#emphasis on the “particular” part in that like
littlesparklight · 2 days
I wanted to check the numbers for who/which of them (between Apollo and Paris) are Achilles' killers, so here's what I allocated (thanks in part to the ever useful Early Greek Myth by Timothy Gantz):
Death of Achilles, killers: The Iliad; Apollo and Paris Aithiopis; Apollo and Paris Pindar, Paean 6; "Apollo in the mortal form of Paris" Aischylos, frament somewhere; Thetis accusing Apollo of promising long life to her child/ren and then killing her only son Sophokles, Philoctetes; Neoptolemos saying "no mortal destroyed him [Achilles]" but that it was Apollo Euripides, Hecuba, Andromache; implies Paris is responsible Ovid, Metamorphoses; Apollo helping guide Paris' arrows Virgil, Aeneid; Apollo helping guide Paris' arrows Apollodorus, the Bibliotheke; Apollo and Paris Hyginus, Fabula 107; Apollo in the guise of Paris Hyginus, Fabula 110; Paris (and Deiphobos) - Thymbra version Quintus of Smyrna, Posthomerica; Apollo (poisoned arrow) Scholia on the Hekabe; no specifics, but Achilles dies in Thymbra (Presumably at least Paris is the killer, then, whether Apollo too or not) Servius; Paris - Thymbra version Lactantius; Paris - Thymbra version Diktys of Crete; Paris, stabbing, Deiphobos restrains him - Thymbra version Dares of Phrygia; Paris (with others aiding) - Thymbra version
It's basically almost even between all of them, if we take the ones where Apollo is mentioned on his own as if it might play out as it does in Posthomerica. The thing is, as Gantz points out, an (apparent) absence of one or the other doesn't necessarily mean Achilles is killed only by one or the other.
Part of it might rely on who the speaker (if it's talked about, as in Aischylos' fragment and the Philoctetes, as well as the Hekuba and Andromache) wants to emphasise as responsible for whatever reason. Thetis has no reason to bring up Paris when she is accusing Apollo of having killed her son, whether he did it actually alone or by aiding Paris. Likewise, Neoptolemos is, again, putting emphasis on the divine (it makes his father look better/more powerful, it gives Achilles a 'better' death). Obviously he's not going to acknowledge Paris, if Paris might have had part.
In the case of Pindar's Paean 6, it's also certainly possible that, even if Pindar might really have meant Apollo took the shape of Paris, and thus that Paris had no part himself, it's not that straightforward.
I think it's possible by that phrasing that Apollo helped guide Paris, as becomes spelled out at least by Ovid and Virgil.
A definite absence of Paris, like in Quintus, serves a very particular goal. In the Posthomerica, Achilles gets to keep fighting after being shot by Apollo as he slowly expires; it's very clearly to give Achilles as much of a heroic death as possible. For that reason, Paris must be completely excised.
And for that same reason, I really do think Apollo would actually prefer to aid Paris in this case; it steals as much of Achilles' thunder as possible! Gives him an ignoble death and denies him his last chance at kleos; Paris might get no "real" kleos from having killed Achilles in this way, but neither he nor Apollo would care about that.
The switch to Thymbra, emphasises the ~cowardly treachery~ of the method of killing. (Achilles being lured to Thymbra under false pretenses, ambush.) All of the Thymbra versions are also either definitively "realistic" versions that omit the gods entirely (so Paris alone must be the killer), or focusing on Paris as the killer whether the gods are present or not.
There's several reasons I prefer Paris and Apollo together on the battlefield killing Achilles, but part of it is that the Thymbra version seems to include an idea of stabbing instead of using bow and arrow. And since bow and arrow is part of what makes the death extra insulting for Achilles, that's how I want it to be.
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Straw Hats as Rock Climbers
Because I've been climbing for a year and a half now and I have Opinions
Zoro is the local stealth crusher who took up rock climbing as a form of training for kendou. Being an internationally ranked athlete in a different sport, he quickly picks up climbing and eats through the grades, with a particular emphasis on bouldering and, later, lead climbing. He befriends the setters (Johnny and Yosaku) and eventually just gets hired on as a setter part-time. Some of the problems he sets are above V10 and the gym places bounties on them for anyone who can send them. However, because climbing isn’t his main focus or passion, he rarely competes except in local comps at the insistence of his friends and doesn’t really broadcast when he sends impressive outdoor boulders and routes. While he mostly focuses on his own climbs while at the gym, he’s super encouraging to other climbers as well, pushing them to overcome their fears and limits and is happy for them when they tell him they finally sent that climb they’ve been projecting for almost a month. The team kids look up to him and he’s very encouraging of the younger kids, especially the ones who need an extra push to get over their fear of heights or falling.
Luffy took up climbing as a side hobby after Zoro got into it. At first, he just wanted to spend more time with his friend and a climbing gym sounded way more fun than weightlifting, but after his first visit, he was already hooked. Luffy is a very dynamic climber who incorporates a lot of movement and flexibility into his style. He loves climbs with lots of dynos and hates static climbs that require a lot of precise body positioning. He doesn’t like climbing shoes, though, and while the staff won’t let him climb barefoot, he did find a pair of barefoot shoes that worked for him. His main sport is MMA, so climbing for him is just for fun, but he finds it so much fun he eventually drags a bunch of his friends into it. Similarly to Zoro, he is very encouraging of other climbers, but has a tendency to bulldoze over a lot of gym etiquette which eventually got him a Talk from the staff. He never projects anything, getting bored of things he can’t send in a few climbs, so he doesn’t really progress like Zoro does and is brutally honest - often to the point of insensitivity - about the sets. He hates Zoro’s setting because it’s “too hard and no fun” and Zoro reminds him that climbing is just like martial arts and if he wants to get better he actually has to try and not just give up on problems he can’t send. Needless to say, Luffy doesn’t like that logic and progresses at a snail’s pace because of it.
Nami is Zoro and Luffy’s best friend who showed up to the gym one day to track them down because she couldn’t get ahold of them and somehow ended up getting roped into trying it herself by a very insistent and convincing group of women. She ended up enjoying it a lot more than she thought she would, but the sticker shock of membership and gear pricing hit her pretty hard. Thankfully, the group of women that dragged her into climbing with them offer to get her in on their guest swipes and even sell her their used gear at super discounted prices. She doesn’t really climb in the gym much, far preferring outdoor climbing with her new friends. The social aspect of climbing appeals to her far more than the physical and she ends up becoming quite close with the women she climbs with. 
Usopp is the newbie climber that gets reluctantly dragged to the gym by Luffy. He’s scared of heights, scared of falling, of the rope breaking, the harness failing, the auto belay malfunctioning, etc, etc. However, once he starts to conquer those anxieties, he takes to climbing in the same way he took to sharpshooting, engineering, and art. Usopp quickly becomes a regular, becoming even more invested in the sport than Zoro and Luffy, doing tons of research, watching all sorts of technique videos, and even hitting the gym along with Zoro for strength and conditioning. He generally prefers rope climbing because it feels a lot safer than bouldering, but steps out of his comfort zone more and more as his skill level and confidence increase. He finds he loves outdoor climbing, though he is too terrified to even try trad climbing, and goes with Zoro and the others sometimes or with other people he befriended at the gym. He does not participate in comps, however, as the idea of competing doesn't much appeal to him. He eventually starts a climbing blog where he posts advice, climbing stories, and gear reviews. He does have a bad habit of beta spraying and over-boasting, however, but he learns to temper that over time.
Sanji doesn’t really climb. He’s seen what climbing does to a person’s hands, and, since his livelihood relies on his ability to use them, doesn’t want to risk injuring them. A pulley injury would be devastating for his productivity. However, the combined efforts of Luffy and Usopp eventually wear him down enough to at least try. He thinks it’s alright, really not his cup of tea, but he was at least surprised to learn that climbing was a much more leg-heavy sport than he initially anticipated. He comes around every once-in-a-while when the others drag him to the gym, but otherwise doesn’t have enough investment in the sport to go on his own. He's perfectly content to stick only to savate. He does, however, make sure to adjust the others’ meal plans to account for climbing. 
