#especially drenthe
jane-not-rizzoli · 2 months
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(Drenthe, 2014ish)
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thoughtlessarse · 3 months
Dozens of pesticides from agriculture and floriculture can be found in a radius of over 2 kilometers from the nearest field, according to new research by the citizen collective Meten=Weten. The pesticides aren’t only present during periods when they are the most used, but all year round, Trouw reports. The study by Meten=Weten, a citizens’ collective that conducts research into pesticides, focused mainly on the harmful effects of floriculture. The researchers took regular measurements for a year at seven different locations in Gelderland and Drenthe - some close to agricultural land, others far away in protected nature reserves. They found pesticide residues over 2 kilometers away from the nearest field, and not just when they are actively in use but all year round. At a measuring point in Diever (Drenthe), located 50 meters away from a field, the researchers found high peaks of the weedkillers pendimethalin and prosulfocarb, especially in the spring. The average concentration of pesticides in Diever was five times higher than in Wageningen, where the measuring point was in the protected part of the Veluwe, over 2 kilometers away from the nearest field. Yet here, too, researchers found pesticide residues all year round. In total, they traced around 70 different pesticides in the two provinces.
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I'm pretty sure crop duster planes are not used in the Netherlands, which makes these finding all the more disturbing.
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A wolf got hit by a car in Drenthe, the Netherlands, the second roadkill wolf in my country in a week's time.
Wolves returned just a few years ago after only being seen sporadically for the past 150 years. In those 150 years the country has changed a lot and there's barely any space or resources left for wild animals, human-wildlife conflicts are the result. Especially wolves, being the biggest predator we have, get to 'enjoy' the spotlights. They're not as afraid of humans as they should be. In November someone got chased (not hunted) by a wolf while out biking, about a month after a wolf was filmed casually wandering close to a family with children. Every so often a wolf is spotted in a town. Sheep are found dead in their pastures. Wolves are found dead alongside roads. Typical human-wildlife conflicts. Despite it all, most people are actually positive about the return of the wolf
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yeastymuffin · 6 months
16, 24, 29
Oh boy these are some good questions!
16. which stereotype about your country you hate the most and which one you somewhat agree with?
I honestly haven't a clue where to start with the stereotypes because I don't know how we are perceived at all. Every time there is a Dutch person in a TV show American (for example) they're German. Their accent is actually a poorly done German accent???? I guess, based on that, what I hate the most is the 'Dutch is basically German' statement.
Also, we are not all stoners!!! (but I am🤫)
We do bike a lot (i got drenched going to uni this morning by bike for example) and we, especially students and younger people, split the bill a lot of the time.
24. what other nation is joked about most often in your country?
The Belgians for sure. There is this stereotype/joke that they're dumb (which i don't agree with nor do i like those jokes). Also, we joke a lot about their roads being shitty (they're not that bad, but the second you cross the border you do feel the difference lol)
29. does your region/city have a beef with another place in your country?
UHHH, don't know if the city i live in right now has beef with other cities besides football rivalries but:
Volendam and Urk are our 'incest villages', with Urk also being very traditional.
Everyone hates Almere
The province of Drenthe isn't real
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airfirelove · 4 years
The Sensitive INTJ
(And other Fi users)
Our lovely INTJs have Fi in their function stack, which (I believe) causes them to be far more sensitive than they would like to have people believe. Fi is directed inward, but as I have been observing Fi users (INTJ, INFP, ISFP), it’s obvious that Fi is far more personal and (in my opinion) more sensitive than Fe. With it being an introverted function, it can cause the Fi user to be highly opinionated about what they love/hate, and I think Fi can become offended more easily than the outward facing Fe.
I’ve been studying how the cognitive functions appear in various types, and it really is fascinating.
In the case of the INTJ, I think that their Fi can be incredibly obvious if one knows how to look past their Ni/Te. I have done this while observing and getting to know an INTJ, and it did take a while for me to see it, but once I did it was quite clear.
Fi users (especially Fi-doms) seem to have the tendency of getting offended more often than Fe users. Fi anger blow-ups are (in my opinion) drastically different from Fe temper tantrums.
It’s like Fi anger is taking someone out with a sniper rifle because their attack will be more personal, while Fe anger is a tsunami that takes out anything and everyone in its path. This also works when someone else is angry with the Fi or Fe user: Fi is going to feel like they are being personally attacked; Fe is going to feel like they are being attacked but in a more indirect way. (This is also effected by the position of the Fi or Fe in the function stack).
Fi can present differently in people of the same type; some will have it more prominently than others, and this obviously will effect things too, but from what I have seen, Fi users tend to try to keep their emotions hidden. It is widely associated with “Fighting for “underdogs,” emotional restraint, nuanced morals and values, nurture and caregiving, sensitivity to perceived inequities and injustice” (-My True Type, A.J. Drenth).
But!! Fi users will process their emotions in a more extraverted way when they are feeling overwhelmed, but they will usually only do this with someone they trust, because they are not prone to share deep feelings with just anyone.
So the INTJ’s Fi is there, it’s sensitive, and it will get offended at you.
