#empowerment speaker
In the world of business, finding the right inspiration can be the difference between stagnation and soaring success. Enter the inspirational speaker – a dynamic force capable of reigniting your entrepreneurial spirit, motivating your team, and steering your business towards unprecedented achievements.
In this article, we'll dive deep into the world of inspirational speakers, exploring how they can impact your business, why they matter, and how to choose the perfect speaker for your unique needs. So, if you're a business owner looking to elevate your enterprise to new heights, read on and discover how inspirational speakers can be your secret weapon.
The Role of an Inspirational Speaker
What Makes an Inspirational Speaker Special?
An inspirational speaker is not your run-of-the-mill public speaker. They possess a unique ability to captivate audiences with compelling narratives, infuse enthusiasm, and provide actionable takeaways that inspire change. They're storytellers, motivators, and catalysts for transformation.
Why Business Owners Need Inspirational Speakers
The journey of entrepreneurship is filled with ups and downs, and at times, it's easy to lose sight of your vision. Inspirational speakers rekindle your passion, remind you of your 'why,' and provide the resilience needed to weather the storms of business.
The Benefits of Hiring an Inspirational Speaker
1. Employee Morale and Motivation
Inspired employees are more engaged, productive, and loyal. Inspirational speakers inject a dose of motivation, fostering a workplace culture that encourages growth and innovation.
2. Leadership Development
Business owners can learn valuable leadership lessons from inspirational speakers, enhancing their ability to guide and inspire their teams effectively.
3. Positive Company Culture
Inspiration is contagious. When employees are inspired, it creates a positive feedback loop, leading to a workplace culture where enthusiasm, creativity, and collaboration flourish.
4. Increased Productivity and Innovation
Inspirational speakers can spark new ideas and perspectives, encouraging employees to think outside the box and push the boundaries of what's possible.
How to Choose the Right Inspirational Speaker
1. Alignment with Your Values and Goals
Select a speaker whose message aligns with your company's values and objectives. This ensures that the inspiration provided will be relevant and beneficial.
2. Expertise in Your Industry
An inspirational speaker with industry-specific knowledge can relate more effectively to your team and address the challenges and opportunities unique to your field.
3. Audience Relevance
Consider the demographics and preferences of your audience when choosing a speaker. What resonates with your employees may vary depending on their age, experience, and roles.
4. Testimonials and References
Don't hesitate to ask for references and check testimonials from previous clients. A track record of success is a strong indicator of a speaker's ability to deliver results.
Preparing for the Inspirational Speaker's Arrival
Setting Clear Objectives and Expectations
Before the speaker arrives, establish clear goals for the event. What specific outcomes do you hope to achieve? Communicate these objectives to the speaker to ensure alignment.
Effective Communication with the Speaker
Maintain open lines of communication with the speaker. Share insights about your team and company culture to help them tailor their message for maximum impact.
Promoting the Event Internally
Generate excitement within your organization by promoting the event ahead of time. A sense of anticipation can amplify the impact of the speaker's message.
The Impact of an Inspirational Speaker on Employees
Motivation and Engagement
Employees who are inspired tend to be more motivated, engaged, and willing to go the extra mile to achieve company goals.
Behavioral Changes
Inspirational speakers can prompt tangible changes in behavior, such as improved communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills.
Long-Term Effects
The effects of inspiration often linger long after the speaker has left. Inspired employees continue to drive positive change and contribute to a thriving workplace.
Leveraging the Inspiration: Post-Speech Action Steps
Implementing New Practices or Initiatives
Capitalizing on the inspiration generated, start implementing new practices or initiatives that align with the speaker's message.
Encouraging Open Communication and Feedback
Create a culture where employees feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas. This fosters innovation and continuous improvement.
Tracking Progress and Results
Monitor and measure the impact of the speaker's message. Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) and track progress to gauge the effectiveness of the inspiration.
Measuring the ROI of an Inspirational Speaker
Assessing Return on Investment
Use employee engagement surveys, productivity metrics, and feedback to assess the tangible impact of the inspirational speaker on your business.
Real-Life Examples
Highlight success stories of companies that achieved substantial ROI through inspirational speakers. Numbers don't lie, and these examples can inspire confidence in your decision.