Chopper is one of the younger kids who was enrolled in classes by Dr. Kureha off a promotional flyer to force him to do something active and socialize. His first time at the gym, he meets Luffy, Usopp, and Zoro and while they’re rather crazy, Luffy’s childish antics, Usopp’s funny stories, and Zoro’s solid encouragement really make an impression on him. It takes him a while to bond with the other kids in his class, but finds he prefers hanging out with Luffy’s crazy crew anyway. Chopper especially takes to Zoro who he thinks is just the coolest and wants to be just like him. Dr. Kureha is wary of them at first as any protective parent would be, but her fears are assuaged when she finally meets them, realizes they’re a lot younger than Chopper had made them out to be, and gets a good read on their character. Dr. Hiriluk had enrolled him in karate classes when he was younger that he stopped going to after the man’s passing, but ends up being encouraged to start them back up by his new friends. As a climber, he progresses steadily, paying very close attention to pre-hab and conditioning to prevent injuries. He is prone to rattle off medical facts and give out rehab advice to other climbers based off the extensive dive into sports medicine he’d been doing since he started climbing. He is especially on Zoro’s case who shows a very concerning pattern of ignoring the orders of his doctors and physical therapist and going way harder than he should while recovering from injuries. 
Robin comes to the gym with the others, but only gets on the wall sometimes. Mostly, she enjoys watching them, occasionally with a book in hand. She took the belay course and got certified so that she could act as a belayer for the others when they needed one, but otherwise mostly sticks to the sidelines. She’s made friends with the staff and often gets into rather intense discussions with them and other climbers considering topics she has expertise in. 
Being a double amputee, Franky finds climbing an invigorating challenge. There are a lot of climbs he can’t do, but he steadily finds work arounds and techniques that work with his prosthetics (or sometimes without) for a number of them. He’s a pro when it comes to campusing, but a lot of slab climbs just generally aren’t possible for him. Even so, he enjoys the sport and enters local comps for the hell of it. He hasn't placed in anything, but he's a well-loved fixture at them and enthusiastically cheers the other climbers on.
Brook is an old trad climber who spent much of his younger years climbing outdoors with his bandmates in their downtime. He’s done some pretty well-known multi-pitch climbs in his day and has a wealth of stories to tell the younger generations. He wasn’t a huge fan of climbing gyms at first and the way climbing has been evolving because of them, but he comes around to it and starts to enjoy watching what the newer generation of climbers is up to. Despite his age, he’s still quite fit and does hit up the gym on occasion during the off-season. Mostly, he enjoys taking the others out to his old crag and introducing them to trad climbing. 
Jinbe doesn’t much care for climbing. He’s more of a swimmer, and much prefers water sports. However, like Robin, he does enjoy coming to watch the others and share conversation with her, the staff, and the other climbers. Like Robin, he gets a belay certification and can be found not just belaying the other Straw Hats, but also other climbers around the gym. 
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cannibal-nightmares · 7 months
"madness" but it's just me violently kicking my prompt list around a room like a box of clattering dishware. there's 112+ ideas now. every day i add handfuls more. what do you mean the brake line has been cut?
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bonyato · 1 year
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Is this anything.
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You know. Some are natural riders.
The hard part is figuring out if they need to be taught.
Some never require a teacher.
Some are so deep in the waves no one else could ever reach them.
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honourablejester · 1 year
A lot of the time when I reblog jewellery on here, it’s art nouveau jewellery, because I really like art nouveau. In general, and in jewellery in particular. And most of that is the aesthetic. I like the natural forms, I like the twisty curly bits, I like the use of materials, I like how a lot of art nouveau jewellery is using metals and stones and other materials to create a specific form, an insect or a plant or a goddess or even sometimes nature scenes. I like …
I feel like a lot of the time with jewellery, it feels like ‘I’m going to use this object to show off the size and value of my pretty rock’. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Some of those rocks are indeed gorgeous. But art nouveau feels more ‘I’m going to use these pretty rocks, and several other things, to create the impact of this object’? I just love the use of materials, glass and enamel and colour, as well as precious stones and metals, to create a form or a scene.
Like, you get a diamond ring, it’s a diamond ring. But you get something like a dragonfly brooch (Louis Acoc):
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Or a lilypad hair comb (Rene Lalique):
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Or a wisteria branch (Georges Fouquet):
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And it’s a whole creation. A little wearable piece of art.
And I don’t want to sound too dismissive. I know the craftmanship and skill and artistry that goes into any kind of jewellery making. That diamond ring took skill I will never have. I just.
I like the emphasis on form more than material that you get with art nouveau. Like normally you hear ‘glass jewellery’, ‘enamel jewellery’, and it’s cheap, it’s frowned upon, but in art nouveau it’s what that glass or enamel was used to make that’s the important part:
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(Rene Lalique)
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(Eugene Feuillatre)
Anyway. In summary, I really, really, really like art nouveau jewellery?
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igotanidea · 8 months
Almost there: Anthony Bridgerton x reader
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part 1: Too much
part 2 : Not enough
„One of those days you will get us both in trouble, Eloise.”
Due to some miracle, Y/N and her second-in-age sister in law managed to escape the watchful gaze of all, lady Danburry, Violet and Daphne, and rushed forward on the promenade. It was generally frowned upon, that the married lady strolled in the presence of a girl, who wasn’t even a débutante yet, but neither of those two seemed to take much interest in ton’s opinion.
“Trouble from merely speaking the truth?”
“Shall I remind you that this virtue is long forgotten in the society full of hypocrisy and deceit?” Y/N whispered taking Eloise’s arm to at least keep the pretences of being discreet. It would be unwise to let anyone else eavesdrop on the little exchange of words between close friends.
“It’s almost like you don’t trust me, my dear sister-in-law.” Eloise chuckled feigning the pompous tone.
“Please don’t ever call me like that again. You were my friend before you were my family. Don’t put the distance between us now. ”
“If anything I’d dare say I’m the reason you met with Anthony and –“ the sentence was cut out abruptly, as Eloise realised that Y/N was currently in the middle of a heavy argument with her husband. An argument that made her flee the house and turned out on the doorstep on the other Bridgerton’s house announced, in search for a friendly soul to talk to. And now she actually realised that all that may have been her fault from the beginning. If Y/N and Anthony have never met, they never would have fought and never—
“Stop overthinking it, dear.” The current viscountess chuckled observing her friend’s slightly hazy gaze and recognising it instantly. Clearly Eloise was getting lost in her own head.
‘Do not call me that!” the girl’s eyes became sharp and conscious again “I can hardly stand being called that affectionately by my mother, let alone by you.”
“Worked just as planned though.”
“Well, my biggest congratulations on being effective in the matter. You are almost as good at me with it.” 
“Oh, almost? From what I can recollect I taught you most of those tricks.” Y/N smiled brightly.
“Really?” Eloise raised an eyebrow “I can’t remember. Hey what do you say we run away from our chaperones and have a proper, meaningful discussion on what’s troubling you?”
“I wish it was that easy. But I’m a wife now and apparently –“
“Viscountess Bridgerton!” a sudden voice came from in front of them and Y/N felt like actually taking Eloise advice and rushing off. It was almost like the whole world decided to prey on her misery on that particular day. First lady Danburry, now lady Featherington. “How lovely to see you! Marriage serves you well. You are beaming, dear.”
Y/N gritted her teeth in hardly hidden annoyance at such obvious show of nosiness and lack of tact. She knew instantly that she had to cut the conversation short before another wave of unwanted questions about her blessed (or not) state would come.
