#miss you rob
allthingsobrien · 4 months
ryan hawley is so ridiculously hot in this scene 😍
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theposhperyton · 7 months
So I've been watching Water 7
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sreppub · 6 months
yj dick, on my mind again (what’s new)
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this started out serious and then the rest happened
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goldandoden · 6 months
Cat and mouse chase!
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this is an episode of Tom and Jerry if I've ever seen one (gif from @silvadour)
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spot the difference
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zurenie · 8 months
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the canon content isn’t enough i need more of these three
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acowardinmordor · 1 year
You Left Me, You Miss Me
Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four
@mc-i-r is writing another version of this and tagged me and my brain woke up, so here ya go. This is almost all dialogue, and my new love for Mrs Buckley.
"Hey Steve-o! Get in here!" Robin yelled.
"Thought you were talking to your mom?" Steve shouted back.
"I am! That's why you have to come here! The cord won't reach!"
Steve hauled himself up from the corner of the kitchen where he was reorganizing things for the third time since they moved in last week. There was a pile of boxes they really needed to open in the hallway, and his mattress was still against the wall, but he kept going back to the kitchen, trying to make it work despite there being only one pull out drawer. One. They noticed before they signed the lease, but they both assumed they could make it work somehow if they just tried hard enough. But. Third time's the charm.
Flopping onto the thrifted couch next to his best friend, he leaned against her head, and greeted, "Hi Mrs Buckley, how are you?"
"Now why can't you answer the phone so politely, Robin? Who raised you to be so impolite?"
"Yeah, mom, I know you love Steve more than you love me, you tell me every time you talk to him, now can you say it again please?"
"Yes, well, like I was saying, I don't really know why they were all so upset about it, but I didn't want to overstep, so I didn't tell them anything. Not really. Only that you had moved and that you were fine. It's not like that's a secret. Then I noticed that they didn't know about that and so I didn't answer the rest of the questions, which really only made them more upset, but I think they were upset with me, not with the pair of you, so that's perfectly fine, none of them were nearly as vicious as Robin was when she was fifteen and decided she--"
Steve giggled. Robin's rambling came from her mother, that was certain, and it was worse when they were on the phone. They fed on each other's talking. Like that snake thing.
"Right, yes. Well, Steve, like I told her, those boys, the ones you used to babysit for, they came around to ask if I knew where you were," Mrs Buckley finally said.
Robin grabbed his hand with the one not holding the phone, and pressed her forehead harder against his as they crowded the handset. Steve didn't think he'd reacted, but they didn't need anything as boring as a visible reaction to know each other.
"They said that they went into the video store and saw someone new at the desk, and when they heard that the two of you were no longer working there -- Apparently that manager of yours had some unpleasant words on the subject. You know I never liked him? The first time I stepped in there he asked me if I was still married? Not like that, of course, but it was still very strange. I didn't like it. And according to Robin he was always like that, wasn't he, Steven?"
"Yeah, he was pretty weird," Steve answered numbly.
"Well, that Keith fellow told them you were no longer employed there and that curly haired one demanded to know where you were employed. Since its not like he knew even if he would have told them, those boys went looking for themselves. I guess they went to your house first, Steven, and must have seen the for sale sign. I don't know what your parents are thinking, selling with the market like it is right now, but no one has ever made either of your parents listen to a single word of sense in their lives."
"Mom, the point?"
"Yes, sorry dear, like I told Robin, eventually it must have occurred to them that the two of you would be in the same place and thought to come by. Well. I say come by. First they called, and your father, you know how he is, simply said you were no longer in residence and hung up on them. He thinks he's so funny. Oh! Make sure you remember to call next Tuesday to congratulate him. It's his first day as the lead manager in the office. Oh no, wait, does it count as long distance for you? Never mind, I'll place the call so you don't have to worry about it."
"Mrs Buckley? You were saying something about Dustin?" He was proud that his voice was steady. They left Hawkins eleven days ago. They started packing two weeks before that. His parents put the house on the market around the same time. It wasn't until today that they noticed.
"Yes, that's the one. So Dustin didn't take your father's humor well, and he and his friends came by earlier this evening."
"Wait, evening?" Steve interrupted, "It was dark? They were biking around in the dark? In this weather?"
"Oh goodness no, that young man drove them. The one that was in the papers that the pair of you helped last year. He was much more polite than they were. Well, once I told them that you'd moved, they all started shouting over each other, I was sure that Ms Wickley was going to come over and scold them."
"I'm sorry, ma'am--"
"Oh you don't need to ma'am me Steven, I've told you that."
"Mom, he was just trying to be polite when he asked you to please get to the point, so can you, you know, try to get to the point some time tonight. You're paying for the call, but jeez."
"Oh yes. Well it occurred to me while they were all shouting that if they were your friends like they were saying, they would have known that you were moving. So when they managed to calm down enough I could hear a thing I said, I refused to tell them anything else. It's none of their business if you don't want it to be. And that Dustin boy said that you were his best friend, right in the same sentence he said he hadn't seen you in a month. But, I wasn't entirely sure if I was wrong about it, so I did promise I would ask you if you wanted me to pass on your information."
