#especially when you are Marcus Flint
ill-heart · 2 years
Marcus: I don’t get it! 
Adrian: What’s the matters, Marcus? 
Marcus: It’s Wood! I’ve tried everything I could think of to get his attention and respect! I mean, I tried the death staring method, then I challenged him at every fricking match of Quidditch! I even threw a bludger in his direction and sent him to the infirmary after he smiled at me! Not to even mention my scarying grin when our eyes met! 
Marcus: How could I possibly made my affection anymore obvious ?!
Adrian: Well... Have you considered maybe just talking to him ?
Marcus: Have I what now ?
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captainsophiestark · 11 months
The One and Only Exception
Percy Weasley x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2023!
Fandom: Harry Potter
Day 13 Prompt: "Come with me, hurry."
Summary: When Y/N and Percy end up in a small closet together hiding from angry Slytherins, certain feelings may finally come to light.
Word Count: 1,628
Category: Fluff
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"This is why you're my best friend."
I grinned as Oliver Wood, my regular partner in crime, whispered from next to me in the secret passage where we crouched. Normally, we were partners in Quidditch-based crime, coming up with the most amazing plays to destroy our opponents on the field. We'd been doing it since first year, even before anyone had been willing to listen to us and our Quidditch opinions.
Now, however, we were partners in crime in something that fit our Beater pair more than either of us. But with a match against Slytherin on the horizon and them playing ridiculous, cheaty mind games, I'd convinced Oliver to join me in doing the same.
We were going to get back at them by getting in their heads, the same way they'd been spending time trying to get in ours. And as soon as Marcus Flint came around the corner, ideally with a few other members of his team, our hovering bubbles of water and flour would drop down on them from the ceiling and our revenge would begin.
Thankfully, we didn't have to wait much longer. As we'd expected, Flint came into the hallway with his Beaters trailing him. Oliver and I waited for the perfect moment, then with a wave of our wands, dropped the balloons and flour smack onto their heads.
They froze in their tracks, horror on their faces, before they looked around wildly and angrily. Oliver and I shared a maniacal grin, then took off running in opposite directions as planned as Flint roared.
Oliver disappeared up the secret corridor as I popped into the hallway with the Slytherins, drawing their attention before disappearing around the corner of a castle hallway. Ideally neither of us would get caught, but Oliver was the Quidditch captain, so we needed to make sure he didn't get blamed for this lest the whole team be punished. Hence my part.
I could hear the footsteps of the Slytherins pounding against the cobblestones behind me, but I just cackled and picked up the pace, racing ahead. I flew around another corner, intending to put on a little more speed, but stopped dead in my tracks thanks to an unexpected obstacle. Percy Weasley, Oliver's roommate and one of my friends since first year, was walking down the hallway, completely oblivious of me and the angry Slytherins on my trail.
"Whoa! Y/N, what are you-"
"No time! Come with me, hurry!" I cried, grabbing Percy's arm and dragging him along after me. He immediately slowed me down, and if we kept going at this pace, Flint and his friends would catch us for sure.
Time for plan B.
I readied my wand and leveled it at the nearest door off the corridor, blasting it open before ducking inside, dragging Percy with me. I quickly shut the door behind us, relocking it with magic and then freezing to avoid making noise that would give us away.
"Really, Y/N, what on earth-"
"Percy, sh!" I said, raising my finger to my lips and staring him down with wide eyes. He didn't look completely pleased, but he listened, settling in to stare at me with his arms crossed while I watched the door.
I thought that would be that, but then Percy grabbed my arm to turn my attention back to him, one eyebrow raised almost into his hairline in demanding question. I sighed, then leaned in to whisper in his ear.
In the back of my mind, I realized just how closely together that put us, chest to chest in this tiny dark storage closet. I tried my best to force that train of thought to be quiet, especially since I was sure Percy didn't feel the same as I did.
"The Slytherins have been messing with our Quidditch team worse than usual," I whispered. "So, I'm helping my best friend by getting them back. We set a trap with water balloons and flour in the hallway, dumped it right on Flint's head, and got the Beaters too. After I triggered the prank, I took off and they chased. I ran into you, dragged us both in here so we wouldn't get caught, and now we're waiting for them to pass."
I leaned back at bit to gauge Percy's reaction, and for just a second, I thought I saw a faint blush on his cheeks through the dark. Then, I noticed his deep frown.
"What were you thinking!" he hissed, at least remembering to keep his voice down this time. "You know I'm the Head Boy, don't you? I have to get you in trouble for this!"
"Or..." I started, giving Percy a little smile as an idea came to me. He raised his eyebrows, still looking a little outraged, so I continued. "Percy, did you actually see me do anything wrong?"
"...Well, no. But I just heard you confess to dropping water balloons on the Slytherins-"
"Percy. I just saved you from an angry Marcus Flint, who absolutely had it coming, by the way. For once in your life just be chill."
He stared at me, stress written on every single line of his face, then finally sighed, his shoulders falling as he closed his eyes.
"Wait, really?"
He looked at me again, clearly incredibly tired of my nonsense. Maybe he was just trying to fake me out...
"Really, Y/N. I... you made a decent enough argument that I suppose, just this once..." he cleared his throat and rubbed at the back of his neck, and this time I definitely caught him blushing. "I suppose I can let it go."
"I freaking love you," I laughed, flinging my arms around him and pulling him in tight for a hug. He froze like a statue, then slowly, wrapped his arms around my waist. As he did, I realized what I'd just said, and I felt heat rising to my own face, too.
We stayed like that for a few beats, part of me not wanting to pull away and deal with the tension now blanketing this closet. After a moment, though, I did, slowly. Percy didn't drop his arms from around my waist, and I left mine around his neck as we made eye contact, all the humor and lightness gone.
"Percy..." I breathed. I glanced down at his lips before I could stop myself, and when I quickly looked back up after realizing what I'd done, I found Percy's gaze had wandered to my lips, too.
I smiled to myself, then leaned in and kissed him without letting myself think twice about it. I'd had a crush on Percy since fifth year, and Oliver had spent all of that time telling me to stop being a chicken and just ask him out. Now, two years later, I was finally managing to do just that.
Percy kissed me back as soon as he'd realized what was happening, and I smiled into the kiss. After a moment we pulled away, and I met Percy's eyes, wide with shock but a small smile on his face. I was practically glowing.
"You just kissed me," he said, like he still couldn't quite believe it. I nodded.
"I sure did. And I'm gonna do it again."
Percy huffed a quiet, happy laugh, then met me half way as I leaned back in towards him. Marcus Flint and the angry Slytherins were completely forgotten as I ran one hand through Percy's hair at the base of his neck, and he wrapped his arms even tighter around me.