‘Lady Featherington. Pleasure to see you there. Are your daughters accompanying you or are they occupied with their upcoming prenuptial agreements? I surely hope they would be as fortunate with their future husbands as I am with mine. And speaking of which, if you excuse me, I need to discuss a very urgent matter on the subject with my family.”She put an emphasis on two last word and not waiting for response, abandoning all the rules of the lady behaviour, tried to drag Eloise away almost sighing deeply in frustration.
„Oh, but viscountess, once Penelope weds Colin, we will be a family.” lady Featherington stopped both girls in their tracks before they managed to escape.
„I beg your pardon, what now?”
‘Oh, you didn’t know, viscountess? Your brother-in-law is about to marry my youngest daughter. By some miracle, clearly, since Penelope--” Portia started rambling without a care in the world.
„Oh I know about that part.” Y/N faked a smile that didn’t reach her eyes „I merely have the deep conviction that us becoming family is rather an improbable claim.”
„Dearest lady Featherington, do not push my hand here. I would rather stay in amity with you. A very fragile alliance shall you pry into my private matters. I dare say you have a certain interest in using those bold statements? ”
„I beg your pardon?”
„The viscount, is still in the charge of his famliy’s - our family’s finances. And that shall include the future fortune of Colin. Shall you insist on intruding me during my leisure time I might have a word with my husband.”
„You truly do not  disgrace yourself with being modest, do you, Y/N? Has social advancement changed you so much? I clearly remember you being a scrawny child with no aspiration and position and look at you now. A snake in a sparkish dress.”
„She can at least choose the colour that highlights her beauty and doesn't make her look like--”
„Thank you Eloise.” Y/N cut her off before she could cause some more havoc. Lady Featherington was an onerousness but her gossiping nature was something Y/N did not need in the current situation. „I shall believe lady Portia will keep our little conversation in mind for the future purposes. Hers and her daughter’s.
„Actually if the viscount is around --”
„Unfortunately, matters of utmost importance kept him at home today.” Y/N responded with the most patience she could gather at the moment. There was always a possibility of farewelling the unwanted company, but as previously stated - there was no need of spreading the rumours of some discrepancies between the newlyweds. This hydra had to be beheaded immediately before the news spread throughout London.
„Such a shame you were left to tend for yourself then viscountess.”
„I shall believe I’d receive the most warm welcome back once my husband free himself of all the duties and occupations.”
While Y/N was having a lively discussion with indefatigable Portia Featherington, someone was observing her closely from behind the tree, staying unnoticed themselves.
 “Are you spying on her now?”
“I’m not spying!”
“Oh really? Then tell me brother, why on Earth would you hide in the bush instead of accompanying your wife on the promenade? If I were you –“
“Good thing you are not.” Anthony muttered grumpily keeping his eyes fixed on his wife’s silhouette. Even with her cheeks reddened from the indignation and eyes sparkling with cunning intelligence she was the most beautiful woman he has ever laid his eyes on. If anything, those characteristic may have only been adding to her charm.
he viscount may not have heard all the words exchanged between two ladies, but the way Y/N was keeping lady Portia at bay, standing her own ground and not wavering in the slightest was admirable and worthy of a viscountess. Serving as a reminder that his wife was not a fragile bird who was - in his opinion- in dire need of his protection and care, but rather  a capable, strong woman, who would survive on her own.
Which brought him to another conclusion - that she didn’t rely on him as much as he expected her to. That she was proud enough to get the audacity to leave his home, leave him and decided (solely by herself!) to pay a visit to his sister.
“If I were you—“ Benedict grinned mischievously “I would run and drag Y/N away from Eloise before those two officially call you an idiot and make a plan for Y/N to leave you for good.” apparently the second son was capable of reading his older brother’s mind and pointing out all the worries that were already inside viscount’s head
“She would never.”
“I am unaware of the scope of your failure, but given the fact your wife rushed to Eloise, out of all the people must have been immense.”
“That’s it!’ Anthony hissed, almost crawling out from behind the tree, ready to clear this misunderstanding immediately.
„Oh, my dear!” Lady Featherington placed her hands on her hips as if she wanted to emphasize her higher position and knowledge of male-female relations. „Do not occupy yourself with the romance fantasies. Courtship is gone once the knot is tied. And after a child is born--” her gaze landed on Y/N’s stomach „you put all the efforts into keeping the family afloat and secure the future of the offspring.”
„I believe--”
„Viscountess, you are so young. So naive and innocent. Fed on the novels and stories.”
„Most of which cover the topic of history, literature and medicine rather than Shakespeare plays.” now the young woman was getting angry her cheeks flushing  „topics which I boldly presume are far from your interest.”
„I beg your-”
„I kindly forgive you, lady Featherington. Now if you excuse us - I shall wish you a good day.”
„I am not--”
„Lady Featherington.”
The sudden deep voice coming from behind made all the ladies turn around at once.
„Viscount.” Portia bowed slightly „I was just having a little chat with your wife.”
„Educating her on the specificity of marital relations?”
„Giving her some of the knowledge that her prematurely deceased mother - God rest her soul - did not have the opportunity to teach her”
„How kind of you.” Anthony almost smirked and Y/N had to muffle the chuckle forming in the back of her throat looking down. It was like she saw the old him. „However I suppose that once I am here, you shall be free of your educative duties?”
„do not preoccupy yourself my lady. My wife shall not lack the company from now on.” having said that, Antony walked right to Y/N offering her an arm and - a sight truly unexpected - bid the older lady goodbye while leading the viscountess away.
„I didn’t need you to save me.”
„such a shame I happened to be around then.”
„My undoing indeed.”
„Unforunate event that you might have to keep the externals for the duration of a stroll.” Anthony held her tighter and closer to him while nodding head to the acquaintance.
„Did you gather some intel on the current situation of our brother and his lovely wife?” Benedict, who followed the two of them without any hesitation, asked Eloise.
„I am Y/N’s confidante, I shall never-”
„You cannot trick me sister.”
„Anthony is an idiot.”
„I had quite a feeling you would say something like that. Now- shall we interfere or remain passive observers as Antony makes a fool of himself begging for her forgiveness?”
Eloise smirked as they continued their following.
She and Benedict always understood each other without words.
Edit: part 4 Stuck
@pietrawebster @chrissisheadisinclouds @fuzzym4m4 @gloomysel @urfavnoirette @dd122004dd @milkbummm @bevstofu @taniasethi @syraxnyra @christinabae @pandoraneverland @bevstofu @topguncultleader @jana-jaeynneee @myaa21212121 @ziarah @cat-lockwood @leaf-rose-thorn @elissanatok @lily3450 @nervousmumbling @cat-lockwood @pr3ttyfac3jaelyn
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divinesolas · 1 month
internal changes
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summary: your long time betrothed jacaerys heads to winterfell to make good relations with the north, your relationship has always been one of love and happiness until you show up a month into his trip to winterfell where everything seems to have changed between the two of you. your relationship may never be the same and it has everything to do with a particular stark.
jacaerys velaryon x cregan stark x fem!non targ!reader
cw: infidelity, internalized homophobia, queer cregan and jace, threesome, poly relationship, hand job, oral (f), prob ooc for everyone man, p in v, anal, top!cregan, sub!jace, dom!reader, like one smack to the face, ‘sara snow’ mention? (its just cregan), not proofread
an: havent written in a hot minute im rlly rusty but ive gotten asked to write this for forever so here you go 😁
perm jace taglist ! (open) @cruelworldlana @smurfelle @ireneispunk @hxtd @venmondiese @urmomsgirlfriend1 @jacesvelaryons @earth4angels @itsemohours @valdezthg
perm cregan taglist ! (open) @ireneispunk
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He had been acting weird since you arrived. avoiding you at every turn, barely speaking to you and it bothered you to no end. His letters to you had been nothing but positive, speaking highly of winterfell and the lord stark who jacaerys also seemed to be avoiding as well.
he spoke about how much he missed you, how much he longed to see you but now that you were actually here he seemed to want nothing to do with you. a month ago you were the love of his life, he was obsessed with you, and now he would not even do so much as look your way.
then you heard the rumor for the first time. It seemed everyone had been trying to hide it from you but you heard it one night. the maids had been talking around the corner. Sara snow. The lord rumored bastard sister. With pretty long dark hair just like her brother. They had been sleeping together for basically his whole time there you presumed, you had even heard they got fucking married in front of the weirwood trees before you showed up.
