#euclid is ruined for me
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sleepanonymous · 10 months ago
I just wanna say that watching Mr. Vessel Sleep Token the First lay down in the middle of The Summoning tonight at Red Rocks was the most relatable thing I’ve ever seen him do. The Vessel/Mother Token fued may be over. I haven't decided yet, gonna sleep on it 🫡
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tonguetyd · 10 months ago
If your wings won’t find you heaven, I will bring it down like an ancient bygone
I’ve always liked this line, but hearing it live made it click in a way it hadn’t before
Feels scheduled ahead
When Ves sang this line in Radio City I had the image pop in my head of the scene from It’s A Wonderful Life. “What do you want Mary, you want the moon? Just say the word and I’ll throw a lasso around it and bring it down for you. Say that’s a pretty good idea. I’ll give you the moon.”
So another way to look at this line. “If you can’t find your heaven, despite the wings you have, despite the divinity you have been granted, if you just cannot find joy? That’s ok. I’ll bring it down for you. I’ll fight like hell for you. I’ll give you that joy, I’ll sauté those horrors, you postpone that funeral RIGHT now, I am going to find the heaven you deserve.”
I wish I could remember who it was (probably @melit0n ‘s Euclid essay tbh but it may have been someone else) but someone wrote a theory that Euclid is the first song written thru not the character of Vessel’s eyes, but the guy/singer/songwriter/ACTUAL dude on stage Vessel himself. And I thought it was kinda an interesting theory but I think combining that with this idea makes it a little weightier. Because, Vessel the character is very much a part of Vessel the guy by virtue of the fact he embodies the character on stage every night. Just as Vessel the guy is (presumably) in a lot of Vessel the character. They’re the same, he’s not real, hes just some guy, hes acid and alkaline, etc etc.
(Edit I reread my tags, this post from @a-s-levynn is definitely the first time I saw this idea, yes THANK YOU LEV)
So. Point being. If this is Vessel the guy singing to Vessel the character, “despite your wings and all that Sleep has given you, you still cannot find peace. So I will bring it down for you. I will be your mouthpiece, I will write the words and tell your story. And you will find the love you want.”
That’s Ves speaking to himself.
And I think that is incredibly powerful and the most self-romantic thing I have ever heard. I’ll be your my joy and bring you myself heaven and the moon.
Recovering from depression and wanting to leave everything behind is a long fucking road. Idk that you ever really stop being on that road. I certainly still feel like I’m on that road even all these years later, but…the biggest thing that keeps you going is for your past self. At least for me anyway. I fight for the little girl that lives in me who thinks she will never be loved and needs to be perfect and ruins everything and is constantly reminded of how unforgiving the world is.
Baby girl, if you can’t find yourself heaven, I will bring it down for you. I’ve got you. I am hugging you so tight and telling you everything will be okay, my love. Look at us now. We’re still here. And we’re just fine. We are doing great. We’re alright and loved. And I will keep fighting like hell for you and to keep you safe and happy.
And so I think this is similar to what Ves is saying to himself. And it makes it that much more of a hopeful song. “Yes, I must be someone new, but moreso…I will keep living.
I will fight, for you.”
The next time you sing that line. Sing it to your younger self. Or to the parts of you that you feel are most difficult to love. Promise to fight for them. Bring down heaven.
And try not to cry
And if YOUR wings won’t find you heaven? I got you, too. ❤️
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scarletgemstone · 1 month ago
the mark part 2
stan"that's it!? you finally want to see me after ten years and it's too get as far away from you as possible?!"
ford"stanley you don't know what I've been up against what I've been through"
euclid"dose he not like stan...anymore?" (scalene takes his hand )
scalene"i don't know dear"
(stan walks over to ford)
stan"no no you don't understan what i've been tougher!"
(euclid glars at ford)
euclid"he's right you know"
stan"i've been to prison in three diffenert countries I once had to chew my way out of the back of a car you think you got problems? i got a mullet stanford!"
(stan berify thinks talking euclid and scalene appearing in his dreams but doesn't )
stan" meanwhile where have you been livin it up in your fancy house in the woods selfishly horrding your college money because you only care about yourself!"
(ford is taken aback)
ford" i'm selfish? i'm selfish stanley? how can you say after costing me my dream school"
scalene"this again!?"
euclid"it was an accoudent!"
(they try to grab ford but they phase through him as the twins countion to fight)
ford"i'm giving you the change to do the first worthwhile thing in your life and you won't even listen!"
scalene"our son is not worthless!"
stan"well listin to this you want me to get rid of this book (pulls out a lighter and holds the book over it) fine I'll get rid of it right now!"
(ford grabs the book)
ford"no you don't understand!"
(stan pulls it out of his grasp)
stan"you said you wanted me to have it so I'll do what I want with it!"
ford"my reashcoer!"
(ford talickels stan to the ground)
scalene and euclid"billy!"
(dropping it stan kicked ford off of him and runs to the joranul and grabs it he turns and sees ford running at him)
ford"stanley give it back!"
(they both are in the control room fighting for the book and unkowgly turning the portal on)
(the portal sparkes to life)
stan"you left me behind you jerk! it was suppost to be us forever you ruined my life!"
ford"you ruined your own life!"
(ford kicks stan into the consel and burned him, stan screams in pain, and Euclid and Scalene gasp)
scalene" Billy!"
(they try to hold stan but can't because they have broken physical forms)
euclid" no no no please"
sclaene" billy .. my baby no no"
(the portal dose seems to be making euclid and scalene's psycail forms stable they are berfiley vivsable)
(ford is horroafid by what he did )
ford"stanley! oh my gosh i'm so sorry are you-huh?"
(ford thinks he sees what looks like ghost confronting stan , euclid narrows his eye at ford)
eculid"what have you done!"
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1heartfanfics · 8 months ago
If any of you have heard the song euclid by sleep token this is a loosely based song fic. I was watching 9-1-1 lonestar when I discovered and became obsessed with this song, and it immediately made me think of Carlos and T.K. You don't need to be familiar with the song but I do recommend listening to it just cause its one of my fave songs and I love it.
TW: mentions of addiction
"T.K, you're gonna be late!" Carlos called from down the hallway as he pulled on his uniform. They were both supposed to be at the work in 45 minutes but T.K. hadn't even gotten out of bed yet.
