#emmerdale text
sugdensdingle · 18 days
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stopthefeeling · 7 months
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This marriage was meant to be
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castielmoriarty · 1 month
me thinks Mack doth seem a bit jealous lately. admittedly it could just be him being protective of Aaron, but idk. it's annoying though how they hardly interacted for months and suddenly they're back to being best friends and back to their tongue-in-cheek flirting, "don't be jealous, I know how you get." it took me aback how Mack even said he loved Aaron, even if it was in an indirect way, "that's why I love you." if they're going to be teasing us this way it's going to be even harder to give af about Aaron and John.
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allthingsobrien · 4 months
ryan hawley is so ridiculously hot in this scene 😍
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I swear if emmerdale are going to kill off my all time favourite soap lady and scottish icon moira barton or make her seriously ill then I am going to THROW HANDS.
I have never feared emmerdale more than I do right now
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ocelotrevs · 1 year
I'm watching Emmerdale, and they're doing a very detailed scene showing the process of how to use a public defibrillator.
It's very interesting seeing it.
I wonder if Eastenders have done, or will do, something like this.
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gayness-and-mayhem · 2 years
God, the soaps have really blessed us with all the LGBT content this week. I've literally had the sad/emotional tears for Arthur in Emmerdale and then the incredibly happy tears for Colin and Barry in EastEnders. All that and it's barely even Wednesday!
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charitysbabes · 2 years
liv being rushed to hospital would be a lot more interesting if it didn’t happen about once a month 
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sugdenlovesdingle · 3 months
So...when is Ryan Hawley rejoining Emmerdale? We need a Robron Reunion soon right? Seb is growing up without his Dads, Aaron is stuck in the village and Robert is stuck on the IoW! Of course, when Robert and Aaron come face to face, they will not see eye to eye. So, what would you prefer? A massive blow up like Chrissie and Robert causing havoc in the village or a slow burn like before the 2018 reunion - but obviously with a sane, Maxine written SL? If RWRB fans can manifest a sequel into reality, 911 Buddie fans have the Buckley-Diaz family within reach, we can dream about a Robron wedding in Las Vegas right? 😝😂
lol I don't think buddie fans are really the best example here.
but yes, he's done the guest parts on other shows, he's done voice over work, he's made two kids - time to go back!
Though Maxine isn't a writer on emmerdale anymore (something about rats and sinking ships) but since we're fully 🤡🤡🤡 here maybe she'll do a guest ep for a special occasion!
Like Aaron being shifty for weeks, secret phone calls and texts, snapping at Vinny when he tries to look at his screen. Telling him it's none of his business when he asks what he's hiding. And then one random tuesday he'll announce he's going away for a couple of days and no, he won't tell where to.
And then we get Aaron getting in his car and adjusting the mirrors For Reasons and we see he has one of those picture key chain thingies hanging from his rear-view mirror with their wedding pic with Seb in it and he drives away (this would actually work with the bts pic Danny posted where he's filming with/in Aaron's car!). And there's a few shots of him driving until he pulls up to a random house somewhere. He parks his car and gets out, walks up to the house and rings the doorbell, a person we don't know opens the door. "Hi Aaron. He's waiting for you."
Aaron goes in and we see a little boy watching tv and clutching a giraffe plushie, and a packed backpack next to him.
The person tries to get the kid's attention but he's focused on the tv and they sort of apologise to Aaron who just shrugs and sits down next to him.
"Hey mate, what are you watching?"
And the boy quickly looks at him and smiles and then starts telling him all about the thing he's watching.
And Aaron just lets him ramble and just has this *fond* look in his eyes the whole time.
*some other stuff happens, tom is still abusing belle, everyone is miserable*
When we come back to Aaron and the boy, the show he was watching has ended and he's sitting next to Aaron who has his arm around him.
"So are you ready to go home?"
the boy nods and we see a shot of the person who let Aaron in smiling at the two of them.
"Alright, lets go then. Go say bye."
The boy walks up to the person and says bye and they bend down to hug him.
"Bye Sebastian, it's been a pleasure having you here but I'm sure you'll be very happy back with your dads again."
*gasp* *shock* The boy is Seb!
They leave and we see Aaron strap Seb into a car seat and triple check all of the straps and buckles until he's satisfied and he gets behind the wheel and starts the car.
He tells Seb to wave at the person as they drive away and we see them round the corner and disappear from view.
