#eventually i will have done all the rooms in this city and then i guess i will have to move
karliahs · 8 months
just did an escape room and man i love them so much...it's so interesting to me how much a physical escape room environment adds to the experience versus those board game versions (which i also like!)
i love seeing the ways people use physical environments to enhance puzzles, and set up satisfying tactile inputs for puzzles especially. my fave room i ever did had a thing where there is like a big old timey ring of keys locked away from you through bars. like one of these:
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and then you get a big stick. and have to poke it through the bars, hook the ring of keys and slide it over to where you can grab it. and that just delights my brain like nothing else
and my friends always make fun of me for how excited I get if a room involves a magnet but like. magnet! there's a key stuck at the bottom of a thing where you can see it but not grab it. the excitement of realising one of the components you've been given is a magnet...unparalleled
i think it's so fun how certain ways of manipulating an environment are just instinctively delightful. i think I've done multiple rooms where there's a big old fancy desk and when you solve a puzzle the back panel of the desk opens! and turns out it's a little tunnel you can crawl through! that's instinctively fun in the same way a secret bookcase door is fun
one room i did involved having to pour water in order to access certain things like...needing to use particular physical actions to solve a problem makes me feel like this guy:
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big levers! little hidden switches! it's the best
i also just love being set loose in an environment in which rummaging is not only acceptable but necessary. you've gotta rummage. you've gotta search through those drawers and reach into little hidey holds and find stuff. i think my puzzling skills are not actually much above average but i am an exceptional rummager
most times when people tell me they don't like/want to do an escape room it's because they think they're bad at puzzles. which i think most of the time what they mean is that they don't like puzzles, and it's more polite to be self-deprecating than to outright say they don't like the thing I like, which is fine
but i think escape rooms are fun bc they perfectly demonstrate that you and everyone you know are both very dumb and the smartest person in the world. everyone's brain works differently and some puzzles will click for you perfectly and others will be incomprehensible.
today i had the experience of actually understanding how a puzzle worked but being incapable of communicating it in words. and then trying to succinctly while under time pressure communicate to my friends "my brain allows me to understand this puzzle but not to articulate anything about how it works in words. please just trust me and turn those cranks when i say." and similarly I've made it out of rooms where i would have no idea how to solve a particular puzzle in there, but i don't need to bc my friends' brains are different to mine and they've Got This
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talaok · 8 months
Could you write about Pedro x Reader's first kiss? She's also an actress, and they became great friends while filming a movie together. Eventually, they fall in love... and, well, their first kiss happens. Just something really fluffy and romantic :) love u
Pairing: Pedro pascal x gn!reader
a/n: love you more <3 babe, also for some reason I wrote the beginning of this like it's the monologue at the start of a rom-com so don't mind that, i haven't written in a while, i need to get back into it
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You weren't looking for love.
You weren't looking for anything really, just a new job, a new role, a reason to get away from the city for a while, and then... and then as always life got in the way.
They say love comes when you're least expecting it, and I guess they were right, because if there was one thing you weren't expecting, was to fall in love with the guy you spilled coffee on your first day on set.
But then again, already then you knew something was different, as he laughed while you stood there mortified, as picked up the cup for you, as he smiled like you'd just done him a favor, as he said "y/n, right? I already like you", already then, you had known something was different.
Pedro became your lifeline, he was the person who made you get through every day, he was the one who made you smile, laugh and even giggle like a teenager at the most inappropriate times, he was the one you'd go to after every rough day, and he was the one you'd rant to whenever you needed, and for him... for him you became exactly the same.
You were inseparable, on and off set, you were always together, but always just as friends. Perhaps you were scared of that deep, guttural feeling that was starting to settle in your chest, and perhaps he was terrified of the idea of making the first move, of confessing that you were an everlasting thought in his mind, that his heart skipped a beat at your every smile, he was petrified at the idea you could reject him, and nothing would ever be the same, but as it turns out, all you needed were a few drinks and a wrap-up party for your movie.
You had sneaked out into a quieter room because you didn't like parties all that much, and there was no chance in hell he was leaving you alone.
You were sitting on a sofa, resting for a moment, when you said: "so I guess this is the last time we'll see each other for a while"
And he'd frowned, turning to you
"What are you talking about?"
"well we won't see each other every day now that the movie's done, that's all" you shrugged, biting your lip,
And for some reason, that made him laugh
"sweetheart if you think you're getting rid of me this easily, you're sadly mistaken"
"oh-wh-" you smiled "I don't wanna get rid of you!"
"I sure hope so" he tilted his head, grinning 
"of course not" you shook your head, fixing the collar of his shirt "You..." you trailed off, freezing as your eyes met his, and you realized how close you really were.
"I what?" he asked, the smile on his face decreasing as he too, started sensing the tension building in the room.
"You know, asshole" you murmured
"No I don't" he argued, his hand on your waist "What were you about to say?"
You tried taking a deep breath, but your lungs weren't really cooperating, and his hand felt very pleasant on your body.
"You... you're important to me Pedro" you confessed, your voice faint, honest.
And right then, right then he knew that this was the turning point, the moment he was gonna have to risk it all, or regret it for the rest of his life.
"you're important to me too y/n" he whispered, gently leaning closer, until his mouth was ghosting yours "Very important," he said, before inevitably, his lips met with yours and you both let go, let go of your fears, and opened up to each other, to love, to everything that could, and will now be.
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writinginpinkpink · 2 months
The Price of Life. [0.3]
homelander x fem!reader
summary: Homelander saved you and gave you life, but with one rule: be utterly loyal to him. Despite this, you went beyond mere obedience and provided him with what he needed most: love.
warnings: homelander, violence, swearing, smut (eventually), a bit of stockholm syndrome?
taglist: @tfamidoingwithmylife
masterlist | requests opened! | previous
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When morning came, you woke up to find Homelander already up, his hair impeccably styled as he rehearsed his lines in front of the mirror. He glanced at you with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“Good morning, YN. Today is a big day for us,” he said, his voice unnervingly peaceful. “Get dressed. We have a press conference in an hour.”
You nodded, getting up and putting on the uniform he had given you. The new suit felt unfamiliar against your skin, a constant reminder of your new commitment, but you liked how it looked on you.
“Save your concern for someone who needs it,” you retorted, brushing past her. “I’ve made my choice.”
The press conference was held in the main hall of Vought Tower. As you and Homelander stood together, facing the flashing cameras and the eager reporters, he wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you close.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” Homelander began, his voice strong and authoritative. “I have an important announcement to make. YN and I are now in a relationship. Together, we’ll make sure to combat the lies the media spreads and show you the truth for a brighter future for America.”
You forced a smile, nodding along with his words. The room erupted in applause, and the questions started flying. You answered them as best as you could, sticking to the narrative Homelander had laid out. The applause and the attention felt intoxicating, filling you with a sense of significance you had never experienced before.
After the press conference, you found yourself alone with Homelander in a small conference room. He turned to you, his expression unreadable.
“You did well out there,” he said, his tone almost approving. “But remember, they love me, not you. If anything happens, I can turn them against you in a heartbeat.”
You nodded, feeling a strange thrill at his threat. It wasn’t a problem for you; it was just part of who he was, and you liked it. “I understand.”
“Good,” he replied. “Now, I have something else for you. A mission. It’s a test of your loyalty.”
Your heart raced at his words. “What kind of mission?”
He handed you a folder with detailed information. “There’s a supe disrupting the city. I want you to take care of it. Show me that you’re devoted to me.”
You opened the folder and scanned the contents, your eyes narrowing as you took in the details. The name and face of the target were familiar, and you realized why Homelander had chosen her, you couldn't deny him: this was your chance to prove yourself to Homelander, to solidify your place by his side.
“I’ll take care of it,” you said confidently.
As you left the room to prepare for the mission, you ran into Annie.
“YN, please. Think about what you’re doing,” she pleaded. “This isn’t you. Homelander is dangerous. You don’t have to do this.”
Your anger flared at her words. “Oh, I see what’s going on. You’re jealous, Annie. You can’t stand that someone else might be in the spotlight for once.”
“Jealous? That’s not it at all,” Annie insisted, her eyes wide with shock. “I’m worried about you. Homelander isn’t who you think he is.”
“This again?” you snapped, feeling the resentment bubble up. “We’ve already talked about this. You’ve always been jealous of me. Ever since I joined The Seven, you’ve treated me like I’m just your sidekick. Well, guess what? I’m done being in your shadow. Homelander sees my potential, and he’s given me a chance to prove myself.”
“YN, you’re making a mistake,” Annie said, her voice softer now, pleading. “This isn’t about jealousy. It’s about keeping you safe.”
The mission Homelander gave you was straightforward: eliminate a minor supe. As you approached the familiar location, a strange feeling hit your stomach. It was just an old warehouse; there was no reason for you to feel this way. Everything would have been so much easier if you didn’t have so many memories. However, none of it mattered. You knew Homelander, and you knew this was his way to test you, to see how far you would go for him. And you would go damn far.
You entered the warehouse, your senses heightened, and quickly located your target. Your heart skipped a beat. The supe was a young woman with the ability to ignite fire. She turned to face you, her eyes widening in recognition. Affection filled her eyes, but you didn’t allow yours to show the same feeling.
“YN? What are you doing here? Miss the team?” she asked, smiling. Her hair was different, and her face a little older, but the smile was the same. Her expression faltered as she noticed the darkness in your gaze—a look she couldn’t quite recognize. It was you, but something was different, something unsettling.
“I’m here to take care of a problem,” you replied coldly, stepping closer. You knew that to get the job done, you would have to leave it all behind—all the love for your past had to be destroyed so there would be enough space for your savior.
She backed away, her confusion evident. “What are you talking about? Is this about that shirt—”
“There’s nothing to talk about,” you interrupted.
Before she could react, you lunged at her, using your improved strength to pin her to the ground. She struggled, but you were stronger, you were better. You could almost hear Homelander's voice in your head, telling you how good you were being for him. You felt a twisted sense of fulfillment as you overpowered her, your hands closing around her throat.
As she gasped for air, her flames flickering out, you leaned in closer, your voice a cold whisper. “I wish I could say I'm sorry that things ended like this.” You saw Ember's tear running down her cheek, but somehow it meant nothing to you. She meant nothing to you now.
With a final, cruel twist, you snapped her neck, feeling a wave of energy and pleasure. You stood up, looking down at her lifeless body, and felt no remorse. You weren't even ashamed about it.
You wiped away a tear you didn't realize was falling. Maybe that was your last bit of humanity. But you knew that everything would be worth it.
Returning to Vought Tower, you made your way to Homelander’s office, feeling a mix of pain and pride. Eager to see him as soon as possible, you quickened your pace, anxious for his praise. When you entered, he looked you up and down with a smirk.
“Looks like you’ve been in quite a fight,” he said, his tone a blend of amusement and condescension. “Guess the supe wasn’t much of a challenge after all.”
“I handled it,” you replied, a rush of pride in your voice. “For you.”
Homelander’s expression remained assertive as he stepped closer, his hand brushing your cheek with a calculated touch. “I know. You did such a good job, YN.” Your heart raced, the sound of it loud in your ears. You felt as if you would do it a thousand times again just to hear him say it once more.
You felt a warmth spread through you at his words, his approval filling you with a sense of accomplishment. “Thank you.”
He guided you to his desk, where he began tending to your wounds. His touch was far from gentle, but you made sure not to flinch, determined to show that you could endure his roughness. As he worked, his eyes remained fixed on you, a mixture of satisfaction and possessiveness in his gaze.
“You know, you made the right choice,” he said, his voice low and assured. “Now nothing is standing between us.”
You felt a deep sense of commitment at his words, and you looked into his eyes, feeling the intensity of his gaze. “I’d do anything for my family,” you declared, your voice steady.
Homelander’s eyes shifted, an unreadable expression flickering across his face. Without warning, he gripped your chin firmly, his lips crashing against yours with a fierce urgency. At first, you struggled to keep up with the intensity, but soon you found yourself matching his desperation, surrendering to his need.
He used you as he pleased, and you embraced it, feeling a mix of exhilaration and belonging. The lines between pain and pleasure blurred as you gave yourself over completely.
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house-of-lovin · 1 year
legally binded - 3
Jenna Ortega x F!Reader
masterlist | series mast. ♣ prev part | next part
Chapter 3: Movie Premieres, SNL and Quarrels
Summary: After getting caught in some hot waters with the press, you are forced into an unexpected agreement with America's sweetheart, Jenna Ortega to save your career.
Warnings/Tags: dual!pov, famous!reader, actress!reader, mentions of hard substances, intoxication, mature language, real people (do not read if any of these makes you uncomfortable)
(this is all fiction!)
Note: Otherwise known as the One in New York. What do you guys think about R and Jenna's dynamic so far? 👀 (taking a break for a few days/maybe a week after I post this, I think I've kept you all fed for a bit while I'm gone lol, in the meantime, send asks I'll try to answer all of them!😋)
Word Count: 6.4k+
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“You get on that plane and I’ll drop you as a client.” Jake’s voice rings out from your work phone. 
“What the fuck, Jake, are you serious?!” You seethe, practically red in the face. 
You have been on the phone with Jake for the last hour – Liv refuses to pick up your calls after you blew up the group chat, rehashing your argument with Jenna. Desperately pleading to fly back home because you couldn’t stand being in the same city as the actress, at the moment. 
You couldn't even think about her words without it making your blood boil.
“Fuck yeah, I’m serious. Do you know what time it is here?”
Glancing at the clock it read 3:46 A.M. EST, you roll your eyes. “It’s just past midnight in L.A. You won’t die if you don’t get eight hours of sleep.”
“Be quiet. I don’t wanna hear another word from you.” He nearly shouts and you imagine that one vein popping through his forehead. You liked to stare at it when Jake goes off on his shouting tangents at you. 
He never notices that you're not paying attention.
“Maybe we should get Liv on the phone or maybe Sarah?” Link glances at you worriedly.
He hates seeing you so riled up, so he often played the middle-man with your quarrels against Jake and Liv.
“Liv says she doesn’t wanna hear it. Sarah says forget it and I’m saying, I’m not fucking around this time Y/N, this is your last chance. I’m over your shit.” He hangs up the phone, leaving the line dead.
You jump face-first into the stiff bed, groaning loudly.
“Looks like you’re outta luck.” He pats you back, leaving you to sulk alone as he shuts the door. “Try to get some sleep.”
There was no way you ended up in this situation. 
You guess, it was fair to acknowledge your recent streak of bad behaviour. First, it was tame — ignoring your phone, running away to party, getting mixed in the wrong crowds – eventually, Link had to start dragging you out of bed by the legs (sometimes kicking and screaming) just to make it in time for a gig.
You’re not sure when all of this started. All you knew is that you were so tired. You just wanted one second to breathe; to feel like that young child again, with hopes and dreams. But no, someone was always hovering over your shoulder ready to drag you away to another event you could care less about. 
You close your eyes, allowing the jetlag and exhaustion to set in as your body moulds into the mattress.
The next day, you find yourself standing in front of Jenna’s hotel room. The large double door looks menacing and faintly, you can already hear a bustle on the other side. You really didn’t want to knock but you know what was on the line so you swallow your pride and raise a fist to knock. 
But before you can knock, the door is opening revealing a girl, with dirty blonde hair bearing a semblance to a certain actress. “Oh, hi!”
“Hello.” You greet warmly.
“I’m Aliyah. Jenna’s younger sister.” She holds her free hand out.
You shake her hand, “Nice to meet you, I’m–”
“I know who you are.” She smiled then laughed, “Everyone knows who you are.”
You chuckled, shyly nodding. “I guess.”
“Are you two done?” Jenna suddenly appears, yanking the door wider so you can see her. Her makeup complements her well; the green bustier two-piece looked expertly crafted just for her; and the way her hair fell in soft waves framed her face nicely. 
“Hi…” You say a little vacant-sounding.
You don’t say anything else.
From the corner of your eye, you see her sister’s raised brow but you think you’re imagining it because you can’t keep your gaze off of Jenna. The actress raises her brow at you, impatient.
“What did you need?” She asks.
“Uh—I wanted to talk, about last night."
Jenna watches you momentarily before rolling her eyes; pulling you inside with a rough yank. “Get inside before someone sees you — Aliyah close the door.”
You stumble, still a little dazed but the smaller girl’s nails are gripping your arm painfully making you snap out of it.