"Hey, I think it's finally safe for you-"
Percy and I jumped apart and whirled around as the door flew open, revealing Oliver. I guess he'd come to find me once the danger of the Slytherins had passed, unfortunately for me. Oliver, Percy, and I stared at each other with wide eyes for a few moments, and then Oliver's face broke into a grin.
"FINALLY! I've had to spend years hearing you talk about Percy nonstop, only to go to bed and hear Percy talking about you until I hit him with a pillow!"
Percy and I exchanged a glance. I couldn't believe that all this time, he'd been just as hung up on me as I'd been on him.
"Alright, I don't need to see the lovey-dovey stuff even though I'm happy for you," Oliver said, putting his hand back on the door and taking a step back into the hallway. "Y/N, don't be late for practice. I expect to see you on the field in twenty minutes."
With that, he slammed the door again, leaving Percy and I alone in the small, dark space.
"You... you've talked to Oliver about me?" asked Percy, hesitant hope in his voice. I smiled.
"Of course. He's my best friend, and I've had a crush on you for years."
Percy beamed. "So have I."
"Well, I'm glad we finally got that cleared up then," I said, taking Percy's hand in the dark. It was amazing neither of us were literally glowing with happiness. "So... maybe we could do something this weekend? A date, or something?"
"I'd love that," he replied. "It's a Hogsmeade weekend, so perhaps some tea?"
"That sounds perfect." I leaned in to kiss him again, a short peck on the lips, then I pulled back and flung the closet door open. "I need to go or I'm going to be late to practice, and then Oliver will kill me, but... I'll see you in the Common Room tonight?"
"I'll see you tonight," he said with a little nod. I beamed back at him, then blew him one last kiss before taking off down the hallway again, headed for the Quidditch pitch outside, still floating on air. My prank on Flint had worked out even better than I'd hoped it would.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury
Harry Potter Taglist: @valkyriepirate
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t1oui · 5 months
draco malfoy who did not become prince of slytherin on his first day at hogwarts, because that role was already taken.
percy weasley is the last person any outside would expect to run their house. a blood traitor with old robes and no money, no status. but a boy with ambitions and cunning to rival even his elders, one who understands the plight of those expected to be in slytherin and especially those expected to be the opposite.
when draco arrives, percy is a prefect. he wears the same robes his older brothers have, as his parents do not waste their money on their family's biggest disappointment, but he sends letters with an owl named hermes that was gifted to him by the siblings who still believe he's worth it. percy sits beside a boy named marcus flint, and both of them smile and shake the hand of every new first year. their dormmates, two boys named adrian pucey and theodore nott, do the same from across the table.
when draco comes back from christmas break shaking, when he flinches at every raised voice, percy wraps an arm around him and tells his newest snake the same thing marcus told him when he was a first year: "you got the best house."
slytherins are not friends with ravenclaws or hufflepuffs, and they certainly aren't buddying up with gryffindors. their own headmaster does everything in his power to discredit them.
"dumbledore may be brave," percy says, "but we're smarter. here in slytherin, we're a family." here, he doesn't say, we're stronger. he doesn't say it, but it's heavily implied.
severus snape is draco's godfather, percy's favorite teacher, and when a gryffindor girl named hermione accuses him of cursing harry potter, percy does everything he can to prove them wrong.
during draco's second year, muggleborns are being petrified, and draco's father is up to something. he spends his evenings in the dungeons, sobbing into his godfather's cloak, wishing he had the power to make this all better. the morning after harry potter saves ginny weasley, percy's younger sister, from the chamber of secrets, percy sits beside draco and tells him, "don't fret over things being out of your control. knowledge is power, draco. use it."
draco is fourteen when percy leaves, fourteen the first time he comes to hogwarts and the only flashes of red hair are seated at the gryffindor table. fourteen when he becomes slytherin's prince, the head of the family, the one who takes younger students under his wing. he isn't a prefect, not yet, but he is a leader.
knowledge is power, percy told him. draco uses it.
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elisedonut · 1 year
i like the concept of hogwarts being like semi-sentient? and having like it's own magic in a way i've seen it around a few times and i really like it
but i really really like the idea of it trapping people in a time loop like just repeating the day over and over again why would it do that? idk soulmates? it likes some students and don't want them to leave yet? something needs to be done before they leave? the school is tempermental and just feels like it?
anyway yeah im thinking about an au where percy just gets trapped for like 6 months if its with someone else and for what reason depends on the day some ideas that have circled in my head include
Percy being fully by himself because the school just likes him and doesn't want to let him go yet
Percy being trapped with Draco because the school decided it would be good for Draco because he did something really fucked or something
Percy being trapped with Remus because i don't know having a teacher involved is fun and could open up possibilities that otherwise would be cut off like easily leaving the school, people believing them a little easier also the idea of a time freeze causing Remus not to turn and as a resulting having a few months where Remus just doesn't have to deal with it interesting also i like Lupin
Percy and all the quidditch captains and head girl and it actually being something that happens every year for 7th years just with how long maybe being random
Percy being trapped with Marcus preferably in a situation where Flint is like obsessed with him(has a crush because i love it) and it maybe even being his fault they're trapped was it an accident or intentional? i don't know
Percy being trapped with Oliver in a situation where they are either already together or like really close to it because one of (or both of) them are scared of things changing after graduating even though they are excited about their futures' i feel like it would 100% be an accident for this one like the school went oh? don't want to leave aright! i can do that for you!
Percy being trapped with the twins or any of the siblings i just think it would be interesting and force them to interact a bit which would be good for them preferably in a situation where it's not a very well known thing so all of them are confused as hell
Percy not being sure if Luna is actually trapped with him or just being Luna for like a month because he does keep seeing her in different places and when talking to her she sometimes says stuff that could be referencing that she knows that day is repeating but she's Luna and a second year so he's just so confused (bonus points if she really isn't and it's just like her being just more in tune with it or something) (also can easily be tacked onto any of the others because it's funny)
Percy being trapped with Harry because i like anything that forces them to get to know one another and because i think while Harry would not be like ecstatic being trapped with Percy specifically but would be happy about not having to leave Hogwarts so soon especially if this happened first or second year
if you made it this far through my ramblings here's a little Percy picrew i made
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hephaestiions · 5 months
Inspired by your Drarry fic recs and your amazing Flintwood fic, do you have any Flintwood recs or personal favorites?
ah! fantastic ask, anon! flintwood was, incidentally, my earliest hp ship & maintains a soft spot after all these years. their functions in canon (quidditch captains of rival houses, pinnacles of a certain kind of obsessive, single-minded, aggressive athletic masculinity) conduce some of the most raw and gritty characterisations— kind of like if tracing your tongue along the jagged, broken end of a tooth was a ship. flintwood encapsulates a very specific kind of mood— a foregrounded physicality, a delicious emotional dimension balancing both subtlety and brashness. this ship is especially delightful when you're in the mood for some deferred emotional payoff, a little out of reach and more satisfying for it.