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Amnesia (Book Three)(Part Two)
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Alec made his way towards the training room. Not to practice, but for a small meeting. When he opened the door, Felix, Demetri and Jane where already waiting for him. Jane was standing with a perfect straight posture, hands together in front of her. Felix and Demetri on the other hand where leaning against some of the props, having a quiet conversation. Alec closed the door behind him and joined the small group of the guard. “Brother, what is going on? Where is Maeryn?” Jane asked. “I wanted to discuss something regarding Maeryn.” He said while Demetri and Felix looked at him, waiting patiently for what he has to say. Truthfully, Maeryn had gained a special place in the hearts of the other two guards. “Which is?” Demetri asked. “We all know that our quiet days will most likely be soon over. Aro, Marcus and Caius where discussing it. More vampires are gathering. They think a war is coming soon.” Alec started. “What has this to do with Maeryn?” Felix asked. “I wanted to ask you, when the time comes, to keep her safe. They would want her dead, especially because she has a very powerful gift. She is a threat. When a war breaks out, they will surely come after Jane and I. We have cause to many trouble and deaths, but Maeryn has barely touched anyone. I just ask for you to keep her alive, especially you Felix.” Alec continued. “Don’t you think they won’t come after me as much as they come after you?” Felix asked. “I know they will, but Demetri is a greater target, because he can track them down. Besides you are the strongest vampire there is. I am sure you can keep her safe.” Felix nodded his head. “So, what is the plan, brother?” Jane asked. It had been a relatively quiet day in the castle. Truth be told, it had been a relatively quiet month. Alec and Maeryn had shared the wonderful news of their engagement. Aro was thrilled with the news, Marcus was bored as always and Caius simply congratulated the couple. Over all, the whole guard was happy for them but everyone’s excitement was quite cool. As if they were worried. Admittedly, Maeryn also felt a kind of threat hanging around the castle, as if something bad was about to happen. Maeryn had been in quite deep thoughts, when suddenly, two strong and familiar arms wrapped around her waist. “Good evening, amore mio.” Alec whispered softly in her ear. Maeryn smiled and leaned back into his arms. “Good evening.” She whispered back. She turned her head around slightly so she could lay a small peck on his lips. She was about to pull away when his hand cupped her face and he pulled her closer to him. It was a passionate kiss, but also a demanding one. He kissed her as if it would be their last. Maeryn smiled slightly against his lips as her head went blank. Something that always happened when Alec kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss slightly when suddenly a loud bang could be heard. Maeryn pulled away. “What was that?” she asked worried. “I don’t know.” Alec said and he ran out of the room towards where the bang was heard. Maeryn followed.
The bang came from the throne room. What Maeryn saw was horrifying. Dozens of vampires where fighting the Volturi. But there was not much time to watch the scene unfold. Soon three vampires started attacking her and Alec. Maeryn quickly dodged them and used her gift to quickly destroy them. She quickly tried to see where Alec was but she couldn’t find him. More vampires attacked her. Two grabbed her arms while another jumped onto her back, trying to rip her head off. Maeryn growled and used her gift to push the three vampires off of her while Felix ran to her and got rid of the one on her back. Maeryn ripped the heads off of the other two, not even bothering with her gift. She was thankful for the combat training she received all these years while being a member of the Volturi. Her gift was fast, but it had been slightly too slow when it came to larger groups of vampires at once, and many where targeting her right now. More and more vampires came and attacked them. Even the three elders where fighting. Yes even Marcus. Felix tried to keep many vampires off her but there were too many. Every member of the coven needed to fight their own fights. Maeryn saw Jane struggling and kicked the vampire who was running towards into the wall and went to help Jane. The vampire was about to rip Jane’s head off when Maeryn concentrated and used her gift. The vampire soon froze in his spot as cracks quickly started to form in his skin, and soon he vanished into a pile of ashes. “Thank you.” Jane said relieved. “My pleasure.” Maeryn said, but soon she felt a vampire pulling her hair. Small cracks where forming on her forehead and cheek. Jane saw this and quickly used her gift while Demetri came, ripping the head off of the vampire. Maeryn rubbed her head while the cracks quickly healed. “Thank you Demetri.” Maeryn said. Demetri nodded his head and continued the fight. Maeryn tried to find Alec while continuing fighting the intruders. Maeryn recognised a few of them. She recognised the Denali sisters Tanya and Kate along with Kate’s mate Garrett , the Amazon coven, Kachirir, Zafrina and Senna, the Egyptian coven, Amun, Kebi, Benjamin and Tia and many more covens who the Volturi has been a threat to. Tanya attacked Maeryn, but Maeryn was fast and grabbed Tanya by her arm and smashed in her head. Kate saw this and quickly made her way towards Maeryn but Demetri was fast and pushed Kate away. Garrett growled and started to fight Demetri. Admittedly, Garrett was a good fighter and Demetri was having trouble fighting him off. Garrett had almost defeated Demetri when Alec used his gift and made Garrett blind. Demetri used this to his advantage and ripped Garrett’s head off. Kate growled in pain and started attacking Demetri. She kicked him away and turned to Alec. Alec was using his gift but he was not fast enough. Kate grabbed him by his neck and used her gift on full power. Alec kneeled down on his knees in pain. Vladimir and Stephan from the Romanian coven walked towards Kate as she held Alec down. Stephan grabbed Maeryn tightly and made her look at Alec. Vladimir, Stephan and Kate smiled in victory at each other while Vladimir grabbed Alec’s head with both hands from behind. “I have been waiting for centuries for this moment. Go ahead. Look at your mate one last time. Know that when you die, you couldn’t do anything to save her. Remember. You brought her into our world. Innocent in a way. But she will also pay for her actions, the same as how you and your evil spawn of a sister will pay for yours.” Maeryn seemed paralysed and could no longer move as she watched her mate kneel down. His burgundy eyes looked into her crimson ones. Time seemed to go a lot slower. The love they shared between them seemed to explode. Every moment together, from the very first moment they had laid eyes on each other back when she was 15 years old, when Maeryn was human until the last kiss they shared, they could both feel. Love. That is what these two vampires shared. But that love was about to end soon. No more kisses. No more soft touches. No more rough