Then there's some more shots of Aaron driving but it's notably a very different road/route than before and we see him maybe check google maps on his phone a lot, indicating that he doesn't know the road where they're going.
It's implied they've been on road a long time and they stop at a mcdonalds or something to get something to eat and Seb gets to play in the ballpit for a while.
Aaron is still on his phone A LOT and texting someone until his phone rings in his hand. He answers in typical Aaron style with a few one word answers and then hangs up, and tells Seb they have to go again.
When they get into the car he tells Seb it's only short drive now and we see them drive to a bus station and pull over.
Aaron smiles at something in front of them and gets out of the car, standing by the door, not quite believing his eyes.
"You took your time." someone out of view tells him and he laughs.
"Shut up and get over here you."
And we see him stepping away from the car, walking towards someone, and when the other person is within reach, he grabs a suit jacket and the camera focuses on his hands - fists balled into the fabric.
"I've missed you mister Dingle."
And the camera *FINALLY* pans up and we see Robert half smiling, half crying, pulling back a little to REALLY look at Aaron.
And he cups his face and wipes away a stray tear with his thumb.
"I missed you too mister Sugden"
*credits roll, the nation rejoices, all is right in the world again, robron are reunited*
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dannymillerfansite · 1 month
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Emmerdale 29.08.24 Part 5
Mackenzie is taking some pain relief, he's hurt his head & ribs in the fall he has texted his bestie Aaron who has come running to his mates aid (awe bless). Aaron finds it funny initially like Nate had until Mackenzie starts insisting John did it in revenge.
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Mackenzie wants to square up to John but Aaron insists he goes home to recover first and Nate to take him right now. But they agree on meeting for a pint later. After Mackenzie agrees to go home and the and Nate both go. Aaron is left mulling over things and wrestling with his thoughts over John.
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exploring-in-space · 1 year
I've finally written for the first time in months! I feel inspired and hopeful that I can share a story after so many months of feeling uninspired and burnt out. I want to share what I've written so far and welcome any feedback!
It's a little lengthy so I'll put it under a cut ☺
Aaron calls on an inconspicuous Wednesday afternoon. 
Robert had missed the call because he’d been in meetings all afternoon with clients. When he’s back in his hotel room and sees the missed call, his heart momentarily stops. Anxiety and consternation fills his veins at the sight - a feeling he hasn’t felt in years, when he still depended on the bottle to get him through the days. Why was Aaron calling him?
He rubs the screen of his phone absentmindedly as he runs through the possible reasons Aaron could be calling after all these years. But as he’s contemplating the why’s, the phone abruptly starts to ring. It’s Aaron again. The reality of seeing the phone ring with a very old picture of Aaron on his screen startles Robert enough to drop his phone instead of answering.
By the time he picks the phone back up, he’s missed Aaron’s second call, and Robert is not above admitting the relief he feels. But the relief is short lived when a text comes in seconds later. 
Robert, its Aaron. Pls call. Its important.
It’s important. What could be important between them after years of silence? The curiosity of it starts to outweigh the trepidation, and so Robert presses the call button, and brings a shaky hand up to his ear. The phone only rings twice before Aaron’s voice abruptly ends the ringing, “Robert.”
“Hiya, sorry about earlier, I was-”
“Mum and Paddy are dead,” Aaron interrupts the flimsy lie that was on Robert’s lips. Aaron’s announcement stuns Robert into silence. Of all the things Aaron could have called about, this never crossed Robert’s mind. He thinks of the last time he saw Chas - in a hospital bed as she glowered down at him. 
You’ll ruin him just like you’ve ruined yourself
“Robert?” comes Aaron’s voice, noticeably watery now that Robert can contextualize Aaron’s voice.
“Sorry…I mean, Aaron. I’m so sorry. What happened?” Robert winces at the words. They don’t feel nearly enough.
“Car accident. They were driving from Leeds back home. It was rainy and dark, and-” Aaron cuts off, but Robert can guess what happened next. The thought of Chas and Paddy dying so anticlimactically disturbs Robert. He always thought they were so boring and they’d live well into their old age with a brood of grandchildren.
“What about Eve?” The thought of hypothetical grandchildren reminds Robert of their own very real daughter.
“She’s here. I’m at the pub. I was babysitting when I got the call.”
“Aaron, I’m so sorry.” Robert feels like a broken record, but what else could he say?
“I-I just needed to tell ya. I know we haven’t spoken in a while, but Vic talks about you all the time. And I just…wanted you to know.”
