” You two “argued” about that for the rest of the night.
Then came the nursery. Nat insisted that you only be allowed to help in designing. You were already seven months along, she said, and that was seven too many. Plus, she pointed out with a not-so-subtle wink, she didn’t need help when she had “guns as big as these.” With some not-so-gentle persuasion from Clint, you settled on a farm-themed nursery. Less than a week later, Clint had gone out to god-knows-how-many stores and came back with more than enough decorations and furniture to fill the baby’s room, the many leftovers spilling out into the hallways and even your bedroom (much to his dismay, you made him return more than half of what he bought). The nursery was completed within weeks, and then all the two of you had to do was wait for your little bundle of joy to arrive.
Insistent ringing from Natasha’s phone pulled the two of you out of your peaceful moment.
“It’s Fury,” Natasha huffed playfully. “He’s asking if ‘the gross part is over yet.’ You ready to show him off to the world?”
“My world is all right here,” you murmured, fully sincere in what you were saying.
“As is mine.” The redhead’s finger lifted your chin up, your gaze shifting from your little boy to the prettiest woman in the universe. “I’m the luckiest woman in the world.”
“I tell myself that every day,” you smiled, meeting her lips in a sweet kiss.
“Nat! Come quick! Hurry! I think he’s going to do it!”
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” your wife responded with equal urgency. “You going to do it, Igoryok? You going to walk for Mamas?” The baby boy giggled, nothing but pure glee on his face as he pushed himself to stand. You held out your arms to your son, cooing words of encouragement as he stumbled his way towards you. He started maybe only four feet away, but when he finally made it to you, you swung him into the air and you and Nat cheered like he had just finished first in the 400 metres at the Olympics. You could’ve sworn your life couldn’t get any better than it was at that point, safe, happy, and healthy with the two people you loved most in the world right by your side.
“Did you get it on video, Natty?”
“Of course, malyshka. Such a big milestone needs to be kept forever, isn’t that right, Igoryok?” Igor laughed when the redhead reached over and tickled him just under his chin. The two of you soon joined in, his joyous giggles impossible to resist.
“You’re an amazing mother,” Nat murmured to you that night as the two of you laid in bed. “And you’re raising an amazing son. I love you.” She tilted her head down to meet your lips.
“I love you too, Nat, but you’re also raising an amazing son. I couldn’t have done any of this without you.” She nodded slowly, reluctantly. “What is it?”
“I just… Being here today with you and Igor, it was perfect. Everything was perfect. And I hate how I have to throw us out of that every time I leave.” You frowned as you turned onto your stomach, pushing yourself up on one arm and using the other hand to cup Nat’s face.
“You’re not the only one working, you know. I feel that way too, every time I have to go on a mission or even just leave for the office.”
“I know,” she sighed. “But I’m gone so much more often than you are. Especially now that you’ve switched to mostly training others.”
“Just because you’re not here all the time doesn’t make you a bad mom, Tash. You’re the best mom because you love him with all of your heart and you’ll do anything for him. And-“
“I want to retire.”
“What?” Out of all the things that could’ve come out of Nat’s mouth, that was not the one you were expecting or prepared for.
“I wanna be there when he says his first words and when he loses his first tooth and when he goes to school for the first time. I want to be here.”
“But… you love your job.”
“I know,” she whispered, her eyes shining. “But I love Igor more.”
“And Igor will know that. Igor already knows that. Sweetheart, part of doing anything for Igor includes protecting him from bad guys. You do that every day you go to work. You show him you love him by fighting to give him the best life possible. If you want to retire,” your hand finally slid down from her cheek to hold her hand, “then I will support you every step of the way. But if you’re doing this because you think you’re a bad mother if you don’t, then you need to know that that is not true at all.” Natasha bit her lip as she thought over what you said. You gave her the time she needed, rubbing small circles into the back of her hand.