touches. No more small arguments. No more laying in each other’s arms. And then, there was the sound of metal being teared apart, and Alec’s head was no longer on his body. Vladimir and Stephan threw Alec’s head towards Maeryn and smirked in Triumph as Alec’s head rolled in front of Maeryn. Maeryn was frozen, she couldn’t do anything else but to look at her mate’s severed head while his body fell down to the ground. The light had vanished from Alec’s eyes. And with that the light in Maeryn’s life had vanished. Empty. That was all she felt at that moment. Empty. Maeryn was about to fall to the ground when Felix grabbed her. “Felix go!” Maeryn heard Jane scream. “You know where to find us!” Felix yelled as he picked Maeryn up and started to run. Maeryn remained in a state of disbelief. The one person she gave herself to, everything she ever owned, ever loved was gone. Felix kept running, fighting off many other vampires who wanted to kill the two of them. He eventually escaped the castle and ran. He ran all the way towards the Netherlands, Drenthe to be exact. Maeryn vaguely recognised it. It used to be her mother’s favourite holiday destination. She remember walking with her parents and their dog, Max. Felix ran deep into the forest and soon found a small cottage. It was made of oak wood, with a dark oak wood roof. A small stream of water passed besides the cottage, ending in a small pond where fish where swimming calmly. There was a small chimney on top of the roof. By the frontdoor, there were a few chairs with table. It looked rather cosy. Felix grabbed the key and walked inside, gently placing Maeryn on the couch. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a blood bag out of the freezer and grave it to Maeryn. “Drink up. Those wounds need to heal.” He said. It had been the first thing he had said to her since they escaped the castle. Maeryn sighed and took the blood bag, taking a small sip. But, for the first time in her existence as a vampire, the blood made her slightly nauseous. Felix grabbed a blood bag himself and sat down on the sofa stool besides the couch. Maeryn looked around slightly. There was a large couch where she was sitting on at the moment. In front of the couch was a small coffee table with drawers in them. Besides the couch was the chair where Felix was sitting on and across from Felix was a TV hanging on the wall, with a radio besides it. In the kitchen was a small stove, sink and a fridge. The dining table was in the same place as the kitchen. A door separated the first floor with the second by a staircase. It was small, and cosy. Felix was waiting impatiently until he got a phone call. None of the two vampires moved. And after three hours the phone finally rang. Felix quickly picked it up and she could hear the voice of Jane through the phone. But Maeryn was still too numb to really pay attention to what Jane and Felix where saying. “Alright. Thank you Jane. Stay safe.” Felix said. Maeryn looked up, wondering what happened. “Aro and Caius where killed, along with Heidi, Santiago, Chelsea, Renata and many of the lower guards. Even Sulpicia and Athenodora along with Corin where killed.” Felix started. He took a deep breath and spoke the words that she knew already, but when he said it her world collapsed once more. It shattered in a million different pieces. “And.. and Alec.”
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adventure-hearts · 4 years
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Taichi - ESTP Yamato - INFP Sora - ENFJ Koushirou - INTJ Mimi - ESFP Jou - ISTJ Takeru - ENFP Hikari - ISFP Daisuke - ESFP Miyako - ENFP Iori - ISTJ Ken - INFJ
Discussion and Commentary below!
If you’ve read some of my previous headcanons about the MBTI, and in particular this very popular post from four (!) years ago, you may find I’ve changed my mind a lot.
An important thing about this typology (or any other one, really) is that it’s quite easy to just look into some websites and make decisions based on the keywords used to describe each type. Which is what I used to do. Keywords are helpful to help us get the “basic picture” (hence why I quote them in this post), but now I believe that you have to read actual theory in order to understand the subtle differences between each type and make more educated guesses.
Since then, I’ve been reading more deeply into MBTI and the Functions. Consequently, the way I understand the MBTI has changed significantly, and so have my Headcanons.
It’s been particularly interesting to learn about the Inferior Function, or the “dark side” of each personality type. The more I read about it, it became surprising that how it seemed to describe most of the adventure kids’ characters arcs incredibly well. This is another reason why the combination Chosen Children + MBTI is such a fascinating and fun thought exercise!
It should be noted that different authors can have widely different interpretations of types, which is why, for the sake of simplicity and coherence, I’ve only read 3-4 main sources when preparing this post. And I tried stay away from popular MBTI websites and resources that exist around the internet, most which can have a slightly misleading/superficial vision of each type. 
However, this doesn’t mean my HCs are “RIGHT” or that other people can’t have better ideas. I’m as biased about the characters as anyone else. I’d be very happy to hear alternative takes!