You were sick. so sick about everything so sick of the thoughts you were having and you grew angry, furious but you managed to stay rational, calm, for now.
“are you happy?” he looked up at you started, you had barged into his room and locked the door quickly behind you. “y/n-“ “i am not angry, i was angry, but this is a very typical thing in marriages here i just wish you had informed me,” He stands up from his desk. readjusting the buttons on his white tunic to cover himself up further as he looked at you alarmed. He looked beautiful and you hate that. His hair wet and face flushed as he tries to find his words.
“i dont know what,” “ive heard the rumors. everyone talks about it, everyone looks at me with pity in their eyes. whether its this sara snow or some other lady i dont care because i believe it.”
He freezes. He looks down at his hands which shake, you wait for him to say something. Anything. a part of you hopes he denies it, even if it would be a lie you pray he can give you some false sense of hope but he doesn’t. merely standing quietly in shame while you let out a soft laugh devoid of anything. “if you wish for our marriage to be one of agreement then so be it. but do not try to trick me into believing itll be anything more than that any longer i refuse it.”
You turn to walk out of the room, no longer being able to stand in his presence but as you go to open the door his voice calls out to you. “there is no other lady.”
You scoff and turn back to him, his eyes are glazed over with tears as his chest rises with heavy breaths. A part of you wants to walk over to him and wipe his tears off his face but you remain firm as you scoff. “do not take me for a fool-“ “i mean it. there is no lady.” he puts an emphasis on the word that has you tilting your head. you open your mouth to question him until the pure desperate look on his face causes it to click. there is no lady. but there is someone.
“im sorry.” he flats and looks as though he did not expect you to say that. “for what? you have nothing to be sorry for it is i who should be-“ “i cannot be mad at you for who you are it is not your fault.” He walks over to you as you close the door, grabbing your hands as he shakes his head. “you miss understand me i like you i love you like i man loves a women but he,” he lets out a frustrated sigh but you can tell its not directed at you, “i love him as i love you.”
When there is a silence in the air for far longer than he likes he squeezes you hard tight as he looks at your blank face. “please say something my love.” “who is it?” he looks down once more as you remain firmly staring at him. “y/n..” “who?” “cregan.” He says his name likes its forbidden, the word travels in the air like a brush of wind but you still hear it all the same.
he doesn’t dare look up at you again as another wave of silences washes over you two. His heart is aching so badly he wants to clutch his chest and fall to the ground. He does not want to be like this, one of those men. He holds himself in higher regard, but he cant help how he feels about the winter wolf who smiles at him so kindly. He thought it could be one and done, manage to shake this illness from his skin and be done with it but it has only gotten worse.
it is wrong. he should not want to love cregan as he loves you. you are his light his world but why does he think of cregan as he thinks of you. Its wrong, immoral. He should be punished, he wishes for you to yell, to scream at him, hit him but you don’t. you merely pull away from him and walk out the room without another word. He drops to his knees when as you shut the door and he clutches his chest as he begin to sob, he is a monster and this fate is a cruel but just punishment in his eyes.
Cregan wake up that morning prepared to walk the same routine he always does. The images of the dark haired prince that flash in his mind go ignored another day as they have been ever since the princess arrived. he did not hate you, no he actually rather liked you a lot but he did miss getting to spend time with jacaerys who clung to his side before you had shown up and now had not even spoken a word to him.
He walks into the hall and pauses. There you sit, arms crossed and two plates of hot foot in front of you. it clicks. he looks around at all the guards and maids in the room, “everyone out.” the room quickly scatters, “and make sure nobody enters.” the doors as shut with a hard slam as he stalks towards you, eyeing you down with a gleam of mischief in his pupils. “its a shock to see you here princess.” “i am not a princess.” he hums as he takes a seat and begins to pick at his food while you merely stare at him. “something the matter?” “how long?”
he raises his brow as he dunks his bread in the soup before shoving it in his mouth, “how long what?” “dont play dumb with me lord stark.” He chuckles leaning back in his chair and you find yourself readjusting in your seat. He watched you with a pleased look as he licks on of his fingers. “not long enough that your pretty little head should be worried about it princess.” “he said he loves you.”
cregans face falls and his face turns serious as he looks at you. He can see the questioning in your eyes and lets out a sigh. “two weeks. but we’ve been friends this whole time. i never meant for it to go further i swear on my sons life. stepping in between the bonds of a betrothal is not my way.”
You hate that you find yourself believing him. you itch at your skin to the point it becomes red. “do you like him?” cregan scratched at his jaw as he moves his food around on his plate. “i do. very much. i apologize.” he watched as you take a deep breath as you stare at your plate, “i will not peruse it, you are his betrothed and it would be inappropriate and wrong of me. i will leave him alone, i will never even glance at him i have disrespected your honor and dignity enough.”
he stared at you waiting for a response, he watches as you bring the bowl of soup to your lips snd take a long sip before placing it back down and wiping the excess from your lips. “would you accept his mother terms here and now so we could leave by the afternoon if i asked?” “yes of course anything you want.”
he expects you to ask him to do it but you merely bring your chalice to your lips as a sinister grin finds its way to your face. “do you find me pretty lord stark?” his brows raise in question but he coughs into his fist, “um, yes i do princess.” he watches as you lean over the table and grin at him sweetly. “just how pretty lord stark?” he almost asks you whats wrong before he feels your foot drag up his leg slowly letting out a shaky breath before a groan as your food digs into his bulge. shakily and breathlessly staring as you as you press your boot covered leg harder against him leaving him gripping the table. “i have an idea im sure you will be pleased with.”
jacaerys is on the edge of cracking. he had not seen you all day. he had gone to your room to ask you to have breakfast with him but he was informed you were not there. he had gone looking for you, searching every corner for you and he found nothing. nobody would even tell him where you were but they all had an odd look in their eyes when they said that to him.
He does end up seeing you, finally with cregan stark on your arm and he feels his heart plummet. “good day jacaerys.” his mouth opens and closes like a fish as he stares at the two of you. “good,,, day,,,?” he watches the look the two of you share as he feels his heart stop, “cregan’s been showing me around a bit would you like to join us?”
He feels like this is a trick. The two of you look far too happy, he gulps and fiddled around a bit before giving you a weak nod. he ends up trailing behind the two of you as the two of you talk about winterfell. you ask cregan about the history of certain things and he eagerly answers your questions. jace is just waiting for the fire to lit, for the two or you to turn on him and begin to berate him.
His mind wanders as he imagines the two of you punishing him the way he deserves, cregan holding him down while you tease his cock, refusing to give him what he truly wanted. He lets out a light whimper as his thoughts continue to run wild and his eyes widen as he coughs into his fist trying to play it off as nothing. He lets out a sigh of relief as the two of you say nothing but he misses the look the two of you share.
You all arrive at a large study, “this was my fathers before he passed.” “do you not use it?” cregan shakes his head, a more somber look on his face. “i should, i will, one day, for now his legacy shall be preserved here.” you hum and nod your head in understanding. you take off your cloak as cregan also begins to strip himself of his outerwear. jacaerys stares at the two of you confused, you walk over to him and begin to untie his cloak from around his neck. “you should make yourself comfortable jace.” “what is happening my love?” he asks you in a hushed voice but you dont answer him, a small smile creeps its way onto your face and he grows worried.
he allows you to strip him down to his undertunic, making no move to fight you his eyes drift behind you to cregan who has made himself really comfortable his undershirt untucked and being held open but just one button, cregan raises his brow at jace as he catches his eyes, taking a long drink from his bottle.
you grab his face and jacaerys blushes, “what are you looking at?” cregan stalks his way over and stands behind jacaerys his hands wrapping around his waist as jacaerys feels his breath caught in his throat as cregan presses his head into his neck.
