#ellie sattler imagines
toomanybandstocare · 2 years
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{Ian Malcolm}
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Getting Through the Day
Program: The first day of the new school year and semester sits heavy in you. Scorching heat from the summer heat wave and Ian's fleeting touches drive you insane through the day. All you can do it throw it back at him and hope to last until you can escape to his apartment for the weekend. Pairing: Professor! Ian Malcolm x College Junior, GN! Reader Genre: Slowburn NSFW, Requested -> Minors Do Not Interact
When you have a migraine and Ian treats you so carefully with tender touches or acts of care.
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{Ellie Sattler}
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When you have a migraine, and Ellie knows just what you need when the pain hits.
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Thinking about the Ian/Ellie/Ian reunion through a romantic lens. Spending decades trying to convince themselves that they didn’t miss each other and then they meet up and it’s like?? Alan and Ellie are already gazing at each other like long-lost lovers. When they walk into Ian’s lecture, he pauses and looks like his world has just shifted on its axis. Ellie and Ian always had something going on between them but now Alan’s realizing that his own feelings for Ian are maybe less platonic than he thought. And then later they’re all bickering lovingly like they’ve been married for years. I’m unwell
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ssadumba55 · 1 year
Masterlist: Jurassic Franchise
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All my Jurassic writing will be linked here!
Imagines full one shots of all your favourite Jurassic characters
Ian Malcolm Burden (Gender Neutral Reader) Love Finds A Way (Gender Neutral Reader)
Ian Malcolm First Choice (Gender Neutral Reader) Weak (Gender Neutral Reader)
Nothing Yet
Nothing Yet
Nothing Yet
Nothing Yet
Headcanons Headcanons related to Jurassic Franchise and characters
Owen Grady and Dinosaur! Reader (Gender Neutral)
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greenleaf4stuff · 2 months
Incorrect Jurassic Park #18
Ellie: are you the big spoon or the little spoon?
Billy (smirking): I’m a-
Alan: *holds Billy's mouth closed* he’s the little spoon
(Source: @incorrect-quote-templates)
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zafirosreverie · 1 year
Today (Ellie x F!Reader)
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for @roseclear (forgive me, Nikki)
part 1
“Please tell me that’s not Y/N”
“That’s Y/N” 
“What is she doing?!”
"Trying to give me a heart attack, that's what she's doing"
You rolled your eyes fondly at Ian's comment and wished you could return the sarcasm, even though deep down you knew the man was completely terrified, just like you. A part of you was screaming, begging you to go back to them and be safe, but the rest of you knew it was too late.
You didn't know when your body made the decision, definitely before your own mind, but in the blink of an eye, you went from running towards the plane to running away from a Giganotosaurus whose attention was totally on you.
Maybe it wasn't the best idea, and it went against every survival instinct you had, but at least it would give the others time to escape. You didn't want to admit that the only thing on your mind was getting a certain blonde out of there alive.
"Y/N, come back here this instant!"
You looked over your shoulder at Alan, watching as he and Ian tried to contain a very distraught Ellie. It broke your soul to see the tears running down her face, and you knew that no matter what happened to you, this would be material of new nightmares for the blonde.
You felt guilty about it. You knew better than anyone how much the memory of Jurassic Park still haunted the woman, you had woken countless times in the middle of the night to go comfort her, take her in your arms and remind her that she was safe, that it was all over.
And now here you were, repeating history. Somehow, you knew that the resulting nightmares this time would not be about the terror the dinosaurs might cause her, but about you, about losing you again. You had promised her that someday you would forgive her, but now, you weren't even sure that you would live for tomorrow.
"Y/N!! Y/N!!"
"Get out of here!" you shouted
"Not without you, little tadpole!"
You smiled sadly at Ian's nickname and swore that if you made it out of this, you were going to come up with the cheesiest, most horrible nickname you could for him. You gasped as you dodged the flaming locusts that kept falling from the sky, as well as the falling debris all around you, there was no doubt that the place was going to come crashing down at any moment.
"Y/N! I swear if you don't come back here right now-" Ellie yelled, still trying to get out of Alan's grasp.
"There is no case, we have to get on the plane, now" he said
"I'm not leaving her here!"
"We won't" Ian reassured her "But we all know how stubborn she can be"
"I heard you!" you shouted, without looking at them
"I know you did, princess!" the mathematician laughed "Thank goodness you can take advantage of those parkour classes"
"Remind me to sign you up for the next course! You could use some exercise, old man" you smiled.
Ellie and Alan frowned at each other in confusion. Neither of them could understand how you and Ian were capable of making jokes in a situation like this. There was a fucking dinosaur behind you trying to eat you goddamn it! They supposed it was the magic of having lived together for so long.
Not for the first time, the blonde's stomach turned with guilt for leaving you the way she did, but at least she was grateful that, unlike herself, the two men next to her had been there for you, picking up the pieces of what she had broken.
As Ellie was lost in her thoughts, Alan noticed how the other man made subtle signs with his eyes and the tips of his fingers. He understood at that moment that it was the opportunity to get the woman in his arms out of there because there was no way she would leave without you of her own free will, not this time. Just when he was about to take the blonde and run with her in his arms to the plane, a second roar seemed to stop time.
Despite the imminent danger behind you, you stopped short when you heard it. You turned around quickly, noticing that the giga's attention was no longer on you, but on Rexy, the T-rex. Damn overdeveloped lizards!
"Being in the middle of two territorial carnivores was not part of the plan" you whispered to yourself.
However, you didn't have time to think about it before the two giants challenged each other, slowly encircling your friends. You barely managed to react before they let themselves go against each other with all their fury and strength.
You jumped to avoid Rexy's tail and rolled on the ground before you noticed the group split up and run in different directions. You jumped up to run after them, hoping the new distraction would be enough to allow you all to get out of there.
In the distance, you could see Ian, Alan, and Ellie helping Dr. Wu up and onto the plane, and you felt a kind of overwhelming relief, knowing that the three people you cared about the most had already made it. It's not that you didn't care about the girl (Maisie? Maia? You were bad with names) and her parents, you just didn't know them like your three idiots
You gasped audibly as the giganotosaurus threw Rexy with all its strength against one of the walls, causing her to fall on top of the rest of the group. Good thing there was a huge rock that allowed them to get under it without being crushed.
You sighed with relief and began to slowly approach, but at that moment you could see how the weight of the gig crushing the body of the T-rex began to buckle the structure, threatening to crush the girl and her family.
"Ellie, no!"
You looked in the direction of Alan's voice, feeling your heart stop as you realized that the blonde was heading straight for them, catching the dinosaur's attention. It all happened so fast from that point that your mind couldn't keep up with it all.
You ran to them too, the girl (Kayla? Leyla?), shot a flare to distract the giga, the Therizinosaurus growling, the others were able to get out and run to the plane, and Ellie dodged them. It took you a moment to realize that she had run to you, not them.
"We have to leave this place!" you heard Owen (Oswald? Damn, you had to work your prosopagnosia) yell as they all climbed up.
Everyone except you.
The moment you felt Ellie's arms around you, you knew that "someday" had to become "today." You felt it seconds before it happened, and you smiled at the irony. A lifetime wasn't enough to forget her, but a few seconds were all you needed to tell her...tell her-
"Ellie Sattler" you whispered "you were the most beautiful thing life gave me, and I'm so sorry for the years I spent pretending your ghost didn't haunt me"
"Y/N what-" she looked at you with confusion.
"I'm sorry" you interrupted her "but I can't let this happen without telling you that…I forgive you, and I love you, I still do"
"Maybe it's not the time" she said, but she smiled anyway.
"It's the only one I have" you smiled sadly "forgive me if I turn into nightmares today, I didn't mean to, I just want you to be happy, and I hope that one day, my memory will bring a smile to your face and not tears"
"W-what are you talking about?" she frowned.
You caressed her cheek gently, trying to find comfort in her warmth. You could feel how time seemed to resume little by little, and you knew it was now or never. Without letting her react, you kissed her as if it were the first time, although in reality, it was the last, you tried to put in that kiss all the love that you had repressed for years.
Ellie could barely register the feel of your lips on hers when your hands went to her hips and you pushed her with all your strength, sending her away from you. She didn't even feel the pain in her back from landing on the ground, all she could do was watch, in slow motion, as you smiled at her and murmured something, before the giga's tail threw a wall on top of you.
In a second, you had vanished in front of her, just when her body began to harbor hope, when her soul felt the warmth of yours again. She didn't even register Ian grabbing her waist and forcing her onto the plane, nor Alan's yelling or Maisie's crying. She couldn't see or hear anything, she could only feel her heart dying with you.
Tears fell down her cheeks as she looked up at the cold tombstone that had your name carved on it. It was a lie, she knew, because the search and rescue teams had never been able to find your body, but having a place to grieve was the only comfort she and the boys could find.
She no longer knew how many calls she had missed, how long it had been without seeing her son, or how many interviews she had denied (was it too much to ask for a moment alone to cry, damn it?!), the days seemed the same, as if time would have stopped and she wouldn't have really left the valley.
She supposed it made sense, she had died at the same time as you, and no matter how much time passed or how much help Ian and Alan gave her (which wasn't much, they were both totally devastated by your death too), Ellie knew that, as long as she was alive, there wouldn't be a night that she wouldn't dream of you, with those last words that you had murmured to her and that she had tattooed on her soul.
