#Overcoming adversity speaker
speakinc · 2 days
Zion Clark overcame being abandoned at birth and growing up in foster care, showing extraordinary resilience to become a successful wrestler and motivational speaker.
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kajmasterclass · 4 months
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wespeakglobal · 10 months
Joey Evans | Motivational Speaker
Joey Evans’ impact extends far beyond his speeches. His unwavering spirit and story of triumph have touched the lives of countless individuals facing adversity. He continues to inspire and empower people worldwide, demonstrating that the human spirit is capable of achieving extraordinary feats.
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Joey Evans, the remarkable South African motivational unique speakers, has transformed his life’s challenges into opportunities for growth and inspiration. His journey from adversity to achievement serves as a testament to the limitless potential of the human spirit.
Through his motivational speaking, Joey inspires and empowers others to conquer their challenges, pursue their passions, and live life with unwavering determination. He is a living embodiment of resilience and a shining example of the power of the human spirit. Joey Evans’ story reminds us that in the face of adversity, we can rise above and achieve greatness as SA’s best speakers.
His story is a must hear for true motivation against all odds and achieving your goal
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"The Hazbin Hotel" (1990): Husk
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"played by": Keith David
The cat behind the bar at the casino used to be a man.
A man that traveled the world doing what he did best: entertain.
He was a stage magician that won the hearts of many, and by the 1960s and 1970s, he was on top of the world.
For all his life he went against the odds, overcoming adversity and even death.
He could've been one of the greats... but his vices got to him.
He was a heavy drinker and addicted to gambling... and not just with poker.
He gambled with everything, including his magic tricks. It became sort of a thrill to him.
The higher the risk, the higher the reward.
All of his magic shows got bigger and flashier while he got more and more disillusioned by his own vigor. He lost a lot of connections because of this but who cares?
Who needs family when you are the most powerful man on earth?
One night after a successful magic show, he went to a local dive bar to celebrate. While playing poker with his friends, a compatriot's dog ate his car keys.
Being the gambling man that he is, the famous magician attempted to get his keys out of the dog....
....and ended up getting bitten and attacked in the process.
Luck continued to not be on his side when he went to the hospital, where he died due to a botched medical procedure.
That's how he went to hell... but how did he become a cat?
Enter Alastor.
One night, at the hotel, the magician was listening to the radio, when he heard a strange but alluring voice escape from the speakers.
It beckoned him to the casino.
A shadowy figure sits at the card table, eyes glowing red.
If the magician won three rounds of poker, the figure will be able to get him out of hell.
If not, he will forever be a permanent resident of the casino.
"....and how is that a punishment?"
The figure smiled.
"Of course the husk wouldn't see how being locked inside his own heaven is a punishment."
Take a guess as to how that turned out.
Actually, you don't have to.
The magician lost the third game and accepted the punishment... with an added lagniappe for good measure.
The magician's humanity was taken away by the figure, and as a result the demonic transformation was expedited.
...A little too much.
He became a full demon, in the form of a small house cat.
A house cat with only trace memories of what he once was as a human. At least he could still speak...
One day, while Charlie was opening up the hotel for the morning festivities, she noticed a cat sleeping on the poker table. Next to it was a piece of paper that read:
"Hello! I'm Mr. Husk! I like to drink whiskey and play with cards. But be careful, I can get grumpy at times."
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ultramarine-spirit · 2 years
Spoon's Q&A, fun facts and more! (NHK Culture Center Class)
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As promised, I have translated the contents of Spoon's NHK class. This post includes answers to the Q&A, fun facts and interesting info I noticed from the session.
Disclaimer: Unless stated otherwise, these aren't direct quotes, nor a literal or complete translation of the whole class (it was over an hour long, it would have taken me much longer...), it's a summary. Also, Spoon talked very fast, so while I fact-checked my notes with native speakers and translators, I could have made mistakes.
Many thanks to my friends @carlachen and @ mananokobako on Twitter for sharing their notes with me!
Q: The outfits featured on “Who Made Me A Princess” are very beautiful, what’s the process behind their designs? [Note: This was my question!]
A: When designing the outfits, Spoon researches the appropriate aristocratic costumes and dress codes, mainly from the 1870’s and 1880’s. She also uses material collections, books about clothing and web seaches, and used them as reference for details and hairstyles. In fact, this process could get very research-intensive and take many hours, something Spoon hadn’t anticipated, so she thanks the readers for liking them and taking notice of the clothes’ details.
Q: How did you come up with the name "Spoon"?
A: A friend recommended it to me, saying that the pronunciation of the word "spoon" was cute and that it suited my illustrations.
Q: While there are happy times when you draw manga, you must have also experienced many difficult and sad times. Is there anything that gave you the strength to overcome those difficult times?
A: The words of support and feedback from the readers gave Spoon strenght. When she heard that one of them was able to overcome depression after reading "Who Made Me A Princess", she was really moved to tears. Another happy event she remembers was when a foreign reader sent her a letter and a gift through the publisher company. She was so grateful that they would come all the way here [Korea], and also thanks the publisher company.
Q:  What’s the most important thing to focus on while doing art, and is it needed to receive formal education or one could be self-taught? This may be a contradictory question, but what do you do when you lose interesting in drawing or you don't want to draw? Also, what’s your favorite type of ramen? [Yes this is the correct translation lol]
A: Spoon believes that the most important thing while doing art is to complete your work. If you don't complete it first, you can’t find flaws or bad points in your art to improve. Whether you learn by self-study or by attending art school, if you can become a professional or not depends on your effort. Try to be as specific as possible in your goals, and think about what you need to do to become better at painting than you are now. When Spoon is feeling unmotivated, she thinks to myself, "If I take a break now, I will regret it later, won't I?".
Among Korean ramen, a type called of sesame ramen called "Chamke ramen" is Spoon's favorite.
Q: I was always impressed by the beauty of Spoon-sensei's paintings. I wanted to know if there is an artist that influenced your art.