“you’re such a greedy boy, wanting two people at once huh?” he whines. cregan begins to suck at the skin on his neck. he’s confused. he has no clue whats going on. “what’s happening?” he curses as your hands dip into his pants and harshly grab at his cock, “me and your secret lover have come to an agreement isn’t that right?” cregan lifts his head and hums. He watches in amazement as the two of you share a small kiss and he throbs at the sight of the two people he cares for most being intimate.
“hmm thats right princess.” jacaerys struggles to think as you tug on his throbbing cock, rubbing your thumb around his tip as cregan goes back to sucking on his neck. “since you’re so greedy, you can have us both arent we so kind?” jacaerys moans in delight at this turn of events and buckles his hips into your hand. your face sours and you lightly smack him across the face, “and not a single thank you? you’re disgusting.” jacaerys whines and shakes his head vigorously. “im sorry im sorry thank you thank you i love you.”
He feels cregan chuckle into his neck, his hands pull away the buttons on jacaerys tunic not caring about the now ruining garment as cregan caresses his skin. jacaerys continues to greedily rut his hips into your hands feeling himself closer and closer to his release. He suddenly feels cregan press into his back and he lets out a shudder as cregan begins to grind his hips against jacaerys, his tunic having long been disregarded and their bare skin presses against each other.
Your hands are suddenly pulled off him and cregan also takes a big step away from him and jacaerys whimpers at the loss of contact and the way his cock throbs as his orgasm dies down. “dont think im going to let you get away with this that easily.” your lips are suddenly presses against his and a fury and he eagerly tried to match you. “fucking another man behind my back so cruel.” he whimpers as it feels like a dagger begins to dig into his chest, “im sorry im sorry.” he slurs against your lips messily as you begin to pull him back as you sit on the bed, staring up at him. “prove it.”
He drops down to his knees like he was born to, quickly throwing himself under your skirt and get a taste of you like hes been craving for weeks now. your hand grips the back of his head while he begins to lick at you through your underwear and you look at cregan who takes another chug from his bottle before placing it down and walking back over to the two of you. jacaerys pushes aside your underwear and moans into you as he gets a taste of you. you gasp and look down at jacaerys skirt over head as your free hand grips at the sheets below you. “fuck jace.”
as his lips wrap around your pearl he gasps into you as he feels a body press against him and hands wrap around his cock. “dont think im not gonna join in.” jacaerys heart pounds as he continues to messily eat at you while cregan rubs his hands all over his cock, coating his fingers in his precum before sliding him inside of jace. his back arches and the vibration of his moan has you throwing your head back while cregan works open his hole as hes done plenty of times now.
the pit continues to build in your stomach and you lock eyes with cregan who grins at you and you wipe some sweat off your face, “dont you look pretty?” “shut the fuck up cregan.” the man laughs as he continues to work his fingers inside of jace, “you look so pretty when you’re about to cum doesn’t see jace?” the man though he cant see you now knows the expression on your jace far too well and nods eagerly against you. once you do release jace eagerly licks up every drop before you rip his head away and cregan pulls his fingers out. jacaerys still without any sort of release grows desperate as tears stream down his face.
“im sorry im sorry ill be good i swear please just let me cum please please.” you lean back into the bed and stare at cregan with a mock pondering look, “hmm what do you think my lord you think hes been good enough?” cregan smirks while jacaerys looks up at him with a pleading look, “oh how can you deny this face? look at him.” cregan cups his face in his hands and brushes some of his tears away. you look at jacaerys fucked out face and pretend to ponder for a few more moments while jacaerys squirms in cregans arms before grinning. “fine, come on my love.”
jacaerys heart beams at your words finally calling him by the affectionate name you had given him and he rushes towards you, “undress us.” his hands greedily tug off your clothes stripping you both bare and you grab his face and kiss him lightly. “you know ill always accept you jace, no matter what.” the layered meaning of your words hits him like a truck and the tears continue to well in his eyes, “i do not deserve you.” you shake your head as you affectionately run your fingers through his hair, “if this is who you are i do not mind it. i am serious, the three of us can be together if you so wish. cregan will grow on me im sure.” “im still here you know.”
you lightly chuckle as jacaerys beams at you, “you are the most amazing person i have ever met.” cregan now as bare as the both of you walks towards you two and raises a brow, “am i atleast second place?” jacaerys turns his head towards him, “of course you are.” cregan softly smiles and leans to press a gentle kiss against his lips.
When the two of them pull away the lust returns and you greedily turn jacaerys towards you and pull him into a deep kiss, falling back with him on top of you, “fuck me jace.” he moans as he eagerly lines himself up and pushes into you, shoving his head into the side of your neck as he bottoms out. he begins to work himself into a gentle rhythm before he feel cregans cock press against his hole and he freezes as cregan works his way inside of jacaerys.
jacaerys has never felt so full. so content. with the two people he loves the most bringing him to the heights of pleasure. he hopes his days are like this for the rest of his life, with the two of you by his side. that night after you had left the study and made a mess around cregans room as well he listens to the two of you bicker in bed about the mess youve made in his father study and how his legacy has been tarnished, “is it not strange he has a bed in his study?” “my father spent most of his time in his study, how do you think i was made?” “yuck do not say those things.” “oh you were certainly not complaining as i was eating-“ “oh dont bring up old news stark.” that night jacaerys falls asleep with a big smile on his face your voices lulling him to sleep.
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psychotrenny · 1 month
It's comical how obsessed radfems and adjacent reactionaries get with mystifying the human body, with certain parts in particular receiving a great deal of metaphysical weight. The phallus is a classic example of this; beyond its physical nature as a body part they have a very strongly held set of ideas around what it is on a spiritual level and get rather upset when these ideas do not quite align with material reality. Like you'll consistently see them get actually mad about basic facts like "The Penis and Clitoris are Homologous tissues" or "It is possible to commit sexual violence without using a dick".
Mind you these sorts of attitudes and tendencies are not unique to radfems but rather widespread in broader society; the most obvious way that radfems are indeed reactionary is that they base their ideology on an acceptance of patriarchal assumptions about gender and gender relations (just with a slightly different set of judgements and conclusions) rather than an outright rejection of them. But radfems give some assumptions much greater emphasis then they have in general society, taking them to an even more obviously ridiculous extreme. And while these sorts of fixations can be worth analysing for what they reveal about not just radfem ideology specifically but the society that spawned them, a lot of the time the best thing to do is laugh. Like some of the shit you'll see them say about the human body like it's not just incredibly wrong; it's incredibly silly
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determinate-negation · 4 months
maybe I am wrong but I think there's an interesting paradox in zionism's denial of the diaspora and it's appropriation of the diaspora because it can't form a culture without taking from the diaspora itself
its a paradox of zionism in general, from its start its been a movement that took cultural and political influence from its surroundings– being 19th century europe– its a colonial and nationalist project modeled after other colonial and nationalist european projects, yet tries to portray itself as indigenous. part of this is from shifts in political atmosphere and self-perception of zionism over the past 100 years. but there is an 'israeli culture' you can point to that is not taken from the diaspora but rather an inversion of what it conceives the diaspora to be, for the diaspora to be seen as weak, sickly, overly intellectual, cosmopolitan and disconnected from the land, thus israeli culture is more militaristic, chauvinistic, with an emphasis on the masculine, fetishizing labor and agricultural work. the paradox is this cultural conception is basically lacking everything that made jewish diaspora culture interesting and leave a long lasting mark on western history, jewish culture as a minority culture in particular. i think the cultural output of colonial or imperial nations mostly interested in projecting strength and militarism is generally poor, chauvinistic, and easily forgotten because it lacks the qualities that make particular things significant historically artistically etc. like look at the cultural atmosphere of the weimar republic, or even imperial germany (after relative) jewish emancipation and the influence of minority cultures vs cultural production in the nazi period and afterwards, or american settler culture in the colonial period vs cultural forms created by oppressed people in america. if you are interested more specifically in israels conception of itself as like a negation of the diaspora the artist eli valley made a cartoon about this, israel man and diaspora boy. israeli society historically tried to erase diaspora culture within israel, like discouraging people from speaking yiddish and banning yiddish cultural production. but also needed to construct a positive cultural identity (i dont mean positive to mean good, just like as in creating something rather than negating or destroying) and appropriated palestinian culture, through taking indigenous names, food, etc. if you want to read about this process in israel as well as other settler colonies like australia and canada and the us the article settler colonialism and the elimination of the native by patrick wolfe is a pretty significant article. i would say as far as i can tell israeli culture today seems to be mostly predicated on this, not appropriation of diaspora jewish culture, which they seem to look down on generally. but theres not much interest in israeli literature or art worldwide, besides in germany (lol), and perhaps their failure to create anything worthwhile is part of why israeli archival and academic institutions seek to claim ownership of diaspora jewish culture. part of it is just to legitimize themselves and give themselves prestige as well i think
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cepheustarot · 5 months
What awaits you in May?