Aaron’s words, for the first time since they’ve spoken, brings the telltale prickle to Robert’s eyes. The last time they weathered a hardship together, they’d been engaged and in love. Now it’s been three years since they last had spoken, and Aaron is the bigger person to call Robert. He’s always been too good for Robert. 
“I’m in London,” Robert says, but before Aaron can respond to the non sequitur, he continues, “but only for a work trip. I can come to Emmerdale…if you want me to be there for you. And Eve, of course.”
You’ll ruin him just like you’ve ruined yourself
There’s a pregnant pause, before Aaron says something. “I’d really like that,” he whispers, and the pesky tears in Robert’s eyes fall down his cheeks. 
“I can be there by tomorrow morning,” Robert promises, mentally juggling all the meetings he will have to reschedule. 
“Aaron?” Robert holds his breath, knowing the conversation is over, but desperate to continue to hear Aaron’s voice. “Despite the terrible circumstances, it’s good to hear your voice.”
There is a long pause that makes Robert want to snatch the words back and to apologize for the crassness of his statement. But just when Robert is going to say something, Aaron quietly says, “Me too.”
Any sort of trepidation that Robert had been feeling slowly evaporates and they say their quiet good-byes shortly afterwards. Robert pulls the phone away from his ear and looks at the photo of Aaron trying to cover his face because he was tired of Robert taking photos. It was the day they had gotten engaged, and despite Aaron trying to shield his face, there was a smile on his face. 
That photo was taken only three months before Robert walked away from Aaron for good. He idly wonders if Aaron has smiled like that since. 
Robert slumps in the chair he’s sitting, and for the first time in years, he wants a drink.
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isabellaofparma · 2 months
Hey! Were you at any point into Robron from Emmerdale and did you used to write fics or make GIFs? I remember being a fan but I am not sure if I am mistaken or not.
Oh, yeah, I was in deep with them. I used to make gifs and I think my biggest contribution to the fandom was my text messages series. And also being dramatic and/or annoying, depending who you ask lmao.
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castielmoriarty · 1 month
so not only is John Rob's half brother, but they actually had their first kiss happen by the side of the road by a car Aaron just fixed. just, send help. at least it didn't happen at the layby, that would have fucked me up. I guess at least they have the sense to realize the layby is holy and not to mess with it. ugh. but that aside, although initially they don't have anywhere near the chemistry Robron had, + the lack of buildup being disappointing, I do see some potential. I like John having a bit of an edge.
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allthingsobrien · 8 months
woke up from a dream (stupid alarm!) where i was in a relationship with robert sugden like i was a character in emmerdale. being with him felt so blissful and amazing… oh, if only 🥰
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ross is coming back to emmerdale??? oh I am SO ready. there’s a reason why my blog is called what it is and that is because I LOVE THE BARTON FAMILY.
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lorenlily · 2 years
about blog / tags
so i’ve had this blog since 2015 and mainly I would scroll and rb but recently I have started to post more, try out some content creation and interact more within fandom spaces
i have never been good at tagging but i am trying out a new system and i have tried to go back and tag posts from this year and older:
my text posts:
dais speak not*
song this or that*
man city
world cup 2022
words: at least you have beautiful ghosts*
other: prettyyy colours*
asks: what becomes of curious minds*
nonnie :)
onion :)
riddle anon*
clueless dais?
stars weekly*
millie gibson anon
ask games:
get a song lyric*
three songs to rank*
rank top 5*
other interactions:
tag im it 👋
bingo night*
mutuals 🥰 (there are a few who have their own tags because we interact most and this will be updated)
my content creation:
my my my edits*
edits i deleted* (same blog but older url)
requested* (same blog but older url)
favourite lyric*
midnights listen
spotify wrapped 22*
below are not complete lists
(i have not yet gone through and tagged all of these so you can try the desktop search if you’re curious)
artists: of monsters and men / xana / oh wonder / eve christina / gracie abrams / sabrina carpenter / taylor swift / halsey / olivia rodrigo
tv shows: teen wolf / tw / doctor who / dw / the good place / tgp / peaky blinders / better call saul/ bcs / dead to me / emmerdale / b99 / superstore / arrow / arrowverse / cloak and dagger / cad / the gifted / atla / avatar the last airbender / runaways / the capture / succession / omitb / this is us / shadowhunters / wowp ....
movies: marvel / mcu / dc / tasm / spiderman / tangled / eeaao / palm springs / encanto / descendants / the conjuring / insidious ....
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