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dontstopdanneh · 2 months ago
Full album stream available on YouTube for my new album ‘Atelophobia’
1. Atelophobia 2. Mistakes were made 3. Home 4. Empty 5. Shame 6. Breathe 7. OnTheEdge 8. Twisted 9. Words can be a prison 10. I don’t wanna fight Ft Danielle Jacobs11. Sucker for tragedy 12. Cycle 13. Desolation 14. Dismantle 15. The demons can’t find me here 16. Shame (acoustic) 17. What if she falls ft Mat Buckley 18. Won’t pick up the phone ft Mat Buckley
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margaux-saltel · 5 months ago
My dear Gom Pilote just published their first single with a beautiful video. It's queer, it's full of glitter, it's goth, it's perfect! Go watch it, and you can listen on your favorite streaming platform!
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shinedoitsulikeabright · 3 months ago
If you really think about it, Tiresias suffered the most out of any other character from Epic: the musical/the Odyssey
First he was forced to live as a woman for 7 years, during which he married and had children. The reason for being forcefemmed? He saw two copulating snakes and struck them, thus pissing off Hera who turned him into a woman as punishment.
Of course, this isn't so bad. Still bad luck imo. Like imagine hitting two random snakes and boom! You're a woman.
Next, he got blinded by Athena because he saw her bathing. Athena, the virgin goddess, naturally didn't like this and took away his sight. Feeling bad for cursing him, she gave him the gift of prophecy.
Another myth, however, tells a differeny story. According to it, Tiresias was called by Zeus and Hera, who were in the middle of an argument. They were trying to decide who felt more pleasure during sex: the man (Hera's claim) or the woman (Zeus's claim).
Since Tiresias had lived as both, they decided to ask him to settle the debate. Tiresias answered the woman and that, of course, made Hera mad so she blinded him. Zeus could do nothing but compensate by giving him the gift of prophecy.
He died from being impaled by Apollo's arrow. As if that wasn't enough, he couldn't catch a break even after death. Our favourite captain just had to come and pester him for more prophecies (which he didn't even follow btw so thanks for making this dead man do extra work for nothing, you royal dipshit).
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princesmeadow · 8 months ago
To Lady Aphrodite, for she has done for me what no other could, or would. Thank you, -Amadeos
A message of thanks for a friend to Lady Aphrodite.
[Enby Masc, disrespect that, and you're blocked]
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yourdailyqueer · 19 days ago
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Elliot Lee
Gender: Non binary (she/they)
Sexuality: Queer
DOB: 26 January 1997
Ethnicity: White - American
Occupation: Singer, songwriter, musician, music producer
Note: Is autistic and has ADHD
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dyingroses · 1 month ago
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akira1my1lovly1 · 2 months ago
I sometimes forget the odypen aren't a lesbian couple and it's getting bad at this point
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asi-nomas · 2 years ago
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in another life we were arsonists
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scaley-moth-wings · 9 months ago
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no-psi-nan · 8 months ago
Physically ill thinking of how epic Akechi would be in a hypothetical Saiki musical and knowing that not only will there never be a Saiki musical but if there WAS one, Akechi would never be in it because they'd stick to the most marketable characters for a limited time show, dying on the floor completely miserable at this prospect.
Akechi talks so fast that he'd be practically rapping, and we can bring his word bubbles to life on stage with practical effects, like maybe hanging his bubbles on a rope at the front of the stage so they're aligned vertically and covering half the view, and words are projected onto the bubbles at a rapid speed, and he can physically push the bubbles out of the way sometimes.
And Akechi's gestures the most out of the cast so translated to a musical, he'd be a really extra dancer, but also given his old man aesthetic he throws some ballet or classical dance elements into the general vibe of the musical's dance style (ex. everyone spins normally but Akechi specifically does a pirouette). And because he's kinda manic in his expression, his particular dancing quirk would be adding in extra steps while dancing in a group and also being like ʘ⁠‿⁠ʘ the whole time.
(Hairo's moves would be closer to judo stances & moving with high energy, Teruhashi would be more elegant with little flourishes of her hands, Saiki would do the dance normally at full energy but be like 😐 the whole time, Kaido lingers on the poses to try to look cool, Kuboyasu dances with his nail bat, Toritsuka's kinda doing percussion with the clomping of his geta, Aiura's serving 24.7% more cunt than everyone else, etc.)