Common Misconceptions about Inspirational Speakers
Dispelling Myths
Address common misconceptions, such as the belief that inspirational speakers are one-size-fits-all or that they only provide short-term motivation. In reality, the impact can be profound and enduring.
Personal Insights and Expert Opinions
Testimonials from Business Owners
Hear from fellow business owners who've experienced the transformative power of inspirational speakers firsthand. Their stories provide real-world evidence of the benefits.
Insights from Inspirational Speakers
Gain insights from inspirational speakers themselves. Discover their perspectives on what makes their work impactful and their advice for business owners seeking inspiration.
Inspirational speakers are more than just motivational talkers; they're catalysts for change and growth in your business. By understanding their role, benefits, and how to choose the right one, you can unlock the tremendous potential they offer.
Investing in an inspirational speaker isn't just an expense—it's an investment in the future of your business. So, don't hesitate to explore this powerful resource and watch your business soar to new heights of success.
Recommended Reading
List a few books and articles that delve deeper into the world of inspirational speakers and personal development.
Share Your Thoughts
Have you ever hired an inspirational speaker for your business? Share your experiences, insights, and questions in the comments below. Let's continue the conversation!
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speakersgold · 1 year
Powerful Impact of Educational Speakers on Students
Educational speakers play a vital role in shaping the minds and perspectives of students, providing them with valuable insights and inspiration beyond traditional classroom settings. By sharing their expertise, experiences, and wisdom, these educational speakers have a profound impact on students' personal development, academic achievements, career aspirations, and overall growth. 
Who are Educational Speakers?
Educational speakers are individuals who are invited to present and share their knowledge, expertise, experiences, and insights on various topics with the primary goal of educating and inspiring their audience. These speakers can come from diverse backgrounds, including academics, professionals, activists, artists, athletes, entrepreneurs, and more. 
They are often sought after by educational institutions, conferences, seminars, workshops, and corporate events to engage with students, employees, or participants and offer valuable perspectives on specific subjects or broader life themes.
Educational speakers play a significant role in bridging the gap between theory and practice, providing real-world applications and examples that enhance the learning experience. They may discuss topics related to their own field of expertise, such as science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics, business, literature, or social sciences. Additionally, they may address broader themes such as personal development, leadership, communication, mental health, social issues, and environmental sustainability.
The effectiveness of educational speakers lies not only in their knowledge and experience but also in their ability to connect with their audience. Engaging presentation styles, compelling storytelling, and interactive sessions are common techniques employed by these speakers to capture the attention and interest of their listeners.
Furthermore, educational speakers often serve as role models and mentors, sharing their journeys, successes, and failures. Their personal anecdotes and life lessons can inspire and motivate individuals to pursue their passions, overcome challenges, and strive for personal and professional growth.
To add on, educational speakers are dynamic individuals who bring a wealth of knowledge and wisdom to their audiences. They are instrumental in enriching the learning experience, promoting personal development, and inspiring positive change. Their ability to communicate effectively and engage with diverse audiences makes them powerful influencers in the educational landscape.
In this article, we will explore the various ways in which educational speakers can positively influence students and contribute to their holistic development.
Inspiring Passion for Learning:
Educational speakers often have a passion for their subject or profession, which is contagious and can ignite a similar passion in students. When students listen to these speakers share their stories and knowledge, they may become more enthusiastic about learning and discover new areas of interest. This newfound passion can lead to increased engagement in the classroom, participation in extracurricular activities, and even pursuing further education or careers related to the speaker's field.
Real-World Relevance:
Educational speakers bring real-world relevance to the concepts and theories taught in classrooms. By sharing practical applications and case studies, they demonstrate how academic knowledge is used in professional settings. This bridging of the gap between theory and practice can help students better understand the significance of their studies and how they can apply what they learn in their future careers.
Motivation and Resilience:
Many educational speakers share their personal stories of challenges, failures, and triumphs. These narratives provide powerful examples of perseverance and resilience, showing students that setbacks are a natural part of life and should be embraced as learning opportunities. The stories of successful individuals who overcame obstacles can motivate students to persevere through their own difficulties, fostering a growth mindset and a belief in their capabilities.
