#evening paul posting
furcoveredinblood · 2 years
<3 Paul Gray smooches <3
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ftmtftm · 11 days
I love you trans people who still resonate and identify with the "wrong" gendered familial terms.
I love you trans women who are fathers. I love you trans men who are mothers. I love you trans women who are sons. I love you trans men who are daughters. I love you trans people who are aunts and uncles in the "wrong" ways. I love you nonbinary people who resonate with binary terms of familial identification regardless of your own identity. You're all so lovely and wonderful.
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haaam-guuuurl · 4 months
If I had a nickel for every time the idea of shooting out one giant sperm has been proposed on a Dropout show this year, I would have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's REALLY FUCKING WEIRD that it's happened twice.
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ramen8008 · 2 months
Give me Percy asking his mom if he can invite some of his orphan friends for the holidays. She says yes of course so he does. He invites Leo, Hazel, and Frank. And though Sally knows of them this is the first time she meets them.
So she opens to see this kid wearing nice clothes as if they are just wrong. His hair made as he continuously resists the urge to run his hands through it. He's shorter than she imagined. He's also too skinny. And it turns out he's Leo Valdez, the kid who can summon fire, who built not only a giant mechanical dragon but also the flying ship they travelled thousands of miles on past multiple oceans and monsters. The kid who Hera and Gaia presented themselves to as a kid, the kid who's the only one in centuries to possess the power he does only for it to be one that was a reminder of what killed his mom. And he's in her front door, a too skinny, fidgeting kid with a small gift bag.
Then it's Hazel and Frank (and Nico but she's mostly used to him). The girl who came back from the dead, the one who can bring out cursed jewels from the Earth, who was a black girl alive at the time of World War, and here she is. And she's this adorable kid who's well dressed and presented who calls Sally "Ma'am" and thanks her.
And then Frank who can turn into any animal in existence, the one who killed a titan while he was turned into a bear, the one who's a master archer, the one who's the son of ARES. And he's this pudgy yet buff adorable kid who seems awkward and gives her a small thanks as he hands her a cake box.
All this and she's amazed because although she knows, seeing them like this just reminded her that they're just kids.
Anyways they have a nice dinner, Paul plays games with them, Hazel has a sailor's mouth when she's playing card games, Frank has a horrible poker face so he just turns into a reptile or something to hide his face, Leo is always trying to cheat but never admits it, ( he makes a little robot to freak Paul out so he can change his dice).
Nico ALWAYS wins in card games except uno in which he loses horribly each and every time.
They all compete to wash the dishes and help Sally but she tells them no and to Percy's disappointment tells him to clean the dishes. Which he does, by controlling the water. And they lose it. They try not to show but they can't believe that Percy Jackson, the one who has defeated Kronos, who went through Tartarus, who fought Ares when he was 12, rejected immortality, and so much more. And here he is washing dishes for his mom while pouting about it.
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ukulelette · 2 months
Richard pointing at the sky (and the stars?) above their heads for Paul to look, and then looking at him and at his lips, like Paul is even more beautiful than this view, and kissing him...
that's the most romantic shit I've ever seen what the actual fuck???!??
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“If we can’t be lovers we’ll never be friends…”
Mixed media, 22.5x30in, 28 hrs
(click for better quality)
One day I’ll sit down and give an extensive talk on my experience with synesthesia, but for now I’ll just say that for me, music has always been tied to my art. Inextricably. When I put on music as I paint it’s not just background noise, it’s actively informing the piece. This is an example of me taking that to the logical extreme, this entire piece was made and crafted by the music I heard as I painted it. Using Beatles (and solo career) songs from across their lifespan, the finished piece becomes a visual symphony of shared history between Paul McCartney and John Lennon. Everything shared, and everything left unsaid.
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good-to-drive · 8 days
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booigi-boi · 3 months
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Jon!Ted and Joey!Paul. Cursed or cursed? ✨
Based on this post
My own talent scares me sometimes. I can't look away from Jon!Ted
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icriedforthemoon · 3 months
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No one I think is in my tree...
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georgeharrisonsmiling · 4 months
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reasonsforhope · 7 months
You know that whole trope/adage/etc. about the fact that people are strongest and most powerful when united against a common enemy?
Climate change is a common enemy for all of humanity. And unlike most instances of "banding together against a common enemy," fighting climate change doesn't require hurting anyone - only healing each other and the world.
So let's all band together and hurt the hell out of some oil company profit margins instead of each other.
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franklyimissparis · 11 months
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will literally never shut up about the parallels between them
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transbeamrooikat · 6 months
thinking about how its implied that Paul WILL eventually ecologically destroy dune. how in his quest to bring them "paradise" he will destroy their way of living. the way my heart sunk whenever it was mentioned. the way we see how badly water effects the worms
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crismakesstuff · 6 months
so from what ive been seeing in the show so far it seems they’re gonna pair off paul with debbie and here’s why I don’t rly like it
btw in case anyone is wondering yes this happened in the comic and here’s comic paul vs show paul for comparasion
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(At least they wont have debbie fucking a hospice patient in this)
while im normally all for “yes girl get that dick” in terms of Debbie’s character it just seems ,, cheapening to chain her to another man to show she’s “whole” now. Debbie as a character/person has little to nothing to gain out of this relationship realistically. Women can live without “needing”a relationship to make them complete. Especially after what she’s gone through, like thats a 20 year relationship its gonna leave emotional scars.
Also the show seems to have this AVERSION to giving debbie actual female friends for longer than 1 scene at a time. Like im happy she has Art as a friend but she needs a woman in her life. Like I loved the scene with Olga at the start of s2 and the interaction w Carol of the SOS group but! Olga went back to Moscow and debbie can’t return to the group of bc of alana’s ugly ass ex husband. Like if they MUST pair her off with Paul just like the comic at least idk show that her past trauma is affecting her? Show her being messy and making mistakes or even Paul pointing out like “hey I don’t think you’re in the headspace for this” and breaking it off
Maybe then have debbie realize she’s better off single and begins to focus more on herself now! She could get a good friend group (or at least one female bestie pls) and in that stability of being single and with more immediate support in new friends! Show her taking up new hobbies to occupy her time outside of her job and enjoying life without ‘needing’ a partner, no characters growth should be dependent on a romantic partner!
It will make whenever nolan drags his sorry ass back to earth to see her that much more hard hitting because she doesn’t need him, he needs her. it’ll add so much more depth and struggle to him just trying to regain her trust and then if the show does do them getting back together it’ll actually feel more earned instead of happening off screen which I hated.
Also bc in the comic debbie breaks it off with paul bc after she sees nolan again she says “it didnt feel right being with paul anymore” like,, its so bs. Comic debbie has no self respect.
Ok thats all bye bye
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zend-pixie · 10 months
you guys ever think about how Emma was so elated to see Paul during "inevitable" that she didn't notice his heart wasn't beating. cause i think about that a lot
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weepylucifer · 3 months
unwound future is just layton, dimitri and don paolo all looking at each other and thinking "wow, these guys are freaks. i'm the only one here coping with the loss of claire in a normal way"
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