You would be lying if you said you never had those same thoughts. Both of you felt awful every time you had to hand Igor over to one of the nanny or even one of the Avengers or their families. The two of you loved them and Igor loved them, and they always took amazing care of him, but it was hard to not feel bad knowing your child wanted nothing more than to be in your arms. The first time Igor wailed as you handed him over to Laura, you filled out all the retirement paperwork the next day, keeping it on your desk for weeks before you eventually talked yourself out of it.
Just as Natasha was opening her mouth to respond, she was interrupted by Igor’s cries from the baby monitor.
“I’ll get him,” your wife reassured you. You nodded reluctantly, not wanting to stop the conversation but knowing you’d have to regardless of who left.
“Guess who’s coming home today, buddy?” Igor babbled random syllables back at you, grabbing onto your hair as you lifted him out of his crib. “Gentle, Igor, gentle,” you winced, slowly pulling his hands away from your locks. Sounds from downstairs had you looking away from Igor and towards the hallway.
“That must be Mama!” You weren’t too sure if he understood you, but he definitely fed off of your excitement, letting out another string of syllables and clapping his hands together.
“Hellooo! Anybody home?” Natasha’s red hair was the first thing you saw as you rounded the corner to see the front door. “Hi, rybka! How are you doing?” Your boy held his hands out to Natasha, obviously excited to see her. She grinned back at the two of you, but both of your eyes grew wide when he opened his mouth.
“Mama!” With that one word, you could’ve sworn your heart stopped beating. Nat’s eyes met yours, the love she felt for you and your son overflowing in the form of crystal droplets that filled her green orbs.
“That’s right, Igor, Mama. Can you give Mama a kiss?” You smiled as you handed Igor to Nat, your little boy puckering his lips dramatically to plant a wet kiss on her cheek.
“Thank you, Igoryok,” the redhead laughed. “He said ‘Mama,’ Y/N. His first word! He called me ‘mama.’” She was smiling so hard her cheeks were practically trembling.
“Because you are his mama. The best mama in the whole wide world,” you murmured, kissing her other cheek.
“No one could ever be as good as you. I love you so much, malyshka.”
“I love you too.”
“Mama!” The two of you laughed once again, your intimate moment interrupted but neither of you could complain.
“How was the mission?” you asked, both of you somewhat preoccupied with the bouncing babe in Nat’s arms.
“Good. Clean.”
“No injuries?”
“Not even a bruise.” You scanned her face and body to see if she was lying, and eventually nodded once you were satisfied.
“Good. Now, I believe it is someone’s dinner time.”
“Hi, Igoryok, how was school?”
“Hi, Mama. It was good. We learned about the letter ‘m’ today. Mama, did you know ‘m’ goes ‘mm’?”
“It does? I thought it sounded different.”
“No, Mama, you’re silly. Your name starts with an ‘m.’”
“Huh, I think you’re right. Did you know that, babe? Mama starts with an ‘m,’” Natasha winked at you.
“No, I didn’t know that, but thank you for sharing that with me,” you smiled back. “You're not going to say hi to me, Iggy?”
“Hi, Mom. Your name starts with ‘m’ too.” Igor bent over the center console in between the two of you. “Can we get ice cream? Please?” Your wife laughed before turning to you.
“I’m not too sure what that has to do with letters, but what do you say, Mom?” Nat asked, a smirk on her face as she emphasized the first letter.
“Um, it does because…” The two of you watched, amused, as Igor’s face scrunched up in concentration. Suddenly, he lit up, a grin overtaking his expression. “It does because ice cream starts with an “i”! And my name starts with an “i” too, Mamas. Which means I should get some ice cream.” He paused for a moment upon seeing the two of you glance at him expectantly. “Please?”
“You’re very right, Ig,” you smiled. “And for that, we can go get ice cream. But I thought you would’ve wanted to go to the park. We brought your bike.”
“You did?” His baby-tooth grin only grew when he turned to see the lime green metal and black handlebars peeking out of the trunk. “Yes! Mama, c’mon, let’s go!”
“You need to buckle up, Igoryok, or we’re not going anywhere.” The four-year-old rushed to his car seat. The minute he was settled, he began squirming again.
“Can we still get ice cream after?”
