#endgame spoiler thoughts
modmad · 27 days
if you ever got the chance to make a TPoH viddy game would it have a fishing minigame
what do you think I am, an idiot? of COURSE it would have a fishing minigame
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moonofthenight · 6 months
I could talk about this exact moment for hours and hours and hours.
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a2zillustration · 7 months
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industryhbo · 6 months
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What if you never see Wille ever again?
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simsim54 · 2 months
Wilhelm: Being gay is not a choice. Wilhelm: *holding Simon like a trophy* But it is a game and I have won.
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stillness-in-green · 4 months
Not-Really Chapter Thoughts BNHA 424
You know, I really think there should be a point at which Deku rushing in with no plan and doing whatever he thinks feels right should become Heroic Malpractice.
Just me?
Because, like, Shouto had a plan. He spent the time between the two war arcs specifically developing a brand-new combat technique that he planned to use to shut down Dabi's combat advantage without killing him. He convinced his dad not to change the plan like Endeavor was hesitantly sounding him out about[1]; he went out and talked and asked questions, and even if they weren't the right words every single time, he did his best and he did it with intention. If Dabi proves to be dead, it won't be because of anything Shouto did to him; it'll be because Dabi himself chose to stand back up, take a warp gate across the country, pick a fight with the guy who doesn't have the power set to shut him down without unduly hurting him, and try to replicate an Ultimate Move specifically tailored for someone with a balanced power set Dabi doesn't have.[2]
And if Dabi lives, it's still going to be because Shouto booked it across the country and used that same technique to stop him again.
1: Dabi surely would have preferred to fight Endeavor from the start, and it probably would have been the more "just" choice if it had to be one or the other, but Shouto is the nominal focal character between the three of them, so, critiques of the broader Hero-side decisions aside, Shouto's arc has to come first. This is one of those places where you can clearly see how much the decision to let Endeavor survive where Horikoshi originally planned for him to die hurts the shape of the later story.
2: Obviously ultimately if Dabi dies, it's going to be because his family and Team Hero made repeated choices to ignore and neglect him, culminating in the entire family swearing to deal with Touya together only to passively accept a battle plan that involved splitting them all and letting the kid who knows Touya the least be the one to fight him. But like, in the context of that fight, Shouto isn't the reason Dabi takes all that hurt.
Uraraka may or may not have had much of a plan, but at least the words she said to Toga reflected that she had been seriously thinking about Toga in the here and now, what Toga's told her, what Toga needs. If Toga dies, it will be because Toga chose to give Uraraka an unsupervised blood transfusion with no intention of stopping it. (With the same general caveats as in Footnote 2.)
But Deku? From the very beginning, Deku has been valorized by the manga for how much he doesn't plan. All Might tells him specifically that it's a sign of greatness shown by future "top Heroes" that, in some crisis situation, their bodies moved before they could think. Bakugou's Rising chapter is defined by him reaching that same state.
Deku claimed he wanted to save Shigaraki; he's sad in the latest chapter that he couldn't save Tenko's[3] life. But did he ever have a real plan to do that? With all the quirks he had at his disposal - both his own and those who would be in the flying coffin with him, or classmates whose presence he could specifically request - did he think hard and come up with a technique that would let him stop Shigaraki without harming him? Did he try to connect with the Shigaraki right in front of him by citing to the future?
3: And I have nothing but scorn for Deku's insistence on that name when "Tenko" goes out very pointedly calling himself Shigaraki Tomura.
Well, no. Deku obstinately yelled at the phantasms in Shigaraki's mindscape that he had no plan whatsoever. The only plans we saw him carry out were ones handed to him by the OFA collective that involved "breaking" Shigaraki's psyche; the only plans he came up with himself involved more efficiently breaking Shigaraki's body.
Way back in Chapter 130, Nighteye harshly scolded Deku by saying that his way of thinking was arrogant. He said, "Go after him haphazardly and he'll slip through our fingers. You're not so special as to be able to save who you want, when you want. (...) This world is not so accommodating that you can act the Hero because you feel like it."
It felt like something that Deku should have taken to heart, a lesson to be learned and applied later, but I never much got the feeling that he did. Nothing he did in that moment, in that arc, or anywhere else in the series afterward indicates that he thought Nighteye was right. He just chose not to talk back, and the arc ended with Nighteye dead and no longer around to pose objections to Deku's mode of heroism.
