#eew eww
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As British Columbians prepare for the next ‘big one’ to hit, they now have a new tool to help warn them about an impending earthquake. The federal government announced Thursday the Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) system is now operational in the province. Using a network of sensors, the EWW will detect earthquakes with a magnitude greater than five and automatically send an alert through the National Public Alerting System to cellphones, radio and televisions. The alert will give people “seconds to tens of seconds before strong shaking starts,” and a short time to ‘Drop, Cover, and Hold On,” according to Natural Resources Canada.
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland
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borderline-culture-is · 6 months
bpd culture is being all "eew drugs eww alcohol" because that belief has been hammered onto you since a young age but knowing full well later down the line youre gonna have the worst substance abuse problems
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sizzleissues · 1 year
When people pause an animated tv show during movement and say ‘eew why does it look like shit’
When people zoom in on a character in the background ‘eww why do they look like that. L this animated TV show is so low quality and bad’
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Solar Opposites in The Ultra Opposites Episode #1: “The Cosmic Blast” (for @avaveevo and @crazychanuwu77)
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On a lovely sunset day, on the Solar Opposites ship, Terry Wearspreada started to goobler as he began to feel nervous as he fixes his bow on his tuxedo. Aisha appears and look concern over Terry.
AISHA: Hey now Terry. Relax, you’re just feeling anxious. I’m sure it was all worth it. You’ve been waiting for this moment for the right time. Don’t goobler yourself out. There is no way you’re getting cold feet on your wedding day!
Terry: takes a deep breath Okay, let’s do this.
Three minutes later, Korvo Solar, in a wedding dress, walks down the aisle where Terry is waiting for him. Terry’s replicant/daughter Jesse starts throwing flower petals to the floor while Korvo’s replicant/son Yumyulack and the family’s Pupa follows Korvo down the aisle. The three kids sat down as Korvo and Terry starts to hold hands as AISHA gets out her bible and starts the wedding.
AISHA: Do you Korvo Solar, take Terry as your beloved husband? To love him and take care of him in sickness and in health?
Korvo: lovingly I do.
AISHA: And Terry Wearspreada Opposites, do you promise to love Korvo, and take care of him in sickness and in health? For as long as you both shall live?
Terry: takes a deep breath, but then smiles at Korvo smiling at him lovingly I do.
AISHA: Now let’s hear those vows.
Terry and Korvo held each other’s hands as they look at each other lovingly and smile.
Terry: Korvo, I promise, from this day forward l won’t let anyone harm you and that I will always love you no matter what.
Korvo: And Terry, I promise from this day forward, I will never let anyone come in the way of our happiness together. And that I will always love no matter what.
Jesse: Aw.
Yumyulack: Eew.
Pupa: Flower petals.
AISHA: Then by the power invested in yours truly, I now promise you husband and husband. You may now kiss the groom.
Korvo and Terry smile at each other as Terry lift the bridle clothe up on Korvo’s face and the two Shlorpians kiss each other as tears stream down their eyes. Jesse cries ugly as mascara run down her eyes and Yumyulack grows disgusted by the kissing. The Pupa is also eating the flower petals. The two Shlorpians dance away as the song “Ordinary World” from Duran Duran plays in the background and the two share another kiss as the scene shifts into Three Months Later and the two husbands starting kissing the couch.
Terry: Korvy, have I ever tell you how much I love you?
Korvo: I know because you always tell me that everyday. You’re my sun, I’m your moon. You’re my Life-Terry. Nothing is going to change that.
Terry: Aw.
The two aliens kiss again, but this time in a French kiss. Their children however, are disgusted.
Yumyulack: Aw ew gross. We’re right here, y’know?
Jesse: Eww. Yucky.
Pupa: Ew.
Terry: Hey, no looking at your adults when making out.
Yumyulack: covering his eyes Don’t worry, got you guys covered.
Jesse: Yeah.
The Replicants then left for school as the Pupa fall down the stairs. Terry and Korvo kept kissing.
Korvo: So Terry?
Terry: Yes.
Korvo: Now that things have been peaceful since we landed on Earth, nothing bad has happened.
Terry: Yeah, and the best part is nothing is gonna kill us for a change.
