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jueme-72 · 8 months ago
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Hey everyone! I wanted to share some sketches and illustrations I've been working on. I'm trying something new by creating my own versions of some bully characters in my style. These are just rough drafts, but I'm excited about them. For the images of Seth and Karl, I tried experimenting with photo bashing in hopes of capturing a more realistic style. I always have this bad habit of starting ambitious projects and then dropping them halfway. I've always been shy and not confident about my art skills, but I'm trying to get past that. Also, I'm learning 3D modelling and refining my drawing skills to bring these illustrations to life. Anyway, enough about me - I hope you all like it! :)
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bluedaisy12 · 1 year ago
~ Things I have scripted about Hogwarts
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Each new student gets a map of the castle to help them get around it without getting lost on their way to classes and such.
Dorms – Students have the option to pick from four dorm sizes: singles, doubles, triples and quads.
Uniforms - Students have to wear their uniforms during school hours, they are free to change in the clothes they have bought with them after their classes are finished. During the evening classes like Astronomy or club meetings the students have to wear some part of their uniform, it can be the cloak or the tie or something alike.
House of Slytherin
☆ I have scripted that the Slytherin common room looks like the one in Hogwarts Legacy because damn is it beautiful. (link to a youtube video showing it)
☆ The passwords are changed each week, and we get a slip of paper of what it is on Sundays during supper.
☆ The head of the house is still Sour Snape, just for the fun of annoying that old man.
School Events
There is a New Years Eve ball during the last week of school before Christmas break. Parties in the common rooms usually happen every month or two, it really depends on how far into the school year it is. All students from 5th year and above are allowed to go to the parties, and people follow this rule religiously.
Prefects and their responsibilities
There are 3 prefects in each house, there has to be at least one of each gender. The prefects don’t have a lot of duties / chores (I still want to live my life you know?). All they have to do is patrol the Hogwarts Express during the train rides, taking house points for misbehaviour and dish out detentions. Prefects do not have a curfew and can walk around freely unless told otherwise by the teachers, the same goes for head girls and head boys.
Slytherin's prefects: Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Daria Krum (me)
Ravenclaw's prefects: Padma Patil, Anthony Goldstein, Cho Chang
Hufflepuff's prefects: Ernie Macmillan, Hannah Abbott, Cedric Diggory
Gryffindor's prefects: Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Dean Thomas
School life
There are electives that students can choose from, some of the electives have felid trips, for example muggle studies go and visit a museum or something. The basic subjects like History of Magic sometimes have a fieldtrip once in a while too, historical magical places and such.
Laundry days are on mondays, wednesdays and fridays, the laundry itself is done by the house elves. To have your clothes washed you have to take them to the laundry room which is by the kitchen, you do not have to pick your clean laundry though, it appears back in your closet after it has been washed and dried.
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captainsophiestark · 1 year ago
The One and Only Exception
Percy Weasley x Reader
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Written for Fictober 2023!
Fandom: Harry Potter
Day 13 Prompt: "Come with me, hurry."
Summary: When Y/N and Percy end up in a small closet together hiding from angry Slytherins, certain feelings may finally come to light.
Word Count: 1,628
Category: Fluff
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"This is why you're my best friend."
I grinned as Oliver Wood, my regular partner in crime, whispered from next to me in the secret passage where we crouched. Normally, we were partners in Quidditch-based crime, coming up with the most amazing plays to destroy our opponents on the field. We'd been doing it since first year, even before anyone had been willing to listen to us and our Quidditch opinions.
Now, however, we were partners in crime in something that fit our Beater pair more than either of us. But with a match against Slytherin on the horizon and them playing ridiculous, cheaty mind games, I'd convinced Oliver to join me in doing the same.
We were going to get back at them by getting in their heads, the same way they'd been spending time trying to get in ours. And as soon as Marcus Flint came around the corner, ideally with a few other members of his team, our hovering bubbles of water and flour would drop down on them from the ceiling and our revenge would begin.