"Today was all we had"
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slxthxrxn-sxmp · 2 years
jurassic park headcanon request where they've been pining for a while and finally ask them out!
i hope this is what you imagined anon lol
Warnings: I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE GIFS, Explicit language i guess, oblivious peoples lol,, kissing, in Kayla’s portion there’s a dude being a jerk so beware of that, alcohol consumption, not beta read or edited
Tags: @druigswh0ree
❖ Alan Grant
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- Let’s just say the both of you were completely clueless of the feelings being harbored but everyone you guys encountered automatically picked up on it  - He can’t quite remember when he had developed feelings. It was a subtle thing that crept in slowly and then snuck up on him like a robber in the night (needless to say he was not the first to have feelings in the relationship)  - You on the other hand remember the moment you had feelings and it was not subtle it was a brick to your face. He had been at a convention for his book, talking to all sorts of people, and yet he always kept an eye on you making sure to glance up from what he was doing to find you. When the day was done he drove you home opening and closing your door for you  - Alan subconsciously noticed the change in your demeanor but thought it didn’t have to do with him. Anytime he tried asking about it you have him a short answer and changed the topic  - Something he didn’t even think about is the way he is always besides you practically attached at the hip and this just absolutely made you fall even harder for him - Then you just had to follow him to that god forsaken island (a/n you can choose which movie first, third, or even the latest one)he loved the way you had that survivors instinct. Now you were always and forever amazing in his eyes but seeing  this other part of you that was totally badass, taking charge he knew he was in for the ride of his life - And yet he didn’t confess to you during a life or death situation like those movies, hell he didn’t even confess on the island. No he decided that a helicopter ride back to the mainland was the perfect time, I mean you can’t run away right  - “So I uhh think drinks are an order, you and me?” It was whispered his confidence a little  rocky after everything that happened  - “You and me ?” You whispered back wind sucked out of your lungs  - He out right smiled and brought you close to his side, resting his head on top of yours, “You and me.”  - Yeahhh lets just say it took him YEARS literal years
❖ Ellie Sattler
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- She fell first but just thought you deserved a life free of the limits of a relationship despite her being aware of your feelings, you were being very obvious - little touches no matter where you are (unless you are uncomfortable with it) she rests a hand on your back, between your shoulder blades, you shoulder, you elbow. She likes to show you she is physically and mentally there for you - her favorite past time with you is going museum hopping loving to travel through time and around the world with you - will willingly let you rant or vent to her as long as she can do the same thing - you will have to enable her behavior of taking down crazy ceos - Even while you guys were “just friends” she loves to cuddle especially if you guys are pulling all nighters - Both of you go to protests for climate change and anything else and y’all can’t change my mind - but it’s not on one of your chaotic days that you both confess it’s actually on a lazy day of watching true crime and she asks you to be her plus one to her cousins wedding - you kiss her on a whim which leads to a more intense cuddle session and her whispering how long she’s been waiting to do that
❖ Ian Malcolm
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- I’d say you both fell at the same time - At first the flirting between you two was just games and for fun((( well it was for him because at first you would just shake  your head and blush or shooting him down but soon you gained confidence and started flirting right back with him which stumped him - This man is gobsmacked but recovers quickly - He likes to place his hand on the small of your back that small intimacy drives the both of you crazy - Of course the two of you are way too stubborn to confess both wanting the other to say something first - You always find yourself floating back to him physical in social settings - Long phone calls in which he will talk and talk and eventually it’s a silent call where you guys are just indulging in the presence of one another - Expect him to bring you coffee, tea, or any other drink ever few days just cause   - You give him little Knick knacks and such or books that you enjoyed that is the best way to his heart - He’d be the first one to break, asking you to a cheesy karaoke bar  - The two of get so drunk and song as many outrageous songs together <333
❖ Claire Dearing
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-(This girl gave me so much trouble ) - she is a businesswoman who doesn’t understand why society makes her feel like she can’t have a good job AND a nice relationship so as the person she is she goes out of her way to find a good partner who can fit with her lifestyle - so her friends take her out for a girls night which then leads to seeing some high school friends that’s where you come in - Claire had a crush on you all of high school never brave enough to talk to you just admiring from the distance - Now it’s still the same, she can face billionaires and dinosaurs but not a stunning person - It’s up to you to go say hi to her in the line for the club - turns out you had the fattest crush on her too - the night was full of banter and buying each other drinks - at the end of the with slurred speech you tell each that you need to get to get her soon and talk - days pass before you follow her on social media then send her a text - it’s weeks before you meet up just talking to each other on FaceTime and text - She’ll send you flowers saying that she just thought they were pretty - When the time finally comes she convinces you to come to the island to see the park (you force her to let you pay for plane tickets but she insists that everything else is on her since she couldn’t come to the mainland to you - Cue a beautiful day at the park where you make her see the magic of the park once more 
❖ Owen Grady
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- After the stuff he’s been through I think it’ll take a while for him to even realize he likes you - between you and me you guys probably met at a rag tag bar and he was probably showing off his dart skills - PLEASE You would definitely show him up so like the gentleman he buys you a round of whatever you want - next thing you know your friends are pulling you away to go to the next bar (little did you know that he had slipped a napkin with his number on it into your pocket - come Monday you get to your new job and guess who’s one of your coworkers? Mr handsome from the bar - after a few awkward days he invites you to a different bar - “Not like as a date date just like a drinking buddy thing.” He told you - but soon he’s checking up on you during work make sure your not working yourself to death - Those drinking buddy dates turned to hikes turned to stargazing and soon enough you were the one who had to get the confidence and ask him what you guys are - his stomach drops and that is the precise moment he realizes ‘oh shit’ he absolutely adores you- “Why don’t we find out ? Let’s go to that that fancy Thai restaurant at 7 I’ll pick you up.” - Expect him to appear at your door at 6:50 with a big bundle of flowers looking the best he can
❖ Zach Mitchell
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- This Romeo was in love before he even knew you - He will try to act cool maybe play a little hard to get - of course he will slip up a whole bunch  XD - expect study get togethers for college mostly at the library but one particular time you guys go over to his house. Let’s just say his mom absolutely loves you for your manners/helping Zach get more involved in school, his dad finds the dynamic between you and his son adorable almost reminding him of the young love him and his wife used to have, and the most important person Gray at first he’s not quite sure but when you actually listen to him ramble about Dinos he decides that you are the perfect one for Zach - now we all know that our guy Zach when not in a relationship can get distracted easily by…. Others but this surprising rapidly changes for him after getting close to you - After meeting his family that’s when you fell for him, watching how he’s interacted with his brother and played around with his dad and even helping his mom with dinner preparations -You knew he was a player to say the least so you tried to push feelings aside even distancing yourself from him - But Zach wasn’t really having any of it texting you good morning and good night everyday and even making sure to hand you an energy drink or coffee during the shared class of yours so eventually you gave in allowing yourself to be swallowed by the love you felt for the man - in the end it’s his brother who asks you to a date for Zach plain out calls you one day saying - “The local pizza arcade with Zach 6:30 don’t be late.” - the little weasel was something else because he then called Zach saying something similar and surprisingly you both went arriving at 6:30 sharp - it was the best day of your life
❖ Franklin Webb
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- I personally believe that this man is a helpless romantic at heart and I will die on this hill  - You care about Dinos and will do anything for them ? In love.  - You will talk to him about government conspiracy theories ? In love.  - You help him with work or ask him what he wants at a cafe you are heading to during break ? In love. - But he will keep all of this to himself. Attempt to flirt ( unsuccessfully)  - He will buy you things and try to play it off as ‘Oh I thought of you when I saw it. It’s really nothing at all. Don’t worry about.’  - After work life is pretty domestic with him borrowing sugar from each other, watching tv shows together, having a makeshift book club with each other. There was always something between you two that was a little more than friends  - Hell you guys even had sleepover in either his or your living room. You were always the first one to fall asleep and during those nights he would look at you seeing how peaceful you are in the tv light  - Takes you to his home on holidays to see his family because they all love you  - These events can go two different way  1. You being absolutely oblivious to his attempts and you both end up slipping into a situationship until one day you introduce him to someone as your boyfriend  2. You grow some balls and ask him on some dates yourself and then eventually ask him to be your boyfriend
❖ Zia Rodriguez
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- She will refuse to admit that she kinda likes you almost seeing as a relationship with how the world is as a distraction but she has such a soft spot for you - the two of you look after each other because I feel like you two started out as friends and the two of you have similar work ethics so every once an a while one of you will send a little text to the other - you buy her cute little stickers for her laptop because she liked the look of your sticker covered computer - while she buys you cute stuffed animals that she finds Dino’s in particular but if you have a thing for squishmallows you can bet she’ll try buy everyone she sees (sometimes she gets you duplicates but you know it’s the thought - You two love to watch tv shows together and rant to each other about them this happens every other week - one of these times she falls asleep in the middle of the episode so you pause the tv and glance to her - “god you’re so pretty.” - to your surprise her eyes crack open -“you really think so babe?” Her voice was gravely and tired -“I absolutely do baby.” - and she smiled eyes closing again, you feel asleep too not long after 
❖ Kayla Watts
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- She falls so goddamn hard  - Literally doesn’t even have to talk to you. She sees you once and is in love with your hair your face your body language. When she finally talks to you ? She is head over heels.  - Will try her hardest to impress you in anyway Loves just,,… talking to you  - For you, it takes you longer but you definitely think it’s cute how she’s acting. After a while she gets comfortable with you and then one day she takes you to the Dino black market (after instructing you to stay by her side the whole time) - Some random person shoved you out of the way while you were looking at one of the cute baby dinosaurs and then said person decide to be an absolute pig  - Cue Kayla pummeling this person and then taking you to the bathroom barricading the door and cleaning you up  - That’s when you knew. Your heart tugs while in that bathroom and it wasn’t just because of your busted lip - “Kay ?” She was washing her face now in the sink and whipped around to you, drying her face with her sleeve quickly  - “No, honey your gonna make that cut worse.” And then she was fussing over you once more bringing a towel to your mouth. Kayla always wished to be this close to you but now in this situation it was like a nightmare. This was all her fault she should never have brought you here - You caught her wrist and looked into her eyes seeking comfort. “Can we just go back to the hotel you please. I just want to watch a movie and rest” - “Yeah yeah I can do that.” Just like that reality came crashing down on her. Her own mind telling her you would never want to see her again after this“ - And will you….. can you….. can you stay with me?” Kayla knows she shouldn’t have but she beamed at your question, chest inflating about five sizes  - “Of course I can honey.”  Just like that her arm was around you leading you out of the underground market and up to the hotel you two were staying at
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cunt-dracula0 · 1 year
general (including characters such as stu macher, billy loomis, randy meeks, mickey altieri and roman bridger)
— how the scream characters would react to their s/o who has pets! (headcanons)
stu macher
— camping with stu macher and the scream gang x fem!reader (headcanons)
nothing yet!