Meanwhile, in a dark fortress, the evil Empress Ophelia got out a giant ray to summon an orb.
Ophelia: That’s right. That orb has contain so much energy. Enough for me to rule! gets out her phone and starts a livestream It is, the evil Empress Ophelia. Watch as I, the most vile ruler of all of that nation, use this laser to take this orb out of the sky! heads onto her machine and presses the button and it shoots laser to summon the orb That is right! Come to mama! And, wha/-
Suddenly, the machine stops working as the lights shut down and the whole room went black.
Empress Ophelia: gritting her teeth; awkward nervousness This. is. not. good.
Later, the orb starts hurdling towards Earth. The town panic and went into to safety as it heads towards the Solar Opposites’ neighborhood. Korvo was busy working on something as Terry is just doing his own lazy thing.
Korvo: Terry, can you hand me the screwdriver?
Terry: Huh? Oh sure.
Korvo can’t help but blush. Terry has been starting to be so self-efficient ever since Korvo started to grow accustomed on Earth. But then, the alarm starts going off as Korvo drops his things and rush over.
Korvo: What the fuck is going on here? AISHA!
AISHA: checks the coordinates Damn, some type of orb thingy is hurdling towards us. Quick, get the kids before-
The whole room shakes as Terry and Korvo collapses on the floor as they hid under the table for safety as loud crash was heard.
Korvo: What the fuck was that?!
Terry: I don’t know, let me go check it out.
Korvo: Terry, wait! It could be-
Meanwhile, the Replicants were walking home with Daryl after school ended.
Daryl: Damn, Principal Cooke sure gave us a big test. sighs C- What about you?
Jesse: B+ Yumyulack: A. But don’t worry honey, I’m sure you’re doing great. Just study hard okay.
Daryl: Of course. sees his house There’s my house. See you later babe.
Yumyulack and Daryl kiss then Daryl heads to his house as Yumyulack sighs lovingly. Suddenly, the Replicants sees smoke as they gasp.
Jesse: Holy shit, what the hell happened?!
Yumyulack: I don’t know! But, we’re gonna find out!
The Replicants rush over to their house in a hurry. Back at the house, Terry opens the slide door and gasp upon seeing the orb glowing.
Terry: What the fuck is that thing?
Terry approached the orb as he carefully place his fingertip on the orb. Suddenly, once Terry touched it, it spread red energy all over him as he screams in pain. The glowing stop he started to black out and reaches out to Korvo and the kids.
Terry: Korvo… I feel funny… falls unconscious
Korvo, Yumyulack, Jesse and Pupa gasp and runs towards Terry as he lays on the floor unconscious while the orb kept glowing. Korvo runs to Terry in tears as he picks up his husband.
Korvo: crying Terry! Oh Terry, speak to me! Oh Terry. Don’t die. Please hang on. sobbing
Jesse: Oh no! Terry!
Pupa: Terry!
Jesse: notices a glowing orb Hey, what is that?!
Yumyulack: I don’t know! Must be some kind of orb. Let me check it out!
Yumyulack then approaches the orb with the stick and pokes at it. Until suddenly, a blast appears and it shocks the Solar Opposites as they scream. The Solars moan as they got up. Korvo kept holding to Terry as he kept crying.
Yumyulack: Damn, what the fuck was that?
Jesse: I don’t know, but is it strange that blast was sorta cool?
Korvo: sobbing No! Because it killed Terry!
Korvo kept crying over his husband in his arms, until suddenly Terry weakly opens his eyes and moans.
Terry: Ugh… Korvy? What the fuck happened?
Korvo: Terry?! Terry! hugs him You big fucking dummy! Don’t fucking scare me like that again!
Terry: I’m sorry Korvy. I promise I won’t do that again!
As Korvo and Terry prepare to kiss again around open arms, Korvo screams in pain as sizzling was heard.
Korvo: My arms! Terry, what the fuck?!
Terry: What?! I didn’t do anything, I-
Terry looks at his hands and suddenly, they developed a flames on his hands.
Terry: Holy shit! My hands are on fire!
Yumyulack: How?!
The Solar Opposites then looked at orb as it stops glowing and breaks apart into pieces as other blast particles fly away into the sky.
Yumyulack: Wait a minute, I think that orb must’ve given Terry fire powers!