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A: Spoon’s style has been influenced by the art of Naoko Takeuchi [Called it] author of Sailor Moon, Ikuko Ito, creator of Princess Tutu and animation director of the original Sailor Moon anime, and Katekyo Hitman Reborn’s author, Akira Amano [In fact, Spoon is a big fan of the series. You can check some of her old fanart here]. Spoon says that she respects them very much.
Q: Do you have any stories, manga, TV dramas or anime that have been greatly influential for you?
A: Studio Ghibli’s Nausicaä and Laputa: Castle in the Sky, and Disney’s Moana, stories where the female protagonist has adventures and overcomes adversity. Spoon thinks those stories of growth are really wonderful.
Q: What’s your favorite anime?
A: Spoon likes all the films directed by Hayao Miyazaki.
Q: The person asking this questions comments that, after reading "Who Made Me A Princess" they gradually became interested in family stories in which two characters who were indifferent before become close and come to cherish each other very much. Their question is, since there are many combinations and genre settings, if there's a particular pattern or setting that Spoon personally likes.
A: Spoon likes to see a character change depending on emotions such as love and friendship. Emotions are intangible, but they have the power to change a person's personality and behavior. She thinks that's what is so wonderful about it.
Q: At what stage do you draw the shadows? Do you add them in from the beginning or in the middle [of the process of painting]? Also, when do you start thinking about putting shadows in there? I would like to know if there are any points you are conscious of when drawing.
A: Spoon adds shadows when she is considering the surrounding lighting of the drawing. Even if the object in particular is a flat surface, it's important to paint it as if it were three-dimensional. In order to get better at this, it's absolutely necessary to carefully observe photographs to see the way in which shadows are cast when an object is exposed to light.
Q: When you are drawing, which part do you like the most?
A: Spoon enjoys when she is putting the finishing touches the most. She is filled with a sense of accomplishment after completing it.
Q: In some scenes, Athy does a swirly gesture with her arms when she is embarrassed. The person who asked this question doesn’t quite understand it, as it’s not something you see in Japanese manga, and would like Spoon to explain it a little.
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A: [Spoon shows gifs of Korean TV shows where the participants make a sort of “grabby hands” motion] Spoon laughs and explains that this is a common physical way to convey embarrassment, surprise or cringe in Korean culture [If you search “오글거리다” you can find some examples]. The word used literally means that your limbs "shrink", so that's where the gesture comes from, but it can also be used in other situations, such as being horrified, in pain or cold. In Japan, this is usually represented with goosebumps.
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Spoon elaborates about how certain cultural differences are fascinating. For example, when someone is talking about a character behind their back or in another place, in Japanese media the character will usually sneeze. On the other hand, in Korea that kind of situation has the character’s ears suddenly itching.
Q: The person asking the question says that the way in which Spoon draws jeweled eyes is very beautiful. They want to know how did Spoon think of that idea, or if she developed a process of creating them.
A: How she would draw the jeweled eyes was one of the things that Spoon worried about the most. What she wanted to convey was the feeling of a “cut gemstone”, and how precious, shining and beautiful the eyes look [Here she explains it while doing “cutting” motions with her hands. Think something similar to a karate chop]. She did her very best and is glad that she got a good response from readers.
Q: Athy and her friends looks so beautiful and cute in the dresses they wear. I would like to know what was the most difficult or honestly troublesome dress to draw in your work.
A: The coronation dress was very difficult and time-consuming to draw. At that time, Spoon had to do a lot of things at the same time, such as revising the physical version of the webtoon, so there wasn't enough time to do everything at the same time, but Spoon was happy that the effort she put into it made it look gorgeous.
Q: Who is your favorite character to draw, or the easiest to draw? And who is the most difficult to draw?
A: It’s Athy, because she’s gorgeous and cute. But Spoon also greatly enjoys drawing Lucas. Drawing him is fun because he is handsome and has many expressions. On the other hand, it's difficult to draw cautious characters because their facial expressions don't change much. However, she says that all of the characters are beautiful and elegant, so there’s no character that Spoon dislikes drawing.
Q: What is the most important thing for Spoon to draw in “Who Made Me A Princess”?
A: Spoon expands on the themes of “Who Made Me A Princess”, about the various relationships within the family that wasn't connected to one another. She thought that even if the characters shared blood, they hadn't been able to communicate, so they could only become a family if they thought about each other. And even if they are not connected by blood, if they care about each other they still can become a family.
Q: The person asking the question goes over how the color of both Jennette and Anastasius’ eyes changed once Lucas removed their mana. Jennette’s eyes became green like Penelope’s, while Anastasius’ turned black. It seems like the jeweled eyes are related to the characters' mana. So, if they didn’t have any magic, would Athy's eyes become a beautiful and mysterious color like Diana's, and Claude's eyes would become almost brown like his mother's?
A: Spoon elaborates about how the way in which a person’s eye color is determined is very complex and tricky, as it has to do with genetics, but in this setting it indeed relates to the royal mana. If Athy didn’t have any magic, her eyes would look like Diana’s.
[Note: This is also shown with Aeternitas’ cloudy jeweled eyes, since his mana was very weak].
Q: The person asking this question asks Spoon why was Diana a dancer, and if she could get a little more into Diana’s character, her past and what type of person she was.
A: Spoon imagined Diana as a minstrel or a wandering artist. Like a ballerina in a famous theater troupe who tours, she travels with her dancing and singing, putting on shows in different countries to earn money for her travels, so Spoon characterized her as a free soul.
Q: Obelia is called “the land of eternal springs and summers” in the last chapter. Does that mean winter doesn’t exist there?
A: Spoon says that indeed, there’s no cold weather in Obelia. That's why the characters don't have winter clothes. However, as there are a lot of cute designs for winter clothes, she would like to draw an illustration of the characters in winter clothes in the future.
Q: What your schedule is like when you are working on the series?