“Ow, ow, ow.” You whisper, not inattentive to the multiple people scattered around the large room.
“Guys, this is Y/N.” She ignored your complaints and pulled you past the foyer into the living room – her entire team had taken refuge in the room to get the star ready for a day of press interviews.
Various echoes of your name and greetings are sent back to you but you certainly don’t miss the awkward tension in the room started by your sudden presence. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt, I can just go.” You point behind you.
“Nonsense.” An older woman that looked kinda like the actress waves off. “It’s great to have you here, Miss L/N. Jenna was just talking about you.”
“Oh please, just Y/N is fine.” Shaking your head bashfully, briefly wondering what she could be telling her family and team about what kind of person you are.
“I’m Jenna’s mom. That’s her dad, her other sister Mia, and her brother Markus.” She points and you try to keep up with the names of the people she’s throwing at you; Jenna’s family and team included.
“It’s so great to meet you all. It’s not hard to see that Jenna is so loved.” You say sincerely.
“We try our best.” Her dad says looking appreciative of your words. You smile at everyone and it seems to ease a bit of the tension in the room.
You didn’t see Jenna rolling her eyes again (her favourite to do around you) disregarding the encounter; she hides the surprise she feels from your genuine compliment.
Last night's argument with you, still burning in her brain.
“What did you want to say?" She says a little bluntly.
Watching as everyone turns to go back to what they were doing, you look down at Jenna. “Um… I wanted to apologize for last night. And call a truce, maybe over dinner?
She looks surprised not expecting you to be the first one to give in. “Oh…”
“I appreciate it.” Jenna cuts in, “I’m sorry too… a truce sounds good. Sarah got mad at me too, for what it's worth. She even said I was whining.”
Jenna jokes, dropping her walls a bit.
You rub a hand on the back of your neck, chuckling, “Good to know.”
“I can’t do dinner though.” She shuts her eyes as if remembering something. 
“Oh, that’s okay. Maybe another time.”
“Or maybe… you can be my date to the Scream cast dinner?” She offers, looking a little hopeful.
“Are you sure?” You chew your lip. Ignoring the word date.
“Yeah! Totally, you can meet everyone, it’ll be great. Not to throw anyone under the bus but they’ve been trying to meet you.” She says sheepishly.
You laugh, dropping your walls just a tad. “Sure I’ll be there.”
She smiles warmly, satisfied with your answer. “Yeah, it’ll be great. I guarantee there’ll be paparazzi, so it’ll be good for publicity. They’ve been hounding me since I landed, my dad nearly pushed a guy in the airport. I couldn’t even walk to the door by myself at the SNL dinner cast party.”
You lose a bit of the smile but Jenna doesn’t see, laughing at her memory of the paparazzi. You blink around, making sure no one saw you, it might give them the wrong idea. “Uh, yeah sure. I’m good with whatever.”
“Okay, cool.” She shoots a thumb up, walking away from you. “I’ll see you tonight?”
“Mhmm.” You smile, waving goodbye to everyone and booting it out the door. 
Unsure where the tension in your chest is coming from you swiftly walk to the elevator; aggressively tapping the button as if the elevator would come faster that way. And practically throwing yourself in the metal box as soon as it opens.
You miss the entire pandemonium that implodes in the room when you leave.
“Holy shit?” Mia exclaims.
“Language.” Her mom chastises. 
“No, holy shit, indeed. Jenna oh my god what did you do to that poor girl?” Aliyah walks past Jenna to grab a bottle of water from the fridge. 
“What are you talking about?” She looks at her sisters confused.
Mia’s rolling her eyes, standing up from the couch. “Did you not see the way she was looking at you?”
“No? How was she looking at me?” She turns to her mom who had a hint of a smile on her lips as if she knew something. Jenna was starting to feel left out. 
“She likes you, Jen.” Her brother speaks up, not even bothering to look up from his phone. 
“What? You guys are crazy. We barely know each other.” Jenna starts shaking her head furiously, turning to Enrique, her stylist and close friend. “Enrique, tell them they’re being crazy.”
But he shrugs, sharing that same Cheshire grin her mom had. “God, not you too.” She clamps her eyes shut with her hands.
“Hey! Watch the eyes!” Her makeup artist warns. 
“Dad?” She drops her hands, pleading at the silent man, who, she knows is listening. Why do Dads do that thing where they let everyone argue, only stepping in when the Mom asks for backup. 
He remains in character – staying silent.
“You guys don’t know what you’re talking about. She was literally here for five seconds. How could you possibly think she likes me from that.” Jenna turns to everyone else.
“I don’t know, Jen. The eyes never lie.” Mia says, privy to the way your smile fell when Jenna mentioned being spotted for publicity tonight. 
“I’m– I’m late for interviews, I need to go,” Jenna mutters, grabbing her purse and walking to the door. 
“This is gonna blow up.” Your producer says from beside you. 
“I don’t know. I still think it’s missing something.” You sigh, sliding the headphones off as you slump onto the plush leather seats. 
You sneaked off to the studio not too far from the hotel in lower Manhattan. See you would have told Link or anyone really, but you were trying to be discreet. And Link is one ‘ol snitch and the personal fun police. 
It seems after your fight with Jenna, Jake and Liv put you under strict instructions not to leave the hotel unless accompanied by someone from your team. 
You’re not a fucking child. You don’t need a babysitter. So here you are, with your producer in the studio trying to record this damn song you’ve been stuck on for three months.
“Maybe it’s time to scrap the song then.” He offers. “It’s never gonna be done before Coachella.”
Immediately you are shaking your head. No, this song is special, you can feel it. If only you can get your head out of your own ass long enough to find the damn words. 
“No, just– just put it on hold. Let’s work on something else.”
He sighs, clicking the screen to pull up another file. “Your call.”
The buzzing of your phone against the wooden table echoes into the silence that grew as you waited. “Ah fuck.”
Reaching over, you grab the phone and are bombarded by a flurry of texts and missed calls. 
Some from Jenna, some from your bodyguard and driver, most from Link.
Jenna’s is the first one you click.
The phone rings three times before it gets picked up. Muffled, loud voices are all you hear at first before she eventually speaks up, “Hello?”
“Hey, I am so–”
“Where the hell are you? You’re ten minutes late. We’re all waiting for you.” Her tone is sharp and snipped. 
You had fucked up.
“Fuck… I’m sorry, I’ll be right there– there was…. uh.” You stand, gathering your jacket and silently bidding your producer goodbye as he looks on confused. “There was a lot of traffic. I am so sorry, I’m trying to make it as fast as I can.”
She sighs through the phone, “It’s…fine. Just get here as soon as you can, please.”
A little white lie never killed anybody.
You make it to the restaurant in record time. Pushing through the paparazzi camping outside the restaurant doors. Do they have no shame? Clearly not as they shout Jenna’s name at you; asking if you were there to see her, trying to get their piece of the scoop. Thankfully, the security guard had seen you and personally ushered you to the cast‘s table. Someone must have informed them that you were coming.
You’re still blinking away the spots in your vision from the camera flashes when you feel an arm pulling you down to sit. 
“What took you so long?”Jenna asked assertively, scanning you.
“I told you. Traffic.” You plaster a smile at all the eyes on you, subtly shrugging Jenna’s arm off yours with a little bit of attitude.
You don’t miss her clenched jaw. Plastering a smile in front of her costars who were trying their best not to gawk at you. "Well, where were you then? No one could get a hold of you, we were worried."
You tried your hardest to school your genuine surprise at her worry. "Sorry. I was working. My phone was off."
“Hi! I’m Melissa, it’s so nice to meet you, I’m a big fan.” A brunette extends her hand from across the long table – interrupting Jenna before she can say anything else.
You make the usual greetings, introducing yourself to Jenna’s costars and colleagues. You felt a bit like a trophy wife if you were being honest. Like eye candy on her arm, serving only to make her look good. Upon that realization, you feel a little flushed. You’re not sure why, that is the whole point of this whole thing. 
Her castmates have been sending you two knowing eyes over dinner — giving Jenna inconspicuous smirks and smug grins as if you couldn’t see. You keep your head down after the pleasantries are over and the main courses are brought out. 
Grateful, you don’t have to talk about your upcoming projects any longer.
“What’s wrong?” You nudge her elbow, noticing how she was pushing away some pieces of food on her plate. 
“I don’t like apples.” She mutters. 
You can’t fight the smile that creeps on your lips but you don’t tease. “Just push them off to the side and I’ll eat it.”
She looks at you. “You sure?”
“Yeah, it’s no big deal.” You shrug taking a sip of your wine. 
“That doesn’t gross you out or anything? I know some people are weird about that sort of thing.” Jenna explains. 
“Dude, I’ll eat your apples, chill.” You laugh.
“Okay, thanks…” She mumbles, still looking at you but you turn, talking to Mason and his girlfriend.
Jenna feels a nudge on her side. “What?” 
“You two are cute.” Jasmin smirks. “And Y/N L/N? Not a bad catch at all.”
“Stop.” Jenna blushes. Unsure if she feels uncomfortable that some of her close and respected friends believe this lie so easily.
“Hey, give them some space!” The security guard shouts as the paparazzi come rushing toward the door as soon as the cast steps out. 
You were standing in the lobby waiting for Jenna. “Shit…” You hear her mutter, watching as she searches for something in her bag. 
“What’s up?” You ask.
“I forgot my sunglasses in my room. The flashes hurt my eyes.” She frowns. Wordlessly, you fish the pair you stashed in your jacket. 
“Here, wear mine.” You hold the glasses out, watching as she just stares at it. Rolling your eyes, you push it toward her. “Dude, just take it.”
“Thanks…” She mumbles, sliding them up her hair. 
You walk ahead of her, holding the door open as everyone trickles out. You’re regretting giving Jenna your only sunglasses cause the flashes are bright and it’s making your eyes water.
“Go ahead,” You usher, only leaving once everyone’s gone ahead of you. You trail behind ignoring the various men with large cameras chasing you as you walk down the sidewalk. 
“Y/N over here, please! Just one photo.”
“Y/N, just one photo of you and Jenna, please!” 
“What do you have to say about Vegas?”
You ignore them keeping your head down trying not to fall behind. 
“Where’s Y/N?” You hear over the sea of nameless faces. 
“Right here.” You say, sliding in beside her.
You miss the subtle sigh of relief she lets out.
“You can’t just walk behind everyone like that.” She grits, frustratedly.
"I tried to keep up." You mumbled like a scolded husband.
The shouting increases when you stand beside one another; practically rendering you blind with all the flashes. “Dammit.” 
You place an hand on her back, pushing her forward. “Put on the sunglasses and walk.”
“Y/N, please over here. Jenna!” The shouting is constant and blurs altogether all at the same time. 
“Ow.” You feel Jenna tumble when someone bumps her side causing her to bump harshly against you. Firmly, you grab her arm to preventing her from falling and pushed back against the crowd to check on her.
“Are you okay?” you ask worriedly as she fixes the lopsided glasses. “Yeah, yeah. I’m fine.”
“Hey. Watch it–” You grit at the closest person holding a camera. “It wasn’t me.”
The man insists, still shamelessly snapping flashes directly into your face and you begin to grow angry, slapping the camera out of his hands. “I said fucking watch it, asshole.”
You glare for a brief moment as the shouting gets impossibly louder. Knowing if you didn’t pull Jenna out of this, chaos would ensue. You link hands and drag her through the crowd, briskly walking to her castmates who shared looks of concern.
“Are you okay?” You ask, still walking but now barricaded by security and her friends.
“Yeah, I’m fine, I promise.” She squeezes your hand but then sighs, “You shouldn’t have done that.”
You scoff, “Are you serious? That guy pushed you.” 
“It was an accident and you kinda overreacted.” She whispers lowly. 
You clench your jaw, dropping her hand — Not wanting to blow up in front of her colleagues, you walk swiftly ahead.
You don’t talk even when you are both side-by-side being driven back to the hotel. Her driver has the partition up halfway but you see the nosy glances he keeps making at the rearview mirror as you and Jenna sit in silence; acutely aware to the growing tension between you and the actress.
You refuse to speak, just looking out the window as other cars pass by on the street. 
“Are you done ignoring me now?” She speaks up but you still don’t want to talk. “Seriously?”
“Y/N all he did was push me. A little shove, that’s all. I’m okay. What’s not okay is the phone call you know we’re going to get from Liv and Sarah about that guy’s camera.”
“He deserved it.” You mumble through the palm holding your head up. 
“I’m not saying he didn’t but you can’t just be aggressive to paparazzi like that. It’s exactly what they want.” She reasons, turning to you. Hoping you’ll finally look at her. 
“I know…”
“Look at me, please?” She places a hand on your arm.
You turn, keeping your face impassive.
She sends you a shy smile then laughed. “I mean it though, thank you for having my back. My Dad is gonna think this whole thing is hilarious.”
“Why?” You can’t help but join in.
“He’s a cop, so he’s a little protective. He’s been waiting to shove away a pap for the longest time. He’s gonna be so mad you beat him to it.” 
You laugh imagining her father’s reaction. 
“You haven’t seen Scream? Not even the original?” Jenna turns bewildered like it was the most blasphemous thing she’s ever heard. You were in her hotel suite, watching movies. For some reason, Jenna invited you over to her room after being dropped off at the hotel. “How? You’re an actress.”
You couldn’t think of a good reason to say no so you accepted.
“Yeah, sorry. Jeez. Way to sound like a film snob. I didn’t know there was a checklist of movies to watch before becoming an actor.” You snort reaching for more popcorn from the bowl beside you. 
“Shut up.” She hits you with the remote. “How have you not seen any of the Scream movies? You’re literally going to my premiere tomorrow.”
You hold up your hands in surrender, throwing a couple of kernels in your mouth. “Sorry, they’re not really my cup of tea.”
She rolls her eyes, snatching some popcorn from your hand, ignoring your protests. “Oh sorry, I forgot we have an action star in our midst.”
It was your turn to hit her arm, “Shut it. I just mean… I haven’t found the time to sit and watch them. They’re not exactly short films.”
“You’re in the MCU and Dune. Don’t talk to me about long movies.”
“Touché…” You can’t beat her there. They are ridiculously long movies. Probably why you’ve only ever seen them during premiere night and never again. “Well, put one on then. Let’s see what all the hype is about.”
She grins scrambling for the remote. “You’re on.”
You wait for her to pull up the Scream catalogue, chuckling at her visible excitement.
“Hey, why did you become an actress? and singer while we’re at it, Miss Grammy winner.” She nudges your shoulder.
You snort, shoving her lazily. “Shut up… Do you want the press interview answer or the real one?”
She raises a brow, immediately deciding. “The real one.”
You nod, feeling like she would say that.
“My mom... She was a rising star in the 80s but something happened and she never got to live out her dreams. When she had me she put me through all of the arts. I bumped and failed with most of them but acting and singing kinda stuck… I guess she saw those were the only two things I could stand so she pushed and pushed, it led to Jake discovering me and here we are.”
Jenna stays silent processing your story, she doesn’t miss the slight solemness your tone had taken. "Why do I feel like there's more to it than that?"
You chuckle, licking your lips. "Caught me... it's why I don't talk to my parents anymore."
"Yeah. As soon as I turned eighteen I cut ties with them. She got too controlling, wanting money, wanting autonomy over my career so I took Link with me and moved to L.A. and did it on my own. I think... at some point acting became a spite thing with me because of her.
“Spite?” Jenna asks?
“Yeah… it was all I’ve ever known for a long time until I started making music. Probably the only time I’ve ever felt sure about a decision.”
"Oh..." Jenna finds herself saying again.
"Uh–sorry. I didn't mean to make it weird. We can just forget about it." You curl into yourself, tugging the blanket to your lap.
Jenna blinks, feeling dumb that she's made you think her silence is a bad thing.
"No..." She grabs your wrist. "Thank you for sharing with me."
You look into her eyes, feeling a bit small at her kind eyes. You know it's not out of pity but you couldn't help but want to close up again.
Pulling your hand away from her grip, you cough. "Of course, we're friends now."
"Oh, are we?" Jenna ignores the drop in her chest when you pulled away like that. “Okay, what’s the press answer then?”
“That I watched the movie Cabaret when I was younger and wanted to be like Liza Minelli.” You admit.
Jenna scoffs, “That’s literally my answer.”
“Is it?”
“Yeah except, it’s Dakota Fanning in Man on Fire.”
You chuckle, “doesn’t Denzel die in that one?”