But Nighteye was right. Three hundred chapters later, Shigaraki is dead because Deku could not be arsed to plan for how he could stop Shigaraki without killing him. Because he let Gran Fucking Torino give him the intellectual out that killing someone could be a means of saving them. Because he followed his gut instincts of prioritizing the phantom Crying Child that he always saw as more valid and real than the human being standing in front of him.
Because he haphazardly acted the Hero and let his body move without thinking.
And he wants to act sad about it now? I hope Nighteye materializes in his bedroom to sneer at him every night for the rest of his life.
Incidentally, fuck All Might, seriously. "Wow, Deku and Bakugou, you two are the greatest Heroes ever. Fuck me and everyone else who fought tooth and nail, arm and leg, eye and earjack, life and death, to contribute to the pile of damage that was necessary to kill and/or save Shigaraki and All For One. You two got the last blows in, so you're the only ones who get the credit for it in my eyes. Hero Society is definitely going to be different and better with you two around."
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mika-c0re · 10 months
Sorry for the shit quality but Mobile appearance let's gooooo
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shahareen · 10 months
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never has there ever been a ship that goes through this cycle like asaden does
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letterstomichelangelo · 5 months
just imagine, end of season 5, its the end of episode 8 and the party have defeated vecna, byler confessed, theyre happy.
we see the party heading off to college, new beginnings and all that. mikes helping will pack up his stuff into a pickup truck, he says something like "well, looks like we're all done, everything's strapped up!", will walks over to him from where he was saying his goodbyes to joyce, jonathan, hopper and el (shes going to a local college with max in this idk) and just with every bit of softness in the world says "thanks for helping me pack, mike, are you sure you don't mind bringing all this to chicago for me?" and mike's eyebrows just shoot up because he literally went to hell for this man, and in the most sassy tone you can imagine "uh, yeah, we're gonna need some type of furniture for our new place and the government hush fund didn't stretch that far" will lets out a little chuckle, "damn, its the least they could do after the last 7 years" "i know right", mike squawked out, "anyways we better start heading if we want to make it there before dinner, see you soon mrs. byers!" muffled tears of happiness can be heard from her, and her voice wobbles slightly when she shouts back "call me when you get there and send pictures of the apartment! i love you boys", even a sniffle can be heard from hopper when he shouts out some reminders for driving the long distance. as the boys get into the truck, will shouts "we'll be back for thanksgiving, you'll hardly know we're gone" and as mike pulls away from the newly renovated byers-hopper house, there's this perfect shot of a normal loving family wishing their son(s) off to college and in this moment everything is forgotten, no more upside down or vecna or demodogs, no more possessions or otherworldly connections, just two boys holding hands over the console of the car as they set off to a new city, knowing that no matter what happens they'll always have eachother.
me and michael, solid as they come
me and michael, its not a question now
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fanfoolishness · 1 year
It’s both insanely satisfying and deeply horrifying to play with Cal’s Dark Side power 😭😭😭
And somehow the most painful thing was I yelled at BD for a stim on Nova Garon just after giving in to the Dark Side, and Cal’s voice was a demand, it was cold and absolutely devoid of fondness and my heart just broke
(I don’t know if that was intentional or I just happened to make that up but that’s what I heard dammit and it was deliciously painful)
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thegreatyin · 20 days
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let's have us a chat.
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atomicradiogirl · 10 months
welcome to my TED talk about the beauty of the loki soundtrack and how natalie holt is proving the theory that it’s all about mobius and loki (lokius):
obviously let’s start with the piece ‘lokius’ which we know my thoughts on but this sets up the overall theme of this discussion. in a general summary of my previous TED talk, i claimed that lokius is all about mobius since the piece is mainly composed of his musical theme and the fact that he was literally jealous and discrediting sylvie and loki in that scene. it was all about him in that moment. but they could have easily left this theme as is.
however, natalie holt goes on to repurpose and interpolate the ‘lokius’ musical theme throughout the season 2 soundtrack especially in the show’s finale which is the culmination of loki’s arc. loki and mobius’ relationship grew over season 2 to the point where the last person who ever saw and truly saw loki was mobius.
in the score ‘complex and many’ in loki and mobius’ final goodbye scene, it’s a variation of ‘lokius’ that plays, not anything else. no other score of this magnitude plays when he says goodbye to anyone else, not even sylvie. this is the pivotal emotional climax because loki and mobius’ relationship is the core and heart of the show and to his character. loki would not have been able to sacrifice himself nor have the compassion to do it without mobius. loki gave mobius the choice to live and find his glorious purpose but the show ends with mobius waiting, letting time pass, because he’s alone now just like loki. so he’ll wait for loki to return.