Cultural Awareness and Diversity:
Diversity is a crucial aspect of education, and educational speakers can play a significant role in promoting cultural awareness and acceptance among students. Speakers from various backgrounds and experiences expose students to different perspectives and worldviews, fostering empathy and understanding. This exposure can help create a more inclusive and tolerant learning environment, preparing students to thrive in a globalized world.
Career Exploration and Guidance:
Educational speakers often share insights into different career paths and industries. For students who may be uncertain about their future careers, these presentations can serve as a valuable resource for career exploration and decision-making. Through their talks, speakers can shed light on the skills and qualifications required for various professions, as well as the challenges and rewards associated with each career choice.
Building Self-Confidence:
Listening to educational speakers, especially those who discuss self-improvement and personal growth, can boost students' self-confidence. By encouraging students to embrace their uniqueness and talents, speakers empower them to believe in themselves and their abilities. Improved self-confidence can lead to enhanced public speaking skills, increased participation in class discussions, and a willingness to take on leadership roles.
Awareness of Social Issues:
Educational speakers often address pressing social issues, such as environmental sustainability, mental health, bullying, and social justice. By raising awareness and engaging in open discussions on these topics, speakers encourage students to become socially responsible individuals. This exposure can inspire students to take action, get involved in community service, and become advocates for positive change.
Academic Performance and Achievement:
The influence of educational speakers on students can extend beyond motivation and inspiration. Research has shown that exposure to motivational speakers can have a positive impact on students' academic performance and achievement. Engaged and motivated students are more likely to set higher goals, work diligently to achieve them, and persevere through challenges.
The impact of educational speakers on students is profound and multi-faceted. From inspiring passion for learning and promoting cultural awareness to providing career guidance and fostering resilience, their contributions to students' personal growth and academic development are immeasurable. 
These speakers have the power to ignite a spark within students, transforming their lives and shaping them into well-rounded individuals ready to take on the challenges of the future. Educational institutions should continue to embrace the presence of such speakers as an integral part of the learning experience, recognizing the lasting and powerful effects they can have on their students.
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quotelr · 4 months
Are you comfortable and willing to be of service to others, but find it difficult to receive the same in return? Why are people so quick to resist receiving, even when they need the help? Your ability to receive not only opens the space for great things to enter your life, but it returns a gift of grace to the giver.
Susan C. Young
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xeavy · 3 months
Attallah Shabazz (Malcolm X's Daughter)
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everettdemorier · 12 days
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Empower Your Sales Teams with Proven Motivational Strategies
Visit www.everettdemorier.com for expert motivational speaking that drives sales teams to success with engaging, actionable insights.
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empower-house · 2 months
Meet Annette Densham
Annette Densham is a multi-award-winning PR expert and accomplished journalist whose work has graced the pages of Australia’s leading publications. She has received numerous accolades, including 6 x Grand Stevie Awards, Telstra Best of Business Awards Queensland for Accelerating Women, Business Xcellence Awards PR winner, and Heart of Women Awards Entrepreneur of the Year. Annette is a passionate…
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speakinc · 2 months
Elizabeth McCormick: Soaring to New Heights
Hey Tumblr fam!
Have you ever felt stuck, like your dreams are just out of reach? Let me introduce you to someone who knows exactly how to break through barriers and soar to new heights—literally and figuratively. Meet Elizabeth McCormick, a former U.S. Army Black Hawk Pilot turned motivational speaker, author, and all-around badass.
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The Journey from the Cockpit to the Stage
Elizabeth’s story is nothing short of inspiring. She broke into a male-dominated field and made history as one of the first female Black Hawk Pilots in the U.S. Army. Her time in the military wasn’t just about flying helicopters; it was about leadership, resilience, and overcoming obstacles. These experiences have shaped her into the incredible speaker she is today.
Empowering Through Words
Elizabeth’s keynotes are more than just speeches—they’re experiences. She shares her journey with authenticity, humor, and actionable insights that resonate with audiences worldwide. Her message? You have the power to navigate your own life, no matter the turbulence.
Books to Inspire
If you’re a bookworm like me, you’ll love Elizabeth’s books. Titles like "The P.I.L.O.T. Method: The 5 Elemental Truths to Leading Yourself in Life" are packed with wisdom and practical advice. Her writing is not only motivational but also a blueprint for personal and professional success.
