1800pain · 1 year
For those of us who like to avoid a certain population of the Tumblr system community, I have compiled all of the tags that I could find for endogenic or non-traumagenic systems. Feel free to add anything I've missed, because I know I 100% have. Endos are fucking leeches.
They're sorted alphabetically the best I can, and also sorted by relatability.
#endo #endogenic #actuallyendogenic #actually endogenic #endogenic system #endogenic systems #endogenicsystem #endo system #endos with trauma #traumaendo #traumaendo system
#endogenic culture is #endogenic culture #endos please interact #endos interact #endogenics interact #endogenics please interact
#parogenic #parogenic system #parogenic culture
#natural system #created system
#willogenic #willogenic culture #willogenic system
#non traumagenic system
#plural #plural system #pluralgang #actually plural #plurality #almost plural culture
#mixed origin system #mixed origins #actuallymixedorigin
#multigenic #actuallymultigenic #multigenic pride
#polygenic #actuallypolygenic
#compogenic #ixturgenic #divergenic #hazygenic #ethergenic #diformogenic #morphogenic
#endo positivity #endo safe #pro endo #proendo #endo neutral #endogenic safe #endogenic friendly #endogenics are valid #pro endo system #pro endogenic #endo positive #endo friendly #endos welcome #endogenic systems ily
#non traumagenic safe #nontraumagenic friendly #non-traumagenic safe #pro nontraumagenic
#inclusive plurality #inclusive plural #all systems welcome #accepting of all plural types #all origins welcome #all systems are systems
#parogenic systems ily #willogenic systems ily
#anti endos dni #tw anti endo #tw endogenphobia #tw endophobia #endophobia mention #endophobia tw #endomisia tw
#anti nontraumagenic dni
#tw sysmed #shut up sysmed
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grossgvtz · 2 years
☆Reminder!! ☆
☆Trace people do not exist! you guys are mentally ill and need help!:3 Neither do transage people! Neither do transabled, transplural, transautistic people! You guys need serious help! Same with M4PS and 44MS you need to seek mental help. Also endos/tulpas/demos you are all invalid! Proud sysmed<3/hj (i dont think you need a full diagnosis, but do your research if u speculate! and please talk to actual diagnosed people! or do tonz of research and compare nd contrast!)(*≧∀≦*)☆
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dumdumcookie · 3 years
Hello!! Nervous-
Name: Strawberry Crepe Cookie
Nickname: Nikkii
Role: Host!! I think??
Gender: Nebularian
Pronouns: She/They, or if you’re good with neopronouns, voi/void/voids/voids/voidself! 
Type of Alter: I’m one of the alters that formed as a kid, but at the time I was just...identifiying with the body, kinda?? All the originals have changed form, appearance, names, etc over time. 
System Type: Soulbond
We support BLM, endogenics, neopronouns, mogai, kinnies, etc!
I know Strawberry is technically a DA, but please don’t refer to them as a delusion for me. I struggle with reality a bit...!
My brother Herb Cookie also goes by Charles, and my twin flame is Espresso Cookie [we’re some weird mix of platonic and romantic, i’m not sure...?]
Yes, we do have headmates from other sources!
My kins are: Mikan Tsumiki, Kris Dreemurr, Mukuro Ikusaba, and Vendetta [from Rebornica].
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systemliberty · 4 years
For Endogenic System Awareness Day (Which is April 15th)
What are Endogenic Systems?
(This is to clear up the misinformation about endogenic systems)
Endogenic systems are systems who become plural though natural neurodevelopment, not because of any traumatic events, intentional acts (tulpamancy), or spiritual experiences or beliefs. Note that this does not necessarily mean an endogenic system never gone through trauma, never attempted tulamancy, or does not have spiritual beliefs, but only that these things are not the cause of becoming a system. 
(In the case of tulpamancy, it means they were already plural before adding tuplas to the system, though some may consider the act to re-classify them as a “mixed” system). 
How is this possible?
Various hypotheses and explanations have been put out by endogenic and non-endogenic systems alike, including theories of dissociation and human neurology, but as of now we don’t have any concrete answers as to how it happens, only that it must be possible because my systems already live this way. I have heard there’s a study happening with tulpamancy, which if true, also may led to studies of other system types. 