“Yeah and what about it?” She raised a brow.
"But see, don’t fight it we’re meant to be friends... we even share the same answer."
"Shut up, dummy. Every actor has some sort of answer like that.”
Eventually, the two of you start a marathon of the Scream franchise. Which in hindsight, is kind of a bad idea seeing as it was way past midnight and the other actress still has a long week ahead of her. It seems like the events of the day catch up to her cause you feel a head slipping on your shoulder; distracting your focus halfway through Scream 3.
Jenna had fallen asleep with her head on your shoulder. You fight the urge to tense up not wanting to wake her up. She looked like she needed the rest and you relate more than anyone to her exhaustion. 
“Jenna…” You lightly tap, “You fell asleep, you need to go to bed.”
She grumbles, whining in her slumber. You feels your cheeks warm when she unconsciously moves to snuggle closer to you, throwing an arm over your waist.
God, I am not your strongest soldier. 
“Jen, seriously. Wake up.” You shake her arm.
“What?” She complains, her words muffled by your collarbone.
“You need to go to bed.”
The feeling of her soft lashes brushing against the material of your shirt as she blinks sends a shiver down your spine. “Oh…”
Jenna mumbles mortified. Quickly pushing herself off of you, unable to look you in the eyes. “Sorry.”
You don't mention how she might have punched your stomach and that you were desperately trying not to cough.
“S’okay…” You shake your head softly. You couldn't help but notice the way her hair fell over her eyes messily. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” She asks once she regains her senses, waking up from her short slumber.
Something tells Jenna she won’t be sleeping with how fast her heart is pounding; uncertain as to where her sudden anxiety is coming from. 
“Yeah… I’ll be waiting for you inside.” You stand gathering your belongings.
“Wait, you’re not walking the carpet with me?” Jenna pulled a face.
You raise a brow, “No? At least, I wasn't told I had to. They just said I had to show up.”
“Oh… okay.” She nods then sighed, long and profound.
You continue to raise a brow but don’t say anything. Not wanting to push her. You remember the last time you guys fought and are immediately turned off. No thanks, not trying to open that can of worms.
“Okay. Goodnight then.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.” She leans against the door.
Her premiere is a success. After borderline shoving you inside a tinted Cadillac, Link brushes your vintage Prada gown down; making sure you are in tip-top movie-star shape. You don’t walk the carpet, instead heading straight inside – making headlines. 
Your every damn move is a headline these days.
Silently thanking whatever God was out there that you didn’t because the way your jaw dropped when you see Jenna was downright embarrassing. Your reaction would surely have been a running piece if cameras were around.
Your managers would love it though.
Link had to forcefully elbow your side as Jenna walks up to greet you. 
“Wow…” You manage to say. “You look stunning Jenna.”
Jenna was glad for the dim lights in the theatre, “Thanks.” She blushes, casting her eyes down.
“You look great too.” She scans you up and down, suddenly feeling warm under her gape. 
Maybe it was the way her makeup is done or the deconstructed tuxedo for a dress that she had on tonight but she looked more mature, intimidating? Like she could throw you around a little and you’d just gladly ask her to do it again.
Wait, what?
“Thanks… Link and I should head to our seats but I just wanted to congratulate you. This is seriously amazing.” You express sincerely.
Jenna flushes more, waving you off with a huff and a lazy hand. “Please.”
Link coughs loudly, interrupting the bubble you and Jenna found yourselves in. “Okay, someone’s a little impatient. We better go.”
A hand reaches out, grabbing you. “Do you wanna, maybe, I don’t know. Sit beside me?”
You turn, surprised. “Oh? What about Enrique?” You glance at her stylist standing just behind her pretending like he wasn’t listening; fiddling on his phone. 
“I’m sure he won’t mind switching to sit with Link, right Enrique?” She turns, asking her friend.
He grins widely, “Nope. All good with me!”
“Perfect!” She smiles at you, still grabbing your arm. 
“We’ll be down there!” Jenna calls out to Link and Enrique linking your fingers out of nowhere as you walk to beside her costars.
You still don’t say anything when Jenna wraps herself around you when you make it to your seats, waving as people cheer with a large smile before pulling you to sit down. 
Only then did she pull herself away, “sorry about that.”
“All good.” You mumble after realizing what happened; turning to face the large screen.
Perfect photo op.
“Hey is that sharpie on your dress?”
“Yes.” She sighs.
The rest of the night goes off without a hitch but you can’t stop the growing unpleasantness in your chest. You decide to brush it off and save face for Jenna’s night. Your sulking and feelings can wait in the privacy of your own four walls and definitely not at a high-profile movie premiere.
By the time you found yourself at the NBC building in a random dressing room at the SNL studio, waiting for Jenna’s monologue you forget all about it. You lay lazily on a stiff and most likely old couch, scrolling through your phone. 
A knock on the door has you pulling off your headphones. “Come in.”
“Hey Y/N.” A head peaks in making you sit up briskly. “Aliyah, hey. Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. Just uh– Jenna’s asking for you.” She sends a sheepish smile, the corners of her eyes crinkling.
“Oh,” Your head perks up. “Is she okay?” You question, following the smaller girl past hallways that all looked the same; trying not to bump into the various stagehands buzzing around. 
“Yeah, yeah, she’s kinda freaking out, though and… we can’t get her to calm down.” You both stop at a closed door. 
“Oh… why me?” You couldn’t help but ask.
“Uh… okay she didn’t exactly say you but I saw your episode and you were hilarious and who better to talk her down than someone who’s done it before.” She flashes a large grin before opening the door and shoving you inside.
The room is empty save for Jenna dressed in a short-legged suit. You force yourself to blink, reminding yourself that you are on a time crunch.
She snaps her head at your voice, and a noticeable tremble in her fingers is the first thing you see. “What–what are you doing here? I thought you’d be in your seat by now.”
“Your sister asked me to come.” You admit, walking forward.
“I’m fine. Go to your seat, I’ll see you after the show.” She turns her back to you, looking over sheets of paper with multi-coloured inked notes scribbled on every open space.
“Take a deep breath for me, Jenna.” You walk closer, slowly bringing the hand tightly clutching her notes down. The bones in her fingers relax as she drops the paper. She doesn’t say anything when you don’t disconnect your hands. 
You find yourself standing much closer to her.
“Take a deep breath.” You repeat.
Jenna closes her eyes, inhaling a long, deep and audible breath in then out. She clutches your fingers as she does so, unconsciously leaning back against you to ground her bubbling anxiety. 
She stays in your hold with her back against your chest: a death grip on your fingers. Your swipe a thumb over the skin of her hand. “It’ll be okay…”
“Thanks…” Jenna looks into your eyes, taking one last deep breath.
Briefly, you hold her gaze feeling tepid under the intense look in her eyes. You can’t tell what they're saying but for some reason, the way her dark pupils seemed softer under the fluorescent lights had you under a spell.
And for a fleeting second, you thought she was leaning in closer to you — eyes flickering to your lips.
“Don’t mention it.” You drop her hand immediately, taking wide steps back.
Not liking the way her eyes flickered down.
You don’t like what that could possibly mean.
Jenna’s turning rapidly, pretending not to notice as you take sizable steps away from her. “What did my sister say?”
You laugh, shoving your hands in your jacket. “That she liked my SNL episode and thought someone who’s done it before can talk you down.”
“Talk me down?” She scrunches her nose.
“Don’t shoot the messenger.” You shrug.
“Your episode was okay.” Jenna turns away to face a mirror, brushing away her bangs.
You take the bait, glad she wasn’t trembling anymore. “Okay? I got the whole cast to break, it’s considered a classic. It was nominated for an Emmy that year.”
“It didn’t win though.”
You scoff playfully, “I’m leaving. You clearly don’t need my help anymore.”
She laughs obnoxiously as you stomp out of her dressing room. “Wait.”
You stop just before you open the door. “Yeah?”
“Thank you… for talking me down.” She tucks a hair backs, a little shy.
The small smile creeping on your face is hard to subdue. “Don’t mention it. Now, go. You’re gonna kill it.” You wink, exiting the dressing room.
“She’s all good.” You tell her team.
“That’s it? She hasn’t calmed down all day, it takes you – what, five minutes?” Enrique crosses his arms. Jenna’s mom smirks, patting his back then walked past him and into the room as the rest of her family slowly trickled in; her sisters staring at you intensely.
“Uh sorry?” You blush furiously, walking off in the other direction to find your seat.
Jenna kills it, but that was never a surprise. You can tell she’s nervous throughout her monologue but after Fred Armisen does his bit – from beside you, which had been a pleasant surprise. She begins to grow confident, feeling pleased with your embarrassment when the camera pans to you and Fred.
You’d get her back for that. Making a mental note to cook up a special revenge plan, just for her.
Eventually, she falls into the role naturally. Nailing her punchlines perfectly, working the crowd like an expert, and exquisitely performing her skits. It’s a shock to you when you overhear someone behind you say she’s never done live stage work before.
She's so natural at it.
It's a privilege to watch her perform.
You nearly die when she changes into a red suit as she introduces the musical guest of the night.
Actually, you begin to slide off your seat when she comes out in a pinstripe suit — a reference to the Addams family you overheard in passing.
When credits roll and the ‘LIVE’ sign turns off. You remain in your seat. Unsure if you are just admiring her or if it’s ‘cause your legs no longer functioned. You can’t fight that admiration as it grows when you see how supportive her family is as they cheer her on and celebrate this win as one unit. 
You smile, wishing you can relate. At least some people had that in their lives.
A part of you thinks it makes the whole world’s difference, having a support system like that. But you would never know.
Silently, you slip out the stage doors and back to the random dressing room you’ve decided to take refuge in. 
You narrowly miss Jenna trying to find you through the masses; her smile dropping a bit when she realizes you’re gone.
You don’t get a chance to personally congratulate Jenna because Link was bursting into the dressing room — after complaining about trying to find you for ten minutes. Rambling on how you’re needed back in Los Angeles and there was no time to say goodbye.
When you catch the other actress it’s by pure stroke of luck. You're going through checkout at the hotel, waiting for Link to do all the work as you wait behind him. 
You feel slightly guilty that you're just leaving without warning.
You should send Jenna a text, right? But would she even care if you left so suddenly? She did want you out of the city just a few days ago.
But then, you two literally just, might’ve, maybe, almost kissed/shared a moment in her dressing room, so who knows what you should do at this point.
You feel a migraine forming at the base of your skull, the longer you thought about the other actress.
“Y/N?” A voice breaks your self-deprecating thoughts. You turn to see Jenna with her team and family trailing beside her.
Jenna’s smile falls when she sees your bags. Her family walks ahead but you certainly don’t miss their curious eyes as she stops in front of you.
“Where are you going?” Her eyes keep flickering between you and your bags.
Link avoids her sharp, accusing eyes.
“Back to L.A. sorry I was just about to send you a text, actually.” You confessed, a little ashamed. 
It felt like you got caught doing something you shouldn’t be doing… like when you lie to your long-time partner about the real reason why you want some time apart.
“A text?” She raises an unamused brow not liking your answer.
“Yeah, Jake wants me back in L.A. Uh– sorry, was I supposed to tell you?” You ask, a bit confused.
“Tell me?” She scoffs, face dropping. “Yeah, you’re supposed to tell me. I was going to invite you to dinner to celebrate with my family and the SNL cast tonight. But you weren’t even in the audience anymore by the time I finished.”
“Sorry… I thought you’d want to celebrate with your family.” You shrug lamely, torn between feeling guilty and confused at her reaction to the news of your sudden departure.
She made it feel like you were trying to escape.
“Well, I thought–” 
She cuts herself off with a huff then looked back as her family waits for her by the elevator.
“Thought what?”
As if remembering she was still out in a very public setting, after hosting one of the most recognizable programs in America; Jenna blinks out of it. Shoving her feelings down.
“Nothing. Have a safe flight back to L.A. I’ll see you in a few days… or weeks” She mumbles with an edginess to her words, walking away before you can say anything else.
“Tough break, buddy.” Link pats a comforting hand on your shoulder as you were rendered speechless. Unsure if you should chase her down and apologize.
Damn can she walk fast in those heels.
But, why would you be apologizing for having to do your job?
But the way her brow creased like she was actually upset caused an unpleasant drop in your chest. Not enjoying how she was upset and that it seemed like it was all your fault. You? Nah. Maybe she’s still dealing with other stuff and is just taking it out on you. 
It wouldn’t be the first time.
“What. Just. Happened.” You turn, aggressively snatching your card from the hotel worker who definitely enjoyed the show.
“Are you blind?” He scoffs then walks away from you.
“What do you mean? Link… what do you mean?” 
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rileyglas · 5 months
The List ~Pt. 7 - Condemnation~
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel) x Reader
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Summary: As you try to cope with Alastor's absence, you find solace with the King of Hell, who presents an interesting offer. However, some unexpected news from Husk forces you to rethink your plans.
Themes: The usual angst, mystery (Alastor), sassiness, cursing, fluff, eventual smut, actual plot, Lucifer is a cunning shit, slow burn, Husk is going to be in trouble, and of course 18+
3.2k Words
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5  Part 6 Part 7 (You're on it!) Part 7.A Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
**sentences in italics are internal thoughts of the reader
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The last few days (weeks?) have been a blur. It was a weird switch going from sleeping terribly because you longed to be near him - to sleeping constantly so you didn’t have to feel your body long from him. Anyone who came to your door was just told you weren’t feeling good. “Just caught a stomach bug, don’t come in! I would hate for you to catch it.”
Today you decided it’s time to finally leave your room. Charlie needs help and there are things around the hotel that need to be done before her meeting with Heaven. You aren’t one to let others down just because of your own emotional baggage.
You throw some makeup on to try to brighten your face. Usually, you wouldn’t be bothered but all the crying significantly darkened your eyes. I’d rather not let them see me like this. The less questions the better. Plastering a smile on your face, you head down to the lobby to get the list of ‘to-dos’ from Charlie. Surprisingly she isn’t there when you arrive, so you take a seat next to Angel on the floor. You lean your head against his leg as a silent ‘hello’.
“Hey toots, how ya feeling?” he says without looking up from his phone. “Better, thanks.” You say cheerfully.
“Good! Guess you and Smiles must have shared cooties ‘cause he ain’t been seen or heard from since Lucifer’s visit.” A pang hits your chest, but you try to brush it off. He’s probably just pissed off.
Charlie rushes down the stairs and scoops you into a lung crushing hug, “So so so soooooooo glad you’re feeling better! I didn’t realize how much you did around here! Could you do me a huge favor and go pick up a few things from the city and take them to my dad? He said he can meet you at this address. I have to go pack - Thank you!” Just as quickly as she came down the stairs, she hurries back, leaving you with a short list and an address.
For the first time in weeks, you leave the hotel without Alastor or his shadow close by. It’s not that you’re afraid of going out alone, but you realize you enjoyed his company more than you thought. You glance up at the radio tower as you walk away from the hotel and can make out a dark figure with glowing red eyes staring down from the window. Well at least that’s confirmation he’s still around.
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You pick up the few things from a local shop and walk across the city to the address Charlie gave you. This doesn’t look right. The building you walk up to is more of an abandoned warehouse for a drug deal rather than a cozy meetup with the King of Hell. Cautiously you walk through the door which looked like it had been kicked in already. Just as expected, it’s an empty building with piles of trash scattered about. Graffiti and posters plaster the inner walls. You triple check the address on the small paper and it matches.
Sooo now what?
After waiting and pacing for a few minutes, you hear someone call out to you. You turn to see Lucifer standing outside a portal in the middle of the building.
“You didn’t actually think I stayed within the city, did you?” he chuckles as he motions for you to enter into the portal with him. Once inside you look around to see a large open room filled with…ducks? And this guy was trying to give me a hard time?
“Is – is this your office, sir?”
He boots a few ducks out of his path. “Yes, this is where I work on – important – matters. Also, no need for formalities, Lucifer is fine. Those bags for me?”
You almost forgot why you were even standing in the King’s office. All the piles of rubber ducks grabbed your attention and now you wanted to look through them out of pure curiosity. Handing over the bags, you keep scanning around the room. Lucifer notices your curious glances, “Would you – like to see my most recent project?” he asks nervously. You feel your face light up at the offer and he can’t help but mirror your excitement.
He starts to show you all the ducks he’s created, their names, what they can do. His eyes glimmer excitedly every time you display even the slightest interest in one. What feels like a mere fifteen minutes ends up becoming a couple hours. As he shows you the last of his collection, a solemn look crosses his face.