(tw for some discussions of queerphobia & masculinity!)
flintwood also works with and subverts some common stereotypes & tropes associated with sports as a site of exalted & amplified masculinity. oliver and marcus are both, in fic, often representations of what a popular (largely homophobic & patriarchal) culture understands as 'masculine ideal stereotypes'— physically hulking, emotionally repressed, narrow-focused, a little dangerous. and flintwood, as a ship, is crucially also about these 'ideal men' making the choice to step away from the hallowed halls of homosociality towards explicit queer desire, dynamics and love.
i'm getting into this because a large selection of flintwood fics i've loved deal (overtly or covertly) with coming to terms with queer awakenings, reckoning with being queer men in sports and similar explorations. my flintwood fic (thank you for reading it, anon!), addictive tendencies (~4k, T, tw for internalised homophobia) also grapples with this fairly significantly. in fact, even when the central tension isn’t explicitly about a queer reckoning, and the worldbuilding has little/no queerphobia, many excellent flintwood fics have some of the themes, ideas and tropes you find in literature accounting for our society’s (often disparaging) attitude towards queerness: a desire both intense and grudging, a sense of “i can’t have this person” justified through rivalry and/or jealousy, poignant internal conflicts, etc.
anyway, enough talk, here's a selection of flintwood fics i've dearly enjoyed, hope you do too! mind the tags & notes & remember to send some love the authors' way :)
best kept secrets by slyther_ing (M, 1.8k)
Marcus Flint is leaning up by the metal chainlink fence - gum popping, grin flashing white, and Oliver has the urge to run away because everything in the taller boy’s stature screams trouble, trouble, trouble.
twenty gauge by provocative_envy (T, 3k)
It takes Marcus less than ninety seconds to determine that his four o'clock is an aggressively annoying piece of shit.
wake up, get up, shut up by provocative_envy (E, 4.2k)
Marcus is twenty-three and half-concussed when it finally occurs to him that he might actually kind of sort of be really into dudes.
rugby boys, they play 15s by thistlecat (M, 4.5k)
Fifteen significant moments in Oliver Wood’s collegiate rugby career that did not make his highlight tape.
no vacancy by provocative_envy (M, 10.1k)
The dreams are frightening, at first.
true but not nice by v (E, 10.2k)
Marcus found out about it from Warrington, who heard it from Montague, who heard it from Derrick, who heard it from Nott, who heard it from Zabini, who heard it from Malfoy, who they said heard from the Quidditch dressing room, which really just meant that Marcus was going to fucking kill him.
self preservation by al-the-remix (E, 17.8k)
Outside the night had grown dark, and at some point Oliver had moved to perch on the edge of Marcus' bed, thigh pressed against his and tray settled between them. As if they had some sort of understanding. As if they were friends.
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thefiery-phoenix · 6 months
Hey, first off wanted to say I’m a huge fan of your work I’ve been reading ur work for a while and I’ve read your match ups, do you still do matchups for Harry Potter? If you are doing that here’s some info😭:
Looks: Indian, black wavy hair, 5’7, brown eyes with a hint of amber, unconventionally attractive face wise
Personality: very awkward and shy at first but later really loud and adventurous when u get to know me, sarcastic, sharp tounge, funny, smart, empathetic and sensitive, clueless and ditzy of what goes on around me, kind, ambitious
House: slytherin
Style: baggy clothes, streetwear,
Hobbies/pastimes: playing Roblox, reading books, tennis and skateboarding, listening to music,
Ps—>Ik this is a random match up but pleaseeee don’t match me up with Tom riddle I’ll take anyone with him, no offense to him but he’s scary especially since he’ll be Voldemort 💀
Yep, I'm still open for matchups and thank you for liking my work, I really appreciate your kind words a lot, I feel honored you take the time to read my nonsensical work lol. And don't worry, your plea has been answered, I ain't too fond of Moldy Voldy too lol. I'd ship you with...Oliver Wood
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Oliver here as a yandere would be caring but not to mention incredibly possessive, clingy and EXTREMELY competitive and obsessive of you as well. He's actually humble about his talents and stuff but when you're around, he can't help but show off a bit for you since he does need to impress you after all. He hopes you fall in love with him after watching him play Quidditch. And he's as serious as making you only his no matter what, just like how he's serious about Quidditch 
You could be from a different house and be on the Quidditch team of another house but he just sees this as a way to prove himself to you that he's worthy of your love and affection, he's driven by you to win. It's like you're his source and ray of inspiration, a pillar of strength for him, always pushing him to do better and do his best. Of course, when he shows off too much around you the other members of the Gryffindor Quidditch team are ready to call him out on his behavior much to the amusement of everyone else there and to the embarrassment of Oliver. "Oh, Oliver, is that Y/N I see?" asked Fred in a sing song teasing voice and Oliver tried to quickly look around to where you were and when you flashed him a smile from the stands, he could swear on Merlin that his heart did a somersault 
The others started snickering after seeing Oliver's furious blush and who did he think he was fooling? No one was buying the 'I barely even noticed them' nonsense. "They look good don't they?" teased George and Oliver replied in a dreamy way with a small smile on his face "They look good every day... wait... what? HEY! Focus on the match, we need to beat Slytherin today at any cost no matter what!" he turned firm and strict again, making sure his team mates trained hard to beat Slytherin no matter what. His hatred for Slytherin didn't just stop at Quidditch, it just became more stronger when he saw Marcus Flint, the Slytherin's Quidditch team captain talking with you about something
He didn't know why as soon as he saw that sight he felt like either punching him in the face and sending him to the hospital wing or hexing him, a hex involving something about him not being able to use his mouth or tongue anymore to talk with you. He didn't know why he felt so bad, bitter and a mix and storm of emotions flurry inside him. Ranging from rage, anger to resentment and fear. The fear of losing you, for someone like him. No, he would not allow it. He would NEVER allow it, never in a million years, He can even lose in Quidditch, there's always a next time to win but he just can't afford to lose you under any circumstances
"Is he bothering you Y/N?' asked Oliver as he suddenly rushed to your side and distanced you from Flint. Flint scowled and you smiled and replied "No Oliver it's all right, he was just asking me about the homework we received from Potions by Professor Snape. I do have to admit, writing a 5000 word essay based on Potions all around the world and it's effects is quite difficult'' and Oliver immediately needed to get you away from Flint. He didn't like you spending time with him and besides, he could deal with him later on. "Would you like to watch me practice if it's not too much of a hassle? I really look forward to seeing you there'' and you smiled and told him you'd come with him saying bye to Flint 