“Sure, Iggy,” you laughed. Nat removed her right hand from the steering wheel and rested it on your thigh.
“Alright, let’s go.”
“Mama, you took the training wheels off, right?”
“Yep,” your wife grunted, lifting the bike out of the car and placing it on the pavement.
“Mom, watch me! I’m going to ride it all by myself! Today’s the day, I can feel it!” You managed to grab him by the shoulders just before he could hop on the bike.
“Not so fast, what are you forgetting, buddy?”
“Uh, a positive attitude?”
“That’s important, but I think you have plenty of that right now,” you smiled. “Try again.” Igor bit his lip as he thought about what he could possibly be missing.
“I love you?”
“I love you too, but still not it. You remember this?” He groaned when he saw the helmet in your hands.
“I don’t need it, Mom. I won’t fall, I promise!”
“I like that promise, but I still need you to promise to wear this. Okay?”
“But I don’t want to,” he pouted, crossing his arms over his chest. Your wife bent down to reach Igor’s eye level.
“Igoryok, can I tell you a secret?” Igor’s tresses bounced as he turned his gaze to Nat, his eyes filled with skepticism. “Well, you know how Mama wears her helmet whenever she goes out on her bike? You wanna know why I do it?”
“Why?” he asked, his skepticism fading into intrigue.
“It helps me balance and makes me go faster. I can’t ride as well as I do without it. In fact, I think I might even fall off.”
“Really? But you’re so good, Mama!” Eyes closed, Nat shook her head.
“Only with my helmet. And only when I wear it correctly. Otherwise I’d fall right off and get hurt. So can you promise to wear your helmet correctly so that you go faster and don’t fall off?”
“Okay, Mama. Can you put it on for me though? I think you’ll do it better.”
“I’d love to, Igoryok.” You flashed Nat a grateful smile as she took the helmet from you to secure it on his head. “Alright, all set. You go get warmed up, yeah?”
“Okay, Mama, but hurry up!”
“I’ll be there in a second, rybka.” Natasha stood up and wrapped an arm around your waist. “Don’t let him see me riding the motorcycle when I’m on a mission.” You stifled a laugh, letting your head rest on her shoulder as you watched Igor waddle around on his bike, his sneakers lighting up every time they hit the pavement.
“I’ll try my best. Have I told you how good of a mother you are?”
“Yes, you have. Multiple times.” You didn’t have to look at Nat to know her cheeks were quickly becoming the same shade as her hair. “I just hope he’ll be this easy to convince when he’s not four.”
“We’ll, uh, cross that bridge when we get to it. Besides, it’s a little easier to convince him when he sees you as his hero.”
“Stop with the flattery,” the spy groaned, now extremely flustered.
“But you make it so easy. And so fun.” You squealed immediately after the last word and pulled yourself away from your wife. “Why’d you poke me?”
“Don’t act all innocent, you know exactly what you did.”
“I’m not acting innocent, I am innocent.”
“Are you now?” Natasha stalked towards you, a smirk on her lips and a mischievous glint in her eye. Before she could reach you, though, Igor pushed his way in between the two of you with his bike.
“C’mon, Mama! I warmed up!” With one last glance at you, Natasha sighed.
“Alright, let’s go, Igoryok. You just watch your back, babe. I’ll get you.”
“Ooo, Mom’s in troubleee,” Igor chanted, and with that, they were off.
“Mom! Look at me! I’m going to get it on this one, I can feel it!”
“I’m watching!” you promised despite having never taken your eyes off of Igor and Natasha the whole time. Igor flashed you a grin in response before putting his feet on the pedals. Natasha murmured something in his ear as he started pedaling. She had one hand on the handlebars and one on his back to keep him steady. The pair moved together for a few seconds until Igor began to speed up. Half-running, half-jogging, your wife finally let go of the bike with a firm push to your son’s back, and much to everyone’s delight, he kept going.
“Mom! I’m doing it! I’m really doing it!”
“Pay attention to what’s in front of you, Igoryok!” Natasha called when he began to swerve. Eyes wide, Igor managed to correct himself before he crashed into a tree. You got up from the bench and ran to meet the former assassin, but you kept your eyes on Igor the whole time.
