#especially you ami!!
nemnums · 2 months
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here’s a poster idea i have for ultraman rising.
I was very intentional about the composition and details, so I’ll show the dissection of my thought process in a separate post probably
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redmarqar · 5 months
Hey guys!! I was wondering, how did your band form in the first place?
oh, we've finally got to this question. well... take a look.
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bixels · 1 year
I'm so in love with everything about your art!! I wanted to ask something about your MLP human designs in particular. all of them have really lovely and interesting face shapes/details. even though all the pony designs have the same head molds (save for eye shape), all the unique characteristics you gave them just... look RIGHT. is there a particular method or design principle you used? thanks for your time!! I can't wait to see more of your work!
It's all about shape language and how they inform a person's read on the character.
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I talked about this before, but each of the Main 6 were paired together so I could design them in contrast with each other. For RD, I wanted her short hair to have a wind-swept look, as if she's constantly running. So bare forehead and hair spiking out at the bottom. She contains lots and lots of sharp lines and shapes to give her the look of a speeding arrow.
Felice, on the other hand, droops down a lot to reflect her solemn, shy disposition. I didn't want her hair to be perfectly straight though, as that'd suggest she spends a lot of time fretting over it and isn't outdoorsy, so I made it a bit of a tangled mess too.
In short, RD's features are sharp and point upwards, Felice's features are round and droop downwards. (Think Joshua tree vs. weeping willow.)
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For these two, I specifically wanted to include non-Western facial features, as I found I haven't really included them in my character designs up until now.
Pinkie's bold and loud, so I gave her bold eyes, bold eyebrows, a bold nose, etc. I worked on Thea's nose for quite a bit and ended up abstracting the shape a bit to look more cartoony, borrowing from Pixar's Soul's character design notes. In cases like these, I recommend finding ways to simplify features and break them down into easily-recognizable shapes and forms (Cartoon Saloon are masters at this). The less visual noise, the easier their expressions are to read! And it's generally more fun to draw.
In short, diversify, exaggerate, and simplify. Figure out what works for you and get a little wacky with it. Character design is all about finding a balance between maintaining your voice and vision and creating something unique and lively.
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scoobydoodean · 10 months
#okay wait do y'all think that she wasn't going to try and murder Dean?#Do you think he was going to get through to her?#convince her somehow to not try to stab him?#that she was telling the truth at all in that scene?#because she was totally going to try and kill Dean#like 100% that was going to happen#and if Sam hadn't shot her then Dean would have had to kill her and that would have been so much harder on Dean#like it was disturbing that Dean had a 3 day old monster child that wanted to kill him but who was then killed by her uncle Sam instead#and even more disturbing that they then never mention her again#but these are also the guys who left their half brother in Lucifer's cage and didn't lose any sleep over it so...#and I love Dean but killing Amy was an asshole move#and there's kinda a difference between killing an active imminent threat and killing someone in cold blood after the fact @jinkieswouldyoulookatthis
I didn't want to clutter someone else's post but this was partially directed at me? I've talked about the whole "Emma vs Amy" debate quite a few times, but I'll share a few thoughts.
Amy is a present, unrepentant, fully cognizant, adult, serial murderer. She is not actually sorry about what she did in any way. She believes that slaughtering humans like cattle to feed them to her son was the morally correct action even if it wasn't the ethical action because it kept her son alive. She is not correct.
Emma is a brainwashed child who's been psychologically conditioned for a few days. She has never killed anyone and only wants to kill Dean because some women who abused her told her to.
Hunters like Sam and Dean primarily deal in punitive justice, not preventative justice—and what I mean by that is that Sam and Dean try not to kill people (with powers or without powers) who have never killed anyone.
While I think you're right to point out that a preventative justice component is in play, that is not primarily how Dean makes the decision to go after Amy, and the reason we know that is because Amy's son swears to kill Dean and Dean does nothing about it because the boy has done absolutely nothing wrong.
Dean's application of his personal code is consistent here. He kills Amy, who is a murderer who killed four people, but he does not intend to kill Emma or Amy's son—both of whom wanted to kill him—because neither has actually killed anyone and both may choose not to.
You say that Emma was going to kill Dean 100%, but you don't actually know that because we never got to see that future. You assume Amy would never have killed again, but when you add up "murderer who regrets absolutely nothing" and "child vulnerable to catching illnesses" you get "Mom who absolutely would kill again as necessary and who would feel zero remorse doing so just like the last time".