“Thank you for this. I don’t get a lot of visitors and haven’t really been able to share my work since Charlie…grew up. Plus, it’s nice to see you smile, especially after our first encounter.”
Your breath catches at the memory of that night. Not so much the crying in the arms of the devil part - rather the grief you felt shortly after. “Oh – thank you for taking the time to show me. Truthfully, I haven’t had much reason to smile lately so it’s a lovely change.”
His smile drops. There's a long pause as he fights with himself to find the right words, “Did he…Alastor I mean…hurt you that night? You can tell me. I know Charlie is close with him, so you probably don’t feel comfortable -”
“He didn’t hurt me. At least not in the physical sense.” Frowning, you curse at yourself for being too honest. You can’t help but feel at ease in his presence. He was Lucifer, King of Hell and easily the most powerful in all the seven rings. What ulterior motives could he possibly have or need? He has no reason to be anything other than genuine in his worry for you. He made it all too easy to tell him anything. Rule #1 Never trust another Overlord/Demon
He looks at you pitifully. I hate when someone looks at me like that. “I’m fine. Nothing to worry about.” You force a smile then hang your head towards the floor to hide the truth. The wounds were too fresh. The last thing you want is another breakdown in front of him. He’s seen enough tears from me. 
Two fingers pull your chin up to his gaze, “Your eyes tell me a much different story. Tell me, does he know of your power?” he asks delicately.
Weird, Alastor never really asked me to show him what I could do. He always just said he could ‘sense’ it. Your brows gather at the realization, “Not exactly. He knows I have it, just not what I can do fully.”
He lets go of you with a sigh of relief, “Probably for the best.”
“Wait, do you – “
“I do not know, though I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little curious. You must have something special to survive down here.” He flashes a devilish grin that makes heat rise to your cheeks.
Rule #2 Never tell a soul what (or how much) power you have. Can’t hurt for the King to know, right? “Well you were gracious enough to show me your special collection. Let me show you something that’s special to me in return.”
Taking his hand, you lead him to his chair and motion for him to sit down. “Do you have anything sharp?” you ask. He hesitates slightly before grabbing a small knife from his workbench.
“So - I don’t know how this will work with the whole ‘fallen angel’ thing but...trust me?”
His worried eyes are surpassed by a warm smile, nodding for you to continue. You kneel in front of him and take his hand palm side up, “Sorry, this might hurt a little.” He flinches as you slice into his skin and golden fluid gushes from the wound. I didn’t know angelic blood was so beautiful.
Flipping his hand over, you press your lips to his knuckles. A hiss leaves your throat from the sting as the cut heals and blood disappears. Lucifer pulls his hand away to inspect his palm. “Wow…that is…..definitely something,” he breathed in amazement. His hands find yours as he stands to help you up from the floor, but he doesn't let go. Eyes widened in curiosity, “Do you feel anything when it happens?”  
You shrug, “Depends on the wound. Stuff like that just stings. Other times it feels like my body is getting ripped apart.”
Lucifer hums, drawing nervous little circles in your palms with his thumbs, “The gift of healing is something truly amazing.” He seems to lose himself in thought but continues to ghost across your skin. The light touch from his tracing sends you into full body chills.
“You're beautiful.” he whispers under his breath.
You catch his attention to pull him out of his own mind. “I’m sorry?”
“IT’S beautiful - the gift. I mean you’re beautiful too I just - I mean …” You try to hide your giggles as he continues to stammer like a schoolboy. It was refreshing to see him flustered like this, vulnerable and unsure of himself. He stops to take a breath and recollect his thoughts, “I'm sorry I’m just trying to figure out what you, of all people, could possibly want or need from that…demon.” His voice sharpened bitterly at the word. He really likes to poke the sore subjects doesn’t he.
“I didn’t need anything. And I wanted…it doesn’t matter what I wanted. He made his intentions clear that night that I was only some tool for him. He never cared. And I knew better but yet here I am - “
Tears swell in your eyes as he said the word. Uhg not again…Rule #4 Never let your weaknesses show. 
Lucifer wraps his hands around your waist and pulls you against him. He softly presses a kiss to your forehead then to each cheek, taking your fallen tears with his lips. Your body freezes at the sudden affection. This feels wrong…
“Look, I know things are getting bad out there, but I can promise you safety - true safety. You can stay here. Away from the sinners, the exorcists, him…you can be here with me and away from all the evil that floods the streets –“ “No!” you interject louder than you mean to. He cocks his head at your sudden outburst, looking offended but softens when he sees tears continue down your face. “I see why Charlie likes you so much my dear. You both try so hard to see the best in everyone and want to help. It’s unfortunate such kind souls like yours are taken advantage of far too often.” You feel his grip tighten at your waist as he presses a hand to your cheek. This feels so very wrong…Rule #3 Never bring anyone too close
You grab his wrists, not to move them away but rather to make sure they don’t travel your body any further, “I have ways of keeping myself safe, Lucifer. I appreciate your offer but I can’t…I won’t…hide away. I refuse to be caged when there are people out there that need help.”
He lets out a low chuckle and rests his forehead on yours. His eyes close as he sighs, “Your determination and stubbornness remind me so much of her…”
“Who?” you whisper.
His lips hover above yours, “Lillith.”
This IS wrong. “Luci –“
Before you can say anything else his lips interrupt yours. His kiss is gentle yet unwavering. Your body aches from how tense your body has become. Any other sinner would kill to be in your position right now, but your mind is only focused on one person – and it isn’t the one kissing you. I hate this...
Like a saving grace, Lucifer’s phone begins ringing with Charlie’s adorable baby picture lighting up the screen. He pulls away and answers it reluctantly, “Heeeey you! How’d the m – oh? Yes, we will be right there.” He hangs up with a groan and intertwines his fingers with yours, “We will have to put this to the side for now. Apparently, the meeting with Heaven didn’t go well. Charlie needs us back at the hotel.” With his free hand he opens a portal into the hotel lobby and pulls you alongside him. 
Stepping into the lobby, his hand keeps a firm grip on yours. You walk in just in time to see Charlie bursting into tears and running upstairs with Vaggie and Alastor trailing close behind her.
“Charlie wait – “ Vaggie tries to stop her but halts at the banister, knowing she is far too upset to talk right now. Lucifer finally lets go of you and rushes to follow his daughter, shoving Alastor to the side as he makes his way up the stairs.
His face twists into a snarl at the King’s boorishness. Realizing he wasn’t alone Alastor glances over his shoulder to see you staring. A strange mixture of hurt and relief fills your body seeing him for the first time since that night. He didn’t look like his usually pristine self. He looked…tired? Disheveled? Why does he look like he’s been worse off than me? As if he’s suffered just as much? You notice his smile falter as he looks back at you before turning to see Lucifer making his way back down the stairs.
“She seems to need some time alone.” Lucifer announces with a hint of hurt in his voice. Ignoring Alastor, he walks over to you and takes your hips forcefully, making you flinch at his grip. “I think it’s best I take my leave for now. Promise you’ll at least consider my offer, please? I’d hate for you to..” he glares back at Alastor to ensure he was watching, “…get hurt in any way. You’re worth protecting my dear.” He places a long kiss to your forehead and vanishes in a stream of red ribbon. 
You rub your sides where he had grabbed you to take away the sting. Your face contorts uncomfortably at the remnants of his touch and kiss. Alastor takes a step towards you almost unconsciously. You snap to his eyes, silently begging for him not to come closer. You want nothing more than to run to him, to feel his touch, his warmth, his safety but you know it'd just hurt more. He stops, offering a nod as he dissipates into his shadow without a word.
Vaggie fills you in on what happened in the meeting with Heaven. Your stomach turns at the idea of the Exorcists targeting the hotel and your friends. You know you’re going to be needed more than ever come that day. I need to be stronger; they’ll need all the help they can get.
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You lay down for the evening hoping sleep would come easy but find your eyes only burning into the ceiling. The Extermination, Lucifer’s offer, Alastor…Your mind didn’t know what problem to try and figure out first. After lying awake for a couple hours, you give up and decide to go for a walk to clear your thoughts. As you walk through the lobby you give a quick smile to Husk who was closing up the bar for the night.
“And where are you off to so late?” he hollers, making you jump from the sudden break in silence. 
“Just need to clear my head, Husk. Have a good evening.” you continue walking towards the front doors. He quickly catches up and puts a paw on your shoulder, “Mind if I join? Some fresh air sounds pretty good right now.” You shake your head and step to the side for him to lead the way. 
The two of you walk in a comfortable silence around the small path circling the building. Distant yells and car horns fill the air from the city below. “Quite an exit from the King this afternoon. Sure got Al riled up.” Husk says casually. You stop dead in your tracks at the comment, “What do you mean?”
“If Al comes for a drink, it’s just that. A single drink. Tonight you would have thought he was trying to drown himself.” “If you came along to try to guilt trip me, don’t bother. He did this to himself.” you bite, continuing down the path in hopes he would drop the subject. 
Husk stops you again, “I ain’t trying to get in between whatever messed up relationship you two have, but as someone who is usually at the brunt of his bad moods, he hasn’t once bitten my head off since you came around. You have an…interesting…effect on that evil bastard.”
You shake off his hand, frustrated at the continued prodding. “That’s exactly what he is. Nothing more than a selfish, heartless -”
“He can’t be too heartless considering...” Husk stops himself seeing your head whip around. You walk back towards him, keeping your voice low, “Considering?”
He rubs the back of his neck nervously and takes a deep breath, “Look he never confides in me. I mean he barely speaks to me other than when he needs something. The liquor really did a number -”
You grab his shoulders to stop his rambling, “What did he say?”
“I - I didn’t even know he had the word in his vocabulary -”
“He said…he loves you.”
If it wasn’t pounding so loudly in your ears, you could have sworn your heart stopped. Any air in your lungs felt as though it was sucked out, “What…”
“That was all he said before leaving for the radio tower. It about broke him seeing Lucifer with you. I never thought he’d say something like that out loud.” Husk says quietly, as if afraid someone else would hear the confession. You stare at him for a while, trying to process what he was saying. Your head starts to spin. Is he just trying to lie his way back to me? Why would he even tell Husk anything? Did he really lose his tongue from the liquor? “I - I need to s-sit down.” your knees buckle but Husk grabs you before you hit the ground.
“Woahh - alright yeah let’s get you inside.”
He helps you inside and sits you on the lounge chair in the lobby, “You okay kid?” 
You finally catch your breath and rest your head in your hands, “Yeah, just a lot to take in today. Thanks Husk. I’ll be good.” He takes the hint that you need a few minutes to yourself and starts to head to his room. 
“Actually wait - mind pouring me a double real quick?” you try to ask but it sounds more like a demand. Husk reluctantly walks back to the bar to pour your usual, “You uh - sure this is a good idea?”
No but fuck it.  
“Yes, it’s fine. Thank you again.” you slam back the drink, not letting a drop go to waste. You needed to feel the burn to ground yourself and prepare for what you were about to do. 
Husk leaves you in the lobby. You wait a few moments to allow the liquid courage to burn through your veins, then make your way to Alastor’s radio tower.
Here we go.
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Tag List (Let me know if you would like to be added!)
@rl800 @fairyv-ice @looking1016 @martinys-world @sirens-and-moonflowers @alastorssimp @alastorsgirl48 @mysterisumone @phamtasic @ohnah2022 
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thatfreshi · 1 year
We Never Cease Being Lucky (Astarion x Reader)
TW - anxiety attack
Recommended Song: Renee - Sales
You absolutely adore birthdays. Although, you haven't celebrated yours since you met Astarion on that godforsaken beach. You remember asking when his is, as you do with everyone. He trailed off, distant.
"I... I don't quite remember."
You never asked about it again, but that sadness kept you in a chokehold. How could you go so long without celebrating your birthday? It's not fair, to not be able to celebrate life, to have that ripped away from you.
Once you end your adventures, you buy a house together, free from all the past pains, dancing on hardwood floors far from anything that ever hurt you. You still live in Baldur's Gate though, and you realize something one day while lying in bed.
"Aster, you were born here, right?"
"Of course, never left, well until I was taken."
You smirk, a little plan unfolding in your mind.
"I know what we're going to do this evening."
It's not often you have a suspicious smile across your face. He's curious.
"Well my love, please do tell."
"We're going to break into the courthouse!"
He laughs, sitting up to stretch, letting go of the slumber.
"Adorable. As far as I recall, we're done with our silly little adventures."
You just stare at him, and he realizes you're serious.
"Wait, why do you want to break into the courthouse?"
"It's a secret!"
"I feel as though it's hardly fair to ask for my assistance if you're not even going to tell me why."
"Well, it's for you. You'll see."
"Alright then, I revoke my complaints. Breaking into the courthouse, sounds great."
He used to be a lot more secretive about it, but he loves when you do things on his behalf. You don't often get such an opportunity, but tonight, tonight you finally get to give him something he's been missing for so long. Of course, as long as everything goes to plan. You tell him to grab a few lockpicks, and the two of you head out into the darkness.
"Sooooo, you can't even give me the slightest hint as to what you're up to?"
"Nope, but at least now you know it involves your very own specialty: sneaky criminal activity."
"Now, I think I have quite a few other far more interesting specialties, but I guess I'm just a glorified key to you."
He scoffs.
"No, you're just really good at getting into places quietly, and I think if I did this by myself I'd probably get arrested, and I definitely don't need you bailing me out considering you'd hold it over my head forever."
"Well you're right about that."
You give him a playful shove, and he trips on a loose cobblestone.
"Okay, rude. Maybe I'll turn you in anyways, say you were trying to involve me in some illegal heist against my will."
"But if you do that, you don't get your surprise!"
"Ugh, fine. I'll play along."
You shush him as you get closer to your target. There's a sleeping guard posted outside, one that the two of you successfully sneak past, finding a side entrance.
"Do you have any idea where this door leads?"
You smile at him, and he rolls his eyes.
"You're asking me to open a lock and you have no idea what's behind it? You clearly are not as masterful of a thief as you used to be."
He starts to pick away at the lock anyways.
"Well, I have been in retirement for a little bit."
At the end of your sentence, you hear that final click, and he opens the door. When the two of you get inside, it's pitch black, all the candles and oil lamps burnt out.
"Do you see any signs that say Records?"
"No, what would I possibly want with the city's records?"
"You'll see! Gods, just let me do something nice."
"It seems like I'm doing most of the work so far..."
"It's fine. Once we find the records room I can do the rest. You're just helping."
He can't resist that grin of yours, clearly excited by your mysterious plans. Astarion gives in, sighing as if he's bothered, but the two of you continue to look for the records room. Eventually, you turn a corner to yet another locked door. You bat your eyes at him, and he goes to work once again.
"You owe me after this."
"Please my love, I'm telling you you're gonna be so excited!"
"If you insist my dear."
He gets the second door unlocked, ushering you inside. He casts fire, lighting up a nearby candelabra. You're met with bookshelves stacked high with pieces of paper loosely put together, turning more golden and tattered as you look to your left.
"This is it!"
You immediately start to look at the dates on the records, finding the range of about two centuries ago. Without a care for the organization, you quickly flip through years and years of records, looking for anything that could be a birth record.
"Darling, I thought the point was to sneak in here, not throw papers all over the floor and have someone know we were here."
You ignore him, becoming a little desperate to find what you're looking for. The text is fading on some of these documents, making it hard to know they're not his. He crouches down on the floor beside you, realizing you're stressing out about this unknown objective.
"Hey, hey, Tav. What's wrong?"
You start to tear up a little, thinking this would be so simple, that this stuff wouldn't be so carelessly stacked on shelves.
"I can't- I can't find it."
You throw the stack of papers on the floor, wiping a tear off your cheek.
"I know you're trying to do something nice for me my sweet, but maybe if you told me what you're looking for, I could help you."
You sniffle, trying not to go into a full sob.
"I- I wanted to-"
You choke up, almost unable to speak. He takes your hands in his.
"Breathe Tav, breathe. In, and out."
You listen to him, trying your best to just inhale and exhale. You didn't think this attempt was going to lead to an anxiety attack, but luckily he's dealt with plenty himself. Your breath steadies as you tightly grab his hands.
"Now, what are you looking for?"
"I... I was trying to see if I could find your birth certificate. You know, since we don't know when your birthday is and all, I thought it might be nice to know. I feel so bad, it just passes every year and you're none the wiser."
