#etho hermitcraft season 7
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luckyofthelawnvariety · 3 months ago
I've finished Etho's s7 hermitcraft so guess who's back with a slightly updated/slightly consolidated list of things about ethoslab I have noticed! or just enjoy!
(the previous list)
I have no idea when he learned to noteblock. I don't know if he knows. he knows how to noteblock tho. he's really good at it.
on that note, did you know that there is not a single piece of non-noteblock music in etho's s7 after the first episode? there might not even be any in the first episode. every single timelapse or montage is set to noteblock music
(he sang along to parts of his paper planes noteblock cover too. he was going shopping. I was entirely too delighted)
(also, there is some like...sitcom music theme that I don't know what show it's from. it's bothering me that I don't know. what you need to know is that throughout his s7 etho uses said sitcom theme as the transition before Shenanigans With Fellow Hermits clips play. his life is a sitcom. yes it is the noteblock version.)
I think that etho desperately needs minigames for enrichment. if he's not playing one he's working on one. he needs them and he will let them completely consume his life
the etho decked out 1 runs are hilarious, partially because it's funny to see him play it and realize how absolutely insane decked out 2 is, and how much of a madlad tango is. etho is still the same menace with great luck and skills. I had forgotten about the hole to the void in the middle out decked out 1 tho, that was a fun reminder
etho could make a career out of translating classic type games into minecraft. he kind of has, but it's a pattern.
he also keeps coming up with new games that are minecraft only and is good at figuring out how to balance them well.
again, king of minigames. he will in fact analyze them as much as possible. he caught on to the pattern of impulse's whack a mole game in like...2 rounds? maybe 3? he's good at pattern recognition and will put it to good use no matter the minigame
etho, I cannot stress this enough, is a little shit and enjoys being such. free glass is obviously an iconic moment, but I had forgotten about him scamming scar out of diamonds for "information" about the resistance, or about sneak-e-e's business model (you can't tax what you can't find!), or about how he kept being extremely ridiculous with beef in regards to record shop payments...the list goes on
etho is also very competitive. I mentioned this in the last list, but man...he joins like every single competition he can. he wants to win. he's not like, a sore loser, but he likes to win, and he'll get a little upset if he doesn't.
etho and beef have clearly known each other a long time and ngl I miss their interactions a bit. let them bother each other a bit more please. I want to see them trying to kill each other in ridiculous ways again please. or doing minigames together. they're so silly.
kind of similar, but etho loves getting a rise out of people and it is the best thing ever actually. it's fun watching him use dirty tricks to beat bdubs to sleeping for a prize. it's perfect actually.
that being said, I still really like when etho is just on his own working on stuff too. s7 has a lot of moments where etho will go "I'm gonna use this block palette!" and I will think "bro that's ugly" and then he will make an extremely cohesive build that I want to live in out of it. I think a good way to describe it is that for example bdubs is really good at detailed builds with texture and not much color, and a very realistic twist to them. etho is not afraid to use color at all, and embraces how the colors can work together or contrast. it's fascinating to watch and I love it.
he is also a redstone genius. I feel I am starting to understand how some things with redstone work. could I design something myself? absolutely not but I could work from a tutorial and not feel completely lost on why I have to use a dispenser and not a dropper now.
I think s7 etho is really experimenting a lot with style and how he wants to do things. he does a few more elaborate intros, for example, that are very planned out, but he also does a lot of the classic "hello everybody this is etho and welcome back to hermitcraft!" it's fun and it works, but I honestly feel he might be more confident in some ways now in s10, which is nice to see.
(side note—I think etho has some trouble with tone sometimes, where he really wants to make sure everyone's having a good time, but also he really wants to tease people. this works well with like Beef, who he's known a while, but especially in people he's known less he's quick to catch on if they take what he's saying too seriously, and clarify that he is teasing. it's nice to see tbh, just the clarity even with his audience)
speaking of llamas, I had not realized how recent some really big updates were. bamboo and pandas were new at the start of s7. the nether update came like halfway through?? I was more in the casual build side of mcyt at the time but man...I didn't realize how crazy that is to think about.
just...the way that etho visualizes builds is great. not just like, leaving space for farms, but filling in the spaces with a lot of details that make sense but also work with the space to cover anything it needs to AND to connect with the rest of the base. the sightlines thing is something I see a lot of other builders using but etho really uses them a lot in the Monstrosity in order to keep it from being Too Much as you walk through.
really just...he wants to have fun, and he wants to learn, and he wants to experiment and figure things out. if he can mess with some friends when he does it, that's a great bonus, yknow?
man. what a guy.
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alienssstufff · 1 year ago
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My parts for the @bdubszine ! Love that guy to death it’s been a pleasure to work on such a project ^_^!!! These pieces come in a set and are dedicated to his Hermitcraft S7 POV (left page) and 3rd Life POV (right page)
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This page was the winner of 6 other compositions (censored — one day they will be posted in their own time). It takes direct inspiration by the theming of Bdubs’ HCS7 thumbnails in the comic-book style, particularly the episode Bdubs get his iconic big beautiful eyes and smile x]
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In another universe- the right portion of the set would have been a continuation of the S7 theme, imitating that of an actual magazine spread with recaps and shit (rejected— too much research u_u)
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The happenings of HCS7 and 3L overlap, and I wanted to visually show that mirror transition between the two series. The 3L page for that reason was harder to manage without being too different or too underwhelming to its HC37 counterpart. This page is dedicated to his season finale POV of 3rd Life ft Day 1 Crew (and Tango)
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americanvikinggirl · 10 months ago
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These "Hermit-Horror" skins were originally only found in a render from this Xisuma Tweet back in 2020 and as such were marked as lost media.