When he received no response, Carlos walked back to the bedroom to physically haul his fiance out of bed. He found T.K. awake, laying curled up on his side and staring blankly at the wall.
"T.K?" Carlos asked, frowning. Something was wrong.
"Just give me five more minutes," T.K. said quietly, pleading. A single tear slid down his face and onto the mattress.
"Baby... what's going on?" Carlos asked, moving to crouch down next to the bed in front of T.K.
T.K. sighed, squeezing his eyes shut. "I just- I just can't,"
"Okay, that's okay." Carlos nodded, reaching out to cup T.K.'s cheek with his hand. He used his thumb to swipe away the tears.
"I can't stop thinking about it.. feels like it's burning me up from the inside," T.K. cried, curling in on himself even more as his tears started to fall more freely.
'Drugs', Carlos thought, putting the pieces together. T.K. was thinking about using. He'd known that T.K. had been struggling since Sadie had dosed them, but he'd gone to so many meetings and hadn't said anything so Carlos had figured that he was handling it okay. Apparently he hadn't been paying enough attention.
"Well don't keep it inside then, talk to me baby," Carlos said. He stood up from his crouched position and sat on the edge of the bed, running a hand through T.K.'s hair.
T.K. took a shaky breath. He'd never talked to Carlos about his addiction, not really. Carlos knew his past, the history, but T.K. had never talked to him about the cravings or any of the other mental struggles that came with being sober.
"It's hard to explain," he started with a sigh.
"Just try, it's okay," Carlos said, smiling reassuringly.
T.K. sighed again, "It feels like... like my addiction, and my past... like it's haunting me."
Carlos didn't understand, but he nodded anyway, encouraging T.K. to keep going.
"Like it's right out there in the hallway watching me, waiting for me to screw up," T.K. feels his face grow warm, flushing red with shame. He should be better than this. "I just feel so heavy-" he breaks off with a sob.
"Oh Tyler... come here baby," Carlos said softly, pulling T.K. into his arms. T.K. fell against Carlos's chest, grabbing a fistful of his t-shirt to keep himself grounded.
Carlos gently rocked them back and forth, one hand tangled in T.K.'s hair, the other wrapped tightly on his waist.
"Shh, shh, shh," Carlos whispered, "I've got you."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
T.K. picked up his phone for the hundredth time that day, contemplating calling his boyfriend. He was struggling today, again, but he didn't want to bother Carlos at work. He still had 5 hours left on his shift.
He wasn't thinking about using exactly, it's not like he was planning out where he could go to get drugs or how he'd hide it from Carlos or anything like that. But he was thinking about drugs. Thinking about how it was only a matter of time before he fucked up.
That's what the universe had been trying to tell him hadn't it?
He'd gotten too comfortable in his sobriety. So Sadie came along to ruin it and remind him that he was an addict. Once an addict, always an addict. It was his fate; a bad day, a relapse, an overdose.
T.K. felt his breathing start to quicken. He suddenly felt like the room was spinning, and suffocatingly hot. It was hard to breath.
This time when he picked up his phone, he did call Carlos. It rang and rang and rang and went to voicemail. T.K. felt like crying. He couldn't do this alone.
"Hi, it's me." T.K. started, his voice sounding shaky and hoarse. "Call me when you get the chance? I-I just.. it feels like the walls are closing in around me and... just call me. Please?"
T.K. hung up, a sob escaping him as his vision blurred and tears started to fall down his cheeks. He couldn't do this...
Then his phone rang.
"C-carlos?" he answered quickly
"Baby? What's going on?" Carlos answered, sounding worried.
T.K. melted at the sound of his voice, his eyes slipping shut in relief. Even just hearing him made everything seem a little bit easier.
"I'm sorry.. I'm just- I'm having a hard time today," T.K. answered, feeling embarrassed all over again for needing Carlos so much.
"Hey, you don't need to be sorry T.K. You can always call me when you need me. Just talk to me, yeah?" Carlos assured him.
T.K. was quiet for a moment, Carlos waiting patiently for him to find the words to explain how he was feeling. "I can't get away from it. It's too much and it never stops," he said after a minute.
"But you have gotten away from it before baby. And I can't imagine how hard this is, having your sobriety taken from you like that, but I know that you'll get through it again. We will get through it," Carlos said.
"How am I supposed to get through it when it's everywhere? When I close my eyes, it's there. When I open them it's like I'm watching my past play out of the ceiling, like a movie that I can't stop from watching," T.K. rambled, silent tears slipping down his cheeks as he spoke.
"I'm sure it will fade with time T.K..." Carlos trails off. Truthfully he doesn't know what to say. "I wish I could take this from you," he said quietly, his heart hurting for his boyfriend.
"No." T.K. said quickly, "Don't say that. I hope to god you never know this feeling Carlos."
"Okay, okay, you're right," Carlos conceded, although he would still take all of T.K.'s pain upon himself if he could. "But I am going to be right by your side through all of this," he added.
T.K. sighed, "I know. You are my solid ground Carlos, I couldn't do this without you."
"But Tyler you are so strong. You've been through so much and yet you're still here, fighting every day and saving other people's lives in the process," Carlos said. He truly was in awe of T.K.'s ability to push through any scenario and come out even stronger on the other side."
Carlos's radio chirped in the background and T.K. knew that meant he had to go.
"I'll be home soon okay? But call again if you need me, I'll answer as soon as I can. I love you," Carlos said quickly before hanging up.
T.K.'s chest felt tight in the absence of Carlos's voice. He set his phone down, forcing himself to take a deep breath. Even if T.K. couldn't reach his sobriety by himself this time, Carlos would be there to help bring it down to him.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Hey, it's me. Call me when you have the time please?"
Carlos's heart sunk when he heard the voicemail T.K. had left. He must be having another rough day with his sobriety. Since he had a few moments, Carlos pressed on T.K.'s name to call him back. He waited as it rang, but received no answer. Shit.
'He's probably fine. Maybe he's in the bathroom or something,' Carlos thought. He forced himself to wait a few minutes, leg tapping nervously, before he tried calling again. Still no answer.
That's it. He quickly radioed his team to let them know he was going out patrolling. They didn't need to know that he was planning on patrolling his own home. As he pulled out of the station lot he quickly sent T.K. a text.