What’s the difference between endogenic systems and non-endogenic systems? 
Endogenic systems, by definition, did not become systems because of trauma, intentional acts, or spiritual experiences, so they do not meet the definition of traumagenic, tupla, spiritual systems. However it is possible for a “mixed” system to have both endogenic and traumagenic members, both endogenic and spiritual, etc.
Do Endogenic systems choose to be systems?
Most Endogenic systems have existed as systems for as long as they can remember in early childhood, before their brain could let them make such decisions.  Choosing to create a headmate through psychological (or less commonly spiritual) means is tulpamancy, thoughtform, a paragenic system, which are a whole different part of the plural community. 
Are Endogenic systems dangerous or a*usive?
Not as a category. Of course there are some endogenic systems who a*use other, just as there are non-endogenic systems and singlets who a*use others. But there is no reason to think that just because someone is in an endogenic system that they will automatically be any more dangerous than an non-endogenic system or a singlet.
Why do you say “endogenic systems” every time? Why not just “endos”?
“Endo” is already short for endometriosis and endocrinologist, which can cause confusion. In addition, abbreviating “endogenic” to “endo” was polarized by anti-endogenic elocutionists attempting to turn endogenic into a slur, not by endogenic systems themselves. 
Why do endogenic systems use DID/OSDD terminology? Why not make their own terms?
Most modern system terminology (such as plural, multiple, system, traumagenic/endogenic, fictive/factive, and so on) was coined by endogenic or spiritual systems, and then graciously shared with the DID/OSDD community. If a traumagenic system claims to own the word traumagenic, they are in fact the ones committing an act of appropriation. If an endogenic system does feel compelled to or comfortable using DID/OSDD terms (such as introject or alter) it is because systems of various origins have more commonalities than differences, and this we, think, should be celebrated.  
“Remember all systems are valid and deserving of love and understanding, and acceptance.” 
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endo-phobic-blog · 6 years
Endogenics are ableist and make a mockery out of my disorder. They also arent real or valid.
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urfavisendophobic · 6 years
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divididbydesign · 4 years
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So, among other things, which I currently do not have the time to do delve into completely, I have been seeing certain persons claiming to be multiple, plural, or systems despite the fact that they never experienced any form of trauma. Allow me to say this in the most polite way that I can. By the very definition and process of how a person develops alters, it is impossible to do so without repeated trauma at a young age. Alters form when a child below the age of 7-9 experiences severe and repeated trauma to the point that they must distance themselves from the experience in order to survive. The brain reacts by forming amnesiac barriers which prevent the child from being able to integrate into one concrete state of awareness and personality. If the trauma happens after the ages of 7-9, after the child has already fully integrated, no alters will develop unless the child has already developed alternate states of consciousness. If no trauma happens, the child will never, develop alternate states of consciousness. Rather you prefer to be called alters, multiples, plurals, systems, or anything else, there is only one way for a person to develop alternate states of consciousness, and that is through trauma. You may not remember your trauma, and that is understandable given the nature of dissociation and dissociative amnesia. However, if you truly never experienced the necessary trauma, you DO NOT have alters. These disorders (DID and OSDD) are a very necessary coping mechanism, created by a child's mind in order to escape indescribable pain and fear. They are not a trend to hop on. They are not up for redefinition by people on Tumblr who want to be edgy or cool. They are not cool, fun, or anything to be desired. This is a very real, and terrifying problem, and it is already far too difficult to find help and support without those of us who are real victims being marginalized and stigmatized by others who just want to seem different. #dissociativeidentitydisorder #dissociation #ptsd #traumagenicsystem #endogenicsystem #trauma #did #dissociativesystem #dissociating #dissociativeamnesia #osdd #osddsystem #osdd1b #osdd1a https://www.instagram.com/p/CDfqnOVjHmHXj6ZiuXfCCUj-p1fd9YE65HuYl00/?igshid=qm2iirxefy5
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endogenichaven · 3 years
Hey, I'm Fictionlink. Is it Possible that I'm endogenic? I don't hear other voices or anything in my head. I don't know much about endogenic systems and want to learn. -D (Shifted in; Dad)
If you're fictionlink and only have the standard fictionlink experiences (choosing to identify as something) that by itself doesn't indicate plurality or a system. Our FAQ is a good place to start for basic information (although it's a little outdated) but there are also sites like Endogenic Hub (for endogenic systems), tulpa.info and tulpa.io (for created systems) and Soul Whispers (for soulbonding) that contain more details. Hopefully this helps!