But just recently we were able to obtain the original skin files that were made by Mumbo himself.
If you want to see all of them and get their temples for making art or papercraft, then you can get them all here in their respective documents:
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shade-e-e-es · 1 year ago
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New header, here’s the full image!!! Deltarune shop style <3
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fountainpenguin · 11 months ago
Tango and GeminiTay visit Etho post-charity stream travel while Grian interacts via chat. Etho says he and Joel were alone all week and everybody teases him.
19 minutes into Tango's "I AM THE MASTER" stream, April 2024
Tango: So, Etho, what did you do all week by yourself? Were you lonely?
Etho: Dude, it was so dead on this server-
Tango: It was so quiet! I know.
Gem, overlapping: Did you miss us?
Tango, overlapping: He DID! He did!
Gem: Awww!
Etho: A little bit... It was just like- It was like Joel and me, and...................... and that was about it... And Cub came back eventually.
Gem, overlapping: Of COURSE you mention Joel first.
Tango: Yep, yep; of course.
Tango, quietly sing-songing: Obsessed~ ... Obsessed...
Etho: [Laughs]
Gem: Not your neighbor, Cub. JOEL. Joel's top of the list.
Etho: But I couldn't even go see Joel because it would've been awkward to, like... just be alone.
Gem: You poor thing...
Tango, reading Grian's message in chat: 'Joel is enough for you.' Yeah...... I see more statues popping up- Who's making them?
Etho: Not me! Okay, something weird is going on- I don't know the deal behind it-
Tango, laughing: Uh-huh...
Etho: I've made two statues... Total.
Tango: Which ones did you make?
Etho: The Joel one... and the other one's... a secret.
Next, Tango and Gem tease Etho because they're pretty sure the other statues he built are the giant Etho statues, implied to be something he put in front of Joel's base himself. Etho says this is "not confirmed in his video."
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ghostyclay · 9 months ago
[Day 26]: Groups and collabs!
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Finally had the time to finish this artwork i made for hermitaday! I almost forgot about this LMFAO-
I also made this lil graph to illustrate how i see their dynamic qkehakjd
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The og post is here, and the link to my hermitaday Masterpost is here!
(reminder that my art requests are currently open)
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gothimothi · 6 months ago
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A hard days work at Shade-E-E's.
(click for better resolution)
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jerichomadden1 · 5 months ago
Day 18 of Hermitober: lost
I’ve been re-watching some old Decked Out 2 streams and…
Now I’ve made him lost :)
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captainjade101 · 5 months ago
Was talking about Etho fanart to my friend. Messed up my words and called etho 'twinko'.
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daily-ethoslab · 1 year ago
I have not watched etho before. Givea mean video to watch
I think hermitcraft season 7 Etho has some of my favorite videos he made. The noteblock music, the silly jokes. idk I just appreciate these videos :P
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alienssstufff · 7 months ago
I have to admit when looking at one of your bdubs art I somehow mistook the eyes for the amogus eyes im sorry
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when you said that my mind immediately went to that one amongus eyes meme i dont blame you
anyway heres him trying to remove said anime contacts for the first time
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oh-snapperss · 2 years ago
hello lads! after exactly...less than a day of work, myself and @mochiwrites are proud to present our very first collab fic... with a twist! if you want to know what the twist was... well, you gotta read to find that out:)
Pairing(s): Etho/Bdubs, Scar/Grian
Words: 5316
Warnings: There is alcohol in this fic, but not in any negative manner. Other than that, there are no warnings!
The moment Scar and Bdubs have stood from the table and gone out the door, Grian turns to Etho, a primal fear in his eyes. “Dude!” He hisses, leaning towards Etho. He props his elbows on the table–to any other person in the restaurant, one might have thought they were having a pleasant, intimate conversation as most couples were wont to do on late night dates to the romantic restaurant. But no. Instead of conversing softly about a bottle of wine, they were conversing about- “What do you want me to do here, Grian?” For his part, Etho seems far too casual for the part he’s playing.
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germworms · 1 year ago
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lilajeanbasener · 1 year ago
Chapter 3 of our audio version of Forgotten or Forbidden (a Hermitcraft story)!
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prismadog · 8 months ago
I'm dying
it's 8.30 am, I haven't slept since yesterday midday, and I decided to start my morning by watching Etho's first episode of Hermitcraft Season 7
I can't with this man
I'm fucking losing it! and I'm only 4 minutes in!
this man, god, this man! I've never laughed so hard in my life.
he's just, Etho's just, I don't even know, guys, he's just so darn weird and his commentary is funny, and he's just not what I expected cause I expected cool and suave but this guy, THIS GUY! I'm dying I'm wheezing I can't breathe
he's such a silly guy
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laddertek · 1 year ago
shoutout to you giving us the tangtho highlights of the decked out 2 streams
hahaha thank you. I'm far from providing all the highlights because there are simply Too Many. that I just don't post about all of them. but hooo boy are the tangtho enjoyers living well right now!!
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