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cosmerelists · 22 hours ago
If Stormlight Characters Read Mistborn Era 2...
As requested by @sobookobsessedreader :)
[This post contains WAT spoilers! Also spoilers for Mistborn Era 2!]
Hello! I am back from my travels and can now get back to plugging away at some requests! :D First up, let's imagine that, in defiance of gender and timeline, Stormlight characters could read Mistborn Era 2. What would their reactions be?
1. Dalinar [WAT Spoilers!]
Dalinar: I cannot believe I am saying this, but... Dalinar: I am glad that I only killed my wife once, at least. Sadeas: Do you believe that accidentally killing your wife is better than killing her on purpose (on god's orders) because she's a serial killer? Dalinar: ... Dalinar: Perhaps my and Wax's situations are not very comparable. Sadeas: Oh, I think they are. Sadeas: Just not in a way that is flattering to you. Dalinar: ... Dalinar: At least...I never became a weapon wielded by a Shard to get around their own limitations, then. Taravangian: [Whistling innocently] Dalinar: Did anyone else just get a chill?
2. Kaladin
Kaladin: I think this Wayne kid needs therapy. Kaladin: Getting real "he's Tien" vibes off of him. Szeth: ...In what way is a child who turned to crime after losing his parents similar to your brother? Kaladin: Well, it's-- Kaladin: Look it's just a thing I say.
3. Elhokar
Elhokar: I can't believe my Wit went off and became a driver! It seems like such a waste of his, well, wit. Elhokar: I don't think he's happy. Elhokar: Drinking perfume is a sure sign of stress. Elhokar: I hope he won't get stuck on such a boring planet ever again. Design: [Slides Yumi & the Nightmare Painter across the table to Elhokar] Elhokar: Oh? What's this?
4. Shallan
Shallan: I can't help but notice how chill the Scadrian Ghostbloods are. Mraize: Hm. Shallan: They're like, "Oh, you don't want to join? Cool beans, no worries." Mraize: Yes, they do show a shocking lack of conviction, don't they? Shallan: ...That's the founding branch. They made you! Mraize: Oh, and one's progenitor is always correct, hmmm? Shallan: ... Shallan: Shut up.
5. Stormfather
Stormfather: [rumbling in displeasure] Stormfather: Those men simply drink metal to get power? Stormfather: Where are their oaths? What keeps them in check? Syl: Hmmm... they do seem to have a limited metal supply sometimes? Stormfather: That's not a check!
6. Navani
Navani: The technology they have on Scadrial is impressive. Navani: ... Navani: Should I invent guns?
7. Venli
Venli: Can't help but notice how in Era 1 we had koloss and kandra and terrismen and humans...and in Era 2 it's just humans. Venli: Sure some of them have koloss blood or Terris ancestry... There's a kandra or two... and then humans and humans and humans. Venli: How many planets do humans need?? Rlain: Both main characters are Twinborn. Venli: I'm sure that's of great comfort to the terrismen who were systematically targeted for extinction...
8. Taravangian [Wat Spoilers!]
9. Moash
Moash: Okay, but everyone can see that Miles Hundredlives was literally right, though, yeah? Moash: He was standing up for the powerless and the disenfranchised and he wanted the law to protect everyone, not just the rich! Kaladin: But he killed people, though. Moash: I am going to strangle you.
10. Syl
Syl: Huh...seeing Wayne work so hard to get Steris and Wax to break up so that Marasi and Wax could be together really made me realize something... Kaladin: Oh? Syl: Yeah! I could have worked WAY harder with you and Shallan! *I* never flooded a church! Kaladin: Steris and Wax love each other, though. Much like Adolin and Shallan. Syl: Oooh, but you and Adolin aren't siblings like Steris and Marasi! Syl: Rivals to OT3 still a go! Kaladin: What's an OT3? Syl (cheerfully): Don't worry about it! Syl: ...yet.