'Call me back if you get this please. Just want to make sure you're okay.'
But T.K. still hadn't answered when he pulled up at their loft. He hurried up the stairs and unlocked the door.
"T.K.?" he called into the dark and quiet loft. "Tyler?" he called again, walking through the living room to their bedroom. He'd seen T.K.'s car outside so he had to be here.
But the bedroom was empty too. And so was the bathroom. Carlos was at least grateful that he hadn't found his boyfriend unconscious or harming himself somehow. But his heart was still pounding with worry, T.K.'s vague voicemail echoing in his ears.
The front door opened then.
"Carlos?" T.K.'s voice called out, having seen the cruiser in front of the loft.
"T.K.! Are you okay?" Carlos rushed out to the kitchen to meet his boyfriend, who was wearing shorts and a tank, damp with sweat. He'd gone for a run, that was all. Carlos breathed a sigh of relief.
"I'm alright," T.K. shrugged, "What are you doing here?"
"I got your voicemail but you didn't answer when I called back. I got worried," Carlos explained.
"Shit, sorry. I went running and didn't take my phone with me. I just had to get out of here," T.K. said, wincing. He realized how worrisome his brief voicemail and then radio silence could have seemed. "I'm so sorry baby, I didn't mean to worry you," he added.
"It's okay baby, I'm just glad you're okay," Carlos said, reaching out for his boyfriend.
"I'm all sweaty," T.K. warned.
Carlos just shook his head, "I don't care, come here."
So T.K. let Carlos pull him into his arms, holding him tightly. T.K. rested his head on Carlos's shoulder, breathing him in. His run had helped, but this helped even more.
"Are you really okay?" Carlos asked, pulling back slightly.
T.K. hesitated, shrugging again. "I think so? It's just hard when I'm off and you're not. I don't know what to do with myself and I start feeling all couped up."
"I know, I wish I could get my schedule to match up with yours," Carlos nodded. He had tried. He'd talked to his boss, who had been sympathetic, but had still told him that there wasn't much he could do at the moment.
T.K. shook his head, "I know that's out of your control. It's just hard when I'm here with myself. I wish I could just leave this part of me behind," he said, voice shaking slightly with emotion.
"This is just another part of what's made you who you are. We're all shaped by our experiences T.K., good and bad," Carlos said.
"I know, but right now it isn't a past experience cause it's happening again. Because of that bitch my addiction is like 'hey loser, remember me?'" T.K. rarely cursed, but it felt appropriate when talking about this. Sadie had ruined everything he'd worked so hard for.
"I hate her for doing this to you too baby. But you will get through this, I know you will. And I'll be right here by your side the whole time, always. That's all that matters right now," Carlos said, pulling T.K. close to him again, holding him tight. If he could, he would never let him go.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Baby? Are you okay?" Carlos asked, having woken up to find T.K. sitting up in bed next to him.
"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," T.K. said instead of answering his question.
"You didn't, what's going on?" Carlos asked, sitting up as well.
"I'm okay," T.K. said, leaning his head down onto Carlos's shoulder.
"T.K..." Carlos sighed, he thought they'd gotten past this false cover of being okay that T.K. used to hide beneath.
"I really am okay Carlos I promise. I'm just thinking, couldn't sleep," T.K. insisted. Carlos relaxed a little, leaning his head down against T.K.'s. He sounded like he meant it.
"Thinking about what?" Carlos asked, grabbing one of T.K.'s hands in his, rubbing his thumb over the back of T.K.'s hand.
"About my addiction," T.K. shrugged. "About how it's a part of me, like you said. I won't ever be able to get rid of it, but I can own it. It belongs to me and I have control over it," he explained.
"That's a good way of thinking about it," Carlos agreed.
T.K. nodded, "I kind of feel like a new person. Or at least back to being the person I was before this happened."
"That's good," Carlos said, lifting his head up and turning to face T.K. "Hey," he continued quietly. T.K. turned to face Carlos as well. "I am so proud of you," Carlos said, reaching out to hold T.K.'s face in his hands, leaning their foreheads together.
"I couldn't have done it without you," T.K. whispered into the dark of their bedroom.
"You could have, but I'm glad you didn't have to," Carlos whispered back.
They sat there like that for a minute, quietly breathing each other in. Eventually T.K. let Carlos maneuver him until they were both laying down again, legs tangled under the covers, his head on Carlos's chest. Here, in Carlos's arms, he felt safe. And he knew that he truly would be okay.
**Author's note: I realized that this song also would have fit Destiel pretty well but for some reason I've always associated it with T.K.'s addiction so that's how I wrote it. Anyway, hope you liked it. Also some of the working might seem a little weird just cause I was trying to fit the lyrics in.
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angelsandemons · 6 months ago
1, 10, 25 :>
1. the character everyone gets wrong
This is a new phenomenon and technically it's two characters, so I'm cheating a bit, but Euclid and Scalene Cipher. I have seen maybe one piece of fan art that is even close to what they'd actually look like. This is petty as hell, of course, and people can draw them however they want, but I'm just irrationally irritated by how many people give these two-dimensional beings features that only make sense in a three-dimensional space.
10. worst part of fanon
"Stanford Pines has NPD"
No, he really doesn't. Look at the criteria. I'll give the "Ford has NPD" crowd Criteria 1 and 2. Criterion 3 is iffy, 4 is pushing it—because as the criteria states, these need to be present in a variety of contexts. Criterion 5 is a no, Criterion 6 is way too circumstantially a yes to be a real yes, Criterion 7 is a no (I will fight people on this, any lack of empathy is either purely circumstantial or possibly related to autism, nothing more), Criterion 8 is a no (any possible evidence of this was directly related to Bill), and Criterion 9 is...iffy. So that means he's got four at most, two of which are iffy, and you need at least five of the nine to qualify for a diagnosis.
The "Stanley has BPD" theory is actually much worse and has even less evidence, but I see it less so I'm still making "Ford has NPD" as the worst.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
OK this one is a little dangerous because I'm pretty sure at least some of my followers vibe with this complaint about Helluva Boss, so like, obligatory disclaimer that I'm not saying you are bad for complaining about this. It just annoys me at this point. And since this is a "choose violence" meme, I'm going to be petty about it.