A: Spoon exercises as soon as she wakes up, for about 2 hours, eats dinner when she gets home, and starts working right away all the way until she goes to bed.
Q: It’s very rare to see Claude in uniform or tight clothes. The person asking the question wonders why Claude's clothes are so bare and asks Spoon if she could elaborate a little on his fashion sense.
A: Claude used to be a prince who wore his uniform properly, but after meeting Diana, he came to like the more casual or loose style of clothing. So Claude's fashion sense comes from Diana’s influence on him. Even when he didn’t remember her, he kept wearing such clothes because of that influence, and also because he genuinely likes them.
Q: Who’s Spoon’s favorite guy?
A: [With no hesitation] Claude.
Q: How did you improve your drawing skills before becoming an illustrator?
A: Spoon used to emulate her favorite artists and draw fanart.
Q: Do you have a favorite japanese word?
A: When she was traveling in Japan, Spoon was impressed by the name “Nippori” [Referring to Nippori train station]. She looked up the meaning and thought “Oh, so that’s what it means!” [Note: Nippori means “place where the sun sets”]. In Nippori, she didn’t do anything in particular, Spoon just passed by it on the train.
Q: "Who Made Me A Princess" has great clothes, but I also like the flowers that appear in each scene. I know some of them problably don't exist, but is there a flower that you use as a model?
A: It was a long time ago, so Spoon doesn't remember much, but she tried to draw beautiful flowers with overlapping petals.
Q: Is there anything that Spoon-sensei takes special care of in terms of physical condition?
A: Her wrists. Spoon demonstrates how she does her stretching routine. She also takes supplements when needed.
Q: I love Athy's hair color, it's so soft. Did you have any difficulties or problems deciding on that color?
A: At first her hair was a little darker, but Claude's hair is a dark blond and Athy's is a light blonde. So, in order to make a difference between them, Spoon lightened Athy's hair. She had a hard time fixing it so it wouldn't be too bright.
Q: What do you keep in mind about color schemes when you paint? They are always beautiful and I'm always fascinated by them.
A: Spoon tries not to make the color scheme too dark or complex [This answer was hard to hear, it could mean too dark or complicated/oversaturated].
Q: A question asking for commentary on the characters' expression and they way in which Spoon draws them. The answer focuses on Claude’s expression when Athy collapses in Chapter 18. The comments mention how Claude’s perspective of it in Chapter 102 was very moving and made everyone cry. [Here Spoon showed the panel of Claude’s surprised face].
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A: That scene was especially difficult for Spoon. It's a precious scene that shows how Claude had allowed his heart to worry about Athy. It was quite difficult because she had to give the expression a “Claude-like” quality and be careful to not deviate from his personality, but she also had to express how shocked he was. But it was a lot of fun despite the difficulties.
After reading the comments saying that this scene made everyone cry, Spoon adds that this is her favorite scene in the webtoon.
Q: The last question of the class. What will Spoon do in the future?
A: Spoon was thinking of going back to being an illustrator after the serialization of “Who Made Me A Princess” was over, but after the encouragement and happiness she received from readers, she decided to continue as a cartoonist. Look forward to seeing her next work!
Spoon realized that it makes her very happy to see and meet readers who are happy to read the manga she drew. She will continue to create good works as much as she can. She ends the live part of the class thanking us readers.
Q: At what age did you start drawing? [Note: The following questions are direct quotes. Because they were provided in written form, I was able to faithfully translate them].
A: My parents told me that I was very young, ever since I was able to hold a pencil, I was already drawing.
Q: What made you decide to be a cartoonist?
A: I have always dreamed of becoming a cartoonist since I was a child, but I thought it might be difficult, so at first I aimed to become an illustrator. After a while of working as an illustrator, I was asked to make my favorite work into a webtoon and decided to become a cartoonist.
Q: What’s your favorite manga?
A: I really enjoy reading Dungeon Meshi [Delicious in Dungeon] these days.
Q: What’s your favorite Japanese food?
A: I like sushi and ramen / I like cheese and creamy foods. It’s not good for my health… But it’s delicious, isn’t it? ( ;ω;   )
Q: When did your current art style take form?
A: After I started working as an illustrator and studied styles suitable for the genre (mainly romance fantasy), I guess… It’s not completely set in stone, it’s still developing.
Q: I’d like to know what’s your average working time per day.
A: Basically 8 hours, sometimes more than 12 hours when the deadline approaches.
Q: What software do you use for illustration?
A: I use Clip Studio Paint by CELSYS.
Q: Please tell me how to draw jeweled eyes!
A: I posted a tutorial on YouTube. Please watch the SoSpoon channel! [Link to the tutorial]
Q: Please tell us about Athanasia’s daily life!
A: Athy enjoys having tea and cake while performing her duties as princess. She will also play with Lucas, who shows up from time to time.
Q: Did you expect “Who Made Me A Princess” to become so popular in Japan? Did you work with the intention of expanding to overseas from the beginning?
A: At first, I didn’t think about publishing overseas. At that time [when the serialization began, in 2017], it wasn’t a time when overseas expansion was very active [referring to how back then, it wasn’t common for manhwas to get translated into other languages]. I was very happy that Japanese readers enjoyed my work, and I’m looking around for feedback with a lot of gratitude. Thank you so much for all the love.
Q: What does “Who Made Me A Princess” mean for Spoon-sensei?
A: The webtoon “Who Made Me A Princess” is like a benefactor to me. Thanks to this work, I was able to receive a lot of love. Thank you so much.
Q: Have you been asked to make an anime adaptation of “Who Made Me A Princess”?
A: Yes. I heard that it was ranked the 2nd manga that people want to see animated in Japan. Thank you very much.
[This year, “Who Made Me A Princess” has also been nominated to receive an anime adaptation. Read more about it and vote here!]
Fun Facts and Other Info
I'll answer what everyone is probably wondering about first: No, there was no mention of the side stories. But also, no one really asked about it. It seems to be a sort of taboo topic among japanese readers, and since there is some kind of issue with their publication, nobody touched the subject to not ruin the happy mood.