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madxmellon · 5 months ago
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50 days until Stormlight 5 or whatever
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ohhhmio · 3 months ago
Kaladin and his relationship with lighteyes:
Kaladin to Adolin: *growls*
Kaladin to Elhokar: *growls*
Kaladin to Shallan: *growls*
Kaladin to Dalinar: *salutes*
Kaladin to Jasnah: *growls*
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bluecalic0 · 9 months ago
i feel lile elhokar was an absolute NIGHTMARE as a toddler
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rathalthisass · 4 months ago
Wait. Hold up. Are they going to meet Elhokar in the spiritual realm? Because, I gotta say, I'm not sure my heart can handle a Gavinor and Elhokar reunion.
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moash · 1 year ago
The fact that people are still so upset and betrayed about elhokar’s death as if he wasn’t the most eminently murderable character in SA from his very first appearance….. bruh I still remember the first time I read WoK in December 2020 and the second he waltzed onto the page I texted my friend who’d read all of the books like ‘this king’s a dumbass and I think he’s going to die.’ Honestly the only surprise was how long it took
this is actually a good point that hasn’t been hashed and rehashed to hell in this discourse. from a meta perspective, there’s really no other way elhokar’s arc could have gone. like yea the themes of redemption, but the specific way he wronged named pov characters makes any potential redemption arc too nuanced for brandon sanderson to handle. unfortunately this is also true of moash, so live by the sword die by the sword or whatever.
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thepolyamorouspolymath · 1 year ago
So Design was actually meant to bond Elhokar and got Hoid when he didn't complete the bond?
God, Elhokar's whole story just gets sadder every time I read this series
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pekgna · 2 years ago
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Happy Pride month! Be careful with passionspren, they're snitches! 🏳️‍🌈
From top to bottom, left to right: Venli, Moash; Kaladin, Leshwi, Elhokar; Rlain, Renarin, Adolin; Shallan, Jasnah, Wit; Mraize
π 🏳️‍🌈
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aesudan-kholin · 8 months ago
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Stormlight moodboards part 5: Elhokar
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cosmerelists · 3 months ago
"Give a Man a Fish..." Cosmere-Style
The phrase as commonly said is something like: "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." But here's how I think various Cosmere characters might say it!
Dalinar: Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Tell the man about how you learned to catch fish during the long journey that has been your life, and you feed him--and his mind--forever.
Lift: Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to steal a fish, and you feed him for a lifetime!
Tress: Give a man a fish, and I'm sure he'll appreciate it. Cook the fish for the man, and that's a meal you can share!
Hoid: Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Give a man a story, and he'll think about it for life!
Mraize: Give a man a fish, and he'll never learn how to hunt for himself.
Elhokar: Give a man a fish, and he'll be like, "But your father always gave everyone TWO fish he was SO much better than you."
Elend: Give a man a fish and you feed just that one man. Give everyone a fish, and that's equality!
Vin: Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Give a kandra a fish, and now it can be a fish, and that's pretty neat.
Lord Ruler: Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Give some men a fish while denying others fish for reasons you control, and your society will remain loyal and safe for an eternity.
Crow: Give a man a fish, and now he owes you. Don't let him forget it.
Sarene: Give a man a fish, and watch how he reacts. Now you've learned something.
Marasi: Give everyone a fish, and you feed them for a day. Build a society where everyone knows how to fish and has access to fish, and you'll cut down crime by 50%!
Sadeas: Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Keep the fish for yourself, and YOU eat that day. Be smart.
Wayne: Give a man a fish, and then you can take something of equal value and that's not stealing, that's a trade!
Harmony: Give a man a fish and that's probably fine, but give everyone fish forever and whoops no one's ready for the coming planetary war.
Harmony: ...
Harmony: To be honest, that's what the original ones means too.
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elend-venture · 2 years ago
Elhokar was a little too cool with being a woman ngl
kinda eggy tbh
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the-wizard-mozrath · 2 years ago
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Elhokar and Jasnah Kholin
I imagined the havah having a bustle-type-thing like dresses in the late 1800s and kind of ran with that similar style for the general alethi clothing.
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novaraptorus · 9 months ago
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A sketch of Elhokar after many failed attempts to pin down his face, plus, another of them in a havah :) I think the King likes it 🥰
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gnckholin · 10 months ago
hello please read my silly little transgenderism fic i will love you forever
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artethdilaf · 2 years ago
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british children be like ello car
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