Korvo: Aw man, the arms really burn.
Suddenly, Korvo breathes ice at it flies from his mouth and he gasp.
Korvo: What the?! I have ice powers?! No! No no no no! This can’t be happening!
Korvo starts breathing in and out as Terry gasp as he put comfort Korvo by the shoulder with his hands.
Terry: Hey hey hey hey hey! Honey, it’s okay.
Korvo: No it isn’t!
Yumyulack then starts hearing voices in his head as he began to hear what people say. He then gasp as he began to float as his eyes glow purple.
Jesse: Whoa! Yumyulack? You can fly?!
Yumyulack: eyes stops glowing What?! lost his ability to float Aaaaahhh!
Yumyulack falls on the ground as Jesse fails to catch him.
Jesse: Ooops. Sorry Yumbear.
Yumyulack: Oh my God! panicking I can read people’s mind! And I can float! Oh my God! What is happening to me?!
Jesse: Don’t worry Yumyulack, I’m sure-
Suddenly, electricity sparks shoot out of Jesse’s hand as she screams and the other Solar Opposites ducked. Jesse gasp.
Jesse: Oh no! I’m shooting dangerous energies out of my hands! What is happening to us guys?!
The Solar Opposites desperately head inside while the Pupa plays around outside. The family head to the lab as AISHA appears.
AISHA: Damn, what happened here?!
Korvo: AISHA, quick! Scan us! There has to be something wrong with us after Yumyulack touched that orb! What happened to us?!
AISHA quickly scans the Solars as it shows DNA particles and information on each of the Solar Opposites’ newfound powers
AISHA: Damn, looks like when you guys touched that orb, it must’ve given you super powered abilities based on fire, ice, telekinetic energy and electricity! You guys are like balls of energy with those new fucked yo abilities! Holy shit!
Korvo: What?! Oh my God. These powers must be very dangerous. AISHA, is there a cure?
AISHA: check on it but it turns to be permanent Oh shit.
Korvo: What? What is it?!
AISHA: These powers are new life sources now! It’s permanent! There is no cure!
The Solar Opposites gasp.
AISHA: I’m afraid so!
Terry: Yay!
Korvo, Yumyulack and Jesse: No!
An hour later, Korvo started gooblering over the Cosmic Blast as Yumyulack and Jesse panic over their powers. Terry comes over and gives Korvo a comfort hand on his husband’s right shoulder.
Korvo: How could this have happened to us?! We weren’t supposed to have this fucking abilities! Ugh! Fuck! We are so fucked!
Terry: Well, that’s not bad! At least we have amazing abilities.
Yumyulack: Terry! We can’t show these abilities to the humans! They’ll think we’re monsters! What is my boyfriend gonna say?!
Jesse: This electricity stuff is dangerous! The girls at school will think I am a freak!
Terry: Okay, maybe not for you guys!
Korvo: Are you serious right now, Terry?! We’re gonna be treated like outcast once more! Those powers are dangerous! We could seriously hurt someone! God damn it! I even can’t control my Super Shlorpian self with those fucked up ice powers, for christ’ sake!
Korvo gasp and covered his mouth as he realized what he just said. His family then froze into shock.
Terry: You’re… a what….?
Korvo’s face develops into fear as Yumyulack faints and Terry and Jesse looks in shock.
Korvo: I…I… runs off in crying
Jesse: Yumyulack, please wake up! shakes Yumyulack repeatedly back n forth
Terry: Korvo, wait!
Terry chase after Korvo as the latter runs into their room and slams the door.
Terry: Korvo! opens the door Korvy?
Terry looks around the room, only to see Korvo not there.
Terry: Korvo? Honey, where are you? Why didn’t you-
Suddenly, Terry looks up and gasp. What stood is no longer his sweet Korvo, but a muscular monstrous Shlorpian with a ripped apart robe, glowing aquamarine eyes, sharp teeth, human-sized bat wings, a black-ish blue body and aquamarine shaded parts on his horns and fingers.
Terry: K-Korvo?
Korvo roars in fury as Terry runs up and tries soothe him.
Terry: Hey hey hey. soothes Korvo’s face Shhh, it’s gonna be okay Korvy. I’m here. It’s your hubby, Terry.
