scumashling · 45 minutes
When BoJack Horseman (2014-2020) said "you can't keep doing shitty things and then feel bad about yourself like that makes it ok. you need to be better" and "all we have are the connections we make" and "I really should've thought about the view from halfway down" and "sometimes you have to take responsibility for your own happiness" and "you do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around, you turn yourself around, THAT'S what it's all about" and "things have to get worse before they can get better" and "in real life, the big gesture isn't enough, you need to be consistent" and "if we hadn't met each other until now, we wouldn't be the people we are now" and, my personal favourite, "every day it gets a little easier, but you gotta do it every day, that's the hard part, but it does get easier".
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scumashling · 6 hours
Whumpee who genuinely views their encounters with Whumper as consensual. They're not under any illusion that Whumper is a good person, the contrary. But they "agreed" to having sex – for more comfortable living conditions, less restrictive access to Whumper's home, anything to make the horrific ordeal they went through more bearable. It wasn't Whumper's idea to have sex, it was theirs. And they're insulted by anyone who tries to say they were a victim.
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scumashling · 6 hours
CONTENT WARNING: Noncon references, alcoholism, forced/coerced intoxication, emotional abuse/manipulation
Just Alcoholic Whumper Things
Whumpee always going hungry because Whumper is spending food money on booze
Whumper who visits Whumpee in their cell after a long night of solo binge drinking
Whumper rapidly shifting between Happy Drunk, Angry Drunk and Sad Drunk during a conversation with Whumpee
Whumper throwing a bottle at the wall and it shattering near Whumpees head
Whumper forcing Whumpee to drink with them so they'll feel less alone and worthless.
"I'm glad I have you. None of my drinking buddies want to hang out with me anymore."
Alternatively, Whumper manipulating Whumpee into drinking with by playing into the trauma of being Whumped (you've been through so much. You deserve something to take the edge off.)
Whumper telling Whumpee "I like you a lot better when I'm drunk"/"You know, when I'm this drunk, you almost look cute."
Whumpers own trauma getting triggered while drinking, being too wasted to recognize where they are and who they are with, and starts screaming at Whumpee as if Whumpee is their abuser
Whumper sobbing about how lonely they've been while they strip Whumpee, not noticing they are also in tears
The taste of cheap vodka and stale cigarettes in Whumpee's mouth as Whumper sticks their tongue down their throat.
Whumper who loses days on end due to their binge drinking. Whumper never remembering the nights they took advantage of Whumpee. How can you apologize for something you don't remember anyway?
Alternatively, Whumper who does apologize for noncon but claims the booze made them act this way.
Whumper drunkenly inviting Whumpee to stay in their room for the night as an apology. Whumpee choosing to sleep on the floor
Whumper relapsing and taking out the rage and shame they feel on Whumpee
Whumpee who cant even stand the sight or smell of booze without being triggered
Alternatively, Whumpee developing their own drinking problem after getting away from Whumper
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scumashling · 7 hours
Just Alcoholic Whumper Things
CONTENT WARNING: Noncon references, alcoholism, forced/coerced intoxication, emotional abuse/manipulation
Whumpee always going hungry because Whumper is spending food money on booze
Whumper who visits Whumpee in their cell after a long night of solo binge drinking
Whumper rapidly shifting between Happy Drunk, Angry Drunk and Sad Drunk during a conversation with Whumpee
Whumper throwing a bottle at the wall and it shattering near Whumpees head
"I'm glad I have you. None of my drinking buddies want to hang out with me anymore."
Whumper forcing Whumpee to drink with them so they'll feel less alone and worthless.
Whumper making Whumpee take shot after shot until they get sick
Alternatively, Whumper manipulating Whumpee into drinking with by playing into the trauma of being Whumped (you've been through so much. You deserve something to take the edge off.)
Whumper telling Whumpee "I like you a lot better when I'm drunk"/"You know, when I'm this drunk, you almost look cute."
Whumpers own trauma getting triggered while drinking, being too wasted to recognize where they are and who they are with, and starts screaming at Whumpee as if Whumpee is their abuser
Whumper sobbing about how lonely they've been while they strip Whumpee, not noticing they are also in tears
The taste of cheap vodka and stale cigarettes in Whumpee's mouth as Whumper sticks their tongue down their throat.
Whumper who loses days on end due to their binge drinking. Whumper never remembering the nights they took advantage of Whumpee. How can you apologize for something you don't remember anyway?
Alternatively, Whumper who does apologize for noncon but claims the booze made them lose control (it will not stop them from drinking)
Whumper drunkenly inviting Whumpee to stay in their room for the night as an apology. Whumpee choosing to sleep on the floor
Whumper relapsing and taking out the rage and shame they feel on Whumpee
Whumpee who cant even stand the sight or smell of booze without being triggered
Alternatively, Whumpee developing their own drinking problem after getting away from Whumper
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scumashling · 8 hours
Soft dom intimate whumper + whumpee starved of affection = the most deliciously fucked up dynamic that I can't get enough of
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scumashling · 8 hours
Some non-sexual whump whumpee goes through makes them unable to engage in kink activities they used to really enjoy. Maybe they were deprived of a bed for too long and can't sleep in their cage anymore, or beaten too much to enjoy impact play, or spent too long in sensory deprivation to tolerate being blindfolded. Honestly the possibilities are endless.