Taichi - ESTP Dominant function: Se
Flexible and tolerant, they take a pragmatic approach focused on immediate results. Theories and conceptual explanations bore them - they want to act energetically to solve the problem. Focus on the here-and-now, spontaneous, enjoy each moment that they can be active with others. Enjoy material comforts and style. Learn best through doing.
Taichi is pretty easy to type, and most ESTP descriptions fit him nicely. Thompson notes the archetype of ESTP is James Bond and Xena the Warrior Princess; I think the character of Taichi, who represents Courage, fits in the same tradition — a bold, impulsive, adventurous leader who is good at strategizing and is able to make though decisions, but is is also very charismatic and charming.  Taichi’s tendency to become thoughtful, introspective, and indecisive under stress can be explained by the inferior function, Ni.
Yamato - INFP Dominant function: Fi
Idealistic, loyal to their values and to people who are important to them. Want an external life that is congruent with their values. Curious, quick to see possibilities, can be catalysts for implementing ideas. Seek to understand people and to help them fulfill their potential. Adaptable, flexible, and accepting unless a value is threatened.
By contrast, Yamato is always the most difficult to type! I ended up using INFP rather than INFJ, because I think it makes more sense for his dominant function to be Fi (introverted feeling): “Due to the introverted nature of Fi, INFPs’ status as feelers is not always evident from without. When immersed in Fi, they can seem a bit cool, aloof, or indifferent.“ (Drenthe). This type is pretty well representative of Yamato’s caring, passionate and caring side, and especially his conflict during Adventure is beyond, his search for self and meaning. Yamato’s more critical, aggressive, angry, and impetuous side is easily explained by him falling under the influence of the inferior function of this type, Te.
Sora - ENFJ Dominant function: Fe
Warm, empathetic, responsive, and responsible. Highly attuned to the emotions, needs, and motivations of others. Find potential in everyone, want to help others fulfill their potential. May act as catalysts for individual and group growth. Loyal, responsive to praise and criticism. Sociable, facilitate others in a group, and provide inspiring leadership.
Another character who’s relatively difficult to type. I see Sora as being in the middle of many of the Preference axis, hence why I initially typed her as something pretty difference different. But now I’m pretty convinced her dominant function is Fe, even though she’s probably only 51% Extroverted. She leans more towards iNtuition than Sensing: Sora’s definitely someone who can pick up things intuitively, especially when it comes to human relationships. So, ESFJ could probably work as well, but I see her as more of an NF type than a SJ type. Sora’s tendency to become hypersensitive, stubborn and withdrawn when under stress? That’s the inferior function, Ti. 
Koushirou - INTJ Dominant function: Ni
Have original minds and great drive for implementing their ideas and achieving their goals. Quickly see patterns in external events and develop long-range explanatory perspectives. When committed, organize a job and carry it through. Skeptical and independent, have high standards of competence and performance - for themselves and others.
This is an example of how learning more about Functions made me change my mind! I believe Koushirou is the text-book definition of INTJ and the Ni function. Koushirou isn’t just someone who thinks — he creates knew knowledge and connects theoretical possibilities. One of the effects of the inferior function of this type, Ni, is an “Obsessive focus on external data”, which means that they can become obsessed with controlling small details, which is what Koushirou tends to do under stress.
Mimi - ESFP Dominant function: Se
Outgoing, friendly, and accepting. Exuberant lovers of life, people, and material comforts. Enjoy working with others to make things happen. Bring common sense and a realistic approach to their work, and make work fun. Flexible and spontaneous, adapt readily to new people and environments. Learn best by trying a new skill with other people.
Mimi is a rather obvious fit for this type, not only with her bubbly and happy exterior, but also her naïveté and compassion towards others (Crest of Purity). 
Jou - ISTJ Dominant function: Si
Quiet, serious, earn success by thoroughness and dependability. Practical, matter-of-fact, realistic, and responsible. Decide logically what should be done and work toward it steadily, regardless of distractions. Take pleasure in making everything orderly and organized - their work, their home, their life. Value traditions and loyalty.
Jou’s type seems pretty straightforward. The characteristics of this type to fit him (and the Crest of Honesty) very well. The inferior Function of this type is Ni, manifested as impulsiveness and catastrophizing — classic Jou moves whenever he looses his cool.
Takeru - ENFP Dominant function: Ne
Warmly enthusiastic and imaginative. See life as full of possibilities. Make connections between events and information very quickly, and confidently proceed based on the patterns they see. Want a lot of affirmation from others, and readily give appreciation and support. Spontaneous and flexible, often rely on their ability to improvise and their verbal fluency.
Takeru is REALLY hard to type. Mostly because, just like his brother, he isn’t as transparent as he seems. Behind that charming, open, happy façade, Takeru runs deep. I ended up choosing ENFP is described as the most optimistic of all types (Crest of Hope), and they are very charismatic and inspiring as well. The “dark side” of this type can be hopelessness or depression (see also: tri. Chapter 3!)
Hikari - ISFP Dominant function: Fi
Quiet, friendly, sensitive, and kind. Enjoy the present moment, what's going on around them. Like to have their own space and to work within their own time frame. Loyal and committed to their values and to people who are important to them. Dislike disagreements and conflicts, do not force their opinions or values on others.
Hiakri is another one whose type isn’t obvious, but maybe for different reasons than the other characters I hesitated about — we just don’t see enough of her. I think you can make a strong argument for her being an Intuitive type, but ultimately I think Fi represents her better.