Apparently, Spoon received over 1000 questions for the Q&A.
The NHK translator mentioned that there were students from many countries!
Spoon gave a quick overview of her working tools. They include: a Cintiq 27QHD (tablet), two Dell monitors, and a Streamdeck. She also mentions using a 24-inch pen now, because it's easier to use.
Spoon has volume 9's cover as her PC's wallpaper.
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Spoon's voice is very cute! But wow, she talks so fast. Taking notes was very challenging.
She seemed to be shy but was very happy and looked healthy! The first thing she did was thank the readers for all their support and for giving her strength.
There were many comments about how cute the gestures Spoon made were. I agree!
Spoon has a ton of WMMAP merch. A whole bookshelf filled with it, and I believe she had at least one item of... everything. Even the chinese exclusive merch.
She also had a bunch of WMMAP volumes, both normal and limited versions!
Spoon has a special brush for drawing blushed cheeks, and it's in fact not pink but orange and light red, with the contours being lighter.
She had a very cute crab pencil holder. She said it was a gift from her assistant. Spoon likes it because it has a cute shape and she loves cute things. Like this (green one):
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Most people already saw, but the results of the popularity poll for the character people wanted Spoon to draw were: Athy in 1st place, Lucas 2nd, Claude 3rd, Ijekiel 4th, and lastly Jennette 5th. The numbers of votes weren't revealed. Spoon drew the following illustration to celebrate:
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That's it for now! I've been told that the class will be re-streamed soon (though I don't know if it will be made public or just for those who paid), so I'll try to watch it again and chat with friends that attended the class to see if I can add more interesting information to this post.
(February 4th, 2023 Edit) With the invaluable help of my friend @ mananokobako on Twitter and listening to the class again, I was able to translate new questions and improve on the past translation. I hope everyone can give it another read!
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dailyfocusupward · 1 month
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maheshtravel · 3 months
Effects of Rahu in 2nd House
In Vedic astrology, Rahu is known as a shadow planet with no physical form, symbolizing worldly desires, obsessions, and materialism. Its placement in a natal chart can have profound impacts, shaping various aspects of life depending on the house it occupies. When Rahu is positioned in the 2nd house, the house of wealth, family, speech, and values, it brings unique influences that can be both challenging and transformative.
The 2nd House in Astrology The 2nd house in astrology is primarily associated with:
Wealth and Finances: It indicates the individual's ability to accumulate wealth and manage financial resources. Family and Lineage: This house represents the family one is born into, family traditions, and the early childhood environment. Speech and Communication: The way one communicates, including speech patterns and choice of words, falls under the domain of the 2nd house. Values and Possessions: It signifies personal values, self-worth, and material possessions. When Rahu enters the 2nd house, its effects are felt across these domains, often bringing a mix of opportunities and challenges.
Positive Effects of Rahu in 2nd House Financial Gains: Rahu can bring sudden and unexpected financial gains. Individuals with Rahu in 2nd house may experience periods of significant wealth accumulation, often through unconventional means or foreign sources.
Magnetic Speech: Rahu's influence can endow individuals with a charismatic and persuasive speech. They may possess a unique way of communicating that captivates and influences others, making them effective speakers and negotiators.
Material Success: There is a strong drive for material success and a desire to acquire luxurious items. Rahu's presence can lead to an obsession with wealth and status, often resulting in the accumulation of valuable possessions.
Family Prosperity: In some cases, Rahu in 2nd house can bring prosperity and success to the family. This could be through inheritance or other means, benefiting the entire family unit.
Negative Effects of Rahu in the 2nd House Financial Instability: While Rahu can bring sudden gains, it can also lead to financial instability. There may be periods of financial ups and downs, with unexpected losses and unwise investments.
Speech Issues: Individuals might face issues related to speech, such as harsh or deceitful communication. There could be a tendency to lie or exaggerate, leading to trust issues in relationships.
Family Conflicts: Rahu's presence can cause disturbances in family life, leading to conflicts and misunderstandings. There may be a sense of detachment or alienation from family members.
Material Obsession: An excessive focus on material wealth can lead to neglect of spiritual and emotional well-being. This obsession can create an imbalance in life, affecting overall happiness and fulfillment.
Remedies for Rahu in 2nd House To mitigate the negative effects of Rahu in 2nd house, individuals can consider the following remedies:
Chant Rahu Mantras: Reciting Rahu mantras, such as "Om Rahave Namah," can help pacify the malefic effects of Rahu.
Fasting and Donations: Observing fasts on Saturdays and donating black clothes, sesame seeds, or iron objects to the needy can help reduce Rahu's adverse effects.
Worshiping Goddess Durga: Praying to Goddess Durga and performing Durga Saptashati recitation can help in overcoming Rahu-related challenges.
Gemstone Therapy: Wearing a Hessonite (Gomed) gemstone, after consulting with an experienced astrologer, can help balance Rahu's energy.
Family Harmony: Making conscious efforts to maintain harmony and understanding within the family can help mitigate Rahu's disruptive influence.
Conclusion Rahu's placement in the 2nd house can be a double-edged sword, bringing both opportunities and challenges. Understanding its effects and adopting suitable remedies can help individuals harness its positive aspects while mitigating the negatives. With the right approach, one can navigate the complexities of Rahu's influence and achieve a balanced and prosperous life.
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chris-griffiths · 3 months
Motivational Speakers: Inspiring Change and Driving Success
In today’s fast-paced world, motivational speakers play a pivotal role in inspiring individuals and organizations to achieve their highest potential. These dynamic professionals bring unique perspectives, personal experiences, and powerful messages that resonate with diverse audiences. Whether addressing a corporate team, a group of students, or a public gathering, motivational speakers have the ability to spark change, foster leadership, and drive success.
What is a Motivational Speaker?