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sophieinwonderland · 2 years
- Cassie
Cant ask on my own blog so using my main. I know others in my system have interacted with you a few times so you may recognize me. Anyway, what do you think of this?
Hi Cassie! I recognize your system but I'm not sure if I remember you, specifically... sorry. If we haven't interacted before, it's nice to meet you! 😁
On the video...
That is a really misinformed opinion. I've actually talked about internal family systems therapy a lot here, which is one of the most common forms of the "parts work" she refers to.
The term endogenic system was coined by the Lunastus Collective in 2014. It was never used to refer to internal family systems or parts work before that point.
And while these therapies are often used to treat trauma, my understanding is that they have far broader applications as well.
Regarding accusations of Munchausen Syndrome and factitious disorders, these never made much sense to me. Someone pretending to have a disorder will try to replicate symptoms as closely as possible. Generally, they want to appear sick so that people will have to care for them and feel sympathy. They won't just say they have some DID-like symptoms without trauma or memory separation or distress.
They would invent fake trauma, talk about it openly and publicly to prove they experienced it, and present symptoms in the most stereotypical way possible for the most severe forms of DID. Their presentation of symptoms conforms to what is expected of the disorder.
If you tell an endogenic system that systems can't control when they switch, we'll shrug our shoulders and say "well, we can." If you tell someone with a factitious disorder this, they will decide they can't control their switches anymore.
Basically, I don't think Ivy understands endogenic systems, parts therapy, Munchausen Syndrome, or any topic she covered at any point in this video.
I do like the effects though. 😁
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bottomshelfbarbie · 3 years
#didsystempride #didsystem #didmemes #didpride #dissociativeidentitydisorder #dissociadid #dissociativeidentity #dissociativesystem #dissociativedisorder #systempride #system #didcringe #fakedisordercringe #didsystemproblems #didsystemmemes #systemmemes #systemproblems #fakeclaim #fakeclaiming #endogenicsystem #endogenic
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systemliberty · 4 years
Evan’s gone.....
A mixed of things cause Evan (integrated alter) to spilt apart....
Into Dark and another Alter who’s either named E or they name starts with an E.
The stress about what’s happening in the world and heartbreak about the team piñata cause Evan to be unable to cope. Dark’s told me the split is like Natsu dividing himself into two parts and give one to him(Dark) and other to Old Evan. Dark’s expressed that he feels terrible for how he treated the whole system, and is going to try to protector the right way. Wally’s heartbroken, the whole system heartbroken. The last person we all expect to spilt apart was him. I know me and some of the others are numb and can’t feel anything about Evan spilting apart. Dark’s also expressed that he’s angry at team piñata and that he’s heartbroken that Evan split....he told me “Evan was very think I wanted to be, Kind, Happy, and most importantly Helpful.” And few other things that are personal. I know this all over the place but I need to say it. -L
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urfavisendophobic · 6 years
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urfavisendophobic · 6 years
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Mcree from Overwatch is ENDOPHOBIC!
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systemliberty · 4 years
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Thought I’d share some thing that @cambriancrew comments on their post. -V
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systemliberty · 5 years
My host L posted a brilliant idea our system instagram about making awareness days for the different types of systems. I thought I’d share it on here to see what everyone on here thinks. My Host picked some dates and would like to know if there triggering to anyone. -Virgil Sanders.
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systemliberty · 5 years
People with DID/OSDD do not own the word “system”. In fact most of the terminology used by DID/OSDD systems were coined by Endogenic systems. No one kind of system owns and any of the terminology words.
People that are anti-(any type of system that’s not DID/OSDD) use the idea that “DID” and “System” are synonyms which there NOT and then accuse all types of systems of “faking DID/OSDD”
If systems saying they’re Endogenic, or anything other type of system then they’re not claiming to have DID.
You can’t fake something you don’t claim to have in the first place.
-Virgil Sanders
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