billy loomis
— billy loomis x embittered/easily irritated reader (headcanons)
— BETRAYAL; after being attacked by the masked killer lurking around woodsboro, the reader now suspects her boyfriend billy has some involvement.
randy meeks
— TRAIL OF TEARS; when the aftermath of a bad breakup hits him hard, randy seeks for comfort through the reader.
mickey altieri
— friday movie nights with mickey!! mickey altieri x GN!reader (headcanons)
roman bridger
nothing yet!
ian malcolm
nothing yet!
alan grant
nothing yet!
ellie sattler
nothing yet!
general (including characters such as, tony soprano, christopher moltisanti, silvio dante, paulie walnuts (gualtieri), adriana la cerva, bobby baccalieri, johnny sack, and perhaps a few other memorable characters! at this point, i actually don’t mind writing for any character in general)
— A DEATH FORETOLD; tony soprano is informed of a grave loss within his crew.
nothing yet!
christopher moltisanti
nothing yet!
tony soprano
nothing yet!
bobby baccalieri
nothing yet!
adriana la cerva
nothing yet!
michael corleone
nothing yet!
general (including characters such as jeremiah valeska, jerome valeska and jim gordon)
— the valeska twins dating a witch s/o!! (headcanons)
jeremiah valeska
— SPEAK SOFTLY LOVE; you have a rather breathtaking dance with jeremiah after seeing his most loved mafia flick ever. the godfather.
nothing yet!
jerome valeska
nothing yet!
jim gordon
nothing yet!
general ((i’ll happily write for any boardwalk character atp))
jimmy darmody
nothing yet!
al capone (stephen graham’s portrayal, not the real al)
— AIN’T THAT SOMETHIN’; imagine al deep down feeling insecure about his scars, and his girlfriend telling him how truly beautiful she finds him with them.
gyp rosetti
nothing yet!
lucky luciano
nothing yet!
owen sleater
nothing yet!
frank capone
nothing yet!
richard harrow
nothing yet!
arnold rothstein
nothing yet!
ian gallagher x mickey milkovich (gallavich)
nothing yet!
tony montana (scarface)
(more jeff goldblum characters most likely)
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smallmartiniolive · 17 days
Thinking abt how Jurassic Park is like obviously abt chaos and the evils of mindless capitalism that destroys what it touches for a profit but also it’s abt the people you know? This is coming from the movie standpoint bc the book didn’t really check off the right boxes for me but the movies are just so inherently abt people and connection! To me
I’m gonna just give my thoughts abt mainly dinot3 bc they are something. So special. To me.
Imagine you’re Alan Grant, in love w dinosaurs and being in the field, ur at the top of your game and it doesn’t even matter as long as you get to study what you love. Then, unexpectedly! You get to share this passion and love w another person and part of you doesn’t understand why it works but that’s ok as long you get to dig up dinosaurs and be with her, Dr. Sattler (understandable
Imagine being Dr. Sattler and always chasing after something and wanting more. You find the love of your life and he doesn’t hold you back at all, he’s perfect! You both thrive in your own lanes! You get on a helicopter to who knows where and you meet this exciting new guy, you don’t love him, not like Grant but he’s exciting and new and you feel like he sees you for something you’re not even sure you see yourself
Imagine you’re Ian Malcolm and you’re made aware of people trying to remake dinosaurs and you know it’s impossible but you also know that life finds a way so you go along. You flirt w some paleontologists, have fun, berate the senselessness of the actions around you. I mean what else is there to do. Then, you get a life altering injury that’s gonna bug you forever and the last person you see is a person you hoped you got to save, who is risking his life to save children (I.e. Grant) and then suddenly you’re waking up to the face that saves you (I.e. Sattler).
And through that all, nobody comes out ok! There’s nightmares and injuries and assumedly they’re quarantined in a Costan Rican hospital till everything’s sorted and people are good to go. Alan and Ellie always find each other, planets in orbit etc, and of course Lex and Tim are connected to Alan after everything. The kids cling to them and they protect them, but also they at least have each other and are stronger for it, but it also makes them aware of how awful it would be to be alone right now- Ian Malcolm. So they all spend time together drifting in and out of hospital rooms (most commonly Ian’s bc he can’t move around much) and after all that they’re connected by shared experiences and the knowledge they can’t share. Pandora’s box and all that but they all end up woven together.
They separate but I’m sure it’s apparent that Malcolm ends up alone, not wanting to rely on anyone, especially not his ex-wives and kids cause that would be unfair and even in pain he’s still trying to protect other people. So they end up together again, how could they not? Malcolm needs help, they all do but that’s a touchy topic and it’s easier to focus on what they can see. Alan and Ellie and Ian finish up at the dig and Alan just wants everything to be the same so he can forget and Ian needs the change, but Ellie? She’s not really sure and it leaves her unsteady.
All at the same time you have Malcolm writing his book bc the truth was always what was most important to him, like Alan to dinosaurs. Alan doesn’t want him to ruin his life, and Ellie wants to support him but doesn’t know how but they coexist.
Ian gets better. He leaves w/ Sara a woman he met shortly after the hospital and whom he seems inexplicably fond of having witty banter with. He leaves so that when he publishes his book it doesn’t come down on them, he leaves because Ian Malcolm has never been one to want to settle down and he’s afraid of becoming complacent, that if he stops moving he’ll lose something critical (he’s shark-like, Ian).
And then the digs over and Alan’s ready to throw himself back into another, but Ellie simply isn’t. She gets a teaching position in another state, and Alan doesn’t ask her to stay but by god he wants to (just like he wanted to w Ian although he never had the chance bc he was gone so much quicker) and it’s the biggest mistake he ever makes.
Ellie leaves. Ian reconnects w his kids, reminded by Alan and Ellie how important family is and that hiding only does them a disservice. Alan digs.
They still stay relatively close, stuck in orbit even though they’re separated, they message and mail and spontaneously stop by when they’re in town (Ian). There’s distance but it’s not uncrossable, they’re still there for each other. They still call and those calls never go unanswered, no matter how late.
Ian goes to Isla Sorna and it’s shoved in his face that he’s changed, whether he wanted to or not. He wants something more stable, of course he still wants independence but he also wants to come home to *something* (he misses what he had w Alan and Ellie but he’s trying to avoid that iceberg). Alan and Ellie find out and it’s the beginning of an end, they fly out immediately and check in w him, and stay a few days. But. But Ian didn’t tell them, didn’t tell them abt something so critical to the three of them.
They grow a lil farther apart.
Alan goes back to work. Ian mutually splits w Sara (word is she and Nick have something weird going on when they aren’t traveling the world for respective careers)
Ellie marries Mark, the guy she met while teaching. He made her laugh and was a lil plain but she liked it (reminded her of Alan). Although Mark is different, he brings up kids on the third date and he’s everything she needs right now, he’s stable and kind and his job travels w him so she never has to worry which would take precedence (her or the job). He loves her for her or what she is right now and there’s something in the back of her mind but she loves him and they build a life together.
Ian meets a woman he can settle down with, an intellectual and a perfect mix of Ellie and Alan (although he doesn’t know it) and he settles down too, finally ready for that build-a-family lifestyle that he’s started to want. They have two kids (canon compliant due to the five kids comment in Dominion) probably around Ellie’s kids age, they probably have play dates. Alan doesn’t come around too much but he mails occasionally or helps set up furniture, but he’s undeniably pulling away.
Alan who couldn’t just ask people to stay, is alone and he’s become increasingly aware because of his new grad student. Billy Brennan is a mirror, he’s everything Alan was (admittedly more flirtatious tho) and Alan can’t do anything but nurture it because he wouldn’t even know how to change (because god knows he wants to). So he pulls away and focuses on work and at least w Billy he’s not alone and maybe maybe he can help him get on a better track (his version of accepting defeat)
Of course he doesn’t stop seeing Ellie or visiting w Ian over mail or the occasional spontaneous visit (couldn’t bring himself to) but he pulls away still. During play dates, Ian sneaks looks at Ellie’s calendar and will conveniently tell Alan when Marks out on business ( bc I refuse to believe Alan didn’t visit Ellie even tho Mark first meets him when Charlie is 2 so I believe he snuck on in cus it makes sense you know). Alan loves Ellie’s kids more than himself and probably bought Charlie his dinosaur toys (Ellie groans abt his taste but she knew it would happen and loves him anyway).
And then Alan, who has never really been alone but has isolated himself to that point, gets a chance to see dinosaurs again (he says it’s for the money but dinosaurs are what’s always made sense to him). He gets lost. He’s got no way out. He calls Ellie bc she’s always been his beacon of light, saving grace, Hail Mary etc etc. (Also him bringing Ian up to Eric bc that man has never been normal about *either* of them).
Ellie meets him at the hospital (maybe w Ian who knows) and Alan is made increasingly aware (between yelling and crying and thank gods) that he’s not alone he’ll never be alone as long as they’re around.