It took him all his restraint not to punch Flint for flirting with you after the practice was done. He wasn't mad at you, of course not. He could never be mad at you, in his eyes you're literal perfection, the definition of a god/ goddess who could do no wrong. Even if you do end up doing something wrong at some point in your life, he will find a hundred different to justify your actions. He'll do his best to keep other guys away from you. Will he stalk you? Well, he prefers to call it 'looking out for you' after all, not everyone at Hogwarts is to be trusted like the Slytherin Quidditch team or Roger Davies for that matter, the irritating hindrance between you both 
Oliver is also very protective and a fussy yandere when it comes to you. He treats even the slightest of the scratches like a flesh wound by someone who stabbed you or something. If at all you do get hurt during Quidditch, he'll make you rest, he doesn't want you playing or doing anything when you're injured. He'll drop everything and rush to you, after making sure you're all right he'll carry you bridal style to the Hospital wing for a checkup by Madam Pomfrey just to make sure you aren't really injured. However if someone deliberately injures you, he isn't going to go easy on them. Not only will be make them suffer the humiliation of losing to him and his team at Quidditch, but he'll also break a few bones and send them packing to the Hospital wing, and a few hexes and jinxes won't really go amiss either 
If you keep getting injured or flirted with by people, he'll grow anxious for your safety and after feeling slightly insecure, he'll have to kidnap you to save you from all those scumbags. It's for your own good darling, just trust him he'll take care of everything for you
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raviliuz · 2 years
Issues solving Slytherin boys edition
Okay so I think that they have a totally different way of dealing with issues and obviously, they know each other really well so they know what to expect, enjoy
If you want actual good advice to help you deal with the issue, you go to Terrence Higgs. Higgs is the most mature one of them and has that balance between being good with emotions and being logical
If you want to rant about your feelings and cry on sb's shoulder, you go to Adrian Pucey and Miles Bletchley. What can I say, they are lovely, cuddly creatures. They will listen to you, cry with you, and cuss person who hurt you
If you want to forget for a while, you go to Peregrine Derrick and Lucian Bole. The most social and outgoing duo. They will take you somewhere to have fun so you won't think about that stuff for a while. We all know how annoying it is when you can't stop thinking about something. They will keep you entertained and busy and having fun
If you want to get rid of emotions, you go to Marcus Flint, Graham Montague, and Cassius Warrington. Training (Graham's favourite though not the healthiest way to get rid of emotions, especially anger), brutal Quidditch match, destroying something, setting something on fire. Honestly, who has never punched sth with rage? Sometimes you just have to unwind all those unwanted emotions before doing anything to actually solve the problem
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sugareey-makes-stuff · 9 months
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And here's the last batch of fic recs I have to wrap up @hprecfest and 2023! Feel free to give these some love, or else add them to your TBR for later to kick off your 2024!
Day 27: A Muggle AU Fic
Of Bookshelves and Baby Carriers by poppunkpadfoot (Wolfstar, T, 11.8k)
The customer standing in front of him is quite possibly the most beautiful man Remus has ever seen. Like, he looks like a model or something. He has long, black hair, flattened by water, and just the slightest amount of scruff on his face, and… And a baby strapped to his chest. Okay.
This fic is cute AF! 😍 Doing a reread of this again made me squee about how Remus is such a precious cinnamon roll who needs more hugs, Harry is adorable, and Sirius' flirting is hilarious. So much flangst, this is a bookshop fic, and 1000% a pick-me-up if you need something to brighten your day. A+++ aka go read this ASAP!
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Day 28: An Under-Rated Fic
Chimera by Literallyliterary (Flintbell, E, 11.5k)
Years after Hogwarts, years after the war, Katie Bell finds herself traded from the Harpies to the Tornados and into the hands of team captain Marcus Flint. It’s a lot easier to ignore a childhood crush when you have to take orders from him, right? …Right??
I always love a good Quidditch fic, and this one seriously delivers, especially with all the UST built up from Hogwarts days. The way Marcus and Katie push each other's buttons but are clearly attracted to each other is amazing, and there are just so many Feelings waiting to spill out, especially after they get physical. It's spicy, it's got that fiery Gryffindor-Slytherin relationship dynamic we all love, the mutual pining is for real, and the competitive streak is so alive. For the game, for a chance, and yeah, this was what really solidified my love for this rare pair when I first discovered them. Def give this a shot if you'd like to dip into new ships!
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Day 29: A Post-Canon Fic
Crimson Neon by @xanthippe74 | xanthippe74 (Drarry, M, 20.6k)
Winter, 1999. Harry thought going to New York would help him get his head on straight, but all he has to show for it are sore feet and a fridge full of takeaway containers. And now he’s homesick on top of everything else. It doesn’t help that his mysterious neighbour in 2C keeps cooking dishes that remind Harry of home and all the people he lost or left behind.
I adore fics that include anything senses or food related. And gosh, this one with the angst and food as a love language is gorgeous. The small details really makes this a story I can visually see. Also, Draco cooks! 'Nuff said. And the way Harry and Draco gradually fall in love is so heartwarming. It's on their own terms, in a different country. Love, love, love. Definitely a must-read for a sleepy or rainy day.
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Day 31: A Fav Amongst Favs
Drowned Boy by bmouse (Marcus/Percy/Oliver, M, 4k)
Oliver wants to drown himself. Percy wants to study, but he's willing to be distracted. Marcus probably wants trouble, but it's hard to tell.
Sooo, PoA is my 2nd fav HP book, and any references to that Quidditch game where Oliver tries drowning himself in the shower or missing moments right after are gold. Marcus and Oliver banter at each other as usual, but then Percy gets tangled in their chaos, and it kind of escalates. They're all boys with hormones, and yeah. 😜 This fic is so well written where you can see the attraction between each of them, and the dynamics work. *chef's kiss* (And since I genuinely like to delve into character studies for Marcus, Percy and Oliver, this was the fic convinced me that they're an awesome triad. Hell yeah.)
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
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Magnificent Maddy, beautiful @thebooktopus, sweet special someone...here's to you!