Why You Should Follow Her
Elizabeth McCormick is a force of nature. Whether she’s speaking at corporate events, writing her next bestseller, or sharing insights on social media, she’s always uplifting and empowering others. Her story is a testament to the power of perseverance and the strength of the human spirit.
So, if you’re looking for some inspiration, be sure to check out Elizabeth McCormick. Her journey from the cockpit to the stage is a reminder that with determination and grit, you can achieve anything.
Fly high, Tumblr friends!
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heartsoundslikelove · 7 months
Three Amazing Women and Right When Women's History Month Begins - Open your calendars & save the date.
Join us on March 3 at 3 p.m. EST for the Virtual Book Launch featuring the Colorado CoAuthors of Voices of the 21st Century: Women Empowered Through Passion and Purpose. Colorado CoAuthors are: Zaneta Varnado Johns is a 5-time bestselling author of three poetry collections: Poetic Forecast, After the Rainbow, and Encore, as well as the What Matters Journal, a unique weekly guide for…
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martineemmonscoach · 7 months
Personal life coaching for women
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Embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment with Martine Emmons, your trusted holistic transformation coach. Specializing in personal life coaching for women, Martine offers tailored sessions designed to ignite positive change from within. Experience a transformative approach that elevates your life, guiding you towards a path of fulfillment and inspiration.
Elevate Your Life with Personalized Coaching
In today's fast-paced world, women often find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities, leaving little time for self-care and personal growth. Martine Emmons understands the unique challenges that women face and offers personalized life coaching to help navigate these complexities. Through transformative sessions tailored specifically for women, Martine empowers her clients to prioritize their well-being, set achievable goals, and unlock their full potential.
Inspire Positive Change Through Holistic Coaching
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Martine Emmons takes a holistic approach to coaching, recognizing the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit in achieving lasting transformation. By addressing various aspects of her clients' lives, including relationships, career, health, and personal development, Martine guides women on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Through supportive guidance and practical tools, she empowers women to overcome obstacles, cultivate self-love, and create a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.
Experience Tailored Sessions for Women's Empowerment
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Martine Emmons offers a unique coaching experience designed specifically for women seeking to enhance their lives and create meaningful change. Each coaching session is personalized to meet the individual needs and goals of her clients, providing a safe and supportive space for exploration and growth. Whether women are navigating transitions, seeking clarity in their direction, or striving for personal growth, Martine provides the guidance and encouragement needed to ignite transformation from within.
As a holistic transformation coach specializing in personal life coaching for women, Martine Emmons is dedicated to empowering women to embrace their authenticity, cultivate self-compassion, and live with intention. Through her transformative coaching approach, she inspires women to tap into their inner strength, overcome limiting beliefs, and create a life that aligns with their true desires. With Martine's guidance, women can embark on a journey of self-discovery, unlock their full potential, and thrive in all aspects of their lives.
Visit here: https://martineemmons.com/personal-coaching/
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Personal Transformational Coaching For Women
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Embark on a transformative journey with Martine Emmons, a leading figure in the realm of Personal transformation coaching. In this exclusive piece, we delve into the empowering world curated by Martine, as she guides individuals towards a life of positivity, purpose, and self-empowerment.
Martine Emmons, a seasoned expert in transformational coaching for women, stands as your dedicated guide on the journey to personalized and impactful personal transformation. With a wealth of experience and a passion for empowering women, Martine is committed to fostering positive change in the lives of those she works with.
As a specialist in transformational coaching, Martine recognizes the unique challenges and opportunities that women encounter in their personal development journeys. Her approach is tailored to the individual, acknowledging that each woman's path to transformation is distinct. Martine understands the importance of creating a safe and supportive space where women can explore their aspirations, confront obstacles, and cultivate the resilience needed for lasting change.
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Martine's coaching methodology goes beyond surface-level strategies, delving deep into the core of personal growth. By combining her expertise with a keen understanding of the intricate nuances of women's experiences, she guides her clients in unlocking their full potential. Whether it's navigating career transitions, enhancing self-esteem, or building meaningful relationships, Martine provides a holistic coaching experience that addresses all aspects of a woman's life.
