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Out of the epilogue kids, who do you think are the most likely to have been oops babies? My money's on Iori's daughter (mainly because she appears to be about 11, meaning she would have been born while Iori was in his early 20s), Daisuke's son, Mimi's son, and Takeru's son.
Iori is actually the one I think it’s least likely to have an oops baby. I just assumed he married young because he’s more traditional.
Most of the 02 kids could fit into this category, actually. After all, Takeru, Hikari, Daisuke and Ken are only two years older than Iori, and their kids are the oldest ones in the group. They all started having kids before or around 2016, when they were around 25 years old, which is statistically unlikely to be a plan they all had. Maybe there was a particularly crazy summer when they all went a bit crazy and there was a baby boom? I’m going to guess Iori and Hikari started families deliberately early, while the others had a combination of unplanned pregnancy and/or they all just influenced each other to have kids around the same time.
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Why do just assume all the epilogue kid are perfectly healthy? Have they never heard of invisible disabilities (like heart defects or learning disabilities)? Also, since most of the epilogue kids are wearing long sleeves and/or long pants, how they be certain none of the kids have a prothetic limb?
Sorry for not replying sooner, but I’m not active around here anymore.
The official epilogue is meant to be a fairy tale happy ending, but the beauty of it is that it was vague enough to be a blank slate where everybody can project their own dreams and headcanons.
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Thanks to everyone who sent help yesterday! I honestly assumed everyone had fled to TikTok by now. Glad to see some of my older posts are still getting views and comments, this makes me happy!!!
I ended up watching the US dub first, which was an interesting experience. Good voice acting. I also rewatched Kizuna (the first movie) in the Portuguese dub, which was a weird nostalgia bomb. Maybe that's why I liked it better this time.
Kizuna worked better on a second view, even though I was critical of it at the time, I still liked it.
The Beginning was just... fine? I'd read spoilers sometime ago so I wasn't exactly watching it for the plot. It's always a pleasure to see the 02 kids together, but I did feel they took a secondary role in their own movie and didn't really have anything to do. Can we please get a new story where the caractere we actually want to see aren't sidelined over a random Chosen Child no one cares about?
I'm so glad in a way that I'm not as deep into the lore as I was pre-2020, because I get the impression that both of these movies retcon a bunch of stuff while simultaneously acknowledging tri., Movie 3, and even some Kakudou Twitter background info. It's actually more enjoyable to watch these sequels when your brain isn't engaged with analysing everything.
Beggers can't be choosers; I hope they keep making many many more Adventure stories in the main canon line.
Just give me my Epilogue / second generation movies once and for all.
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Oh, hi!
I don't know if anyone is still alive out there, but by any chance does anyone know where to watch/find the new Digimon 02 movie in the original version? Apparently it was released on BR / streaming this week.
I don't mind sailing the high seas; I shall keep your identity a secret.
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*peaks in from the outside world*
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I loved this series so much!!
The Chosen as Major Arcana Tarot Cards
The Fool: Motomiya Daisuke
The Magician: Izumi Koushiro
The High Priestess: Anami Eimi
The Empress: Takenouchi Sora
The Emperor: Yagami Taichi
The Hierophant: The 02 Crew
The Lovers: Digimon Partners
The Chariot: Ishida Yamato
Strength: Yagami Hikari
The Hermit: Gennai
The Wheel of Fortune: Inoue Miyako
Justice: Hida Iori
The Hanged One: Kido Jyou
Death: Ichijouji Ken
Temperance: Homeostasis
The Devil: Digimon Kaiser
The Tower: Dark Towers
The Star: Takaishi Takeru
The Moon: The Dark Ocean
The Sun: Tachikawa Mimi
Judgement: Older Chosen
The World: Global Chosen
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⤿ and nothing else matters
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Digimon Adventure Music ~20 Essential Songs~
(( masterpost ))
These are probably the most important songs in the Digimon Adventure, Digimon Adventure 02 and Digimon Adventure tri (!) soundtrack. This list includes the Opening Themes, the Ending Themes, most important insert songs, as well as some major instrumental tracks.
I believe that every Digimon fan should know these pieces of music — they are the most important songs in the Adventure universe, and most play a prominent role in the actual TV series. They also happen to be awesome!!
Oh, and If you like listening to them, I encourage you to support the artists.