A motivational speaker is an individual who delivers speeches intended to inspire and motivate their audience. These speakers use their life experiences, expertise, and eloquence to encourage people to overcome obstacles, pursue their dreams, and strive for excellence. Their speeches are designed to evoke emotional responses, challenge conventional thinking, and provide practical advice for personal and professional growth.
The Role of a Keynote Speaker
A keynote speaker is a special type of motivational speaker who delivers the main speech at an event. The role of a keynote speaker is to set the tone for the event, highlight its main themes, and engage the audience from the outset. Keynote speakers are often chosen for their expertise, charisma, and ability to connect with the audience on a deeper level. Their speeches are carefully crafted to align with the goals of the event and leave a lasting impact on the attendees.
Characteristics of an Effective Keynote Speaker
Expertise: A deep knowledge of the subject matter.
Engagement: The ability to captivate and maintain audience interest.
Inspiration: Providing motivation and encouragement.
Clarity: Delivering a clear and concise message.
Authenticity: Being genuine and relatable.
Leadership Speakers: Empowering Future Leaders
Leadership speakers focus on developing leadership skills within their audience. These speakers often have extensive experience in leadership roles and share insights on effective leadership practices. They discuss topics such as emotional intelligence, strategic thinking, team building, and decision-making. Leadership speakers aim to empower individuals to take on leadership roles and excel in guiding their teams and organizations toward success.
Key Themes in Leadership Speaking
Vision: Creating and communicating a compelling vision.
Influence: Building trust and influencing others.
Adaptability: Leading through change and uncertainty.
Integrity: Upholding ethical standards and integrity.
Empowerment: Encouraging and developing others.
The Impact of Motivational Speakers
Motivational speakers can have a profound impact on individuals and organizations. Their speeches often lead to increased motivation, improved morale, and enhanced performance. By sharing their own stories of overcoming adversity and achieving success, motivational speakers provide valuable lessons and practical strategies that audiences can apply to their own lives.
Personal Growth and Development
Motivational speakers inspire personal growth by encouraging individuals to set ambitious goals, take risks, and persevere in the face of challenges. They emphasize the importance of self-belief, resilience, and continuous learning. By promoting a growth mindset, motivational speakers help individuals unlock their full potential and achieve their aspirations.
Organizational Success
In a corporate setting, motivational speakers can drive organizational success by fostering a positive and motivated workforce. They address key issues such as employee engagement, teamwork, and leadership development. Their speeches can lead to improved communication, increased productivity, and a stronger organizational culture.
Choosing the Right Motivational Speaker
Selecting the right motivational speaker for an event is crucial to its success. Event organizers should consider the speaker’s expertise, experience, and ability to connect with the audience. It’s also important to align the speaker’s message with the goals and themes of the event. Here are some tips for choosing the right motivational speaker:
Define Your Objectives
Identify the Purpose: Understand the primary goal of the event.
Audience Needs: Consider the specific needs and interests of the audience.
Desired Outcomes: Determine the desired outcomes from the speaker’s presentation.
Research Potential Speakers
Speaker Profiles: Review the profiles and backgrounds of potential speakers.
Testimonials and Reviews: Look for testimonials and reviews from previous engagements.
Sample Videos: Watch sample videos of their past speeches to gauge their style and effectiveness.
Evaluate Speaker Fit
Relevance: Ensure the speaker’s expertise and message are relevant to the event.
Engagement Style: Consider the speaker’s ability to engage and connect with the audience.
Adaptability: Assess the speaker’s flexibility to tailor their speech to the event’s specific needs.
The Journey of Becoming a Motivational Speaker
Becoming a successful motivational speaker involves a combination of passion, expertise, and effective communication skills. Aspiring speakers must be able to convey their message in a compelling and relatable manner. Here are some steps to becoming a motivational speaker:
Develop Your Message
Identify Your Passion: Focus on topics you are passionate about and knowledgeable in.
Craft Your Story: Develop a personal story or message that resonates with your audience.
Create Valuable Content: Provide practical advice, insights, and inspiration.
Hone Your Speaking Skills
Public Speaking Courses: Take courses to improve your public speaking skills.
Practice Regularly: Practice speaking in front of different audiences to gain confidence.
Seek Feedback: Solicit feedback from peers and mentors to refine your delivery.
Build Your Brand
Online Presence: Create a professional website and social media profiles.
Networking: Network with event organizers, other speakers, and industry professionals.
Marketing: Promote your speaking services through various marketing channels.
The Future of Motivational Speaking
The future of motivational speaking is evolving with advancements in technology and changes in audience preferences. Virtual events, online courses, and interactive workshops are becoming increasingly popular. Motivational speakers must adapt to these changes and leverage digital platforms to reach a wider audience.
Embracing Technology
Virtual Speaking: Delivering speeches through webinars, virtual conferences, and online events.
Interactive Content: Using interactive tools and platforms to engage the audience.
Online Courses: Creating online courses and workshops to provide value to a broader audience.
Staying Relevant
Continuous Learning: Staying updated with the latest trends and developments in your field.
Audience Feedback: Regularly seeking and incorporating feedback from your audience.
Innovation: Continuously innovate your content and delivery methods to stay relevant and engaging.
Motivational speakers play an essential role in inspiring and empowering individuals and organizations. Whether as a keynote speaker or a leadership speaker, their ability to connect with audiences and deliver impactful messages is unparalleled. By understanding the nuances of motivational speaking, selecting the right speaker, and embracing future trends, event organizers can ensure their events are memorable and transformative. Motivational speakers will continue to be a driving force in fostering personal growth, leadership development, and organizational success.
In the end, the power of motivational speaking lies in its ability to inspire change, ignite passion, and drive individuals toward their goals. As the world continues to evolve, the demand for inspirational voices that can guide and motivate us will only grow. Motivational speakers, with their unique stories and powerful messages, will remain at the forefront of this movement, helping us navigate the challenges and opportunities of the future.