Korvo stops snarling and finally calms down. Terry then looks at Korvo’s abs and grows infatuated by his husband’s Super Shlorpian form.
Terry: Damn honey, you look very sexy and handsome in that form.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: I’m not beautiful. sheds a few tears and weeps I’m a monster. You should just leave me Terry, you wouldn’t want to love a monster like me.
Terry: touches Korvo’s left hand Hey, that is not true. You are still beautiful to me. I will never leave you, you are still my Korvy and always will be. I don’t care about this monstrous form of yours. You will always be my husband.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Oh Terry.
Terry hugs Korvo as the latter shed a few tears and smiles at his beloved Terry. Terry then looks at Korvo’s wings and starts playing with them.
Terry: Hey, you do have these amazing wings! Look at them! Can you flap them?
Super Shlorpian Korvo: squeals in happiness Of course!
Korvo kept flapping his wings while laughing. Suddenly, Korvo began to shrink down as he turns back to his normal Shlorpian self and calms down.
Terry: There. There’s my husband.
Korvo: Oh Terry. You still love me? Even when I have a monstrous form?
Terry: Of course I will. I will never leave you. Ever.
Korvo smiles and the two alien husbands share a kiss. The Replicants and Pupa head into the room.
Jesse: Terry! Korvo! Are you okay?!
Yumyulack: What happened?!
Pupa: Korvo!
Korvo: Don’t worry kids, everything’s okay now.
Terry: Yep, all good here.
The two alien husbands head back to kissing but the Replicants grow disgusted and runs off. As do the Pupa. Meanwhile, at Ophelia’s foretress, the evil empress is tracking the orb on her crystal ball and gasp.
Ophelia: What the fuck is this?
The crystal then plays images of the Solar Opposites with their new powers. Ophelia growls in rage.
Ophelia: WHAT?! ALIENS?! WITH SUPER POWERS?! bang her fist Those should be my super powers! Well, no matter! I’m just gonna find a way to get them! I must track those disgusting creatures down!
Ophelia uses the coordinates to Earth as she grins evilly. Back with the Solar Opposites, Korvo was busy clearing the fire with his fire axe.
Korvo: Damn, what a mess this orb made. Well, at least no one got hurt.
Yumyulack: Korvo, we’re scared. Is someone gonna come after us?
Jesse: Yeah, what if someone hunt us down? For these dangerous powers?
Korvo looks at his children with a worried, but concern look on his face.
Korvo: Don’t worry kids, I’m sure no one is gonna kill us, we just need to keep those powers hidden from everyone.
Yumyulack: Yeah, including Daryl.
Jesse: Aw geez, I hope no one figures out about the orb. It really spread across the skies. Who’s gonna find them?
Korvo: I don’t know, but I hope it is people worthy chosen for this.
Suddenly, an attack is heard. People screaming were heard as emergency sirens howl and explosions ignite.
Terry: Huh?
Terry looks outside and see the town getting attack by a bunch of weird looking soldiers.
Terry: Holy shit. What is happening?! sees people getting hurt and/or killed Oh my God! Those bastards are hurting people!
Terry looks down as he looks at his hands. He growls as his closes and eyes and made his decisions. Before he left, he turns to Korvo, who is still cleaning.
Terry: Korvo, I’m going out!
Korvo: offscreen Okay, please bring back more cereal for the Replicants!
Yumyulack and Jesse: offscreen Yay!
In a rush, Terry rushes to the city in a fast pace and sees three citizens in trouble.
Terry: Holy shit uh, sees a water hose Ah-ha! turns to Principal Cooke You there! Turn on that hose!
Principal Cooke: Huh? On it!
Principal Cooke turns on the hose as it splashed on the guards as they screech and retreat. Terry then sees three civilians getting endangered.
Terry: Oh fuck!
Suddenly, the fire has turned into fireballs as Terry throws it at the guards.
Terry: Oh hell yeah! This is a sweet new upgrade
Terry uses his fire powers and creates some more fireballs to fire at the guards. The fireballs burned the guards as they retreat. Terry, in fast motion, gets the citizens to safety. Terry then disappears after the costumes got to safety.
Citizen #1: Who was that?
Citizen #2: I don’t fucking know.