"The Stolas and Blitzø drama ruined the show"
Listen. I get it, I get that it sucks when the current story arc isn't your cup of tea. But it didn't ruin the show, it is part of the show, it's part of the narrative and has always been. I'm sorry you aren't getting the silly little episodic cartoon it started out as, but sometimes characters grow and change. Deal with it.
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phthalology · 8 months ago
Destiny 2: Anima Inquisitione
Throne World frogs were first identified in the Pale Heart approximately three days after the defeat of the Witness. The Hidden surmised the frogs had been brought there by the Lucent Brood, by accident or on purpose. Being an entirely paracausal landscape created by a mixture of Guardians’ memories and the Traveler’s terraforming, and, having existed for such a short time as the Pale Heart had, the definition of invasive species in this situation was unclear. The recommended reaction to the frogs was, therefore, to wait and see how they adapted. A committee was formed to discuss possible future environmental management, including introduction of the frogs’ predators, namely swamp snakes and great horned owls. Ikora had also encouraged the Hidden to tag frogs. 
“There’s one,” said Euclid, pointing down the sand bar. Sand grains clattered off his chassis. Far above, on the top of the sunny cliffs, was the Hunters’ camp and the recreation of the old Tower.
The Hero of the Red War flicked her half-gaze to the rather large frog in the surf. One Ghost darted in the air. 
Old made new made old made new, thought Euclid. The grassy overhang on what had been the Vanguards’ ready room looked now as ancient as the Ishtar Academy. The Tower inside the Pale Heart was different from the ruins of the real old Tower. It even smelled different, all green sap and petrichor. But, the Light considered this version somehow definitive. Odd. Euclid and Kass had seen what that meant for Cayde.
What did it mean for Euclid? 
Euclid and Kass walked with measured paces toward the frog, angling to keep their shadows off it. 
The silence between the two Warlocks was comfortable, but the location was not. Even the beautiful sandbars were uncanny. Euclid reached down and scooped up a handful of sand and salt. The tan grains stood out against his robes and his metal palm. Like many things in this world, the grains of sand were made of memory. They had been formed from pieces of objects, chopped up with the clean butchery so eerily reminiscent of the Witness’ Final Shape. The grains of sand were unusually large, more like pebbles. As he turned them over he could pick out the spines of a War Beast, then stone eyes, then the tines of a Ghost. 
In the final battle, he had watched Kass’ Ghost channel the Light. Ghost had lived and died and lived enough for both Kass and Euclid. What little left of Euclid there was: Yarrow had shrugged her strong arm up under his shoulders in order to keep some important panels from peeling off. Euclid mostly remembered the pain in his head, toward the end, because his Ghost Constant had not been there. 
“I miss the Traveler,” Euclid said, knowing the words were apropos of nothing, old nerves rattling which he’d thought were firmly screwed in. “The old Traveler. But it was never inclined to speak one-on-one, hah.”
Kass matched his tone smoothly, as if they weren’t stalking toward a frog like kittens. “No. But through visions and birds and …”
Ghost flitted into existence at Kass’ shoulder, his eye light dimmed in comparison to the forever-noon false sun. Kass reached out a hand and Ghost cuddled into it with attentive affection.
“And here we are, talking about the Traveler inside it. What — Oof.” Euclid stepped into the waves, splashing, and grabbed the frog. His fingers fit just under its wet limbs. Holding it felt like holding a turtle, except that the antennae buzzed. “What odd gossip. What I mean by missing it is, I hear about that feeling of connection to the Traveler that Cayde had, but it’s alien to me. Cayde said himself he interrupted the grieving process, but, meanwhile, he had proof that the Traveler had loved him.”
“I want that proof, too.” Kass looked down.
“I don’t.” Euclid gestured with the frog. 
Kass raised her chin again. The sunlight caught on a white strip of bark in her striated eye like noon might catch on the blade of her sword.  
“It’s more that I’d like to have experienced it,” Euclid said. “I’d like to have been able to, to tell Taeko about it, hear what irreverent thing she would say. Taeko, she said to me, Cayde might not have been that different from what her fireteammates became. Batteries for the Light. Except on our side.” 
The frog’s legs stoped wiggling. Its antenna drifted, as if it was curious about the differences in the air this high off the ground. 
Kass held both her hands out for the frog so Euclid could fish a band out of a pouch. 
“I know,” Kass said, and asked about Taeko, and they talked happily of her while they clipped the band on and entered its number in the database. The frog pedaled its legs and did not croak or chirp.
Euclid’s thoughts drifted while they worked. He was needed on Venus next; Failsafe had detected oddities among the Vex. Euclid suspected he knew exactly what awaited him there: the unknowable, times and identities repeating, quantum froth bubbling up alongside Warlock egos. But that was next. This, the beach made of jumbled memories and the water clear as stolen crystal — this was now. Kass handed Euclid the frog. 
He put the insect-amphibian down, feeling and hoping for and dismissing the familiarity of having something small by his side, something friendly moving out of the corner of his eye. The frog hopped across the sand toward the land past the sand bars. Euclid wondered, with a warm curiosity, where it would go. 
Euclid belongs to @saltineofswing. Happy belated birthday! Yarrow belongs to @darkwingerduck
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sugar-phoenix · 2 years ago
I wrote that one tumblr post
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so I've already reblogged the original but now i'm posting it by itself here:
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"Euclid! Euclid," Doyle squawked as he spotted the black feline familiar, lazing away in a circle of auburn leaves. "Euclid, there's been an emergency."
"That's Euclid Nathaniel Grey to you, raven," the cat said, eyeing Doyle distastefully. “And don’t bother me, I have more important things to attend to.”
“What, like sleeping? This is serious, Euclid.” Doyle pecked at Euclid’s tail, earning him a hiss. 
“Yes, and I distinctly remember seeing you the last time you said something was serious, and it was because you had a particularly bad piece of fish. You were pestering your witch the whole time, I saw you. Now go bother her instead of me.” Euclid flicked his tail at Doyle, but the raven dodged.
“That’s just the thing, Euclid. My witch is gone.”
“Surely you’re exaggerating. She must’ve dipped out somewhere while you weren’t looking.”
“Euclid, she was taken away. I don’t feel the familiar bond with her anymore, and there were signs of a struggle. In the house. A struggle, Euclid!”