Daisuke - ESFP Dominant function: Se
I know it’s reductive to say Daisuke and Taichi have different personality type, but that’s easy to understand if you see them as being in different stages of type development.
Miyako - ENFP Dominant function: Ne
I’ve always thought Takeru and Miyako are pretty alike, hence why I think they would both fit this type.  
Iori - ISTJ Dominant function: Si
Again, Iori and Jou are pretty alike, although at different stages of their personality development. I could see Iori a ISTP/ISTJ, too — to be fair, I haven’t made up my mind totally about him.
Ken - INFJ Dominant function: Ni
Seek meaning and connection in ideas, relationships, and material possessions. Want to understand what motivates people and are insightful about others. Conscientious and committed to their firm values. Develop a clear vision about how best to serve the common good. Organized and decisive in implementing their vision.
I’m just going to go and give Ken INFJ, although I’m not entirely sure it is the best fit. Ken is incredibly complex, but Ni seems to describe him fairly well. And certainly, the “dark side” of Ni, Se, can very well explain why Ken developed his Digimon Kaiser persona.
A brief summary of the 8 Functions:
Introverted Intuition (Ni) collects conscious and subconscious information, and then synthesizes it to produce convergent impressions, insights, answers, and theories. It sees deep causes, patterns, and laws underlying sense data. It is characteristically penetrating and insightful.
Extraverted Intuition (Ne) surveys and creatively recombines a breadth of ideas, associations, patterns, and possibilities. It is characteristically innovative, divergent, open-ended, and non-discriminating. Outwardly, Ne users may present as scattered, random, quirky, witty, and ideationally curious.
Introverted Sensing (Si) retains, consolidates, and recollects historical and autobiographical information. It attends to and draws on a concentrated body of past experiences, routines, and traditions (i.e., the “tried and true”). It forgoes the constant pursuit of new or broad experiences, finding safety and security in stability and consistency. It also surveys inner bodily sensations.
Extraverted Sensing (Se) seeks extensive outer stimulation in the “here and now”—new sights, sounds, tastes, experiences, etc. It is open-ended and non-discriminating with respect to new experiences. It can also be associated with image-consciousness and observation skills, displaying a keen eye for detail. Outwardly, it may manifest as a recurrent desire for activities beyond talking (“Let’s do something!”).
“Introverted Intuition (Ni) collects conscious and subconscious information, and then synthesizes it to produce convergent impressions, insights, answers, and theories. It sees deep causes, patterns, and laws underlying sense data. It is characteristically penetrating and insightful.
Extraverted Intuition (Ne) surveys and creatively recombines a breadth of ideas, associations, patterns, and possibilities. It is characteristically innovative, divergent, open-ended, and non-discriminating. Outwardly, Ne users may present as scattered, random, quirky, witty, and ideationally curious.
Introverted Sensing (Si) retains, consolidates, and recollects historical and autobiographical information. It attends to and draws on a concentrated body of past experiences, routines, and traditions (i.e., the “tried and true”). It forgoes the constant pursuit of new or broad experiences, finding safety and security in stability and consistency. It also surveys inner bodily sensations.
Extraverted Sensing (Se) seeks extensive outer stimulation in the “here and now”—new sights, sounds, tastes, experiences, etc. It is open-ended and non-discriminating with respect to new experiences. It can also be associated with image-consciousness and observation skills, displaying a keen eye for detail. Outwardly, it may manifest as a recurrent desire for activities beyond talking (“Let’s do something!”).
“Introverted Thinking (Ti) utilizes deep and nuanced logic to examine techniques, problems, concepts, or theories. It seeks self-regulation and self-optimization through the development of personal skills, methods, and strategies. It takes a skeptical and reductive approach toward knowledge.
Extraverted Thinking (Te) uses explicit logic, including standardized methods, measurements, policies, and procedures, to make systems and operations more rational, efficient, or effective. This often involves working as part of an institution, be it corporate, scientific, academic, etc. Outwardly, Te delivers opinions and directives in a firm, direct, measured, and unemotional fashion. It may at times be perceived as harsh, tactless, or unsympathetic.”
“Introverted Feeling (Fi) explores and refines personal tastes and feelings, contributing to a strong sense of personal uniqueness. It is self-regulating and self-controlling, working to maintain inner emotional and moral order. It may also emotionally invest in a limited number of love objects, be they persons, animals, hobbies, or causes.
Extraverted Feeling (Fe) surveys a breadth of human emotions, values, and morals. It strives toward interpersonal rapport, consensus, and continuity. It can also be associated with effective communication and social intelligence, facilitating growth and transformation in others. Outwardly, it delivers opinions and directives in a direct yet tactful way, often with a sense of emotional urgency and conviction.
in My True Type, A.J. Drenth
A.J. Drenth. “My True Type”
Lenore Thomson. “Personality Type”. 
A.J. Drenth. “The 16 Personality Types”.
The 16 MBTI® Types https://www.myersbriggs.org/my-mbti-personality-type/mbti-basics/the-16-mbti-types.htm
Naomi Quenk, “Was That Really Me?”
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jovialenfp · 5 years
“So instead of instinctively moving toward their partners, they may find themselves moving away from them, hoping to procure enough space to reestablish their individuality. Feelings of guilt, confusion, and uncertainty may arise as NPs work to understand and reconcile who they are as individuals with who they are in the relationship. How much should they compromise? Will they lose themselves? What feels most authentic?”
