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a HxH blog to suit all your thirsty needs | REQUESTS ARE CLOSED | pending: 33 | Admin Beans |
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phantom-nen · 4 years ago
i love her with everything i have
so excited for stone ocean!!!
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phantom-nen · 4 years ago
Could you do a scenario for nobunaga and uvogin with a orphan kid y/n they found from a mission and decides to take her home and raise her as their own daughter if that's ok plz and thank you 🥰🥰🥰🥰
hi anon! sadly, my requests are currently closed :0
but, you can check to see if i’m taking any reqs just by looking at my tumblr bio! please request this again when they’re open!
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phantom-nen · 4 years ago
Hi! ❤ How are you doing admin Beans? I hope you're doing great! Lots of love your way - Anon Vivi🕊
anon vivi!!! it’s been so long since i’ve heard from you!! 
i’m doing alright at the moment, i’ve been taking a break due to my mental and physical health (nothing to worry about!), but now i’m slowly getting back into it!
sending lots of love and good wishes towards you and i hope you’re doing absolutely amazing!
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phantom-nen · 4 years ago
cooking with feitan <3
inspired by @pastelbear12​ @silentexplorer18​ and @f33itan​ expanding on feitan’s expertise with cooking and dealing with you in the kitchen
happy valentines day!
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- He’s so good at cooking! Fei can make just about anything (it just so happens that his favorite thing to make is your favorite foods... totally not a coincidence)
- Does he need a stool to reach the higher shelves? yes of course not!
- It doesn’t matter if you have little to no experience cooking or you’re extremely talented, you always leave the kitchen knowing more than you did.
- Mistakes are ok!! He doesn’t mind (that much) and always finds a way to fix it.
- He also thinks you’re really cute when you’re focused and ready to learn. 
- Feitan gets a little worried when you’re cooking by yourself. He doesn’t want you to hurt yourself and he gets a little pouty when you do because he really enjoys cooking with you.
- If you ever ask him to do something, he’ll gladly come over and help you out :)
- All in all, cooking with him is a really fun experience and he loves cooking with you because it’s one of the easiest ways for him to show affection.
“Do I do it like this, Fei?” The onion you were currently cutting looked a little worse for wear, but you knew your partner could fix it. Feitan looked over and briskly walked to your side. 
“No y/n, you need to hold the knife like this and cut it as straight as you can.”
He demonstrates by wrapping his uncharacteristically soft hand around yours and guided your movements to cut the onion the way you should. You looked over at your lover and you could swear there was a small blush on his face. You smiled and kissed his cheek in gratitude.
“Thanks, Feitan!”
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phantom-nen · 4 years ago
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The Capital is being stormed by terrorists (6th January 2021)
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phantom-nen · 4 years ago
hello everyone! 
in light of the very recent storming of the capital building in washington d.c that happened (and is still happening) today, i hope that everyone who is residing in d.c is safe and doing well.
on the other hand, if you support trump and his incitement of domestic terrorism then please unfollow me. hate has no place on this account.
- admin beans
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phantom-nen · 4 years ago
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chag chanukah sameach let's get lit 🕎
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phantom-nen · 4 years ago
Ahh! I’m so happy I found your blog, I just followed you! Your content is incredible!
thank!! you!! so!! much!!
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phantom-nen · 4 years ago
Hi everyone! I’m sorry that I left for so long (again) and haven’t published any works until just a few minutes ago. Balancing work, this blog, and college has been harder than I anticipated, but I’m starting to have a lot more free time than I used to! Thank you all for being so patient with me! I greatly appreciate it and I’ll be sure to publish some more works this week for all of you to enjoy!
 With love,                                                                                                                         Beans
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phantom-nen · 4 years ago
Thirst request? Chrollo? the fem reader is in his fur lined jacket? Nothing but lingerie? It has been stuck in my head for so long. Please take care and be safe :)
a/n: stay safe too hun :)), the reader is g/n in this one!
warning: implied nsfw
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  On a cold autumn night like this, one would need all the warmth they could get. As the cold, harsh wind surged outside, a seemingly unsuspicious man was rifling through the coat rack in the foyer of his apartment, looking for the coat he always wore. The man let out an irritated sigh and ran his hand through his hair, looking in the direction of his bedroom. 
  Had you put it in the wash and neglected to tell him? He had to leave soon to get to an important meeting, but he couldn’t leave without the well-worn jacket.
  As the well-dressed man tidied up the coat rack, he thought of your uncanny ability to find anything in the house that’s been misplaced; although in fairness, you knew his habits and the layout of the apartment like the back of your hand. If you weren’t sleeping soundly in the other room, he would have no qualms in asking you to help look for it. Coincidentally, there was the bedroom closet he had yet to look through. If he ‘accidentally’ woke you up by being too loud, he could just kindly ask you to help look for it after he quelled your grumpiness with a few kisses. The walk to the bedroom was short, and as the man reached for the doorknob, he raised an eyebrow at the light shining through the space between the door and ground. 