Principal Cooke: Whoever he was, he saved us.
Citizen #3: He’s like a hero!
The town cheered in victory as Ophelia looks down and growls. Terry comes home and sees Korvo walking anxiously. He then turns to see Terry moaning and runs up to hug his sweetheart.
Korvo: Thank God. Where have you been?
Terry: I uh-
Korvo: Okay that is it! I knew you were using your powers!
Terry: Uh?
Korvo: Terald! You can’t let people know about your fire powers! It’s a big risk!
Terry: nervously Heh heh! Well, at least I manage to save three people on a building.
Korvo: What?! Terry! That was dangerous! Did anybody see you?!
Terry: N-no, but come on honey! You know this our big chance! I finally found strength in me! This is my chance-
Korvo: I know, but right now, our lives will be at risk! We have a life now Terry! With our kids! Our home! Do you really want to risk it?
Terry: But, what if an evil villain appears and hurts-
Korvo grabs Terry’s hand and sighs.
Korvo: Terry, I know you want to prove yourself but, right now, I don’t want the Shlorpian that I love to get hurt. Right now, is not the right time. We need to wait Terry, until each of us are ready to have our moment to rise.
Terry: sighs I’m sorry honey. I never meant to make you worry about me. Okay, I’ll wait.
Korvo: You promise?
Terry: smiling I promise.
Korvo kisses Terry on the cheek as he head back to his and Terry’s room.
Korvo: Terry, when the right time comes, please be prepared for it. But don’t let it cost everything that you love, especially our kids. ‘Cause, I know that my husband will do what’s right.
Terry smile meekly as Korvo heads inside their room. He looks down and sighs as he makes a tiny flame with his hands. It shows a flashback of him and Korvo looking at the sunset.
Terry: The sunset sure is beautiful.
Korvo: Yes. It really is. Should we get out of here or-
Terry: grabs Korvo’s hand Wait?!
Korvo: Terry? What is it?!
Terry: takes a deep breath and kneels down Korvo, I know things have been unconventional lately. I know we didn’t choose each other but after making our life on Earth, I’m glad I would do this with you. You’re my best friend, slash life-Korvo, slash work-husband-in crime. You’re my Korvy and I love you more than anything. More than t-shirts, more than earth, more than anything in the whole world.
Korvo: tears of joy Oh Terry, wait? What are you trying to say?
Terry gets out a box and opens it where it shows a ring inside of it. Korvo gasp in joy as tears continue to stream out of his eyes.
Terry: Korvo, will you marry me?
Korvo: crying Yes! A billion times yes!
Korvo hugs Terry as the two began crying in joy as Terry put the ring on Korvo’s ring finger and the two share a kiss. The flashback ends as Terry starts crying silently. He knew he has to keep Korvo’s promise. But then… back at Ophelia’s fortress,
Ophelia: Those fools! How dare they worship that pathetic Shlorpian?! Grr! I know how I can get those powers! And is by taking away what’s important to him. laughs evilly as she stares at a picture of the Solar Opposites family hugging each other
Later that night, the Solar Opposites were fast asleep. But then, a shadow peeks through the Replicants’ bedroom. Two hands appear as they muffle the Replicants’ mouth so no one can hear them screaming.
Yumyulack: muffling Help! What the fuck is happening?!
Jesse: muffling Terry! Korvo! Help!
Later at the fortress, Ophelia smiles at the Replicants as they struggle to break free from their cages.
Jesse: Let us go you monster!
Ophelia: Never! Not until your dads get here!
Yumyulack: You bitch! Who even are you?!
Ophelia: I am Ophelia! The space empress of all of the galaxies! And I come here to rule Earth! But first, all I need is to find the remains of the Earth!
Ophelia laughs manically. Back in the Opposites’ house, Terry hears Yumyulack and Jesse screaming for help as he gets up from his bed.
Terry: gasp;whispering Kids?
Terry sees the Replicants in the cages Ophelia is keeping them prisoner as she laughs evilly. “Courage in Me” from Lou plays in the background as Terry then looks at Korvo and then back to Ophelia. As Terry turns his head back and forth in a dilemma, he then recalls what Korvo said to him earlier during their argument.