Thankfully, we didn't have to wait much longer. As we'd expected, Flint came into the hallway with his Beaters trailing him. Oliver and I waited for the perfect moment, then with a wave of our wands, dropped the balloons and flour smack onto their heads.
They froze in their tracks, horror on their faces, before they looked around wildly and angrily. Oliver and I shared a maniacal grin, then took off running in opposite directions as planned as Flint roared.
Oliver disappeared up the secret corridor as I popped into the hallway with the Slytherins, drawing their attention before disappearing around the corner of a castle hallway. Ideally neither of us would get caught, but Oliver was the Quidditch captain, so we needed to make sure he didn't get blamed for this lest the whole team be punished. Hence my part.
I could hear the footsteps of the Slytherins pounding against the cobblestones behind me, but I just cackled and picked up the pace, racing ahead. I flew around another corner, intending to put on a little more speed, but stopped dead in my tracks thanks to an unexpected obstacle. Percy Weasley, Oliver's roommate and one of my friends since first year, was walking down the hallway, completely oblivious of me and the angry Slytherins on my trail.
"Whoa! Y/N, what are you-"
"No time! Come with me, hurry!" I cried, grabbing Percy's arm and dragging him along after me. He immediately slowed me down, and if we kept going at this pace, Flint and his friends would catch us for sure.
Time for plan B.
I readied my wand and leveled it at the nearest door off the corridor, blasting it open before ducking inside, dragging Percy with me. I quickly shut the door behind us, relocking it with magic and then freezing to avoid making noise that would give us away.
"Really, Y/N, what on earth-"
"Percy, sh!" I said, raising my finger to my lips and staring him down with wide eyes. He didn't look completely pleased, but he listened, settling in to stare at me with his arms crossed while I watched the door.
I thought that would be that, but then Percy grabbed my arm to turn my attention back to him, one eyebrow raised almost into his hairline in demanding question. I sighed, then leaned in to whisper in his ear.
In the back of my mind, I realized just how closely together that put us, chest to chest in this tiny dark storage closet. I tried my best to force that train of thought to be quiet, especially since I was sure Percy didn't feel the same as I did.
"The Slytherins have been messing with our Quidditch team worse than usual," I whispered. "So, I'm helping my best friend by getting them back. We set a trap with water balloons and flour in the hallway, dumped it right on Flint's head, and got the Beaters too. After I triggered the prank, I took off and they chased. I ran into you, dragged us both in here so we wouldn't get caught, and now we're waiting for them to pass."
I leaned back at bit to gauge Percy's reaction, and for just a second, I thought I saw a faint blush on his cheeks through the dark. Then, I noticed his deep frown.
"What were you thinking!" he hissed, at least remembering to keep his voice down this time. "You know I'm the Head Boy, don't you? I have to get you in trouble for this!"
"Or..." I started, giving Percy a little smile as an idea came to me. He raised his eyebrows, still looking a little outraged, so I continued. "Percy, did you actually see me do anything wrong?"
"...Well, no. But I just heard you confess to dropping water balloons on the Slytherins-"
"Percy. I just saved you from an angry Marcus Flint, who absolutely had it coming, by the way. For once in your life just be chill."
He stared at me, stress written on every single line of his face, then finally sighed, his shoulders falling as he closed his eyes.
"Wait, really?"
He looked at me again, clearly incredibly tired of my nonsense. Maybe he was just trying to fake me out...
"Really, Y/N. I... you made a decent enough argument that I suppose, just this once..." he cleared his throat and rubbed at the back of his neck, and this time I definitely caught him blushing. "I suppose I can let it go."
"I freaking love you," I laughed, flinging my arms around him and pulling him in tight for a hug. He froze like a statue, then slowly, wrapped his arms around my waist. As he did, I realized what I'd just said, and I felt heat rising to my own face, too.