Maddy started this excellent month last year, so it seems only right I start with her this year! All the effort and LOVE Maddy put into her posts last year? Incredible. I checked every day, so excited to see who she would talk about. I ended up following several new people last year thanks to her, and checking out many new stories (even for ships and tropes I don't normally read!) And I walked away with many new friends!
Following March last year, I was deep in Snarry-a-Thon hell, having actual meltdowns trying to write Contempt. Listen, I'm a mess on a good day, especially when writing, but never more so than writing Contempt! And when I was sobbing and second-guessing myself, Maddy was one of the lovely humans who offered to look at my draft for me and who encouraged me to keep going. Truly, I have no idea what I would have done without her and others' help! My poor precious fic would have ended up in the trash, if not my whole laptop on fire! Her time and care meant so much to me then and is still so special to me now, knowing how important her help was in finishing a work I love so much.
There is such goodness in Maddy's heart, and her generosity and kindness are so inspiring and incredible. She has been an absolute sweetheart! Of course, Maddy is more than just the love she gives. She is a creator in her own right! So many goodies she's made, a variety of ships and stories! I've specially selected FIVE to recommend to you! And if you can, please be sure to leave Maddy some love!
Galaxies in Their Eyes
Ginny/Luna. Rated: T. Words: 350. Trans Luna. Self-acceptance. Love. Affection.
This moment exists for Luna and Ginny together, here and now, and across all of the galaxies.
I Fell Heavy Into Your Arms
James Sirius/Teddy. Rated: E. Words: 15,638. Secret relationship. Falling in love. Minor Scorbus. Fluff & smut. Next Gen Fest 2022.
James has moved home, and he's all grown up. Teddy takes notice. 
Or: how James and Teddy tried to keep their hands off each other in the lead-up to Albus and Scorpius' wedding and didn't exactly succeed.
I Wanna Be On You
Draco/Harry. Rated: E. Words: 6,565. Roommates. Friends to lovers. Fluff & smut. H/D Wireless 2022.
What is it about Draco singing off-key in their kitchen that pushes Harry to admit his feelings? One thoughtful act between roommates that leads to so much more.
Life After Quidditch
Marcus/Oliver. Rated: E. Words: 11,000. Enemies to lovers. Injuries. Minor Drarry. Minor Ginsy. Charity auctions. Fluff and smut. Wood You Rather 2022.
After a career-ending injury, Oliver Wood is forced to take an early retirement. And what does early retirement look like for famous Quidditch players? The charity circuit. Galas, bake sales, auctions—you name it, Oliver’s agent had signed him up for it.
Oliver didn’t know what to expect from this new life, but it certainly wasn’t Marcus Flint popping up at every turn. Or for him to be friendly and welcoming, unwilling to let Oliver stew in his self-loathing. Or for him to look so good in yoga pants. Or to fall for the git.
Space Girl
Ginny/Luna. Rated: M. Words: 350. Love-letters. Kinkuary 2022. Face-sitting.
You, my love, my moon. I worry sometimes that you are just an interloper here, destined again someday for the stars. People comment that your head is in the clouds, but I know the truth: it’s the whole of you up there, floating around, unbothered and ungoverned by the laws of this world. 
Oh, also, can't forget last year's Mutuals March Masterlist!
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for an explanation about Mutuals March, or to figure out why i wrote you a thing, please check out this post.
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xxdustnight88 · 11 months
xxDustNight88 Taylor Swift Inspired Fics
Album/Era - Debut/Taylor Swift
Title: Tied Together Rated: Teen & Up Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger Word Count: 958 Song: Tied Together with a Smile Summary: Draco helps Hermione see that it's okay to not be so perfect all the time.
Album/Era - Fearless
Title: I'm Right Here Rated: Teen & Up Pairing: Ginny Weasley & Hermione Granger Word Count: 1,180 Song: Come in with the Rain Summary: Sometimes you just need your best friend to know that everything is going to be okay.
Album/Era - Speak Now
Title: A Fragile Line Rated: Teen & Up Pairing: Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Lily Evans Potter Word Count: 1,902 Song: Haunted Summary: Some mistakes haunt us forever.
Album/Era - Red
Title: Quite Some Time Rated: Teen & Up Pairing: Blaise Zabini/Daphne Greengrass Word Count: 1,056 Song: Stay Stay Stay Summary: After a fight, Blaise and Daphne have to talk out their issues. Title: Watching Love Bloom Rated: Teen & Up Pairing: Blaise Zabini/Luna Lovegood Word Count: 996 Song: Begin Again Summary: Luna takes a chance with Blaise and finds her heart healing.
Album/Era - 1989
Title: In the Clear Rated: Teen & Up Pairing: Jess Mariano/Daphne Greengrass Universes: Gilmore Girls, Harry Potter Word Count: 3,562 Song: Out Of The Woods Summary: Daphne moves to the States for school after the war and makes a friend who changes her world. Title: That's How it Works Rated: Teen & Up Pairing: Jane Foster/Theodore Nott Universes: Harry Potter, Marvel Word Count: 1,704 Song: How You Get the Girl Summary: Natasha and Darcy take Jane on a tropical getaway to cheer her up.
Album/Era - Reputation
Title: Delicate Rated: Teen & Up Pairing: Tony Stark/Pansy Parkinson Universes: Harry Potter, Marvel Word Count: 2,693 Song: Delicate Summary: After meeting, Tony offers Pansy the opportunity to be his fake date. One kiss leads to another until they're finally forced to make a decision.  Title: Home Rated: Mature Pairing: Marcus Flint/Hermione Granger Word Count: 4,693 Song: I Don't Wanna Live Forever [ZAYN ft. TS] Summary: It's hard to go on living when your home is gone, especially when you don't even know why she left in the first place. Sometimes we're able to put ourselves back together, but other times... We fall further apart.
Album/Era - Lover
None.... Yet...
Album/Era - Folklore
Title: A Fine Line Rated: Teen & Up Pairing: Theodore Nott/Hermione Granger Word Count: 1,671 Song: exile [ft. Bon Iver] Summary: Theo worries that what he once had with Hermione may be gone forever.
Album/Era - Evermore
Title: Wreck My Plans Rated: Teen & Up Pairing: Thor/Hermione Granger Universes: Harry Potter, Marvel Word Count: 1,084 Song: willow Summary: Hermione gets a little impatient when it comes to a big life change.
Album/Era - Midnights
None... Yet...
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spiteless-xo · 1 year
Omg i always loved the harry potter aot crossover, i always get excited when I see fanarts of it.
Yes, omg i totally agree with everything you said especially jean, even though I have a preference for Slytherin (I'm a Slytherin girlie😩).