"Good job, mom, you finally got back to it. This is why I had you come over here, so you could hear that last part. I should have just asked you. Do you want my mom to give them our number or address or anything?" Robin had rolled her eyes over her mom's rambling, completely unaware she was just as terrible. But then she stared at him, concerned and outraged and protective and sad. God, he didn't know what he'd do without her.
"Did they ask?" Steve said.
"Ask? I don't think a single one of them knows how to ask anything. They certainly shouted a lot of demands. If you don't want me to tell them, I have no complaints about being the villain in this story. After everything you've done for my girl, being there for her before she even told me, and now making sure she's safe from any kind of trouble up there, you're such a perfect - what was the - beard? I think that's what I saw in that article in that magazine. Oh, no, the Zine, I ordered. But even without all that, I'll happily shut the door in their faces every day for a year if that's what you want done."
Steve's next breath stuttered, and that was all Robin needed to see.
"Hang on mom, I'm going to put the phone down, don't hang up, we'll be back." She sat the handset on the couch, then dragged a throw blanket over it to muffle their voices completely.
"You okay there or do I need to make a snap decision about which is going to be our household's vomit bowl?" He pushed her shoulder half-heartedly. "Okay, yeah, we both know it's gonna be the one with the cow on it. But you okay there, Stevie?"
"I'm fine."
"No you aren't."
"I'm fine."
She gasped, "You would lie to your soulmate? To her face?"
"I'm not! I'm fine! I just... I don't know, Robs."
Robin watched for a second as all of the muck of emotions bubbled inside him. Then she, as she always did, understood him.
"You want to say no. You want to tell her not to let them know where we are, but you're also freaking out because the brats come find you whenever It's back."
And because for a second, he desperately hoped that they missed him, or wanted to call so they could apologize for the last months. She didn't need to say that part. He half shrugged, sort of nodded, and bobbed his chin towards the throw blanket.
"You sure, Dingus?"
"Is it gonna be Hopper or Joyce?" she faux wondered as she grabbed the phone from its prison. "Mom? Hi, back. Yeah, thank you. I'm gonna hand the phone to Steve now."
She didn't move away, but she didn't share the earpiece.
"Hi Mrs Buckley. I guess I -- could I ask a couple questions first?"
"Of course dear. What would you like to know?"
"Did any of them say anything weird or really specific?"
"Like what?"
"Like, about the mall, or last spring, or, bats, or uh, did they say anything about their dungeons and dragons game?"
"No. Why would they?"
Steve forced his shoulders to relax. El said it was done, but four years of it coming back meant he'd never fully trust that as true.
"No reason I guess."
"Well. That Munson boy did ask me about a radio right at the end. After the others stomped back to the driveway. He came back and he seemed - well he asked about a radio. And I said you certainly had a radio in your car, but I think he may have been talking about something else. Is that what you meant?"
"Okay, uh. Yeah. Thank you. I guess."
"So what would you like me to tell them next time I see one of them? If you'd like to take your time about it, you can. They were quite worked up about it, but it's a little ridiculous to act like they were owed something if they didn't even notice you two moving. You knocked over a stop sign with that rental truck."
Steve laughed. Couldn't help it. "I really can't wait, ma'am. They'll be back tomorrow morning to bother you." He gave Robin a look she immediately returned. Even without hearing the other half, she understood how true that was.
"Of course they won't, they have school," Mrs Buckley argued.
"Yeah, just means they'll be at your door even earlier."
"Well that's rude."
"Yeah, that's them. So, um. You can be rude back if you want. Don't, uh, you don't need to answer their questions. If you don't mind that they're not going to take it well."
Mrs Buckley laughed, loud and cackling for a moment, making the phone go staticky. "Oh dear, it would be my absolute pleasure to be rude right back to them. I'm much better at it. Anything else?"
"Yeah, you know Jim Hopper?" The resounding silence promised she was giving him the same judgemental look Robin was. "Sorry, that was dumb. But can you give him our number? Not to share with them, just so he has it. And, funny story about radios, but, the one that -- that that guy asked about is in your hall closet. Top shelf, next to the popcorn tin. Give Hopper that too?"
"Certainly, anything I should tell him, or should I ask to return the phone to my ridiculous child that you're generous enough to live with so I can say good night?"
For some reason, it made him think about the returns box at the store. A handle pulled open, the movie dropped inside, and nothing else needed. No one had to explain why they were giving back their copy of Breakfast Club. They had it for a while, hopefully they enjoyed it, and then when it was done, when they didn't need it anymore, or when it was overdue, when they kept it longer than they should have, costing them more money to keep around than it was worth, when they decided they were done with it, they didn't write a letter and explain why they--
"No. But, just. Tell him its for emergencies or something. Thank you, bye, or, goodnight ma'am, Mrs Buckley, uh, here's Robs. Bye."
He climbed off the couch as he shoved the phone at her, and headed for the window in his yet to be unpacked room. Rob would kill him in his sleep if he had a cigarette, but if he had any, he'd have taken the risk.