“So what could you possibly want me to do about it? I don’t owe you any favors, and on top of that, I’m just a cat.”
“I want you to tell your witch she’s gone! Surely your witch will be able to do something about it.”
Euclid stared at Doyle for a moment, then flopped back down.
“Euclid! This is actually serious! I’m not lying!”
“I know.”
“Then why aren’t you doing anything about it?”
“Because I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“Because my witch has disappeared as well.”
There was a moment of silence.
“Then what are you lazing around here for?” Doyle asked. 
“I just told you, Doyle. I’m a cat. I can’t do anything about it. I’ve looked all around for her and I haven’t been able to find her. On top of that, like you said, my bond with her is also weak.”
“So you’ve just given up?” Doyle asked. Euclid flicked his tail, and Doyle could see the look of disgust on his face.
“I haven’t given up. I’m simply waiting for her to come back.”
“That sounds like giving up to me.”
Euclid sat up. “Then what do you propose we do? You’re a raven. I’m a cat. We have absolutely no idea where in the world our witches could be.”
“We’ll go see Ryr. And ask him to tell his warlock.”
“No thanks. You do that, I’m staying here.” Euclid laid back down on the tiles.
“Alright. I will, and when we rescue Morgana and Luella, they’ll know it was I who went to save them, and not you. Perhaps Luella will feed you half your daily ration then.”
Euclid glared at Doyle, his irises turning to slits. “Very well, raven. I’ll go with you.” 
“Good. I knew you’d come to your senses.” Doyle turned towards the gate and hopped along, looking back to check if Euclid was following. And to his relief, he was.
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much later on in the story...
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"I've found a lead, Euclid." Doyle descended from the smoky skies down into the dank alleyway. "I know who we're talking to next."
"Who?" Euclid asked.
"Felicia Baranov."
"Absolutely not," Euclid said, without missing a beat.
"Euclid, you can't be serious," Doyle said. "I don't care what kind of rivalry you have with this cat, we need to talk to her in order to save our witches."
"I absolutely cannot. See her." Euclid said. His tail thrashed back and forth. "You go and speak to her, and when you get the necessary information simply come back to me and we shall proceed."
"Euclid, she'll tear me to shreds. You can't possibly -- What do you have against her anyway?"
"It's none of your business."
"You like her."
The ensuing hiss that came after that told Doyle he was very much correct.
"You're wrong," Euclid said.
"Euclid, you're a coward of a cat if a crush is stopping you from gaining critical knowledge to save your witch."
They stared at each other, raven and cat, in the dark and dank alleyway of downtown London.
"Fine," Euclid gritted out.
"Don't worry. I'll try not to ruin your chances," Doyle teased.
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Talking about the trilogy and how "Sundowning" didn't stop after the first album
TW: alzheimers, death, grief It’s no news the albums can be seen as a trilogy, we all know about TNDNBTG and Euclid, there has got to be some kind of connection. Now if we look at the title of album nr.1 “Sundowning” we could look into how this album might describe the journey of someone with Alzheimer’s disease. More specifically I believe the album lets us have a look into the world of someone whose loved one is slowly becoming more and more sick. “And you remember everything until the sun recedes once again” can be taken very literally. Also if we think of Blood Sport, it could definitely imply the speaker trying to hold on to their loved one but failing to do so (“I can’t win”). Now, I don’t necessarily believe the journey stops there. Once again taking album names very literally, “This Place Will Become Your Tomb” might represent the final stages of Alzheimers and eventually the death of the person in question. I won’t go into detail on every song because we’d be here for a while then but just to give a few examples: Fall For Me might describe a stage where the loved one no longer recognises the speaker as a close relative and instead assume they are trying to harm them, so the speaker is just desperately trying to explain how they are still full of the love the loved one wants. Finally Missing Limbs shows the speaker indulging into the world of their loved one after they have passed. Now that they don’t have to actively react to actions of their loved one anymore, they have time to reflect and understand how horrible the last time must have been for them. Lastly we have Take Me Back To Eden as a representation of the speaker slowly getting back to their life as it used to be. “Eden” can here be seen as the state where the speaker wasn’t yet aware of diseases like Alzheimers ruining one’s life, when they still managed to live carelessly. With Euclid lyrically circling back to TNDNBTG we have a final goodbye to their loved one before finally letting go. This is very short now, let me know if you want a detailed explanation for each album, I might consider posting this in three parts then :)
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bemytruemuse · 8 months ago
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In the existance of the present we experience only in body Yet through the expanse of time we experience in mind and self Unbound and untamed to the ineffable reins of future and fate It is all one can do to decipher the ruins of what was once whole and beautiful.
The following posts contain what I feel to be parallels and references between Sleep Token songs. These are my own personal conclusions and theories of what may be a deeper look into the Sleep Token lore, all of which have yet to be confirmed by the band themselves(as far as I am aware). Feel free to discuss and theorize the subjects of these posts, but please do not take them as confirmed fact of the Sleep Token lore. These posts will be subject to change as updates are made. Worship.
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The Night Does Not Belong To God + Missing Limbs + High Water Blood Sport + Euclid DYWTYLM + Rain Say That You Will + The Apparition Vore + Euclid The Apparition + Take Me Back To Eden Descending + Telomeres The Apparition + Give + Take Me Back To Eden Calcutta + Nazareth + The Way That You Were
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cookiecrumbles52 · 10 months ago
Welcome to Palace
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About the Artist . . .
Name: Madison Riley (aka CookieCrumbles52 or Fale “Fae”)
Current Age: 23
Fav Color: Blue
Fav Food: Pasta 🍝
Current Fav Animal: Siberian Sable
Years of Experience (Art/Writing): 12yrs
Status: "The Grandma Friend" & "Just an Anxious Little Bean"
Main Fandoms:
TMNT, Pokémon, DC Comics, Minecraft, FNaF's, Undertale, Wakfu, Voltron, The Arcana, Zelda BotW/TotK, The Octonauts, Poppy Playtime, Moomin
Current Fav Illustration(s): “ Cult of the Lost ” ( 9hrs 8m ) and “ Fale_Tsuyoshi has joined the game. ” (Over 12hrs, half of the project was lost) “ Assessing the Damage ” ( 8hrs 37min )
Tools of the Trade:
Pencil, Paper, Tablet — Procreate, my brains
Other Interests:
Writing, Video Games, Lore Theories, Cosplay
(Aka a massive nerd)
Want to see more of my works? Here are my socials (I don’t post art on my main account just reblogs)
[ No DM's unless you're a Mutual, please. I've had way too many people follow me just to DM requests for art. I'm not doing any requests or trades (unless stated otherwise), my comms are closed, please don't DM just so I draw something for you. I'm an adult with a very busy life/work schedule, I'll only warn you once. If it keeps up I'll have to block you. ]
More interests if you care for my ramblings . . .