And after that they’re sort of ok. They have regular visits and there’s distance but they settle, they try. They bitch abt Jurassic World together and how all the kids they’ve collected are doing. One of Ian’s eldest going into paleontology bc she met Alan Grant at the age of 15 and it altered how she thought academically and Ian is exhausted. Ian and Ellie’s partners don’t really understand it but they also know not to interfere (even if sometimes frantic calls wake them up in the middle of the night).
Alan stays in his ways (hoping for a change but not seeking one).
Ian and his wife have a tiff bc she accused him of loving her bc he loves Alan and Ellie at least at first (still does in a different and perhaps more powerful way than her?) and he can’t lie bc it’s all the truth with him. He says it’s not fair to her to not know that Alan and Ellie are just his people, you get it. She doesn’t, not really, it only ever made sense to the three of them. They divorce but it’s amicable.
Ellie and Mark have been on the rocks for a little, they’re relationship has always been a bit boring but that was never a real problem. However, she wants to go out and do more field work (writing books was great but she’s ready for a change bc the world turns quick but she’s always moved faster). He wants to have an at home life and one thing spirals to another. She chose him bc he’d never need to choose between anything and she wouldn’t either, they could both have everything and he’s a great guy, but. But now she needs a change and once again she’s left in a situation where someone can’t bend for her, so she breaks it. They divorce and it’s heartbreaking, they love each other, but Ellie has always needed some flexibility (she calls Alan and Ian later on and they drop plans to have dinner together, she doesn’t bring up the break up but she does note how they changed things for *her*, it’s nice maybe they changed)
Maybe they’ve all changed a lil you know? Ian travels, lectures, makes connections, and visits w the people he loves. Ellie writes paper after amazing paper after amazing book between field work. Alan digs. They communicate in academic papers and books that they send each other, their love notes are annotations that feel a lil too raw so they’re kept private. Every new paper and book and interview fuels the three of them forward and keeps them in orbit. Despite everything.
Then, Ian is hired by Biosyn (Ellie encourages it a bit bc she doesn’t trust them, Alan discourages it for the same reason). And then they’re back, they are SO back. They come together to fight against what they’ve always had to fight against, it’s a lil exhausting but they have each other. Through it all it’s always them. Every single time. Alan and Ellie meet and see each other like they don’t see anyone else. It’s a little unfair to Ian because they’re prepared and his entire world gets flipped for a second when he sees them (it’s ok he recovers pretty quick). They fall in step, into old conversations and patterns.
And between taking down Biosyn and avoiding dinosaurs they all kind of fall in love, not again bc it’s always been that way for them but it’s just so so apparent. They can’t give each other up and everytime they look at each other there’s comfort and understanding without words. It was easier to deny a part but now they are here and it’s just so. Perfect
Ellie tells Alan she needs to go, she’s always been too fast for this world, Alan tells her he’ll stay which is the best love declaration she could have asked for.
Ian says he needs to tell the truth, he’s always had to, and they say “we’ll be with the you, we will tell the truth with you.” You know and that’s their love declaration, Thats them asking him to stay, to be with them.
And at the end of it all, Alan says in the end he’d just rather not be lonely again, and Ian and Ellie look at him like he’s absurd bc of course he’s stuck w them now. It’s always been them even if they didn’t realize it
OH MY GOD LOOOOONG POST IM SORRY IM NOT NORMAL AT ALL HAHA. Dinot3 is something I’m not normal about because look at their stories!! Look at how through everything they fit together!! They are in Montana somewhere rn having a beer and laughing abt something silly one of them did and talking abt their collective kiddos.
TLDR; just my thoughts on DINOT3 and just their canon timeline and how it’s always been those three.
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orphanpupok · 4 months
Ranking Female Characters in the Jurassic Park/World Franchise by the Amount of Crazy Bitch Energy (CBE) They Exude
Dr. Ellie Sattler
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Ellie is generally a pretty sensible person, given the situation she finds herself in when everything at Jurassic Park goes to shit. Speaking of shit, she does dig through a huge pile of it literal hours after learning of the existence of dinosaurs, so that earns her some points. Also bonus points for the deranged way she calls out to Alan to run after escaping the raptor.
CBE out of 10? 5
Lex Murphy
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Say what you will about her constant screaming and fear of all dinosaurs, herbivores and carnivores alike, I for one would argue that Lex is having the most sensible reaction to the situation at hand. She isn’t caught up in scientific curiosity or blinded by ambition. She’s just god damn terrified.
CBE out of 10? 2
Dr Sarah Harding
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Somehow this woman not only decided to go to dinosaur island alone but she also actively chose to date Ian Malcolm. If that doesn’t scream crazy, I don’t know what does. Oh wait, how about taking a baby dinosaur from its extremely aggressive parents? And then doing it again but in a convertible this time?
CBE out of 10? 8
Kelly Curtis Malcolm
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Much like Lex, Kelly is having a pretty normal terrified reaction to being in a Jurassic movie. Unlike Lex however, she snuck onto the island knowing there would be danger and then gymnastics-d a velociraptor in the face. So, you know, points for that.
CBE out of 10? 4
Amanda Kirby
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This bitch wrote the template. When she isn’t screaming her god damned head off you can find Amanda Kirby making the most insane choices you’ve ever seen. All of it comes from a place of motherly love. You know those stories about moms who lifted cars to save their baby? Imagine that, but replace lifting cars with fist fighting dinosaurs.
CBE out of 10? 13.
Claire Dearing
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Amanda Kirby may have made the mold, but Claire perfected it. Practically every choice made by Claire is punctuated by such a tangible amount of crazy bitch energy. From the obviously insane (Owen says we need more teeth to defeat the Indominus? I’ll just go get Rexy) to the hilariously mundane (CHAIR). She’s a crazy bitch through and through.
CBE out of 10? 20.
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toomanybandstocare · 2 years
{When You Have a Migraine}
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Program: Ellie knows just what you need when a migraine hits. Soft touches, warm tea, and a quiet day of rest.
Pairing: Ellie Sattler x GN! Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Headache/Migraine, Not proofed, Pet names (Love)
Camp Isla Nublar Masterlist
The harsh metallic trill of the alarm clock jolts Ellie awake and fumbling to shut the damn thing off. Sighing at the peaceful quiet, she turns to face you and runs her fingers across your back. The perfect morning routine.
But when her hand falls to your cold pillow, dread jolts her awake.
She sits up in bed trying to see where you went in your tiny apartment. There aren't many places you could hide, considering it's 9 am on her day off.
Especially when you're not a morning person. And she normally needs to pull you out of bed.
The apartment hums in silence.
Throwing the sheets off, Ellie dashes to put on her dressing robe and search for her clothes. A small click catches her attention and she pads her way over to the living room with askew glasses.
"Where were you?" You slightly wince at the inquisition and slowly take off your sunglasses when you face her. "Had to run to the shop, darling. Out of Excedrin," you rasp.
Ellie's shoulders slump in relief as well as understanding. "Come to the kitchen, love. Can I take care of you today?" She gently helps your jacket fall from your shoulders and takes the drug store bag.
"'s your day off though," you weakly protest. "And all I have ever asked is to spend it with you," she reassures.
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Ellie doesn't really change much when you have a migraine, but everything feels so much more soft and careful on these days.
She just makes everything happen without a worry in the world.
The medicine cabinet is always stocked up: either from her digs or the occasional sick day.
The pantry is filled with light snacks anyways in anticipation for munchies or upset stomachs.
A kettle perches on one of the back burners ready for a morning cup of tea to review a site find or lull someone to sleep.
Ellie is prepared for anything. This includes using modern day drugs or consulting wise plants.
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For a migraine day, there are three places that Ellie can be found if not with you.
The small window terrace: to pick fresh herbs and flowers for medicinal properties.
The kitchen: to brew tea, make snacks and meals, and quietly do the dishes so they don't overwhelm either of you later.
The bedroom: slowly piecing a comfy setting for when the day catches up to you and it's time to fall asleep.
Most of the day though, is sat by your side on the living room sofa: either a soft record scratching in the background, lightly snoozing, or watching a nearly mute movie.
Ellie almost waltzes through the apartment in a silent dance while she makes preparations and tends to you.
After years of living together and loving each other, the two of you have perfect the silent language of care and devotion, So, rarely do you have to communicate and bask in the ability to just understand each other.
The comforting silence of your love makes days like these just a little more bearable when just existing seems to take a toll on you.
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"What would you like to do today?" Ellie mumbles into your head. You lay on her chest and press your face further into the crook of her neck. "This," you moan and lay a wet kiss to her neck. Even though everything absolutely kills you, from the sunlight peeking past the cracks in the curtain to the dull echo of a cabinet closing, the sound of Ellie's laugh makes you sigh in bliss.
Ellie wraps you up in a blanket for you to snooze in while she refreshes her knowledge of medicinal plants with her favorite book. Her internal timer knows when to carefully pull the edges away from you to let cool air kiss your flushed cheeks.
When you start to stir, she quietly goes over to make you a cup of tea with peppermint and lavender. And by the time you blink all sleepiness away, she sits in front of you on the coffee table and offers you a mug.
If you struggle with bone aches, Ellie's will grasp your wrist and hold the bottom of the cup to just support you. When you're done, she'll rub your tender joints.
Options. If she asks you something, she gives you options. Because as much as she wants to engage with you, Ellie knows that thinking is not a priority today. "Would you like something sweet or bland for a snack?" "Would you mind Kate Bush on in the background, would you prefer if we stick to classical?" "It's almost lunch, so let's start to figure out what sounds good. Soup or mac n' cheese?" "Do you want another movie on in the background? I can also read you something, if that sounds nice."
