#employer's responsabilities
sesamestreep · 10 months
I am by no means an expert on the subject at all, but if I could give one piece of advice to people who are job hunting, it is to always save a copy of the description of any job you apply for. It’s getting RIDICULOUS out there (at least in my experience/industry) in terms of how long between when a job gets posted and when they start contacting applicants for interviews, and unless you have a photographic memory, or the job is still active on the website you found it on, you will forget details about the job before you get invited to interview and it’s probably not a strong sign if you ask the interviewer what the heck the job is again (even if it’s fair given the elapsed time and how many applications people expect you to have going at once).
If it’s not already available in PDF format, just click the print option on your browser’s menu when you’re on the webpage with the job listing and when it gives you the window with the printer specifications, select “save as PDF” on the dropdown of available printers instead and save it to the same folder where you’re saving your cover letters/resumes/application materials with the name of the company/job title/date you applied in the file name. easy peasy. I still forget to do this occasionally but even remembering to do it half the time has saved me a lot of trouble overall.
job hunting sucks and is demoralizing on the best day, so keep your head up, do little things like this to make your life easier, and remember that I love you 💖 you got this!
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peachcitt · 1 month
punches you in the face. don’t use ai for stupid shit. hey. look me in the eyes. anything you want to ask gemini meta mr beast look-alike whatever the fuck you can just google. please just fucking read. is it that bad to think for yourself. is it too much to ask for you get your wrong answers and shitty party ideas from friends and family and strangers on the internet like god intended. jesus christ
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mswyrr · 3 days
I think the show has a good narrative set up to dodge around Disney censorship while also telling an emotionally satisfying story.
If the core thrust of the season is for Agatha, "the covenless witch," to heal the primal wound of that rejection/trauma and have a coven again, then there's already something delightfully queer about that as a journey toward growth, yeah? An all female coven is kind of inherently queer and socially stigmatized due to that.
And if, at the same time, Rio turns out to have been trying to help (in her oblique way) and she and Agatha still clearly have feelings for each other -- sexy feelings, both passionately aggro and otherwise -- then that can be the great queer subtext that plays into that resolution and allows for us to spin things off further in fanfic and fanart.
It sucks that Disney is a monopoly and that artists have to work within their boundaries in order to have a job, but I think there's the potential to play with those boundaries and still do something good with BOTH explicitly canon queer characters and queer coding/intentional subtext for the main character.
That is what I see as a very real possibility, given both the narrative so far and the limits I'm aware of from Disney. Is it my ideal? No. But we do not live in an ideal world and the artists are not working under the conditions they wish they could. It is what it is.
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mickstart · 8 months
came dangerously close to putting my ao3 as my website link on an application today to prove I write good and people like my writing but then thankfully my senses came back to me and I remembered that no matter how chill a prospective employer seems I do Not want them to be able to see I wrote 100k of rpf.