Attention! This reading is for entertainment purposes only. This tarot reading does not give a 100% guarantee that all the described situations will occur or being ultimate truth. You build your own life and destiny and only you know yourself best.
✧ Masterlist ✧ Paid readings
Pick a pile. Choose one or more pictures. Trust your intuition.
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Pile 1: At the beginning of the month, you may have an unforeseen situation, force majeure, which will change your plans, which were supposed to be implemented in may but because of this situation the implementation will either be postponed or you will change your decision and do it differently. As I see it, for the most part you planned these plans together with other people, your family or friends but someone could change their mind at the last moment and refuse to participate or a strong quarrel may arise with someone. Naturally, you will be nervous because of unforeseen circumstances, thoughts may arise "why not give it all up, give up this idea" but as the cards show, it is better not to abandon the implementation here but to look for an alternative, since in the end everything will turn out much better than you imagined! 
Also, this month the chance to change jobs or occupation / try a new hobby will be quite high as you will receive a good offer from a company or employer with good working conditions and a good salary/ rate per hour. However, your current employers may stop you, because they are afraid of losing you, you are a valuable employee for them and this can create small problems when you are fired. Also, if you are in business, your sales will increase significantly this month, you can make profitable deals with someone, invest profitably in some business.  If you are studying, then you will also succeed this month but it is important to make an effort here since you may have strict teachers who are very picky about the answers or you can write tests where one mistake can lead to the loss of many points, so be careful! 
Also this month, there is a high chance to meet a new person who will later become a good friend for you or, if you are looking for a relationship, will become a good partner. As I see it, you will spend a lot of time with each other, you will get to know each other, create joint memories, in general, you will be very comfortable and good next to this person. If you are already in a relationship, then this month is a good opportunity to strengthen your bond or resolve problems between you, establish a relationship and get closer, spend time together. You can also spend a lot of time with your family this month, in particular with your siblings.
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Pile 2: At the beginning of the month, your problem which lasted for a long time will be able to be solved, you will finally be able to find a way out of the situation and thanks to this you will feel so relieved, weight has finally fallen off your shoulders, you will have a slight feeling of freedom, you can feel so confident as if you won the most difficult competition and took the prize! It can be anything, getting rid of debts, solving psychological problems, solving financial problems, overcoming a crisis, resolving a conflict with people — in general, something that has been burdening you for a long time. You may also have felt depressed and tired lately, felt like your mood was sad most of the time, it might be difficult for you to enjoy some little things and your condition will improve significantly this month. Here, in general, the rough patch will end, luck and happiness will accompany you in your life! 
I also see that this month you will have the opportunity to change something in your life that will help you feel better, here the emphasis is that you would like to get rid of the past, of the memories that burden you: you can change your appearance, your style,change of scenery and go somewhere for a while or move altogether, change your social circle, hobbies, change your job / occupation, change the interior of the apartment, you can add decor, you can discover new places in the city, find new people, you can also change inside yourself, change your views — anything can happen here that can improve your mood and well-being. 
This month you will also make new plans, goals and work on their implementation, here I see that you will definitely succeed since this will be something very important to you, you will be burning with the idea and strive to achieve what you would like, probably this motivation came to you after improving your well-being and it's very cool! Here you can study something a lot, try to figure out a topic, consult with others, improve your skills, even if you start something new, you will be accompanied by success and luck!
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Pile 3: This month you may feel tired from the oversaturation of events in your life, from an overabundance of emotions, from being with people often, and here I see you can feel how your social battery has "run out". You will distance yourself from people for a while, spend time alone or with only a small number of people but in any case you focus on yourself and taking care of yourself. You can take a vacation at work or take a break, spend time doing things that bring you pleasure that calm you down and do not strain you, you will pamper yourself here and do what you want. You can also get tired of the hustle and hustle and go to some quiet place for you, often visit your favorite places and “places of power" that fill you internally. 
And although I said that you will spend most of your time alone with yourself, I also do not exclude that you will want to meet with your inner circle, your loved ones may also meet  and offer to go on a trip to small towns, you can spend time outside the city but away from the hustle and bustle. And if you agree then this trip will also be able to fill you with internal resources, improve your well-being, you will feel how your fatigue gradually passes and your head is free of obsessive thoughts. 
At the end of the month, a situation will occur that will take you out of your inner balance: it will be unexpected, you will be required to quickly resolve the situation or do something in the shortest possible time, make a choice and naturally this can infuriate you. This may be related to work, for example, your boss will require you to do something urgently, make changes to the work, it may also be related to the family, there will be a heated dispute between family members and you will have to take someone's side, since it is difficult to remain indifferent in this case. In any case, it won't last long, you will get a grip and quickly resolve the problems that have overtaken you so you shouldn't worry too much about it.
Thank you for reading! I will be glad of any feedback 🖤
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actual-changeling · 1 year
this one is thanks to a post by @thegroovyfool because she is very much correct - we do not talk about aziraphale's "i need you" enough.
so once again, with a deep breath and a sigh, welcome back to alex's unhinged meta corner, where i tear apart the confession scene frame by frame. i'm gonna say, watching this particular clip over and over and focusing on aziraphale's face almost took me out.
let's get into it.
first, how about a little look at our starting point. (any blurry screencaps are due to a LOT of movement on michael's part rip)
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crowley is very pointedly facing away from him, he turned after aziraphale said "we can be together - angels!", presumably because being offered exactly what he wants in the one way he cannot have it fried his brain, cause besties it surely fried mine.
aziraphale on the other hand looks openly desperate, which is why he says "i need you." more on that later. let's have a look at how he says it, because michael "microexpressions" sheen is putting in the work.
to me, he seems close to tears, his eyes are glistening in that specific "i'm about to cry my eyes out" way i know from looking in the mirror while crying
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he is trying to get crowley to listen to him and to turn around. he wants crowley to face him, which is something most people tend to want during an argument. talking to someone who is not looking at you tends to make someone frustrated and like they're not hearing you/do not care about what you have to say.
aziraphale looks close to despair, his i need you is a plea to crowley to come with him. he is opening himself up not just emotionally but physically, too.
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he slightly leans forward, his arms are raised and seem to both slightly grasp for crowley and point towards his chest/heart for emphasis. the pure pain visible on his face knocks the air out of me every single time i look at it.