“I guess this family has two biker babes now.”
“I guess we do. Look at him go, malyshka.” Her chest was puffed out, obviously proud of her son, his tongue poking out of his mouth slightly as he concentrated on turning around. Your eyes shot open when it seemed like he was going to fall, but he regained his balance and increased his speed twofold on his return to you. “Maybe we should try for another.”
“Another, uh, what’d you call it? A biker babe?” Natasha barked out a laugh as you moved to slap her shoulder. “I mean, Igor’s been asking for a sibling for a while now. Maybe it’s time.” Natasha maintained her glance on your son, too nervous to meet your eyes.
“Another biker babe, huh? Or maybe another little fish?”
“Another rybka, yes,” Nat chuckled.
“Maybe it is time.” The former assassin’s shoulders relaxed as you slipped your hand into hers. “A girl this time?”
“We’ll see. It is what Igor’s been asking for, but...” A smirk played on your wife’s face as she remembered when you two first learned you’d be having a son.
“Natasha Jr.?”
“Oh god, no!” your wife laughed.
“Natalia? Natalie?” Natasha buried her face in your neck so that her lips were pressed to your shoulder. She still peeked out slightly to keep an eye on your son.
“Babe, we are not naming the baby after me.”
“What about for her middle name?” Your wife groaned as she hit your arm, but you could feel her lips curving upward.
“No.” Natasha paused, her lower lip stuck between her teeth. “What do you think about Karolina? It means ‘free man.’”
“Karolina,” you repeated. You would’ve teased her about already having a name picked out, but the constant shifting of her right foot told you this maybe wasn’t the right time. “I like it.”
With Igor quickly approaching, you ended the conversation with a peck to Nat’s cheek and bent down to greet your son. When he made it to the two of you, he immediately hopped off of the bike and ran into your open arms.
“I did it, Mom! Did you see me? I turned around too!”
“I did, Iggy! You did so, so good!” You pulled the boy onto your hip. “Don’t tell Mama, but I think you might’ve gone even faster than her.” Igor giggled, wrapping his arms around your neck.
“You think so?” he whispered.
“I know so.”
“Ahem, what are you two saying?” Nat had her hands on her hips as her foot tapped the ground, this time out of fake anger rather than nerves.
“Nothing, Mama. Did you see me? I did good, right? And my helmet helped me stay on!”
“I’m very proud of you, Igoryok. Both Mom and I are,” she murmured, tilting her head to avoid the helmet and kiss his cheek. “So now that you know your helmet is good, you have to promise us to wear it whenever you go on your bike, you got it?”
“Got it.” His locks bounced as he nodded his head. “I’m going to go again, okay, Mamas? And then later we can get ice cream?”
“You got it, bud.” You let him down, his legs wiggling before he reached the ground. The second he hit the surface, he was off.
You cherished every time you got to see Igor hit a milestone. You and Nat had each missed some—like you being away the day he scored his first soccer goal or Nat going on a mission during his first Halloween—but when you did, the other made sure to talk about it in so much detail you felt like you were there.
And when you were all there together… Your heart filled with pride whenever Igor did something new, but that feeling was nothing in comparison to seeing your son’s pride in himself and having Nat there next to you to experience it. Each milestone of Igor’s was so much better than you could’ve ever imagined because, with each one, you got to see your little boy growing, thriving. For each new accomplishment, you could feel the love between the three of you, practically pull it out of the air, make a cocoon out of it, and wrap yourself in it for weeks on end. Your little boy’s milestones weren’t just for himself, but it was for your family as a whole, the three of you growing closer and stronger with each step. You couldn’t wait to see what he would do next.
Read Chapter 2 here
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jasontoddssoulmate · 3 years
I made an account for the sole purpose of this TUA fic concept
I’m a sucker for those “the characters read the books/watch the series” fics and I’ve read a little for TUA but I just had the idea:
The Hargreeves kids watching the two seasons but instead of just the seven of them, their birth mothers are brought in to watch as well
Maybe have the birth mothers family (if they have any) watch it with them 
This happens before everything. Before Ben’s death, before Five’s disappearance, before they even have their names. The kids, One through Seven, are brought in. Maybe when they’re old enough to get the gist of what’s going on, but before they’re 13.