Martine Emmons’ Expertise
Martine Emmons stands out as a distinguished transformational life coach, specializing in female empowerment coaching. Her tailored sessions are crafted to inspire profound positive changes, fostering a life characterized by empowerment and fulfillment.
A Glimpse into Personalized Empowerment Sessions
Martine’s coaching sessions are not just ordinary; they are personalized experiences designed to cater to your unique needs and aspirations. Through a blend of insightful guidance and interactive methods, Martine cultivates an environment where positive change flourishes.
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Navigating Positive Change with Martine
At the core of Martine Emmons’ approach is a commitment to guiding individuals through a journey of positive change. Her methodology goes beyond traditional coaching, creating a space where personal growth becomes a tangible reality.Martine Emmons as your guide, you embark on a transformative journey designed exclusively for women seeking meaningful change. Her dedication, expertise, and personalized approach ensure that each woman she works with experiences a profound and lasting impact on her life.
Explore Martine Emmons’ World
To truly immerse yourself in the transformative experience offered by Martine, explore her official https://martineemmons.com/work-with-me/. Gain insights into the array of coaching services she provides and take the first step towards a life of empowerment.
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kajmasterclass · 8 months
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nimixo · 9 months
Only you can change yourself
If you are searching for that one person who will change your life. Take a look into the mirror. -Karen Lamb
 Your reflection is not just an image; it's a canvas waiting for the strokes of resilience, courage, and authenticity to create a masterpiece of positive change.
#OvercomingObstacles #authenticity #empowerment #transformation #selfdiscovery #positivechange #resilience #jkrowling #doubt #personaldevelopment #oprahwinfrey #motivationalspeaker #nickvujicic #selfawareness #Nimixo #motivational #motivationalquote #motivationblowbyblow
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harunrabbani · 1 year
Debunking the Top 5 Confidence Myths: Empowering Students to Shine
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Sixth former, Jayne, was in her final year of A-Levels and headed towards pure A’s. Her teachers expected her to get into a top tier university effortlessly.
But, there was a hitch. 
Mr Taylor, the Head of Sixth Form expressed his concerns to me. Jayne was extremely shy. Overcoming self-doubt was a nightmare for her. If anybody tried conversing with her, she would shut down. Her teachers were deeply disturbed she could sabotage access to the best English universities because of her refusal to communicate.
Despite the efforts of her parents and teachers, they couldn't make her budge. The traditional approach to confidence-building simply did not work.
Besides jeopardising her academic potential, this extreme shyness had other consequences. Jayne rarely participated in extracurricular activities and leadership opportunities at school. It was certainly going to hurt her future career and financial status.
Furthermore, this low level of confidence contributes to stress, anxiety, and self-doubt. Thus, harming her mental and emotional wellbeing.
Let's explore five common confidence myths, debunk the myths and share confidence tips that may help with students like like Jayne. Yes, you'll find out what happened to Jayne.
Myth 1: Extrovert Equals Confidence
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The stereotypical extrovert is loud, sociable, and often the life of the party. In truth, confidence and extroversion are not related. Both introverts and extraverts can be highly confident people, but how it manifests usually differs.
The appearance of confidence in an extrovert can easily mask the hidden pain and suffering that individual is going through. At the age of 12, my family relocated from a multicultural community to a monocultural one. I was the only non-white at my school. 
The daily verbal abuse I was subjected to turned me into an introvert. So I put on a mask. I refuse to smile, stood tall and tried my best to look tough.
It worked. The rest of the kids at school thought I was confident. Little did they know how much fear and anxiety I was feeling every school day. I had just two friends at school. Otherwise, I was socially awkward.
Confidence transcends personality types. It is something that can be developed with a step-step-approach. It need not take as long as people imagine. 
Myth 2: Confident People are Always Confident
One would be forgiven to believe that confident people never have self-doubts, limiting beliefs, or “bad hair days”. In fact, a student may demonstrate supreme confidence in one or two subjects. Yet, may have self-doubt about other subjects.
When they're confident in a topic, they'll be inspired, energised and passionate about it. When confidence is low, they'll have lack of motivation, little energy and have low self-esteem about the topic.
Supreme confidence has the gift of spilling into other topics. In a way, the student is averaging up their confidence across subjects. Hence, my mantra:
"How do you do one thing with excellence is how you do everything with excellence”. 