Korvo: voiceover Terry, when the right time comes, please be prepared for it. But don’t let it cost you everything that you love, especially our kids. ‘Cause, I know that my husband will do what’s right.
Terry then close his eyes and opens them back up with courage in his eyes. Terry made a noble choice, go save his kids and stop Ophelia from hurting anyone and destroying the town. Before Terry leaves, he looks back at Korvo and makes sure he didn’t wake him. He kiss Korvo on the forehead and jumps out the window. Terry made it to the building as he jumps up and gives a death glare at Ophelia.
Terry: offscreen Ophelia!
Ophelia: Hmm? turns to see Terry
Terry: Let go of my children you bitch!
Yumyulack and Jesse: Terry!
Ophelia: These are your kids? Ha, pathetic!
Terry: growls as he feels a glow coming from his chest
Ophelia: Who are you anyway?
Terry’s eyes glow red as he began to feel something sparking inside of him.
Terry: My name… IS TERRY!
Terry begins to glow as the light surrounds him transforming him into a newer version of himself.
Terry’s Transformation Sequence:
Terry has received a new fire theme suit as he creates flames from his hands and gets ready to fight Ophelia.
Yumyulack: Whoa! Is that new look?
Jesse: Terry! You look amazing!
Korvo is awaken by the sound and gasp upon seeing Terry transformed.
Korvo: What the fuck? Is that-
Korvo however believes this is a dream.
Korvo: sighs Nevermind, I must be dreaming. I’m going back to bed.
Korvo heads back to sleep. Back with Terry, he stares angrily at Ophelia. Terry throws fireballs at Ophelia as she ducks.
Ophelia: You bastard! shoots emerald darts
Terry/Solar Flare: Damn, that lady has anger issues.
Terry manage to hide, but then looks at his reflection as he gasp in shock. He looks at his costume.
Terry/Solar Flare: Damn. Swanky duds. lifts up a part of his super suit These powers must’ve made something amazing. I didn’t know I could do that. Looks it’s a job for…. SOLAR FLARE!
Terry made a superhero pose. He then sees his children and rushes over to free them as he uses his fire pwoers to melt the bars.
Jesse: Terry, you've got to get away from here.
Terry: No, I won't leave you two. You’re my kids!
A comes between the ground near the cages as a Ophelia flies up, laughing manically. Jesse and Yumyulack clutch each other, looking up to see Ophelia floating towards them.
Ophelia: You pitiful, insignificant, fools!
Yumyulack: (pointing) Oh shut! Look out!
The Replicants ran to safety in a panic as Terry gets ready to fight again
Yumyulack: Ter- I mean Solar Flare! Keep her busy!
Terry/Solar Flare: Oh, I’ll fucking keep her busy!
Ophelia: Now I am the ruler of all the galaxies! The people will obey my every whim!
Ophelia raises the her hands and swirls diamond with it, creating a storm with lightning. A wave sweeps Solar Flare away.
Jesse: Terry!
Ophelia: You fuck-up aliens and those pathetic humans bow to my fucking power!
She swirls the spears towards Solar Flare, creating a wave attack. The spinning funnel reaches the floor. Yumyulack and Jesse dodges the wreckage as they scream.
Gliding, Terry grabs onto a rope and hoists the Replicants up the side without it getting burn and onto the deck as they scream. At the edge, Yumyulack and Jesse clings to a rock. Ophelia destroys the rock and Yumyulack and Jesse falls to safety. Ophelia shoots lightning at them from up above. On top of the tower, Solar Flare stares at Ophelia courageously and gets ready for his new fire attack towards Ophelia.
Ophelia: laughing wickedly So much for your so called Papa Wolf!
As Ophelia is about to bring her trident down on the Replicants, Solar Flare fires his attack at the villainess as Ophelia starts screaming in pain. Her eyes flash as she collapse and growls angrily with her eyes glowing.
Terry/Solar Flare: That’s what you get you fucking bitch! Nobody harms my kids!
Jesse: Yay! Terry saved us!
Yumyulack: Thank goodness! You saved us!
Ophelia: This isn’t over! You’ll pay for this Solar Flare!
Terry/Solar Flare: Shove those words up your ass! Bitch!