These 6 young women are brought in (because I adore that Luther and Five being twins is canon in the comics and I love the mention of it), and they’re confused because maybe The Umbrella Academy isn’t internationally well known so the kids are familiar but they can’t put the name to the face. Not until they introduce themselves, anyways, and suddenly they’re face to face with the baby that they gave away years ago.
Maybe a few of them regret it, maybe they tried to forget it, maybe they spend so much of their time thinking about it or maybe they’re overjoyed that their baby seems to be doing so well. 
But their names. 
There’s just so much about them that doesn’t feel,,, so right? Maybe that’s not the word for it but they’re too polite sometimes, their casually cruel treatment towards their sister isn’t normal and the way that they simultaneously act entitled and inferior towards each other isn’t suppose to be as normal as the kids make it out to be. 
All in all, the women are confused and maybe a bit wary of their casual usage of powers among each other that’s normal to the siblings as much as it is abnormal to the birth mothers. 
But communication is easy since each child learned their own mother language as well as the language of their siblings birth place and then some which only seems to remind the women that holy shit these kids are technically rich because of their father
The Hargreeves though? They’re confused and wary as hell. They may not have been introduced as The Inaugural Class of The Umbrella Academy yet (or maybe they have considering what your timeline is) but they’ve been training for most of their life and the situation is baffling. Here are these random people that they’ve never met before (at least to their knowledge) and they’ve never had to go outside to interact with others, not really at least. 
So it makes sense that they go for polite but threatening. They maybe decide unanimously that the weaker willed ones like Four, Six and Seven are discreetly protected behind their older (in spirit) siblings, One, Two, Three and Five. 
But they’re no real threat, its obvious in the way that the Hispanic woman uses such an endearing term like “mijo/a” and the way that the Russian woman has an ever present smile on her face and such a sweet disposition that reminds them of their littlest sibling and hey her eyes look just like Seven 
So after a while, they’re more open to being relaxed. Not Five though, he’s always been just a little paranoid and being a 58-year-old in a 13-year-old body never had anything to do with it. So he’s got a harsh personality but the Danish woman doesn’t seem to be deterred. He kind of reminds her of her older twin brother who acts so harshly, but who she knows loves her so much.  
So here are 7 siblings and 6 women and maybe family that was there for the women when they needed them the most. And maybe the person(s) behind this decide to be kept anonymous but they oh so want the children to get to know what being cared for is like. Maybe these women get to know the consequences of their actions or the children learn that the one who birthed them had their reasons. And it’s no excuse but it’s also not their fault. Both parties should be able to feel what they feel because it’s a complicated and maybe painful situation. 
The children lose their respect for their father every episode. Even One, who they all know cherished the favoritism but it doesn’t get in the way of his horror when he finds out that he used to lock Four in the mausoleum, still does if the flashbacks are anything to go by because not Four, not the kindest and brightest of their siblings. 
And when they learn of Seven’s powers and the reason why they are never present, they are understandably upset. They feel rage and disbelief that she had such a crucial part of herself ripped away at such a young age, because they know that their powers are like another limb. They’re born with it and they grow up with it and they were able to live their life with it so they feel rage. Rage that Seven had been so violated. Rage that the Seven they know isn’t really the Seven she was suppose to grow up to be. The Seven they knew as toddlers was sweet towards them but had a mean protective streak a mile wide that could never be controlled, not even by their father. The Seven they know now is so meek and desperate for attention. The Russian woman looks the most devastated as she thinks of the baby girl she got to hold for only a few hours before she was whisked away by a rich old man who is turning out to be the monster that one often hears about in television. 
But the women? They watch as the children in front of them, maybe a little damaged and emotionally constipated but so obviously protective and caring for each other, grow to be the grow ups in the screen above them that grow up and grow apart after so much tragedy. 