We stayed like that for a few beats, part of me not wanting to pull away and deal with the tension now blanketing this closet. After a moment, though, I did, slowly. Percy didn't drop his arms from around my waist, and I left mine around his neck as we made eye contact, all the humor and lightness gone.
"Percy..." I breathed. I glanced down at his lips before I could stop myself, and when I quickly looked back up after realizing what I'd done, I found Percy's gaze had wandered to my lips, too.
I smiled to myself, then leaned in and kissed him without letting myself think twice about it. I'd had a crush on Percy since fifth year, and Oliver had spent all of that time telling me to stop being a chicken and just ask him out. Now, two years later, I was finally managing to do just that.
Percy kissed me back as soon as he'd realized what was happening, and I smiled into the kiss. After a moment we pulled away, and I met Percy's eyes, wide with shock but a small smile on his face. I was practically glowing.
"You just kissed me," he said, like he still couldn't quite believe it. I nodded.
"I sure did. And I'm gonna do it again."
Percy huffed a quiet, happy laugh, then met me half way as I leaned back in towards him. Marcus Flint and the angry Slytherins were completely forgotten as I ran one hand through Percy's hair at the base of his neck, and he wrapped his arms even tighter around me.
"Hey, I think it's finally safe for you-"
Percy and I jumped apart and whirled around as the door flew open, revealing Oliver. I guess he'd come to find me once the danger of the Slytherins had passed, unfortunately for me. Oliver, Percy, and I stared at each other with wide eyes for a few moments, and then Oliver's face broke into a grin.
"FINALLY! I've had to spend years hearing you talk about Percy nonstop, only to go to bed and hear Percy talking about you until I hit him with a pillow!"
Percy and I exchanged a glance. I couldn't believe that all this time, he'd been just as hung up on me as I'd been on him.
"Alright, I don't need to see the lovey-dovey stuff even though I'm happy for you," Oliver said, putting his hand back on the door and taking a step back into the hallway. "Y/N, don't be late for practice. I expect to see you on the field in twenty minutes."
With that, he slammed the door again, leaving Percy and I alone in the small, dark space.
"You... you've talked to Oliver about me?" asked Percy, hesitant hope in his voice. I smiled.
"Of course. He's my best friend, and I've had a crush on you for years."
Percy beamed. "So have I."
"Well, I'm glad we finally got that cleared up then," I said, taking Percy's hand in the dark. It was amazing neither of us were literally glowing with happiness. "So... maybe we could do something this weekend? A date, or something?"
"I'd love that," he replied. "It's a Hogsmeade weekend, so perhaps some tea?"
"That sounds perfect." I leaned in to kiss him again, a short peck on the lips, then I pulled back and flung the closet door open. "I need to go or I'm going to be late to practice, and then Oliver will kill me, but... I'll see you in the Common Room tonight?"
"I'll see you tonight," he said with a little nod. I beamed back at him, then blew him one last kiss before taking off down the hallway again, headed for the Quidditch pitch outside, still floating on air. My prank on Flint had worked out even better than I'd hoped it would.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury
Harry Potter Taglist: @valkyriepirate
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dwightsfavourite · 1 year ago
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this is for my amazing friend, happy early bday @v4nnnce
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emo-remus-lupin · 13 days ago
Just realized that 'prefects' are like...real things
I'm American and thought that 'Prefects' and 'Headboys' only existed in Harry Potter...
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potatosneevees · 8 months ago
The Amortentia mysterium.
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fluffyneondinosaur · 6 months ago
so we know that the prefects during snape's time were pretty godawful, so it makes me wonder, how many of these people who became prefects actually wanted to be one?
Dumbledore picked them, but what if they were just great students and friends, but absolutely shit at enforcing rules, or maybe just didn't like helping with younger kids? Maybe they just didn't want the responsibility?