I don't personally think SPN gives us any reason to suspect that three days of psychological conditioning from a cult is too much to overcome. We have seen other characters overcome much more serious levels of psychological conditioning intended to make them killers. For example, Cas and Alex. I'm not saying Emma wasn't trying to pull the wool over Sam and Dean's eyes in the scene where Sam shot her, but I am saying that doesn't actually mean in any way that she couldn't be convinced to actually choose a different path.
Under the same litmus test with which you suggest Emma's condemnation, we'd also condemn season 2 Sam for his potential "future" crimes. We are killing monsters before they actually become those monsters... because of the dark path someone else intends for them to go down. Amy—again—is an active present unrepentant serial killer.
I think sometimes people misremember the scene where Sam kills Emma—recalling the scene as a scene where Emma lunges at Dean with the knife and Sam steps in just in time to save his life, or where Dean is unarmed and Emma has him at knife point. But that is not what happened. Emma quite literally brought a knife to a gun fight. Dean had a gun pointed at her, and if she was thinking straight at all, she would have left to avoid being killed if given the chance—especially when Sam arrived. And had she not, Sam could have shot her at that point—but Sam didn't wait to see what she'd do. He wanted her dead, because even if she ran, he didn't think they were equipped to deal with surprise attacks from Dean's Amazon child. That is the decision Sam made after a brief moment to consider, and it makes sense to me given the headspace he was in at the time and his assessment of Dean's headspace as well, but it does not make his decision consistent with his previous or future behavior regarding people who have been psychologically conditioned to kill.
My own frustrations are more with fandom, for a thought process that really really does not make sense to me, where Emma deserves to die but Amy deserved to live. I do not agree with that premise. I do not understand why so much of fandom has the perspective that a child who hadn't shed a drop of blood and who was acting in response to a cult's torture, who brought a knife to a gun fight and had already been driven into a corner where she had no choice but to surrender or run—doesn't deserve a chance to choose something else before she's barely lived and before she's heard a loving word in her entire life, but an adult with full cognizance of their actions who went through with killing four people and doesn't regret it should go on with their life and is "just a good mom doing what she had to" and killing that person is the bad thing. I don't understand that. I don't think Dean killing Amy was wrong at all in the "hunters kill supernatural murderers" show. The only thing Dean did wrong was lie about it and not take enough care to keep her son from seeing it happen.
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Just answering a question on one of my posts from earlier.
Mobius as a name is ONLY from the Archie comics. Its never been used in the games to refer to the planet.
And hilariously, if you've read the comics, Mobius is literally just Earth but a futuristic, post-apocalyptic one similar to the OVA. They changed the planet's name because I guess in the comic's timeline, everyone forgot all of Earth's name and history after an alien race came and destroyed human civilization.
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not to be overly critical of an incredibly tiny fandom but i think it says a lot about fandom practices in general when the main supporting character in monk, arguably a dual protagonist, has always been a woman, yet there is rarely fandom content about sharona or natalie (two undeniably well-developed and interesting characters) and instead people fixate on a male character who is in fact the third most present character on the show (arguably the fifth most present when you consider percentages rather than plain numbers) and also apply a highly amatonormative lens to his relationship with adrian. i won't even comment on how trudy gets sidelined and reduced despite being thee specter that haunts the text. fandom misogyny truly cuts deep
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 15 days
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I'm still not over Sonic Frontiers. Kronos Island is an entire vibe. The soft tones of voices. The muted colors. The tall grass. The flowers. The rain. The overhanging weight of grief and loss of long ago. I'm obsessed.
Anyway I tried something new with this, I used only painting brushes on Procreate and not nearly as many layers, but this was so cool to make. It wasn't originally gonna have Amy in it but I couldn't resist 🤭💗🌹
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megidoreyn · 10 months
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「The belief in a third path...」 (Drawn for the megatenワンドロ/60min on Dec 2nd) 💙twitter 💙misskey 💙bluesky
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mstormcloud · 19 days
You know how some people are drawing Shadow everyday till Sonic movie 3 comes out? What if I drew Amy every day both cuz she deserves it and also to try to manifest her into existence?