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emberglowfox · 1 year
i often call my dissociation 'autopilot' because it works well as an explanation but my god do i feel like an actual robot on autopilot these days. not just because 'i'm not in control of myself' or whatever, that's normal, but because i feel like the autopilot is beginning to break down. i've been zoned out for so long that it's run out of normal behavior to reference, so it's referencing what was a shoddy replica to begin with, and that results in a lot of oddities
mostly i've been noticing myself happily responding to people without actually even looking in their direction. like my eyes and head will just lock and i'll go a whole conversation animatedly replying while looking in the wrong spot (i'm usually very good about eye contact, or at the very least looking at people). also my reaction time / processing speed is waaaay slowed to the point where i'm starting to get nervous about driving so. that's cool
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runawaymun · 6 months
#sorry let me rant real quick in the tags#cw personal#once again hitting an insurance pothole bc the psych says she accepts my OHP plan HOWEVER the therapy group she is contacted with says#THEY don't#they only accept the insurance if it's through my employer but NOT through the government??????????????#so there's still some kind of payment???#anyway I want to scream why is this so complicated#like will she take my insurance or not who's right here#anyway called her back directly and went to voicemail so now I've done all I can for now#why the hell is this so hard man#the person on the phone didn't know really how to explain#once again no one knows what they're talking about#like can y'all not communicate and figure this out?#AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH#i need to get an ADHD eval before my next PCP appointment in june so that they will continue giving me my meds#and the psychiatry through the hospital has a limited number of visits that insurance will cover#*contracted#not retyping all of that#and once again the only reason this is so stressful is because the psychiatry group at the hospital fumbled the communication ball last tim#and the psychiatrist I was with never put the ADHD on the chart#and now somehow it's MY responsibility to fix that>#UGH#like I am grateful to have some kind of coverage but holy shit is the US healthcare system in shambles#the bureaucracy is INSANE#i had to just sit down and put my head in my hands for a second#and then go 'right okay nothing i can do about that rn moving on'#uGH#literally said 'what the FUCK' out loud a couple times#like not on the phone after I hung up obvs
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nando161mando · 2 months
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Tried texting off sick today and this was the response from my GM
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notasapleasure · 3 months
I don't WANT higher and further education to be treated as a job ffs!! it should be something that can be pursued as a passion, whether that passion leads you into academic jobs afterwards or is just something you do with your spare time like playing for a local sports club or whatever!
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sea-owl · 1 year
I request a governess polin au, hell we can add kathony too.
So let's say that in this au, Kate never went to London and Penelope never had London debut. To help with the family finances Kate set out to become a nurse/governess (I am aware they are two different positions, but just roll with me.) After discovering Lord Featheringtons debts Portia only had enough money to debut one more daughter. After debating she decided to place her bets on Felicity. Neither ever met the Bridgertons.
Somehow Penelope ended up as a sort of apprentice/partner to Kate and the two found a good job within the house of the Duke and Duchess of Hastings. With two of them they are able to take care of the children, Auggie, and Amelia, when they are younger and later teach them as well as any other children the Duke and Duchess may have.
The two get along well with their employers and they have each other so the loneliness that usually comes with their kind of position isn't as bad.
Then comes 1816 aka the year without summer. Things were wet and cold, some of the ton had decided to forgo that season and stay in their country homes. One of those families was the Bassets, who decided to invite the family to Clyvedon for the rest of the season, with possibly taking some time to go to Aubrey Hall.
Of course Kate and Penelope are also at Clyvedon, helping take care of the young lord and ladies.
"Oh Kate, Penelope," Daphne greeted as she walked into the nursery. "You two can take a break for a little while. Just bring the children down to the drawing room, my family will be here soon and I'm sure they'll want to see the babies."
"Yes your grace," Kate and Penelope bowed.
"Thank you-," Daphne cut herself off with a yawn. "Oh forgive me on that."
"It is alright your grace," Kate said.
Daphne fought another yawn as she walked out of the nursery.
Kate and Penelope looked at each other before letting out soft giggles.
"I suppose we'll have another little one soon enough," Kate said as she held onto Auggie's leading strings in one hand and held Belinda in another.
"Good for us, it keeps us employed longer," Penelope joked. She gently bounces Caroline, while her other hand holds Amelia's leading strings. "Looks like you won't be the baby for long young miss."
Kate grinned. "That it does."
The two lead the children down to the family drawing room where Simon was waiting. After that they were temporarily free for probably most of the afternoon if this was like the other visits from the duchess' family. Not that Kate and Penelope haven't really had any more than brief glimpses at the infamous Bridgertons.
After that Kate went to take a walk while Penelope went down to the kitchen for some leftovers cook left since she missed breakfast.
Enter Anthony and Colin.
Anthony had ridden separate from his family as he had to make a stop on the way for business. Unfortunately this also meant that Anthony had gotten caught in the rain on his way. Colin had gotten back just in time for them to leave and had not yet had a chance to change out of his traveling clothes nor a chance to really eat anything. Suffice to say they did not really look like sons of a high bred family.
