#entj quotes
mbtitime · 2 years
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The 16 types as School of Philosophies
Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and everything else @mbtitime and @typefy
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mistype360 · 4 months
mbti types as scents
infj, enfj : sandalwood, patchouli, sage, jasmine, cacao butter
enfp, infp: vanilla, hibiscus, rose, autumn, lilacs, parchment
entj, intj: bergamont, eucalyptus, cashmere, almond, lavender
intp, entp: lemongrass, nutmeg, spearmint, blood oranges
esfj, isfj: rosemary, white musk, brown sugar
istj, estj: leather, toffee, mahogany, black cherry, cedarwood
isfp, esfp: sea salt, clay, coconut, ocean, cactus, peaches
istp, estp: pine, petrichor, lemonade, champagne, bourbon
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shakespeareallanpoe · 10 months
Damian, after taking the MBTI test: "So I am the Commander™️. Naturally."
Raven, leaning over: "Your type looks grumpy."
Damian: "Because being in charge of the morons who aren't commanders is a burden."
Raven: "But would you really want a world of only commanders?"
Damian: "Of course not beloved. I would want a world of about 10,000 of whatever your type is."
Raven: "That's a small world."
Damian, casually: "My whole world is only one person and yet you make it worth a universe."
Raven: *blushes*
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hashira-in-training · 2 years
MBTI incorrect quotes :D
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oiblackestsheep · 4 months
MBTI Types as Spongebob quotes that live rent free in my head
INTP: "Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets." - Spongebob
INFP: "I knew I shouldn't have gotten out of bed today." - Squidward
INTJ: "Stupidity isn't a virus, but it sure is spreading like one." - Sandy
INFJ: "The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma... *milk spills* " - Patrick
ENTP: "You don't need a license to drive a sandwich. " - Spongebob
ENFP: "I was trying to tell you that I was choking on snow, but the snow melted and turned into water, and I drank all the water, and now I'm better." - Patrick
ENTJ: "Well, it wouldn't be the first time you ruined everything." - Squidward
ENFJ: "If I were to die in a firey explosion due to the carelessness of a friend... then it would just be alright." - Spongebob
ISTP: "Can I be excused for the rest of my life?" - Spongebob
ESTP: "How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?!" - random fish
ISFP: "Always follow your heart unless your heart is bad with directions." - Spongebob
ESFP: "See, no one says 'cool' anymore. That's such an old-person thing. Now we say 'coral', as in 'That nose job is so coral.'" - Pearl
ISTJ: "I order the food. You cook the food. The customer gets the food. We do that for 40 years, and then we die." - Squidward
ESTJ: "My diet Dr. Kelp? How am I supposed to eat this without my drink?!" - random fish
ISFJ: "I'm so loyal, I don't mind sleeping out on the cold, hard ground while Captain Krabs sleeps in his warm, dry tent." - Spongebob
ESFJ: "Good people don't rip other people's arms off." - Spongebob
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darkpoetryshop · 2 years
I feel like this is an INFP mood
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dystopicbrain · 2 years
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that’s the way of the world. go with the winner
— Breaking Bad (2008)
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gojygo · 10 months
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said every INTJ to INFJ ,ESFP
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MBTI Incorrect Quotes
quotes from here
ISFJ, texting ESTJ: ESTJ there’s a moth on the outside of the bathroom door can you get rid of it? ISFJ: Pls hurry because I’m going to cry ISFJ: ESTJ ISFJ: ESTJ ESTJ: ESTJ is dead. You’re next. Love, Moth.
INFJ: Firstly, how dare you use mathematics to make me look stupid! INFJ: I’m actually very good at mathematics. INFJ: Thirdly, I think you might be right.
ISFJ: She was poetry, but he couldn't read. INTJ: His name was Jared he's 19. ISFP: When his parents built a very strange machine. ESFP, singing: Watch that scene, digging the dancing queen. ENFJ, singing: Eyyyy, Macarena! INFJ: Horrible job everyone.
ENTJ: ESFJ, why are you crying? ESFJ: This book is so sad!! ENTJ, picking it up: But this is my diary-
ENFP: Operation no more distractions is a go! *not even 10 seconds later* ENFP: Oh, look! A butterfly!
ISTJ: Is something burning? ESTP, leaning seductively on the counter: Just my desire for you. ISTJ: ESTP, the toaster is literally on fire.
ENFP: Caffeine no longer keeps me awake while I work, so instead I have ENTJ periodically send me texts saying ‘we need to talk.’ ENFP: It gives me the right amount of adrenaline and fear I need to keep going.
ISFP: When was the last time you cried? ENTP: Uh 15 minutes ago, why?? ISFP: really? That recent? ENTP: Yeah *voice crack* is that a issue? *starts crying again*
ENFJ: I’m ENFJ. I'm an accountant. INTP: I’m INTP. I have a knife.
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capncarolinee · 2 years
is no one going to talk about how damn near every "academia aesthetic" blog on here is ran by one of the following: I(or E)NFJ I(or E)NFP I(or E)NTJ I(or E)NTP what are we all diagnosed with lol. wut is our correlation to all being into this. Most Sincerely, an INFJ whose a fan
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thisismyanimus · 2 years
hijacking the tags
i imagine that this post will show up if you search for a combination of any two words appearing here
if you like any of those topics or are brazilian, hit me up, follow me, message me, idk
se você gosta de algum desses tópicos ou é brasileiro, me segue ou manda mensagem
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antheiantics · 2 years
I don't remember at which point of my life in the past year, I started begging myself to let it loose, to let it go.
We humans are such greedy, broken, dismal creatures. We wish to be loved and yet some of us deny it as if its a lethal desease. The truth is, I've known romantic love only through books and poetry. I'm not sure I completely understand the emotion itself. It feels foreign and as something possible only for other people, but not me.
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freakyrocket · 10 months
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So much left to conquer , right ;)
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ibelieveloveisreal · 2 years
A goal with no plan is a delusion
- Overhaul from My Hero Academia
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typefy · 2 years
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Alfred Adler 🧐 was a physician and psychiatrist who is famously known for individual psychology and inferiority complex.
He was a colleague of Freud’s, and helped establish psychoanalysis.  His theory focused on looking at the individual as a whole, which is why he referred to his approach as individual psychology.
His theories have played an essential role in a number of areas including therapy and child development. 
A major influence to psychologists and psychoanalysts like:  Abraham Maslow, Eric Fromm, Karen Horney, and Carl Rogers
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dystopicbrain · 2 years
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— American Psycho 2 (2002)
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