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#digging old posts#digimonmusic#the algorithm suggested this to me so I thought... why not bring it back?#this is original series only#tri and kizuna had some cool tunes as well
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Just thought about the trope/archetype "Yamato Nadeshiko", assuming you are familiar with this trope/archetype, do you think the Adventure universe has at least one female character that falls under this?
Yes, and it is c a n o n
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Hypothetical scenario question: Let's say Toei is planning to do a sequel movie to Kizuna, and at some point in said movie the Chosen (or at least Taichi, Yamato and Sora) get their partners back after the separation rule, what king of Adventure stories the creators could give us before said movie comes out?
It would depend on the timeline of this hypothetical film. The way I see it, you have three options, each leading to very different products.
the post-Kizuna years (2010-2015?)
A movie taking place not too long after Kizuna would need to pick up where that movie left off. More specifically, this means that any “pre-movie stories” ought to focus how the chosen reacted to their loss (something Kizuna didn’t touch upon, except for Taichi and Yamato) and of course give us more clues about how their path towards their epilogue lives. The characters being in their 20s means that they could still continue to play the angle of “becoming an adult”.
My ideal medium for this period would be short, character-based slice of life stories, maybe something similar to the Memorial Drama CDs that filled the gaps between Adventure and 02. Basically, letting us know how everyone is doing in a period of (presumable?) peace.
In addition, this would be the perfect timeline for a 02-centric story. After all, the younger kids still haven’t lost their partners. With the older kids unable to fight, you have a justifiable reason for Daisuke and co. to take centre stage and get a proper sequel (maybe a miniseries), leading up to a movie where everyone gets their partners back.
But there’s a very small window where this could happen because...
the baby boom years (2015—2025?)
The Epilogue implies all the 02 kids had children really young — mid 20s at most —, which means that from around 2015 there’s a few years everyone is just busy getting married and raising babies who are still too young to make interesting characters themselves.
While us fans could probably make fantastic scenarios about our favourite Millenials dealing with parenthood, something tells me the Digimon franchise wouldn’t want to go in that direction.
Also, the pandemic. Unless they give us a lockdown CD drama.
This means that, in my opinion, this era wouldn’t be very appealing for official stories in any medium or even a movie.
the “distant future” years (2025?—2028)
They could also wait until we’re a bit closer to the Epilogue in 2018, by which point:
a) everyone would be established in their careers, at least enough to make them work plotwise;
b) “everyone has a Digimon partner” can become an established reality, so you’re already deep into the World of the Future;
c) the second generation is old enough to actually become players in the story (infants are adorable, but hard to write into stories). They could actually have their own independent storylines.
Again, any kind of “a day in the life” story set in this period, leading up to a movie filled with action and battles, would be compelling.
Putting the “everyone gets their partner back” decades later raises stakes a lot, but has its disadvantages as well. Do people actually want to see a Digimon film where the characters are pushing 40? Would people embrace new characters who are the children of Taichi and co.?
TL;DR There’s an infinite number of possibilities where they could set an hypothetical “the Chosen get their partners back” film. Any gaps between Kizuna and this period could be explored in interesting ways, especially if the franchise didn’t feel restricted by genre or medium. I believe the first and third options I presented would be the best scenarios!
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I just remembered that this week is adventure-hearts’ sixth anniversary!!!
Some of those early meta posts still get likes, which fills me with a mixture of pride and cringe... but they are relics at this point. I’m also happy that, despite the hiatus, AH still gets a decent amount of readers every month. Thanks for your support 🥰
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I’ve watched the 20th anniversary Memorial shorts (thanks to everyone who ordered / subbed / shared it) and it just cemented my conviction that THIS IS THE KIND OF ADVENTURE MATERIAL THEY SHOULD GIVE US FROM NOW ON!!!
Short films. Drama CDs. Novels. Special Events.
We don’t need a super complex save-the-world plot or even expensive long-form animation. Just give us a bunch of small character moments and silliness with all these characters.
(And it’s hilarious to me that in Japan they also have the “8th grade syndrome”?! I remember my History teacher warning us about it at the time. In Portuguese it’s called something like “the age of stupidness”. It must be a universal experience 🙂)
#digimon#digimon adventure#20th anniversary#don't ask for links they are outthere#YOU WOULDN'T DOWNLOAD A CAR#I guess this is The Last Thing so now I can move on#it was worth it!