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expensivemountaintea · 3 months
Guys I just thought about a wonderful concept for a sonic boom episode. What if -and you need to hear me out on that one- Eggman tried to like adopt Sonic because he's a minor (According to Google he's like 15). Not because it's out of the goodness of his heart- No, he's going through all that paperwork and whatever shady buisness so he can ground him and force him not to fight him. He'll do everything possible (ranging from reminding the people of the teams ages, which would result to them being chastised for trying to fight because they are "too young" (even though no one cared before), to just straight up handing them over to the local law enforcement so they land in the system.) Let's say he succeeds with his plans. The team is distributed to several families or something similar to be taken care of, sonic lands with eggman for some ungodly reason (bribery or trickery?) and the episode is just the others being forced to go to school or them trying to escape the families they have been entrusted to and sonic having to live with Eggman and him being weirdly nice?? In the end his nice demeanor is just so he can guilt sonic and make him feel bad when he tries to stop Eggman from committing crimes bc he needs to "provide for him" and "he's trying his best" and the infamous "I'm such a bad parent :(" TM
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thedeadthree · 1 year
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-`. introducing LILIA LAURENT and the band two headed mother.
for @infamous-if featuring @umbertors dead romantics ! 🎸 -`. THIS IS TWO HEADED MOTHER // -`. GOOD BAD IDEA
TAGLIST (please feel welcome to ask to be tagged or removed!): @fragilestorm, @griffin-wood, @risingsh0t, @florbelles, @marivenah, @kingsroad, @roofgeese !
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So you're telling me that when Fleetway!Sonic met Fleetway!Tails for the first time he just liked him from the getgo?
Notorious asshole meets a foxboy and immediately starts bringing him along places🥺🥺🥺?
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quietwingsinthesky · 4 months
the doctor is emotionally manipulative. he’s very good at it, and even better at justifying it both to himself and the people he’s doing it to. he can see when his approval, his affection, is valuable enough to someone that withholding it will be an effective way of getting them to do what he wants. this is one of his best flaws, that he’ll do this to people and do it to them for his own definition of what’s good for them.
(gestures vaguely) twissy.
#I LIKE THIS ABOUT HIM. I FEEL LIKE I HAVE TO KEEP SAYING THAT. I like this. its a very good flaw. its very consistent.#its there in all iterations of him (that i’ve seen)#in early episodes with rose he’ll get angry and emotionally withdrawn when she pokes at his trauma. and he knows that it’ll work because in#her own words: don’t argue with the designated driver.#he does it to jack like. a lot in utopia. his judgment only has so much sway over jack because jack is Obsessed with him and he knows that.#jack unsettles him. he uses that control to feel less unsettled. especially when he can’t do it to the actual threat of that finale: the#master. (though. he tries. that’s what the whole ‘i forgive you’ thing is about.)#eleven is practically Made of this impulse. he does it to amy. he does it to river. he does it to rory to a much lesser extent but that’s#because rory has. a vague idea? of how to have healthy boundaries. if not with amy then at least with the doctor.#that’s why his speech about people wanting to impress the doctor making him dangerous is so important. rory can See what he’s doing.#and twelve. obviously. does this to clara. clara also does it right back. this is why they are made for each other alsjjfgjakdj.#and. he does it to missy. because. and i cannot emphasize this enough. he keeps her. in a box.#I ENJOY THIS ABOUT HIM. HE’S A FUCKED UP LITTLE GUY!!!! WITH ISSUES ABOUT HOW HE REALLY REALLY WANTS TO IMPOSE HIS OWN MORALITY ONTO PEOPLE#HE KNOWS HE SHOULDNT BUT HE ALSO GETS FRUSTRATED AND HE DOES IT ANYWAY!!!!#and sometimes it’s unintentional. sure. sometimes it *really really* isn’t though. like.#and sometimes it’s both. sometimes it’s the result of him lashing out and reaching for a familiar coping mechanism in the moment.#but the point is the doctor does this.#doctor who
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expectiations · 5 months
Villian: i have your child Amy: which one? Villian: the annoying one who won’t shut up Amy: which one?
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piko-power · 1 month
There is lack of any Movie!Amy content in sight and guys I am STILL delusional. :)
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mcrthcjones · 1 year
i’ll always be upset that amy and rory’s grief over losing their baby is never even touched upon. i love s6 to death but that’s the ONE (1) thing i hate. they know their daughter. they have a relationship with her. they love her. but they never got to raise her, not properly.
it must be so hard for both of them at times to reconcile river and mels with the baby they lost. they have their daughter but they still mourn her. they never got to sing her to sleep or tell her bedtime stories. they were never there for her first steps, or her first word. they were never there for her first birthday, or her first day at school. they never really got to be parents. it’s just so incredibly sad :/
[originally posted this on twt but decided i wanted to post it here too. pond family you will always be loved by me and you deserved so much better]
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