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reframingyou · 6 months
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Why isn't adultery one of the factors leading to BPD diagnoses since almost everyone i've ever known that suffered from it also were serial cheaters?
We had an amazing time interviewing our brilliant speaker Josef @theantisocialborderline ! He is a survivor of pervasive childhood adversity that took the shape of three personality disorders alongside several other “psychological anomalies”. Having recovered from BPD, actively treating ASPD and OCPD, and overcoming the effects of four untreated cluster b relationships, he is here to share insight of his journey regarding treatment, dispelling stigma surrounding Cluster B and debunking abhorrent phenomena such as narcissistic abuse. Ultimately, he seeks to reach out to others, creating a network of restoration that negate the harmful effects of misinformation being spewed by the very institution that should be helping people afflicted with personality disorders, the American Psychological Association.
Register for our free webinar with her!! https://chat.whatsapp.com/GAh3J8LS5zIKk41ynHriEv  or visit us at https://www.reframing-you.com/josef-sociopath    Let the healing begin!
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eakenvs3000f23 · 1 year
Privilege and Nature Interpretation
Hey friends!
As I am embraced by nature's serenity, it is revealing that privilege influences even the most pristine environments. Have you ever wondered about how privilege transcends into our relationship with nature? Today I wanted to deliberate on the role “privilege” plays in nature interpretation and enjoyment. 
I believe it is important to acknowledge that privilege varies considerably from person to person as it is shaped by a multitude of factors. Discussing privilege constructively is important, it raises awareness, questions harmful norms, and promotes diversity and inclusivity.
So what is “privilege”? I believe privilege refers to the advantages an individual experiences based on being in the majority demographic group. It does not deny universal struggle. Privilege brings essential awareness to the benefits that are present when an individual aligns with societal norms and power structures. Did you know that a significant percentage of the world's population does not have the opportunity to enjoy nature? It is important to recognize that individuals who find solace in escaping to the outdoors should be aware of the privilege that enables such opportunities. Experiencing nature without usual comforts and the ability to return to the comforts of home are privileges not all have.
In nature interpretation, communication plays a pivotal role in shaping positive nature experiences by sharing knowledge and exhilaration. Yet, language can unintentionally act as a barrier, inadvertently excluding individuals who aren't fluent in the prevailing regional language. This exclusion can have an adverse effect on one's ability to fully embrace and appreciate the experience. To support a more inclusive approach to nature enjoyment and interpretation, there are several practical steps we can take. To begin, we can create nature programs designed to welcome individuals from all language backgrounds, encouraging people to share their individual perspectives. Additionally, engaging with diverse communities through community outreach allows us to seek input on how to improve accessibility. Listening to suggestions is key to making progressive changes within the eco-community. Moreover, offering interpretation services or guides proficient in various languages can significantly enhance the experience for non-native speakers. Lastly, providing multilingual resources, including information, guides, and materials, ensures that nature-related content is accessible to a broader and more diverse audience, ultimately enriching our collective appreciation of the natural world.
Amid individuals' hectic daily routines, time and priority responsibilities often hinder their ability to spend a moment connecting with nature. Consequently, the shortage of time restricts the opportunities for individuals to fully immerse themselves in the beauty and marvels of the environment. To enhance nature enjoyment for all, despite limited time availability, several strategies can make a meaningful difference.First, offering activities at various times during the day and week to cater to diverse schedules is essential. Next, promoting local nature spots with public access ensures that people can connect with nature without extensive travel and travel barriers. Furthermore, active involvement of minority communities in the planning and development of nature-related activities can ensure inclusivity as accessibility challenges are addressed and overcome. Advocacy efforts should focus on policies that support green spaces and strive for equitable access to nature to allow for equal opportunities to enjoy nature.
I would love to chat about other ideas you all have that can help make nature interpretation more inclusive. Thanks for being part of this week's discussion!
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speakinc · 9 days
Breaking Barriers: The Story of Zion Clark
Zion Clark’s journey is nothing short of remarkable. Born with caudal regression syndrome, a condition that caused him to have no legs, Zion refused to let his physical challenges define his life. His mantra: "No excuses." This powerful mindset has propelled him through hardships, foster homes, and seemingly insurmountable obstacles to become a world-class athlete and an inspiration to many.
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From a young age, Zion fell in love with wrestling. Despite the challenges, his incredible upper-body strength, determination, and mental toughness allowed him to compete against fully able-bodied athletes. His athletic prowess doesn't stop there—he’s also a competitive track star, breaking records in the wheelchair racing world.
What makes Zion stand out isn’t just his athletic achievements. It’s his relentless positivity, his refusal to be limited by the cards he’s been dealt, and his unwavering belief that adversity can be turned into strength. His story teaches us that no matter the circumstances, you have the power to rewrite your narrative.
Now, as a motivational speaker, Zion shares his story with the world, empowering others to conquer their own obstacles. His message? Resilience, courage, and belief in oneself can truly change the game.
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kajmasterclass · 4 months
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wespeakglobal · 2 years
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(via Rusty Labuschagne | Overcome Adversity Showcase)
Rusty Labuschagne is an International Motivational speaker on overcoming extreme adversity, leadership and resilience.
One is immediately struck by his sincerity and humility as he delivers a dramatic account of his transformational experience.
Rusty has been through a trauma few have experienced. In 2003, the successful Zimbabwean businessman, who ran a safari outfit, flew his own aircraft, and had a fishing resort on Lake Kariba, was framed by a poacher, the police, and the courts, and wrongfully convicted of drowning a poacher.
He talks and writes about being subjected to conditions most people would find unbearable, having to draw on his inner resources and strengths to endure the unimaginable.
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schooldekho1 · 1 day
Motivational Assembly Topics for Students
Motivational assemblies are a fantastic way to inspire and energize students. They provide a unique opportunity to address important life lessons in an engaging and impactful manner. But what are the best topics to include in these assemblies? Whether you're an educator, school administrator, or speaker, choosing the right topics can make a world of difference. Let’s dive into some motivational assembly topics for students that will leave a lasting impact.