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Taking into account Sora's decision to not fight anymore in her Memorial Story episode, what do you think that was her reaction to finding out about the separation rule regarding the Digimon? (Recall that she was the first to trigger the countdown as seen in the Kizuna opening but we don't see her reaction.)
The fact that Sora had to go through that unprepared (did anyone warn her?), alone and above all off-screen... to quote Takeru, it’s unforgivable.
It’s purely fanfic territory to imagine how Sora reacted after Piyomon vanished and she finds out it’s permanent (I sure hope everyone is writing lots of post-Kizuna hurt/comfort fics). Kizuna ends in a hopeful note, so there’s no reason to believe Sora and the other chosen wouldn’t follow Taichi and Yamato’s reactions and move on to adulthood with courage and hope, trusting they’ll meet their partners again.
I personally like to think Sora took it bad at first, especially if she comes to blame herself for breaking of the partner bonds prematurely. It’s especially cruel that fighting is said to accelerate the process, but Sora’s decision not to fight ended up making her the first to lose her partner anyway.
But later, I believe the grief triggered an epiphany for her when she realised she should follow Piyomon’s advice and put herself and her dreams first, and live her life boldly and unapologetically. And that’s how we got fashion designer Sora a few years later!
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Have you ever done an analysis about Sora's situation in her Memorial Story short? And if you did, can you put up a link to it?
There you go!
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2020 review
Phew, the year is almost over! Good riddance. I hope everyone is coping as well as possible and that 2021 is more promising.
It’s crazy to remember we got the final Adventure film this year, in addition to a novelization, short films (more to come soon, hopefully!), and a freaking 02 Drama CD! Oh, and the reboot. If they’re closing the 99!Adventure vault for now, at least we got some nice good-bye presents.
Some of the fandom highlights of the year for me included:
When fans misread the original Adventure: logo as Ψ and everyone started calling the reboot Psi. Future fans will speculate about the obscure origin of this nickname, but we saw it happen.
The #KizunaCountdown challenge
The #DigimonEpilogueCelebration organised by yours truly (who didn’t finish it, but was touched by everyone else’s participation!)
Patamon at Starbucks
After 20 long years, the VERY FIRST English translation of the greatest Adventure Drama CD, Michi e no Armor Shinka! (An historic occasion if you ask me — it was the last untranslated piece of the Adventure universe.)
Cute lockdown headcanons / scenarios. Lockdown babies. (I used to think Sora and Yamato eloped, but now they just had a COVID 19 wedding. Sorry, this is canon).
Kizuna leaking after the international release was postponed. Thanks, TOEI!
My Typing the Chosen series (and when others posted their own HCs in response!)
That time I used my sleuthing skills (and Google Analytics) to discover the identity of the Anon who was sending me “love” about the above.
Appreciation challenges for 02 and tri. (I wish I’d taken part!)
The 20th anniversary of 02!
The fifth anniversary of tri. (and THIS MOMENT in particular)!
I’d say, all things considered, 2020 was a decent year for fans.
Although adventure-hearts has essentially been on hiatus for most of this year, I want to thank everyone who kept following, reading, and sending asks. I can’t promise I’ll be more active in 2021, but I still check the blog occasionally, so despite the lack of updates, don’t hesitate to keep in touch.
Have a safe and fun 2021!
FYI: We’re only 7 years away from the “distant future” portrayed in the Epilogue🤡
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Digimon is such a strange franchise.
Only two of the eight anime series are more or less universally acknowledged as “good”, with fan consensus on everything else ranging from flawed to terrible.
But then Tamers is more respected than beloved, and even Adventure has its a detractors as well (mostly people who don’t like how it overshadows everything else in terms of popularity). This fandom is hard to please.
Why is TOEI is seemingly so inept at writing / producing Digimon anime?
#random thoughts#no I haven’t been following the reboot#But some of the reviews sound sooooo familiar#Looks like this series is getting as critically acclaimed as Xros Wars and the like
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Is Tri your favorite installment of Digimon? You seem to love it a lot.
No, actually I’d say it’s my third favourite behind Adventure and 02.
I do love all three series pretty much equally. They all have their strengths and weaknesses, and all three are far from perfect. But each of them speaks to me in their own special way.
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