  Slowly opening the door, he was met with the room covered in light red lighting, an unkempt bed, and you sitting cross-legged wearing his favorite lingerie set topped off with the jacket he always wore.
    “Took you long enough Chrollo.” 
  Chrollo scoffed and walked through the doorway, careful to shut the door behind him. “You look absolutely lovely darling, but I have to get to a meeting, and I need my coat before I can go.”
  With a smirk, you nonchalantly uncrossed your legs and spread them wide while looking at him with a sultry expression. “I know you have to go, but I think the meeting can wait until another time.”
  Chrollo grinned and walked towards you until he loomed over your body. He gently pushed you onto the bed. Once your back was fully flush against the bedsheets, he crawled over you and tilted your chin up so he could take your soft lips into his.
  You were right; the meeting could wait.
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phantom-nen · 4 years ago
was anyone going to tell me that sukuna from jujutsu kaisen is literally so fucking hot?? 
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phantom-nen · 4 years ago
was anyone going to tell me that sukuna from jujutsu kaisen is literally so fucking hot?? 
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phantom-nen · 4 years ago
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There comes a time when fandom becomes less of an escape from anxiety to being the source of anxiety. Sometimes I need to remind myself what’s important to focus on, and I made this chart to help me with that. 
(Posting this at the request of a few people. The design/concept was inspired by an instagram post about covid-19 located here). 
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phantom-nen · 4 years ago
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phantom-nen · 4 years ago
Hiii can you maybe do couple Halloween costumes for the phantom troupe??
a/n: don’t mind if i do~ 
( i apologize for the messed up sizes of the photos )
cut for length
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All he’s ever wanted is for you to be his little assistant, so be a dear and indulge him.
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You always call him a little devil so when you saw this costume pairing you thought it would be fitting.
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He lives to ‘terrorize’ you, and it’s fun to pretend to eat you from time to time in front of everyone.
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He trades in his Edoten for pirate gear! Nobu walks around acting like Jack Sparrow the whole day.
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The perfect anime/game costume for our perfect gamer boy and his very pretty (presumably ->) gamer girl/boy<3
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Probably some dumb shit like this but it would be centered around the face because we all know illumi’s face is built like a socket.
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We all know Feitan’s favorite candy is licorice.. so you suggested dressing up as candyland rulers, and he went batshit crazy.
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His favorite movie is Space Jam and he loves the Looney Tunes franchise so this is self explanatory.
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This has always been Franklin’s dream halloween costume, and he really appreciates you for being his bride/groom for the night.
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Her favorite movie is Wayne’s World don’t @ me on this
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Shizuku forgot there was a halloween party, but she bought this a while ago and forgot she had it.
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He’s still all about that boxing aesthetic even on halloween, where he could dress up as anything else.
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The troupe picked this one out for him for a laugh.
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phantom-nen · 4 years ago
Could i get K,M,W,and X on the sfw with fei??
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K = Kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)
  Feitan’s kisses are soft and quick. If you were anyone else, you wouldn’t know that the kiss even happened, but you do. You’ll always give him a genuine smile and if he’ll let you, you’ll kiss him on the cheek.
  He likes to kiss you on your temple. In his mind, it’s the most intimate act one can do in a relationship, and he loves it when you do it too.
M = Morning (how are mornings spent with them?)
  Your lover isn’t a morning person. He much prefers to stay awake and sleep when the sun comes up, but that’s when he isn’t with you. Feitan wakes up to the smell of your cooking, and when he comes down to the kitchen he finds you dressed in one of his shirts and some sweatpants, humming. 
  He loves starting the day that way.
W = Whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
  Feitan says to himself that he would be fine with losing you, but everyone else knows that you complete him.
X = Xtra (a random headcanon for them.)
  All he wants is to have a nice day in while it’s raining. He might make a nice, warm meal for the both of you 
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phantom-nen · 4 years ago
Could you please do A, I, X of the SFW alphabet for Phinks? :)
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A = Affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?)
  Phinks is by no means an affectionate man; but he tries, just for you. Over time, his hand-holding becomes softer, the tone in his voice is warmer, and his professions of love become more intimate. 
  If you give him some time and space to grow into the relationship, he gets used to showing affection and receiving it in return.
I = I love you (how fast do they say the l-word?)
  He says it 6-8 months into your relationship. 
  The two of you are walking in a park together when it starts to snow. Phinks thought that nothing could get better than watching you look up at the sky with your tongue out, obviously trying to catch snowflakes. It’s in that moment when he softly whispers that he loves you.
X = Xtra (a random headcanon for them.)
  Phinks finds that he loves helping you with household chores when he can. He thinks it’s a bonding experience to help with cleaning up your home, and it gives him a feeling of domesticity.
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