Why Are Motivational Assemblies Topics Important?
Motivational assemblies are more than just a break from the regular schedule. They help build character, instill values, and inspire students to achieve more. With the right topic, students can walk away feeling empowered, focused, and motivated to tackle their challenges head-on.
1. Overcoming Challenges and Building Resilience
Every student faces challenges, whether academic, social, or personal. Overcoming challenges is a key theme that helps students realize that obstacles are a part of life and can be overcome with determination. Sharing stories of individuals who have faced adversity and triumphed can inspire students to develop a mindset of resilience. This topic teaches them to bounce back from failures and turn setbacks into stepping stones.
2. The Power of Teamwork
Teamwork is essential in both school and life. By emphasizing the importance of working together, students learn the value of collaboration and mutual support. Use examples from sports, group projects, or even famous team achievements to highlight how teamwork can lead to success. Assemblies on this topic can encourage students to appreciate the strengths of their peers and foster a sense of community.
3. Believe in Yourself: The Power of Self-Confidence
Self-confidence is crucial for personal growth and success. Believing in yourself can unlock doors that doubt would keep closed. This topic is all about encouraging students to trust their abilities, take risks, and step outside their comfort zone. Using examples of well-known personalities who achieved great things through confidence and persistence can help drive this point home.
4. Time Management and Goal Setting
Many students struggle with time management, especially as they juggle schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and personal interests. Teaching students how to set goals and manage their time effectively can help them stay focused and reduce stress. This topic can cover strategies for breaking down big goals into manageable tasks and prioritizing effectively, ensuring students stay on track.
5. Mental Health and Wellness
With the increasing pressures on students today, mental health is a critical topic. Assemblies that focus on wellness can help break the stigma surrounding mental health issues and encourage students to seek help when needed. Covering topics such as stress management, mindfulness, and the importance of self-care can equip students with the tools they need to maintain their mental well-being.
6. The Importance of Perseverance
Perseverance is the fuel that drives success. Not everything comes easy, and students need to understand that persistence often leads to achievement. Inspirational stories of people who refused to give up, even when faced with failure, can encourage students to keep going, even when the road ahead seems tough. This is a lesson that will resonate throughout their academic journey and beyond.
7. Leadership and Taking Initiative
Leadership isn’t just about leading others; it’s about taking charge of your own life. Motivational assemblies on leadership can inspire students to take initiative, whether in academics, sports, or personal projects. Highlighting the traits of good leaders, such as responsibility, empathy, and vision, can encourage students to develop their own leadership skills.
8. The Value of Kindness and Empathy
In a world where students face bullying and peer pressure, the values of kindness and empathy are more important than ever. Assemblies on these topics can help students understand the impact of their actions on others. Through real-life stories and interactive activities, they can learn to cultivate empathy, compassion, and kindness in their everyday interactions.
9. Embracing Diversity and Inclusion
Assemblies that promote diversity and inclusion help students appreciate the unique differences in their peers. This topic teaches tolerance and respect for all individuals, regardless of their background, ethnicity, or beliefs. It's important for students to understand the value of inclusion and how embracing diversity strengthens communities.
10. Academic Integrity and Honesty
Cheating, plagiarism, and shortcuts are temptations students might face during their academic journey. Motivational assemblies on academic integrity can reinforce the importance of honesty and hard work. By addressing the consequences of dishonesty and the value of earning your achievements, students will better understand why integrity is a cornerstone of success.
Motivational assemblies are powerful tools that can shape the minds and attitudes of students. Choosing the right topics, such as overcoming challenges, teamwork, self-confidence, and mental health, can inspire students to be their best selves. These assemblies serve as reminders that success isn’t just about grades, but about building character, resilience, and compassion. So next time you’re planning an assembly, make sure the topics are meaningful, engaging, and relevant to the students' lives.
1. What are the benefits of motivational assemblies for students? Motivational assemblies help inspire, build confidence, and encourage students to develop important life skills such as resilience, teamwork, and time management.
2. How can motivational assemblies improve student behavior? By addressing values like kindness, empathy, and integrity, motivational assemblies can positively influence students’ behavior both in and out of the classroom.
3. How often should schools host motivational assemblies? Schools can benefit from hosting motivational assemblies several times a year, ideally at key moments such as the beginning of the academic year, before exams, or after holiday breaks.
4. How can teachers make assemblies more engaging for students? Teachers can make assemblies more engaging by incorporating interactive elements, such as group discussions, personal stories, or even multimedia presentations that relate to the students’ lives.
5. Can guest speakers be effective in motivational assemblies? Absolutely! Guest speakers, especially those with relatable or inspiring stories, can leave a lasting impression on students and bring a fresh perspective to the topics being discussed.
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chuckwisner · 2 days
The Power of Storytelling: How Inspirational Speakers Motivate Audiences?
Storytelling is a powerful tool that inspirational speakers use to connect with you on a deeper level. Through personal experiences and compelling narratives, these speakers engage your emotions, making their messages more relatable and impactful. When a story resonates, you find yourself inspired, driven, and ready to take action. Inspirational speakers know that facts alone aren’t enough to motivate; it's the stories that stay with you, encouraging growth and change long after the speech ends.
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The Role of Storytelling in Motivational Speaking
Storytelling is a powerful tool in motivational speaking, transforming abstract concepts into relatable experiences. It captivates audiences, making messages more memorable and impactful. By weaving personal anecdotes and compelling narratives, motivational speakers can connect emotionally with their listeners, fostering empathy and understanding.
Chuck Wisner, one of the top keynote speakers and author of The Art of Conscious Conversation, illustrates the impact of storytelling in his talks. He weaves stories of personal growth and communication struggles, which resonate deeply with his listeners. His stories not only entertain but also deliver important insights about the way we communicate with ourselves and others.