Solar Flare flies the kids back to their home as Ophelia growls in fury. That morning, as the sun began to rise, Terry puts the tired Replicants to bed as they slept peacefully. He then sneak back into his room, before transforming back into his normal alien self. Korvo wakes up and gasp.
Terry: Hey honey, what happened?
Korvo: Oh. Terry. It’s just you. I just had the weirdest dream. You were a- and a- sighs That was really weird.
Terry: lying Yeah. Definitely.
Korvo: sighs I’m just glad you stick to your promise honey. I’m just glad my husband is here.
Terry: So, what do you wanna now?
Korvo: seducing I know what I wanna do.
Terry: Oh baby, yes please.
Terry and Korvo took off their pajamas as they started to have sex. But now, a newspaper appears on the neighborhood with Solar Flare on it, with the headline, Who is Solar Flare?! For a new breed of hero has arrived, THE MIGHTY SOLARS!
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saejima · 7 months
i miss watching the aa anime so much eew eww 😭
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falcqns · 1 year
protect da babies
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storyboards ig of the dream smp but as a stageplay because I had Bang! by AJR in my head
vvv explanation of why i think the song is fitting below vvv
From a set design stand point, this stageplay performance would have a stage, with a main podium in the centre back. The podium is about a metre and a half high, with stairs facing the audience. Possibly, there can be a small entrance in the stairs for actors to enter in/out of. Atop, there's a stand where the button will be, which has significance during the first and final chorus. Aditionally, screens on either side of the podium (with steps behind them for hidden access to the podium) can be used for displays, such as the L'Manburg flag throughout the performance This is just what I had in mind,, I imagined this as a stageplay because MMMMM THEATRE :))))
as for the song: I imagine that this song has mostly Dream as the speaker, refering to the events of the Dream SMP. Dream is a puppet master, he controls and enables the conflicts to gain benefit. He's making a fun and catchy tune about reaping the harvest from war as the cost of it means nothing to him. Here's how I imagined it;
I get up, I get down and I'm jumpin' around And the rumpus and ruckus are comfortable now Been a hell of a ride but I'm thinkin' it's time To grow (bang! bang! bang!)
> the opening lines are for the start of the dream smp, where Dream is settling down with friends, it's all peaceful and lovely until Dream hands off the attention to Tommy. Through that, he sparks the brief wars over the discs. That in advertedly causes the next war to erupt
So I got an apartment across from the park Put quinoa in my fridge, still I'm not feelin' grown Been a hell of a ride but I'm thinkin' it's time To go (bang! bang! bang!) (here we go)
> Tommy finds L'Manburg with Wilbur, dancing around, and creates new beginnings with other members. At this point, Tommy only started his development as a character, he's not exactly "grown" yet even after taking responsibility of L'manburg. hence the line. Even so, they all salute together as a nation.
So put your best face on, everybody Pretend you know this song, everybody Come hang Let's go out with a bang (bang! bang! bang!)
> Eret reveals himself as the traitor and presses the button atop the podium , where Dream's allies come to attack the L'maburgians. The line "put your best face on" is refering to the betrayal, Eret lying to all of them to join Dream's side. I imagine that this is also in reference to Dream's mask, a symbol for siding with Dream. All those who "put (their) best face on" would don the same mask as him, or rather become another pawn to Dream. A symbol to show their loyalty to him. And the line"pretend you know this song" is about pretending to hold the same ideals as the hero's side until reveal. In this case, Eret pretended to follow with their song of freedom to join the side that they were trying to emancipate from
I'm way too young to lie here forever I'm way too old to try so whatever Come hang Let's go out with a bang (bang! bang! bang!)
> Dream only initiates most conflict because he can, he's a reverent of chaos. He sees the war as fun for him. He's gotten tired of the stillness so he just joins in the war for fun and for his benefit. And the "bang" directy refers to the exploding of L'Manburg near the end of the war. He dances with Eret, with him  leading. He's the one using Eret to get what he wants in the war, using him the puppet he sees him as.