For Reiner, i would say Slytherin cause he gives me Marcus flint vibes.
I can't put bert in a specific house, maybe Hufflepuff. I would say Annie will be either gryffindor cause she's daring or either Hufflepuff idk maybe
Hange will be ravenclaw, Levi will be gryffindor and Erwin will be ravenclaw.🫣
omg that's so funny, i have a totally different opinion on almost everything you said 💀 sorry it took me a month to respond to this eek.
one of slytherin's traits is "self preservation" and i feel like that really doesn't apply to reiner at all 😭 but if not for that i would totally agree!! i think instead he'd be gryffindor.....?
annie i think is slytherin because she's cunning and the whole self-preservation thing idk i don't think she really has any leadership or ambition but i don't see her fitting anywhere else.
bert, yeah. hufflepuff. he just gives me hufflepuff vibes but i don't have a good argument for why he's in this house.
hange definitely ravenclaw and levi definitely gryffindor.
erwin i want to put in slytherin but the same reason as reiner, i think he lacks the self-preservation trait that i think is really important. so because of that, i agree w ravenclaw.
idk why, to me, self-preservation is such a key trait for slytherins lol i feel like most people associate them more with cunning and ambition
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ill-heart · 2 years
Distract and Win (A Flintwood story)
Please, give a big “hourrah” to my current and new obsession: The Flintwood ship ! 
Help me, I’m drowning into obsession other an internet couple. 
۩๑ ๑۩
Despite his incredible hability of focusing on an specific task, especially when it came to Quidditch matters, Oliver could sometimes be distracting. Of course, it wasn’t easy nor recurrent to take this young man away from his beloved sport; many tried and many failed to the point where it became ridiculous to count any attempt. The ones who wanted to drew a list of it gave up after one week, for the Weasley twin discouraged them.
“Give a number.” Fred would command with an amused grin, as his brother grabbed their shoulders with a similar smile. “It would always be higher than you imagined, pal.” And if she was present, Angelina would shake her head in agreement.
So, no, it wasn’t easy peasy lemon squeezy – as young wizards might say – to hijack Oliver’s attention however one boy, one annoying but charismatic boy, defied all the odds.
His eyes, as dark and mysterious as the night, stared at the Keeper while he was trying to establish a new strategy for the next match. Marcus Flint, Slytherin from head to toes, devour the Gryffindor in silence without even touching him.
What a bastard, thought Oliver as his quill hardly pressed against the parchment. If Flint’s purpose was to drive him crazy, he did an amazing job, for the Keeper couldn’t see and hear anything else but his satisfying grin and his petty humming. By Merlin’s beard, he couldn’t work in these conditions!
“What are you staring at, douchebag?” Oliver finally spit as he harshly put his quill down.
“Your face.” The other boy quickly answered, a cheeky grin spreading on his face.
“My face?” Asked the Gryffindor with a disdain tone. “What’s up with it?”
“It’s pretty.”
“Yes, and?”
Flint drew himself closer, before he whispered to Oliver’s ear those few words: “I want to kiss it.”
The Keeper almost choked as the other pushed his parchments, ink and quill to the floor. The furniture caused a horrible racket as it crashed on the slab, but no one cared enough to pity it. Marcus was definitely more interested by his companion’s neck, and Oliver was forced to acknowledge his presence, shivering when lips finally found his skin.
“You are ambitious, Flint.” He noticed with a stern voice, eyes following the pureblood’s moves. Marcus knew what he was doing; pretending indifference became uncomfortable for Oliver but he refused to abandoned himself to his companion’s hands so easily. He carefully and firmly put his fingers on the boy’s stomach and forced him to back down. “Maybe a little too much for your own good.”
“Never when it comes to you, Wood.” The Slytherin purred as he placed his hand on Oliver’s. “Plus, I know you liked it.”
“Like what?”
“When I claim you.”
Damnit. The little bastard made a point; Oliver found him hot when passion guided his gestures, enflamed his voice and words, darkened his eyes with an irresistible fire. In his rage or in his love, Marcus became the most beautiful wizard alive to him. He didn’t care about how people described the Slytherin as disgusting, repulsive because of his teeth or his general look, none of it matters when Flint embraced his feeling so abruptly. The pride dancing in his dark and hypnotic eyes meant everything for Oliver.
He lived for it, breathed for it as he lived for the Quidditch and the sensations it awoke in him.
“Having a huge confidence on yourself, haven’t you?”
“It’s not the only huge thing about me, Woody.”
Oliver snorted before his eyes lightened with amusement. “Compared to my ex’s di…”
Marcus muffled an insult on his robe then he assertively grabbed the Gryffindor wrist, attracted him against his chest and kissed his lips. Such an impulsive move; predictable also, but Oliver kept this thought to himself. He enjoyed the taste of his partner’s mouth upon his, licked it and pushed his tongue on the other’s teeth. “Did I hit a nerve here, Flint?”
“Fucking bastard.” The Slytherin tried to push himself away, but Oliver caught his cheeks between his hands and embraced him once again. Marcus started this stupid game, and he the Keeper would never let him win; never.
“I will fuck you so hard tonight…” The chaser whispered between two kisses. “You won’t be able to walk tomorrow…”
A wide and predatory grin grew on Oliver’s face. “Who is fucking who right now, Marcus?”
Marcus’s cheeks redden as the other boy breathed against his ear, fingers circling on the base of his neck with impertinence. “That’s what I thought…” He bit his earlobe then released the Slytherin, proud and victorious.
“Shut it already.”
The chaser sighed then straightened up, defeated despite his best efforts to win over the Gryffindor boy. However, he allowed himself one last act of defiance; well-aware that Oliver was stilled ecstatic. As he started to walk away, Marcus slapped his companion’s ass. “Good luck with the cleaning, Oliver.”
“See you later, Marcus.”
They shared one more smile, then Marcus disappeared in the corridors.
Sure, he didn’t win this time, nevertheless he could be proud to be one of the few selected people who could mess with Oliver. And it wasn’t nothing.