Emotional Engagement and Connection
One of the reasons storytelling is so powerful is because it creates emotional engagement. When Inspirational Speakers share a personal experience, they invite you into their world. You feel the emotions they felt, whether it's joy, fear, hope, or determination.
When you speak from the heart and address their concerns, you make your message more impactful. By tapping into their emotions, you help your audience see your perspective and inspire them to act, making your words more memorable and meaningful. This connection is key to motivating action because when you see someone who has walked a path similar to yours, it inspires you to do the same.
Memorable Lessons Through Storytelling
Storytelling turns lessons into memorable experiences for you and your audience. When you use engaging narratives, you make complex ideas relatable and easy to understand. By sharing stories that resonate with your listeners, you help them remember key points long after your speech. Your personal anecdotes or vivid examples create lasting impressions and make the lessons you share more impactful. This approach ensures that your message sticks with your audience, turning important insights into memorable, actionable takeaways.
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Inspiring Action Through Relatable Narratives
Storytelling doesn’t just make a talk more engaging; it drives action. When Inspirational Speakers share stories of overcoming adversity or achieving success, they show you what’s possible. These stories are not just tales of inspiration—they are calls to action. 
You see yourself in the narrative, and that makes you believe that you, too, can achieve the same kind of success or overcome similar challenges. Speakers like Chuck Wisner use their stories to highlight that personal growth and transformation are within your reach. When the story ends, the message stays, leaving you with a sense of motivation to apply what you’ve learned.
In the world of motivational speaking, storytelling is a crucial tool. Inspirational Speakers like Chuck Wisner use stories to connect with their audience, inspire action, and leave lasting lessons. By tapping into emotions and sharing personal journeys, they create a space where you feel inspired to take action. The power of storytelling is undeniable—it motivates, engages, and transforms those who hear it. When you listen to a speaker who knows how to tell a story, you walk away with more than just motivation you leave with a message that sticks with you and pushes you to take action.
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chughdrujjwal · 2 days
Best Motivational Speakers in India for Students: Inspiring the Youth
In today’s fast-paced and competitive world, the youth, especially students, often face numerous challenges—academic pressure, societal expectations, career uncertainties, and personal development hurdles. During these challenging times, motivational speakers serve as guiding lights, inspiring and empowering students to pursue their dreams with resilience and a positive mindset. India, with its diverse culture and immense talent pool, has produced some of the finest motivational speakers who have transformed countless lives through their speeches and life philosophies.
This article delves into the best motivational speakers in India for students, focusing on how these remarkable individuals inspire and guide the younger generation. We will also highlight the best motivational speaker in Delhi, a city renowned for its intellectual vibrancy, along with the top figures recognized as the best Indian motivational speaker for their profound impact on students.
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The Power of Motivational Speakers
Motivational speakers don’t just deliver speeches; they inspire action, resilience, and self-belief. For students, motivational speakers act as mentors, guiding them through the uncertainties and stresses of academic life and future planning. These speakers draw from their personal experiences, failures, and successes, using storytelling and real-life lessons to connect with their audience on a deep level. For the youth, hearing about overcoming adversity, achieving success, and maintaining mental well-being can be life-changing.
Why Students Need Motivational Speakers
Students, especially in India, face multiple challenges:
Academic Pressure: With a rigid and competitive education system, students are often stressed about grades and performance.
Career Confusion: The pressure to make career decisions early in life can be overwhelming.
Mental Health Issues: Stress, anxiety, and depression among students are increasingly becoming common.
Self-Esteem Issues: Peer pressure and societal expectations can lead to self-doubt and low self-esteem.
Motivational speakers provide a breath of fresh air, offering practical advice, personal stories, and words of wisdom that help students cope with these challenges. They help students recognize their potential, push boundaries, and aim for personal and academic excellence.
Characteristics of Top Motivational Speakers for Students
The best motivational speaker in India has certain unique traits:
Personal Experience: They often have compelling stories of overcoming adversity, which resonates with students.
Communication Skills: The ability to connect with young minds through engaging storytelling and persuasive speech.
Authenticity: They share authentic experiences, making their message credible and relatable.
Inspiration Through Action: Leading by example, these speakers don’t just preach; they practice the principles they advocate.
Empathy: They understand the challenges faced by students and provide compassionate guidance.
How Motivational Speakers Impact the Youth
1. Boosting Confidence:
Many students struggle with self-doubt, especially when faced with academic pressures and peer comparisons. Motivational speakers help students recognize their inherent potential and offer practical advice on building confidence.
2. Providing Direction:
The path to a successful future can often be unclear. Speakers help students focus on their goals, offering direction and clarity in terms of career choices, personal development, and life goals.
3. Encouraging Perseverance:
Failures and setbacks are inevitable, but speakers who have faced adversities offer inspiring lessons on perseverance and resilience. Their stories encourage students to view failures as stepping stones to success.
4. Improving Mental Health:
With increasing rates of stress and anxiety among students, motivational speakers help address mental health issues. They encourage a positive mindset, stress-management techniques, and the importance of mental well-being.
5. Inspiring Leadership:
Many motivational speakers focus on leadership skills, empowering students to take initiative and lead by example. Whether it’s in their academic pursuits, personal projects, or community activities, leadership is a valuable skill cultivated through motivational talks.
The role of motivational speakers in the lives of students cannot be understated. These speakers serve as catalysts, encouraging young minds to explore their potential, overcome challenges, and remain steadfast on the path to success. From the best motivational speaker in Delhi to the best Indian motivational speakers, each brings a unique perspective, offering students the inspiration and tools they need to navigate their academic journey and beyond.
As a leading motivational speaker, I believe in spreading wisdom only when one has truly realized something, aligning with the philosophy that the more you share wholeheartedly, the more success and happiness come back to you. This is why motivational speakers, including myself, strive to work for the success and happiness of others, knowing that in doing so, we too find fulfillment and success in our journey.
In conclusion, the best motivational speakers in India are not just speakers; they are life-changers, and their words will continue to inspire and guide the youth of our nation for generations to come.
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