He's dumbfounded, shock in his eyes, almost a little confused. You were having an anxiety attack just now because you weren't going to find when his birthday is?
"Darling, I... that's very sweet, but nothing worth this much stress. I haven't even thought about it in years."
"Yeah, but I just really love birthdays, and I just wanted a day where we could celebrate you, you know?"
"I appreciate that sentiment, truly, but if we can't find it, it's okay. You tried, and that's enough. Besides, what's the point in keeping something almost three centuries old at this point?"
"I don't know, I thought that was their job, to keep old shit."
You look at the scattered papers, and he follows your gaze. Something catches his eye, a document sitting to your left.
"Wait, look at that one."
You turn, picking up the piece of paper and holding it in the light of the flame.
"Holy shit."
He sits himself on your shoulder, looking at the writing with you.
"Gods, I really am that old."
You smile, another small tear falling.
"Aster, look. It's tomorrow."
He continues to read, eyes crossing the date again.
"We never cease being lucky, do we?"
"No, I guess we don't."
You turn to kiss his cheek, and then roll up the paper, putting it in your bag.
"Wait, you can't just take that!"
"Why not? Means more to us than them."
You simply shrug and he shakes his head, almost in disappointment. You clearly had no intention of making it seem like you weren't here. He doesn't stop you though, as he can't deny he'd like to keep his birth certificate as well.
"Thank you my dear, for always thinking of me."
"There's nothing more important I could think of."
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avatar-anna · 1 year
Baby Mine
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or just young dadrry being a dad
Young Dad! Harry x Young Mom! Reader
Reality struck Harry in the face when he realized Y/n was showing.
The text he got from Y/n saying she was pregnant? Mind-blowing, but also a little surreal. The conversations he had with his parents and management? An out of body experience. But seeing Y/n with a baby bump for the first time, with his baby? His knees nearly buckled from the stark realization that this was actually happening.
He was going to be a dad.
It was a terrifying thought. Harry was still a kid himself—in all the ways that mattered, anyway. He played video games with his mates, he stayed out late on the weekends, and it felt like just yesterday that he'd gotten his driver's license. He could barely successfully cook pasta, let alone take care of his own child.
And Y/n, the girl he'd only known for a short couple months. The girl he really liked to the point where he still talked to her even after his trip to LA was over, she was here with him, on tour, walking around in his hotel room in one of his t-shirts, her stomach stretching the soft material just enough to be noticeable.
"I thought we could have dinner together," she said, coming over to where Harry was still holding vigil by the door. "I was craving Mexican and I remembered you saying you liked tacos, so I did a little exploring, and voila."
His eyes darted over Y/n's shoulder, and there were in fact various Mexican dishes wrapped up in foil packaging. It smelled good too, but it wasn't quite enough to pull Harry from his stupor.
"I...I'm meeting someone. The boys. For dinner," he said.
It wasn't quite enough to pull his head out of his ass apparently, either.
Y/n blushed, her gaze flickering away from his. Harry felt like a dick, especially since it wasn't true. But he freaked out. He was freaking out. Playing house—or hotel—with a girl he barely knew and pretending it was perfectly normal for them to prepare to have a baby together was too much. All of a sudden, it was all too much.
"Have—Have fun, then. I'll probably head back to my room, I guess."
It was painfully awkward, but Harry didn't know how to make it better. So, like the grown adult he wasn't, he mumbled a reply and skirted around Y/n to set his duffle bag down before mumbling his goodbyes and leaving again.
He was gone for maybe an hour. While he was gone, he walked around aimlessly, letting himself get lost in an unfamiliar city. And in all that walking, he gave himself time to think.
Harry knew he'd been an ass. Y/n hadn't done anything wrong, and knowing that he disappointed her made him upset. Because the truth was, he really liked her. She shared his stupid sense of humor, she liked the music he liked, she had a cute little birthmark on her right shoulder that Harry couldn't help but feel compelled to kiss whenever he saw it. She was beautiful and smart and outgoing.
And now she was having his baby.
They were both to blame for that. Both of them had been careless that particular night, but Y/n had been clear to Harry when she told him about her being pregnant. "I want to have it, but I'm also not going to force you to have it with me," she'd told him when they eventually had a phone conversation. "I don't, like, expect anything from you, but I just didn't think it would be right if I kept this a secret from you."
"How did your parents take it?" Harry had asked because her voice contained a steely nerve that was deflecting non-existent judgement.
"Not great, but they'll come around. Eventually. I hope."
She'd said the last part so quietly, as if she wasn't truly sure her parents would actually accept the fact that their daughter was pregnant.
"I want to help," he blurted.
Y/n had looked at him with wide eyes, and a pang of guilt lanced through him at her surprise. She'd genuinely thought he'd leave her high and dry.
"I—I want to be a part of this, or help you raise it—the baby. I want to help. Like we're a team—Not a team. Like a—"
"A team. I like that."
Harry had been glad to be put out of his misery, though to his credit, he never imagined ever having this conversation, and he at least hadn't cried yet.
"You do?"
"Yeah. I think family is too much right now," Y/n said. "But a team...a team looks out for each other. Makes each other better."
So they were a team, though clearly Harry had been dropping the ball recently.
He was just...scared. Terrified. But he could only imagine what Y/n was thinking, how she was feeling. Since she'd joined him on tour, they talked about everything but the baby. Whether that was conscious or subconscious on either of their parts, Harry wasn't sure, but he knew they couldn't skirt around the subject forever. When he first told his mum about Y/n being pregnant, Harry insisted that he could do this, that he was grown enough to raise a baby. He wasn't exactly sure how true that statement was, but one thing he did know was that he could do much better than he was now.
When he got back to the hotel, Y/n was spread out along the plush sofa, eyes closed and arm resting idly on her belly. Harry wasn't so scared at seeing the bump this time around. In fact, a part of him was a little excited.
Y/n startled a little when Harry knelt by her side, her eyes bleary and a little red. "Sorry. I was gonna go, but I sat down for a moment and—"
"Nothing to be sorry for," Harry interrupted. "I'm sorry, actually. I was kind of an ass earlier."
Shaking her head, she said, "We don't owe each other anything. It's not like we're—"
"But I want to. I know things have been a little awkward, but I like you, Y/n. A lot. That hasn't changed."
"Really?" Y/n asked, and Harry felt bad when she sounded so unsure.
"Really. We...obviously didn't expect this to happen, but I want this. With you. Even if we are a little young and out of our depth here."
Y/n laughed. "Try a lot."
Harry grinned, resting his hand over hers where she was still holding her belly. "But we'll learn. Together. We're a team, right?"
Her eyes softened then. She ran a hand through his curls, the touch delicate but comforting, and Harry couldn't help but lean into her touch. "Yeah. We're a team."
They stayed like that for a minute, maybe two, but Harry eventually straightened, his grin widening as he said, "Right then. We should welcome the newest member of our team, shouldn't we?"
Y/n giggled as Harry shuffled around until he was face to face with Y/n's stomach. He lifted her shirt gently, his breath catching when he saw the baby bump up close.
"Hello there...baby. I'm Harry. Your dad," he said, only feeling a little silly. "You don't have a name yet, but I just wanted you to know that I love you, and your mum loves you, and even though we're a little on the young side, we're gonna take care of you the best we can. And so will your uncles."
"That was sweet, H," Y/n said, her fingers tracing the side of his cheek. "And...I do have a name in mind."
"You do? I didn't know that."
Y/n gave him a smile that felt like she was teasing him. "Because I'm telling you now. I've been testing it out in my head for a few days."
If Harry thought the baby bump made all of this real, talking about potential names would definitely do that. But whether he was ready or not, this was happening.
"Alright. Hit me with it."
A small smile creeped onto Y/n's face. "Simone."
"Simone," Harry repeated, trying it out for himself. "How'd you land on Simone?"
Y/n shrugged casually, but Harry knew that she put thought into it, that this name meant something to her. "It's pretty, and, I don't know, we talked about Nina Simone on our first date. It seemed right."
Thinking about their first proper date gave Harry butterflies. He remembered how nervous he was to go out with Y/n, spending an embarrassing amount of time picking out the right clothes and fixing his hair. But when he actually met her at the spot they agreed on, all his nerves went away, and he spent the whole date marveling at the fact that he was on a date with Y/n and all the things they had in common and how he didn't want it to end.
"It's perfect," Harry agreed, then bent his head to kiss Y/n's belly. "Hi, Simone. I can't wait to meet you."
A few months later
"Do you want to hold her?"
Y/n was in her hospital bed, hair hanging limp around her shoulders. She looked tired beyond belief, but she was smiling brightly at Harry as she held a little bundle of blankets, one of which was his mother's handiwork, Harry realized.
He found himself nodding, and before he was maybe ready, Y/n passed the baby over to him, and he was holding her. His daughter.
Harry looked down, a swirl of emotions squeezing his heart. She was asleep, the world's tiniest hand pressed against her cheek while she took deep breaths. Logically, he knew she didn't have any distinguishable features yet, but Harry felt like he could see himself and Y/n in her. Just gazing at her little face, he felt like he could see the next fifteen years playing out—the first words and steps, seeing Y/n holding her backstage, recitals and sports games, school projects, first loves, all of it.
An overwhelming feeling Harry couldn't name washed over him. It brought tears to his eyes as he realized just how much he loved her, how much he was willing to bend over backwards and protect her. And when he was able to break away from looking at her for a second, he found Y/n's gaze and saw the same look in her eyes, and one of understanding too.
Harry looked back down at his daughter, that overwhelming feeling rushing through him again, and for a moment, he wondered if that would ever go away. He wasn't sure he wanted it to.
"Hi baby," he whispered. Bending his head down, he kissed her forehead. "Hi, Simone. Welcome to our little family."
He knew Y/n was listening, but he didn't mind. It felt right that it was just the three of them sharing this little moment before everyone else flooded in to see the baby.
"We're a little unconventional as far as families go, and you'll probably have a different childhood than other kids," he said, not caring that Simone couldn't hear or understand him. He needed to say it. "But I'll love you with all my heart, and so will your mummy. You'll want for nothing because we'll give you the world, but you might have to be a little patient with us because we're new to the parenting thing.
"But I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy," he continued, his voice breaking. "I'll never let you feel unloved. I'll change your nappies and wipe your tears and make you smile. I'll be the best daddy for you. I promise."
Harry didn't know what the future held, but that he was sure of. He'd been scared and anxious the last few months, but now that he was standing in a hospital room holding his newborn daughter, he didn't want to give her, or Y/n, anything less than what they deserved.
Years later
"Dad, you're squeezing too hard."
"I don't care. My baby's abandoning me."
"I'm going to college!"
"That's what I said, isn't it?"
Simone began to squirm, but Harry still wouldn't let up. He was currently in the process of blinking back tears, and didn't want her to notice when he eventually did pull away.
"I'll be back for Fall Break," she said quietly, giving into the hug and squeezing Harry tight.
Harry took a deep breath and let go, even though he wasn't exactly ready to. Mustering a smile, he said, "I know. I'm just going to miss you. You're my baby."
Simone didn't balk or roll her eyes or contradict him, she just gripped the straps of her backpack as she gave him a wobbly smile. "You have plenty of babies to take care of at home."
Harry grinned and looked behind him where Y/n was keeping watch over the rest of the Styles family, though none of them were really babies anymore.
Looking back at Simone, he said, "Behave yourself, okay? Don't do anything Uncle Louis would do. And no boys for at least a month, please?"
Simone did roll her eyes then. "Sure, Dad."
That wasn't totally convincing, but he knew it was the best he was going to get. Harry pulled Simone in for one last hug, memories of the last eighteen years playing in his mind like a fast forward reel. Part of him couldn't believe he was already dropping Simone off for her first year of college, and he wasn't sure if he was ready to let her go. When he looked at her, he could still see the little baby he held for the first time, the one he promised to protect and do his best to raise. He hoped he fulfilled that promise.
"I love you, bug. Call me if you need anything. Any time, any place, you call me, okay?"
Tears appeared in Simone's eyes as she nodded. When Harry was ready, he finally stepped back and walked back toward Y/n and the rest of his family. As everyone got in the car Simone watched, waving to her siblings from the curb until Harry eventually peeled out of his spot, feeling like he was leaving part of his heart behind.
"Can we get something to eat?"
"There's no In-N-Out here!"
"A burger does sound good."
"Skip the song, please!"
"Play One Direction!"
Harry smiled as he shared a look with Y/n. He already missed Simone, but he knew she would be okay. And he found that it was easier—not by a lot but easier—to miss someone when there were five other babies, who weren't really babies anymore, to look after.
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physalian · 4 months
11 Underexplored settings of post-apocalyptic worlds
Inspired once again by my recent binge of abandoned explorations.
The greatest hits of the sprawling city scapes and farmland that feature in everything from post-alien invasions to zombie takeovers to just worlds gone by in a not-so-distant future tend to be:
Generic office buildings
Water parks
Famous monuments
Cruise ships
It’s come to my attention though just how many architectural abnormalities there are, in their own current post-apocalyptic states, that would absolutely befuddle archaeologists centuries from now trying to figure out their purposes.
So whether you want to go hard into “this new world has completely forgotten what came before it” or your very own and unique road trip through desolation, here’s some suggestions for cool and/or practical settings!
1. Disney/Iconic Theme Parks
2000 years from now after X disaster strikes, survivors completely removed from historical context stumble upon…. Disney World. They presume Mickey really was a giant mutant mouse, or a mouse-shaped deity worshiped by the local populace (and I mean… are they wrong?). People who might have never left the local area without planes and feasible transport, or knowledge that land across the ocean even exists, might be astounded by the buildings of Epcot’s World Showcase, or any of Disney’s themed resorts.
Water parks are done to death, but not enough emphasis is put onto how bizarre these places would look without context, even to a younger generation that has no idea what it used to be.
Orlando has a hotel with its own rainforest in a massive atrium, with ponds and boats and boardwalks inside. But, you know, I guess strolling through Chicago or New York City is cooler. It may be unfilmable, but it’s not unwritable.
2. The foundations of unfinished construction projects
The remains of an office building that never was, a veritable modern Stonehenge with how little would survive an apocalypse. Inexplicable areas of land with massive pits for unbuilt parking garages, or sprawling swimming pools and lazy rivers.
Or massive, skeletal towers that would have been the monument to a much larger estate that just lost funding. Buildings still surrounded by scaffolding, only half-complete with their windows.
3. Survivor’s encampment landmarked by a monument/hotel/theme park that was never built
In one of those abandoned videos, a company in China was trying to build a discount Disneyland and all that remains is an unfinished Cinderella Castle with steel shells of the gables… behind a modern shopping mall.
Any structure that would have been deeply out of place either in the country it’s built in, or the newer buildings that surround it, immediately looks more creative than just ‘generic strip mall’ or ‘generic high school’. And it’s also realistic, as projects like this fall through constantly, as a unique piece of your worldbuilding. Or, it did have its run as whatever the strange building was part of, and through bankruptcy and selling the land around it, it ends up being the only structure that remains.
4. Hotels that are made up as if the staff vanished instantaneously
Or, many, many Covid victims. Having your characters scrounge for resources through a hotel with beds still made, coffee cups on the breakfast tables, serving spoons and plates ready to go by the buffet. Halloween, Christmas, or Valentine’s decorations still on display.
The schedules for the final week of business still hanging in the offices, unopened mail, packages for guests still in the mail room, pallets of new soaps and supplies still in the delivery bay from the distribution center, linens still in the industrial dryers. I worked in a hotel scheduled for eventual demolition and the disrepair the interior fell into because, what’s the point of managing mold and bed bugs when it’s all getting gutted anyway, makes it super creepy knowing guests are completely clueless on the other side.
Places that have been completely ransacked and destroyed are creepy, sure, but places that are almost frozen in time despite the decay around them are both eerie, and rather dark. Cruise ships/confined spaces like ships tend to be used more for horror, but these, too, as if they’re frozen in time.
5. Cargo ships/shipping yards
An easy-ish one to film in. Looters breaking open shipping containers, or building entire communities and homes out of those containers either on land, or on the barges and ships. A community that can weigh anchor and move once resources and scavenging dries up, or another violent group moves in on the land.
Or, in the case of a viral apocalypse, a community relatively spared from the violence out on the open ocean.