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scumashling · 9 hours
Spitting blood:
If your mouth or nose is bleeding and you spit with force, that hurts
Getting hit or stabbed in the gut does not normally make you spit blood but you might puke
If you've been hit in the face (including bitten tongue) crying/tearing up is a common reflex in addition to the bleeding
You can end up with blood in your mouth by biting your tongue, bloody nose (running into the mouth from the back), bloody lip, knocked-out tooth
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scumashling · 1 day
where's that picture that ruined my life
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scumashling · 1 day
Religious Zealot Whumper torturing Winged Demon Whumpee by nailing down their wings in mock crucifixion.
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scumashling · 1 day
a character being tragic does not preclude them from being a clown, a loser, evil, a bitchass punk, and/or someone who needs to get their shit rocked
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scumashling · 1 day
Are people under 18 allowed to interact with your blog/writing? D:
I'm assuming since you're asking this, you're under 18.
Please understand: I am old. I come from the days when, if you were under 18 on the internet, you sure as shit did not tell anyone. The sight of blogs with a minor's real age, face, location, and goddamn triggers makes me wince. Don't... don't do that.
I can't stop teenagers from reading my work, and for the most part, I think it's fine for teenagers to read, but then I'm the sort of person who thinks sixteen year olds should probably be reading mostly adult books.
That being said, while there is nothing sexually explicit on this blog, there is kink in both some of the stories and the reblogs. I would prefer not to interact with minors about kink for reasons that I hope are obvious.
Another reason why I mark my writing as 18+ is to avoid the "think of the children" brigade who loves to censor anything "problematic." My stories quite clearly contain slavery, dehumanization, brainwashing, abuse, and deeply unhealthy relationships. I intend these works for an audience that doesn't need it spelled out that These Things Are Bad. I write for an audience that can separate fantasy from reality and understand that being held captive by vampires is a fun and interesting scenario to think about, but not anything that would be remotely okay in real life. I want people to sympathize with Alexander while still recognizing he is keeping a man captive against his will, and not have to spell that out constantly.
Many teenagers are completely capable of understanding this nuance. Some aren't. (Some adults aren't, either.) But the 18+ signifier is to make it clear that these are not works for children intended to teach a moral lesson or provide healthy examples for life. These are works for adults who want to read about dark and taboo scenarios.
That's all a long-winded way of saying that what I want is for any teenage readers to be careful about what they're reading and who they're interacting with. Please be safe and don't message adult creators about sex or kink, both for their sake and yours.
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scumashling · 1 day
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scumashling · 2 days
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scumashling · 2 days
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Messy Mind b Juan Moru
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scumashling · 2 days
Whump Prompt #1332
TW: Substance Abuse | Overdose
Anon asked:
Do you have some prompts for a whumpee struggling with substance abuse after some bad things happening in their life, and their friend / caretaker supporting them through it?
A few:
Maybe the caretaker notices erratic behaviour and decides to address it gently. This could lead to a discussion, or even an argument if the whumpee tries to deny it despite the evidence being clear. (Why do they try to deny it? Are they ashamed? Embarrassed? Worried about what people are going to think?)
The caretaker could find out about the abuse when the whumpee hits rock bottom. They could get a call from the hospital/a concerned friend etc. Maybe they haven't heard from the whumpee in a few days, so decide to do a welfare check of sorts. They could get there just in time to witness the whumpee overdosing.
Does the whumpee relapse? Do the caretakers threaten to give up on them?
^ I like the idea of the caretaker saying that in private, but the whumpee accidentally overhears.
During recovery they celebrate small victories - a day sober, three days sober, a week sober etc etc. It becomes tradition to get a cake for every milestone. Maybe at a longer milestone - when the whumpee as gotten much better - it's not until late at night that they realise it's a milestone day. Their only option is to go to a gas station to find a cake, but their only choices are the questionable hotdogs, flowers, a chocolate bar, or even more questionable sushi.
At first the whumpee rejects professional help, but seeing the strain it puts on the caretakers, they decide to seek out a therapist.
Don't forget the withdrawal symptoms.
What kind of coping mechanisms do they put in place? Chewing gum? Knitting? Folding laundry?
On the emotional side - the whumpee has to work very hard to repair the relationships they damaged.
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scumashling · 2 days
Whumper kidnapping winged Whumpee as a hostage, cutting off their wings, and using one of the feathers as a quill to write a ransom note to Caretaker
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scumashling · 2 days
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