“Despite their high hopes and ideals, it’s unfortunate that many NPs have allowed their marriage to take on a more or less conventional form and trajectory. If NPs insist that other aspects of their lives (e.g., their career) be a genuine reflection of who they are as individuals, why aren’t they demanding the same sort of authenticity in their marriages?”
“Fashioning an authentic relationship requires the ability to identify and communicate one’s own needs, as well as incorporate those of one’s partner. Only by making both partners’ needs explicit, and shaping the relationship accordingly, will the marriage start to feel more authentic and rewarding. Of course, this is never as easy as it sounds. Since most relationships are founded on unconscious attraction, including an unrealistic, idealized version of one’s partner, the prospect of disclosing one’s actual, post-infatuation needs can be terrifying: What if she doesn’t love, respect, or support the real me? Will she accuse me of having changed (in a negative way) or of having been disingenuous? Will she leave me if she knows who I really am, what I really want?”
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boppinmule · 6 years
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Sometimes it’s better to shut up, which might be the case here! Bad luck, my mouth should be glued and that’s not the case so I’m gonna tell you how extraordinary amazing these skies over the Dutch province of Drenthe are, and they are! It is not often I saw such stunning colors above me except when I was drinking a lot! The valley in which these trees are barely growing are wetlands and the heart of it all is a gorgeous river meandering through the landscape! The wet part of the lands is long gone now because of the 6 months it hardly has rained any! Nature is getting her ass kicked pretty seriously, especially these wetlands where almost everything is dependent on plenty of water! Wet feet so to say! Lets hope for natures sake the rains are coming fast and lots of it! learned folk say, two/three months constantly to replenish what has evaporated in the months prior! If it comes then please at night till early morning!! #sky #天空 #skyporn #sky_brilliance #sky_perfection #amazingsky #eveningsky #sunset #日落 #sunset_love #sunset_madness #sunsetlovers #landscape #风景 #landscapephotography #landscape_lovers #scape_captures #netherlands #荷兰 #rural_love #ig_discover_holland #mood #evening #colorful #travel #旅行 #travelblogger #instatravel (bij Kampsheide - Deurzerdiepje) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpPc6VsCl9m/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jvcjn1nnyms5
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Took this picture during a visit to Drenthe. One of the biggest ‘hunebedden’ there is. These old graves used to be covered by sand, but were digged up in the 19th century by overly enhusiastic archeologists. The state they were in never really returned, especially since ever after parents let their children play on these monuments. They’ve been there for thousands of years - but the last 100 years have done most damage, as with most things. 
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Petrus Kiers (5 January 1807, "Het Groeneveld", near Meppel - 17 November 1875, Amsterdam) was a Dutch painter, graphic artist and photographer. He created portraits, still-lifes and cityscapes, but he is best known for his genre scenes, lit by lamps or candles.
His first lessons were with the landscape painter Douwe de Hoop. From 1825 to 1826, he attended the Rijksakademie. He would continue to work mostly in Amsterdam but, beginning in the 1860s, also worked in Drenthe, especially in Assen. In 1837, he married the painter Elisabeth Alida Haanen, daughter of the artist Casparis Haanen. Their son, George (1838-1916) became a marine artist and their daughter, Catharina (1839-1930), was a still-life painter. Elisabeth died in 1845 and he remarried in 1850, having two more children. In 1841, he won a silver medal in a competition held by the Felix Meritis Society. He was a member of Arti et Amicitiae and, in 1856, he was appointed a member of the Rijksakademie. He exhibited widely, including shows in Paris and New York. Maria Vos was among his best-known students. He also gained a reputation as a pioneering photographer. For several years he was a partner in a photography studio with Johann Benjamin Snoek (1816-1864). Later, he had his own studio in Assen.
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en24news · 5 years
Population growth ignores Drenthe, Groningen and Friesland - Groningen
Population growth ignores Drenthe, Groningen and Friesland – Groningen
The Netherlands grew by 130,000 last year. But there is no question of population growth in the three northern provinces. This is evident from the latest figures from Statistics Netherlands. The above-average population growth in the Netherlands was largely due to the arrival of migrants last year. Not only asylum seekers and their relatives traveling along, but especially knowledge workers…
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mewrouw · 3 years
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Almere, Flevoland.
The most disgusting place in the Netherlands.
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God, forgive me. To begin with, the air is terrible. I don't know why, but it is what it is. It is just full with some salty moisture, and while it was near okay in Middelburg, in Almere it is much more harsh and irritating. And when you look through all of those streets with this air... Gosh. I just can't stand it. This is actually the reason I wasn't wandering so long in the Almere, while it definitely required much more attention (wanted to visit the port part, eh). Secondly, the trash is everywhere. Seriously, it sucks, even in the most shitty Moscow Neighbourhood the situation is better. No offence, just my own perception, I may be wrong. Consider also that I came in the evening, so there may be just no maintenance, while in Russia they work primarily in the evening. However, things definitely need to be done!
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Yes. The ugliest stadhuis. Right after the Lelystad, I bet. It looks like a shopping mall, and the square after it is also dirty. Which sums up everything about Almere. And the flag. It is pretty ugly. Yes, offence, fuck you. North Brabant has a much better flag!