6. IKEA/Furniture Warehouses and DC’s
Warehouses especially have few entries and fewer windows to secure, but as their contents (except the showroom floor) are in mint condition at the time of the world ending and probably stored in plastic and crates, they’d be relatively spared from the elements as a good base camp.
Furniture is also too heavy to loot in a panic and absconding with a brand new mattress probably wouldn’t be at the top of people’s minds as doomsday approaches.
Your little community each having their own lavish living spaces with whatever eclectic furniture they either liked or could now get their hands on for free would just be cool to read about.
7. Penthouse suites
Climbing those stairs would suck and depending on the build quality, the safety of the structure over time would degrade, but maybe your community has manual cranks for the elevators. There might be one way down, but there’s also only one way up, and you can see invaders and catastrophe coming for miles.
These places tend to be dripping in luxury your characters might otherwise have never experienced and they could either make a base there, or have a grand old time trashing the place up because the rich are dead and gone.
8. Historical forts
They lasted this long, why not a few centuries more? The fort that comes to mind is the Castillo de San Marcos in St. Augustine, Florida, right on the beach with a built-in defense wall and a huge courtyard for your community of plucky survivors.
Castles, too, though they’d likely be prime real estate for all manner of interested parties. Aging, famous forts are just never in these types of stories, unless it’s a picture of where the military used to be, now overrun or destroyed.
9. Ski resorts
Similar to the made-up hotels and theme parks, this one comes with presumably multiple buildings, potential use of the slopes and ski transports, isolation via elevation and remoteness from major cities, and the threat of bitter winters and blizzards.
Never been to one myself in winter, but remote locations for a post-apocalypse story tends to just be shorthand for “generic farm or small town,” which isn’t super immersive.
10. Luxury malls
Seen in The Last of US, it gives you a microcosm of so many different environments all slapped together and there’s no limit on what kinds of stores you could include, or all the kiosks, all the mini attractions like trampolines, kiddie parks, massage tables, and even VR flight simulators.
Maybe it has a theater tacked onto it, or a double-story book store, one of those rental spaces dedicated to fancy cars or candy stores. Great for the main setting or even just passing through, especially as they’re already a dying breed you can go ham with. ‘Luxury’ and designer items collecting dust right across from the discount store with everything for under &14.99 could strike a powerful message about social constructs.
11. Science museums
Sure you can make some poignant message about priceless artwork being left to rot, or. When I was a kid, I went to a science center with natural disaster simulators like house fires and tornadoes and a whole-ass IMAX theater where I saw Night at the Museum, the only movie I’ve ever seen in a proper IMAX dome.
There was a whole kids section with a ropes course, area for exploring the human body, a NASA-sponsored mock up space module, mock up grocery store, and little exhibits here and there about optical illusions and the physics behind laying on a bed of nails and how it doesn’t kill you. It’s just something unique and fun that your characters can interact with and gives them plenty to play off and give little anecdotes to make them feel more human.
Point is, your post-apocalypse doesn’t have to be limited to the usual suspects. We’ve all seen the strip malls and Walmarts and suburban homes and farms. There is no special effects budget or filming restraint in a book and I’d love to read more stories set in unique and descriptive places, or just fresh takes on your standard survival camp that isn’t just “build a wall around a section of neighborhood”.
It’s the apocalypse. All real estate becomes free real estate.
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budbuddnbuddy · 9 months
Little obey me headcanons (pt4)
A/N: This probably like the second longest series of writing I’ve done fanfic wise. Lol anyway same stuff is here. Headcaons and world building, maybe once I get everything done with the masterlist I’ll show you guys my MC’s (yes I have 2 MC’s in the same verse) but I’m still not sure. Let me know what y’all think. Happy new year!!!
Everyone is super nosy about your life in the human world, some are more obvious and pushy then others but regardless they still want to know about every detail of your life, what kind of job do you have? What’s your family like? Do you live in acountryside or in City? Where’s your workplace? What’s your address? What’s your full legal name? What’s your blood type? Do you own any pets! Tell them all about it.
The Devildom and the Celestial realm have small populations. Devildom:50 million+ Celestial realm:45 million+ mainly because lots of people would rather not have kids because it would probably get in the way of what they were doing in their lives currently however it’s not uncommon to see families out and about. Nobles are the main ones who have families in the devildom.
Do you think that like a week after Diavolo was born his father did that lion king thing that Royal family does whenever they have another kid? Just basically raising him up for everyone to see? 💀
As I’ve said before Mammon has a great ass, you can’t help but grab it anytime you can, just coming up behind him and grabbing his cheek. It mainly happens in your room, both of y’all are laying in your bed with him on top of you resting his head on your chest and you’ll just unconsciously reach down and give it a squeeze. He used to loudly whine about it but he secretly loves it lmao.
When it comes to relationships and Virginity, I feel like I have a pretty decent grasp on who’s had what and who hasn’t.
Relationship+Experience: Lucifer Mammon Asmodeus Barbatos Solomon
Relationship+Virgin: Beelzebub Satan
No Relationship+ Experience: Belphegor only like twice though cuz I fucking hate him [affectionate]
Neither: Leviathan, Diavolo
Diavolo kin’s Pops from regular show unironically.
If you ever heard about the Mariko Aoki phenomenon good but if not it’s basically the need to take a crap in bookstores however if you leave before you do then the feeling goes away. Whenever you go into Satan’s room you automatically get the urge to take a shit, you haven’t told him about it the confused look on his face is too funny. 💀
Speaking of Poop. If any of the brothers can’t get into the bathrooms available on their floor/rooms they’ll come down to your room and ask if they can use your bathroom which you used to be fine with AT FIRST however you eventually banned them from coming into your bathroom because Beel took a massive shit in your toilet and it stunk up your bathroom for DAYS and Lemme tell ya, handling demon shits from GROWN ASS MEN are not for the weak.
“Phew…Thanks for letting me use your bathroom, MC.”
“No problem Beel I-“ *Turns into fucking dust*
Okay that’s not what happened but you did pass out. Beelzebub did say sorry and bought you a cupcake as compensation so I guess it’s okay for now, still not allowed to use your bathroom though.
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eldorr1e · 3 months
CHAPTER 0: To See a Familiar Face [Lookism x Reincarnated!reader]
DESC: After three boring and uneventful years, you finally know where you got reincarnated into. And it all starts with: befriending Zoe Park, your new neighbor.
Warnings: none
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It’s been three years since you’ve been reincarnated into the world of… Well, you don’t know yet. To be precise, you’re currently three years old and chopping down vegetables for the stew you were currently boiling. The shifting of pages could be heard behind you. It was your mom, reading a new novel she picked up from the bookstore, while your dad was watching some baseball game on the tv.
Why were your parents allowing you to cook, you ask?
Well, after a few years of raising you, they realized that you were far different from the rest. At the age of 1, they saw you drawing using your left hand on a piece of paper. Then, the letter alphabets your parents jokingly placed on the refrigerator was arranged with the words “I’m hungry.” On the bottom. Somewhere a 1 year old would reach.
As time passed by, your mother, (M/N), decided to train you into using kitchen utensils by using silicon appliances. Lo and behold, after a year of practicing you were able to make your own dish and clean up the mess in the kitchen without any help.
There was no shadow of a doubt that you were a gifted kid! Your father tested your intelligence by using math and science, and was chocked to see you answering correctly like a breeze.
They wanted to enroll you into a school for gifted kids, but you rejected. I mean, if you were given a second chance in the afterlife to live again and start anew, who on earth would immediately ditch their childhood for education?
On the day you were born, you made a promise to yourself. You wouldn’t live your life wasting away by doing nothing and depending on people for your wants and needs, you wanted to become a better person than before.
Which brings us back here, to the present.
You took your chopping board and poured down your veggies into the stew. After mixing them together for a while, you closed the lid and went back to the living room with your parents.
You didn’t exactly know which world you were in yet. You only knew you were in a different world altogether was due to the odd censoring of brand names that surrounded your life. Coca-Cola was named C#ca-C#la, or clothing brands like H&M were now named L&M.
You looked over to your parents who were still sitting down. They noticed you walking into the living room awhile ago and nodded towards your direction. Speaking of parents, you were lucky you were born into this family.
Your father, (F/N), was just like your father in real life. Same as your mother. There were some stark differences however. Like how your father’s job was being a network engineer. Your mother‘s job was being a stay at home online assistant for a corporate company that typically didn’t need her presence in the building.
Both parents had successful jobs that raked in enough money for them to live in a big apartment in the city, and enough to spoil you. Honestly? If the original soul of your body was a normal one, you would have guessed they would eventually become a spoiled brat.
The beeping of your timer snapped you out of your thoughts before standing back up and running towards the kitchen. As the stew was done, you called in your parents to eat.
While setting down the various food you prepared along with some leftovers from last night, you couldn’t help but think about which world you reincarnated into.
It had been an uneventful three years in your opinion. Just going to family events, out to shop or to hang out as a family, or just staying at home, playing with toys you asked front our parents.
Nothing gave you an idea as to where you reincarnated really. Which disappointed you to the idea that maybe you were reincarnated somewhere not special at all, which dampened your mood hit you couldn’t care less.
You were living the life of luxury. You had both living parents who had stable jobs, toys you couldn’t have when you were a kid in your last life, and even a loving, respectful, and open minded relatives who accepted anyone for who they are.
Your lunchtime was disrupted by a knock on the door. Your parents stopped talking and looked at each other before nodding. “I’ll go get it.” Your mother responded as she stood up and ripened the door.
You decided to not look back at them and continue eating your meal. Eventually, your father stood up as well to greet the new neighbors.
Wait— new neighbors? You thought.
You looked back from your seat to see a woman, accompanied by a little girl who was hiding behind her. Tiny hands clutching the hems of her mom’s skirt, slightly shaking due to the new people infront of her.
You walked away from your seat and joined your parents to greet the new neighbors.
“Oh! And this is my daughter, (Y/N). She hasn’t started nursery yet, much like your daughter!” Your mother gave the woman a loving smile before holding you right next to her. You look down to try and catch a glimpse of said kid, but now she was hiding more than ever.
The woman, noticing your curiosity, tapped her daughter’s head as a sign to tell her to introduce herself. The girl shakes her head in disapproval, but her mom wasn’t having it. She kneeled down to face her kid with a smile of comfort on her face. “Come on, dear. There is nothing to be afraid of. It wouldn’t hurt for you to have more friends.”
After a few seconds, the girl finally took her hands off of her mom, as she walked infront and hung her head low.
“Hello…. My name is Zoe Park… it’s nice to meet you…” she uttered.
The smile on your face faltered. Only for a slight second, before putting it back up and nodding. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Zoe. I hope we get along.”
Your welcoming words surprised Zoe, which made her look straight into your eyes. You were expecting to see a pretty face with her iconic bob cut. But what you see almost made you trip on your own feet.
Despite being 3, Zoe’s face was adorned with, what you’re assuming is, pimples. Her eyebrows were thick, almost forming a unibrow. The glasses resting on her face had thick green and orange striped rims. Her lips were incredibly chappy, despite being a toddler. Her hair wasn’t helping her case. Despite being long and silky, they were thick. It was tied up by a ponytail.
But before you could even react, a blue screen popped right infront of you. On it was:
After three years of being reincarnated, you finally met one canon character from Lookism! Zoe Park, one of Daniel’s love interest at the beginning of the series.
She seems surprised by your welcoming nature, as she is used to be looked down upon due to her appearance.
QUEST: Befriend Zoe!
Reward: 2000 points!
Penalty: In the near future, Zoe will harass and bully you.
A nudge from your father broke your trance. “Aren’t you going to welcome her in, (Y/N)?” He asked. You looked over to your parents facial features to realize that they weren’t bothered at all by Zoe’s looks. Rather, they were testing how you would react to her appearances yourself.
You looked back to Zoe, now anxiously fidgeting her hands, still awaiting your invitation. You gave her another smile before backing away and ushering her to come in. “Would you like to come in?”
Your parents gave you an affirming nod and welcomed Zoe’s mother in as well.
As the adults in the room conversed each other, (like your mother asking when they were from, why they moved, how were they doing, etc etc,) you and Zoe were left alone in your room. She was going around your room, looking at your toys and aweing at them all. I mean, you did have quite a lot of toys. Enough to make your room look like a mini toy store.
“Wow! You have so many toys, (Y/N)! I bet you never get tired from playing all day!” Zoe beamed, shaking your hand in the process. You laughed at her excitement, but more so from endearment. “I’m glad you like them. If you want, you can always visit anytime to play with me.” You replied.
As she was left busy with rummaging around your toys, you sat still on your bed, still completely shock due to three factors.
One, you’re face to face with Zoe Park right now. A lookism character. Which meant that you were in the PTJ universe, and being the same age as her only gave you one thing to think about: you were the same age as everyone else in the main cast of lookism. Was this pointing to something?
Two, why did Zoe look like that? Don’t get yourself wrong, you had absolutely no problem with Zoe looking unconventionally attractive than the rest. It only confused you because… well, Zoe was one of the most canonically beautiful girls in J high.
And three; a mysterious blue window stared right back at you right now, still displaying the same text from before.
It was the type of pop up windows you’d see from regression tower manhwas, where they would give the MC a quest or mission to fulfill in exchange for some goods. The only difference being, your rewards were points. Not physical objects, but points.
Your eyes looked towards Zoe. Good, she’s distracted right now. You thought to yourself. After a bit of detective work, you noticed that there were other options on the left side of the screen. It showed many various things such as a shop, a search bar, (for what exactly?) a storage area that was complete with perfectly arranged and organized empty files, and an AI named Sofia. However, all of these features were locked.
You sighed in disappointment before looking back again towards Zoe. Your theory was that Zoe was bullied and ridiculed a lot in her childhood, which made her obsess over her own looks, and eventually stemmed to liking handsome men.
Honestly, you felt her. Back in your past life, you weren’t exactly the most prettiest girl on the block, but not the most attractive. This made people ignore you or treat you indifferently from others. When you got reincarnated here however, you noticed how pretty you looked. You were assuming this level of beauty will eventually follow you as you age, but you couldn’t assume.
You finally stood up from your bed, startling Zoe, as you walked towards her direction. She thought you were getting annoyed by her constant touching of your toys, but she couldn’t be more wrong.
As she prepared herself to get verbally harassed, you took a toy from the ground, a doll, and held it up to her.
“Would you like to play Magical Girl with me?” You smiled. She stood there, stunned, before returning your smile. She took the doll from your hands with a grin. “Sure!” She replied.
Befriending Zoe Park won’t be so bad after all.
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Chapter 0 is here babiessss
I was supposed to upload this to quotev and wattpad, but after some thinking I made a decision.
If the next 10 chapters gets received well here on tumblr, then I’ll upload it on wattpad and Quotev. I just need to garner some audience so I know I’m not wasting my time ehe.
Also, to those who were there for the pilot episode, some of you might be wondering:
“Wait I thought this was an oc x lookism? Why did it change?”
Well, after some thought I realized that many people would rather read an x reader rather an oc. So basically what’s gonna happen is, the reader will have the same preferences, and personality as my oc but the difference is their appearance and name. I’m also still not sure if I like this first chapter even, I feel like I’m still gonna make some changes just like what I did with the pilot.
How about you guys! What are your thoughts? I’m always open for some criticism and some recommendations for future chapters!
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allthingsfangirl101 · 3 months
Running Lines – Joe Keery
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I was in the middle of a paper for my class when there was a spastic knock on my door. Slightly closing my computer, I got up from the couch and went to answer it.
"Joe?" I asked when I opened the door. "What are you doing here?"
"I need your help."
I gasped when he walked past me. "Oh," I said under my breath. "Okay then. Come on in."
I closed the door and walked back inside. Joe was pacing back and forth in front of my TV with his eyes glued to a script. I walked over and laughed when he bumped into me.
"What is going on?" I laughed.
"It's this scene," he sighed. I grabbed the script out of his hand and read through the scene he was freaking out about.
"Is this. . ."
"The scene where Keys records his confession to Millie," he sighed as he collapsed onto the couch.
"Okay," I said slowly as I sat down next to him. "Joe, you've done scenes like this before."
"I know!" He said, throwing his hands up in defeat. "But for some reason, I just can't get this right. That's why I'm here. I need your help, Y/N. Please help me."
"What do you want me to do?" I stuttered.
"Just listen," he shrugged. "And tell me whether or not it's believable."
He jumped up and started reciting his monologue.