After lunch, she'll run a bath for the both of you. Using some of the flowers she thought were pretty, she holds you close to her chest as little petals float by. "How's your day going?" You half consciously ask. "Wonderful- I get to spend it holding you as much as I with no complaint," she teases and brings light laughter from both your lips, "And I got some prep work done for the next dig". "Oh? Tell me about it," you rub her thigh and close your eyes. She knows you aren't going to remember most of what she shares, if anything, but she obliges and tells you the overview of the site's plans.
The rest of the afternoon is spent perched at your teetering breakfast table with a glass of water and another cup of tea. Both of you wrapped in robes as you lightly chat about the weekend coming. Mostly Ellie. "I was thinking we could take a trip to the orchard," she hums taking in your complexion over the rim of her cup, "the weather is going to be cool, and we can get apples to bake into a pie. To celebrate fall coming". While she speaks, she grabs the pill bottle from the kitchen counter and hands you how many you need. Without words, slides the plate of jam saltines over to your side. "Or we could go to the museum for the afternoon and café hop after wards?"
When the sun begins to set, she guides you to the bed room and places you to sit on the ledge of the bed. Her cool hands undress you to then help you get ready for sleep. A wet wash cloth travels down your spine as you hold her hips while she stands between your legs. Another rests on your forehead when you settle down onto your pillows.
Ellie peppers little kisses to your cheeks and then a final one on your bemused smile. "Thank you, doc. You always know what I need," you joke and play with her hair as she gets comfy on your stomach. "I'm a sucker for a fool with pretty eyes. You're lucky I make house calls- not every doc is as attentive as me," she teases. "Trust me, I know. How about I plan this weekend's trip? Let me express my gratitude, doc?" "I think I can make time in my schedule".
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
Hi there! First time asker on any blog really.
I just wanted to ask how any various versions of the Penguin would think of an S/O who’s really knowledgeable about paleontology, sharing little facts 24/7 and always rambles about dinosaurs/prehistory?
I always love seeing your posts, they’re a joy to read and BTAS Ozzie’s always been a favorite of mine.
A/N: not the Jurassic Park theme playing in my head when I read your request asdfgh. Jurassic Park was a huge part of my childhood and your girl for a minute wanted to be a tiny blonde-haired Alan Grant and Ellie Sattler love child, but alas…twas not meant to be. I did some research just to refresh my memory and…why do some of these pengys have something to do with museums and exhibits lmao. Almost every single Penguin has infiltrated a museum, enclosure, or exhibit…like…popular theme or nah?
Penguins w/ a Reader Interested in Paleontology:
Arkhamverse Penguin: 
- I mean…who else did you think helped him set up his museum in Arkham City? 
- Oswald was always intrigued by the research, dedication, and knowledge it took to explore vast locations for just a smidgen of evidence that prehistoric life lived there millions of years ago. 
- He chuckles at the thought of any caveman imagining a world of skyscrapers with men dressed intentionally as a damn bat swooping from the rooftops. 
- He breaks into a full on laughter if you inform him they’ll likely hunt Batman down and try to have him for dinner. 
Reevesverse/Farrell Penguin:
- This Oswald is always interested in hearing whatever your passionate about. 
- Just to see your eyes light up, to hear the excited hitches in your voice. He finds it all just absolutely adorable. 
- He also enjoys helping you translate certain languages that come up when a new creature is discovered or if you struggle pronouncing a certain country or region. 
- Don’t be surprised if you see little dinosaur figures or plushies around you shared living space as small surprised for you. 
Gotham Penguin: 
- Oswald is always intrigued in learning people’s strengths (usually in order to swiftly counteract them or make it someone’s weakness but not here…not now)
- He enjoys listening to you ramble about the latest discovery or your hypothesis of where certain fossils will be. 
- He loves beaming at you, asking you questions, just to keep you rambling. It allows him time to not think so much.
- Just be able to enjoy the moment as you share something you’re deeply passionate about with someone you care about dearly. He appreciates that more than you could ever imagine. 
BTAS Penguin:
- Oswald would have so many questions. Who needs the Discovery Channel or National Geographic. You sound far more passionate and sweet to listen too than any of those robotic narrators. 
- I imagine he would absolutely swoon as you explain the genealogical history of his beloved birds. How they're the modern day dinosaurs that surpassed millions of years of evolution to live and thrive today. 
- Oswald's unlimited adoration for his fellow aviary allies grows tenfold, as does his admiration of you. 
- I can see the two of you discussing various time periods and matching each other to certain extinct species of that particular time period. 
TNBA Penguin: 
- This Oswald absolutely admires the vast knowledge you hold. 
- I wouldn’t put it past him that one of these years, he’ll fund for you an opportunity to participate in a dig. 
- He appreciates your dedication to such a sophisticated and distinguished study. How are we to evolve and see what’s to come if we don’t look back on the past? 
- Oswald enjoys learning different subjects, and if it means he gets to hear you all day as well…that’s the best of both worlds. 
Telltale Penguin: 
- Oz always knew that you’d take a serious interest in paleontology. 
- When you guys were kids you always enjoyed playing with the dinosaur toys. You two used to bury them in the ground and pretend to dig up the fossils. 
- He’ll listen to whatever you have to say, anything to see you smile. 
- He does find the “big, bad” animals of prehistoric times to be the most interesting. Expect him to ask about those a lot, especially if you announce there was a new discovery. 
One Bad Day Penguin: 
- Ozzie finds it absolutely adorable, but also super intriguing. 
- He never really thought much about…the dinosaurs and how we have what we have somewhat do to their existence. 
- Now that he has you though, he’ll be able to get some questions answered. He’s particularly interested in the hierarchy shifts during certain periods. The food chain is usually are fairly fickle system. 
- Oswald will also go an extra mile to stay up to date, so he can add more to your conversations.
- He adores you and whatever passion gives you the most joy, and he wants to be able to participate. 
The Batman (2004) Penguin:
- I can imagine this pengy would absolute be gushing about dinos with you. 
- He’d ask you questions like; how big where they? Could they go against *insert other dino here* and no he doesn’t care that they didn’t exist in the same time period!
- Ok, ok, he does cause he understands your need for accuracy…but if you could give him atleast the hypothetical odds…
Batman Unlimited: 
- Oswald loves animals, I don’t doubt this Oz has dabbled in zoology (he…he literally formed an animal themed gang called the Animalitia…I rest my case)
- It almost seems like fate to run into you, someone whose borderline obsessed with paleontology. 
- Hours, upon hours, are spent discussing the bridge between the two studies. 
- For once he feels like he’s found someone that truly understands him. To say he’s also smitten is an understatement. 
- I don’t doubt this Penguin would also gift you paleontology related gifts; like claws, bones, and even a necklace of bracelet with a charm filled with amber.
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dramaticl0vers · 2 years
Fear, Trauma, and Chaos Theory (Husband! Ian Malcolm x Wife! Reader)
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(Let's imagine that Ian's children are yours, and that you were the only "Mrs. Malcolm", I'm too lazy to write)
You were an expert paleontologist who had met Malcolm early in college.
At first, they both hated each other and couldn't even stand to see each other, given the fact that their ideas contrasted terribly.
But after a while, they realized that they were an exceptional team on the science side, before realizing that they actually liked each other.
That's how you ended up married to Ian Malcolm, a handsome scientist and mathematician who's obsessed with chaos theory.
After a while, you two had your three children.
Elizabeth Jones Malcolm, age 8, Luke Jones Malcolm, age 5, and finally, Jeremy Jones Malcolm, age 2.
Your husband and your children were without a doubt the things you loved the most in this world, but your love for science and the dinosaurs meant that you couldn't refuse Hammond's invitation to go to Jurassic Park.
And everything was going great, in the helicopter they both sat next to each other, and they even held hands during the Hammond documentary.
But the problems started when your husband started flirting with Dr. Sattler.
You just looked at Alan, who gave you a look of embarrassment and understanding.
But the seriousness of the matter began when you told Ian how you felt, he accused you of being: "Tantrum and Childish", so you got out of the car and got in with Tim and Lex.
Oh, what a bad decision.
The T-Rex attacked, you and Tim fell down the ravine into the tree, and Malcolm ended up passed out with a badly injured leg.
During the entire stay in the bunker, Malcolm prayed to God for your well-being, blaming himself for your disappearance.
And this is how it is now, you were limping as fast as you could to the convertible with Tim, Lex, Ellie and Alan at your sides.
Your husband yelled to see you walking with difficulty, being helped by Alan.
When you got in the car, you hugged him as tight as you could, avoiding not rubbing his wounds.
Tears ran down both cheeks as they kissed each other desperately.
-"I'm sorry, my love, I'm so sorry, everything that happened to you was my fault"-
He told you while joining their foreheads, you sobbed.
Without separating their joined foreheads, you wrapped your arms around Ian's neck.
-"Mhmm, Mrs. and Mr. Malcolm, we are here, we are childrens please"-
Timie said, you laughed and looked at him while still hugging your husband. you patted the heads of both children.
-"I know Timie, I know"-
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norabrice1701 · 1 year
Coincidence - Ch. 4
Dr. Alan Grant x Predoctoral Student Fem!Reader
Series Main List
Ch. 4 Warnings: Explicit language; inappropriate crush; minor Alan Grant/Ellie Sattler references; panic attacks; astraphobia; dinosaur PTSD
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A strange dinosaur fever grips campus. Campus security sets up booths outside the Earth Sciences building. The building hallways teem with curiosity seekers, each hoping to catch a glimpse of the newest celebrity professors on campus, each hoping to ask the same resounding questions repeated in the newspapers. 
You can’t deny that you don’t have questions of your own, but each day that you watch Dr. Grant and Dr. Sattler move through their workplace like ants under a microscope breaks your heart. They walk crowded halls with heads ducked, blatantly ignoring every inquiry shouted at them or the excited whispers that follow them. 