A confident student is encouraged to strive for excellence in one subject first. Why? Because the strategies that got them there can be replicated in their other subjects. 
Fighting low confidence is a waste of energy. Embrace it instead. This has a healing effect on the mental and emotional wellbeing of the student. It’s also a good starting point from which to build confidence. 
Let’s not forget that confidence must be nurtured and practiced regardless of one’s abilities. 
Myth 3: Confidence is Arrogance
Arrogance is a double-edged sword. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, "arrogance is the quality of being unpleasantly proud and behaving as if you’re more important than others". 
A confident person, on the other hand, can be an individual positively expressing their abilities boasting. Arrogance, however, is often highly subjective because it can be swayed by perceptions.
For example, you can confidently give a presentation on a familiar topic. One member of the audience might praise your knowledge, wit and wisdom. In the same audience, another person may think you're arrogant, pretentious and a know it all.
Who is correct?
Myth 4: Confidence Requires BIG Wins
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When observing others move forward with their studies and extracurricular activities, it’s easy to say “she was an overnight success”. Having such a belief raises the bar for oneself. We often fail to meet such high standards. As a result, self-worth about success in that topic falters.
"Comparing yourself to another is the fast-track to mediocrity and failure. The only person worthy of comparison is the present version of you to yesterday's version."
Think of an individual signing up for weight training for the first time. After a week of training, they will not walk out of the gym having a body that looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime.
It’s the continuous daily practice, rest, and appropriate nutrition that leads to such a body for Arnie.  
Aiming for top grades and GCSEs are nowhere near as daunting as aiming for My Olympia. Students have a finite time (two years) to achieve their grades. It’s the daily consistent practice – the micro wins – that lead to results. NOT the big wins. 
Myth 5: Confidence Comes Before Action. 
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We need to debunk this confidence myth quickly and as frequently as we can. It is one of the causes of hesitation, deliberation, and procrastination.
The neural networks associated with confidence do not materialise from thin air. The neural (nerves) pathway have to be built incrementally and deliberately over time. This means
Having clarity the goal (e.g. four A's)
Daily, consistent practice
Feedback and appraisal
Adjusting and adapting when necessary.
Confidence arises as an outcome of these steps. For example, an A-Level student’s goal may be to get the best grades in order to get into the university of choice. This means appropriate exam grades.
So how about practising with past exam papers two or more times a week? Week in, week out? Confidence to sit exams is inevitable.
From Extremely Shyness to Supreme Confidence
Jayne knew how to play shy. In social interactions, she blushes, gets sweat palms, upset stomach, and worries about how others view her. Hence, she withdraws even more. She feels out of control.
Jayne also knows how to achieve top results in all her subjects…with excellence. Then, we let her take control of those things that are in her control.
She was trained in controlling her anxiety through breathing exercise taken from yoga. Jayne was taught how to adopt a different body language from the one she was accustomed to.  
She repeated affirmations to undermine her limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering ones. We also taught her a simple meditation to calm her nervousness and worries. 
Finally, she was trained in how to socially interact using a 5-step process on communicating that helped train Jayne to become a conversationalist. 
Closing Remarks
No amount of training will change Jayne into an extrovert. She is not wired that way. But with training and coaching, she has developed into a more confident young adult. with a brighter future.
Confidence is not an accident at birth. It has to be nurtured. A student attaining confidence does not guarantee it permeating into all areas of life. Each area has to be addressed separately.
It’s also acceptable to “lose” confidence sometimes. When you're on the path to excellence, failing or losing confidence is a critical feedback mechanism to adjust. It requires humility, open-mindedness and a little courage to get started.
Please note: Names have been changed to protect privacy.
Ready to empower your students with confidence, resilience, and exceptional communication skills?
Explore more on my website for tailored talks and workshops designed to inspire and transform. Teachers, discover how my engaging sessions can benefit your school. Click here.
Students, dive into my LinkedIn videos for practical insights on building a brighter future. It all starts with a click.
Visit www.harunrabbani.com and let's embark on this journey together."
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educationhubtexas · 1 year
Explore how motivational speakers, like Billy Riggs, can bolster teacher training programs. Discover the positive impact of inspiration in education and professional development.
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