"Now, from the beginning, Guys' behavior is much more complex than it should be, thanks to our code. But he's still stuck in Free City. He's still stuck in this life, this loop. And then, something changes. He comes to life. Why? And then I remembered. One of the characters from Life Itself was this guy that I nicknamed Lovelorn. And he was someone who was designed to never meet the right person. It was essentially the building blocks of the character. But he never stopped hoping that he would meet the girl of his dreams. So I had to base this girl off of someone and who better than the person that I was sitting next to every day? You. But then, one day, he meets you in Free City, and once he sees you. . . He can never be the same. He was supposed to feel doomed, but instead, he feels alive. Until eventually, he is alive. You changed him, Millie. You changed his code. And I think you can do it again. You brought him to life, Millie. And he was alive because he met the one person he'd been waiting for his whole life. And I had to make it realistic, so. . . I based it off of. . . You. The woman of his dreams. . . She was the same as mine. So she liked bubble gum ice cream and swing sets and she had this very cute but oddly specific habit of always humming this classic Mariah Carey track. Like all the time. She would repeat. . ."
I waited for him to continue, but he didn't. "Is that it?" I asked, my voice coming out soft.
"Yeah," he chuckled. "She turns the video off and runs to me outside a coffee place. So, how was that?"
"It was good," I shrugged.
"But was it believable?"
"Not really," I said dropping my voice.
"I knew it," he scoffed as he sat back down next to me. He looked down at his script and I wrapped my arms around myself when I got an idea.
"What if. . ."
"What if what?" He pushed.
"What if, instead of thinking about Millie, you think about someone. . . Real? Someone you genuinely care about? That way, the emotion is more likely to be real."
"That's a great idea!" Joe cheered. Suddenly, his face changed.
"What's wrong?" I asked slowly.
"I like your idea but there is something else I could do."
"Okay. And?"
"What if. . . I was thinking that if I was able to say this to someone, I might be able to get it," he explained with his famous Keery Puppy Dog Eyes.
"So I just have to sit here while you confess your love to me. I mean, to Millie," I corrected quickly. I cleared my throat before adding, "I guess so."
"Thank you," he chuckled. Tension suddenly filled the room as he grabbed my hands and turned me more toward him.
"Now, from the beginning," his voice was quieter this time, "Guys' behavior is much more complex than it should be, thanks to our code. But he's still stuck in Free City. He's still stuck in this life, this loop. And then, something changes. He comes to life. Why? And then I remembered. One of the characters from Life Itself was this guy that I nicknamed Lovelorn. And he was someone who was designed to never meet the right person."
I held my breath when he paused. The tension that filled the room earlier thickened.
He cleared his throat and continued, "It was essentially the building blocks of the character. But he never stopped hoping that he would meet the girl of his dreams. So I had to base this girl off of someone and who better than the person that I was sitting next to every day? You. But then, one day, he meets you in Free City, and once he sees you. . . He can never be the same. He was supposed to feel doomed, but instead, he feels alive. Until eventually, he is alive. You changed him, Millie. You changed his code. And I think you can do it again. You brought him to life, Millie. And he was alive because he met the one person he'd been waiting for his whole life. And I had to make it realistic, so. . . I based it off of. . . You"
My heart jumped into my throat when he leaned in and he whispered, "The woman of his dreams. . ."
I gasped when Joe gently pressed his lips to mine. My mind went everywhere as we kissed. It wasn't a fast or intense kiss. It was hesitant and simple.
"She was the same as mine," he whispered when he broke the kiss.
"That was better," I stuttered. "So now just imagine doing that when you film. . ."
I cleared my throat and tried to lean away from him. Before I could, Joe grabbed my face with both hands and brought his lips back to mine. This time, the kiss was different. It was faster, more desperate. It was as if we were trying to tell each other something. Joe slowly broke the kiss, causing me to let out a soft moan.
"Joe," I whispered.
"I'm sorry," he said with a weak laugh. "I was just. . . Saying those lines. . . And looking at you. . . It felt real. Is that crazy?"
"No," I said, my voice softer than I would've liked. "It's not crazy because. . . It felt real for me, too."
With a smile on his face, he reached up and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.
"I never thought I'd fall in love," he whispered. "But then, I realized I was already in love. With you. I've been in love with you for so long, Y/N. Every romantic scene I do, I think of you. Every time I have to tell a girl I love her, I think about you. I always think about you."
I grabbed his face and pressed my lips to his. He smiled against my lips as he grabbed my waist, pulled me closer, and kissed me back. We let out matching giggles as he laid us down, him hovering over me.
We got lost in the kiss as we brought our bodies as close as we could without taking off our clothes. Joe broke the kiss and started kissing my neck.
"Oh Joe," I moaned. "I love you too."
"Say it again," he growled into my ear. He pulled away, only love in his eyes as he stared down at me. "Please, Y/N," he said, his tone different. "Say it again."
"You are my first love," I told him. "You are the only man I've ever loved. You are the only man I've ever wanted to love me back."
"I do," he said, not hiding his desperation for me to understand. "I love you back, Y/N."
"So you've said," I smirked. I grabbed his face and brought his lips back to mine. I let out a moan as Joe instantly pushed his tongue into my mouth and started exploring.
Suddenly, Joe broke the kiss and looked down at me. "Y/N," he whispered, "can I take you on our first date?"
"As long as we don't have to keep running through lines."
Joe smirked as he leaned down and kissed me again. When he broke the kiss he was still smirking.
"No promises."
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the-fluff-piece · 1 year
Hello! For your event, I would like to request, please! Its a mix of the rules I guess? I got inspired by the prompts, hope that's ok!
Gifting Law a coin he did not have - sweet fluff.
Thank you!
Hello Anon,
It's always ok to get inspired by the prompts, that is a great request, I had a lot of fun with it ❤
This is part of the follower milestone event
If you like this story check out my masterlist
A coin for your thoughts
You use your alone time with Law to give him your newest find: a very rare coin with a rich history. His infodump can only be stopped with lots of kisses!
Sweet, fluffy, comforting
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You found it in an antique shop - a rusty, small coin with peculiar pictures on it. One side showed a single lighthouse and a banner reading "mist island", the other showed various scientific tools engulfed by swirling tendrils of smoke - or mist?
As you looked at it the clerk gave you short information about the heritage of the coin, confirming your suspicion: the island, said to be situated in the new world, is shrouded in a mysterious mist that never lifts. Scientists from the world government tried to research it, a city was built, people moved there.
But after about 10 years, everyone on the island vanished without a trace. This coin was really, really rare. You employed all your skills to check for its authenticity, and went to great lengths to get it at a good price - eventually settling for a trade where you gave up a souvenir from your journeys in exchange.
With a big smile, you returned to the Polar Tang - what would Law say to it? Will he like it? Will he recognise it? His knowledge of the coins and their stories was vast, surely he knew more about it than the clerk.
You waited all day until it was time to retire to your shared room. Law sat down on his desk to "just read a little bit more" as he promised, but he wouldn't get the chance. You had cleaned and polished the coin until it looked brand new and the copper and silver alloy showed its beautiful colours.
Standing behind him, you looked over his shoulder - anatomy. He read the same books again and again and never got sick of them. You watched him trace the line of a muscle on the page with his finger, letting him finish following the inked picture to its end. When he was done, he looked behind and smiled at you, just breathing your name as he always did to tell you he was now there for you.
Without a word, you slipped the small trinket onto the page and prepared for his reaction. His blue eyes widened and his whole face changed to that of a little boy who just got the present of his life. He created a small frame with his thumb and index finger to hold the small coin to the light of his desk lamp.
"Mist island!" His voice was not the deep and sensual velvet you were used to. Instead, he sounded more boyish, his voice a higher pitch and with a vivid inflection of happiness.
Turning around the silvery object in his long, nimble fingers, he watched the light play around the edged lines, his thumb regularly brushing over the surface to feel the smoothness of the coin and follow the small pictures on it. He spent a long time studying the swirling mist, doubtlessly feeling every detail with his sensitive finger tips.
His mouth stood open in a silent smile as you watched him lovingly, seeing how much joy your gift brought him.
"Ah!" A short noise escaped him. "An impurity!" He pointed to the smallest imperfection in the material.
"You know this happens when the temperature changes to fast in production" he explained to you for what must the millionth time. But you didn't mind, he just loved talking about alloys and metal production. It was heralding the spill of information that was to follow.
Law pushed the chair back from the desk and collected you onto his lap, putting his arms around you so that you two were looking at the coin together. He rested his chin on your shoulder and pressed his cheek to your face. His beard tickled you as he spoke:
"The island was a scientific research centre to lift the mystery of the mist!" He explained close to your ear in his best nerd-voice, leaving a second to chuckle at his expert joke. He held up the side of the coin with the curling mist.
"Because the mist never lifted, it never even got thinner, the island was shrouded in darkness all day, all year. It was unusually thick. The lighthouse" - he turned the coin around - "was the strongest the marine ever built, but it could hardly penetrate the thick soup. Many ships broke on the perilous coast. The great marine scientist Prof Voltan tried to get to the bottom of it all and he vanished alongside his crew of scientists and all the inhabitants of the island in one night. The speculations are outlandish!" He laughed.
"There were even rumours about pre-existing structures on the island, full of unknown symbols and pictures..." his voice trailed off.
"But that's all nonsense!" He concluded, although he couldn't hide a bit of excitement in his voice. He was so adorable when he nerded about his interests. You couldn't help but to kiss his cheek and he smiled, but he didn't stop talking.
"You know they used a special tool to catch and analyse the mist" he explained, not letting your kisses down his jaw distract him. You turned around on his lap to straddle him and reach his kissable areas more easily.
He continued his lesson: "they called it the nebuloscope! It sucked in the mist" your mouth made a sucking sound as you worked on the soft skin of his neck " and the great problem was to build a container from where it couldn't..." he couldn't end the sentence, since you nibbled at the soft patch of skin on his neck that made him loose his mind without fail.
"It couldn't...i mean the couldn't...it wasnt...", he tried to continue a few more times but failed, his speech slurred into a pant.
"Babe stop that..." he panted as you mercilessly held his skin between your lips. However, you were in a good mood and stopped, for him.
He exhaled and shifted beneath you, as his little nerd brain whipped him to tell you even more of the island mystery: "the coin itself is made from ore found on the island, it's not exactly common silver and copper." You let him explain for a short while before kissing trails down his chest as you unbuttoned his shirt.
He leaned back with his brows creased and a whimper, and continued to dump all the info in his head onto you.
"The ore...had strange properties...marine...tried to harvest it...but..." the small movements you made with your hips seemed to steal the blood from his head and you opened his shirt to marvel at your boyfriend's chest. His eyes were pressed close as he struggled for control. He knew he would eventually lose but he held on bravely. He was just trying to get into iron smelting as you pressed soft kisses to his mouth, stopping the flow of words gently.
He put the coin on his desk and wrapped his arms around you, holding you close to carry you to the bed. As he laid you down and came to rest next to you, he began to repay the favour, nibbling on you ear.
"Thank you babe, I love you" he whispered into your ear and stopped talking for the night as he cuddled you happily. The rest of his speech would come tomorrow at breakfast .
This one was really fun and inspiring to me. Maybe Law and y/n will find a misty island one day and have a spooky mystery adventure?
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edenmemes · 2 years
you (season 4) starters
part i & ii.
❝ love tests us. i’ve been tested more than most. ❞ ❝ love chooses us. the only thing we can control is what we do, how far we go. ❞ ❝ you know, i think i...i think i understand you. ❞ ❝ it’s not redemption if it’s for selfish reasons. ❞ ❝ look, trust is earned. ❞ ❝ it’s times like this i can’t help but wonder, where did i go wrong? ❞ ❝ you like it. how it feels. to kill. ❞ ❝ your kindness and ability to see the good in people, it's the best thing about you. but people take advantage. ❞ ❝ so when are you letting me show you the real city? ❞ ❝ i can see you’re trying to remain noble while you hide your true motives. ❞ ❝ all i can say is never again. no love. no people. just books. ❞ ❝ you don’t know who i am or what i want. ❞ ❝ i’m not a fairy princess who needs soft speech or coddling. ❞ ❝ the best way to stay out of people’s business is to know what that business is. ❞ ❝ i can say something...romantic if you like. ❞ ❝ ugh. don’t know why i bother trying to help you. ❞ ❝ your past can’t be worse than mine.❞ ❝ i have too many friends. come back when one is dead. ❞ ❝ don’t kiss me. we might fall in love. ❞ ❝ i don’t let people in. it simply isn’t worth it.❞ ❝ you all right? you look sick. ❞   ❝ what i find dodgy about you, mate, is absolutely fucking everything. ❞ ❝ you know what they say: ‘the colder the stare, the warmer the heart’.❞ ❝ we will never ever be equals because i can't compete with perfection. ❞ ❝ don’t make promises you can’t keep. ❞ ❝ i know the real you, a cruel man in his own immoral universe.❞ ❝ you say sweet things, it’s nice. and it makes me feel worse.❞ ❝ i know your strengths, and when you fail to live up to them, oh, it’s so disappointing.❞ ❝ everybody wants me...until they have me. ❞ ❝ i think we’ve somehow gotten off on the wrong foot. sorry. ❞ ❝ whatever it is you think you want to say, don't.❞ ❝ my way is the only way and you know it.❞ ❝ what i find dodgy about you, mate, is absolutely fucking everything. ❞ ❝ the world isn't kind or fair, so i need you to know that you have changed me the way...opening a window changes a dark room. ❞ ❝ oh, i’m sorry. did i hurt your feelings? ❞ ❝ historically, you are the family fuck-up. ❞ ❝ i love your stubbornness, luckily for you. and your good heart.❞ ❝ your past doesn’t scare me.❞ ❝ i’m sorry. i’m trying to change my past mistakes. ❞ ❝ i don’t wanna lose you, and i’m sorry that i pushed you away. ❞ ❝ i own everything in this world i want. ❞ ❝ who would i be to judge you?❞ ❝ don’t be a prude. you can touch me. ❞ ❝ there you are. i was wondering when you’d find me.❞ ❝ you don’t know me as well as you think. ❞ ❝ i can’t afford distractions. not now. ❞ ❝ i'll make you this promise: this is the last thing i ever ask of you.❞ ❝ if you are honest with me from now forward and i'm honest with you, then...that’s what matters. ❞ ❝ you following me like a puppy? ❞ ❝ did you kill someone? i can always tell. ❞ ❝ i ran away from all this. i never wanted to touch a bloody knife again. ❞ ❝ you act like...you’re just a good man who did a bad thing. ❞ ❝ what i’d like is to...is to be done, you know? ❞ ❝ we all wear different masks, depending. and of course, parts of us we can't bear to show to anyone. ❞ ❝ heartbreak is always the catalyst for a new path. ❞ ❝ i have no desire to hear what you say, and i don’t know why you’ve come. ❞ ❝ you’re not who i figured you for. ❞ ❝ if i had done these things, it could only have been because i had no other options. ❞ ❝ are you ignoring me? you’re hurting my feelings. ❞ ❝ have a lovely afternoon. or don’t. ❞ ❝ it continues to be none of your business.❞ ❝ you wage war with your own nature. that is what you do. ❞   ❝ my guess is that you’ve truly had a hellish life. ❞ ❝ eventually, i will get a smile out of you. ❞ ❝ i suppose i’ve been falling in a little bit in love with you. ❞ ❝ are you telling me i need a man? a big, strong man to protect me?❞ ❝ you do have a good heart. and it tortures you.❞ ❝ i decide if the line gets crossed, when and why. ❞ ❝ what do you say we grab us a real drink? ❞ ❝ redemption is possible, as long as they commit to never running from themselves. ❞ ❝ not only do i not care if you think i’m a bitch, i hugely prefer it. ❞ ❝ i wish you an end to suffering and the roots of suffering. ❞ ❝ do you have something to hide? ❞ ❝ i love you. i don’t want to lose you ever.❞ ❝ i just want to make my own way. i just want to be a person and not even a great one, just decent.❞ ❝ what...? what is that look? ❞ ❝ you don’t want to know the real me.❞ ❝ i’ve always admired a man like you who...doesn’t care how he presents. ❞ ❝ it’s time we got to know each other. ❞ ❝ you okay? you seem a little nervous. ❞ ❝ i’m not scared of being my dad. i’m already worse.❞ ❝ i like a secret. secrets make you feel like you're living your life. ❞ ❝ you know what my favorite thing about love is? it gives you second chances.❞ ❝ when are you going to understand? i’m smarter than you.❞ ❝ i have been incredibly kind in the past to so many dear little lambs who were, in actuality, cruel wolves.❞ ❝ doing any real good is predicated on having real power.❞ ❝ all i’ve ever wanted is to love and to be loved completely. ❞ ❝ i have a past too. in another place with another name. all i want is to never be her again.❞ ❝ you do so much for everyone, but i cannot let you put yourself in harm’s way.❞ ❝ i’m gonna need you to change the subject by kissing me.❞ ❝ i am sick of being manipulated and underestimated.❞ ❝ we all have something bad in us.❞ ❝ if you had died, i would never have forgiven you. ❞ ❝ your story is incredible. you must be tired of talking about it. ❞ ❝ despite all i’ve ever done for you...you despise me. ❞ ❝ all that matters is that you’re all right.❞ ❝ the more you spend time with someone, the more cursed you are to see them as human.❞ ❝ things took a turn since i saw you last.❞ ❝ very sweet for you to offer, but we both know that you’re full of shit. ❞ ❝ my place. tomorrow. bring wine.❞
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lxtstrip · 4 months
Homesick | C. Sturniolo
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TW: weed/drugs mention
AN: first sturniolo fic — also don’t do drugs, smoke a joint (pack a bowl, rip a bong, eat an edible idc!) where/when legal and enjoy.