Plus it would be really cool if Akechi did some sign language narration when he isn't involved in the scene, like perhaps it's not even clear that he's a character at first either lmao, and since he uses readable speech bubbles he doesn't have to sign all that but he does anyways and it would add to the overwhelming-ness of the whole experience and would tie in cutely to him being Saiki's childhood friend like come onnnn...
AND LIKE the problem is that the Akechi actor would have to be ridiculously talented to do all of that BUT if you have someone THAT GOOD on the team would you really make them a minor character??? Like it just wouldn't make sense financially so my vision could never come to life and I'm going to throw up about it
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myabsurdconsciousness · 11 days ago
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been feeling like a niche internet micro rockstar lately &&& i luv it ;P
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idkwh0y0uare-haha · 18 days ago
admittedly, I'm a new mcr fan. I started listening to them a year ago and they've been my favorite band ever since. Shortly after I started listening to them I started watching clips and interviews bcuz i thought the band was so interesting. The last band I really liked was lovejoy (yes, ik what the lead singer did and I no longer support him or his music) but i started liking mcr a lot more
Of course, I really started liking gerard way, and he stuck out to me in particular. Dw, I love mikey, ray, and frank too, but gerard was the first to stick out to me (could also be because he's the frontman, but I don't think so)
I found gerard to be such a relatable person. Obviously, I don't relate to EVERY ASPECT of gerard's life but there were some things that I was able to relate to, which I won't go into detail about that right now but probably later
As a trans, queer, and alternative person, I found comfort in the fact that mcr was (and is) such an icon to those communities. Like if I was alone in a room with gerard, mikey, ray, and frank, I would feel EXTREMELY safe and just the fact that they're so well known is just so important to me
I was able to relate to gerard's gender non conformity because even though i'm a trans man, I still appreciate things that would be considered "feminine" especially amongst my peers. Before listening to mcr, I would try to present as masc as possible because my more "feminine traits" made me feel extremely dysphoric and all I wanted was to pass, but the things that gerard would say about gender and sexuality helped me feel seen in a sense. That's when i realized that I liked wearing eyeliner and eye makeup. I actually liked dressing differently in clothes that made me happy. I actually liked painting my nails black and red. And I actually liked wearing lots of jewelry. I'm not sure when I would have realized that if i didnt start listening to mcr
Not only that, but I stopped caring about how "masc" I looked, because in the end, none of it mattered. I wasnt happy trying to be as masc as possible. I wasn't happy trying to be like every other boy in my school. I'm happier just being me and not caring about how I'm perceived, and ironically ever since i started dressing how i actually wanted to, I've been misgendered a whole lot less which I personally thought was hilarious.
And because i'm dressing and looking how i want to, I feel so much better about my appearance and personality. I feel like I can actually be myself and like what i wanna like, and nobody really gives a shit anymore. Sure, I get a few weird looks and people just not knowing what my gender is, but I don't care anymore because i'm happy, and I feel like mcr really contributed to that fact
if it wasn't for me listening to helena on the school bus one random day, I would have never watched any mcr interviews and I would have never known just how much gerard way specifically would have helped me in my journey to finding my confidence again. Gerard way helped me stop caring so much about how other people see me and instead how I saw myself and while i still have those days where i feel like shit and just wanna hide in a hoodie and a pair of jeans, that happens a lot less than it used to, and who doesn't have a bad day every once in a while?
it probably sounds stupid saying that gerard way (unintentionally) helped me find confidence in my gender and how i express myself, but he really did. I feel so much more comfortable in my skin and to be honest, it's because listening to mcr made me realize that i'm not alone and that there are other people out there who feel the same things i feel, and that made me feel seen.
So excuse me if i talk about gerard way a lot, but gerard really helped me understand my gender and how i wanna express it. I'm so much happier not having to worry about conforming to gender roles that don't even matter, and honestly my chem and gerard way really helped me realize that
so yeah, I fucking love gerard way. Before you get annoyed about the fact that i talk about him so much, maybe think about why i do
Mcr saved me
thank you for listening to my emo yap session
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z0mb3cat · 18 days ago
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noodleowl · 3 months ago
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We all are naked and moping dramatically, on an amplifier every once in a while…right?
A draft for a Character I'm working on.
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