You can’t imagine the pressure or strain of the constant bombardment. And in hindsight, perhaps that’s exactly why Dr. Sattler dropped her big news bomb last week. Effective immediately, she took a position in Washington, D.C. and wouldn’t be staying to finish the semester. It’s still odd to see her empty office at the end of the hallway and the blinds shuttered in her laboratory. Her departure also lands another blow to the department as they still reel from InGen’s funding withdrawal and struggle to lure replacement donors.
It makes your heart ache for the future of the university that you love so much, for the field of study that you’re so passionate about. Not to mention how concerned you are for Dr. Grant. It should be silly – you should stop being so silly. He’s a grown man and certainly capable of running his own life, and you’ve always known him to be dedicated to his work… but even this seems borderline obsessive.
No matter how late you leave or how early you arrive, he’s always there. Either seated at his desk – engrossed in grading or reading – or working in his lab – perusing test results or handling specimens for analysis. He sounds beyond exhausted – he looks it, too - but he continues to push through all his lectures and office hours as if stopping for a breath would allow the weight of the world to catch up with him.
“And having found no conclusive result,” Dr. Grant continues from the podium at the front of the lecture hall. “We then move to analyzing the teeth, for – as they say – where a door closes, try to open a window.” His mouth curls with vague amusement at his attempted joke. 
It does little to brighten his careworn appearance, and concern constricts your chest as you shuffle against the lecture hall seat, blending in with the sea of students. It’s rare for him to give these evening seminars - usually, they’re only attended by undergrads who are promised extra credit by their advisors if they attend. But tonight, it’s a packed house. 
Dr. Grant’s face falls as he glances up at the screen to advance the slide. A zoomed-in photo of sharp, jagged teeth resting against a blue background and arranged from shortest to longest appears on the large screen. You haven’t seen this particular photo before and your own interest piques as he turns back around. Searching his eyes and the lines of his face for that shared, bright passion, your disappointment grows to find none. 
His gaze roams over the sea of faces, and you wonder if he can see you among the crowd. “By analyzing the chemistry of the teeth, we can learn much about the animal’s diet and water sources. Now, these specimens,” he continues, pointing up at the image. “Are a representative sample that point towards an emerging pattern in raptors. The smallest teeth and the largest teeth don’t have the same average carbon isotope values, which tells us that they ate different foods at different stages of their lifespan.”
A chair squeaks as a student shifts their weight, and Dr. Grant’s mouth tightens to a flat line. “Despite what we know about the coordinated attack patterns and pack-hunting nature of the adult raptors, this suggests that juvenile raptors might have had a relationship with their elders that is more akin to modern day reptiles – which don’t take care of their young in the way that pack animals do.”
You glance around at the assembled students in the large hall, taking in mostly glossy-eyed stares dotted with a few faces of rapt interest. It further sours your mood that hardly anyone here appears to be paying him any attention; but in their defense, this isn’t the most dynamic, inspirational lecture that you’ve seen from your mentor. 
A tentative hand raises in the front row, and Dr. Grant nods towards the student in question. “So, if – behaviorally – raptors were closer to crocodiles or Komodo dragons or something – wouldn’t the young raptors have had to shelter away from the dangerous adults until they were mature enough?”
The corner of Dr. Grant’s mouth lifts for the briefest second. “Well, if they were anything like Komodo dragons, then the young could actually have been at risk of being eaten by their own parents, but there are no conjectures on that theory for raptors at this time. Physiologically, as you all know, we see more relation between dinosaurs and modern day birds than reptiles, yet this does not mean they were completely without reptilian behavior.” He gestures back at the screen. “Analysis of the raptor teeth indicates two different diets as they age, which presents an interesting deviation from pack behavior in that adults did not feed the young.”
“Why didn’t you just ask them when you were on that island?” A lone voice shouts out of the crowd, and the room falls deafeningly silent. 
Your heart stops as your eyes widen. Dr. Grant freezes at the front of the room, his face hardening with displeasure. “That’s entirely uncalled for.” He admonishes, before turning back and motioning up at the screen. “Now, if we examine the curvature -” 
“But you were there, right?” The same voice calls out. “You haven’t actually denied it, you know.” 
The line of Dr. Grant’s shoulders stiffens with visible tension, and you swear that you could hear a pin drop. 
“He’s right.” Another emboldened voice speaks up. “Even your university bullshit machine hasn’t actually denied that you weren’t on that island. So, there must be some truth to it - otherwise, you’d just come out and say that you weren’t there.” 
Excited murmurs and whispers grow in the lecture hall, and you debate if you should say something. But just what the hell would you actually say? 
“So, come on, Dr. Grant,” the first voice calls out again. “Tell us - what are dinosaurs like in person?” 
Dr. Grant’s shoulders sag with the weight of frustrated defeat and his eyes blaze with fury as he scans the lecture hall crowd. “That’s quite enough from all of you.” A sharp, acidic grin twists his face. “If that’s the reason that you’re all here tonight, then I guess no one really needs the extra credit opportunity.” His mouth falls to a flat line, his voice tight. “The lecture is over. Thank you for attending, and now, please - see yourselves out. All of you.” 
A wave of groans and protests rise around you as students begrudgingly stand to their feet. Slowly, they start to file out, and mercifully, none of them pester Dr. Grant with any lingering questions. He turns his back on the disassembling crowd, staring up at the large screen. Standing from your seat, you pause as the room empties out to take in the prominent teeth still on display. Even fossilized, they’re a formidable site to behold - a true testament to the creature’s lethal capabilities. 
You start towards the front of the empty room on quiet steps - at least until your shoe scuffs audibly against the linoleum. Dr. Grant turns around with wide-alert eyes, freezing for the space of a breath before his face relaxes with relief and recognition. A long exhale escapes him as he shakes his head and the tension starts draining from his shoulders. Everything about his reaction stirs your concern as you carefully approach. “Sorry, Prof. Didn’t mean to startle you.” You say, summoning a small smile. “If there was a door, I might have knocked…”
A blush settles high on his cheeks and he gives a brusque shake of his head. “No, it’s….”  he pauses to draw a breath. “My fault for being lost in thought.”
It looks like far more than that. You didn’t just startle him – you frightened him. And that just doesn’t seem like him. 
The air crackled with electricity and ozone as the wind speed increased. Thick, dark clouds continued to fill the horizon, blowing in over the surrounding buttes almost without warning. You’d heard more seasoned team members talk about legendary summer storms, but you had yet to see one for yourself, at least… until now.
Your hair whipped in your face as you helped secure the main tent flaps. Others scurried around you to secure loose objects, seal up containers, and protect the exposed dig site. Just in the gloomy distance, you could see the tall figure of Dr. Grant working to secure tarps over the latest skeleton.
“Come on, tie it off!” Emily called out over the din of anxious voices and rushing people, jarring you back to the task at hand. “Nice and tight so the wind doesn’t get it!”
“Yeah,” you called back, securing the canvas tie before moving onto the next. “Got it!” Reaching up, you undid the rolled-up flap and let it unfurl down to the dirt before crouching down to tie it off. The rain hadn’t started falling yet, but the clouds loomed ever closer, and a low peal of thunder ratcheted your heart rate higher. You hoped that you could make it back to your trailer before the rain started – let alone if it turned into a full-blown hailstorm.
Now was not the time to remember Jeremy’s campfire tale about his hail-induced bruises and abrasions as you reached for the next tent flap.
A bright flash of lightning illuminated the site, followed by a sharp crack of thunder. The ground shook underfoot as your anxious fingers secured the last tie.
“That’s good enough,” Emily shouted as everyone started running for their trailers. “It’s too close – we gotta get under cover!” She turned without waiting for you, darting towards her trailer in the opposite direction of yours. Fat raindrops fell to the dirt as another lightning bolt disoriented you and thunder deafened you. The curtain of rain thickened around you, hammering the landscape as thunder made the ground shake, and your uncontrollable panic rose.
Gasping for breath, you tore at one of the tent flaps and forced your way inside. The pounding rain against the canvas echoed too loudly and the brilliant lightning overwhelmed you. You slapped your hands over your ears, slamming your eyes shut as unwanted memories overtook you.
Suddenly, you were 10 years old again back at Girl Scout camp with only a small, flimsy, nylon tent between you and the raging storm. Lighting blinded you through the translucent fabric and the thunder rattled in your bones as you screamed for one of the leaders, for someone, for anyone. But no one came… no matter how much you pleaded and wailed…
“Come on!” A sudden voice jarred you out of the memory, and you opened your eyes with wide shock. Water poured off the brim of Dr. Grant’s ubiquitous hat and nearly soaked through his clothes. His eyes were bright with alert concern as he rushed over to you. “Come on,” he repeated over the driving rain before saying your name. “You can’t stay here! Need a solid roof in case of hail.”
Your heart lodged in your throat – and yes, you understood, but every muscle was too paralyzed to move. You heaved for breath, wincing from another brilliant lightning bolt and thunderclap as unwanted tears streamed down your face.
“Alright, it’s alright.” He said again, drawing up to your side. “We’ll go together.” A strong arm wrapped around your upper back and his fingers tightened around your bicep with guiding pressure. “Here we go. Come on.”
Tucked against his side, he urged you forward and out into the driving storm. Your boots stomped through growing puddles and rain soaked your clothes as you numbly ran with him. The strobing lighting burned your eyes but through the grey rain, your trailer drew ever closer. He threw the door open, ushering you inside first before stepping up behind you.
If anything, the rain pounded louder against the exterior of your trailer, but maybe the thunder was at least a little muffled… somewhat. Dishes rattled on the counter as another thunderclap ripped through the air, making you jump.
“Are you alright?” He questioned over the hammering rain, and you glanced over to see him still standing on the trailer entryway’s small strip of linoleum as water puddled around him. By contrast, you stood on the worn-out carpet, not even caring how wet you were. His gaze locked to yours with an encouraging, reassuring edge as he nodded towards you. “You’re going to be alright, yes?”