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The center was... Eh... Nice?... However, I don't like an obvious zuidas style. However, in this case I understand that the whole capitalist influence comes from the people, who work in the Amsterdam and want Amsterdam there. But overall it is nice. Just not so fun to dwell in and explore, the same thing in Zuidas. And it is also pretty small.
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I can see some nordic influences. Yes, in the very center it is neat. But some buildings can look shitty. You can see a rainbow center far away. It looks appalling. God, Netherlands is the most beautiful and ugly country at the same time. Fuck.
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Just a field in the center. I bet that they carry some activities there. Carried, at list. If it is not, then it is still a nice place to hang out in, especially if you live in such a shitty city as Almere.
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The Hell. The fuck. Why? I understand, business, gelden, VVD, but WHY? It looks absolutely disturbing. Especially this stained glass crap on the top. If I didn't know that I am in Almere, I would've thought that it is Nizhny Novgorod or Bryansk, or some other crappy russian city in the middle of Drenthe.
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Toilet inspired setting. I had no doubts that it would be Kruidvat. However, yes, I must admit that it looks original, not just like another beton box or etc.
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Another square. Kind of similar to the Nijmegen. Yet to conclude, I must say that it was a quite nice city to look at. Though, yes, it is disgusting and shitty. But what can we expect from Flevoland?
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hudsonespie · 4 years
Cruise Ship Completes Sea Trials Overcoming Unique Obstacles
The new luxury cruise ship Silver Origin recently completed sea trials overcoming a long list of unique challenges in her construction. Dutch shipyard De Hoop, which is building the ship for Silversea Cruises, had to overcome not only the challenges created by coronavirus but also weather and other elements.
The sea trials held off the coast of Goeree-Overflakkee between April 27 and 29, including the first-ever remote operations and tests required by the restrictions in place across Europe due to COVID-19. 
"We usually have a large team that participates in the sea trials, but this year was different because of the extraordinary situation," says Vesa Uuttu, Director of Newbuilds & Site Office NL, Royal Caribbean Cruises. "Hence, a limited team participated—enough to comply with regulations."
Travel bans prevented sub-contractors from reaching the ship for its sea trials including for the critical test of the ship’s dynamic positioning system, which permits it to maintain its location without dropping an anchor. This is especially important for the Silver Origin, which will be operating in the ecologically fragile Galapagos Islands. 
As a result, the positioning system was remotely tuned and calibrated over the internet using headsets and cameras by technicians 1,800 km away in St. Petersburg, Russia. Onboard, the captain acted as the lookout during the maneuvering tests.
"This was the first time such an operation has been completed remotely during a sea trial," says Fre Drenth, the Director of De Hoop Shipyard. "The tuning was successful and took no longer than usual."
Trial team during remote tuning and calibration - courtesy De Hoop Shipyard
This was far from the only challenge De Hoop faced during the construction. Shallow waters on the Waal River delayed Silver Origin's float out, but heavy rains in Western Europe in early in 2020 prevented the Silver Origin from passing beneath the 12 bridges that separate De Hoop shipyard from the sea. She reached Rotterdam more than a month behind schedule just as the restrictions related to the coronavirus locked down Europe.
The global restrictions forced De Hoop to reduced its workforce, but approximately 200 employees - mainly skilled carpenters - remained at the shipyard, some living on-site, and coping with everything from daily temperature checks to social distancing that required video calls along with enhanced cleaning procedures to ensure the safety of everyone involved in the efforts. 
Canceled flights meant that contractors could not reach the yard as well as materials. One of the most severe supply chain issues came from the closures in Italy that disrupted the installation of the ship's windows and galley. 
The keel for the Silver Origin was laid on February 6, 2019. The finishing touches are now being applied ahead of the ship's delivery in the coming weeks and departure for her homeport in the Galapagos Islands. It is currently anticipated that she will enter service in the fall of 2020.
Key statistics
Tonnage: 5,800 GRT Length overall: 101m Beam: 16m Registry: Ecuador Max speed: 14 knots Guest capacity: 100 Crew: 86
(Photos courtesy Silversea Cruises)
  from Storage Containers https://maritime-executive.com/article/cruise-ship-completes-sea-trials-overcoming-unique-obstacles via http://www.rssmix.com/
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boppinmule · 6 years
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Even when bone dry nature sometimes is capable of producing a real treat! As I was riding my bike along a dirt road, which led me through the countryside of the Dutch province of Drenthe I got real thirsty and hit the brakes to quench it! As I was standing there in the dust with temperatures well above 30°c I dismounted and reached for a water bottle in my bags! While leaning a little forward I saw some very tiny birds doing some acrobatics in the undergrowth and while observing them I saw some blackberries hanging there and instantly I rushed over there! Of course watching my step not to trample on any very thirsty bird and I picked one, put it in my mouth and what an unbelievable sweet taste it was, so delicious you never ever get the store bought! I ate a few and let the rest hang to let nature have its course! Shamefully there are, in this otherwise deserted area, groups of people carrying buckets and some even with cigarettes burning, picking literally bucketloads of these fruits! Nature organizations ask that if you find these bushes just pick a handful and leave the rest for the animals and birds to feed on especially now, with this very long rainless period and a heatwave on our hands! Todays temperatures reached 37°c which is in my country, the Netherlands pretty high! So people if you walk along these blackberry bushes leave some fruits hanging because these days there aren’t just enough for a feeding frenzy!! #nature #自然 #instanature #naturephotography #fruitsofnature #outdoors #outdoorliving #outdoorlife #外面 #ig_discover_holland #netherlands #nederland #荷兰 #mooidrenthe #nationaalparkdrentscheaa #drentslandschap #landschap #landscape #风景 #fruit #fruits #水果 #blackberry #freshfruit #photooftheday #rural_love #norain #climatechange #food #travelphotography (bij Balloërveld)
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michaelfallcon · 6 years
Dutch Coffee Outside The Randstad At Black & Bloom In Groningen
Specialty coffee is booming in the Randstad, as the Dutch call the conurbation of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, and Utrecht. But what about outside this urban quadrumvirate? Yes, beyond these metropolises, there lies a coffee universe. And in the more rural, less-tourist-traipsed country’s north, there is an undeniable Polaris: Black & Bloom. Located in the province and same-named city of Groningen, the cafe has been shining bright since summer 2012. Locals know it. The rest of the world should, too.