(This is the point of no return so if you actually want to get to know me then you gotta commit!!)
Favorite Visual Artists:
flowerygarrland, fdevitart, Lackadaisy, Froustious, Jerome-K-Moore, Don Bluth, Earthsong9405, Neytirix, Sadist Animations. Suzukiwee1357, Richard Chen (Insta), Burrotello, Van Gogh, Hayao Miyazaki, Cartoon Saloon
Favorite Movies:
(All) DragonHeart Movies, (All) TMNT Movies, First Knight, King Arthur, Narnia, (All) Jurassic Movies, Quest for Camelot, Stardust, Ophelia, Oliver & Company, FNaF's, Sahara, The Christmas Dragon, Justin and the Knights of Valour, Monster in Paris, Song of the Sea, (All) Studio Ghibli (Except Grave of the Fireflies . . .😭)
Favorite TV Shows:
TMNT, The Octonauts/Above and Beyond, Moomin, BBC Merlin/Sherlock, HeMan, SheRa, ThunderCats, Rainbow Brite, Voltron, The Gummi Bears, Jane and the Dragon
Fairy Tail, BlackButler, Inuyasha, OHSHC, Free: Iwatobi Swim Club, Life of a Househusband, BNHA
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists:
The Oh Hellos, Kalandra, Rag'n'Bone Man, Jason Graves, Cody Fry, Cosmo Sheldrake, CG5, Dzivia, Sail North, Natewantsbattle, PEGGY, Billy Joel, Yaelokre, ABBA, Michael Jackson
Fav Genre of Music:
Singer Songwriter, Musicals, Whimsical Fae Vibes, Folk, Cultural Folk
Favorite Songs: (Changes may very)
"Mother to a Savior and King" - Journey to Bethlehem, "Still" by Hunter Hayes, "Top of the World" by Shawn Mendes, TWRP - "Starlight Brigade", "Harpy Hare" by Yaelokre, "Euclid" by Sleep Spoken, "What Makes Me Tick" by JT Music, “Ruined Lullaby” - CG5, "False Idol" by Ivycomb, Octonauts Theme Song & Creature Report
Fav Musicals:
Anastasia, Wicked, Dear Evan Hansen, School of Rock, Shrek, Alice in Wonderland, Newsies, Phantom of the Opera, The Prince of Egypt, In Strange Woods, EPIC, Jane Eyre, The Lion King
Favorite Books:
The Secret Garden, Treasure Island, Six of Crows, Alice in Wonderland, King Arthur, Beauty & the Beast, Sherlock Holmes, Rise of the Guardians (GoC), Outsiders, Number the Stars, The Hobbit, Narnia
Favorite Writers:
C.S.Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Jane Austen, Frances Hodgson Burnett
Favorite Games:
Jinx & Minx’s Tower, Minecraft, Undertale, FNaF's, Zelda: BotW/ToTK, Prop Hunt, Sims 4, Lay, Mario: Galaxy/Kart/Super Mario Bros, Untitled Goose Game, Animal Crossing, Cult of the Lamb, Harold Halibut
Favorite Gaming Platform:
Nintendo, Steam Powered
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk :)
[ Updated: Sept. 2024 ]
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theteethofgod · 1 year ago
Haiii - top 10 favourite albums??? Bonus points for also giving us your favourite song off each!! ~I’m after new music~
🫡🫡 yes boss.
fair warning: my taste is acquired and inconsistent. i’ll give a few fave tracks to make up for the fact that i can’t be fucked to link to them.
in no particular order:
1) with teeth - nine inch nails
- every day is exactly the same
- right where it belongs (version 2)
- all the love in the world
2) the generation of danger - tallah
- the impressionist
- for the recognition
- of nothing
3) dirt - alice in chains
- down in a hole
- godsmack
- dam that river
4) slipknot - vol.3: the subliminal verses
- the virus of life
- vermillion
- danger - keep away
5) take me back to eden - sleep token
- euclid
- vore
- ascensionism
6) heavy is the crown - hungry lights
- demetrius
- wickerman
- the worst of evils
7) dear rudiff - prilly t
- silver lining
- gutter
- deaf parrot
8) superbuick- mushroomhead
- fear held dear
- idle worship
- never let it go
9) DXXM - scarlxrd
- angels sleep at 4am
- bxiling pxint
- hell is xn earth
10) bleed the future - archspire
- the golden mouth of ruin
- drone corpse aviator
- reverie on the onyx
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kaddyssammlung · 1 year ago
“if my fate is a bad collision”
Sleep Token - Euclid
I was in two car accidents. None of them were my fault. I got rear-ended twice. The funny thing? They both happened in 2019. The last one of them is the one that could have been the end of this incarnation. But it wasn't. I could feel something protect me.
Let's start from the begging.
I was driving home from home from work. There was a construction site on the road. I had to wait for the lights to turn green so I was allowed to go. Welp. I was just waiting there when I suddenly felt something. It was like a soft and gentle breeze. It felt nice. The next second? That horrible noise when metal crashes into metal. It's a horrible noise especially when you sit inside the car.
A car crashed into mine. That dude did not even step on his break. He came driving with 100km/h and ran into my car which was standing there.
You don't really realize what just happened in a moment like that. His car looked more fucked then mine but mine was also ruined. You could barley open a door. I don't have any photos saved. I did not want to. I don't ever want to look at something like this ever again.
The police came and sorted everything. This was one of those rare days where I could not hide any of my BPD symptoms. It was quite funny. The police officer had to hold me back at some point because I got so furious that I was about to hit that dude who ran into me. I still want punch him. I realize this now that I am writing this.
It all took quite some time. My dad came to pick me up because I had no more car.