They watch as seven eventually becomes five. 
How Luther is sent to isolation for years and he goes along with it in a bid to continue to please their father.
How Diego continues to rebel because he wasn’t able to growing up but also maybe because he wants to spite his father, no matter how much he protests that he could care less what his father thinks.
How Allison goes through a divorce and loses her parental rights to even see her daughter due to her dependence of her powers that leaves her devastated. 
How Klaus is an addict who desperately wishes to get rid of the ghosts that have followed him all his life. 
How Five disappears only a little while after their current timeline.
How Ben was brutally killed by his own powers, never getting to grow up and become his own person. 
How Vanya can’t seem to do anything but go through the motions of her life, maybe having a little hope that she’ll be seen this time around, but is quickly squashed from Diego’s disparaging comments and the casual dismissal of her from her living siblings. 
They watch all this, and feel sadness and rightful anger that their babies lead the life of ex-child superheroes. The life of abused children. The life of children who had only each other. 
But was it really enough? Was it enough to know that they loved each other but had a hard time showing it and owning up to it due to fear of their father? Due to the constant comparisons and the way Sir Reginald had them turn on each other. 
But they knew it was enough. They see it in how Diego waits for Klaus to drive him around even after he had expresses annoyance beforehand, in the joy on Allison’s face when she sees Klaus again after so long, in how Five makes sure to check up on Klaus after his kidnapping, on Luther’s face when he apologizes to Vanya after realizing his own misgivings, in Ben’s task of continuing to follow his brother around even when it pains him and in Klaus trying to comfort Luther after he finds the unopened correspondents. They see it in the support they show Vanya as she goes to check on Harlan.
It had to be enough to know that after all they went through, they still care for one another and at the end of the day, would protect one another just as they were as One through Seven. 
So they watch what would be the Hargreeve’s kids misadventures, they watch as they grow together and grow apart just to grow together again, much stronger than before. 
They express sadness and disbelief when they see where Five ends up, they get mad when Leonard throws Vanya’s pills away, they grieve when they learn that Ben is dead, they’re embarrassed but find it hilarious whenever Klaus cracks an inappropriate joke, they become protective when there’s allusion to Vanya having sex, and are rightfully ready to throw down with Leonard as they watch their littlest sibling get gaslit into believing her family hates her as he nitpicks all of her interactions with her family. 
But just as they express their feelings over what happens to their family, they feel an immense amount of exasperation towards their older selves because so much could be fixed if they only talked to each other. 
They watch and despair over the missed opportunity that is Leonard in the same house as them just as they find out what his role is in the apocalypse.
Four tears up as he watched Klaus and Dave’s reunion be undone after all the heartache. 
Seven cringes when Vanya dismisses Five’s claims that he had been stuck in an apocalyptic wasteland and suggests that he’s gone crazy after his stint with time travel. 
Three feels her heart drop to her stomach as the flashback shows what becomes the moment that she faces the hard truth that come with her use of her powers.
Five feels himself flush in embarrassment as he watched two version of himself in the future, one that looks not much older than he does currently, go through paradox psychosis. 
Six feels frustration and a fierce grief that leaves him confused because he’s still alive he’s not dead, but I don’t have much longer. 
One feels horror as he watches himself hurt his siblings one after the other with a sense of helplessness because this isn’t me, I wouldn’t do this but I already did, why would I hurt my siblings, I’m Number One I have to be the one who protects them- 
The women, on the other hand, see themselves in their children. 
The French woman sees how her daughter and granddaughter, it seems, both look like a carbon copy of herself and her own mother. 
The Danish woman sees herself and her twin brother in Luther and Five. Sees her own personality reflected in Luther and her brothers personality in Five. Sees how her twins care just as much for each other and their siblings as herself and her brother do each other.
The Hispanic woman sees Diego’s fierce sense of justice that leaves others in the dust, and sees herself as she fought to keep her boy but ultimately lost him just as Diego loses Eudora. She thinks to herself like mother like son and bitterly laughs to herself but she’s so grateful that Diego had a mother who cared for him just as she cared for him because she often though about him and always made sure to commemorate his birthday. 