The individual behind it is barista, roaster, and Specialty Coffee Association technical and sensory judge Gerben Engelkes. His first name means “strong as a bear with a spear” in Frisian. It is fitting; Engelkes is unshy about sharing emotions and is given to bold statements about what he likes and what he does not like. He has competed in four Dutch Brewers Cups, the last being in 2016, when he placed fourth, proudly using coffee Black & Bloom had recently begun roasting.
Gerben Engelkes
That same year, Dutch trade publication Misset Horeca awarded Black & Bloom first place on its annual Koffie Top 100. This year, Engelkes is a head juror for the ranking body. He acknowledges that the list is sometimes derided by specialty coffee industry colleagues; one common criticism is that venues—or their more moneyed sponsors, often commercial roasters—must apply to be assessed and the applications carry a fee.
“Lots of people say, ‘You sold your soul.’ I say, ‘No, I just want to improve coffee quality in the Netherlands,’” says Engelkes. “It was meant to be a list to make entrepreneurs aware that coffee is their business card and they should improve in making better-quality coffee in HORECA [food service], in general.” The jury’s scope is “not specialty,” he emphasizes, but coffee-serving establishments overall, “in a bar, for instance, on the corner.”
On an old street near neighborhood of the University of Groningen, Black & Bloom seats only 25. Though neat and meticulously furnished, it feels comfy, not cramped. There is a place for everything, including a two-group Synesso MVP Hydra and four grinders: a Victoria Arduino Mythos One, an Anfim Super Caimano, a Mahlkönig EK 43, and a Mazzer Mini.
Referring to Black & Bloom’s menu, two espressos and two filters are “the magic number,” says Engelkes, “because you cannot keep [more than that] fresh.” To prepare the latter, he favors the Kalita Wave “because of the flat bed immersion.” For coffee cocktails, he uses a Kyoto-style cold-brewed elixir and fruit syrups from the 130-year-old Groningen liqueur-makers Hoog Houdt.
Tempting cakes “have the look and feel of North America and the taste of the Netherlands—so [they’re] not overly sweet,” says Engelkes, who bakes them himself, though can easily take up confectionary consultation with his wife, a pro pastry chef. She comes from the northern province of Drenthe, where her parents had an asparagus farm. In fact, for both spouses, food has been a family enterprise.
Engelkes’ parents once ran Vonk’s Automatiek, a snack bar in his hometown of Winschoten that was passed down from his grandfather. There, Engelkes witnessed an artisanal approach to quickly consumed everyday treats—the croquettes, among other deep-fried staples, were made by hand. Engelkes’ cosmopolitan outlook and signet-ringed flair for presentation seem influenced by a period in his early 20s, when he was employed as a hotel operational manager in Salzburg, Austria. Later, he returned to the Netherlands and managed a small hotel in the seaport city of Delfzijl. That was no dream job, though it awakened him to local demands.
“Especially on Sundays, we had 10 kilos of coffee going through easily on a fully automatic machine,” he recalls observing on his hotel shifts. “So I said, ‘Let’s do something different than that. I want to be the best coffee place in Delfzijl.’”
Engelkes did not open the best coffee place there, but eventually—after barista training, owning two franchises of Coffee United, and working a merch stand at World of Coffee 2012 in Vienna—did so in Groningen. Black & Bloom is set to hold the title.
This past May, the shop’s Giesen W6A moved into a new roastery, allowing for an increase in weekly output beyond the previous 45 to 60 kilos. That, in turn, will let Engelkes expand wholesale and—planned for this fall—launch a subscription service. He would do well to ship coffee to other provinces (not least adjacent Friesland, where the city of Leeuwarden was designated a 2018 European Capital of Culture) and, really, anywhere else on Earth wanting a taste of the Dutch north.
Black & Bloom is located at Oude Kijk in ’t Jatstraat 32, Groningen. Visit their official website and follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Karina Hof is a Sprudge staff writer based in Amsterdam. Read more Karina Hof on Sprudge.
The post Dutch Coffee Outside The Randstad At Black & Bloom In Groningen appeared first on Sprudge.
Dutch Coffee Outside The Randstad At Black & Bloom In Groningen published first on https://medium.com/@LinLinCoffee
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