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hoggleswart · 2 years
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Exceptionally  so.   Hard  to  believe,   given  the  fact  they  had  to  resit  seventh  year,   but  their  failings  had  nothing  to  do  with  their  intelligence  so  much  as  their  lack  of  fucks  given  during  NEWTs.   Turns  out,   not  showing  up  for  exams  has  consequences.   Despite  this,   Marcus  had    (   or  could’ve  been   )    the  potential  to  be  one  of  the  most  academic  in  his  Hogwarts  year,   with  a  borderline  genius - level  IQ  and  a  myriad  of  skills  that  could’ve  put  the  entire  world  at  their  feet.   It’s  almost  effortless  to  them,   absorbing  information  like  a  sponge  and  keeping  it  stored  in  an  eidetic  memory.   The  only  problem?   They’ve  done  nothing  but  squander  these  abilities  with  self - destructive  behaviour.   There  was  more  chance  of  them  doing  somebody  else’s  homework,   for  a  cheeky  galleon  or  twenty,   than  their  own.   They  are  the  very  epitome  of  wasted  opportunity,   much  to  the  frustration  of  their  former  professors  and  some  peers.
If  asked,   they’ll  say  it’s  jumping  out  a  two - storey  window  after  being  caught  in  bed  with  fellow  Falmouth  Falcon  teammate’s  spouse,   but  the  honest  answer    :    rebelling  against  the  Flint  expectations.   Marcus  comes  from  a  family  that’s  always  been  in  politics  or  high - ranking  Ministry  official  careers,   and  it  was  drilled  into  them  from  an  early  age  that  they  were  expected  to  follow  in  such  footsteps.   Unfortunately  for  them,   the  only  thing  Marcus  has  ever  shown  any  real  passion  for  is  Quidditch.   It  didn’t  go  down  well  and  their  father,   prior  to  his  Death  Eater  downfall,   wasn’t  an  easy  man  to  say  no  to.   The  Flints  are  all  about  power,   and  there’s  power  to  be  found  in  their  career  paths.   An  element  that’s  kept  them  well - protected  over  the  years.   Marcus’  career  choice,   while  profitable,   leaves  much  to  be  desired,   especially  when  he  insists  on  putting  his  name  in  scandalous  headlines  every  five  minutes.   However,   that  hasn’t  swayed  them   &   they  continue  to  play  regardless.   It’s  another  reason  they  squandered  so  much  away  at  Hogwarts.   It’s  all  one  big  fuck  you  to  Dad  really.
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t1oui · 3 months
tastastastassss please would you share some percy weasley headcanons or thoughts about him in general
(just remembered he and oliver wood were in the same year and thus dorm... and percy gives me Massive twink energy, like a less dramatic francis abernathy)
HI YES i will indeed do this
so yeah in canon percy and oliver shared a dorm but in my mind there is no way percy weasley isn't in slytherin so my percy shares a dorm w marcus flint instead. anyways here are some headcanons
he's very bisexual and yes definitely a twink
he's also tall. probably one of if not the tallest guys in his year
good poker face but this man is a huge simp. for christmas, valentine's day, oliver's birthday, etc. he always panics on what to buy and gets oliver like 40 things including like 8 bouquets of flowers lol
penelope clearwater and marcus flint are his best friends other than oliver !! these four are chaotic. marauders vibes but they don't get caught
definitely a bit of a drama queen, but he hates when people (marcus) point it out b/c he does not see himself that way.
studies too hard for his own good and still has time for quidditch somehow (he's only playing to beat fred and george. he's a chaser btw)
actually very sensitive. like he will be stoic until something inconveniences him and then he will SOB
hates himself a little bit (sometimes a lot) because he's so different from his family
insecure about his freckles
takes younger slytherin students (like draco malfoy) under his wing because he knows what it's like to be part of the house everybody hates
fully despises dumbledore
always the first to notice when something's wrong (quirrell being sus, something being wrong with "moody"/crouch sr, etc) but alwasy the last person adults listen to
has been best friends with ginny since she was a little kid
does more for his siblings than they realize. cares about them so much, and his heart breaks every time they choose to fight with him or tease him instead of seeing how fucked up it is that he was shunned for being different
was almost put in gryffindor/is in gryffindor because he's extremely brave
was put in slytherin/almost put in slytherin because he will do anything for those he cares about, even if it's considered morally wrong
has and will use unforgivables; they're just spells to him, they're not anything scary or different
patronus is a crow
animagius form (i told you he and his friends were like the marauders lol) is a cat
if he notices two people pining for each other he will do everything in his power to make them date because he's quite the romantic. oliver helps.
has trained himself not to blush because he's so pale he just turns into a beet if he blushes at all (his friends, oliver especially, still make him go red occasionally)
cut off contact with arthur and molly for a little while after the war and was only really talking to ginny, occasionally charlie and bill
becomes head of the dmle
starts a petition after the war to get the atrium statue at the ministry - which shows a bunch of non-wizard creatures looking up to wizards like they're the superior beings - taken down. he does not shut up about this project until the statue is replaced, he hates it so much
that's all for now !! but feel free to send me more asks, ty for this one :)
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fanfic-lover-girl · 27 days
JKR's hypocrisy about sports in Harry Potter
We all know how JKR feels about women's sports, especially when it comes to trans women participating in them.
However, it makes her depiction of the quidditch teams very interesting.
At least half of the houses (not sure about Hufflepuff) have girls on their quidditch team. Slytherin, the 'evil' house, has an all-male team throughout the books (if I recall correctly). Which I guess is supposed to be an extra knock against Slytherin...but why exactly does JKR paint this as a bad thing?
This is an excerpt from the quidditch final from POA:
“And it’s Gryffindor in possession, Alicia Spinnet of Gryffindor with the Quaffle, heading straight for the Slytherin goal posts, looking good, Alicia! Argh, no — Quaffle intercepted by Warring- ton, Warrington of Slytherin tearing up the field — WHAM! — nice Bludger work there by George Weasley, Warrington drops the Quaffle, it’s caught by — Johnson, Gryffindor back in possession, come on, Angelina — nice swerve around Montague — duck, Angelina, that’s a Bludger! — SHE SCORES! TEN–ZERO TO GRYFFINDOR!” Angelina punched the air as she soared around the end of the field; the sea of scarlet below was screaming its delight — “OUCH!” Angelina was nearly thrown from her broom as Marcus Flint went smashing into her. “Sorry!” said Flint as the crowd below booed. “Sorry, didn’t see her!”
Initially, I did not care much about coed teams in quidditch since the sport heavily depends on the broom - the broom being an equalizer of sorts. I likened it to playing chess.
However, here are some things to consider:
Quidditch is not a contact sport but it involves beaters throwing bludgers around. Which means you want a beater with a lot of strength so the bludger can cause more damage. Are there any female beaters in the books?
Players can do foul tricks like ramming into other players like what Flint did.
Wizards are more durable than muggles...but even so it should be ok to assume that wizards would be generally stronger or have more resilient bodies than witches since this is the case for male muggles.