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aziraphale is admitting to needing him, something he has never done before, hell, he has told him the exact opposite on numerous occasions. i don't need you. and while they both knew it was a) a lie and b) a way for him to deal with his conflicting emotional standpoints and cognitive dissonance, it still hurt crowley every. single time.
crowley was there for him no matter what, he knows aziraphale needs him but he came back and remained at his side even when he was pushed away and more or less openly insulted. he endured it all.
aziraphale saying i need you now is pretty much a slap in the face but also what crowley needs to hear. as with everything that happens during the entire conversation, the timing is fucked up and they're talking past each other.
in my opinion, that is why crowley does not react.
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only when aziraphale turns spiteful and starts questioning his understanding (aka calling him stupid without outright saying it) does he re-enter the conversation.
aziraphale, however, is upset. now, i will put on my tinhat for just a second and turn up the insanity because there are two more things i want to talk about.
first, the little stutter at the beginning.
"i ngk - i need you."
my question is - why? why does he stumble over these words in particular when it does not happen with any other sentence? the only other time is right after crowley walks away with his "good luck", he stumbles over crowley's name.
so, in short, it happens when he is either caught off-guard or saying something incredible emotional.
and this, everyone, is where i go unhinged in my interpretation.
what if he initially did not want to say "i need you?" what if he was so caught up in getting crowley to stay/come with him that he did not think and almost confessed another three word sentence?
what if he was about to say "i love you" but stopped himself because no, that's too direct, they don't do that, they can't do that. it goes against EVERYTHING they have silently build over the last six thousand years. so he chokes on it. he chokes on it and instead he says "i need you" because it means the same thing.
i need you. don't leave me. come with me. be an us. go off together.
i forgive you. i love you.
they say it over and over again because that's the only way they can say it.
that is why aziraphale is so angry and upset after saying it. he told crowley he loves him, he needs him, and all he got in return was silence.
the funny part is that this code may have worked before, but it no longer does. crowley is too hurt to listen to what aziraphale is trying to tell him, and aziraphale is equally as hurt and also not listening anymore.
the funny part is that it stopped being about love and started being about sides again. my side, your side, our side. choose a side, choose our side, choose me.
the funny part is that beelzebub and gabriel told them what they need to do, i found something that mattered more to me than choosing sides.
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prokopetz · 2 years
“Why do you have opinions about Homestuck, aren’t you like 40″ I mean, not to get deep about the dick joke comic, but a big part of what Homestuck is doing as a text is interrogating 1990s nostalgia as a cultural institution, with a particular emphasis on the apparent contradiction of being sincerely nostalgic for a body of popular culture that was so terminally irony-poisoned.
You know what age bracket is likely to have suffered most keenly from unexamined 1990s nostalgia?
People who were like 30 circa 2012.
I regret to inform you that people who are like 40 in the year 2022 are in fact one of the comic’s primary target audiences!
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dixonsgirl93 · 1 year
Locked in with Daryl Dixon
Daryl Dixon x Fem!reader
Warnings: smut, mutual hand jobs
Word count: 1.2k
Requested by anon
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Daryl motions for you to get in the boot, you clamber inside, quickly followed by him who ties the trunk shut with a bloodied rag. The growl and shuffle of walkers gets louder, the car rocking as they bumped into it. They banged on the trunk door, smelling the sweat on you both.
You squeezed your eyes shut for a moment, hoping the rag would be enough to keep you both safe. The trunk was getting increasingly humid, sweat dripped down your back and into your eyes. You tried several times to wipe it away to no avail.
Eventually you were met with a storm, along with the noise of the dead, the sky crackled with thunder, the wind howling in the gaps around you. As if the night could get any worse.
On the bright side, you had Daryl with you who had shuffled back to give you more space in the cramped trunk. While you were grateful, also having claustrophobia, you also wished he’d hold you. You wished a lot of things but knew you wouldn’t get it. Being at least 10 years younger than the man, he probably saw you at best as a little sister. You sighed unintentionally, expressing your disdain for the whole situation.
“You all right?” Daryl’s rough voice came from behind you. You nodded, not trusting your voice. “You sure? You been breathing heavy for hours. You got asthma?” You shook your head.
“I’m fine.” You whispered, shakily, proving you were anything but.
One particular loud bang of a walker on the trunk made you jump and yelp. A warm, heavy hand squeezed your hip gently.
“Don’t worry. We’re safe enough.” His voice was a low rumble in his throat. The vibrations of his chest against your back sent coils of pleasure to your groin.
Another loud clap of thunder as the storm passed overhead made you jump again. You always hated sudden loud noise like that. Daryl’s hand snaked around your waist and pulled you in to his chest, his hand flat against your stomach. You became ultra aware of every part of your body that touched his, momentarily forgetting the storm and the walkers.
You froze for a moment, taken aback at his sudden touch. You had no idea how to approach this. You were sure, however, that this was merely a comforting gesture and not because he had feelings for you.
During the night, while you both lay there, huddled close, another, smaller wave of walkers pass, bumping into the car and startling you awake. For a moment you forgot where you were, feeling only the heat and the pressure of someone holding you. Panic rises in you before a hand gently squeezes your middle.
“Hey. It’s okay. It’s me.” A reassuring voice grumbled next to your ear. He sounded a little groggy too, like he’d been napping. Although you were sure he hadn’t, he was always too wired in situations like these.
You start to fidget and try to stretch your limbs and your back and accidentally press into Daryl’s crouch. His hand freezes on your middle.
“Don’t wiggle so much.” His face, his voice, buried in your hair, almost growls and that’s when you feel a new pressure press against your ass.
“Oh.” You whisper and his hand moves over your hip and to hold you there, squeezing gently. A soft grunt escapes him and you decide to test him, pushing your ass back into his crotch again.
“Stop. Please.” His voice comes out strained. Was he really turned on by you? You do it again, wiggling a bit for emphasis. His hand swings around your middle again and he pulls you tight into him, pushing down on your hips so his erection was right against you. You can’t help but moan, soft and breathy. His hand lets go and moves over your thigh, up over your hip, over your arm and back down again leaving your skin feeling electric.
At some point the storm outside passed and the walkers became fewer. Daryl decides to slip a hand under your shirt to massage a breast. You moan and your head falls back a little, enjoying the feel of his large, warm, calloused hand on you.
“You like when I do this?” Daryl’s ragged voice broke the silence. You nod and decide you really wanted to touch him too. Slipping a hand behind you and over his crotch you cup his erection through his jeans. He lets out a grunt and his dick pulses against your hand.
“You’re being so unfair, Daryl.” You whimper, massaging his erection.
“Says you with ya hand on ma dick.” He grunted, effectively humping your hand. “I know I’m being selfish, but you’re enjoying it. So who’s the real winner, here?” He pressed his face in your neck and nuzzled, kissing gently.
Without a word Daryl moved his hand from your shirt and glided it down your body to the buckle of your jeans, here he gently, quietly undid them and slipped a hand in. His fingers found your clit and circled gently. You moaned and grinded back on him, craving more.
“Easy girl, you’re rocking the car.” He murmured into your ear, his breath sending shivers over your skin. You whimpered as his hand sped up, two delightful fingers sending waves of pleasure through you. It wasn’t enough.
You move your hand from outside his jeans and clumsily try to put your hand inside, wrapping a hand around his veiny, throbbing, raging hard cock.
“Fuck.” You gasp, as he thrust into your hand. You were both so desperate for each other, needy, horny as hell but neither of you moved much, neither of you dared turn or shuffle out of clothes in case you brought attention to the car.
“If I keep doing this, reckon you’ll cum on my hand, princess?” He growled, his voice low and hungry. Wetness pooled and the sound of his fingers working on you made it loud in the trunk. “You’re so wet, does my voice turn you on?”
You nod. Your other hand reaches and presses his onto you, increasing the pressure and building up the orgasm, ready for release. Daryl circles his fingers faster and a loud moan escapes you.
“That’s it. Come on.” He urges, thrusting more into your hand. You gasp, gripping his dick as your orgasm comes to the surface, letting out a grunt of pleasure. “Good girl.” He grunts, breathless, as his cock throbs hard before a hot liquid pumps over your hand. He whimpers as his dick becomes sensitive, getting every drop of his cum out onto you.