Slowly, you nodded and tried to find your voice. “Y-yes… I think so, I… yes.” You said swallowing down another rising wave of panic. “Thank you.”
He didn’t look convinced but offered a slow nod before turning to glance out the small window of your trailer door. Just as he reached for the handle, the hammering rain turned to the hard impact of solid objects – at first you’d swear they were rocks, but it could only be –
“Dammit…” He breathed with a sigh as he shook his head. “Well, at least I’m glad that I didn’t make a run for it…”
The hailstorm raised to a fever pitch outside your trailer, and your throat went dry as your mind spun with… too many things. Another crack of thunder sliced through the trailer, making you wince and wrap your arms around your torso as you found your voice. “I-I’m sorry that you didn’t make it… before the hail…”
All of a sudden, you realized that your trailer roommate wasn’t here. Did she shelter somewhere else in the frenzied rush for cover? Perhaps that would make it easier to bury your head under your pillow until the storm passes… at least you wouldn’t see the lightning.
A trembling breath shook your frame as you sniffled, feeling more tears sting the corners of your eyes. Embarrassed heat rose in your cheeks as you wiped away fallen tears, hoping that he wouldn’t see – but too late. You suddenly realized that he turned back around, and your gaze met his. Curious concern filled his eyes as he regarded you beneath his dripping hat while the storm continued to rage.
You could only imagine how pathetically childlike you must look – dripping wet and crying – and your shame burned hotter. That’s the last thing you wanted for him to think about you. With a hard sniffle, you blinked away from him, scanning around the untidy trailer. “D-do you want a towel?... or something?” You took a couple of shaky steps, not wanting to elaborate on ‘something’.
“No, it’s alright.” He said softly behind you. “With any luck, the hail won’t last too much longer, then I can run for it.”
You nodded, not trusting your voice as you pulled your own dripping hat off your head. It fell to the counter with a wet plop before another bolt of lightning and thunder made you flinch uneasily.
“It’s okay, you know.” His voice came again, gentle despite the pounding hail outside. “Whatever it is that you don’t like about storms… it’s okay.”
Your heart clenched and all you wanted to do was melt. You wanted the security denied you during that horrific storm of your youth – you’ve never liked storms since. But this… “This has never happened to me before.” You heard yourself say with a thready whisper. “At least, not since that storm as a kid… but I haven’t been outside since….” You winced as you realize how that sounded given that this is your second summer out here with his team. “At least… not for a storm like this.”
“We were lucky last summer,” he agreed. “Storms out here are infrequent, but they blow up without warning more often than not. But, fortunately, this one… isn’t too bad.” A curiously breezy note sounded on his voice, drawing your attention back. 
He still stood in the entryway of the trailer, water-logged and trying to summon a reassuring smile even though his discomfort with the situation showed on his face. All at once you realized the optics of the situation, and… goodness. If anyone witnessed the two of you disappearing in here together – alone – then, that was exactly how nasty, damaging rumors started. Appreciation warmed your chest for his thoughtfulness to stay in full view of the window, where anyone who might be peeping across the site could clearly glimpse the green plaid of his shirt that hasn’t moved since the door closed. 
Has he had to contend with similar accusations before? It did seem like a scandalous risk to put professors and students out in the field, isolated among the buttes and the sand for months at a time – but it did help that he and Dr. Sattler were together. The veritable dig site mom and dad, and… something about that thought soured your stomach.
The last thing you wanted was his pity.
“Don’t let it get you down.” He said over a booming clap of thunder. “We all have something that keeps us up at night, but don’t let this be it.” He nodded over at you, encouragingly. “Even after the storm passes, take the afternoon or the rest of the night - whatever you need. But you’re one of the best I’ve got, and I’ll need you back out there tomorrow morning, alright? We’ve got our work cut out for us on that sediment layer.” 
You nodded slowly as a smile cracked your face, wanting to rush over and give him a big hug. “I’ll be there. But… what if someone says something tonight…?” 
“Well…” He trailed off, visibly casting for a thought before he found it, and a seldom-glimpsed mischievous smirk lifted the corner of his mouth. “I’ll just tell them that you slipped on the mud and tweaked your ankle, but with a little rest, it should be better by morning.” His eyes bored through you with comforting reassurance. “No one will be none the wiser.” 
The hammering on your trailer exterior faded to the droning deluge of heavy rainfall. He turned to glance out the window, nodding with satisfaction as no more white hailstones fell from the sky. Again, he turned back to you, nodding gently as he reached for the doorknob. “Get some rest, and I’ll see you in the morning.” 
“Thank you.” The urge to call him Alan crawled up your throat but you swallowed it down before you could do something so foolish. 
“Actually, I don’t know what’s worse.” His voice jars you from the onslaught of memory, and you focus to watch him raise his arm as he switches off the projector via remote. “Letting you startle me so bad, or knowing that you were in the audience just now…” 
You nod, solemnly. “That was actually quite bad. Those students should have known better.” Your mouth curves with a supportive smile. “Honestly, you should have pressed for their names and reported them to the dean.” 
A wave of exhaustion washes over him and the fluorescent light catches in the dark circles under his eyes, even as the corner of his mouth lifts with vague amusement. “And punish them for the one thing that should drive their academic pursuits? After all, without curiosity, none of us would be at this university.” 
“There’s curiosity, sure,” you counter gently. “But there’s also rudeness. And that, just now, was rude. You don’t deserve to be disrespected like that - ever.” Your cheeks flush without your permission. “No one in your position does.” 
He fixes you with a carefully inscrutable look. Slowly, the corners of his mouth lift to a polite, closed-mouth smile. “Well, it’s hardly the first time at least one student hasn’t been interested in what I’m talking about.”
Something about the thought - and his whole demeanor - strikes you as sad, and you long to reach out to him. To show him that you care about… well, about him. Not just as the celebrity maybe-or-maybe-not dinosaur man, but the man from hot, dusty dig sites and countless advisory meetings in his office.
“I don’t know if you remember…” you start before pausing to draw a breath and summon your courage. “But you told me once that we all have something that keeps us up at night. And with everything that’s been going on since the dig got canceled… well, I hope that you’re not letting it all keep you up at night.” 
His face softens as the rush of his own memory takes over, eyes narrowing as if just seeing you for the first time. An almost shy smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth before he glances down, shaking his head as if he can’t quite believe it. “This… admittedly, this isn’t quite the same circumstance as that.” 
“Maybe not.” You counter gently as your heart sticks in your throat. “But whatever you are going through, I hope that you do have someone who… I don’t know - that you can let go with. Because it won’t do any of us any good if our favorite professor runs himself into the ground.” A smile warms your face as his gaze reconnects with yours. “So take a dose of your own advice, and whatever’s keeping you up at night, don’t let it get you down.” 
His mouth curls with a modest, contrite edge as he dips his head. “Thank you, that…” His words dissolve in a bone-weary sigh before he looks back up at you with piercing honesty. “Thank you. These last several months have been… more difficult than expected.” He breaks off, as if suddenly realizing what he said. “I’m sorry, that… you’re my student and I shouldn’t…” 
“Technically, yeah, I am - but I’m just a lowly predoc not submitting any assignments to you.” 
“There’s nothing lowly about you, and there never has been.” He pauses as if to reconsider the thought. “Maybe except for that hat you brought to your very first dig, but we got you sorted out in short order.” 
Your smile warms at the fond memory. “Though, speaking of - I’m sorry that your hat got lost over the summer.” You say, remembering the replacement he wore in the weeks after his mysterious trip. “It looked like you and that hat had seen plenty of adventures together.” 
“Yes, well,” he looks back down, turning slightly to set the projector remote on the podium. “It was just a hat. There are far more precious things to lose in the grand scheme of things.” 
You nod in gentle agreement. “Then, here’s hoping that we can get back out there and get back to digging before anything else is lost.” 
His face brightens with a hint of the content passion that you’ve only ever seen from him when dirt smudges his cheeks and his eyes are alive with the thrill of discovery. You hope the thought is enough to temporarily chase away whatever demons haunt him, and you suddenly realize how close you stand to him. 
Embarrassed heat rises in your cheeks as you take a step back with an awkward smile. “Well, I should probably get back to the lab,” you say, darting a quick glance towards the open classroom door. “But thanks for letting me crash your lecture - I hope that this never happens to you again.” 
His expression draws in as he, too, darts his gaze towards the door, and your heart sinks to your feet. Have you just overplayed your hand? Have you said too much? Biting your lip to fend off a stab of anxious regret, you nod farewell in the silence and turn towards the door. An uneasy sigh passes your lips, and fuck, you hope that you haven’t made things awkward beyond repair. 
Just as you reach the doorjamb, he calls out your name. On baited breath, you turn back around with wide, hopeful eyes. He regards you with a small, tender smile full of appreciation. “Thank you again,” he says gently. “Truly.” 
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thejoreeezyway · 1 year
Jurassic Park: Novels vs. Movies:
As I sit down to write this blog post, my mind wanders back to my childhood and the memories of my mother reading the "Jurassic Park" novels. She would always say that the books were far better than the movies, and as I grew older, I began to understand why. The novels, penned by Michael Crichton, offer a deeper, more complex narrative that explores the dangers of scientific hubris and the unpredictability of nature. 
 I’ll be breaking down the differences between the movie and the book, showcasing how these two mediums tell different stories of Lost World and Jurassic Park.
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"Jurassic Park": Novels vs. Movies Characters:
In the movie, John Hammond is portrayed as a likable, grandfatherly figure. However, the novel presents him as a more ruthless and greedy character.
The fates of characters like Hammond, Ian Malcolm, and Donald Gennaro differ significantly between the book and the film.