The glass was so cold it was painful against his forehead when he leaned into it, and he watched the little flurries of snow on the street kicked up by the wind. They didn't even notice for a few weeks. They'd quit Family Video a week before they left, and he knew the kids watched at least a few every weekend. They must have gone in, multiple times, and just, not noticed. Or not cared.
He wasn't sure which of those was worse.
He wasn't sure why it hurt when he made his peace with it weeks and weeks ago. It hadn't ached so vividly since the fall. Worst of all was the shock of concern for them, thinking they were out on their bikes in the dark and the snow. Then the relief that Eddie drove them. The feeling was huge enough to eclipse anything else until he knew they were safe.
Hadn't seen them in a month, barely seen them before that, and his first instinct was still to drop everything and grabs his keys. He was two hours away, and his brain was itchy to go drive by and check on them. They didn't need him to do that. They didn't want him to.
And based on how his stomach lurched when he heard that they didn't know he'd left, he didn't think it would do him any favors to go back. Hop and Joyce knew how to handle them if they started to do anything too risky, and the kids were practically glued to Eddie's side.
They weren't his to look after.
"Stop staring out the window like your lover is lost on the moors," Robin complained, wrapping him in a hug from behind.
"I have no idea what that means, Robs."
"Good, I'll explain it to you. Come on, lets go, we've got a kitchen to reorganize. I already started stuff for popcorn and hot chocolate. Lets gooooo, you're too heavy for me to carry, hup two."
Steve snorted and let her drag him away.
"I thought we were going to get my room set up, so I wouldn't have to share with you again?"
She gave him that look. That one that was fond and frustrated and sassy as shit. The one that said she wasn't going to let him get away with being dumb, but wasn't going to call him on it.
"It's a woman's prerogative to change her mind. You can share with me for a while longer. Now do the hot chocolate, and don't skimp on the whipped cream. We bought that can on sale and its going to go bad any second. Just use all of it. Directly into our mouths if we cant get it balance on the mug. Don't want to waste it, and we deserve it. I'm on popcorn duty, and then we're going to defeat this puzzle, Harrington. We outsmarted the Russians, we can outsmart the dishes!"
Shit. He sniffled as he followed her orders.
He was so damn grateful he still had her.
Still don't do tag lists. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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adreamoverlife · 2 months
Thinking about how Pomme is q!Antoines only child. Baghera has Dapper and Tilin, Etoiles has Dapper and Pepito, Aypierre has Richas, Bad has Dapper, but Pomme is his. He's a half crazed past scientist and possible god but he is also a father to one child and one alone. That is how much space in is his heart. And what experiments did he even do? Why does the Federation consider them a failure? Was it his "failed" research that was an overture for the eggs? What about Baghera? Was she created before or after his work? Did he know? And what about Aypierre? They were watching Pierre for years, did he know then? How long has this gone on? How long does the betrayal backlog? How long has Pomme been an only child? In the Watchful Scribes library at The End of The World there is no place for her.
(this post is brought to you by this clip that still drives me crazy to this day.)
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papa-evershed · 2 months
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Rob James-Collier as Daniel Watson
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livinglegendblogs · 2 months
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i love you, i’m sorry
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foxstens · 2 months
the kandreil stuff in the extra content keeps me up at night
what do you mean they were a tangled mess of grouchy obsession
what do you mean they were nothing without each other
what do you mean they were all so broken it was unfair to ask for one person to be enough
what do you mean when kevin died it nearly tore andrew and neil apart
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pamouche · 7 months
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If I was able to choose, I’d choose you. Because you’ve always been my number one since the start.
- ayan to akk (in the first trailer of THE ECLIPSE)
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sword-swallower-pin · 11 months
we're in such a strange era where men will just casually wax poetic for several paragraphs in mainstream media outlets about how john and paul were in love with each other but no one dares to explore the real questions (were they having gay sex? when were they having gay sex? what kind of gay sex were they having?) mate you're a journalist, do your job
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blindmagdalena · 2 months
Now that the season is over, do you think Homelander had some sort of attraction to Victoria? I noticed that all the little quips he made to her, a compliment towards her beauty was always intertwined. I feel like he continuously tried to connect with her about Stan and their shared situations but she always shut him down.
absolutely i do! i think he had a big ol' crush on her ever since she enlisted him to get V for her daughter. Victoria checks off like, every single box Homelander has. powerful supe, confident woman, an absolute hardass, not afraid to stand up to him... a good mother. 😂
i think he also envied her in a lot of ways for being raised by Stan Edgar not only as a daughter, but someone he was genuinely proud of. Homelander was so fucking pleased to have "stolen" her away from Stan that he immediately went to gloat. too bad Stan didn't give him the satisfaction.
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mintharan · 8 months
one thing i love so so much about wyll is that he's an atheist, not in the sense that he doesn't believe in them, they are materially real in the DnD setting, but that he doesn't think they're worthy of worship "the only thing the gods have ever given me is a cold shoulder" it's so evocative, so poignant, it says so much about him as a character. and really, to me, encapsulates the essence of his character: there is no divine intervention, there are no miracles, there are only people, and for them he's willing to sacrifice more than any god ever would
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onionrimgs · 8 months
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ronnyraygun · 2 years
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Robin Kon should be so weird about seeing Tim, actually—
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