Kate just happened to be passing by when Anthony rode up to Clyvedon.
Kate had to stop herself from raising an eyebrow at the soaked man who was foolish to ride out into the rain. If she had to guess he may have been one of the tenets. Just as they always did during the first day of guest arriving, the duke and duchess gave strict orders that they are not to be disturbed.
"Excuse me," the man said. "You could you direct me to where Simon and Daphne are?"
Kate was taken aback. She has never heard of a tenet being so informal. "I'm sorry sir, but their graces are not seeing to any business today. The duchess' family had arrived today."
The tenet looked annoyed. "I assure you they are expecting me."
"Sir," Kare sighed, then yelled when he pushed past her. "Sir!"
That's when Kate heard the bell designated for the nurses and governesses. Well fine, she'll just let her employers handle the tenet.
Meanwhile Colin had sneaked down to the kitchen. He was a growing boy after all, and he hadn't eaten all day.
He was surprised to see a cute red down there happily eating an eclair.
"Is there anymore?" Colin asked her.
Penelope jumped, just barely catching the custard that fell. Turning towards Colin she did in fact raise an eyebrow. She has not seen this man before. Penelope could place almost all the servants at Clyvedon by face and she has seen this one. Plus his clothing does not look like anything any of the servants would be wearing. Nor is he looking at her food like anyone else she has met before.
"I'm sorry sir, but this was the only one Cook had set aside. The rest are being served to her grace's family," Penelope said.
The man's eyes lit up at the mere mention of more food. "Really? Oh must show me where they are!"
What was this man? Some kind of interloper? Penelope would rather not show him where the duke and duchess are, but blast. It looks like she might not have a choice. That was the bell to summon her and Kate. Well hopefully if he does follow the duke will take care of it.
Kate and Penelope met at the entrance of the drawing room both of them looking at their partner with a questioning look at the strange man following.
Before Kate or Penelope could stop them the tenet and the interloper both walk into the drawing room.
Oh fuck, Kate and Penelope knew those names. Those were the names of the duchess' brothers, the Viscount Bridgerton and the third Bridgerton. And now among the rest of their siblings Kate and Penelope could see the resemblance.
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queerofthedagger · 4 months
people not in those fields really have no idea of the kind of exhaustion that comes with jobs in the social sector. which is in no way to say that other jobs aren't as or more exhausting but there is just something to being responsible for handling someone's psychological/medical/personal crises, to being restricted by structural and general circumstances, to being so empathetic to how Shit Sucks, but also needing to protect yourself and your coworkers etc etc etc that brings such a mental static sound kind of psychological exhaustion with it that i cannot put into words. i need to lie face down on the floor for three hours and soak my brain in nacl. any personal or friend crises are put on ice till i have capacity again. good fucking lord
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frankiensteinsmonster · 8 months
I think if a boss wants to fire an employee based off behavior that could be a symptom of mental or physical disorder (call out often, can't work as fast/long without breaks, spaces out, ect.) , they sould be required to help that employee get on disability+ also pursue a diagnosis + also they have to actually Get Approved for the disability funding before they can get cut loose.
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anonprotagging · 8 months
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it's certainly been a year so far lads!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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fabulouslygaybean · 2 months
i love being crushed under the weight of late stage capitalism
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h0neyfreak · 5 days
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bueris · 28 days
okay won't lie, doing work online causes me genuine agony because I'm pretty sure I have baggage from the pandemic that I haven't addressed because everyone else seems fine
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deadendtracks · 10 months
anyway you really shouldn't hire pathologically insecure people to head a large organization.
she's driven out a bunch of good people because she saw them as threats to her i guess. i took her by surprise because a) she wasn't targeting me because she barely knew who i was and b) she didn't realize i was kind of a lynchpin to the whole operation because she barely knew who i was or what i did until i gave notice and it was suddenly like "everything will now stop because we have no one else to do it" and c) i guess she didn't expect people to look at what she's doing and be like "i'm out of here" if she didn't already want them gone.
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