“Fuck.” He whispers, breathless. He moves his hand from your clit and hugs you around your waist, making sure you stay as close as possible to him.
A couple of moments pass in near silence, both of you spent. You take your cum-covered hand out of his pants, wiping on a rag in the car, smiling at the fact any of it even happened.
“Hey.” You whisper, nudging Daryl gently. “It’s quiet outside. We can leave.” You untie the rag and both of you climb out, buttoning your jeans back up.
Daryl looks up at you and smiles cheekily like he’s just got away with stealing candy.
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nihongo-enthusiast · 6 months
The 6 Differences Between は and が
The important fact is AFTER は
• この犬は私のぺットです。This dog is my pet.
You want to emphasize that this is not a stray dog. It is not someone else's pet dog. It is MY PET. So anything comes after は is the main part you want the listener to pay attention to.
The important fact is BEFORE が
• この犬が私のベットです。This dog is my pet.
You want to emphasize that THIS IS THE DOG that is my pet. Not other dogs. Imagine you're at a park and there are 3, 4 other dogs playing together with your dog and you want to tell your friend that THIS DOG is the one that is your pet dog, other dogs are not yours. So, what comes before が is the main part you want to tell the listener.
More examples:
• このケーキはおいしいです。This cake is DELICIOUS! (You want to tell your friend that this cake is indeed very good. Your emphasis falls on おいしい, so you use は, because the important fact is AFTER は.
• このケーキがおいしいです。THIS CAKE is delicious. (You want to tell your friend that among all the cakes on the buffet table, this particular cake you are pointing to is the most delicious one. Others are not good.) Your emphasis falls on このケーキ (THIS CAKE), so you use が, because the important fact is BEFORE が.
New information and things that you mention for the first time, use が. Old information or topics that have been mentioned earlier but is now repeated again, use は.
• 学校にマイクという男がいます。There is boy named Mike in my school.
You started the conversation with your friend by saying there's a new student named Mike in the school. That is the first time you mentioned Mike. It is new information, therefore use が.
• マイクはアメリカ出身です。Mike is from America.
You mention Mike the 2nd time now and it is no longer a new information. It is considered old information, therefore use は.
Stating facts without adding your personal opinion or judgment use が. By adding your own opinion or judgment, use は.
• 外に猫がいます。There is a cat outside.
You are just merely stating a fact that there is a cat outside. This sentence doesn't include your description about the cat. No personal opinion or judgment about the cat.
• あの猫は白いです。The cat is white in colour.
You are putting your description, your judgment into the sentence about the cat. When you are adding your own thoughts, opinion, description about something, use は.
• 日本の料理はおいしいです。Japanese food is tasty.
You are putting your opinion/judgment about Japanese food in your sentence, therefore, use は.
When you make comparison, use は. When you eliminate other options, use が.
• お茶は好きですが、コーヒーは好きじゃありません。I like tea but I don't like coffee.
If two actions are done by the same person, use は. If two actions are done by two different persons, use が first, then use は for the second action.
• 私はごはんを食べるとき、テレビを見ます。I have my meal and I am watching TV.
• 私がごはんを食べるとき、父はテレビを見ます。When I have my meal, my father watches TV.
To modify a phrase into a noun, use が.
• これは彼女が作ってくれたケーキです。
What cake is this? This is the cake that is baked by my girlfriend. The phrase 「彼女が作ってくれた」 is to modify the cake, to describe about the cake.
Quiz Time
• 部屋は広いです。
• 部屋が広いです。
In English, both sentences mean "The room is spacious." But what is the difference?
In 部屋は広いです, it shows a comparison contrast nuance (read DIFFERENCE 4). If you say this, the listener will believe that you are making a comparison of this room with all the other rooms in the house. You want to say this room is spacious, whereas the other rooms are smaller in size.
In 部屋が広いです, you are merely stating a general fact about this room being spacious (read DIFFERENCE 3). You are not making any comparison. Your sentence has no added personal judgement or opinion. You are stating a fact about the room being spacious.
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themodernwitchsguide · 9 months
altars for greek gods (pt.2)
this post includes zeus, hera, poseidon, hestia, hephaestus, dionysus, ares, demeter, and athena. for part 1 including hades, persephone, artemis, apollo, aphrodite, hermes, and hekate click here, for nyx click here.
keep in mind that typical offerings to any god includes meat, wine, grain (usually barley), honey, and incense (myrrh and frankincense would be period appropriate), but i'm listing some specific offerings that can be given if you'd like
colors can be used for candles, banners, decor, whatever you want
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Colors: white, blue, and grey for association with the heavens, yellow and black for association with storms. gold because he's the King of the Gods
Offerings: rain water, oak, olives/olive branches/olive leaves, vervain, cinnamon, laurel. images of himself or lightning bolts are particularly recommended for Zeus
Crystals: diamonds, gold (i think pyrite, aka fool's gold, would be offensive), turquoise, lapis lazuli, celestite, iron/steel, any quartz
Animals: eagle, bull
Colors: blue and white for association with the seas, gray for association with storms, brown for association with the earth/earthquakes
Offerings: coffee, mint, ocean water, salt, seashells
Crystals: coral, petoskey stone, abalone, opal (especially water opal), blue calcite, aquamarine
Animals: horse, bull, dolphin, hippocampus
Colors: red, pink and white for association with love and marriage. gold because she's the Queen of the Gods.
Offerings: iris, rose, patchouli, coconut, cypress, maple, peacock feathers, pomegranate
Crystals: pearls, garnet, citrine, diamonds, lapis lazuli, topaz, opal, moonstone, rose quartz
Animals: peacock, cuckoo, cow
Colors: red, orange, and yellow for association with fire, brown or white for the hearth/home.
Offerings: tea/coffee (especially if you drink it with her), pine, bread, cider, apples, anything on fire, cinnamon
Crystals: amber, jade, garnet, ruby, carnelian, sunstone, amethyst, honey calcite
Animals: donkey, pig, crane
Colors: red, orange, and yellow for association with fire, metallics for association with metalworking.
Offerings: spicy things, hot beverages, handmade things, dragon's blood incense, seashells, anything on fire
Crystals: metals, fire opal, honey calcite, obsidian, hematite, carnelian
Animals: donkey, dog, crane
Colors: purple and green for association with grapes/wine, leopard/tiger print for his holy animals
Offerings: grapes (or any derivative), alcohol, cinnamon, ivy, pinecones. there's a particular emphasis on non-physical offerings with dionysus, like playing music, partying or sex/masturbation
Crystals: grape agate, leopard jasper, crazy lace agate, tiger's eye, garnet, rose or rutilated quartz, amethyst, jade
Animals: panther/leopard, tiger, bull, serpent, dolphin
Colors: red and purple for association with war
Offerings: spicy things, yarrow, chocolate, basil, cinnamon
Crystals: bloodstone, garnet, red jasper, smokey quartz, black tourmaline, hematite, metals, obsidian, carnelian
Animals: eagle owl, barn owl, poisonous snakes, boar, vulture
Colors: green, brown, and yellow for association with the earth/harvest. black for her ruthlessness
Offerings: oats and grain, anything baked, flowers, spices (like cinnamon or cloves, allspice is good too), leaves that have begun to change colors for fall, mint, poppy
Crystals: jade, tree/moss agate, carnelian, amber, aventurine, rutilated quartz
Animals: serpent, farm animals (especially pig), gecko, turtle-dove
Colors: white and grey/silver for association with wisdom. red for association with war
Offerings: anything handmade, olives/olive oil/olive branches/olive leaves, snake shed, cedar, cypress, cinnamon
Crystals: metals, celestite, fluorite, lapis lazuli, bloodstone, obsidian, iolite
Animals: snakes and owls
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