So...wouldn't Slytherin having an all-male team align with JKR's views? With a sport as potentially dangerous as quidditch why is JKR ok with having girls playing against boys in Harry Potter??? Especially since one of her main arguments is women's safety when competing against men?
This is mainly a ramble that came to mind when I should be sleeping. It's not adding up. It seems hypocritical to me. It's like JKR wanted Gryffindor house to be the progressive house, but in doing so she compromised on her values when it comes to women playing against men in sports.
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thegreatwarhq · 2 years
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character name & any aliases: Dorothea Kincaid, called “Thea”
character dob & age: 19; September 22, 2003
canon or oc: Canon
character pronouns/gender identity/romantic & sexual identity: she/her/hers, cisfemale, bisexual
character faceclaim: Banita Sandhu
character house/past house if relevant: Slytherin
which school they attended: Hogwarts
character alignment in the war/explain if and why it’s changed since the battle: Order of the Phoenix. Thea was on the run during the majority of what should have been her 7th year before she came back for the battle, and only stayed because she was tired of running and with the support of Sebastian.
where have they been living for the past year: She lived in a small apartment in Hogsmeade above Lysander Pendragon’s shop, which was protected. This has been burned down, and she is now staying at Hogwarts while she helps Mr. Pendragon rebuild.
important character information/bio: 
Thea is a muggle-born Slytherin. She suffered a lot of bullying, especially during the beginning of her education, but she grew close to Sebastian O’Shannon, seeing him as a sort of older brother and confidant. In the second year, during the Basilisk incident, when the password into the Slytherin common room, they camped outside the common room in protest together, both of them refusing to say the word. She was horribly betrayed, especially after he used the mudblood word against her.
Thea was a member of the Slytherin Quidditch Team where she played Keeper. She also subbed in for chaser whenever she had to. This didn’t particularly improve her reputation among other Slytherins, but Marcus Flint was ready to curse anyone that fucked with his Quidditch Team.
Thea hid during the first part of the war, dragging her mother with her. Issues arose when snatchers found them multiple times due to the jinx on Voldemort’s name, and ended with Thea murdering the snatchers in 5 on 1 duel. Her mother lost three fingers and left her there alone.
Thea returned to fight in the battle of Hogwarts as she received word via the galleon from being a member of Dumbledore’s army. In the fifth year, Thea stumbled up to Harry Potter in the middle of the great hall and accidentally shouted at him: I BELIEVE YOU THAT YOU-KNOW-WHO IS BACK. Her face promptly flushed, and she ran away. 
Instead of going back into hiding, she decidedly fought with the Order of the Pheonix. She was tired of running and utterly alone from her mother abandoning her (which, Thea thinks, was rightfully deserved. Her mother shouldn’t have suffered because of her like that)
Thea took her NEWTs without taking her 7th year, much to everyone’s insistence she NOT do that. However, she proved everyone wrong and got O’s in 6 NEWTs and an E in herbology. She then promptly strolled down to Hogsmeade and asked Lysander Pendragon to take her on as an apprentice every day for two months straight.
Lysander was Non-to-Pleased, not wanting an Apprentice and being a very cranky old man who didn’t really like people all that much. He is a disgraced Pureblood from the Selwyn family, but was the last heir to their line, and therefore inherited all their money. He let Thea stay in the small apartment above his shop, which had multiple protections on it, while he lived down the road in his house. Thea is very thankful to him, and he’s become somewhat of a father figure to her, not that either of them would admit it.
To combat her PTSD, Thea used her drawing/sketching skills to learn to do magical tattoos. It has had mixed results on her mental health because it turns out you can’t just ignore something ‘til it goes away, 
Thea frequently wakes up screaming and has pretty severe hypervigilance, anxiety, and other symptoms of PTSD. 
Thea is a skilled dueler, taking Harry’s teaching to heart and also teaching herself every nasty, life saving spell she could think of during her 6th year. She constantly practiced and is considered to be a decently powerful witch. 
Upon learning that Harry had a dark mark, Thea made it her mission to figure out how to remove or cover it. Harry, her friend, and Sebastian, her brother, suffer greatly because of the marks the death eaters left on their skin, and she wants to alleviate their suffering. Thea also struggles with guilt – wishing she could have done something more during her 10 months on the run, wishing she could have done something differently that wasn’t saving her own skin, etc etc etc, and just wants everyone to be okay again.
She did a lot of research in a few weeks and also came up with a bandaid to fix it. Well-versed in Glamour charms, commonly applied to Jewelry to for aesthetic purposes (make your teeth whiter, hides blemishes on the skin, etc), Thea made Harry a set of jewelry so he wouldn’t have to look at the mark as a reminder. Harry came to get sized for the jewelry after closing, so it was just them. Unfortunately, none of them were aware that while outside of Hogwarts, the mark served as a tracking device for Harry, making Death Eaters aware every time he left the grounds of Hogwarts. 
Thea and Harry were attacked by many Death Eaters. They dueled and killed many as they fled for the border. However, Death Eaters, who went into the shop to try and surround Thea and Harry, found Thea’s research in her part of the workshop. They torched the shop, spreading the fiend fire through Hogsmeade. It was put out before too much damage happened, but Lysanders shop was burned to ash.
Thea and Harry made it to the border, stumbling across it just as they jinxed Thea’s leg, trying to separate them. Thea tripped and broke her ankle, sending them both sprawling into the snow. The Death Eaters tried to follow them, but the wards stopped them almost immediately, with a blinding flash of lightening that sent them flying away and killing them instantly. 
Thea and Harry were taken to the Hospital wing. Thea was fine, though everyone seemed to think she had gotten it way worse than it actually was. Madame Pomfrey healed her ankle and the few superficial cuts, and it took a couple days for the jinx paralyzing her leg to wear off, but was okay – she knew better than to say “Better me than Harry” to Harry’s face, but that was her. Thea was not sorry that she helped Harry get away, but she was dreadfully guilty about Mr. Pendragon’s store, blaming herself for all the research she had been doing. 
Thea planned to go see him once her leg was better, but the day after the incident, Lysander Pendragon strolled right through the border wards (having been a passive order member thanks to Thea), and stormed right up into the hospital wing, through an angry Madame Pomfrey, and went right up to Thea’s bedside. Thea, thinking he was about to yell at her and blame her or worse, burst into tears with apologies spewing out of her. He gave her a, albeit very awkward bc he’s a crotchety old man who doesn’t show emotions, hug, and told her he was very glad she was okay and that he was worried sick when he didn’t hear from her. 
Lysander told Thea she was safer to stay at Hogwarts but didn’t protest when she still showed up to help him rebuild the shop. They’re still in the process of renovations now.
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