this brings me to the score ‘purpose is glorious’ the final montage sequence in the loki finale. it’s such a beautiful score and it plays over everyone finding their purpose except for mobius who the score cuts out right as we see him stand in front of his sacred timeline home watching his true self play with his children. everyone finds purpose except for mobius. but the piece takes from ‘lokius.’ everyone found purpose because of mobius and his love and care for loki, except for mobius. which is the tragic irony.
finally we talk about the final score in the show, ‘history is now’ which takes elements from ‘loki’s green theme’ and ‘lokius.’ don’t believe me? the underlying violins in the ‘history is now’ is like ripped right from the violins in ‘lokius.’ and ‘history is now’ is the final time we see loki and mobius. mobius letting time pass, loki accepting his glorious purpose.
so in conclusion, it’s always been about mobius and for mobius. it’s always been lokius’ story. even since season one. and the loki soundtrack ITSELF proves this. don’t believe me? just listen.
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a2zillustration · 4 months
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You know, the thing.
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People who think that Rowan got into a relationship with Malakai just to fuck with amerie may have misunderstood what the phrase "forget Amerie" means.
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simsim54 · 2 months
Simon, leaning on the counter: Hey beautiful, come here often? Wilhelm: Is this the part where I remind you we've been married for four years or do I play along? Simon: Play along! Wilhelm: Alright. Sorry, I'm not interested, I'm married
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eleanork-28 · 6 months
Post s3e6 what happens now?
I am begining to write an 'after' fic which has brought up a lot of questions and speculation that I'd like to share. Yes willmon is endgame but also where do they go from here?
Money (what are the Erikssons doing with their money from August?) 
The rift between Wille’s elitist upbringing and Simon’s economical and political beliefs 
Wille needs to learn and figure out what he wants his relationship with politics and money to be 
Wille is giving up the crown but he now has to go through that process 
Official meetings 
What is his new title going to be 
What money does he have not has Crown Prince 
The official statement of abdication and handing the duty to August 
Figuring out the PR strategy for this as well 
Wille isn’t free automatically he is going to price for a little while longer while they introduce August more prominently to the public so that the crown isn’t handed off to seemingly a stranger 
They also have to figure out a way to make sure it is clear that this is a choice Wille made for himself rather than because of his very publicised relationship 
Making sure there won’t be speculation that he is leaving voluntarily because the Swedish monarchy doesn’t want a queer monarchy because that would be a media shitstorm 
Where is Wille going to school? And Simon? 
Even with abdication he is still a part of the Swedish aristocracy would he go to another posh school? 
I think not with everything that happened at Hilerska but its also the thing he knows, so how does he figure that out? 
Where does Simon go? He wouldn’t want to go to another rich kid school
Will they go to school together? 
If so what interest will their classmates take in them, how would they maintain their privacy 
Even apart what would their privacy look like 
What would their relationship look like if they do decide to not go to school together? 
Same questions for Felice and Sara because they also have to go to school they are all children and education is very important lol
Familial relations 
Wille and his parents need to repair their relationship 
Do Simon and Sara start working on a better relationship Micke? 
I want Wille to get to meet Micke I think that interaction would be great
Public relations 
Yes they are free but sadly the public doesn’t entirely care 
Luckily on an international scale the Swedish monarchy doesn’t hold much attention but maybe that has changed since Wille’s scandals and then open queer relationship? This is never addressed in the show 
But amongst Swedes especially after abdication people will have a vested interest 
Think Harry and Megan (obvs the UK royals are a much bigger scale but the point stands) 
Like people still really care what they're up to, and Megan and Simon have those similar experiences of being a poc partner of a european royal family member, the harassment doesn’t suddenly stop once you've left the direct limelight of royal life
Platonic relationships 
What is Wille’s relationship with Rosh and Ayub? 
They have witnessed every thing that Simon has gone through because of his relationship with Wille and now they are back together again 
They do respect him because of his choice to leave the monarchy, they are maybe not even surprised because they did witness the “I could be free with you” speech
But do they trust him? 
On that note does Linda? She definitely cares for Wille but she also knows how this has affected her son.
Does Wille have to prove his intentions and himself? 
Can he Rosh and Ayub truly form a friendship? How will that happen 
Simon, Wille, Sara, and Felice have forged their own kind of found family through shared traumas and love for one another, how to Rosh and Ayub fit into that new dynamic? Will there be conflict because of this? 
What does a friend group consisting of all of them look like? 
Other than mega gay
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