Feel like I'm gonna puke 'cause my taxes are due Do my password begin with a one or a two? Been a hell of a ride but I'm thinkin' it's time To grow (bang! bang! bang!) (metronome)
> This is where the Schlatt Administration begins, with everyone rattled about while Schlatt, Quackity and George stand on the podium. (not for long, George just looks around then dips) The taxes refer to Niki having her's raised, while the password refers to Fundy's secret base, where he hid his Spy Diary. The third line refers to Tommy, starting his growth of character and rallys to take back L'Manburg
Man, I'm up to something, ooh-dee-la-dee-doe Thank you all for comin', I hope you like the show 'Cause it's on a budget, so ooh-dee-la-dee-doe Yeah, come on here we go, yeah, come on (here we go)
> The Manburg Festival is here, with the first line about Wilbur turning insane. In time with the metronome ticking, symbolising the ticking time bomb that is both the festival and Wilbur, the festival goers just have their heads go side to side. The second is about Tubbo's speech, thanking the citizens for attending. The third about Schlatt revealing his intentions of executing Tubbo, him and Quackity holding Tubbo down on the stand
So put your best face on, everybody Pretend you know this song, everybody Come hang Let's go out with a bang (bang! bang! bang!)
> Now, WIlbur's best face is one of insanity, revealing hsi intentions of chaos instead. The song of freedom he knew became warped and twisted, to the point of being unrecognisable at least in his mind. The "bang" here is caused by Techno, appearing behind Wilbur, firing the rockets to the podium in time with the beat.
I'm way too young to lie here forever I'm way too old to try so whatever Come hang Let's go out with a bang (bang! bang! bang!) (Bang! bang! bang!)
> Like Dream, Techno wants to cause anarchy for his own benefit and also because he can. At this point, both WIlbur and techno hold the same ideals and agree; that to end it all, Manburg has to "go out with a bang" Tommy tries to object but he gets punted away
Been a hell of a ride but I'm thinkin' it's time To go
> Tommy's has had enough, everyone is rallied together as Pogtopia and fights
So put your best face on, everybody Pretend you know this song, everybody Come hang Let's go out with a bang (bang! bang! bang!) (here we go)
> Finally, we see Dream's own act of deception. He isn't the one to betray Pogtopia, however he baits them into thinking they are safe as he surrenders. He does in fact know the song, but couldn't care less. And as the final "bang" goes off, Wilbur emerges onto the podium and presses the button on the stand, just like Eret (reference to when it was never meant to be)
So put your best face on, everybody Pretend you know this song, everybody Come hang Let's go out with a bang (bang! bang! bang!)
> The withers are released by Techno, putting back on his face of anarchy and fighting the government system. The song he knows is not one he particularly likes, so he challenges it and threatens to abolish it. Meanwhile, Wilbur finally reaches the peak of his insanity, seeing the song no longer real. He finally goes out with a bang upon the button press, and dances around in the ashes while everyone else runs around in fear
I'm way too young to lie here forever I'm way too old to try so whatever Come hang Let's go out with a bang (bang! bang! bang!) (here we go) (Bang! bang!)
> Finally, the villians come together and dance around, with Dream taking the lead like with Eret. He is, after all, the true villian of the  SMP. Techno faces away to the podium, to tear  down the symbol of power. Wilbur collapses, dying to the hands of Phil and crying because of his actions. And Dream bows, happy with the result of such a chaotic performance and hopes the audience thinks the same.
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that-one-queer-poc · 3 years
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me when kronk keet
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pearycider · 4 years
Oof reading Jane Eyre at 14 and at 19 are completely different experiences. She’s just a little baby child leave her alone you asshat
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quailquailquaill · 4 years
some guy threatened to kill me on minecraft cause i said owo. grow tf up LMAO
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tarara-markov · 4 years
Just a fanboy who knows you are #sexah. Known it for years.
Aww..... there are a lot of people coming to mind right now and I hate all the possible answers but I’m going to assume that you’re a good one 💛
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I saw a bug in my room and smacked it with my Thor hammer, but it disappeared after I hit it, so uhh long story short I’m not going back in my bedroom for a month or two.
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coloursofhappiness · 2 years
Eeewwww my old boss just texted me
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willow-free · 7 years
Hello i just saw a gross video on FB and now i want to puke
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jinsai-ish · 2 years
People watching House of the Dragon like "eww incest!"
Um... You do know you're watching a Game of Thrones series, right?
It's kinda like watching a Michael Bay film and being like "eew, explosions!"
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