The German woman can’t help but see herself in her boy. Can’t help but see her little brother in him. Can’t help but see her older brother in him. Because Klaus is so joyful but he hides his pain behind a mask like her younger brother, he’s so loving towards his siblings like her older brother, and so nonsensical like herself. So like herself, down to the curly hair and the addiction. Even if she was able to overcome it with support from her family, it pains her and leaves her in despair to see Klaus and can’t find fault in those he had around him because she sees how much they try and sees how hard the Hargreeves find expressing emotion is to others. 
The Asian woman sees how sweet and shy her youngest is and thinks only of her oldest, who reminds her so much of him and can only despair in seeing that he didn’t live as long as her oldest had. She can only ask herself why her children don’t seem to be able to see themselves to adulthood but can only be grateful that even in death he has someone with him.
The Russian woman knows that her husband sees her in little number Seven, in Vanya, no matter how little that is. Maybe their personalities aren’t so similar because Seven is shy but she’s got the sweetest heart and so clearly loves her siblings. She has the same smile that she has and her little doe eyes remind her of herself when she was younger. She’s so small next to her siblings, just like herself. 
So they see themselves in these kids, these grown ups. But so do the Hargreeves. 
They see how Luther looks like what the Danish woman would look like as a man and how Five looks exactly like a younger version of the Danish man who introduced himself as the woman's older brother. 
They see how Two has the same skin tone and facial structure as the Hispanic woman. 
They see that Allison looks exactly like the French woman and see the same in Claire. 
They see Four’s curly hair and slim build in the German woman. 
They notice how Six shares the same dark hair and lower facial features. 
They see Seven’s eyes and smile and short stature in the Russian woman. 
So maybe they don’t know them well enough to see what the women see, but they grow to see it overtime because they spend so much time there, in this suspended room in time.
The women insist on getting to know them and vice versa. They insist that they have to talk about their feelings and assure them or gently scold them, depending on the reason, for what they feel because god do these children need to learn how to talk more about their emotions in a healthy way.
They get closer to the children and start to really see their childish side. They all fight over the silliest things, and become pouty when attention isn’t being drawn over to them. They crave physical affection, even Five who won’t admit that his maternal uncle patting him and One of the head made him feel all gooey inside. They make faces towards foods that they don’t like and still prefer junk food over real food. 
So maybe it’s harder to let themselves act like children because they’re being conditioned to not “be childish” but even then they have their lapses in control. Four enters a state of panic after being reminded of his time in the mausoleum. One feels overwhelming guilt when he sees how Luther hurts Klaus and reminds himself that he’s the one that needs to protect them, as the leader and self proclaimed older sibling. Five feels himself cry for the first time in a long while when he sees how his siblings act towards him in the future and realize it hurts him deeply because he knows that he’s messed up their lives a lot but can’t they see that he only want to keep them alive, he doesn’t want to see them die again, he can’t-
But instead of being shamed into controlling their emotions, they are comforted and reassured. Four’s birth mother helps ground him and counts his breathing with him to keep him from falling further into his panic. One get’s reassured by his birth mother that his future self isn’t his current self. That everyone in the room has seen just how much he cares for his siblings and knows he would do anything for them. The twins uncle gives into his urge and hugs Five, whispering in a hushed tone that it’s okay to cry, to let it all out. He whispers that his older siblings are being idiots and if they knew just how much their actions were hurting you, they wouldn’t hesitate to apologize and hug you too. His words only make Five cry harder. 
So they are cared for and allowed to be themselves fully and can be childish to their hearts content. And their birth families watch on in amazement and adoration. 
I have so much more that I’ll probably add later, but basically I want them to be cared for, allowed to care for each other and learn to express themselves better. I want to see them get to have a good relationship with an adult and if possible their birth mothers. 
Pls share links and stuff if you get inspired, I’m not much for writing fanfic but I really do want to see something like this. I’d read the shit out of it. I have so much more that I want to add but I’ll probably do something about it later. 
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