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The movie's Dilophosaurus features a frilled neck, which is not present in the novel.
The novel showcases more dinosaur species, such as Procompsognathus (Compys).
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The movie's events primarily take place within a single day and night, whereas the novel spans several days.
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The film leans more towards a family-friendly tone and focuses on adventure, while the novel is darker and emphasizes the consequences of scientific hubris and nature's unpredictability.
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Iconic movie scenes, like the T. rex chasing a Jeep and the kitchen scene with the velociraptors, are unique to the film.
The novel features additional action sequences, such as an extended river chase and a confrontation with a pack of Velociraptors in the park's aviary.
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Order of events:
Some events occur in a different order between the movie and the novel, such as the Triceratops scene preceding the T. rex attack in the movie, while the order is reversed in the novel.
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Ellie Sattler:
In the movie, Ellie Sattler plays a significant role in restoring the park's power and is portrayed as a strong, resourceful character. In the novel, her role is somewhat more limited, with a focus on her paleobotanical expertise.
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"The Lost World": Novels vs. Movies
Dr. Alan Grant and Ellie Sattler are not present in the movie, which instead introduces new characters like Nick Van Owen and Peter Ludlow.
In the book, Dr. Alan Grant and Ellie Sattler have minor roles, while Richard Levine, Jack Thorne, and Eddie Carr are key characters.
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Main plot:
The movie revolves around a mission to rescue Sarah Harding, who is already on the island, and InGen's attempt to capture dinosaurs for a new park in San Diego.
The novel's plot focuses on an expedition to study dinosaurs in their natural habitat and a rival company's attempt to steal dinosaur eggs.
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San Diego incident:
A Tyrannosaurus rex rampaging through San Diego is a major plot point in the movie, but this incident does not occur in the novel.
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Raptors' intelligence:
The movie depicts Raptors as highly intelligent but lacking the level of cooperation and coordination found in the novel.
In the novel, Raptors are portrayed as more cunning, with complex social behaviors and advanced hunting strategies
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Carnotaurus and T. rex
Jurassic Park has captivated audiences for decades, with the epic tale of dinosaurs brought back to life capturing our collective imagination. While Steven Spielberg's iconic movie adaptation has undoubtedly left a lasting impact, many fans will attest that Michael Crichton's novel offers a different, more immersive experience.
The movie omits the Carnotaurus and its camouflage ability, while the T. rex nest is central to the film's plot. In the novel, the T. rex nest scene is less prominent and focuses more on observing the dinosaurs' behavior from a distance.
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Jurassic Park has captivated audiences for decades, with the epic tale of dinosaurs brought back to life capturing our collective imagination. While Steven Spielberg’s iconic movie adaptation has undoubtedly left a lasting impact, many fans will attest that Michael Crichton’s novel offers a different, more immersive experience.
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zafirosreverie · 2 years
Someday (Ellie x F!Reader)
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first part
"I'm not going anywhere"
"That would be something new"
Ellie felt a stab in her chest as she watched you limp to the other side of the cave. She hated that you were hurt because of her (both physically and emotionally), and she just wanted to help, but you wouldn't let her get close. She deserved it, she knew that, but that didn't make it hurt any less.
Infiltrating Biosin was easy, collecting the evidence she needed was a bit more difficult, having to pretend that your indifference and cold stares didn't hurt her was next to impossible. Everything going terribly wrong was inevitable. Of course, something had to go wrong with dinosaurs involved in the mix, it always did.
She didn't even know how you ended up here, in the bottom of the sanctuary, with the clone girl everyone was looking for, trying not to get eaten by dinosaurs while Ian tried to open the gate. She just wanted it all to end, preferably with you forgiving her.
"Look Malcolm, if an overgrown lizard eats me, I swear I'll come back as a ghost to haunt you for the rest of your days" you growled
"I don't think it would be that different from how much you already annoy me, dear" he told you sarcastically
You rolled your eyes and stuck your tongue out at him, but deep down you knew he was just as terrified as you were. This wasn't how you wanted to die, you shouldn't even be here, to begin with.
"Get us out of here, Ian!" you yelled
"What do I look like I'm trying? I'm not at a picnic, Y/N!"
You were about to respond with another sarcastic comment when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You didn't even have to turn around to see who it was, the way the woman squeezed your shoulder was too familiar, and Ian's poorly concealed smile told you all you needed.
"I'm fine" you said, pulling away from Ellie "but you better open that damn thing soon, Malcolm!"
He just rolled his eyes and kept trying to find the correct code. At least the dinosaurs seemed to lose interest in you as Alan and the girl pointed torches at them, but that didn't make any of you drop your guard.
"Do you really plan to continue ignoring me?"
"Do you really plan to continue insisting?"
Ellie sighed, but she still sat down on the ground next to you, trying to hide her pain as you backed away a bit more. She didn't know what else she could do. She had screwed up, yes, she had hurt you, she had been a coward and definitely didn't deserve to get you back as a couple, but no one could assure her that she would survive the night and she refused to leave this world with you still hating her.
"I'm really sorry" she said
"I already told you that I don't need or want your apologies, Sattler" you said, ignoring the pain in your ankle "it’s too late for that"
"Then, what do you want from me?"
"Nothing" you answered "not anymore"
The blonde doctor looked at you with pain and despair. It hurt you to see her like that and in a past life, you would have been quick to apologize and comfort her. But that was no longer your life, and your mind reminded you of the pain this woman had caused you. You forced yourself to remember that you didn't deserve to go through that again, not for her or for anyone.
"Can I at least explain it?" she asked
"What is there to explain? You left without looking back, you abandoned me when I did nothing but love you. I don't care about the reasons you had, not anymore, because you can't change what you did or erase the pain I felt" you replied
Ellie looked at you for a moment, wondering what had happened to the lovely, beautiful woman who had been her other half, the one it took her too long to admit she still loved. Her heart broke when she realized, that she had happened, she had changed you, she had broken you.
"You're right" she sighed "I can't change it, and I can't even pretend that I deserve anything less than your hate, even if it hurts...maybe I don't even deserve that from you"
You were a little surprised by her words and turned to look at her. She had her legs braced against her chest and her chin on her knees. She looked terribly sad…defeated. You silently cursed the part of you that still cared for her.
"I don't hate you" you admitted quietly
Ellie scowled at you as you moved a little closer to her, against your better judgment. You knew you shouldn't do it, that it went against everything you had said and done up to that point. But when did you stop being weak for her?
"I don't hate you" you repeated "I screamed, I cried, I cursed your name, I tried to erase your memory, I cried more and then I tried to pretend that you never existed...but I never hated you. Don't get me wrong, I tried. Even now I'm trying to hate you for dragging me into this...but I can't, never could"
The woman smiled a little, even though your words were still full of pain and weren't exactly kind, but at least you were still talking to her. And if she was being honest, knowing you didn't hate her felt…better…a little.
"It's the dinosaurs, right?" she lightly joked
"What?" you blinked
"It's the dinosaurs" she repeated "they make you see things differently... I doubt that in other circumstances you would tell me that you don't hate me"
"I-...yeah" you smiled despite yourself "I guess being on the verge of death changes your perspective"
The two of you fell silent, as the slightly awkward little joke settled between you. Ellie hadn't changed her position, but she looked a little less defeated. You didn't want to think about how much that relieved you.
"...I know not today" she said after a moment "maybe not even in 20 years, but...do you think one day..."
She didn't have to finish the question for you to understand. You had asked yourself that same question for years: could you forgive her? And you always got the same answer.
"Yes" you said, making Ellie look at you hopefully "...someday"
"Someday" she repeated and nodded slowly "I can live with that"
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johnmurphysgirl · 10 months
SNEAK PEAK; Owen Grady x Female OC
new fic coming soon.
Title: tbd.
"I've seen this all before; I know how this is going to end."
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It was easier for everyone to believe it to be a nightmarish hellscape concocted by an overactive imagination. A little girl's nightmare from watching too many horror movies. No way it could be reality, they said; even her parents would rather believe idle gossip than their own daughter. "It's only a dream, Thalia." "You gotta grow up sometime," they'd tell her with overt sympathetic smiles, and a warning look in their eyes to keep quiet. It didn't take long for her to quit speaking to them altogether. They never understood her. They never tried to understand the horrific nightmares, how they didn't just happen at night while she was sleeping, and how they'd leave her physically gasping and begging for sweet relief night and day. 
Depictions of prehistoric creatures, scientists meddling in things they couldn't begin to understand, and a chaos that can only end in blood and fire. An amusement park created by a man named John Hammond; a man with too much money on his hands to do anything good. He was an old fool. Too obsessed with the idea, while his scientists had the gall to use frog DNA, either unaware or unwilling to care that a frog can change its DNA depending on the environment. For them to be smart; they sure are dumb. 
She tried to warn them. Nobody believed her until one day, Jurassic Park made world news. Apparently, Dr Alan Grant, Ellie Sattler, Ian Malcolm, and two of Hammond's grandchildren barely survived the attraction. It hadn't even been opened to the public. Jurassic Park failed before it had ever begun.
Just as Thalia predicted it would. 
Still; nobody wanted to believe that a girl predicted such horrific events before they ever took place. Still, nobody listened. Not when she woke up screaming for Ian Malcolm once more. Not when she pleaded with Alan and Billy to stay away from Island Sorna. Still, everyone called Thalia crazy. 
Her parents' shocked faces come back to her now, their mugs smashed and broken on the floor as they watch the devastating news. Thalia looked at them with her brows raised, expectant, even. The red-headed girl cocked her head to the side and grinned an 'I told you so' grin, and a fierce roll of her eyes of 'how dare you not believe your child.' No words were spoken between any of them. Thalia had learned her lesson on that front long ago, and didn't even open her mouth to protest as they shipped her off to the hospital. 
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