I know that I wouldn't want to be a prefect there, just because I don't really want to be responsible for so many little kids and I'd also struggle to enforce rules like curfew with my friends, so I know that I'd not only be terrible for it, but also hate it.
why not just let the kids do an application kind of process so they could pick people who actually gave a shit about their job?
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ozkar-krapo · 7 months ago
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"The Peel Sessions"
(12". Strange Fruit rcds. 1987 / rec. 1979) [GB]
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dyanosourrawr · 1 year ago
Oliver Wood x !Female !Weasley Reader
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It was Halloween night and you were quite excited to patrol the halls for prefect duties with Oliver Wood. You were excited because they planned to tell ghost stories the whole time. As she was waiting for Oliver outside of his common room for him she heard a quite unsettling noise. It was sort of like whispering but very faint. She shook it off and a bit later Oliver came out and greeted her, "Hello, Reader. Are you alright? You seem startled." He asked in his thick Scottish accent. "Yes, I'm alright...I think" You replied. "If you say so." He asked a bit concerned because you never acted this strange before. They began their duties and you heard the same whispering again. "Oliver?" You said in a nervous tone of voice. "Yes?" He replied, "Do you hear that?" You asked with a cracking voice. "Hear what?"
You don't reply. "Darling, you're worrying me." He said with concern in his voice. "It's like a faint whispering..." "Are you sure, love?" He questions, "Yes! I'm positive! What if it's a death eater? Or Sirius Black!" "It's not a death eater or Sirius Black. It's probably just your imagination, darling." He says as he tries to comfort you. "Alright..."
You continue walking for a few more minutes and you still feel uneasy about the whispering and wonder why Oliver can't hear it as well. Maybe it is just your imagination... Oliver was very concerned about you because you were acting very strange. At this point he completely forgot about the ghost stories they planned to tell. After a bit of wondering and deep thinking, you saw something in the corner of your eye. It was a person! "Oliver!" you practically yelled, "What!" he practically yelled as well, "Did you see that?!" "No?" he was so confused at this point. "I saw someone!" "Who!" "I don't know, Oliver!!" Suddenly everything went dark and you squealed out of fright. "Lumos." Oliver said and the tip of his wand lit up and right in front of their faces were Fred and George both of them smiling like mad men. You and Oliver screamed while Fred and George were laughing maniacally. Once you both stopped screaming, you looked right at your brothers and you were furious. "I swear! It was you who were whispering and making me think I was going insane wasn't it!"
They just giggled and looked at Oliver. "How was your "date" with Reader, Oliver?" Oliver looked very flustered, "I'm going to hit you!" You yelled at them before they ran off.
What a night!
Thank you so much for reading<3
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empirearchives · 2 years ago
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Style of dress of the Napoleonic prefects. The prefect system was established by Napoleon in 1800.
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em-sars · 1 year ago
Hot take: Dumbledore's worst decision was making Ron a prefect.
Why not Dean? Seamus? Even Neville???
I think any of them would have been better than Ron if he didn't want to pick Harry. I think Harry wouldn't have been made a prefect anyway, but he would have been FAR better than Ron. Ron canonically skives off prefect duties throughout.
Like, come on, JKR. Just because Harry isn't a prefect, doesn't mean it has to be Ron.
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britishhiphop · 20 days ago
Prefects - Evolving [Audio]
Dope banger from Prefects of the Liverpool based Chedeye Knights. Evolving has a stellar line up of Wu-Tang’s Cappadonna, Dr Lekta, Soulogik delivering the hard bars and with DJ Rasp on the cuts and Anno Domini on the beats. @officialcappadonna of Wu-Tang Clan@drlekta_hiphop@prefects1@soulogik_music@djrasp on the cuts@annodominibeats on the…
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ariasphirance · 4 months ago
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Let's go see some Gargoyles!
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dwightsfavourite · 1 year ago
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the-ramshackle-prefect · 27 days ago
BREAKING: Ace Trappola LOVES his friends SO MUCH
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tartppola · 5 months ago
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my dearest friend
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