I was really lucky. I was told a few times that it was a miracle that no one was injured given the states of both of the cars.
That warm gentle breeze? It was a guardian angel.
There are things you just know. You can't explain them and I understand why someone has trouble understanding this.
I just know.
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ask-site-61 · 1 year ago
Co-Site Director Benjamin Oliver Walker - Co-Site Director, (Wise-)Bright's Husband, Founder of The Library, Head of Pedology, but most importantly: good boy extraordinaire and D-9341 variant.
Dr. Jack Bright (Wise) - Holy fuck there's so much to say about him. Chaos incarnate.
Assistant Researcher Emily Ross - Died in The 2012 Catastrophe.. wonder how she's back. (SCP-061-ICE)
Pontos Doe - Himbo intern who's into greek mythology.
Dr. Wilhem Cure - Site Head of Medicine… probably the only LITERAL doctor on-site.
Agent Ulgrin - KYS'd after 2012 Catastrophe. Got SCP-061-ICE'd (trust me you'll see what it is in time.)
Researcher Penelope Normelle - Literally the most normal person here.
Site Director Bjärk Jakobssons - Quick to snap, jeez louise. Can teleport and is omnipotent across the Site.
George Olkassen - Class-D. Everyone calls him Georgie though. Cool kid wannabe.
Electra Macbeth - Longest-running Class-D. Seriously. How is she STILL alive.
Cookie - Nickname for one of the trans characters!! :3
Dr. Alto Clef (Wise) - Oh what a fucking asshole. Seriously. Only showing up when it entertains him. Might be fucking Maynard.
Dr. Akihito Saku - The Foundation's lovable "Head of Safe Classed Objects"; always the goofball.
Dr. Hartwell Artz - The Foundation's controversial "Head of Euclid Classed Objects"; he's better safe than sorry.
Dr. Amberlynn Rhodes - Th Foundation's rather enigmatic "Head of Keter Classed Objects"; it purported she's resistant against kill agents. Basically the middle ground of Saku and Artz. Not gonna snap at you for pressing a button, but still takes her work seriously.
Senior Researcher Thomas Rivbacht - Jeez.. uh… well, he doesn't take care of himself.. at all… he really should. He uh.. misses his family and is extremely depressive. Reclusive, too.
Dr. George Maynard - Mastermind of The 2013 Catastrophe. Forgiven, but scrutinized. Pale white skin since The Chaos Insurgency revived him utilizing a spliced variant of SCP-049's Touch.
Head Nelson Van Martins - The GOC's Icelandic Head. He lied. He's 16, not 18. Either way, he's here now and ready to stay.
Operative Roxxane Sparkes - Another trnas character!! This one being a member of Site Guard who's easily distracted. ^^
Researcher Carly Rosè Colbert - Espionage for The French Government; truly, The French must be stopped.
Researcher Stella Gospelle - The name says it all; "EVERYBODY LOVES STELLLLAAHHHH!"; drama queen and gossip bitch. She will ruin your life.
Site Head of Ethics, Jessica Parish - One of three. The enigmatic Parish Family. Anyways, besides often being mistaken for a bimbo, she's actually quite fierce and once threatened to rip the throat of Darvann out.
Junior Researcher Alexander Grimmes - "Foundation Head of Neutralized Objects"; but more over, attention-seeking extravagant.
Dr. Michelin Frances - Huh. For "Foundation Head of Thaumiel" objects, he speaks formally, maybe a bit posh, but he isn't god awful!
Dr. Amelia Polynaut - What the fuck is going on with "Foundation Head of Apollyon" objects over here?? Bitch is fucking shattered across time and space, apparently.
Chaos - Agent #080 deployed in Nálægt, Iceland for Site-61 raids. Variant of D-9341. LITERALLY Chaos Incarnate.
Dr. Simon Glass (Wise) - Moral, upright and somewhat skittish. At least his head's in the right place, as is his heart!
Dr. Stelle Shamrock Saraden - A humanoid drone bee! He has trauma to unpack, but first, he has to unpack YOURS! :D
Agent Steve Eastside - of the Eastside channel, probably cool in the head but quick to rage.
Senior Researcher Gemini D. Shirks - or just "Shirks", based off of SCPReadings, though, I suppose I could've also just done Dr. Goods. Either way, very hip! The Researcher all the interns wanna work for since he's just chill like that.
Reseacher James Talloran (Wise) - KILL HIM AG- huh? What. Oh. Oh. Okay. No, no he's fine. Yeah. Uh. 3999's still dead. Thank god for SCP-061-ICE.
Dr. Elias Shaw (Wise) - The Foundation's SCP-963-2.. it worked but.. his mind's being fractured each time he dies.
Dr. Charles Gears (Wise) - Now this is one I haven't actually done. He's monotonous, robotic, downright cold. Anyways, stop observing SCP-914 every waking second of your.. existence? …please?
Dr. Ellis Gill Iceberg (Wise) - Well… at least now he WANTS to be alive… FUCK HE'Z THROWING MOLOTOVS AGAIN
Eve - Yes, as in THE Biblical Eve. She's an MTF Agent now. Who knew she was a bad bitch?
Dr. Agatha Rights (Wise) - Femme fatale… and actually pretty funny. Get past the slut accusations and she's basically an auntie.
Dr. Evans Harper - "You'd better keep your mouth shut, seal yourself lip from lip, else I'll get to cram a mouthful in~!"; loonie. He has flowers growing on him, so pretty, but a loonie.
General Dravi Kondraki, Junior Researcher Riseo, Dr. Benjamin Kondraki - Are all here too, but I haven't done them yet…
General Patrick Philia - "…ew. Bitch, bitch! DISGUST— DISGUSTING!" (Trust me. No.)
Persons of Interest up for questioning:
Charles Fernando Walker - AND… okay, well, you're fine. You just have to figure out that "Bronze-and-Jade" amulet's SCP-963-3.
SCPs up for questioning:
SCP-999 - The Tickle Monster
SCP-131 - Eyepods
SCP-035 - Possessive Mask
SCP-049 - Plague Doctor
SCP-096 - Shy Guy
SCP-352 - Baba Yaga
SCP-106 - The Old Man
SCP-682 - Hard-to-Destroy Reptile
SCP-079 - Old AI
D-9341 - Respawning Test Subject
SCP-1048 - Builder Bear
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cipherjuice-bioexorist · 1 month ago
okay I NEEED to yap
I lOVe how beetle forcefully removes himself from the role of Bill. From using a mannequin, to a different job, to even a full on different name.