WC: 935
Pairing: Chris x Reader
“Stay in Boston.” Chris read with confusion from a crumpled note he found in his newly thrifted hoodie pocket. He didn’t think much of it, just some trash left by an artist in Los Angeles. Whether it was a photographer, videographer, songwriter, or maybe a failed sketch was anyone’s guess.
What he wasn’t aware of was the treacherous journey that hoodie had taken to get to him and its ties to the city he called home. The hoodie had gone through a family vacation, a boy’s high school career, moving into a college dorm, a relationship, many italian ice date nights, and a breakup. The hoodie signified an era of someone’s life; the same tagline as everything else you lay your eyes on at a thrift store.
He thought about everything he had ever known as the items were piling up in his newly found second hand collection. Donating his skates when he was 13, his mother cleaning out the garage of all their holiday things, and even down to his brothers piling clothes on the bed to list for sale online. He didn’t own much, just enough to keep him out of trouble, so the thought of someone having enough to give away was enough to make his head spin.
He kept the paper regardless of whether it was trash or not. Chris adored Boston and only associated positive memories with it. Fenway Park, Gillette Stadium and TD Garden were his go to places to hang with his friends, brothers, or even alone. He remembers frantically Googling ‘free things to do in Boston’ before dates and eventually dipping into his wallet after he couldn’t find anything good with pride. He was someone who would do anything to make anyone happy, whatever the cost, but he couldn’t apply that theory to himself.
When all was done and dusted for the day he decided to shut himself in his room and unwind. He ran his fingers down the spines of the books you gave him, reading the titles to himself, hearing your voice with each syllable. Empty promises of going to visit him came flooding back into his memory as soon as he saw your favorite book; tattered edges, taped spine, and a receipt paper bookmark. He shook himself out of it and went to his desk to pack a bowl.
With a swift flick of the lighter Chris pressed the glass to his lips and inhaled for a moment feeling the weight of the world lift off of his shoulders. He sat in his computer chair and looked around his room for signs of you - something, anything. He repeated the motion a few times and grabbed the torn piece of paper from his thrifting excursion.
“Stay in Boston.” Chris repeated to himself countless times before grabbing his phone. He knew your number by heart and as soon as he hit the call button an all-too-familiar ache came over him. He took another hit and exhaled when he heard your voicemail message play. He never thought he’d be here; alone, in his room, pining after a love lost.”
“Hey, it’s Chris…” he started. “I wish you were here. I’ve said it every day to myself while I’ve been out here. I know neither of us wanted this… I don’t think either of us knew what we wanted. I’ve been getting by on memories of stumbling to diners and stealing the mugs or skipping classes to go hang out at the park…” he took another hit and sighed. “What I’m trying to say is my heart will always have a space for you, my brain has always had one.”
You looked at your phone to see another voicemail from Chris. You shrugged it off thinking it was most likely another message he recorded at a party where he would preface it with whatever drug he was taking at the time; the west coast ruined him. As much as you hated to admit it you kept up with their videos and you locked in on Chris looking more gaunt every time.
You hadn’t answered a call from Chris in months and you never reached back out. You listened to his newest voice message as you recanted the first call since the split. He had just done a few lines of cocaine and he described it as feeling a sense of finally being able to focus to a greater extent. It shook you to your core that a once happy-go-lucky boy turned into… this. You couldn’t even begin to describe what you were feeling.
Chris often called to describe his high to you; cocaine, ayahuasca, benzos, acid, angel dust, salvia - the list went on. You were still his safe space and since he drew the conclusion you weren’t even listening to them he let his troubles go in the safe space of voicemails and dial tones.
Chris clutched the “Stay in Boston” note and thought about what it meant to the previous owner of the hoodie. Chris also thought about why this would fall into his lap and when it did. He slowly fell back into his nightly routine while he continued to contemplate that random piece of paper.
After a night of continuing keeping up his high, losing games, and melting his brain over three words Chris decided to head to bed. The second he was in bed it’s as if on cue he saw your name flash across his screen. It knocked his next breath out of him as he answered with a simple “Hello?”
“Chris…” you said followed by a shaky exhalation. “Please stay in Boston.”
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melanieph321 · 9 months
Ruben Dias x Reader - City Girls Part 6/8
Yeah, it keeps getting worse and worse 🙃
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Reader plays for the Man City girls academy. She struggles a bit but gets Ruben to mentor her. The the two don't hit off despite having many things in common. It all gets worse when Reader eventually catches feelings for Ruben.
Living with Ruben was not like you imagined it to be. The guestroom where you stayed was practically a master bedroom. But having previously slept on a pull-out couch when sharing apartments with Ester, you were undoubtedly grateful. However, Ruben was never home. His match and training schedule was busier than yours. Sometimes days would pass where you were completely left alone in his apartment. Your heart sank once you realized that when Ruben wasn't at home or training he was probably spending time with his girlfriend. He did say that whatever the two of you had was a mistake. But there would be nights when Ruben would come home late from game, slip into your bed and wrap his arms around you until the two of you fell asleep in each other's arms.
Ruben also had rules for your stay. Rules that any girl who wasn't as desperate as you, might have seen as red flags. Most of the rules were understandable, like don't leave the apartment around the same time as he did, and don't post pictures of you in the apartment or anywhere near it. However, there was one rule you just couldn't wrap your head around and this rule involved the locked door down the hall from your bedroom. You had mistaken it for an additional bathroom, but when Ruben caught you yanking the doorhandle he got angry and snapped at you to never go near the door again. But like you said, you were desperate for a place to stay, ignoring the internal warnings. Not even your parents knew about what went down between you and Ester. They would never know. All you wanted to do was fulfill your dreams of playing football, staying with Ruben reassured that.
"Morning, beautiful. Did you sleep well?"
You woke up to the memories of last night. The smell of freshly baked bread brought you out of bed and into the kitchen. Ruben stood behind the counter, whisking something in a bowl. He was bare chested, wearing sweatpants only. Grey sweatpants, revealing more than was appropriate.
"Morning." You mumbled and climbed to sit on the stool next to the counter. To your suprise Ruben stopped what he was doing, leand forward and kissed you.
"You look grumpy, why?" He asked.
You shrugged. "Just tired, I guess."
Ruben kept you up all night. The two of you had done more than cuddle last night. You had sex, all of it initiated by Ruben who came into your room after another late return from an away game. The sex was good but it made you wonder how serious the relationship between Ruben and his girlfriend was. And who were you to Ruben, his mistress?
"Care for some breakfast? I got bread freash from the oven. I'm also making some protein pancakes."
"Sure Ruben, thanks."
The day after an away game was usually Ruben's day off. He had time to stay and make breakfast, serving you a plate of the tastiest pancakes you've ever had.
"They're amazing." You said, wiping your mouth with a napkin.
"Nice to see them bring back that smile I love on you." He stretched out to caress your cheek, wiping some crumbs off the corner of your mouth. "Mist a spot." He brought back his thumb from your face and into his mouth. Your heart flared watching him suck the tip off it, his brown eyes never leaving yours as he did.
You cleared your throat. "Ruben, about last night."
He smirked, the thought amusing to him.
"I thought you said..."
"I know what I said Y/N." He nodded. "It won't happen again. I was just happy about the win. It was an important game for the team."
You had watched it on TV. The win had granted Manchester City a slot into the round of sixteen teams fighting for the Champions League.
"I get that, but you told me that you have a girlfriend. Sleeping with me makes you a cheater Ruben. "
He snorted. "I don't think so. Cheaters never win and I won last night, both on and off the pitch."
You were stunned for words. With time you had gotten to know Ruben a bit better and like anyone he had different sides to him, sides you weren't all too keen on exploring. You thought it might jeopardize your relationships if you questioned his ethics too much. Or worse, Ruben might stop helping you improve your football.
"Which time are you leaving for training?" He asked, changing the subject.
"Two, I'll be there all afternoon."
"Alright, I'll give you a ride."
You watched him get up and wipe his hands on a cloth.
"You're surprised?"
"Well, won't someone see us?"
He smiled. "My car windows are tinted, Y/N. Besides, I'll be dropping you off a block away from the Ethiad."
Your heart sank. "Oh, of course."
Training went well that afternoon. Perhaps too well. You had feard facing Ester again  after her lame threats to tell on you and Ruben to the club. However, Ruben insisted that you shouldn't worry about her, and you hadn't. But the fact that Ester completely alienated you during trainings, caused you slight paranoia.
"Listen up!" Coach said, gathering the players as he blew his whistle. "I have a few call ups for the first team's game this weekend, so listen carefully. Fowler..."
"Yes!" A girl hissed.
Coach continued reading from his list "James..."
"Yes!" Another girl cheered.
"....Dawson, Espinosa, Philips, Adilović..." It must be a friendly, you thought. The majority of girls were getting called up. "...Richards and Hofman."
The majority of girls, except for you.
"But coach?" You protested. The session was over. You trailed after your him as he walked off the pitch.
"I'm sorry Y/N, but my hands are tied." He said.
What exactly was that suppose to mean?
"But coach I'm not sick anymore." You thought back to your little spew fest during a forgettable training session with the first team. "It was one time. I'm better now, I swear."
Coach seized to walk, turning to you. He looked conflicted. "Look. I'm very sorry Y/N, but like I said, my hands are tied. Perhaps the first team didn't find you performance that impressing this month?"
He left you with those words.
Impossible, you thought. You played excellent this month. You even managed to gain a few pounds with the diet Ruben put you on. You were strong enough to pass any defender, let alone the defenders in the first team. It was all impossible.
"Can you believe it, they picked Ester but not me." You told Ruben about your day. You were a bit suprised to still find him at the apartment. After all, it was his day off. Was his girlfriend sick or something?
"I wouldn't dwell too much about that Y/N. Like you said, it's probably just a friendly game against another Super League team."
"Yes, but I could use the experience." You sighed, plotting down beside Ruben on the coach. His arms stretched across your shoulders, railing you in. "You'll get it in time." He said, kissing the top of your head. "Just be patient."
It was nice, being held by him. The TV was showing a documentary about rhinoceros' and you easily got swept away by it, resting comfortably against Ruben's chest. However, a thought came to mind as your eyes darted around his apartment. "Ruben, I was just wondering," You said, voice a little hesitant. "Why aren't there any personal items in your apartment. No photos, no nothing?" It was strange really.
Ruben's expression changed, his eyes darting around the room as if he was searching for something. "Oh, that," he said, his voice evasive. "I just like to keep things simple. I don't really have any family or friends to speak of."
You felt a wave of unease wash over you. Something about Ruben's answer didn't sit right. "What do you mean you don't have any family or friends?" You pressed on, because you had met one of them and his name was Bernardo. You raised your head from his chest, meeting Ruben's eyes, and for a moment, You saw something in them that made your heart race. It was a look of pure terror, as if he was trapped in a nightmare and couldn't escape.
"I, uh, I just don't like to talk about it," he stammered, his eyes darting away. "Can we just forget about it and enjoy this movie or whatever. Why are you asking me so many questions anyway?"
A chill ran down her spine. You had never seen Ruben like this before, and you didn't like it one bit. But you also didn't want to push him too hard, so you nodded and went back to watching the documentary with him, ending the night this way.
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parachutingkitten · 4 months
The Villain She was Meant to Be
Happy @loving-cryptor-day ! A little 750 word drabble. Echo and Cry, living as roommates, chat about Pix.
Echo entered the living room holding a large laundry basket, and set it down on the floor in front of the couch. His roommate lounged on top, flipping through channels, and getting progressively more annoyed. 
“Anything good on?” Echo asked, folding onto the floor next to the basket as he began sorting the load.
“Nothing but the worst press conference on every channel,” Cryptor groaned. “I swear, I can’t stand her stupid smile.”
Echo chuckled, looking up to see Pixal’s face filling the screen, giving some sort of address in front of the Bounty. “She really is everywhere, isn’t she?”
“It’s infuriating.” Cryptor grumbled. “I mean, plastering her face everywhere is legitimately insulting.”
“I mean, it’s a little annoying, I guess.” Echo shrugged.
“She should be rotting behind bars.” Cryptor asserted, still toggling through stations, only to meet more feeds of his sister.
“For what?” Echo scoffed, shifting his glare over to the couch. “From the sounds of things, it seems like she just saved the city again.”
“For everything I got pinned for.” Cryptor stressed, muting the television. “She started the whole thing, she’s the one who helped the Overlord escape in the first place.”
Echo continued his folding, rolling his eyes. “Well, she was also under the control of the Overlord-” 
“We were all under the control of the Overlord!” Cryptor lurched forward. “It was all the Overlord! There was no piece of corrupted technology that wasn’t just the Overlord!” 
Echo dropped his wrists over the edge of the basket, a shirt still hanging in his hands as he turned his attention back to his roommate. “Didn’t the Overlord commission you though? You were made to work for him.”
Cryptor sighed, now hunched over at the edge of the couch, a hint of defeat entering his manner.  “...the first memory I have, is of being arrested.” He stared out into the room, his eyes sitting with a thick, heavy blankness.
Echo stared back at him, the room frozen in fragility. “What do you mean?”
“It’s the very first event written into my processor. There is no record of anything before then.” Cryptor looked back at Echo, eyes still impenetrable. “Things from before came back to me eventually, but it was information. Events I knew had happened, but had no memory of participating in. Because I didn’t do any of it. I didn’t have any kind of control. People called me a weapon, and a murderer, and a terrorist, before I’d ever had the chance to make a single decision for myself.”
Echo leaned over the edge of the sofa, now locked on getting to the bottom of the situation. “Why didn’t you fight to get out earlier? You would have had a decent case, manipulation by an evil presence is pretty common in Ninjago.”
Cryptor shrugged. “Because I did it.” He lowered himself onto the floor, his glance reaching toward his companion. “Even if it wasn’t really me, it was still me, you know? And it was the only thing I had ever done, even if I didn't do it. It felt sort of pointless to try and resist. If people wanted to label me a monster, I didn’t have any grounds to disbelieve them. It all felt sort of inevitable.”
Cryptor’s eyes turned again to his sister’s image, still smiling on the screen in front of them. “The only difference between Pixal and me, is that she was freed of the Overlord’s code soon enough to get away scot-free. She managed to win the heart of the hero, and so everyone forgives her.” His head sunk back onto the couch cushions behind him, his eyes now pointed at the ceiling. “She lucked into falling in love with the right person and the right time, while I’m left playing the villain she was supposed to be.”
Echo gingerly leaned over the laundry basket, toward his friend. “You know, I don’t think Pixal should’ve gone to jail, but for what it’s worth, I don’t think you should have either… I know how rough that can be, especially in solitary.”
Cryptor’s head turned Echo, a new found solidarity in his face. “But hey, we got out.”
Echo nodded. “We got out.” 
Cryptor’s hand reached out, grabbing the other end of the laundry basket, his expression softening. “How about I do this load, and you find us literally anything else to watch.” 
Echo’s face lit up in a smile as he quickly sat up. “Is this permission to put on a rom com?!”
“As long as it’s not about two stupidly perfect robots, I think I can handle it.”
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