And even in the beginning, even though his name was Billiam, he didn't go by bill!! Man's went by LIAM. LIAM. YOU DONT UNDERSTAND HOW FERAL THIS MAKES ME.
Not only that his parents aren't great. His dad's a drinker and abusive, his mom is also a drinker (at least it's implied) and likely negligent, based on what Beetle had said.
Momma isn't there, and daddy hurts them. I don't know if 'daddy' is ever physically abusive towards beetle, but I wouldn't put it past him.
Also I love how you wrote the fic. Only referring to mom and dad as how the child would. Momma and daddy. We don't get to know their real names, likely because they both SUCK and it provides that separation, specifically from scalene and Euclid.
Not only that, beetle is only ever referred to by name a SINGLE time. Dunno if it was on purpose but I do like it. It shows how in his older years how he absolutely hates the name. Dunno why though.
Though this brings up more questions- I'm pretty sure you're implying that beetle, after the abusive, finally hit a breaking point, and almost quite literally blew up, destroying his dimension. I noticed you use fire in alot of your themeings ESPECIALLY with beetle, so there is no denying that they way his dimension was destroyed was via his fire
But fire can't burn a ENTIRE dimension right?? Fire is also 3d, because it takes up space and such. The fire would need to be like a nuclear bomb to burn a 2d dimension (if we are implying it's like a shadow in how it's 2d)
Endless of course... the dimension was a contract. Or made by one. It's been established that beetle can burn contracts, which i theorize was the major reason he had such a good business back in the day, pre divorce arc.
If the dimension was built on a contract... it's no wonder he could burn it all.
number one, THANK YOU. Number two, the not naming beetle and the parents was completely purposeful lol. I was like "...fuck these guys they don't get names" so now they are only mom and dad.
I will admit, I wanted to imply the physical abuse towards beetle a little bit more, as it did happen, but I felt it might ruin the beginning illusion of everything being fine.
And teehee, I won't say <3 you'll just need to find out
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hcmmersnstrings · 5 months ago
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A playlist turned up to 12 in Dakota Love's apartment
Track List under the cut
Low tide by Dakota Love (The Wonder Years)
I’m exploding on re-entry //Scattered wreckage in the sea // Everything’s been gray forever // It’s how it’s always gonna be // I’ve never been more sure of something // I see it clearly in my dreams // I know I’m gonna be the one // The one who ruins everything
2. Kalahari Down by Orville Peck
Said I couldn't stay // But it's different now
3. Put You Through Me by Dakota Love (Arrows in Action)
Don't get too close, there's nothing here to see // If we end up going down this road // You'll end up underneath my feet, eventually // No, you don't wanna love me right now
4. High Definition by Dakota Love (Waterparks)
You're so bad at loving people back
5. Cacao and Cocaine by Sofia Isella
Hand me peace on a plate // I send it back I prefer pain
6. Euclid by Sleep Token
For me // It's still the autumn leaves // These ancient canopies // That we used to lay beneath // No, by now // The night belongs to you // This bough has broken through // I must be someone new
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berezina · 1 year ago
He questioned me regarding my knowledge of arithmetic, which was only elementary: and when I saw that I must master it, in order to pursue the higher branch of study, I gave my whole head to the business. In the space of a month, I could cipher like a money-lender, and was ready to receive my master's teaching. My friend Massimo possessed a good collection of instruments for engineering draughtsmanship, and a library of French works on geometry, mathematics, and fortification, both of which he placed at my disposal. Signor Marchiori's lectures, long discussions with Signor Massimo, perusal of Euclid, Archimedes, and the French books, soon plunged me in the lore of points and lines and calculations. I burned with enthusiasm, droll enough to my way of looking at the world, which inspires all students of this science. Yet I did not, like them, regard moral philosophy and humane literature as insignificant frivolities. I bore in mind for what good reasons the Emperor Vespasian dismissed the mathematicians who offered their assistance in the building of his Roman edifices. I knew that innumerable vessels, fabricated on the principles of science, have perished miserably in the tempests; that hundreds of fortresses, built by science, have been destroyed and captured by the same science; that inundations are continually sweeping away the dykes erected by science, to the ruin of thousands of families, and that the inundations themselves are attributable to the admired masterpieces of science bequeathed to us by former generations; that, in spite of science and her creative energy, the buildings she erects are not secured from earthquakes, conflagrations, and the thunderbolt. It remains to be seen whether Professor Toaldo's lightning-conductors will prove effectual against the last of these disasters. Then I reckoned up the blessings and curses which this vaunted science has conferred on humanity, arriving at the conclusion that the harm which she has done infinitely exceeds the good. I shuddered at the hundreds of thousands of human beings ingeniously massacred in war or drowned at sea by her devices; and took more pleasure in consulting my watch, her wise invention, for the dinner-hour than at the hour of keeping an appointment with my lawyer. Without denying the utility of sciences, I stuck resolutely to the opinion that moral philosophy is of more importance to the human race than mechanical inventions, and deplored the pernicious influence of modern Lyceums and Polytechnic schools upon the mind of Europe.
Signor Massimo and I kept house together in a little dwelling on the city walls, facing the sea. The sun, in his daily revolutions, struck this habitation on every side; and there was not an open space of wall or window-sill without its dial, fabricated by my skill, and adorned with appropriate but useless mottoes on the flight of time. A lieutenant named Giovanni Apergi, upright and pious, especially when the gout he had acquired in the world's pleasures made him turn his thoughts to Heaven, gave me friendly lessons in military drill. I soon learned to handle my musket, pike, and ensign; an sweated a shirt daily, fencing with Massimo, who was ferociously expert in that fiendish but gentlemanly art. We also spent some hours together over a great chessboard of his covered with wooden soldiers, which we moved from square to square, forming squadrons, and studying the combinations which enable armies to kill with prodigality and to be killed with parsimony,—fitting ourselves, in short, for manuring cemeteries in the most approved style.
~Count Carlo Gozzi [John Addington Symonds, translator] [read]
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